#!/bin/bash #PBS -q hpc #PBS -N run_ece3 #PBS -l select=10 ####PBS -l select=9:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36 # IFS+NEMO+OASIS+RUNOFF-map: 4+3+1+1 nodes #PBS -l place=scatter #PBS -l walltime=4:00:00 #PBS -j oe #PBS -o out/run_ece3.out.001 ################################################################################# # HOW-TO: # # - copy this template into your rundir/classic dir: # # cp dmi-hpcdev.job.tmpl ../run_ece-esm.job # # - set #PBS -l select=Total number of nodes used in the config-run.xml, in # # the same order as the executables in the "launch" command of the # # script to submit. An example for 4 models of the GCM: # # 1 XIOS core, 3 x 36 NEMO cores, 1 RUNOFF core, 6 x 36 IFS cores # # - set #PBS -o (name of the log file) to the path/name you want # # - replace "./script.sh" below with the script to run. For a GCM run it is: # ./ece-esm.sh # # # - submit this script: # # qsub hpcdev.job # ###################### IMPORTANT ################################################ # If you change the name of this script, you need to set the #PBS -N directive # # to the name of this script for automatic resubmission to work. Remember that # # name cannot be longer than 15 letters. # ################################################################################# cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR mkdir -p out ./script.sh exit