123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304 |
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Emissions and Stratospheric/Surface Boundary conditions for TM5-Chem
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! Data are expected in two type of locations:
- !
- ! (1) below ${inputdir} (set in your main rc file) for the standard input
- ! files (land-sea mask, etc...). DO NOT CHANGE THESE.
- !
- ! (2) or in their own ${input.emis.dir.*} (e.g., input.emis.dir.AR5). You
- ! should change these to match your inventories location. Note that in
- ! the current template all the inventories location are below the top
- ! dir ${topdir.dynamic}. This is just a convenience, not mandatory.
- !
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! *** MAKE A COPY of this file and include its path into your main rc
- ! file. Set the flags according to your experiment (T/F keys, AR5 scenario,
- ! emission year...) and the location of your emissions inventories.
- ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! convenient top dir for large inventories (EDGAR, AR5, GFED, ...)
- topdir.dynamic : path/to/somewhere
- !------------------------
- ! Photolysis
- !------------------------
- ! data dir with photolysis specific data
- input.photo : ${inputdir}/photolysis
- ! aerosols feedback on photolysis (m7)
- optics.lookuptable : ${inputdir}/photolysis/lookup_table.nc
- optics.refractive_indices : ${inputdir}/photolysis/refractive_indices_hdfstyle.nc
- !------------------------
- ! STRATOSPHERE : O3, O3S, CH4, CO and HNO3 are relaxed to climatology dataset
- !------------------------
- !
- ! ** For O3:
- ! CMIP6 data set if input.conc.o3.cmip6=T.
- ! MSR2 = Multi Sensor Reanalysis, version 2, if input.climat.MSR=T.
- ! Choose one or the other.
- ! If neither is selected, ${input.climat.o3vmr} must be
- ! set to a user input file name (see source code for expected dimension and
- ! units). However no nudging is performed if the 'without_o3_nudging' cpp
- ! macro is used.
- !
- ! See: www.temis.nl; Allaart, van der A, manuscript in preparation, 2009)
- !
- ! When CMIP6 is selected, the pre-industrial climatology is used
- ! if input.conc.o3.cmip6.piclim=T.
- !
- ! ** For CH4 we use HALOE CH4 Climatology (October 1991 to August 2002) if
- ! input.climat.HALOE=T. Else no nudging is performed.
- !
- ! See technical note: A stratospheric climatology for O3, H2O, CH4, NOx,
- ! HCl and HF derived from HALOE measurements by J.-U. Grooss and
- ! J. M. Russell III Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5, 2797-2807, 2005
- ! SRef-ID: 1680-7324/acp/2005-5-2797
- !
- ! If input.conc.ch4.cmip6=T, the HALOE climatology is scaled
- ! based on the CMIP6 time series of the global and annual mean mixing ratio
- ! at the surface.
- !
- ! ** HNO3 is prescribed using HNO3:03 ratios from ODIN, if
- ! input.climat.ODIN=T, or from UARS else.
- !
- ! ** CO is prescribed using CO:03 ratios from ODIN, only if
- ! input.climat.ODIN=T (no fallback).
- !
- ! ** O3DU (also from MSR) is optionally used in photolysis only.
- !
- ! [See boundary.F90]
- !
- input.conc.o3.cmip6 : F
- input.conc.o3.cmip6.dir : ${inputdir}/boundary/CMIP6/O3/
- input.conc.o3.cmip6.piclim : F
- !
- ! Use Multi Sensor Reanalysis for O3?
- input.climat.MSR : T
- input.climat.o3vmr : ${inputdir}/boundary/O3_top/MSR_O3_VMR_HDF/
- ! Use O3du (for photolysis)?
- input.climat.use_o3du : F
- ! Directory of O3du ?
- input.climat.o3du : ${inputdir}/boundary/O3_top/MSR_O3_VMR_HDF/
- ! Use HALOE for CH4?
- input.climat.HALOE : T
- ! Directory of HALOE ?
- input.climat.ch4vmr : ${inputdir}/boundary/CH4_top/
- ! Use ODIN for HNO3 and CO?
- input.climat.ODIN : T
- ! Directory for ODIN?
- input.climat.covmr : ${inputdir}/boundary/ODIN/
- ! in case of fallback HNO3:O3 ratio are expected as: ${inputdir}/boundary/HNO3_top/uars_ratio.hdf (hardwired in the code)
- !------------------------
- ! Dry deposition (hardwired)
- !------------------------
- ! files "lsmlai.hdf" and "soilph.hdf" are expected in: ${inputdir}/land
- !------------------------
- ! Set emissions base year (default to simulation year if commented)
- !------------------------
- !input.emis.year :
- !
- !--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Additional switches to fix the emissions of
- ! anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions to a specific year
- ! (as required in AerChemMIP).
- !
- ! The year of emissions can be controlled for the whole group of NTCFs,
- ! for the sub-groups of aerosol and ozone precursors,
- ! and/or for the individual species.
- !
- ! Note that settings for individual species or else the subgroup
- ! to which they belong are leading.
- ! If these are commented, input.emis.year.ntcf or
- ! else input.emis.year is used.
- ! If these are also commented,
- ! the actual year of simulation is used.
- !
- ! Near-Term Climate Forcers (NTCFs), excl. CH4
- !input.emis.year.ntcf :
- !
- ! Aerosol precursors (BC, OC, NH3, SOx)
- !input.emis.year.aer :
- !input.emis.year.bc :
- !input.emis.year.oc :
- !input.emis.year.sox :
- !input.emis.year.nh3 :
- !
- ! Ozone precursors (NOx, CO, NMVOCs incl. isoprene and mononterpenes)
- ! Note that in AerChemMIP, the year for CO should be that for NMVOCs.
- !input.emis.year.o3 :
- !input.emis.year.nox :
- !input.emis.year.co :
- !input.emis.year.nmvoc :
- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Option to fix CMIP6 or MSR O3 mixing ratios to fixed year:
- ! Note that, for CMIP6, this option applied to the year 1850,
- ! is not the same as selecting the pre-industrial climatology
- ! with input.conc.o3.cmip6.piclim=T.
- input.o3.fixyear : F
- input.o3.year :
- ! Option to fix CMIP6 methane boundary conditions and emissions to fixed year
- input.ch4.fixyear : F
- input.ch4.year :
- ! Option to fix CMIP6 CO2 mixing ratio to fixed year:
- input.co2.fixyear : F
- input.co2.year :
- !------------------------------------------------
- ! Set base year for natural emissions
- ! that don't cover the full period 1850-2100.
- ! Use 2000 in climate integrations (CMIP6).
- ! Used for CH4 emissions from LPJ,
- ! as well as for MACC & MEGAN.
- !------------------------------------------------
- input.natemis.year : 2000
- ! ----------------------------------------
- ! Anthropogenic emis (choose ONE: CMIP6 (1850-2100) or AR5(1850-2100) or EDGAR4(1970-2005/8) or MACCITY(1960-2020) )
- ! ----------------------------------------
- use_cmip6 : F
- input.emis.dir.CMIP6 : ${topdir.dynamic}/CMIP6
- use_ar5 : F
- input.emis.dir.AR5 : ${topdir.dynamic}/AR5
- ! AR5 scenario: choose b/w RCP26, RCP45, RCP60, RCP85 and 'hist' for historical
- input.emis.AR5.RCP : RCP45
- use_edgar4 : F
- input.emis.dir.ED41 : ${topdir.dynamic}/EDGAR4
- use_maccity : F
- ! dir for MACC-city is "input.emis.dir.MACC". [same data + IPCC aircraft emiss]
- !***** it is important that the path to AR5 and EDGAR are correct even if the *****
- !***** use_ar5 and use_edgar4 are set to F. Because maccity is missing CH4 and *****
- !***** reverts to EDGAR for CH4, and because (if using M7) AR5 is always used *****
- !***** to get BC and OC emissions. *****
- ! ----------------------------------------
- ! Biomass burning (choose one: CMIP6BMB (1850-2100), GFED3 (1997-2010), RETRO_FIRES(1960-2000) or AR5_FIRES)
- ! ----------------------------------------
- use_cmip6_fires : F
- use_ar5_fires : F
- use_retro_fires : F
- use_gfed3 : F
- input.emis.dir.gfed : ${topdir.dynamic}/GFED3
- input.emis.dir.retro : ${topdir.dynamic}/RETRO
- ! apply daily cycle to BMB in the tropics
- ! (based on isoprene and not applied to BC/POM)
- input.emis.bb.dailycycle : F
- ! ----------------------------------------
- ! Natural emissions
- ! ----------------------------------------
- ! all gases : MACC
- use_macc : T
- input.emis.dir.MACC : ${topdir.dynamic}/MACCity
- ! use MEGAN v1 (1980-2010) for biogenic sources
- ! (will replaces 'bio' src from MACC for ISOP, CO, and NMVOC)
- use_megan : T
- input.emis.dir.MEGAN : ${topdir.dynamic}/MEGAN
- ! CH4 : add HYMN/LPJ (see readme-hymn)
- use_lpj : T
- use_hymn : T
- input.emis.dir.natch4 : ${inputdir}/natural_emissions/reactive_gases/CH4/HYMN
- ! RN 222 (file: RN222_WMO2004.hdf)
- input.emis.dir.rn222 : ${inputdir}/natural_emissions/tracer
- ! DMS (files: "DMSland.hdf" and "DMSconc.hdf")
- input.emis.dir.dms : ${inputdir}/natural_emissions/reactive_gases/DMS
- ! ----------------------------------------
- ! Aerosols
- ! ----------------------------------------
- ! DUST : choose between AEROCOM (monthly, fix year:2000), TEGEN-VIGNATI
- ! (monthly, location unknown=> option unavailable until further notice),
- ! and ONLINE
- input.emis.dust : ONLINE
- ! directory for that choice
- input.emis.dir.dust : ${inputdir}/aerosols/Dust/${input.emis.dust}
- ! POM : directory for anthropogenic SOA file (SOA.hdf)
- input.emis.dir.aerocom : ${inputdir}/aerosols/SOA
- ! New particle formation scheme
- ! 1 Vehkamaki et al. 2002 (so4)
- ! 2 Kulmala et al. 1996 (so4)
- ! 3 Paasonen et al. 2010 (organic+so4) + Vehkamaki et al.
- ! 4 Riccobono et al. 2014 + Vehkamaki et al.
- input.nucleation.scheme : 4
- !SOA scheme
- !0 POM AeroCom (aitkenmodes)
- !1 POM distribution according to volatility (5 modes) (not implemented)
- !2 monoterpene+isoprene oxidation + condensation
- input.soa.scheme : 2
- !Use also isoprene yields for ELVOC and SVOC production
- !Default value True
- input.soa.isoprene_on : T
- !Size of formed particles in KK parameterisation in nm (default: 5.0)
- input.KK.d_form : 5.0
- ! ----------------------------------------
- ! NOx extra sources
- ! ----------------------------------------
- input.onlinenox.dir : ${inputdir}/input/glb1x1
- ! Lightning NOx uses Land fraction, expected as: ${inputdir}/land/landfraction.hdf (hardwired)
- ! ----------------------------------------
- ! Nudging CH4 [see emission_CH4.F90]
- ! ----------------------------------------
- ! If input.conc.ch4.cmip6 is set to T:
- ! - CMIP6 zonal mean surface mixing ratios used in the lower troposphere
- ! - HALOE climatology of stratospheric CH4 mixing ratios scaled
- ! based on CMIP6 time series of global annual mean mixing ratio at surface
- ! (input.climat.HALOE forced to T)
- input.conc.ch4.cmip6 : F
- input.conc.ch4.cmip6.dir : ${inputdir}/boundary/CMIP6/CH4/
- ! Alternatively, if input.emis.ch4.single is set to T, a single mixing ratio
- ! (input.emis.ch4.fixed_ppb) is prescribed at the surface, or [TODO:
- ! doublecheck is true] in the whole atmosphere (with HALOE climatology
- ! switched off):
- input.emis.ch4.single : F
- input.emis.ch4.fixed_ppb : 1760.0
- input.emis.ch4.fix3d : F
- ! Else read the zonal background field from NOAA/GMD mean surface fields in
- ! input.emis.ch4.surf for year/month (without scaling of the HALOE
- ! climatology).
- !
- ! This zonal mean field is used for nudging CH4 emissions:
- ! - up to 550 hPa, if with_ch4_emission is used [RECOMMENDED]
- ! - in the two lowest layers if with_ch4_emission is NOT used, and input.emis.ch4.fix3d is F
- ! - in all layers if with_ch4_emission is NOT used, and input.emis.ch4.fix3d is T
- !
- input.emis.ch4.surf : ${inputdir}/boundary/CH4_surf/
- ! ----------------------------------------
- ! CO2 mixing ratio used in pH calculation for aqueous chemistry
- ! ----------------------------------------
- ! If input.conc.co2.cmip6 is set to T (RECOMMENDED),
- ! global annual mean mixing ratios from CMIP6 are used;
- ! otherwise, it is fixed to a value for the year 2000.
- input.conc.co2.cmip6 : T
- input.conc.co2.cmip6.dir : ${inputdir}/boundary/CMIP6/CO2/
- !------------------------
- ! Cariolle
- !------------------------
- ! Does not applied