!############################################################################### ! #define TRACEBACK write (gol,'("in ",a," (",a,", line",i5,")")') rname, __FILE__, __LINE__; call goErr ! #define IF_NOTOK_RETURN(action) if (status/=0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if #define IF_ERROR_RETURN(action) if (status >0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if ! #include "tmm.inc" ! !############################################################################### module tmm_mf use GO , only : gol, goErr, goPr, goBug use GO , only : TDate use Grid, only : TllGridInfo, TggGridInfo, TshGridInfo, TshGrid, TLevelInfo #ifdef with_tmm_tmpp use tmm_mf_tmpp , only : TMeteoFile_tmpp #endif #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 use tmm_mf_tm5_nc , only : TMeteoFile_tm5_nc #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ecmwf use tmm_mf_ecmwf_tmpp, only : TMeteoFile_ecmwf_tmpp use tmm_mf_ecmwf_tm5 , only : TMeteoFile_ecmwf_tm5 #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ncep use tmm_mf_ncep_cdc , only : TMeteoFile_ncep_cdc use tmm_mf_ncep_gfs , only : TMeteoFile_ncep_gfs #endif #ifdef with_prism use tmm_mf_prism , only : TMeteoFile_prism #endif #ifdef with_tmm_msc use tmm_mf_msc , only : TMeteoFile_msc #endif implicit none ! --- in/out ------------------------------------- private public :: TMeteoFile public :: Init, Done public :: Opened, CheckTime, CheckParam public :: SetupInput public :: ReadRecord public :: SetupOutput public :: WriteRecord ! --- const --------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: mname = 'tmm_mf' ! --- types -------------------------------------- type TMeteoFile ! opened yet ? logical :: opened character(len=1) :: io = '' ! meteo archive keys: character(len=256) :: dir = '' character(len=256) :: archivekey = '' ! parameter keys for fields in this file character(len=256) :: paramkeys = '' ! time range for which file is valid type(TDate) :: t1, t2 ! ! access to current meteo file ! character(len=10) :: filetype = '' character(len=256) :: filename = '' character(len=256) :: spm_filename = '' #ifdef with_tmm_tmpp type(TMeteoFile_tmpp) :: mf_tmpp ! tmpp written hdf file #endif #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 type(TMeteoFile_tm5_nc) :: mf_tm5_nc ! tm5 written netcdf file #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ecmwf type(TMeteoFile_ecmwf_tmpp) :: mf_ecmwf_tmpp ! grib file retrieved with tmpp type(TMeteoFile_ecmwf_tm5) :: mf_ecmwf_tm5 ! grib file retrieved with tm5 #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ncep type(TMeteoFile_ncep_cdc) :: mf_ncep_cdc ! ncep file from cdc archive type(TMeteoFile_ncep_gfs) :: mf_ncep_gfs ! ncep gfs file #endif #ifdef with_prism type(TMeteoFile_prism) :: mf_prism ! prism file #endif #ifdef with_tmm_msc type(TMeteoFile_msc) :: mf_msc ! msc file #endif end type TMeteoFile ! --- interfaces ------------------------------- interface Init module procedure mf_Init end interface interface Done module procedure mf_Done end interface interface Opened module procedure mf_Opened end interface interface CheckTime module procedure mf_CheckTime end interface interface CheckParam module procedure mf_CheckParam end interface interface SetupInput module procedure mf_SetupInput end interface interface ReadRecord module procedure mf_ReadRecord end interface ! interface ReadEqvLatStuff ! module procedure mf_ReadEqvLatStuff ! end interface interface SetupOutput module procedure mf_SetupOutput end interface interface WriteRecord module procedure mf_WriteRecord_2d module procedure mf_WriteRecord_3d end interface contains ! =========================================================== ! ! init/done ! ! =========================================================== subroutine mf_Init( mf, io, status ) ! --- begin ------------------------------------------- type(TMeteoFile), intent(out) :: mf character(len=1), intent(in) :: io integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/mf_Init' ! --- begin ------------------------------------------- ! input or output ? mf%io = io ! file not opened yet mf%opened = .false. ! ok status = 0 end subroutine mf_Init ! *** subroutine mf_Done( mf, status ) use GO, only : goSystem use Grid, only : Done #ifdef with_tmm_tmpp use tmm_mf_tmpp , only : Done #endif #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 use tmm_mf_tm5_nc , only : Done #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ecmwf use tmm_mf_ecmwf_tmpp, only : Done use tmm_mf_ecmwf_tm5 , only : Done #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ncep use tmm_mf_ncep_cdc , only : Done use tmm_mf_ncep_gfs , only : Done #endif #ifdef with_prism use tmm_mf_prism , only : Done #endif #ifdef with_tmm_msc use tmm_mf_msc , only : Done #endif ! --- begin ------------------------------------------- type(TMeteoFile), intent(inout) :: mf integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/mf_Done' ! --- begin ------------------------------------------- ! close file if necessary if ( mf%opened ) then select case ( mf%filetype ) #ifdef with_tmm_tmpp case ( 'tmpp' ) call Done( mf%mf_tmpp, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 case ( 'tm5-nc' ) call Done( mf%mf_tm5_nc, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ecmwf case ( 'ecmwf-tmpp' ) call Done( mf%mf_ecmwf_tmpp, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) case ( 'ecmwf-tm5' ) call Done( mf%mf_ecmwf_tm5, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ncep case ( 'ncep-cdc' ) call Done( mf%mf_ncep_cdc, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) case ( 'ncep-gfs' ) call Done( mf%mf_ncep_gfs, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_prism case ( 'prism' ) call Done( mf%mf_prism, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_msc case ( 'msc-data' ) call Done( mf%mf_msc, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif case default write (gol,'("unsupported filetype `",a,"`")') trim(mf%filetype); call goErr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end select mf%opened = .false. end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine mf_Done ! *** logical function mf_Opened( mf ) ! --- begin ------------------------------------------- type(TMeteoFile), intent(in) :: mf ! --- begin ------------------------------------------- mf_Opened = mf%opened end function mf_Opened ! =========================================================== ! ! check contents of open meteo file ! ! =========================================================== ! Check time in meteo file; ! status: ! <0 : mf does not include [t1,t2] ! 0 : mf includes [t,t2] ! >0 : error; mf not open ? ! subroutine mf_CheckTime( mf, t1, t2, status ) use GO, only : TDate, IncrDate, wrtgol, IsAnyDate use GO, only : operator(+), operator(-), operator(==), operator(<), operator(<=) ! --- begin ------------------------------------------- type(TMeteoFile), intent(in) :: mf type(TDate), intent(in) :: t1, t2 integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/mf_CheckTime' ! --- begin ------------------------------------------- ! not open ? if ( .not. Opened(mf) ) then write (gol,'("meteo file not opened")'); call goErr TRACEBACK; status = 1; return end if ! trap any date: if ( IsAnyDate(t1) .and. IsAnyDate(t2) ) then status = 0; return end if ! [t1,t2] is either: ! covered by mf -> status = 0 ! older than mf -> status = -2 ! newer than mf -> status = -1 ! error ... (half in, half outside mf) ! seperate tests for intervals and instant time: if ( t1 == t2 ) then ! instant time if ( ( (mf%t1 <= t1) .and. (t1 <= mf%t2) ) ) then status = 0; return else if ( t1 < mf%t1 ) then status = -2; return else if ( mf%t2 <= t1 ) then status = -1; return else write (gol,'("requested instant time t1 (=t2) overlaps part of mf time:")'); call goErr call wrtgol( ' t1 : ', t1 ); call goErr call wrtgol( ' t2 : ', t2 ); call goErr call wrtgol( ' mf%t1 : ', mf%t1 ); call goErr call wrtgol( ' mf%t2 : ', mf%t2 ); call goErr write (gol,'(" params : ",a)') trim(mf%paramkeys); call goErr TRACEBACK; status = 1; return end if else if ( t1 < t2 ) then ! interval ! extra: [t1,t2] is covered by mf%(t1,t2) ... if ( ( (mf%t1 <= t1) .and. (t2 <= mf%t2 ) ) .or. & ( (mf%t1-IncrDate(mili=1) <= t1) .and. (t2 <= mf%t2+IncrDate(mili=1)) ) ) then status = 0; return else if ( t2 <= mf%t1 ) then ! request for field older than those in file status = -2; return else if ( mf%t2 <= t1 ) then ! request for field newer than those in file status = -1; return else write (gol,'("requested interval [t1,t2] overlaps part of mf time:")'); call goErr call wrtgol( ' t1 : ', t1 ); call goErr call wrtgol( ' t2 : ', t2 ); call goErr call wrtgol( ' mf%t1 : ', mf%t1 ); call goErr call wrtgol( ' mf%t2 : ', mf%t2 ); call goErr write (gol,'(" params : ",a)') trim(mf%paramkeys); call goErr TRACEBACK; status = 1; return end if else write (gol,'("arguments should specify an instant time or valid interval :")'); call goErr call wrtgol( ' t1 : ', t1 ); call goErr call wrtgol( ' t2 : ', t2 ); call goErr TRACEBACK; status = 1; return end if ! something wrong if this point is reached ... status = 1 end subroutine mf_CheckTime ! *** ! Check if param is included in meteo file; ! status: ! <0 : mf does not include param ! 0 : mf includes param ! >0 : error; mf not open ? ! subroutine mf_CheckParam( mf, io, archivekey, paramkey, status ) use GO, only : goLoCase ! --- begin ------------------------------------------- type(TMeteoFile), intent(in) :: mf character(len=*), intent(in) :: io character(len=*), intent(in) :: archivekey character(len=*), intent(in) :: paramkey integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/mf_CheckParam' ! --- local -------------------------------------------- integer :: pos ! --- begin ------------------------------------------- ! not open ? if ( .not. Opened(mf) ) then write (gol,'("meteo file not opened")'); call goErr TRACEBACK; status = 1; return end if ! by default not found .. status = -1 ! wrong input/output ? then leave: if ( io /= mf%io ) return ! wrong grid ? then leave if ( archivekey /= mf%archivekey ) return ! param list is for example: '-ps-pu-pv-', ! thus search for example for '-pu-' ... ! convert all to lowercase pos = index( goLoCase(trim(mf%paramkeys)), '-'//goLoCase(trim(paramkey))//'-' ) if ( pos < 1 ) return ! ok status = 0 end subroutine mf_CheckParam ! =========================================================== ! ! open meteo file for input ! ! =========================================================== ! ! Open the meteo file that contains the field specified by ! archivekey, parameter key, time, ! or do nothing if the requested file has been opened already. ! ! = : ! ! tmpp:od-fc-ml60-glb3x2 ! tmppS:od-fc-ml60-glb3x2 ! grib:od-fc-ml60-glb3x2 ! prism: ! subroutine mf_SetupInput( mf, archivekey, paramkey, tday, t1, t2, & rcfilename, dir, status ) use GO, only : goSplitLine, goReadFromLine use GO, only : goSystem use GO, only : TrcFile, Init, Done, ReadRc use GO, only : TDate, IncrDate, Get, NewDate, wrtgol, & Operator(+), Operator(-), Operator(/) #ifdef with_tmm_tmpp use tmm_mf_tmpp , only : Init, Get #endif #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 use tmm_mf_tm5_nc , only : Init, Get #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ecmwf use tmm_mf_ecmwf_tmpp, only : Init, Get use tmm_mf_ecmwf_tm5 , only : Init, Get #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ncep use tmm_mf_ncep_cdc , only : Init, Get use tmm_mf_ncep_gfs , only : Init, Get #endif #ifdef with_prism use tmm_mf_prism , only : Init #endif #ifdef with_tmm_msc use tmm_mf_msc , only : Init, Get #endif ! --- in/out ------------------------------------- type(TMeteoFile), intent(inout) :: mf character(len=*), intent(in) :: archivekey character(len=*), intent(in) :: paramkey type(TDate), intent(in) :: tday, t1, t2 character(len=*), intent(in) :: rcfilename character(len=*), intent(in) :: dir integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/mf_SetupInput' ! name of info file: character(len=*), parameter :: infofilename = 'tmm_info.rc' ! --- local ------------------------------------- character(len=10) :: archivetype character(len=256) :: archivename character(len=256) :: command integer :: year1, month1, day1, hour1 integer :: year2, month2, day2, hour2 integer :: dth type(TrcFile) :: infofile character(len=256) :: archivename2 character(len=10) :: mclass character(len=10) :: mtype character(len=10) :: mlevs character(len=10) :: mgrid character(len=10) :: filekey character(len=16) :: treskey logical :: with_spm logical :: constant ! --- begin ------------------------------------- ! store archive key: mf%archivekey = trim(archivekey) mf%dir = trim(dir) ! split archive key in type and name: call goSplitLine( archivekey, archivetype, ':', archivename, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! usually, meteo is storred in file; ! for PRISM project, meteo is in the memory ... select case ( archivetype ) #ifdef with_tmm_tmpp ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! hdf files written by tmpp ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case ( 'tmpp' ) ! wich of the 'mf%mf_???' is used ? mf%filetype = 'tmpp' ! setup file: call Init( mf%mf_tmpp, 'i', dir, archivename, paramkey, & tday, t1, t2, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! store filename: mf%filename = mf%mf_tmpp%fname ! extract time range: call Get( mf%mf_tmpp, status, trange1=mf%t1, trange2=mf%t2 ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! extract paramkeys for fields in file: call Get( mf%mf_tmpp, status, paramkeys=mf%paramkeys ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! netcdf files written by tm5 ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case ( 'tm5-nc' ) ! wich of the 'mf%mf_???' is used ? mf%filetype = 'tm5-nc' ! setup file: call Init( mf%mf_tm5_nc, 'i', dir, archivename//';form='//trim(archivetype), paramkey, & tday, t1, t2, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! store filename: mf%filename = mf%mf_tm5_nc%fname ! extract time range: call Get( mf%mf_tm5_nc, status, trange1=mf%t1, trange2=mf%t2 ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! extract paramkeys for fields in file: call Get( mf%mf_tm5_nc, status, paramkeys=mf%paramkeys ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ecmwf ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ecmwf grib files ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case ( 'ecmwf-tmpp' ) ! wich of the 'mf%mf_???' is used ? mf%filetype = 'ecmwf-tmpp' ! setup file: call Init( mf%mf_ecmwf_tmpp, dir, archivename, paramkey, & tday, t1, t2, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! store filename: mf%filename = mf%mf_ecmwf_tmpp%fname ! extract time range: call Get( mf%mf_ecmwf_tmpp, status, trange1=mf%t1, trange2=mf%t2 ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! extract list of parameters in files: call Get( mf%mf_ecmwf_tmpp, status, paramkeys=mf%paramkeys ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) case ( 'ecmwf-tm5' ) ! wich of the 'mf%mf_???' is used ? mf%filetype = 'ecmwf-tm5' ! setup file: call Init( mf%mf_ecmwf_tm5, dir, trim(archivename), paramkey, & tday, t1, t2, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! store filename: mf%filename = mf%mf_ecmwf_tm5%fname ! extract time range: call Get( mf%mf_ecmwf_tm5, status, trange1=mf%t1, trange2=mf%t2 ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! extract list of parameters in files: call Get( mf%mf_ecmwf_tm5, status, paramkeys=mf%paramkeys ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ncep ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ncep files ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case ( 'ncep-cdc' ) ! wich of the 'mf%mf_???' is used ? mf%filetype = 'ncep-cdc' ! setup file: call Init( mf%mf_ncep_cdc, dir, archivename, paramkey, & tday, t1, t2, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! store filename: mf%filename = mf%mf_ncep_cdc%fname ! extract time range: call Get( mf%mf_ncep_cdc, status, trange1=mf%t1, trange2=mf%t2 ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! extract list of parameters in files: call Get( mf%mf_ncep_cdc, status, paramkeys=mf%paramkeys ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) case ( 'ncep-gfs' ) ! wich of the 'mf%mf_???' is used ? mf%filetype = 'ncep-gfs' ! setup file: call Init( mf%mf_ncep_gfs, dir, archivename, paramkey, & tday, t1, t2, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! store filename: mf%filename = mf%mf_ncep_gfs%fname ! extract time range: call Get( mf%mf_ncep_gfs, status, trange1=mf%t1, trange2=mf%t2 ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! extract list of parameters in files: call Get( mf%mf_ncep_gfs, status, paramkeys=mf%paramkeys ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_msc ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! msc-data text files ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case ( 'msc-data' ) ! wich of the 'mf%mf_???' is used ? mf%filetype = 'msc-data' ! setup file: call Init( mf%mf_msc, dir, archivename, paramkey, & tday, t1, t2, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! store filename: mf%filename = mf%mf_msc%fname ! extract time range: call Get( mf%mf_msc, status, trange1=mf%t1, trange2=mf%t2 ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! extract which fields are stored in the file: call Get( mf%mf_msc, status, paramkeys=mf%paramkeys ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_prism ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! prism meteo in memory ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case ( 'prism' ) ! only the requested parameter is provided by this prism 'file' ... mf%paramkeys = '-'//trim(paramkey)//'-' ! infinite time range ... mf%t1 = NewDate( year=1900, month=1, day=1, hour=1 ) mf%t2 = NewDate( year=9999, month=9, day=9, hour=9 ) !call wrtgol( ' fields valid from : ', mf%t1 ) !call wrtgol( ' to : ', mf%t2 ) ! set file type and file name: mf%filetype = 'prism' mf%filename = 'dummy' ! setup prism access; ! tday is used for orography date ! (adhoc solution; at the moment only [t1,t2] is provided to ReadRecord ! but this should become tday, [t1,t2] ) call Init( mf%mf_prism, tday, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! error ... ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case default write (gol,'("unsupported archivetype `",a,"`")') trim(archivetype); call goErr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end select ! file is opened (or, at least file name is known) mf%opened = .true. ! ok status = 0 end subroutine mf_SetupInput ! =========================================================== ! ! read fields, grid definition, etc ! ! =========================================================== subroutine mf_ReadRecord( mf, paramkey, unit, tday, t1, t2, nuv, nw, & gridtype, levi, & lli, ll, sp_ll, & ggi, gg, sp_gg, & shi, sh, lnsp_sh, & tmi, status ) use GO , only : TDate, operator(+), operator(-), operator(/) use Grid , only : TllGridInfo, TggGridInfo, TshGridInfo, TLevelInfo use tmm_info , only : TMeteoInfo, Init, AddHistory #ifdef with_tmm_tmpp use tmm_mf_tmpp , only : ReadRecord #endif #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 use tmm_mf_tm5_nc , only : ReadRecord #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ecmwf use tmm_mf_ecmwf_tmpp, only : ReadRecord use tmm_mf_ecmwf_tm5 , only : ReadRecord #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ncep use tmm_mf_ncep_cdc , only : ReadRecord use tmm_mf_ncep_gfs , only : ReadRecord #endif #ifdef with_prism use tmm_mf_prism , only : ReadRecord #endif #ifdef with_tmm_msc use tmm_mf_msc , only : ReadRecord #endif ! --- in/out ------------------------------- type(TMeteoFile), intent(inout) :: mf character(len=*), intent(in) :: paramkey character(len=*), intent(in) :: unit type(TDate), intent(in) :: tday, t1, t2 character(len=1), intent(in) :: nuv character(len=1), intent(in) :: nw character(len=2), intent(out) :: gridtype type(TLevelInfo), intent(out) :: levi type(TllGridInfo), intent(inout) :: lli real, pointer :: ll(:,:,:) real, pointer :: sp_ll(:,:) type(TggGridInfo), intent(inout) :: ggi real, pointer :: gg(:,:) real, pointer :: sp_gg(:) type(TshGridInfo), intent(inout) :: shi complex, pointer :: sh(:,:) complex, pointer :: lnsp_sh(:) type(TMeteoInfo), intent(out) :: tmi integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/mf_ReadRecord' ! --- local -------------------------------------- type(TDate) :: tmid ! --- begin --------------------------------- !write (*,'(a,": begin")') name select case ( mf%filetype ) #ifdef with_tmm_tmpp case ( 'tmpp' ) ! read from hdf file: call ReadRecord( mf%mf_tmpp, paramkey, t1, t2, nuv, nw, & gridtype, levi, & lli, ll, sp_ll, & status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! fill some info values: call Init( tmi, paramkey, 'unkown', status ) call AddHistory( tmi, 'archivekey=='//trim(mf%archivekey), status ) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 case ( 'tm5-nc' ) ! read from netcdf file call ReadRecord( mf%mf_tm5_nc, paramkey, unit, t1, t2, nuv, nw, & gridtype, levi, lli, ll, sp_ll, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! fill some info values: call Init( tmi, paramkey, 'unkown', status ) call AddHistory( tmi, 'archivekey=='//trim(mf%archivekey), status ) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ecmwf case ( 'ecmwf-tmpp' ) ! read from grib file: call ReadRecord( mf%mf_ecmwf_tmpp, paramkey, t1, t2, nuv, nw, & gridtype, levi, & lli, ll, sp_ll, & ggi, gg, sp_gg, & shi, sh, lnsp_sh, & tmi, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) case ( 'ecmwf-tm5' ) ! read from grib file: call ReadRecord( mf%mf_ecmwf_tm5, paramkey, tday, t1, t2, nuv, nw, & gridtype, levi, & lli, ll, sp_ll, & ggi, gg, sp_gg, & shi, sh, lnsp_sh, & tmi, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ncep case ( 'ncep-cdc' ) ! read from ncep file: call ReadRecord( mf%mf_ncep_cdc, paramkey, t1, t2, nuv, nw, & gridtype, levi, & lli, ll, sp_ll, & ggi, gg, sp_gg, & shi, sh, lnsp_sh, & tmi, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_ncep case ( 'ncep-gfs' ) ! read from ncep file: call ReadRecord( mf%mf_ncep_gfs, paramkey, t1, t2, nuv, nw, & gridtype, levi, & lli, ll, sp_ll, & ggi, gg, sp_gg, & shi, sh, lnsp_sh, & tmi, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_prism case ( 'prism' ) ! receive from oasis coupler: call ReadRecord( mf%mf_prism, paramkey, t1, t2, nuv, nw, & gridtype, levi, & lli, ll, sp_ll, & ggi, gg, sp_gg, & shi, sh, lnsp_sh, & tmi, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif #ifdef with_tmm_msc case ( 'msc-data' ) ! read from grib file: tmid = t1 + (t2-t1)/2 call ReadRecord( mf%mf_msc, paramkey, tmid, tmid, nuv, nw, & gridtype, levi, & lli, ll, sp_ll, & ggi, gg, sp_gg, & shi, sh, lnsp_sh, & tmi, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif case default write (gol,'("unsupported filetype `",a,"`")') trim(mf%filetype); call goErr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end select ! ok status = 0 !write (*,'(a,": end")') name end subroutine mf_ReadRecord ! *** ! =========================================================== ! ! open meteo file for output ! ! =========================================================== ! ! Open the meteo file that should contain the field specified by ! archivekey, parameter key, time, ! or do nothing if the requested file has been opened already. ! ! = : ! ! tmpp:od-fc-ml60-glb3x2 ! subroutine mf_SetupOutput( mf, archivekey, paramkey, tday, t1, t2, & rcfilename, dir, status ) use GO, only : goSplitLine use GO, only : TrcFile, Init, Done, ReadRc use GO, only : TDate #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 use tmm_mf_tm5_nc , only : Init, Get #endif ! --- in/out ------------------------------------- type(TMeteoFile), intent(inout) :: mf character(len=*), intent(in) :: archivekey character(len=*), intent(in) :: paramkey type(TDate), intent(in) :: tday, t1, t2 character(len=*), intent(in) :: rcfilename character(len=*), intent(in) :: dir integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/mf_SetupOutput' ! --- local ------------------------------------- character(len=10) :: archivetype character(len=256) :: archivename ! character(len=256) :: command ! integer :: year1, month1, day1, hour1 ! integer :: year2, month2, day2, hour2 ! integer :: dth type(TrcFile) :: infofile character(len=256) :: archivename2 character(len=10) :: mclass character(len=10) :: mtype character(len=10) :: mlevs character(len=10) :: mgrid character(len=10) :: filekey character(len=16) :: treskey logical :: with_spm ! --- begin ------------------------------------- ! store archive key: mf%archivekey = trim(archivekey) ! split archive key in type and name: call goSplitLine( archivekey, archivetype, ':', archivename, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! deceide on archive type: select case ( archivetype ) #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! daily netcdf files ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case ( 'tm5-nc' ) ! always netcdf files: mf%filetype = 'tm5-nc' ! setup file: call Init( mf%mf_tm5_nc, 'o', dir, trim(archivename), paramkey, & tday, t1, t2, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! store filename: call Get( mf%mf_tm5_nc, status, filename=mf%filename ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! extract time range: call Get( mf%mf_tm5_nc, status, trange1=mf%t1, trange2=mf%t2 ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! extract paramkeys for fields in file: call Get( mf%mf_tm5_nc, status, paramkeys=mf%paramkeys ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! error ... ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case default write (gol,'("unsupported archivetype `",a,"`")') trim(archivetype); call goErr write (gol,'(" for archivekey `",a,"`")') trim(archivekey); call goErr write (gol,'(" and for paramkey `",a,"`")') trim(paramkey); call goErr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end select ! file is opened (or, at least file name is known) mf%opened = .true. ! ok status = 0 end subroutine mf_SetupOutput ! *** subroutine mf_WriteRecord_2d( mf, tmi, paramkey, unit, tday, t1, t2, & lli, nuv, ll, status ) use GO , only : TDate use Grid , only : TllGridInfo use tmm_info , only : TMeteoInfo #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 use tmm_mf_tm5_nc , only : WriteRecord #endif ! --- in/out ------------------------------- type(TMeteoFile), intent(inout) :: mf type(TMeteoInfo), intent(in) :: tmi character(len=*), intent(in) :: paramkey, unit type(TDate), intent(in) :: tday, t1, t2 type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli character(len=1), intent(in) :: nuv real, intent(in) :: ll(:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/mf_WriteRecord_2d' ! --- begin --------------------------------- select case ( mf%filetype ) #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 case ( 'tm5-nc' ) call WriteRecord( mf%mf_tm5_nc, tmi, paramkey, unit, tday, t1, t2, & lli, nuv, ll, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif case default write (gol,'("unsupported filetype `",a,"`")') trim(mf%filetype); call goErr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end select ! ok status = 0 end subroutine mf_WriteRecord_2d ! *** subroutine mf_WriteRecord_3d( mf, tmi, spname, paramkey, unit, tday, t1, t2, & lli, nuv, levi, nw, ps, ll, status )!, & !nlev ) use GO , only : TDate use Grid , only : TllGridInfo, TLevelInfo use tmm_info , only : TMeteoInfo #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 use tmm_mf_tm5_nc , only : WriteRecord #endif ! --- in/out ------------------------------- type(TMeteoFile), intent(inout) :: mf type(TMeteoInfo), intent(in) :: tmi character(len=*), intent(in) :: spname, paramkey, unit type(TDate), intent(in) :: tday, t1, t2 type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli character(len=1), intent(in) :: nuv type(TLevelInfo), intent(in) :: levi character(len=1), intent(in) :: nw real, intent(in) :: ps(:,:) real, intent(in) :: ll(:,:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status !integer, intent(in), optional :: nlev ! --- const -------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/mf_WriteRecord_3d' ! --- begin --------------------------------- select case ( mf%filetype ) #ifdef with_tmm_tm5 case ( 'tm5-nc' ) call WriteRecord( mf%mf_tm5_nc, tmi, spname, paramkey, unit, tday, t1, t2, & lli, nuv, levi, nw, ps, ll, status )!, & !nlev=nlev ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) #endif case default write (gol,'("unsupported filetype `",a,"`")') trim(mf%filetype); call goErr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end select ! ok status = 0 end subroutine mf_WriteRecord_3d end module tmm_mf