HOST: ARCH: linux_x86_64 CPU MODEL: Intel Xeon - - Hz MAINTAINER: Tommi Bergman Platform dependent configuration (bull@csc) ecconf.cfg Platform dependent job script (bull@csc) job Architecture used when building EC-Earth STRING ecconf Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH /fmi/projappl/project_2001927/${USER}/ece3/r9181-puhti-config-upgrade/sources EC-Earth run directory PATH /fmi/scratch/project_2001927/${USER}/ECEARTH-RUNS/${exp_name} Initial data directory used by EC-Earth PATH /fmi/datasets/EC-Earth/tag- Number of processors per node INTEGER 40 Automatically resubmit the job? [true|false] BOOLEAN false Additional options for the submit command STRING GRIBEX definition Template path PATH /fmi/projappl/project_2001927/${USER}/ece3/r9181-puhti-config-updgrade/sources/ifs-36r4/lib/ GRIB API base directory PATH ${ECCODES_INSTALL_ROOT} GRIB API bin directory relative to the base directory PATH bin GRIB API definition directory relative to the base directory PATH share/grib_api/definitions GRIB API samples directory relative to the base directory PATH share/eccodes/ifs_samples/grib1 Additional shared library paths needed at runtime STRING Command run before any modules are loaded STRING List of modules to load STRING