advectz__slopes.F90 14 KB

  1. !### macro's #####################################################
  2. !
  3. #define TRACEBACK write (gol,'("in ",a," (",a,", line",i5,")")') rname, __FILE__, __LINE__; call goErr
  4. #define IF_NOTOK_RETURN(action) if (status/=0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if
  5. #define IF_ERROR_RETURN(action) if (status> 0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if
  6. #define IF_NOTOK_MPI(action) if (ierr/=MPI_SUCCESS) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if
  7. !
  8. #include ""
  9. !
  10. !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. ! TM5 !
  12. !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. !BOP
  14. !
  16. !
  18. !\\
  19. !\\
  20. ! !INTERFACE:
  21. !
  23. !
  24. ! !USES:
  25. !
  26. USE GO, ONLY : gol, goPr, goErr
  30. !
  32. !
  34. !
  36. ! 3 Feb 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition
  37. !
  38. !EOP
  39. !------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. ! TM5 !
  43. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. !BOP
  45. !
  47. !
  48. ! !DESCRIPTION: Calculate amount of tracer moved in a vertical advection substep.
  49. !
  50. ! method : slopes scheme
  51. ! reference : Russel and Lerner, 1979
  52. !\\
  53. !\\
  54. ! !INTERFACE:
  55. !
  57. !
  58. ! !USES:
  59. !
  60. use dims, only : lm
  61. use dims, only : zbeg, zend, epsz, nloop_max, zero, one
  62. use dims, only : okdebug, limits, xi, nxi
  63. use global_data, only : wind_dat, mass_dat
  64. use meteodata , only : m_dat
  65. use chem_param, only : ntracet, ra
  66. use toolbox, only : escape_tm
  67. #ifdef with_budgets
  68. use budget_global, only : budget_flux, lflux1, lflux2, apply_budget_global_flux
  69. #endif
  70. use ParTools, only : isRoot, par_reduce
  71. !
  73. !
  74. ! - programmed by mh, mpi HH, 1994-1995
  75. ! - zoom version written by mike botchev, march-june 1999
  76. ! - 3 Feb 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition
  77. !
  78. ! !REMARKS:
  79. ! - commented method #2, which may be an option if there is CFL violation. If not, it just
  80. ! adds extra communication.
  81. !EOP
  82. !------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. !BOC
  84. real, dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: rm, rxm, rym, rzm
  85. real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: m, cm
  86. real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: mnew, f, pf, fx, fy, cmold, mold
  87. integer :: i,j,l,le,lee,ls,lss,n,lmr,i1,i2,j1,j2, is, ie, js, je
  88. integer :: halo
  89. real :: max_one
  90. real :: gam, gamma, my_gamma
  91. integer,parameter :: iter_limit=15
  92. integer :: n_advz, iter, nglob, status
  93. real :: l_xi, g_xi, l_nxi, g_nxi, g_nl
  94. !METHOD#2 #ifdef MPI
  95. !METHOD#2 integer :: request, stat(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
  96. !METHOD#2 logical :: done
  97. !METHOD#2 #endif
  98. !----------- START
  99. ! Indices & work arrays
  100. CALL GET_DISTGRID( dgrid(1), I_STRT=i1, I_STOP=i2,J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2)
  101. lmr=lm(1)
  102. is=i1 ; ie=i2 ; js=j1 ; je=j2
  103. halo = wind_dat(1)%halo
  104. allocate(cmold( i1-halo:i2+halo, j1-halo:j2+halo, 0:lmr+1) ) ! same halo as wind_dat)
  105. halo = m_dat(1)%halo
  106. allocate( mold( i1-halo:i2+halo, j1-halo:j2+halo, lmr ) ) ! same halo as m_dat)
  107. rm => mass_dat(1)%rm
  108. rxm => mass_dat(1)%rxm
  109. rym => mass_dat(1)%rym
  110. rzm => mass_dat(1)%rzm
  111. m => m_dat(1)%data
  112. cm => wind_dat(1)%cm
  113. ls=1
  114. le=lmr
  115. if(abs(zbeg(1)-zbeg(1))<epsz) ls = 1 ! bottom
  116. if(abs(zend(1)-zend(1))<epsz) le = lmr ! top
  117. !
  118. ! if requested limit vertical slopes such that no non-negative
  119. ! tracer masses should occur
  120. if (limits) then
  121. do n = 1, ntracet
  122. do l = ls, le
  123. do j = js, je
  124. do i = is, ie
  125. rzm(i,j,l,n) = max (min (rzm(i,j,l,n), rm(i,j,l,n)), -rm(i,j,l,n))
  126. end do
  127. end do
  128. end do
  129. end do
  130. end if
  131. !
  132. !==== loop to determine number of needed iterations
  133. !
  134. lss = ls; lee = le
  135. if (abs (zbeg(1) - zbeg(1)) < epsz) lss = 2
  136. if (abs (zend(1) - zend(1)) < epsz) lee = lmr - 1
  137. cmold = cm
  138. mold = m
  139. n_advz = 1
  140. l_xi = 0.0
  141. l_nxi = 0.0
  142. cfl: do
  143. ! calculate new air mass distribution
  144. cm = cmold / float (n_advz)
  145. m = mold
  146. ! do the iteration
  147. advz: do iter=1,n_advz
  148. ! reset gamma
  149. gam = 0.
  150. !METHOD #2 #ifdef MPI
  151. !METHOD #2 call MPI_IRECV(gam, 1, my_real, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, iter, localComm, request, ierr)
  152. !METHOD #2 done = .false.
  153. !METHOD #2 #endif
  154. ! compute f, pf, fx and fy
  155. ijl: do l=lss-1,lee ! 1,lmm1
  156. do j=j1,j2
  157. do i=i1,i2
  158. if(cm(i,j,l)>=zero) then
  159. my_gamma=cm(i,j,l)/m(i,j,l)
  160. else
  161. my_gamma=cm(i,j,l)/m(i,j,l+1)
  162. end if
  163. !aMETHOD-1
  164. l_xi=max(l_xi,abs(my_gamma))
  165. if ( abs(my_gamma) >= one ) exit ijl
  166. !eMETHOD-1
  167. !aMETHOD-2
  168. ! gam = abs(my_gamma)
  169. ! l_xi = max(l_xi, gam)
  170. ! if ( gam >= one ) then
  171. ! do n=0,npes-1
  172. ! call MPI_SEND(gam, 1, my_real, n, iter, localComm, stat, ierr)
  173. ! end do
  174. ! end if
  175. ! call MPI_TEST(request, done, stat, ierr)
  176. ! if (done) exit ijl
  177. !eMETHOD-2
  178. end do
  179. end do
  180. end do ijl
  181. !aMETHOD-1
  182. my_gamma=abs(my_gamma)
  183. call Par_REDUCE( my_gamma, 'MAX', gamma, status, all=.true.)
  184. if (gamma>=one) then
  185. l_nxi=l_nxi+1
  186. gam=gamma
  187. exit advz
  188. end if
  189. !eMETHOD-1
  190. !aMETHOD #2
  191. ! call Par_REDUCE( gam, 'MAX', gam, status, all=.true.)
  192. ! call MPI_TEST(request, done, stat, ierr)
  193. ! if (.not.done) then
  194. ! ! print*, "cancel ", iter, request, gam
  195. ! call MPI_CANCEL(request, ierr)
  196. ! call MPI_REQUEST_FREE(request, ierr)
  197. ! end if
  198. ! if (gam>=one) then
  199. ! l_nxi=l_nxi+1
  200. ! exit advz
  201. ! end if
  202. !eMETHOD-2
  203. ! no CFLs upto now.....possibly in next?
  204. if (abs(zbeg(1)-zbeg(1))<epsz) then
  205. ! bottom: one-sided update of the mass
  206. m(is:ie,js:je,1) = m(is:ie,js:je,1) - cm(is:ie,js:je,1)
  207. end if
  208. if (abs(zend(1)-zend(1))<epsz) then
  209. ! top: one-sided update of the mass
  210. m(is:ie,js:je,lmr) = m(is:ie,js:je,lmr) + cm(is:ie,js:je,lmr-1)
  211. end if
  212. m(is:ie,js:je,lss:lee) = m(is:ie,js:je,lss:lee) + &
  213. cm(is:ie,js:je,lss-1:lee-1) - &
  214. cm(is:ie,js:je,lss:lee)
  215. end do advz
  216. ! if still CFL violation increase iteration counter and re-start cfl loop
  217. ! escape is called when the number of iterations becomes too large
  218. if(abs(gam)>=one) then
  219. if(okdebug)then
  220. if ( my_gamma >= one) then
  221. write(gol,*)'dynamw: CFL violation: gamma,m,cm=', gam,m(i,j,l), m(i,j,l+1),cm(i,j,l), &
  222. ' in region,i,j,l,n: ',1,i,j,l,n ; call goPr
  223. write(gol,*)'dynamw: iterations:',n_advz ; call goPr
  224. endif
  225. endif
  226. n_advz = n_advz + 1
  227. if ( n_advz > iter_limit ) &
  228. call escape_tm('dynamw: too many CFL violations!')
  229. cycle cfl
  230. else
  231. exit cfl
  232. end if
  233. end do cfl
  234. ! n_advz is now determined : gather and store information
  235. CALL PAR_REDUCE( float(n_advz), 'max', g_nl, status, .true.)
  236. CALL PAR_REDUCE( l_xi, 'max', g_xi, status, .true.)
  237. CALL PAR_REDUCE( l_nxi, 'sum', g_nxi, status, .true.)
  238. nloop_max(1,3) = max(nloop_max(1,3), nint (g_nl))
  239. xi(1,3) = max (xi(1,3), g_xi)
  240. nxi(1,3) = nxi(1,3) + nint (g_nxi)
  241. ! reset m and cm to original values:
  242. cm = cmold/float(n_advz)
  243. m = mold
  244. !
  245. !==== Apply number of iterations to calculate new air mass distribution
  246. !
  247. allocate (mnew( is:ie, js:je, 1:lm(1) ))
  248. allocate ( f( is:ie, js:je, 0:lm(1) ))
  249. allocate ( pf( is:ie, js:je, 0:lm(1) ))
  250. allocate ( fx( is:ie, js:je, 0:lm(1) ))
  251. allocate ( fy( is:ie, js:je, 0:lm(1) ))
  252. ! do the iteration
  253. ITERA: do iter=1,n_advz
  254. if (abs(zbeg(1)-zbeg(1))<epsz) then
  255. ! bottom: one-sided update of the mass
  256. mnew(is:ie,js:je,1) = m(is:ie,js:je,1) - cm(is:ie,js:je,1)
  257. end if
  258. if (abs(zend(1)-zend(1))<epsz) then
  259. ! top: one-sided update of the mass
  260. mnew(is:ie,js:je,lmr) = m(is:ie,js:je,lmr) + cm(is:ie,js:je,lmr-1)
  261. end if
  262. mnew(is:ie,js:je,lss:lee) = m(is:ie,js:je,lss:lee) &
  263. + cm(is:ie,js:je,lss-1:lee-1) &
  264. - cm(is:ie,js:je,lss:lee)
  265. ! loop over tracers
  266. TRAC : do n=1,ntracet
  267. ! compute f, pf, fx and fy
  268. do l=lss-1,lee ! 1,lmm1
  269. do j=js,je
  270. do i=is,ie
  271. if(cm(i,j,l)>=zero) then
  272. gamma=cm(i,j,l)/m(i,j,l)
  273. f(i,j,l)=gamma*(rm(i,j,l,n)+(one-gamma)* rzm(i,j,l,n) )
  274. pf(i,j,l)=cm(i,j,l)*(gamma*gamma* rzm(i,j,l,n)-3.*f(i,j,l))
  275. fx(i,j,l)=gamma*rxm(i,j,l,n)
  276. fy(i,j,l)=gamma*rym(i,j,l,n)
  277. else
  278. gamma=cm(i,j,l)/m(i,j,l+1)
  279. f(i,j,l)=gamma*(rm(i,j,l+1,n)-(one+gamma)* rzm(i,j,l+1,n))
  280. pf(i,j,l)=cm(i,j,l)*(gamma*gamma* rzm(i,j,l+1,n)-3.*f(i,j,l))
  281. fx(i,j,l)=gamma*rxm(i,j,l+1,n)
  282. fy(i,j,l)=gamma*rym(i,j,l+1,n)
  283. end if
  284. end do
  285. end do
  286. end do
  287. ! calculate new tracer mass, and tracer mass slopes
  288. ! update rm, rzm, rxm and rym in interior layers of the column
  289. #ifdef with_budgets
  290. ! calculate flux flowing in from below:
  291. if (apply_budget_global_flux) then
  292. do j=js,je
  293. do i=is,ie
  294. budget_flux(1)%flux_z1(i,j,n) = budget_flux(1)%flux_z1(i,j,n) + &
  295. f(i,j,lflux1(1)-1)*1e3/ra(n) ! moles
  296. budget_flux(1)%flux_z2(i,j,n) = budget_flux(1)%flux_z2(i,j,n) + &
  297. f(i,j,lflux2(1)-1)*1e3/ra(n) ! moles
  298. enddo
  299. enddo
  300. endif
  301. #endif
  302. do l=lss,lee !2,lmm1
  303. rm(is:ie,js:je,l,n) = rm(is:ie,js:je,l,n) + f(is:ie,js:je,l-1)-f(is:ie,js:je,l)
  304. rzm(is:ie,js:je,l,n) = rzm(is:ie,js:je,l,n) + &
  305. ( pf(is:ie,js:je,l-1) - pf(is:ie,js:je,l) - (cm(is:ie,js:je,l-1)-cm(is:ie,js:je,l))* rzm(is:ie,js:je,l,n) &
  306. + 3.0*( (cm(is:ie,js:je,l-1)+cm(is:ie,js:je,l))* rm(is:ie,js:je,l,n) &
  307. - (f(is:ie,js:je,l-1)+f(is:ie,js:je,l))* m(is:ie,js:je,l) ) ) / mnew(is:ie,js:je,l)
  308. if ( limits ) then !CMK added
  309. rzm(is:ie,js:je,l,n) = max(min(rzm(is:ie,js:je,l,n), rm(is:ie,js:je,l,n)), -rm(is:ie,js:je,l,n))
  310. end if
  311. rxm(is:ie,js:je,l,n) = rxm(is:ie,js:je,l,n) + (fx(is:ie,js:je,l-1)-fx(is:ie,js:je,l))
  312. rym(is:ie,js:je,l,n) = rym(is:ie,js:je,l,n) + (fy(is:ie,js:je,l-1)-fy(is:ie,js:je,l))
  313. end do
  314. if ( abs(zbeg(1)-zbeg(1)) < epsz ) then ! bottom
  315. ! update rm, rzm, rxm and rym near the ground surface
  316. rm(is:ie,js:je,1,n)=(rm(is:ie,js:je,1,n)-f(is:ie,js:je,1))
  317. rzm(is:ie,js:je,1,n)=rzm(is:ie,js:je,1,n)+(-pf(is:ie,js:je,1) &
  318. +cm(is:ie,js:je,1)*rzm(is:ie,js:je,1,n) &
  319. +3.*(cm(is:ie,js:je,1)*rm(is:ie,js:je,1,n) &
  320. -f(is:ie,js:je,1)*m(is:ie,js:je,1)))/mnew(is:ie,js:je,1)
  321. if ( limits ) then !CMK added
  322. rzm(is:ie,js:je,1,n) = max(min(rzm(is:ie,js:je,1,n), &
  323. rm(is:ie,js:je,1,n)), &
  324. -rm(is:ie,js:je,1,n))
  325. end if
  326. rxm(is:ie,js:je,1,n)=rxm(is:ie,js:je,1,n)-fx(is:ie,js:je,1)
  327. rym(is:ie,js:je,1,n)=rym(is:ie,js:je,1,n)-fy(is:ie,js:je,1)
  328. end if
  329. if (abs(zend(1)-zend(1))<epsz) then ! top
  330. ! update rm, rzm, rxm and rym at the top of the atmosphere
  331. rm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n)=rm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n)+f(is:ie,js:je,lmr-1)
  332. rzm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n)=rzm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n)+&
  333. (pf(is:ie,js:je,lmr-1) &
  334. -cm(is:ie,js:je,lmr-1)*rzm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n) &
  335. +3.*(cm(is:ie,js:je,lmr-1)*rm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n) &
  336. -f(is:ie,js:je,lmr-1)*m(is:ie,js:je,lmr))) / &
  337. mnew(is:ie,js:je,lmr)
  338. if ( limits ) then !CMK added
  339. rzm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n) = max(min(rzm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n), &
  340. rm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n)), &
  341. -rm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n))
  342. end if
  343. rxm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n) = rxm(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n) + &
  344. fx(is:ie,js:je,lmr-1)
  345. rym(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n) = rym(is:ie,js:je,lmr,n) + &
  346. fy(is:ie,js:je,lmr-1)
  347. end if
  348. end do TRAC ! loop over tracers
  349. ! store new air mass in m array
  350. m(is:ie,js:je,ls:le)=mnew(is:ie,js:je,ls:le)
  351. end do ITERA !iter
  352. ! restore cm wind
  353. cm = cmold
  354. deallocate (f)
  355. deallocate (pf)
  356. deallocate (fx)
  357. deallocate (fy)
  358. deallocate(mnew)
  359. deallocate(cmold)
  360. if ( okdebug ) then
  361. mold(is:ie,js:je,ls:le)=rm(is:ie,js:je,ls:le,1)/m(is:ie,js:je,ls:le)
  362. call REDUCE( dgrid(1), mold, 2, 'MAX', max_one, status)
  363. if (isRoot) then
  364. write(gol,*) 'dynamw: z Maximum value mixing ratio',max_one; call goPr
  365. end if
  366. end if
  367. deallocate(mold)
  368. nullify(rm)
  369. nullify(rxm)
  370. nullify(rym)
  371. nullify(rzm)
  372. nullify(m)
  373. nullify(cm)
  375. !EOC