! ! PArray ! ! ! Template for PArray routines with complexarguments. ! ! To generate kind specific versions, use: ! ! sed -e 's/8/4/g' parray_cwp.f90 > parray_c4.f90 ! sed -e 's/8/8/g' parray_cwp.f90 > parray_c8.f90 ! module PArray_c8 implicit none ! --- in/out ------------------------- private public :: pa_Init, pa_Done, pa_SetShape, pa_SetCopy ! --- interfaces --------------------------- interface pa_Init module procedure pa_Init_c8_1d module procedure pa_Init_c8_2d module procedure pa_Init_c8_3d module procedure pa_Init_c8_4d module procedure pa_Init_c8_5d module procedure pa_Init_c8_6d module procedure pa_Init_c8_7d end interface interface pa_Done module procedure pa_Done_c8_1d module procedure pa_Done_c8_2d module procedure pa_Done_c8_3d module procedure pa_Done_c8_4d module procedure pa_Done_c8_5d module procedure pa_Done_c8_6d module procedure pa_Done_c8_7d end interface interface pa_SetShape module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_1d_shp module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_1d_n module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_2d_shp module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_2d_n module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_3d_shp module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_3d_n module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_4d_shp module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_4d_n module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_5d_shp module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_5d_n module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_6d_shp module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_6d_n module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_7d_shp module procedure pa_SetShape_c8_7d_n end interface interface pa_SetCopy module procedure pa_SetCopy_c8_1d module procedure pa_SetCopy_c8_2d module procedure pa_SetCopy_c8_3d module procedure pa_SetCopy_c8_4d module procedure pa_SetCopy_c8_5d module procedure pa_SetCopy_c8_6d module procedure pa_SetCopy_c8_7d end interface contains ! ========================================================= ! === ! === complex(8) ! === ! ========================================================= ! ******************************************* ! *** ! *** complex(8) 1D ! *** ! ******************************************* subroutine pa_Init_c8_1d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:) ! --- begin --------------------------- nullify( x ) end subroutine pa_Init_c8_1d ! *** subroutine pa_Done_c8_1d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) deallocate( x ) end subroutine pa_Done_c8_1d ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_1d_shp( x, n ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:) integer, intent(in) :: n(1) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) then if ( any( shape(x) /= n ) ) deallocate( x ) end if if ( .not. associated(x) ) allocate( x(n(1)) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_1d_shp ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_1d_n( x, n1 ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:) integer, intent(in) :: n1 ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) then if ( size(x) /= n1 ) deallocate( x ) end if if ( .not. associated(x) ) allocate( x(n1) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_1d_n ! *** subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_1d( x, y ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:) complex(8), intent(in) :: y(:) ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, shape(y) ) x = y end subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_1d ! ******************************************* ! *** ! *** complex(8) 2D ! *** ! ******************************************* subroutine pa_Init_c8_2d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- nullify( x ) end subroutine pa_Init_c8_2d ! *** subroutine pa_Done_c8_2d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) deallocate( x ) end subroutine pa_Done_c8_2d ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_2d_shp( x, n ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n(2) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) then if ( any( shape(x) /= n ) ) deallocate( x ) end if if ( .not. associated(x) ) allocate( x(n(1),n(2)) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_2d_shp ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_2d_n( x, n1, n2 ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2 ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, (/n1,n2/) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_2d_n ! *** subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_2d( x, y ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:) complex(8), intent(in) :: y(:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, shape(y) ) x = y end subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_2d ! ******************************************* ! *** ! *** complex(8) 3D ! *** ! ******************************************* subroutine pa_Init_c8_3d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- nullify( x ) end subroutine pa_Init_c8_3d ! *** subroutine pa_Done_c8_3d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) deallocate( x ) end subroutine pa_Done_c8_3d ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_3d_shp( x, n ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n(3) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) then if ( any( shape(x) /= n ) ) deallocate( x ) end if if ( .not. associated(x) ) allocate( x(n(1),n(2),n(3)) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_3d_shp ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_3d_n( x, n1, n2, n3 ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, n3 ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, (/n1,n2,n3/) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_3d_n ! *** subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_3d( x, y ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:) complex(8), intent(in) :: y(:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, shape(y) ) x = y end subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_3d ! ******************************************* ! *** ! *** complex(8) 4D ! *** ! ******************************************* subroutine pa_Init_c8_4d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- nullify( x ) end subroutine pa_Init_c8_4d ! *** subroutine pa_Done_c8_4d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) deallocate( x ) end subroutine pa_Done_c8_4d ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_4d_shp( x, n ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n(4) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) then if ( any( shape(x) /= n ) ) deallocate( x ) end if if ( .not. associated(x) ) allocate( x(n(1),n(2),n(3),n(4)) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_4d_shp ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_4d_n( x, n1, n2, n3, n4 ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, n3, n4 ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, (/n1,n2,n3,n4/) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_4d_n ! *** subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_4d( x, y ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:) complex(8), intent(in) :: y(:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, shape(y) ) x = y end subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_4d ! ******************************************* ! *** ! *** complex(8) 5D ! *** ! ******************************************* subroutine pa_Init_c8_5d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- nullify( x ) end subroutine pa_Init_c8_5d ! *** subroutine pa_Done_c8_5d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) deallocate( x ) end subroutine pa_Done_c8_5d ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_5d_shp( x, n ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n(5) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) then if ( any( shape(x) /= n ) ) deallocate( x ) end if if ( .not. associated(x) ) allocate( x(n(1),n(2),n(3),n(4),n(5)) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_5d_shp ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_5d_n( x, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, (/n1,n2,n3,n4,n5/) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_5d_n ! *** subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_5d( x, y ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:) complex(8), intent(in) :: y(:,:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, shape(y) ) x = y end subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_5d ! ******************************************* ! *** ! *** complex(8) 6D ! *** ! ******************************************* subroutine pa_Init_c8_6d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- nullify( x ) end subroutine pa_Init_c8_6d ! *** subroutine pa_Done_c8_6d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) deallocate( x ) end subroutine pa_Done_c8_6d ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_6d_shp( x, n ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n(6) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) then if ( any( shape(x) /= n ) ) deallocate( x ) end if if ( .not. associated(x) ) allocate( x(n(1),n(2),n(3),n(4),n(5),n(6)) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_6d_shp ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_6d_n( x, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6 ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6 ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, (/n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6/) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_6d_n ! *** subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_6d( x, y ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:,:) complex(8), intent(in) :: y(:,:,:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, shape(y) ) x = y end subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_6d ! ******************************************* ! *** ! *** complex(8) 7D ! *** ! ******************************************* subroutine pa_Init_c8_7d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- nullify( x ) end subroutine pa_Init_c8_7d ! *** subroutine pa_Done_c8_7d( x ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) deallocate( x ) end subroutine pa_Done_c8_7d ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_7d_shp( x, n ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n(7) ! --- begin --------------------------- if ( associated(x) ) then if ( any( shape(x) /= n ) ) deallocate( x ) end if if ( .not. associated(x) ) allocate( x(n(1),n(2),n(3),n(4),n(5),n(6),n(7)) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_7d_shp ! *** subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_7d_n( x, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, (/n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7/) ) end subroutine pa_SetShape_c8_7d_n ! *** subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_7d( x, y ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- complex(8), pointer :: x(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) complex(8), intent(in) :: y(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) ! --- begin --------------------------- call pa_SetShape( x, shape(y) ) x = y end subroutine pa_SetCopy_c8_7d end module PArray_c8