! CVS README,v 1.5 2004-04-23 22:00:55 jacob Exp
! CVS MCT_2_8_0  

This directory contains a version of MPEU distributed as part 
of the Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT).  MPEU was written by
Jing Guo of the NASA Data Assimilation Office. 

This copy of MPEU provided by Jing Guo.  Usage is covered
by terms in the file MCT/COPYRIGHT.

MCT distribution contents:
MCT/mpeu/   <- You are here

A complete distribution of MCT can be obtained from http://www.mcs.anl.gov/mct.

Build instructions:

In top level directory, type "./configure", then "make".

If "./configure" has already been run, you can also type "make"
in this directory.

NASA/GSFC, Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3, GEOS/DAS 

28Sep99	- Jing Guo
	- Changed supported libraries to

	mpeu:	libmpeu.a libeu.a with the _same_ interface in mpeu/

	- Implemented several design changes:

	  . Removed -r8/_R8_ compiler flags in Makefile.conf.IRIX64.
	    The current design is expected to support both single and
	    double precision REAL kinds.  The selection should be made
	    by the compiler through Fortran 90 generic interface

	  . Added MP_type() function in mpif90.F90 to allow a more
	    portable approach of using MPI_REAL.

	  . Removed _SINGLE_PE_ flag to make the interface in mpeu/
	    portable to both library versions.

14Sep99	- Jing Guo	- Targets supported in this directory

	mpeu:	make -f Makefile all		for MPI env
	eu:	make -f Makefile.1pe all	for single PE env