volume-estimate-OMIP-omip1.txt 666 B

  1. EC-Earth3 NEMO volume estimates of generated output:
  2. Volume estimate for the ORCA1L75 grid: 5.60161 GB/yr
  3. Volume estimate for the ORCA025L75 grid: 75.03552 GB/yr
  4. With 13027 horizontal data slices per year across the vertical and time dimension.
  5. EC-Earth3 TM5 Volume estimates of generated output:
  6. Volume estimate for the TM5 3x2 degrees grid: 0.0 GB/yr
  7. With 0 horizontal data slices per year across the vertical and time dimension.
  8. EC-Earth3 LPJ-GUESS Volume estimates of generated output:
  9. Volume estimate for the LPJ-GUESS T255 grid: 0.0 GB/yr
  10. With 0 horizontal data slices per year across the vertical and time dimension.