! First include the set of model-wide compiler flags #include "tm5.inc" Module MTM5Data ! ! This module defines the structure to store the instantaneous TM5 fields needed by DOMINO ! implicit none private public :: TTM5Data ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! structure containing TM5 fields at the time of the observations ! note: fields are 3D and not 4D like in the TM5 output files ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! im,jm,lm : dimensions of the 3D TM5 fields (lon,lat,lev) ! lon : longitude, degree east, dimension "im" ! lat : latitude, degree north, dimension "jm" ! hyai : hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces, unit Pa, dimension "lm+1" ! hybi : hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces, unit 1, dimension "lm+1" ! hyam : hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints, unit Pa, dimension "lm" ! hybm : hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints, unit 1, dimension "lm" ! date : date-time of the fields: year, month, day, hour, minute, second ! ps : surface pressure, unit "Pa", dimension ("im","jm") ! oro : surface altitude of TM5 grid, unit "m", dimension ("im","jm") ! based on ECMWF interpolated orography field ! t : temperature, unit "K", dimension ("im","jm","lm") ! no2 : volume mixing ratio of NO2 in humid air, unit "1", dimension ("im","jm","lm") type TTM5Data integer :: im, jm, lm real,dimension(:),allocatable :: lon real,dimension(:),allocatable :: lat real,dimension(:),allocatable :: hyai real,dimension(:),allocatable :: hybi real,dimension(:),allocatable :: hyam real,dimension(:),allocatable :: hybm integer,dimension(6) :: date real,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: ps real,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: oro real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: t integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: ltropo real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: no2 end type TTM5Data end Module MTM5Data