MODULE p4zsed !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE p4sed *** !! TOP : PISCES Compute loss of organic matter in the sediments !!====================================================================== !! History : 1.0 ! 2004-03 (O. Aumont) Original code !! 2.0 ! 2007-12 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) F90 !! 3.4 ! 2011-06 (C. Ethe) USE of fldread !! 3.5 ! 2012-07 (O. Aumont) improvment of river input of nutrients !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_pisces !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_pisces' PISCES bio-model !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! p4z_sed : Compute loss of organic matter in the sediments !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE oce_trc ! shared variables between ocean and passive tracers USE trc ! passive tracers common variables USE sms_pisces ! PISCES Source Minus Sink variables USE p4zsink ! vertical flux of particulate matter due to sinking USE p4zopt ! optical model USE p4zlim ! Co-limitations of differents nutrients USE p4zsbc ! External source of nutrients USE p4zint ! interpolation and computation of various fields USE iom ! I/O manager USE prtctl_trc ! print control for debugging IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC p4z_sed PUBLIC p4z_sed_alloc !! * Module variables REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: nitrpot !: Nitrogen fixation REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,: ) :: sdenit !: Nitrate reduction in the sediments REAL(wp) :: r1_rday !: inverse of rday !!* Substitution # include "top_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/TOP 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id: p4zsed.F90 9241 2018-01-16 12:59:31Z cetlod $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE p4z_sed( kt, knt ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE p4z_sed *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute loss of organic matter in the sediments. This !! is by no way a sediment model. The loss is simply !! computed to balance the inout from rivers and dust !! !! ** Method : - ??? !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt, knt ! ocean time step INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, ikt #if ! defined key_sed REAL(wp) :: zrivalk, zrivsil, zrivno3 #endif REAL(wp) :: zwflux, zfminus, zfplus REAL(wp) :: zlim, zfact, zfactcal REAL(wp) :: zo2, zno3, zflx, zpdenit, z1pdenit, zolimit REAL(wp) :: zsiloss, zcaloss, zws3, zws4, zwsc, zdep, zwstpoc REAL(wp) :: ztrfer, ztrpo4, zwdust, zlight ! CHARACTER (len=25) :: charout REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,: ) :: zpdep, zsidep, zwork REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,: ) :: zsedcal, zsedsi, zsedc REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,: ) :: zdenit2d, zironice, zbureff REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,: ) :: zwsbio3, zwsbio4, zwscal REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,: ) :: zfesupply, znsupply REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: zirondep, zsoufer !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_start('p4z_sed') ! IF( kt == nittrc000 .AND. knt == 1 ) r1_rday = 1. / rday ! ! Allocate temporary workspace CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, zdenit2d, zbureff, zwork ) CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, zsedcal, zsedsi, zsedc ) CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, zwsbio3, zwsbio4, zwscal ) CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, zfesupply, znsupply ) CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, jpk, zsoufer ) ! zdenit2d (:,:) = 0._wp zbureff (:,:) = 0._wp zsedsi (:,:) = 0._wp zsedcal (:,:) = 0._wp zsedc (:,:) = 0._wp zwork (:,:) = 0._wp !!!!Begin EC-Earth modification for mass conservation of carbon. Author Raffaele Bernardello, January 2019 ! ! We don't get satisfying mass conservation for passive tracers in NEMO. Drift in total mass is of ! the order of a few thousandths/year. Over a long spinup (thousands of years) this results in a drift of ! several points %. After much researching and asking around it seems we are not the only ones with this problem ! however, we haven't been able to find the reason. We need a workaround in order to run the ocean spinup needed for ! CMIP6. Unlike other tracers, DIC does not have a total mass correction available in PISCES ! code. So we are creating one here. Other tracers (NO3, Alk, PO4) are periodically adjusted in total mass to conserve ! the initial amount. This can't be done with DIC because the spun-up state will be used to run transient simulations ! with increase of atmospheric CO2 and consequent ocean uptake. So, the ocean DIC needs to be trully equilibrated. ! ! Here, we compute the total amount of C in the ocean at the beginning of the leg. Then we do the same at the end ! of the leg. Plus, we consider the accumulated air-sea co2 flux, sedimentation of C and Cal, and river input during the leg. ! The change in internal mass has to equal the sum of sink and sources. The residual is used to compute a homogeneous ! global correction to be applied uniformly everywhere to DIC. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! initialize cumulative sedimentation ! IF( kt == nittrc000 ) THEN ! zsedc_cum = 0._wp ! END IF !already initializes in p4zsms.F90 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Iron input/uptake due to sea ice : Crude parameterization based on Lancelot et al. ! ---------------------------------------------------- IF( ln_ironice ) THEN ! CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, zironice ) ! DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi zdep = rfact2 / fse3t(ji,jj,1) zwflux = fmmflx(ji,jj) / 1000._wp zfminus = MIN( 0._wp, -zwflux ) * trb(ji,jj,1,jpfer) * zdep zfplus = MAX( 0._wp, -zwflux ) * icefeinput * zdep zironice(ji,jj) = zfplus + zfminus END DO END DO ! tra(:,:,1,jpfer) = tra(:,:,1,jpfer) + zironice(:,:) ! IF( lk_iomput ) THEN IF( knt == nrdttrc .AND. iom_use( "Ironice" ) ) THEN zwork(:,:) = zironice(:,:) * 1.e+3 * rfact2r * fse3t(:,:,1) * tmask(:,:,1) CALL iom_put( "Ironice", zwork(:,:) ) ! iron flux from ice ENDIF IF( iom_use( "IronSupply" ) ) THEN CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, zfesupply ) zfesupply(:,:) = 0._wp zfesupply(:,:) = zfesupply(:,:) + zironice(:,:) * 1.e+3 * rfact2r * fse3t(:,:,1) * tmask(:,:,1) ENDIF ENDIF ! CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, zironice ) ! ENDIF ! Add the external input of nutrients from dust deposition ! ---------------------------------------------------------- IF( ln_dust ) THEN ! CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, zpdep, zsidep ) CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, jpk, zirondep ) ! ! Iron and Si deposition at the surface IF( ln_solub ) THEN zirondep(:,:,1) = solub(:,:) * dust(:,:) * mfrac * rfact2 / fse3t(:,:,1) / 55.85 + 3.e-10 * r1_ryyss ELSE zirondep(:,:,1) = dustsolub * dust(:,:) * mfrac * rfact2 / fse3t(:,:,1) / 55.85 + 3.e-10 * r1_ryyss ENDIF zsidep(:,:) = 8.8 * 0.075 * dust(:,:) * mfrac * rfact2 / fse3t(:,:,1) / 28.1 zpdep (:,:) = 0.1 * 0.021 * dust(:,:) * mfrac * rfact2 / fse3t(:,:,1) / 31. / po4r ! ! Iron solubilization of particles in the water column ! ! dust in kg/m2/s ---> 1/55.85 to put in mol/Fe ; wdust in m/j zwdust = 0.03 * rday / ( wdust * 55.85 ) / ( 270. * rday ) DO jk = 2, jpkm1 zirondep(:,:,jk) = dust(:,:) * mfrac * zwdust * rfact2 * EXP( -fsdept(:,:,jk) / 540. ) END DO ! ! Iron solubilization of particles in the water column tra(:,:,1,jppo4) = tra(:,:,1,jppo4) + zpdep (:,:) tra(:,:,1,jpsil) = tra(:,:,1,jpsil) + zsidep (:,:) tra(:,:,:,jpfer) = tra(:,:,:,jpfer) + zirondep(:,:,:) ! IF( lk_iomput ) THEN IF( knt == nrdttrc ) THEN IF( iom_use( "Irondep" ) ) THEN zwork(:,:) = zirondep(:,:,1) * 1.e+3 * rfact2r * fse3t(:,:,1) * tmask(:,:,1) CALL iom_put( "Irondep", zwork(:,:) ) ! surface downward dust depo of iron ENDIF IF( iom_use( "pdust" ) ) THEN zwork(:,:) = dust(:,:) / ( wdust * rday ) * tmask(:,:,1) CALL iom_put( "pdust" , zwork(:,:) ) ! dust concentration at surface ENDIF ENDIF IF( iom_use("IronSupply" ) ) & & zfesupply(:,:) = zfesupply(:,:) + zirondep(:,:,1) * 1.e+3 * rfact2r * fse3t(:,:,1) * tmask(:,:,1) ELSE IF( ln_diatrc ) & & trc2d(:,:,jp_pcs0_2d + 11) = zirondep(:,:,1) * 1.e+3 * rfact2r * fse3t(:,:,1) * tmask(:,:,1) ENDIF ! CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, zpdep, zsidep ) CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, jpk, zirondep ) ! ENDIF ! Add the external input of nutrients from river ! ---------------------------------------------------------- IF( ln_river ) THEN DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi DO jk = 1, nk_rnf(ji,jj) tra(ji,jj,jk,jppo4) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jppo4) + rivdip(ji,jj) * rfact2 tra(ji,jj,jk,jpno3) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpno3) + rivdin(ji,jj) * rfact2 tra(ji,jj,jk,jpfer) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpfer) + rivdic(ji,jj) * 5.e-5 * rfact2 tra(ji,jj,jk,jpsil) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpsil) + rivdsi(ji,jj) * rfact2 tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdic) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpdic) + rivdic(ji,jj) * rfact2 tra(ji,jj,jk,jptal) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jptal) + ( rivalk(ji,jj) - rno3 * rivdin(ji,jj) ) * rfact2 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! IF( lk_iomput ) THEN ! IF( iom_use("IronSupply" ) ) & & zfesupply(:,:) = zfesupply(:,:) + rivdic(:,:) * 5.e-5 * rfact2 * tmask(:,:,1) ! IF( iom_use("NitrSupply" ) ) THEN CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, znsupply ) znsupply(:,:) = 0._wp znsupply(:,:) = znsupply(:,:) + rivdin(:,:) * rfact2 * tmask(:,:,1) ENDIF ! IF( knt == nrdttrc ) THEN IF( iom_use( "rivDIC" ) ) CALL iom_put( "rivDIC" , rivdic(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) ) IF( iom_use( "rivTAlk" ) ) CALL iom_put( "rivTAlk", rivalk(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) ) IF( iom_use( "rivNO3" ) ) CALL iom_put( "rivNO3" , rivdin(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) ) IF( iom_use( "rivPO4" ) ) CALL iom_put( "rivPO4" , rivdip(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) ) IF( iom_use( "rivIron" ) ) CALL iom_put( "rivIron", rivdic(:,:) * 5.e-5 * tmask(:,:,1) ) IF( iom_use( "rivSi" ) ) CALL iom_put( "rivSi" , rivdsi(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) ) ENDIF ENDIF ! ENDIF !!!!Begin EC-Earth modification for mass conservation of carbon. Author Raffaele Bernardello, April 2019 ! !keep track of actual amount of dic coming from rivers riverdicsum=riverdicsum+glob_sum(rivdic(:,:)*e1e2t(:,:)*h_rnf(:,:))*1.E3*rfact2 !!!!End of EC-Earth modification ! Add the external input of nutrients from nitrogen deposition ! ---------------------------------------------------------- IF( ln_ndepo ) THEN tra(:,:,1,jpno3) = tra(:,:,1,jpno3) + nitdep(:,:) * rfact2 tra(:,:,1,jptal) = tra(:,:,1,jptal) - rno3 * nitdep(:,:) * rfact2 ! IF( iom_use( "NitrSupply" ) ) & & znsupply(:,:) = znsupply(:,:) + nitdep(:,:) * rfact2 ! ENDIF ! Add the external input of iron from sediment mobilization ! ------------------------------------------------------ IF( ln_ironsed ) THEN tra(:,:,:,jpfer) = tra(:,:,:,jpfer) + ironsed(:,:,:) * rfact2 ! IF( lk_iomput .AND. knt == nrdttrc .AND. iom_use( "Ironsed" ) ) & & CALL iom_put( "Ironsed", ironsed(:,:,:) * 1.e+3 * tmask(:,:,:) ) ! iron inputs from sediments ! IF( iom_use( "IronSupply" ) ) THEN DO jk = 1, jpkm1 zfesupply(:,:) = zfesupply(:,:) + ironsed(:,:,jk) * 1.e+3 * tmask(:,:,jk) * fse3t(:,:,jk) ENDDO ENDIF ! ENDIF ! Add the external input of iron from hydrothermal vents ! ------------------------------------------------------ IF( ln_hydrofe ) THEN tra(:,:,:,jpfer) = tra(:,:,:,jpfer) + hydrofe(:,:,:) * rfact2 ! IF( lk_iomput .AND. knt == nrdttrc .AND. iom_use( "HYDR" ) ) & & CALL iom_put( "HYDR", hydrofe(:,:,:) * 1.e+3 * tmask(:,:,:) ) ! hydrothermal iron input ! IF( iom_use( "IronSupply" ) ) THEN DO jk = 1, jpkm1 zfesupply(:,:) = zfesupply(:,:) + hydrofe(:,:,jk) * 1.e+3 * tmask(:,:,jk) * fse3t(:,:,jk) ENDDO ENDIF ! ENDIF ! OA: Warning, the following part is necessary, especially with Kriest ! to avoid CFL problems above the sediments ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi ikt = mbkt(ji,jj) zdep = fse3t(ji,jj,ikt) / xstep zwsbio4(ji,jj) = MIN( 0.99 * zdep, wsbio4(ji,jj,ikt) ) zwscal (ji,jj) = MIN( 0.99 * zdep, wscal (ji,jj,ikt) ) zwsbio3(ji,jj) = MIN( 0.99 * zdep, wsbio3(ji,jj,ikt) ) END DO END DO #if ! defined key_sed ! Computation of the sediment denitrification proportion: The metamodel from midlleburg (2006) is being used ! Computation of the fraction of organic matter that is permanently buried from Dunne's model ! ------------------------------------------------------- DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi IF( tmask(ji,jj,1) == 1 ) THEN ikt = mbkt(ji,jj) # if defined key_kriest zflx = trb(ji,jj,ikt,jppoc) * zwsbio3(ji,jj) * 1E3 * 1E6 / 1E4 # else zflx = ( trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpgoc) * zwsbio4(ji,jj) & & + trb(ji,jj,ikt,jppoc) * zwsbio3(ji,jj) ) * 1E3 * 1E6 / 1E4 #endif zflx = LOG10( MAX( 1E-3, zflx ) ) zo2 = LOG10( MAX( 10. , trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpoxy) * 1E6 ) ) zno3 = LOG10( MAX( 1. , trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpno3) * 1E6 * rno3 ) ) zdep = LOG10( fsdepw(ji,jj,ikt+1) ) zdenit2d(ji,jj) = -2.2567 - 1.185 * zflx - 0.221 * zflx**2 - 0.3995 * zno3 * zo2 + 1.25 * zno3 & & + 0.4721 * zo2 - 0.0996 * zdep + 0.4256 * zflx * zo2 zdenit2d(ji,jj) = 10.0**( zdenit2d(ji,jj) ) ! zflx = ( trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpgoc) * zwsbio4(ji,jj) & & + trb(ji,jj,ikt,jppoc) * zwsbio3(ji,jj) ) * 1E6 zbureff(ji,jj) = 0.013 + 0.53 * zflx**2 / ( 7.0 + zflx )**2 ENDIF END DO END DO #endif ! This loss is scaled at each bottom grid cell for equilibrating the total budget of silica in the ocean. ! Thus, the amount of silica lost in the sediments equal the supply at the surface (dust+rivers) ! ------------------------------------------------------ #if ! defined key_sed zrivsil = 1._wp - sedsilfrac #endif DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi ikt = mbkt(ji,jj) zdep = xstep / fse3t(ji,jj,ikt) zws4 = zwsbio4(ji,jj) * zdep zwsc = zwscal (ji,jj) * zdep # if defined key_kriest zsiloss = trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpgsi) * zws4 # else zsiloss = trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpgsi) * zwsc # endif zcaloss = trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpcal) * zwsc ! tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpgsi) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpgsi) - zsiloss tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpcal) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpcal) - zcaloss #if ! defined key_sed tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpsil) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpsil) + zsiloss * zrivsil ! Loss of biogenic silicon, Caco3 organic carbon in the sediments. ! The factor for calcite comes from the alkalinity effect ! ------------------------------------------------------------- zfactcal = MIN( excess(ji,jj,ikt), 0.2 ) zfactcal = MIN( 1., 1.3 * ( 0.2 - zfactcal ) / ( 0.4 - zfactcal ) ) zrivalk = sedcalfrac * zfactcal tra(ji,jj,ikt,jptal) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jptal) + zcaloss * zrivalk * 2.0 tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpdic) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpdic) + zcaloss * zrivalk zsedcal(ji,jj) = (1.0 - zrivalk) * zcaloss * fse3t(ji,jj,ikt) zsedsi (ji,jj) = (1.0 - zrivsil) * zsiloss * fse3t(ji,jj,ikt) #endif END DO END DO DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi ikt = mbkt(ji,jj) zdep = xstep / fse3t(ji,jj,ikt) zws4 = zwsbio4(ji,jj) * zdep zws3 = zwsbio3(ji,jj) * zdep zrivno3 = 1. - zbureff(ji,jj) # if ! defined key_kriest tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpgoc) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpgoc) - trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpgoc) * zws4 tra(ji,jj,ikt,jppoc) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jppoc) - trb(ji,jj,ikt,jppoc) * zws3 tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpbfe) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpbfe) - trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpbfe) * zws4 tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpsfe) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpsfe) - trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpsfe) * zws3 zwstpoc = trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpgoc) * zws4 + trb(ji,jj,ikt,jppoc) * zws3 # else tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpnum) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpnum) - trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpnum) * zws4 tra(ji,jj,ikt,jppoc) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jppoc) - trb(ji,jj,ikt,jppoc) * zws3 tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpsfe) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpsfe) - trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpsfe) * zws3 zwstpoc = trb(ji,jj,ikt,jppoc) * zws3 # endif #if ! defined key_sed ! The 0.5 factor in zpdenit is to avoid negative NO3 concentration after ! denitrification in the sediments. Not very clever, but simpliest option. zpdenit = MIN( 0.5 * ( trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpno3) - rtrn ) / rdenit, & zdenit2d(ji,jj) * zwstpoc * zrivno3 ) z1pdenit = zwstpoc * zrivno3 - zpdenit zolimit = MIN( ( trb(ji,jj,ikt,jpoxy) - rtrn ) / o2ut, z1pdenit * ( 1.- nitrfac(ji,jj,ikt) ) ) tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpdoc) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpdoc) + z1pdenit - zolimit tra(ji,jj,ikt,jppo4) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jppo4) + zpdenit + zolimit tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpnh4) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpnh4) + zpdenit + zolimit tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpno3) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpno3) - rdenit * zpdenit tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpoxy) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpoxy) - zolimit * o2ut tra(ji,jj,ikt,jptal) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jptal) + rno3 * (zolimit + (1.+rdenit) * zpdenit ) tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpdic) = tra(ji,jj,ikt,jpdic) + zpdenit + zolimit sdenit(ji,jj) = rdenit * zpdenit * fse3t(ji,jj,ikt) zsedc(ji,jj) = (1. - zrivno3) * zwstpoc * fse3t(ji,jj,ikt) #endif END DO END DO ! EC-Earth C mass conservation correction ! cumulate sedimentation zsedc_cum = zsedc_cum + glob_sum( (zsedc(:,:) + zsedcal(:,:) ) * 1.E3 * e1e2t(:,:) * tmask(:,:,ikt) ) ! mol C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Nitrogen fixation process ! Small source iron from particulate inorganic iron !----------------------------------- DO jk = 1, jpkm1 DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi ! ! Potential nitrogen fixation dependant on temperature and iron zlim = ( 1.- xnanono3(ji,jj,jk) - xnanonh4(ji,jj,jk) ) IF( zlim <= 0.2 ) zlim = 0.01 #if defined key_degrad zfact = zlim * rfact2 * facvol(ji,jj,jk) #else zfact = zlim * rfact2 #endif ztrfer = biron(ji,jj,jk) / ( concfediaz + biron(ji,jj,jk) ) ztrpo4 = trb (ji,jj,jk,jppo4) / ( concnnh4 + trb (ji,jj,jk,jppo4) ) zlight = ( 1.- EXP( -etot_ndcy(ji,jj,jk) / diazolight ) ) nitrpot(ji,jj,jk) = MAX( 0.e0, ( 0.6 * tgfunc(ji,jj,jk) - 2.15 ) * r1_rday ) & & * zfact * MIN( ztrfer, ztrpo4 ) * zlight zsoufer(ji,jj,jk) = zlight * 2E-11 / (2E-11 + biron(ji,jj,jk)) END DO END DO END DO ! Nitrogen change due to nitrogen fixation ! ---------------------------------------- DO jk = 1, jpkm1 DO jj = 1, jpj DO ji = 1, jpi zfact = nitrpot(ji,jj,jk) * nitrfix tra(ji,jj,jk,jpnh4) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpnh4) + zfact tra(ji,jj,jk,jptal) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jptal) + rno3 * zfact tra(ji,jj,jk,jpoxy) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpoxy) + o2nit * zfact tra(ji,jj,jk,jppo4) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jppo4) + concdnh4 / ( concdnh4 + trb(ji,jj,jk,jppo4) ) & & * 0.002 * trb(ji,jj,jk,jpdoc) * xstep tra(ji,jj,jk,jpfer) = tra(ji,jj,jk,jpfer) + 0.002 * 4E-10 * zsoufer(ji,jj,jk) * xstep END DO END DO END DO IF( iom_use( "IronSupply" ) ) THEN DO jk = 1, jpkm1 zfesupply(:,:) = zfesupply(:,:) + 0.002 * 4E-10 * zsoufer(:,:,jk) * xstep * fse3t(:,:,jk) ENDDO ENDIF IF( lk_iomput ) THEN IF( knt == nrdttrc ) THEN zfact = 1.e+3 * rfact2r ! conversion from molC/l/kt to molC/m3/s IF( iom_use("Nfix" ) ) & & CALL iom_put( "Nfix", nitrpot(:,:,:) * nitrfix * rno3 * zfact * tmask(:,:,:) ) ! nitrogen fixation ! IF( iom_use("INTNFIX") ) THEN ! nitrogen fixation rate in ocean ( vertically integrated ) zwork(:,:) = 0. DO jk = 1, jpkm1 zwork(:,:) = zwork(:,:) + nitrpot(:,:,jk) * nitrfix * rno3 * zfact * fse3t(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) ENDDO CALL iom_put( "INTNFIX", zwork ) ENDIF ! IF( iom_use("NitrSupply") ) THEN ! nitrogen fixation rate in ocean ( vertically integrated ) DO jk = 1, jpkm1 znsupply(:,:) = znsupply(:,:) + nitrpot(:,:,jk) * nitrfix * rno3 * zfact * fse3t(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) ENDDO CALL iom_put( "NitrSupply", znsupply(:,:) ) CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, znsupply ) ENDIF IF( iom_use( "IronSupply" ) ) THEN CALL iom_put( "IronSupply", zfesupply(:,:) ) CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, zfesupply ) ENDIF IF( iom_use( "SedCal" ) ) CALL iom_put( "SedCal" , zsedcal(:,:) * zfact ) IF( iom_use( "SedSi" ) ) CALL iom_put( "SedSi" , zsedsi (:,:) * zfact ) IF( iom_use( "SedC" ) ) CALL iom_put( "SedC" , zsedc (:,:) * zfact ) IF( iom_use( "Sdenit" ) ) CALL iom_put( "Sdenit" , sdenit (:,:) * rno3 * zfact ) ENDIF ELSE IF( ln_diatrc ) THEN zfact = 1.e+3 * rfact2r ! conversion from molC/l/kt to molC/m3/s trc2d(:,:,jp_pcs0_2d + 12) = nitrpot(:,:,1) * nitrfix * rno3 * zfact * fse3t(:,:,1) * tmask(:,:,1) ENDIF ENDIF ! IF(ln_ctl) THEN ! print mean trends (USEd for debugging) WRITE(charout, fmt="('sed ')") CALL prt_ctl_trc_info(charout) CALL prt_ctl_trc(tab4d=tra, mask=tmask, clinfo=ctrcnm) ENDIF ! CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, zdenit2d, zbureff, zwork ) CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, zsedcal , zsedsi , zsedc ) CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, zwsbio3 , zwsbio4, zwscal ) CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, jpk, zsoufer ) ! IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('p4z_sed') ! 9100 FORMAT(i8,3f10.5) ! END SUBROUTINE p4z_sed INTEGER FUNCTION p4z_sed_alloc() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE p4z_sed_alloc *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE( nitrpot(jpi,jpj,jpk), sdenit(jpi,jpj), STAT=p4z_sed_alloc ) ! IF( p4z_sed_alloc /= 0 ) CALL ctl_warn('p4z_sed_alloc: failed to allocate arrays') ! END FUNCTION p4z_sed_alloc #else !!====================================================================== !! Dummy module : No PISCES bio-model !!====================================================================== CONTAINS SUBROUTINE p4z_sed ! Empty routine END SUBROUTINE p4z_sed #endif !!====================================================================== END MODULE p4zsed