Pierre-Yves Barriat 998bfe198c Downgrade from to 3.3.1 11 months ago
README 71250bb2a0 Initial fork tag 1 year ago
ecearth_optics.F90 998bfe198c Downgrade from to 3.3.1 11 months ago
meteo.F90 998bfe198c Downgrade from to 3.3.1 11 months ago
prism_putget.F90 998bfe198c Downgrade from to 3.3.1 11 months ago
tm5_prism.F90 998bfe198c Downgrade from to 3.3.1 11 months ago
tmm_mf_prism.F90 998bfe198c Downgrade from to 3.3.1 11 months ago


This directory contains the files for running TM5-MP coupled to EC-Earth 3. The standard
package for EC-Earth v3 consists of:

- meteo.F90 : Has specific order of met fields' setup to match EC-Earth
order of received fields. And no check_pressure done in
meteo_setup_mass, because of the artificial lag b/w TM
and PRISM.

- prism_putget.F90 : interface to push all required fields to OASIS3/prism
(a/k/a 'put'). 'Get' is dummy for now.

- tm5_prism.F90 : general prism-related routines (read specific rc keys,
prism grid and partition, remapping of spectral fields)

- tmm_mf_prism.F90 : Met Field object and its methods to fill it (readrecord)

To include the feedback of aerosol optical properties from TM5 to IFS, the cpp
flag "with_ecearth_optics" must be used in the rc-file and the following file
is added (automatically done in tm5-expert.rc) to the sources:

- ecearth_optics.F90

Note that "prism_putget.F90, tm5.F90, and initexit.F90" (the last two in the
TM5/base/) also includes parts related to aerosol optics (check for

Now, the "with_ecearth_optics" flag is on by default if not running the CO2-only
config. See /sources/config-build.xml of ECE-3.2 for the CO2
flag, and /sources/tm5mp/rc/main-config-ecearth3.rc.tmpl for
the setting of the flag.

merging info ECE3MCT


#parent branch
export pb3='https://svn.ec-earth.org/ecearth3/branches/development/2014/r1225-cplng-mct'

cd ECEARTH-3 ; or whatever is the directory name you used at checkout

svn mergeinfo ${pb3}
svn mergeinfo ${pb3} --show-revs eligible

svn merge ${pb3} --dry-run
svn merge ${pb3}

TM5-MP 1.0 -- ECEARTH v3

=== compilation

cd ${ECEARTH}/sources

ec-conf -p config-build.xml

cd TM5

setup_tm5 [-c|--clean] [-n|--new] [-v|--verbose] [-j N | --jobs=N] ecconfig-ecearth3.rc

--new : means realclean
--jobs=N : N processes to compile (make), default value is 8

by default, setup_tm5 gathers source code from relevant sub dirs
(defined by "my.source.dirs" key) into ${my.project.dir}/build,
then compiles in the later

compilation log : setup_tm5.comp.log

- IFS nlevels is hardcoded and required for compilation.
- unlike IFS and NEMO, TM5 resolution is set at compilation, and
hardcoded in the template file. See below.

- that resolution limits the number of processors that can run TM5. For
the default 3x2 resolution, it is 45 proc in the Y direction, 60 in the
X direction. In the config-run.xml file, increase NUMPROC_Y as much as
you can first leaving NUMPROC_X to 1, and then you may try NUMPROC_X to
2 or 3 (the performance of the model quickly deteriorates when NUMPROC_X


To switch TM5 resolution from 3x2 to 6x4, you need to change the
following lines (with their 6x4 equivalent) in these 3 files (first
one for compilation):

(1) /sources/TM5/rc/pycasso-config-ecearth3.rc.tmpl

my.region1 : glb300x200

(2) /runtime/ctrl/namcouple.sh


(3) /runtime/ctrl/tm5-config-run.rc.tmpl

my.region1 : glb300x200


To add grid info from TM5:

This is done in file
in routine TM5_Prism_Init2:

Set write_grid=.true.
Set correct point_name for region_glb (comment code for region_sfc
and/or spectral grid if their gridinfo is already available)

=== setup

** directories
Within EC-Earth, restart.read.dir must be the same as restart.write.dir.
Following IFS and NEMO, we use the rundir. If first chunk starts from a
restart, then you must ensure that it is present. This is done in the script now.

TM5 hackers: If restart.*.dir is not the rundir, you must create that
directory if needed. This is not done in the script.

Other directories that TM5 usually creates and that may need to be created
differently within EC-Earth: output.dir, timing.output.subdir,
settings.output.subdir, and tmm.output.

Like for restart dir, we default to rundir for now, and deals with any pre/post
processing in the script.

** run config
TM5 does not use namelist, but instead rely on a rc file argument. This rcfile
is obtained by calling:

setuptm5 --no-compile \
--time-start=${TIME_START} \
--time-final=${TIME_FINAL} \
--istart=${ISTART} \

This call creates a runtime rc file argument in the ECEARTH_RUNDIR, by:
- expanding env variable
- unraveling the various included rc files
- evaluate python snippets
- update keys with command line options (basically those that changes with each leg)

(It will also put an unneeded submit_tm5 script in the rundir. Script must
delete it for sake of completion)

We could skip the call to setup_tm5, but that would require quite a bit of
editing, and lost of flexibility, since many keys would be harcoded. We want
to keep a flexible setup, to be able to drive TM5 without chemistry but with
inactive tracers for example.

The input RAW_RCFILE is based on a template. To set the key (those that remain
the same with every leg) in the template, there is three possibilities:

(1) use ec-conf: config-run.xml must include a translation to set the
leg-independent keys
(2) use shell variables, which must be exported before, and can be set from
the xml tags and/or with the config keys at the top of the templates scripts
(3) or a mixture of both

Option (3) is currently used.