#include "tm5.inc" #ifdef with_budgets SUBROUTINE m7_dnum(kproma, kbdim, klev, & pso4g, paerml, paernl, ptp1, & papp1, prelhum, pm6rp, prhop, & pso4_5, pso4_6, pso4_7, ptime, & pprocess) #else SUBROUTINE m7_dnum(kproma, kbdim, klev, & pso4g, paerml, paernl, ptp1, & papp1, prelhum, pm6rp, prhop, & pso4_5, pso4_6, pso4_7, ptime ) #endif ! ! *m7_dnum* changes gas phase sulfate, aerosol numbers and masses ! due to nucleation and coagulation ! ! Authors: ! --------- ! J. Wilson and E. Vignati, JRC/EI (original source) 09/2000 ! P. Stier, MPI (f90-version, changes, comments) 2001 ! ! Version: ! --------- ! This version is equivalent to the version dnum2 of the m7 boxmodel. ! ! Purpose ! --------- ! This routine calculates new gas phase sulfate and aerosol ! numbers and masses after timestep ztmst. ! ! Interface ! ----------- ! *m7_dnum* is called from *m7* ! ! Externals ! ----------- ! *m7_coaset* calculates the coagulation kernels ! *m7_nuck* calculates the integral mass nucleated sulfate and ! the number of nucleated particles over one timestep ! *m7_delcoa* integrates equations for the changes in aerosol numbers ! dn/dt=c -an2 -bn over one timestep and calculates the ! corresponding changes in aerosol masses ! *m7_concoag* calculates particle numbers and mass moved from the ! insoluble to the mixed modes due to coagulation with ! smaller mixed particles and condensation of H2SO4. ! ! Warning: ! -------- ! For optimization purposes currently only "physically reasonable" elements of the ! coagulation kernel zcom are calculated in m7_concoag. These elements are specified ! in the matrix locoagmask in mo_aero_m7. Check carefully and adapt locoagmask ! accordingly before changes in the code below. USE mo_aero_m7, ONLY: naermod, nmod, lsnucl, lscoag #ifdef with_budgets Use M7_Data, Only: nm7procs #endif IMPLICIT NONE !--- Parameters: ! ! pso4g = mass of gas phase sulfate [molec. cm-3] ! paerml = total aerosol mass for each compound ! [molec. cm-3 for sulphate and ug m-3 for bc, oc, ss, and dust] ! paernl = aerosol number for each mode [cm-3] ! ptp1 = atmospheric temperature at time t+1 [K] ! papp1 = atmospheric pressure at time t+1 [Pa] ! prelhum = atmospheric relative humidity [%] ! pm6rp = mean mode actual radius (wet radius for soluble modes ! and dry radius for insoluble modes) [cm] ! prhop = mean mode particle density [g cm-3] ! pso4_x = mass of sulphate condensed on insoluble mode x [] ! !--- Local variables: ! ! zcom = general coagulation coefficient [] ! (calculated in m7_coaset) ! za = effectively used coagulation coefficient for ! unimodal coagulation [] ! zb = effectively used coagulation coefficient for ! inter-modal coagulation [] ! zbfractx(:,:,y) = fraction of the total number of particles removed by ! coagulation from mode x (finally calculated in m7_delcoa) ! that is moved to mode y / y+1 (modes 5,6,7 and mode 1,2 resp.) [1] ! !@@@ Careful! Inconsistent usage!!! ! za4delt(:,:,:) = change in H2SO4 mass of the respective mode over one timstep ! due to: ! - nucleation of H2SO4 (calculated in m7_nuck) ! - coagulation (calculated in m7_concoag) ! zanew = number of nucleated particles ! zanew=za4delt/critn i.e. mass of formed sulfate ! divided by an assumed mass of a nucleus. [] ! (calculated in m7_nuck) ! zxxavy = average mass of species xx in mode y [] ! where xx is ss, du, bc, oc, or a4 for sulfate ! [molecules for sulfate and ug for others] ! !@@@ to be continued! !--- Parameters: INTEGER :: kproma, kbdim, klev REAL :: ptime REAL :: pso4g(kbdim,klev), ptp1(kbdim,klev), & papp1(kbdim,klev), prelhum(kbdim,klev), & pso4_5(kbdim,klev), pso4_6(kbdim,klev), & pso4_7(kbdim,klev) REAL :: paerml(kbdim,klev,naermod), paernl(kbdim,klev,nmod), & pm6rp(kbdim,klev,nmod), prhop(kbdim,klev,nmod) #ifdef with_budgets Real :: pprocess(kbdim,klev,nm7procs) #endif ! Local Variables: INTEGER :: jl, jk REAL :: zanew(kbdim,klev) REAL :: za(kbdim,klev,nmod), zb(kbdim,klev,nmod), & za4delt(kbdim,klev,naermod) REAL :: zbfract1(kbdim,klev,nmod-1),zbfract2(kbdim,klev,nmod-1), & zbfract5(kbdim,klev,3), zbfract6(kbdim,klev,2), & zbfract7(kbdim,klev,2) REAL :: zcom(kbdim,klev,nmod,nmod) !--- 0) Initialisations: ---------------------------------------------- za4delt(:,:,:) = 0. ! Mode 1 changed by m7_nuck if lsnucl=TRUE . ! Has to be initialized for the other modes. zanew(:,:) = 0. ! Changed by m7_nuck if lsnucl=TRUE . !--- 1) Calculate coagulation coefficients: -------------------------- ! IF (lscoag) CALL m7_coaset(kproma, kbdim, klev, paernl, ptp1, & papp1, pm6rp, prhop, zcom ) ! !--- 2) Calculate nucleation rate, number of nucleated particles ------ ! and changes in gas phase sulfate mass. ! IF (lsnucl) CALL m7_nuck(kproma, kbdim, klev, pso4g, & ptp1, prelhum, zanew, za4delt, & ptime ) #ifdef with_budgets pprocess(:,:,1) = zanew ! Nucleations pprocess(:,:,2) = za4delt(:,:,1) ! Sulfate involved in nucleation #endif ! !--- 3) Assign coagulation coefficients (unimodal coagulation)--------- ! and the normalised fraction of particle numbers moved ! between the modes (inter-modal coagulation): ! ! The general equation for dn/dt for each mode is: ! ! dn/dt=-za*n^2 - zb*n + zc ! ! where za=unimodal coagulation coefficient (zcom(mod)) ! zb=inter-modal coagulation with higher modes ! (zcom(mod) * n(jmod+1)) ! zc=particle formation rate ! (=zanew/ztmst if jmod=1, zero for higher modes) ! ! zb is zero when n(jmod+1)=zero, or jmod=naermod ! IF (lscoag) THEN DO jk=1,klev DO jl=1,kproma !--- 3.1) Unimodal coagulation coefficients: !@@@Coag: za(jl,jk,1)=zcom(jl,jk,1,1)/2. ! Unimodal coagulation za(jl,jk,2)=zcom(jl,jk,2,2)/2. ! only allowed for modes za(jl,jk,3)=zcom(jl,jk,3,3)/2. ! 1,2,3 and 5. za(jl,jk,4)=0. za(jl,jk,5)=zcom(jl,jk,5,5)/2. za(jl,jk,6)=0. za(jl,jk,7)=0. ! !--- 3.2) Inter-modal coagulation - soluble modes ! !--- Sum all higher mode coagulation terms for ! soluble modes 1,2,3,4: ! !--- 3.2.1) Mode 1: !--- Number of particles (zbfract1(:,:,x)) that are moved ! from mode 1 to the mode x+1 : ! !@@@ Clumsy! Change to x - also in concoag!!! zbfract1(jl,jk,1)=zcom(jl,jk,2,1)*paernl(jl,jk,2) zbfract1(jl,jk,2)=zcom(jl,jk,3,1)*paernl(jl,jk,3) zbfract1(jl,jk,3)=zcom(jl,jk,4,1)*paernl(jl,jk,4) zbfract1(jl,jk,4)=zcom(jl,jk,5,1)*paernl(jl,jk,5) zbfract1(jl,jk,5)=zcom(jl,jk,6,1)*paernl(jl,jk,6) zbfract1(jl,jk,6)=zcom(jl,jk,7,1)*paernl(jl,jk,7) ! !--- Sum of all particles that are moved from mode 1: ! zb(jl,jk,1)=zbfract1(jl,jk,1)+zbfract1(jl,jk,2)+ & zbfract1(jl,jk,3)+zbfract1(jl,jk,4)+ & zbfract1(jl,jk,5)+zbfract1(jl,jk,6) ! !--- Normalize number of particles by the total number of ! particles moved from mode 1: ! IF (zb(jl,jk,1).GT. EPSILON(zb(jl,jk,1))) THEN zbfract1(jl,jk,1)=zbfract1(jl,jk,1)/zb(jl,jk,1) zbfract1(jl,jk,2)=zbfract1(jl,jk,2)/zb(jl,jk,1) zbfract1(jl,jk,3)=zbfract1(jl,jk,3)/zb(jl,jk,1) zbfract1(jl,jk,4)=zbfract1(jl,jk,4)/zb(jl,jk,1) zbfract1(jl,jk,5)=zbfract1(jl,jk,5)/zb(jl,jk,1) zbfract1(jl,jk,6)=zbfract1(jl,jk,6)/zb(jl,jk,1) END IF ! !--- 3.2.2) Mode 2: ! !--- Number of particles (zbfract1(:,:,x)) that are moved ! from mode 2 to the mode x+1 : ! zbfract2(jl,jk,2)=zcom(jl,jk,3,2)*paernl(jl,jk,3) zbfract2(jl,jk,3)=zcom(jl,jk,4,2)*paernl(jl,jk,4) !zbfract2(jl,jk,4)=zcom(jl,jk,5,2)*paernl(jl,jk,5) zbfract2(jl,jk,4)=0. zbfract2(jl,jk,5)=zcom(jl,jk,6,2)*paernl(jl,jk,6) zbfract2(jl,jk,6)=zcom(jl,jk,7,2)*paernl(jl,jk,7) !--- Sum of all particles that are moved from mode 2: zb(jl,jk,2)=zbfract2(jl,jk,2)+zbfract2(jl,jk,3)+ & zbfract2(jl,jk,4)+zbfract2(jl,jk,5)+ & zbfract2(jl,jk,6) !--- Normalize particle numbers by the total number of ! particles moved from mode 2: IF (zb(jl,jk,2).GT. EPSILON(zb(jl,jk,2))) THEN zbfract2(jl,jk,2)=zbfract2(jl,jk,2)/zb(jl,jk,2) zbfract2(jl,jk,3)=zbfract2(jl,jk,3)/zb(jl,jk,2) zbfract2(jl,jk,4)=zbfract2(jl,jk,4)/zb(jl,jk,2) zbfract2(jl,jk,5)=zbfract2(jl,jk,5)/zb(jl,jk,2) zbfract2(jl,jk,6)=zbfract2(jl,jk,6)/zb(jl,jk,2) END IF !--- 3.2.3) Mode 3 and Mode 4 - considered ineffective: zb(jl,jk,3)=0.0 zb(jl,jk,4)=0.0 ! !--- 3.3) Inter-modal coagulation - insoluble modes ! ! For the insoluble modes coagulation with soluble modes ! is a sink as they are transfered to the corresponding ! mixed/solublemode. Therefore, terms with a lower mode ! number or the same mode number are included. ! (!@@@ There are still some switches for testing.) ! !--- 3.3.1) Mode 5: ! !--- Number of particles (zbfract5(:,:,x)) that are moved ! from mode 5 to the mode x: !@@@ zbfract5(jl,jk,1)= zcom(jl,jk,1,5)*paernl(jl,jk,1) zbfract5(jl,jk,1)=0. zbfract5(jl,jk,2)=zcom(jl,jk,2,5)*paernl(jl,jk,2) zbfract5(jl,jk,3)=zcom(jl,jk,3,5)*paernl(jl,jk,3) !--- Sum of all particles that are moved from mode 5: zb(jl,jk,5)=zbfract5(jl,jk,1)+zbfract5(jl,jk,2)+zbfract5(jl,jk,3) !--- Normalize number of particles by the total number of ! particles moved from mode 5: IF (zb(jl,jk,5).GT. EPSILON(zb(jl,jk,5))) THEN zbfract5(jl,jk,1)=zbfract5(jl,jk,1)/zb(jl,jk,5) zbfract5(jl,jk,2)=zbfract5(jl,jk,2)/zb(jl,jk,5) zbfract5(jl,jk,3)=zbfract5(jl,jk,3)/zb(jl,jk,5) END IF !--- 3.3.2) Mode 6: !--- Number of particles (zbfract6(:,:,x)) that are moved ! from mode 6 to the mode x: !@@@zbfract6(jl,jk,1)=zcom(jl,jk,1,6)*paernl(jl,jk,1) !@@@zbfract6(jl,jk,2)=zcom(jl,jk,2,6)*paernl(jl,jk,2) zbfract6(jl,jk,1)=0. zbfract6(jl,jk,2)=0. !--- Sum of all particles that are moved from mode 6: zb(jl,jk,6)=zbfract6(jl,jk,1)+zbfract6(jl,jk,2) !--- Normalize number of particles by the total number of ! particles moved from mode 6: IF (zb(jl,jk,6).GT. EPSILON(zb(jl,jk,6))) THEN zbfract6(jl,jk,1)=zbfract6(jl,jk,1)/zb(jl,jk,6) zbfract6(jl,jk,2)=zbfract6(jl,jk,2)/zb(jl,jk,6) END IF !--- 3.3.3) Mode 7: !--- Number of particles (zbfract7(:,:,x)) that are moved ! from mode 7 to the mode x: !@@@ zbfract7(jl,jk,1)=zcom(jl,jk,1,7)*paernl(jl,jk,1) !@@@ zbfract7(jl,jk,2)=zcom(jl,jk,2,7)*paernl(jl,jk,2) zbfract7(jl,jk,1)=0. zbfract7(jl,jk,2)=0. !--- Sum of all particles that are moved from mode 7: zb(jl,jk,7)=zbfract7(jl,jk,1)+zbfract7(jl,jk,2) !--- Normalize number of particles by the total number of ! particles moved from mode 7: IF (zb(jl,jk,7).GT. EPSILON(zb(jl,jk,7))) THEN zbfract7(jl,jk,1)=zbfract7(jl,jk,1)/zb(jl,jk,7) zbfract7(jl,jk,2)=zbfract7(jl,jk,2)/zb(jl,jk,7) END IF END DO END DO ! ELSE za(:,:,:) = 0. zb(:,:,:) = 0. zbfract1(:,:,:) = 0. zbfract2(:,:,:) = 0. zbfract5(:,:,:) = 0. zbfract6(:,:,:) = 0. zbfract7(:,:,:) = 0. END IF !(lscoag) ! ! #ifdef with_budgets CALL m7_delcoa(kproma, kbdim, klev, paerml, & paernl, pm6rp, za4delt, zanew, & za, zb, zbfract1, zbfract2, & zbfract5, pso4_5, pso4_6, pso4_7, ptime,pprocess ) #else CALL m7_delcoa(kproma, kbdim, klev, paerml, & paernl, pm6rp, za4delt, zanew, & za, zb, zbfract1, zbfract2, & zbfract5, pso4_5, pso4_6, pso4_7, ptime ) #endif END SUBROUTINE m7_dnum