! ! may 2002, Arjo Segers ! ! 23 Oct 2013 - Ph. Le Sager - added '==' operator to compare grids, ! and '=' assignment to copy data instead of pointers, ! and initialization of TllGridInfo pointers (requires F95) ! ! NOTES: (0) "lli" is commonly used in the code, and stands for LonLatInfo ! (1) if you declare an object of TllGridInfo type in a module, it must ! have the 'save' attribute (unless it is a pointer or allocatable array) ! (2) you must call DONE on all lli that have been initialized ! (either through a call to INIT or as a copy of another lli) to ! avoid memory leak. ! (3) because of the associated status of the pointers of a ! TllGridInfo type, an argument object of that type should never ! have the intent(out) attribute, but the intent(inout) instead ! ! STAND ALONE VERSION FOR LAT/LON GRIDS ! ! Apply factor over region. ! ! use grid, only : TRegion ! ! type(TllRegion) :: llreg ! ! ! define region by either calling INIT or COPY (i.e. "=") ! call Init( llreg, west_deg, east_deg, south_deg, north_deg, status ) ! ! ! apply factor to data set within box, or to the complement; ! ! if a grid cell only partly covers the region, the factor ! ! is applied according to the area ratio; ! ! x is at least 2d, if it is 3d the factor is applied for all levels: ! call Region_Apply_Factor( lli, x, llreg, fac, status [,complement=.false.] ) ! ! ! done ! call Done( llreg, status ) ! module grid_type_ll implicit none ! --- in/out -------------------------------- private public :: TllGridInfo public :: Init, Done public :: Check public :: operator(==), assignment(=) public :: AreaOper public :: InterpolFractions public :: Interpol public :: BalanceMassFluxes public :: CheckMassBalance public :: GetRefinement public :: Match public :: FillGrid public :: EquivLat ! ~~ region public :: TllRegion public :: Region_Apply_Factor ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: mname = 'grid_type_ll' ! --- types --------------------------------- ! *** location, size, etc type TllGridInfo character(len=32) :: name ! * radius real :: R ! m ! * spacing real :: dlon_deg, dlat_deg ! degrees real :: dlon, dlat ! radians ! * size integer :: im, nlon integer :: jm, nlat ! * coordinates of gridpoint (cell center) ! indices 1, 2, ... real, pointer :: lon_deg(:) => null() ! degrees real, pointer :: lat_deg(:) => null() ! degrees real, pointer :: lon(:) => null() ! rad real, pointer :: lat(:) => null() ! rad ! * boundaries in a rank-2 array: real, pointer :: lon_bounds_deg(:,:) => null() ! degrees real, pointer :: lat_bounds_deg(:,:) => null() ! degrees real, pointer :: lon_bounds(:,:) => null() ! rad real, pointer :: lat_bounds(:,:) => null() ! rad ! * coordinates of boundaries for cell around grid point; ! indices 0, 1, 2, ... real, pointer :: blon_deg(:) => null() ! degrees real, pointer :: blat_deg(:) => null() ! degrees real, pointer :: blon(:) => null() ! rad real, pointer :: blat(:) => null() ! rad ! * area for cell in certain row real, pointer :: area(:) => null() ! rad^2 real, pointer :: area_m2(:) => null() ! m^2 ! * cell length in m real, pointer :: dx(:) => null() ! m real, pointer :: bdx(:) => null() ! m real :: dy, bdy ! m end type TllGridInfo ! ~~ region type TllRegion ! region boundaries in degrees: real :: west_deg, east_deg, south_deg, north_deg ! idem in radians: real :: west, east, south, north end type TllRegion ! --- interfaces ---------------------------- interface Init module procedure llgridinfo_Init module procedure llreg_Init end interface interface Done module procedure llgridinfo_Done module procedure llreg_Done end interface interface Check module procedure llgrid_Check_i module procedure llgrid_Check_r end interface interface AreaOper module procedure llgrid_AreaOper_2d module procedure llgrid_AreaOper_3d end interface interface InterpolFractions module procedure llgrid_InterpolFractions end interface interface Interpol module procedure llgrid_Eval_2d module procedure llgrid_Eval_3d end interface interface Match module procedure llgrid_Match end interface interface operator(==) module procedure llgrid_equal_llgrid end interface interface assignment(=) module procedure copy_llgrid end interface interface BalanceMassFluxes module procedure BalanceMassFluxes_sm module procedure BalanceMassFluxes_m end interface interface EquivLat module procedure llgrid_EquivLat module procedure llgrid_EquivLat_sort end interface ! ~~ region interface Region_Apply_Factor module procedure llreg_Region_Apply_Factor_2d module procedure llreg_Region_Apply_Factor_3d end interface contains ! ======================================================== ! === ! === Init, Done ! === ! ======================================================== ! ! blat(j) +-------+ ! | | | ! lat(j) |---o---| ! | | | ! +-------+ ! lon(i) ! blon(i) ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: LLGRIDINFO_INIT ! ! !DESCRIPTION: Initialize Longitude-Latitude Grid object !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE LLGridInfo_Init( lli, west_deg, dlon_deg, im, & south_deg, dlat_deg, jm, status, name ) ! ! !USES: ! use Grid_Tools, only : ll_area use grid_tools, only : deg2rad, ae ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! type(TllGridInfo), intent(inout) :: lli integer, intent(out) :: status ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! real, intent(in) :: west_deg ! longitude center of 1st grid cell real, intent(in) :: dlon_deg ! spacing in degree integer, intent(in) :: im real, intent(in) :: south_deg ! latitude center of 1st grid cell real, intent(in) :: dlat_deg ! spacing in degree integer, intent(in) :: jm character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 1 Apr 2011 - P. Le Sager - some doc ! ! !REMARKS: the 1st grid cell is the one at lower left (i.e. the further ! west and further south cell) ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC integer :: i, j ! --- begin --------------------------------- if ( present(name) ) then lli%name = name else lli%name = 'anonymous' end if ! *** radius lli%R = ae ! *** grid spacing lli%dlon_deg = dlon_deg lli%dlon = dlon_deg*deg2rad lli%dlat_deg = dlat_deg lli%dlat = dlat_deg*deg2rad ! *** grid range lli%im = im lli%nlon = im lli%jm = jm lli%nlat = jm ! *** grid points ! * coor of grid points ! east-west if ( associated( lli%lon_deg) ) deallocate(lli%lon_deg) allocate( lli%lon_deg(im) ) do i = 1, im lli%lon_deg(i) = west_deg + (i-1)*dlon_deg end do if ( associated( lli%lon) ) deallocate(lli%lon) allocate( lli%lon(im) ) lli%lon = lli%lon_deg * deg2rad ! south-north if ( associated( lli%lat_deg) ) deallocate(lli%lat_deg) allocate( lli%lat_deg(jm) ) do j = 1, jm lli%lat_deg(j) = south_deg + (j-1)*dlat_deg end do if ( associated( lli%lat) ) deallocate(lli%lat) allocate( lli%lat(jm) ) lli%lat = lli%lat_deg * deg2rad ! *** cells with grid point in center; ! grid point at pole is at top of triangle ! ! * bounds ! west-east if ( associated( lli%blon_deg) ) deallocate(lli%blon_deg) allocate( lli%blon_deg(0:im) ) do i = 0, im lli%blon_deg(i) = west_deg + (i-0.5)*dlon_deg end do if ( associated( lli%blon) ) deallocate(lli%blon) allocate( lli%blon(0:im) ) lli%blon = lli%blon_deg * deg2rad ! south-north if ( associated( lli%blat_deg) ) deallocate(lli%blat_deg) allocate( lli%blat_deg(0:jm) ) do j = 0, jm lli%blat_deg(j) = south_deg + (j-0.5)*dlat_deg end do if ( lli%blat_deg(0) < -90.0 ) lli%blat_deg(0) = -90.0 if ( lli%blat_deg(0) > 90.0 ) lli%blat_deg(0) = 90.0 if ( lli%blat_deg(jm) < -90.0 ) lli%blat_deg(jm) = -90.0 if ( lli%blat_deg(jm) > 90.0 ) lli%blat_deg(jm) = 90.0 if ( associated( lli%blat) ) deallocate(lli%blat) allocate( lli%blat(0:jm) ) lli%blat = lli%blat_deg * deg2rad ! * bounds in a rank-2 array: ! west-east if ( associated( lli%lon_bounds_deg) ) deallocate(lli%lon_bounds_deg) allocate( lli%lon_bounds_deg(2,im) ) lli%lon_bounds_deg(1,:) = lli%blon_deg(0:im-1) lli%lon_bounds_deg(2,:) = lli%blon_deg(1:im) if ( associated( lli%lon_bounds) ) deallocate(lli%lon_bounds) allocate( lli%lon_bounds(2,im) ) lli%lon_bounds = lli%lon_bounds_deg * deg2rad ! south-north if ( associated( lli%lat_bounds_deg) ) deallocate(lli%lat_bounds_deg) allocate( lli%lat_bounds_deg(2,jm) ) lli%lat_bounds_deg(1,:) = lli%blat_deg(0:jm-1) lli%lat_bounds_deg(2,:) = lli%blat_deg(1:jm) if ( associated( lli%lat_bounds) ) deallocate(lli%lat_bounds) allocate( lli%lat_bounds(2,jm) ) lli%lat_bounds = lli%lat_bounds_deg * deg2rad ! * area of cell in lat band ! rad^2 : if ( associated( lli%area) ) deallocate(lli%area) allocate( lli%area(jm) ) do j = 1, jm lli%area(j) = ll_area( 0.0, lli%dlon, lli%blat(j-1), lli%blat(j) ) end do ! m^2 : if ( associated( lli%area_m2) ) deallocate(lli%area_m2) allocate( lli%area_m2(jm) ) lli%area_m2 = lli%area * lli%R**2 ! * length in m ! east-west, mid latitude of cell if ( associated( lli%dx) ) deallocate(lli%dx) allocate( lli%dx(jm) ) lli%dx = lli%dlon * lli%R * cos(lli%lat) ! east-west, boundaries if ( associated( lli%bdx) ) deallocate(lli%bdx) allocate( lli%bdx(0:jm) ) lli%bdx = lli%dlon * lli%R * cos(lli%blat) ! north-south, the same for each longitude lli%dy = lli%dlat * lli%R lli%bdy = lli%dlat * lli%R ! ok status = 0 END SUBROUTINE LLGRIDINFO_INIT !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: COPY_LLGRID ! ! !DESCRIPTION: make a copy of one LLI !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE COPY_LLGRID(tgt_grid, src_grid) ! ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! type(TllGridInfo), intent(inout) :: tgt_grid ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: src_grid ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 1 Nov 2013 - Ph. Le Sager - ! ! !REMARKS: ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/copy_llgrid' integer :: status if (.not.(associated( src_grid%lon_deg ))) then write(*,*) " : WARNING : source InfoGrid is not initialized" write(*,*) " : no data to copy. Returning." return endif call llgridinfo_Init( tgt_grid, src_grid%lon_deg(1), src_grid%dlon_deg, src_grid%im, & src_grid%lat_deg(1), src_grid%dlat_deg, src_grid%jm, status, src_grid%name ) if (status/=0) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname END SUBROUTINE COPY_LLGRID !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !FUNCTION: LLGRID_EQUAL_LLGRID ! ! !DESCRIPTION: Compare two LLIs. Returns .true. if both have been ! initialized and describe the same grid. !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! LOGICAL FUNCTION LLGRID_EQUAL_LLGRID( lliA , lliB ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lliA, lliB ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! ! 23 Oct 2013 - Ph. Le Sager - v0 ! ! !REMARKS: ! (1) If both grids are not initialized then .false. is return. ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC character(len=*), parameter :: name = mname//'/LLGRID_EQUAL_LLGRID' ! -- begin ! This would be problematic if using F90 instead of F95 if ((.not.(associated( lliA%lon_deg ))) .or. (.not.(associated( lliB%lon_deg )))) then ! write(gol,*)'WARNING : LL ggrid A not initialized'; call goPr llgrid_equal_llgrid = .false. return end if ! Just compare the inputs of llgridinfo_Init to ensure equivalence llgrid_equal_llgrid = & ( lliA%dlon_deg == lliB%dlon_deg ).and. & ( lliA%nlon == lliB%nlon ).and. & ( lliA%dlat_deg == lliB%dlat_deg ).and. & ( lliA%nlat == lliB%nlat ).and. & ( lliA%lon_deg(1) == lliB%lon_deg(1) ).and. & ( lliA%lat_deg(1) == lliB%lat_deg(1) ) END FUNCTION LLGRID_EQUAL_LLGRID !EOC ! === subroutine llgridinfo_Done( lli, status ) ! --- in/out --------------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(inout) :: lli integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- begin --------------------------------- if (associated( lli%lon_deg )) deallocate( lli%lon_deg ) if (associated( lli%lat_deg )) deallocate( lli%lat_deg ) if (associated( lli%lon )) deallocate( lli%lon ) if (associated( lli%lat )) deallocate( lli%lat ) if (associated( lli%blon_deg )) deallocate( lli%blon_deg ) if (associated( lli%blat_deg )) deallocate( lli%blat_deg ) if (associated( lli%blon )) deallocate( lli%blon ) if (associated( lli%blat )) deallocate( lli%blat ) if (associated( lli%lon_bounds_deg )) deallocate( lli%lon_bounds_deg ) if (associated( lli%lat_bounds_deg )) deallocate( lli%lat_bounds_deg ) if (associated( lli%lon_bounds )) deallocate( lli%lon_bounds ) if (associated( lli%lat_bounds )) deallocate( lli%lat_bounds ) if (associated( lli%area )) deallocate( lli%area ) if (associated( lli%area_m2 )) deallocate( lli%area_m2 ) if (associated( lli%dx )) deallocate( lli%dx ) if (associated( lli%bdx )) deallocate( lli%bdx ) status = 0 end subroutine llgridinfo_Done ! ============================================================= subroutine llgrid_Check_i( lli, nuv, ll, status ) ! --- in/out ---------------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli character(len=*), intent(in) :: nuv integer, intent(in) :: ll(:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/llgrid_Check_i' ! --- begin ---------------------------------- ! check shape of target grid: if ( ((nuv == 'n') .and. ((size(ll,1) /= lli%nlon ) .or. (size(ll,2) /= lli%nlat ))) .or. & ((nuv == 'u') .and. ((size(ll,1) /= lli%nlon+1) .or. (size(ll,2) /= lli%nlat ))) .or. & ((nuv == 'v') .and. ((size(ll,1) /= lli%nlon ) .or. (size(ll,2) /= lli%nlat+1))) ) then write (*,'("ERROR - target array does not match with grid definition:")') write (*,'("ERROR - lli : ",i3," x ",i3)') lli%nlon, lli%nlat write (*,'("ERROR - nuv : ",a )') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - ll : ",i3," x ",i3)') shape(ll) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine llgrid_Check_i ! *** subroutine llgrid_Check_r( lli, nuv, ll, status ) ! --- in/out ---------------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli character(len=*), intent(in) :: nuv real, intent(in) :: ll(:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/llgrid_Check_r' ! --- begin ---------------------------------- ! check shape of target grid: if ( ((nuv == 'n') .and. ((size(ll,1) /= lli%nlon ) .or. (size(ll,2) /= lli%nlat ))) .or. & ((nuv == 'u') .and. ((size(ll,1) /= lli%nlon+1) .or. (size(ll,2) /= lli%nlat ))) .or. & ((nuv == 'v') .and. ((size(ll,1) /= lli%nlon ) .or. (size(ll,2) /= lli%nlat+1))) ) then write (*,'("ERROR - target array does not match with grid definition:")') write (*,'("ERROR - lli : ",i3," x ",i3)') lli%nlon, lli%nlat write (*,'("ERROR - nuv : ",a )') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - ll : ",i3," x ",i3)') shape(ll) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine llgrid_Check_r ! ===================================================== ! call AreaOper( lli, ll, '/' | '*' | '=', 'rad2' | 'm2' ) subroutine llgrid_AreaOper_2d( lli, ll, oper, unit, status ) ! --- in/out ---------------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli real, intent(inout) :: ll(:,:) character(len=*), intent(in) :: unit, oper integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/llgrid_AreaOper_2d' ! --- local -------------------------------- integer :: j real :: cell_area ! --- begin ---------------------------------- ! check ... if ( size(ll,2) /= lli%nlat ) then write (*,'("ERROR - unexpected size of ll grid:")') write (*,'("ERROR - shape(ll) : ",i4," x ",i4)') shape(ll) write (*,'("ERROR - lli%nlat : ",i4)') lli%nlat write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! loop over latitudes: do j = 1, lli%nlat ! select correct area for cells in this row: select case ( unit ) case ( 'rad2' ) cell_area = lli%area(j) case ( 'm2' ) cell_area = lli%area_m2(j) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unknown unit : ",a)') trim(unit) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select ! assign/mult/div by cell area: select case ( oper ) case ( '=' ) ll(:,j) = cell_area case ( '/' ) ll(:,j) = ll(:,j) / cell_area case ( '*' ) ll(:,j) = ll(:,j) * cell_area case default write (*,'("ERROR - unknown operation : ",a)') trim(oper) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select end do ! ok status = 0 end subroutine llgrid_AreaOper_2d ! * subroutine llgrid_AreaOper_3d( lli, ll, oper, unit, status ) ! --- in/out ---------------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli real, intent(inout) :: ll(:,:,:) character(len=*), intent(in) :: oper character(len=*), intent(in) :: unit integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/llgrid_AreaOper_3d' ! --- local -------------------------------- integer :: l ! --- begin ---------------------------------- ! loop over layers do l = 1, size(ll,3) ! apply 2d operator: call AreaOper( lli, ll(:,:,l), oper, unit, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if end do ! ok status = 0 end subroutine llgrid_AreaOper_3d ! ===================================== ! ! Interpolation to (lon,lat) in deg. ! subroutine llgrid_InterpolFractions( lli, lon, lat, ii, jj, ff ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli real, intent(in) :: lon, lat ! deg integer, intent(out) :: ii(4) integer, intent(out) :: jj(4) real, intent(out) :: ff(4) ! --- local ----------------------------- real :: lonX, latX real :: ir integer :: i1, i2 real :: i1f, i2f real :: jr integer :: j1, j2 real :: j1f, j2f ! --- begin ----------------------------- ! bring lon in [-180,180.0] lonX = modulo(lon,360.0) if ( lonX > 180.0 ) lonX = lonX - 360.0 ! check lat latX = lat if ( latX < -90.0 .or. latX > 90.0 ) then write (*,'("ERROR - invalid lat (deg) :",f12.4)') latX write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') 'llgrid_InterpolFractions'; stop end if ! ! 1 2 ! 3 4 ! ! i fractions ; circular ! ! * ! [----+----][----+----] .. [----+----] ! ir 1.0 2.0 120.0 ! ir = ( lonX - lli%lon_deg(1) ) / lli%dlon_deg + 1.0 i1 = floor(ir) i2 = i1 + 1 ! i2f = ( ir - i1 ) / ( i2 - i1 ) i1f = 1.0 - i2f ! if ( i1 < 1 ) i1 = lli%nlon if ( i2 > lli%nlon ) i2 = 1 ! j fractions ; constant in half cells at poles jr = ( latX - lli%lat_deg(1) ) / lli%dlat_deg + 1.0 j1 = floor(jr) j2 = j1 + 1 ! if ( j1 < 1 ) then j2f = ( jr - 0.5 ) / ( j2 - 0.5 ) j1f = 1.0 - j2f else if ( j2 > lli%nlat ) then j2f = ( jr - j1 ) / ( lli%nlat+0.5 - j1 ) j1f = 1.0 - j2f else j2f = ( jr - j1 ) / ( j2 - j1 ) j1f = 1.0 - j2f end if ! fill output ! ! j2 3 4 ! j1 1 2 ! ! i1 i2 ! ii = (/ i1, i2, i1, i2 /) jj = (/ j1, j1, j2, j2 /) ff = (/ i1f*j1f, i2f*j1f, i1f*j2f, i2f*j2f /) ! write (*,'(" ",2i5)') ii(3), ii(4) ! write (*,'(i4," ",f4.2," ",f4.2," ",i4)') jj(3),ff(3),ff(4),jj(4) ! write (*,'(i4," ",f4.2," ",f4.2," ",i4)') jj(1),ff(1),ff(2),jj(2) ! write (*,'(" ",2i5)') ii(1), ii(2) end subroutine llgrid_InterpolFractions ! *** subroutine llgrid_Eval_2d( lli, ll, lon, lat, res ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli real, intent(in) :: ll(:,:) real, intent(in) :: lon, lat ! deg real, intent(out) :: res integer :: status ! --- const ----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/llgrid_Eval_2d' ! --- local ----------------------------- integer :: ii(4) integer :: jj(4) real :: ff(4) integer :: k real :: value ! --- begin ----------------------------- ! check ... call Check( lli, 'n', ll, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; stop; end if ! indices and fractions call InterpolFractions( lli, lon, lat, ii, jj, ff ) ! init zero res = 0.0 ! add contributions: do k = 1, 4 ! handle poles if ( jj(k) < 1 ) then value = sum(ll(:,1))/lli%nlon else if ( jj(k) > lli%nlat ) then value = sum(ll(:,lli%nlat))/lli%nlon else value = ll(ii(k),jj(k)) end if ! add fraction res = res + value * ff(k) end do end subroutine llgrid_Eval_2d ! *** subroutine llgrid_Eval_3d( lli, ll, lon, lat, res ) ! --- in/out --------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli real, intent(in) :: ll(:,:,:) real, intent(in) :: lon, lat ! deg real, intent(out) :: res(size(ll,3)) integer :: status ! --- const ----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/llgrid_Eval_3d' ! --- local ----------------------------- integer :: ii(4) integer :: jj(4) real :: ff(4) integer :: k real :: value(size(ll,3)) ! --- begin ----------------------------- ! check ... call Check( lli, 'n', ll(:,:,1), status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; stop; end if ! indices and fractions call InterpolFractions( lli, lon, lat, ii, jj, ff ) ! init zero res = 0.0 ! add contributions: do k = 1, 4 ! handle poles if ( jj(k) < 1 ) then value = sum(ll(:,1,:),1) / lli%nlon else if ( jj(k) > lli%nlat ) then value = sum(ll(:,lli%nlat,:),1) / lli%nlon else value = ll(ii(k),jj(k),:) end if ! add fraction res = res + value * ff(k) end do end subroutine llgrid_Eval_3d ! ================================================================= ! === ! === match fine grid with coarse grid ! === ! ================================================================= subroutine GetRefinement( cgi, fgi, & refine_i, refine_j, & cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------ type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: cgi type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: fgi integer, intent(out) :: refine_i, refine_j integer, intent(out) :: cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/GetRefinement' ! --- local ----------------------------- integer :: i, j ! --- begin ----------------------------- ! *** determine refinement refine_i = nint( cgi%dlon_deg / fgi%dlon_deg ) refine_j = nint( cgi%dlat_deg / fgi%dlat_deg ) ! *** position of fine grid within coarse grid: ! search column in coarse grid with same west bound as fine grid: cg_i1 = 0 do i = 1, cgi%im if ( cgi%blon_deg(i-1) == fgi%blon_deg(0) ) then cg_i1 = i exit end if end do if ( cg_i1 < 1 ) then write (*,'("ERROR - could not match west bound of fine grid:")') write (*,'("ERROR - cgi%blon : ",f12.4)') cgi%blon_deg write (*,'("ERROR - target : ",f12.4)') fgi%blon_deg(0) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! search column in coarse grid with same east bound as fine grid: cg_i2 = 0 do i = 1, cgi%im if ( cgi%blon_deg(i) == fgi%blon_deg(fgi%im) ) then cg_i2 = i exit end if end do if ( cg_i2 < 1 ) then write (*,'("ERROR - could not match east bound of fine grid")') write (*,'("ERROR - cgi%blon : ",f12.4)') cgi%blon_deg write (*,'("ERROR - target : ",f12.4)') fgi%blon_deg(fgi%im) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! check ... if ( (cg_i2-cg_i1+1)*refine_i /= fgi%im ) then write (*,'("ERROR - i refinement not ok:")') write (*,'("ERROR - coarse cells : ",f12.4)') cg_i1, cg_i2 write (*,'("ERROR - refinement : ",f12.4)') refine_i write (*,'("ERROR - fine cells : ",f12.4)') fgi%im write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! search row in coarse grid with same south bound as fine grid: cg_j1 = 0 do j = 1, cgi%jm if ( cgi%blat_deg(j-1) == fgi%blat_deg(0) ) then cg_j1 = j exit end if end do if ( cg_j1 < 1 ) then write (*,'("ERROR - could not match south bound of fine grid")') write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! search row in coarse grid with same south bound as fine grid: cg_j2 = 0 do j = 1, cgi%jm if ( cgi%blat_deg(j) == fgi%blat_deg(fgi%jm) ) then cg_j2 = j exit end if end do if ( cg_j2 < 1 ) then write (*,'("ERROR - could not match north bound of fine grid")') write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! check ... if ( (cg_j2-cg_j1+1)*refine_j /= fgi%jm ) then write (*,'("ERROR - j refinement not ok:")') write (*,'("ERROR - coarse cells : ",2i5)') cg_j1, cg_j2 write (*,'("ERROR - refinement : ",i5)') refine_j write (*,'("ERROR - fine cells : ",i5)') fgi%jm write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine GetRefinement ! *** ! Relate fine grid and coarse grid: ! ! call Match_cell( action, key, cgi, cg, fgi, fg ) ! ! 1. The coarse grid covers the same area as the fine grid: ! ! action: ! 'combine' : fill coarse grid by combining cells of fine grid ! key: ! 'sum' : sum values in fine grid ! 'aver' : aver values in fine grid ! 'area-aver' : idem, weighted with area ! ! 2. The fine grid is a subset of the coarse grid: ! ! action: ! 'subset' : fill fine grid as a subset of coarse grid ! key: ! not used ! ! 3. The fine grid is a zooming area of the coarse grid: ! ! action: ! 'match' : adjust values in fine grid to match coarse grid ! key: ! 'sum' : sum values in fine grid ! 'aver' : aver values in fine grid ! 'area-aver' : idem, weighted with area ! subroutine llgrid_Match( key, nuv, pgi, pg, tgi, tg, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------ ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: action character(len=*), intent(in) :: key character(len=1), intent(in) :: nuv type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: pgi real, intent(in) :: pg(pgi%im,pgi%jm) type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: tgi real, intent(inout) :: tg(tgi%im,tgi%jm) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/llgrid_Match' ! --- begin ----------------------------- ! call nuv specific routine select case ( nuv ) case ( 'n' ) call Match_cell( key, pgi, pg, tgi, tg, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if case ( 'u' ) call Match_u( key, pgi, pg, tgi, tg, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if case ( 'v' ) call Match_v( key, pgi, pg, tgi, tg, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported nuv `",a,"`")') nuv write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select ! ok status = 0 end subroutine llgrid_Match ! *** subroutine Match_cell( key, pgi, pg, tgi, tg, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------ ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: action character(len=*), intent(in) :: key type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: pgi real, intent(in) :: pg(pgi%im,pgi%jm) type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: tgi real, intent(inout) :: tg(tgi%im,tgi%jm) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/Match_cell' ! --- local ----------------------------- integer :: refine_i, refine_j integer :: cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 integer :: ci, cj integer :: fg_i1, fg_i2, fg_j1, fg_j2 integer :: fi, fj real :: fsum ! --- begin ----------------------------- ! select case ( action ) ! ! ! ! ! match fine grid with coarse cells: ! ! ! case ( 'match' ) ! determine refinement call GetRefinement( pgi, tgi, refine_i, refine_j, cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! loop over cells in coarse grid covering fine grid: do cj = cg_j1, cg_j2 do ci = cg_i1, cg_i2 fg_i1 = (ci-cg_i1)*refine_i + 1 ; fg_i2 = fg_i1-1 + refine_i fg_j1 = (cj-cg_j1)*refine_j + 1 ; fg_j2 = fg_j1-1 + refine_j ! sum over cells in fine grid: select case ( key ) case ( 'sum' ) fsum = sum( tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) ) ! distribute difference equally over all cells in fine grid: ! (/6,4/) + ( 14 - 10 )/ 2 = (/8,6/) tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) = tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) + (pg(ci,cj)-fsum)/(refine_j*refine_i) ! cmk corrected: divide by (refine_i * refine_j) case ( 'aver' ) fsum = sum( tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) )/(refine_i*refine_j) ! add difference in averages to all cells in fine grid: ! (/6,4/) + ( 7 - 5 ) = (/8,6/) tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) = tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) + (pg(ci,cj)-fsum) case ( 'area-aver' ) fsum = 0.0 do fj = fg_j1, fg_j2 fsum = fsum + sum(tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fj))*tgi%area(fj) end do fsum = fsum / pgi%area(cj) ! add difference in averages to all cells in fine grid: ! (/6,4/) + ( 7 - 5 ) = (/8,6/) tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) = tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) + (pg(ci,cj)-fsum) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported key for match action:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) write (*,'("ERROR - key : ",a)') trim(key) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select ! ! match fine grid with coarse cell: ! if ( fsum == 0.0 ) then ! if ( abs(pg(ci,cj)) > 1.0e-5 ) then ! write (*,'("ERROR - zero sum over coarse cell (",i3,",",i3,")")') ci, cj ! write (*,'("ERROR - coarse cell : ",es12.4)') pg(ci,cj) ! write (*,'("ERROR - refine : ",2i6)') refine_i, refine_j ! write (*,'("ERROR - fine grid : ",es12.4)') tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end if ! else ! ! scale towards value of coarse grid: ! tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) = tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) * pg(ci,cj)/fsum ! end if end do end do ! ! ! ! fine grid is subset of coarse grid: ! ! ! case ( 'subset' ) ! ! ! determine refinement ! call GetRefinement( pgi, tgi, refine_i, refine_j, cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 ) ! ! if ( (refine_i /= 1) .or. (refine_j /= 1) ) then ! write (*,'("ERROR - for this action the fine grid should a subset of a coarse grid:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR - refinement : ",2i6)') refine_i, refine_j ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end if ! ! ! loop over cells in coarse grid covering fine grid: ! do cj = cg_j1, cg_j2 ! do ci = cg_i1, cg_i2 ! ! fg_i1 = (ci-cg_i1) + 1 ! fg_j1 = (cj-cg_j1) + 1 ! ! ! fine grid is subset of coarse grid ! tg(fg_i1,fg_j1) = pg(ci,cj) ! ! end do ! end do ! ! ! ! ! collect cells in fine grid to coarse grid ! ! ! case ( 'combine' ) ! ! ! determine refinement ! ! NOTE: parent grid is fine now, target is coarse ! ! call GetRefinement( tgi, pgi, refine_i, refine_j, cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 ) ! ! if ( (cg_i1 /= 1) .or. (cg_i2 /= tgi%im) .or. & ! (cg_j1 /= 1) .or. (cg_j2 /= tgi%jm) ) then ! write (*,'("ERROR - for this action the fine grid should cover the complete coarse grid:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR - covered : [",i4,",",i4,"] x [",i4,",","]")') cg_i1,cg_i2,cg_j1,cg_j2 ! write (*,'("ERROR - of : ",2i5)') tgi%im, tgi%jm ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end if ! ! ! loop over cells in coarse grid covering fine grid: ! do cj = cg_j1, cg_j2 ! do ci = cg_i1, cg_i2 ! ! fg_i1 = (ci-cg_i1)*refine_i + 1 ; fg_i2 = fg_i1-1 + refine_i ! fg_j1 = (cj-cg_j1)*refine_j + 1 ; fg_j2 = fg_j1-1 + refine_j ! ! ! sum over cells in fine grid: ! select case ( key ) ! case ( 'sum' ) ! fsum = sum( pg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) ) ! case ( 'aver' ) ! fsum = sum( pg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2) )/(refine_i*refine_j) ! case ( 'area-aver' ) ! fsum = 0.0 ! do fj = fg_j1, fg_j2 ! fsum = fsum + sum(pg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fj))*pgi%area(fj) ! end do ! fsum = fsum / tgi%area(cj) ! case default ! write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported key for match action:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR - key : ",a)') trim(key) ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end select ! ! ! collect cells in fine parent grid to target coarse grid ! tg(ci,cj) = fsum ! ! end do ! end do ! ! case default ! write (*,'("ERROR - unknown action `",a,"`")') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end select ! ok status = 0 end subroutine Match_cell ! *** ! flux through east/west boundaries subroutine Match_u( key, pgi, pg, tgi, tg, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------ ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: action character(len=*), intent(in) :: key type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: pgi real, intent(in) :: pg(0:pgi%im,pgi%jm) type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: tgi real, intent(inout) :: tg(0:tgi%im,tgi%jm) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/Match_u' ! --- local ----------------------------- integer :: refine_i, refine_j integer :: cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 integer :: ci, cj integer :: fg_i, fg_j1, fg_j2 integer :: fi, fj real :: fsum ! --- begin ----------------------------- ! select case ( action ) ! ! ! ! ! match fine grid with coarse cells: ! ! ! case ( 'match' ) ! determine refinement call GetRefinement( pgi, tgi, refine_i, refine_j, cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! loop over cells in coarse grid covering fine grid: do cj = cg_j1, cg_j2 do ci = cg_i1-1, cg_i2 fg_i = (ci-(cg_i1-1))*refine_i fg_j1 = (cj-cg_j1)*refine_j + 1 ; fg_j2 = fg_j1-1 + refine_j ! sum over cells in fine grid: select case ( key ) case ( 'sum' ) fsum = sum( tg(fg_i,fg_j1:fg_j2) ) ! distribute difference equally over all cells in fine grid: ! (/6,4/) + ( 14 - 10 )/ 2 = (/8,6/) tg(fg_i,fg_j1:fg_j2) = tg(fg_i,fg_j1:fg_j2) + (pg(ci,cj)-fsum)/refine_j case ( 'aver' ) fsum = sum( tg(fg_i,fg_j1:fg_j2) )/(refine_j) ! add difference in averages to all cells in fine grid: ! (/6,4/) + ( 7 - 5 ) = (/8,6/) tg(fg_i,fg_j1:fg_j2) = tg(fg_i,fg_j1:fg_j2) + (pg(ci,cj)-fsum) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported key for match action:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) write (*,'("ERROR - key : ",a)') trim(key) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select ! ! match fine grid with coarse cell: ! if ( fsum == 0.0 ) then ! if ( pg(ci,cj) /= 0.0 ) then ! write (*,'("ERROR - zero sum over coarse cell (",i3,",",i3,")")') ci, cj ! write (*,'("ERROR - coarse cell : ",es12.4)') pg(ci,cj) ! write (*,'("ERROR - refine : ",2i6)') refine_i, refine_j ! write (*,'("ERROR - target grid : ",es12.4)') tg(fg_i,fg_j1:fg_j2) ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end if ! else ! ! scale towards value of coarse grid: ! tg(fg_i,fg_j1:fg_j2) = tg(fg_i,fg_j1:fg_j2)/fsum * pg(ci,cj) ! end if end do end do ! ! ! ! fine grid is subset of coarse grid: ! ! ! case ( 'subset' ) ! ! ! determine refinement ! call GetRefinement( pgi, tgi, refine_i, refine_j, cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 ) ! ! if ( (refine_i /= 1) .or. (refine_j /= 1) ) then ! write (*,'("ERROR - for this action the fine grid should a subset of a coarse grid:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR - refinement : ",2i6)') refine_i, refine_j ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end if ! ! ! loop over cells in coarse grid covering fine grid: ! do cj = cg_j1, cg_j2 ! do ci = cg_i1-1, cg_i2 ! ! fg_i = (ci-(cg_i1-1)) ! fg_j1 = (cj-cg_j1) + 1 ! ! ! fine grid is subset of coarse grid ! tg(fg_i,fg_j1) = pg(ci,cj) ! ! end do ! end do ! ! ! ! ! collect cells in fine grid to coarse grid ! ! ! case ( 'combine' ) ! ! ! determine refinement ! ! NOTE: parent grid is fine, targer is coarse ! ! call GetRefinement( tgi, pgi, refine_i, refine_j, cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 ) ! ! if ( (cg_i1 /= 1) .or. (cg_i2 /= tgi%im) .or. & ! (cg_j1 /= 1) .or. (cg_j2 /= tgi%jm) ) then ! write (*,'("ERROR - for this action the fine grid should cover the complete coarse grid:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR - covered : [",i4,",",i4,"] x [",i4,",","]")') cg_i1,cg_i2,cg_j1,cg_j2 ! write (*,'("ERROR - of : ",2i5)') tgi%im, tgi%jm ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end if ! ! ! loop over cells in coarse grid covering fine grid: ! do cj = cg_j1, cg_j2 ! do ci = cg_i1-1, cg_i2 ! ! fg_i = (ci-(cg_i1-1))*refine_i ! fg_j1 = (cj-cg_j1)*refine_j + 1 ; fg_j2 = fg_j1-1 + refine_j ! ! ! sum over cells in fine grid: ! select case ( key ) ! case ( 'sum' ) ! fsum = sum( pg(fg_i,fg_j1:fg_j2) ) ! case ( 'aver' ) ! fsum = sum( pg(fg_i,fg_j1:fg_j2) )/(refine_j) ! case default ! write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported key for match action:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR - key : ",a)') trim(key) ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end select ! ! ! collect cells in fine parent grid to target coarse grid ! tg(ci,cj) = fsum ! ! end do ! end do ! ! case default ! write (*,'("ERROR - unknown action `",a,"`")') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end select ! ok status = 0 end subroutine Match_u ! *** ! flux through north/south boundaries subroutine Match_v( key, pgi, pg, tgi, tg, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------ ! character(len=*), intent(in) :: action character(len=*), intent(in) :: key type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: pgi real, intent(in) :: pg(pgi%im,0:pgi%jm) type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: tgi real, intent(inout) :: tg(tgi%im,0:tgi%jm) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/Match_v' ! --- local ----------------------------- integer :: refine_i, refine_j integer :: cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 integer :: ci, cj integer :: fg_i1, fg_i2, fg_j integer :: fi, fj real :: fsum ! --- begin ----------------------------- ! select case ( action ) ! ! ! ! ! match fine grid with coarse cells: ! ! ! case ( 'match' ) ! determine refinement call GetRefinement( pgi, tgi, refine_i, refine_j, cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! loop over cells in coarse grid covering fine grid: do cj = cg_j1-1, cg_j2 do ci = cg_i1, cg_i2 fg_i1 = (ci-cg_i1)*refine_i + 1 ; fg_i2 = fg_i1-1 + refine_i fg_j = (cj-(cg_j1-1))*refine_j ! sum over cells in fine grid: select case ( key ) case ( 'sum' ) fsum = sum( tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j) ) ! distribute difference equally over all cells in fine grid: ! (/6,4/) + ( 14 - 10 )/ 2 = (/8,6/) tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j) = tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j) + (pg(ci,cj)-fsum)/refine_i case ( 'aver' ) fsum = sum( tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j) )/(refine_i) ! add difference in averages to all cells in fine grid: ! (/6,4/) + ( 7 - 5 ) = (/8,6/) tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j) = tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j) + (pg(ci,cj)-fsum) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported key for match action:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) write (*,'("ERROR - key : ",a)') trim(key) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select ! ! match fine grid with coarse cell: ! if ( fsum == 0.0 ) then ! if ( pg(ci,cj) /= 0.0 ) then ! write (*,'("ERROR - zero sum over coarse cell (",i3,",",i3,")")') ci, cj ! write (*,'("ERROR - coarse cell : ",es12.4)') pg(ci,cj) ! write (*,'("ERROR - refine : ",2i6)') refine_i, refine_j ! write (*,'("ERROR - fine grid : ",es12.4)') tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j) ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end if ! else ! ! scale towards value of coarse grid: ! tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j) = tg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j)/fsum * pg(ci,cj) ! end if end do end do ! ! ! ! fine grid is subset of coarse grid: ! ! ! case ( 'subset' ) ! ! ! determine refinement ! call GetRefinement( pgi, tgi, refine_i, refine_j, cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 ) ! ! if ( (refine_i /= 1) .or. (refine_j /= 1) ) then ! write (*,'("ERROR - for this action the fine grid should a subset of a coarse grid:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR - refinement : ",2i6)') refine_i, refine_j ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end if ! ! ! loop over cells in coarse grid covering fine grid: ! do cj = cg_j1-1, cg_j2 ! do ci = cg_i1, cg_i2 ! ! fg_i1 = (ci-cg_i1) + 1 ! fg_j = (cj-(cg_j1-1)) ! ! ! fine grid is subset of coarse grid ! tg(fg_i1,fg_j) = pg(ci,cj) ! ! end do ! end do ! ! ! ! ! collect cells in fine grid to coarse grid ! ! ! case ( 'combine' ) ! ! ! determine refinement ! ! NOTE: parent grid is fine, target is coarse ! ! call GetRefinement( tgi, pgi, refine_i, refine_j, cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 ) ! ! if ( (cg_i1 /= 1) .or. (cg_i2 /= tgi%im) .or. & ! (cg_j1 /= 1) .or. (cg_j2 /= tgi%jm) ) then ! write (*,'("ERROR - for this action the fine grid should cover the complete coarse grid:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR - covered : [",i4,",",i4,"] x [",i4,",","]")') cg_i1,cg_i2,cg_j1,cg_j2 ! write (*,'("ERROR - of : ",2i5)') tgi%im, tgi%jm ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end if ! ! ! loop over cells in coarse grid covering fine grid: ! do cj = cg_j1-1, cg_j2 ! do ci = cg_i1, cg_i2 ! ! fg_i1 = (ci-cg_i1)*refine_i + 1 ; fg_i2 = fg_i1-1 + refine_i ! fg_j = (cj-(cg_j1-1))*refine_j ! ! ! sum over cells in fine grid: ! select case ( key ) ! case ( 'sum' ) ! fsum = sum( pg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j) ) ! case ( 'aver' ) ! fsum = sum( pg(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j) )/(refine_i) ! case default ! write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported key for match action:")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - action : ",a)') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR - key : ",a)') trim(key) ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end select ! ! ! collect cells in fine parent grid to target coarse grid ! tg(ci,cj) = fsum ! ! end do ! end do ! ! case default ! write (*,'("ERROR - unknown action `",a,"`")') trim(action) ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return ! end select ! ok status = 0 end subroutine Match_v ! ======================================================== ! === ! === fill grid from other grid ! === ! ======================================================== ! ! NUV ! ! Key to identify data positions: ! 'n' : value valid for cell (center) ll(1:nlon ,1:nlat ) ! 'u' : value valid for east/west boundaries ll(1:nlon+1,1:nlat ) ! 'v' : value valid for north/south boundaries ll(1:nlon ,1:nlat+1) ! ! ROUTINES ! ! call FillGrid( lli, nuv, ll, lliX, nuvX, llX, combkey, status [,llX_w] ) ! ! Fill ll (defined by lli,nuv) with values from llX (defined by lliX,nuvX) ! ! Coverage of lli by lliX : ! o lliX is larger than or equal to lli -> all cells in ll changed ! o lliX is smaller than lli -> only part of ll is changed ! ! Create new ll from llX: ! o llX is superset -> copy values from llX into ll ! o llX is fine -> fill ll by combining cells in llX ! (average/sum/etc given the combine key) ! ! Combine keys: ! ! 'sum' : sum_i llX_i ! ! 'aver' : sum_i llX_i / sum_i i ! ! 'area-aver' : sum_i llX_i A_i / sum_i A_i ! ! 'weight' : sum_i llX_i llX_w_i / sum_i llX_w_i ! (only for nuv='n') ! ! Return status: ! 0 : ok ! -1 : only part of ll is filled ! ! ! AdjustGrid NOT IMPLEMENTED YET ! ! Adjust ll given llX: ! o llX is coarse -> adjust ll such that average/sum/.. of lli matches ! ! 15 Dec 2010 - P. Le Sager - added fix for 'mass-aver' (always ! understood as area-averaged) ! subroutine FillGrid( lli, nuv, ll, lliX, nuvX, llX, combkey, status, llX_w ) use dims, only : okdebug use GO, only : gol, goPr ! --- in/out -------------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli character(len=*), intent(in) :: nuv real, intent(out) :: ll(:,:) type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lliX character(len=*), intent(in) :: nuvX real, intent(in) :: llX(:,:) character(len=*), intent(in) :: combkey integer, intent(out) :: status real, intent(in), optional :: llX_w(:,:) ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/FillGrid' ! --- local --------------------------------- character(len=10) :: action integer :: di, dj integer :: i1, i2, j1, j2 integer :: js, je integer :: i, j integer :: i1X, i2X, j1X, j2X integer :: iX, jX integer :: diX, djX, nX real :: res, resw integer :: ia, ib, ja, jb integer :: iaX, ibX, jaX, jbX real :: llX_ab real, allocatable :: wwX(:,:) logical :: wwdiv logical :: only_part_of_ll ! --- begin --------------------------------- ! check input ... if ( nuv /= nuvX ) then write (*,'("ERROR - nuv keys should be equal:")') combkey write (*,'("ERROR - nuv : `",a,"`")') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - nuvX : `",a,"`")') nuvX write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! determine how lliX is related to lli: ! i1, i2, j1, j2 : cell ranges in lli covered by cells of lliX ! i1X, i2X, j1X, j2X : cell ranges in lliX covering cells of lliX ! action : 'copy', 'combine' call Relate( lli , i1 , i2 , j1 , j2 , & lliX, i1X, i2X, j1X, j2X, & action, status ) select case ( status ) case ( -1 ) only_part_of_ll = .true. case ( 0 ) only_part_of_ll = .false. case default write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; return end select ! IF(okdebug)THEN ! WRITE(gol,'(a," : action = ",a)') rname, action; CALL goPr ! ENDIF ! what to do with cells in llX? select case ( action ) ! ! * copy ! ! 'copy' : lli and lliX define same resolution; ! the cells from llX area [i1X,i2X] x [j1X,j2X] ! should be copied into ll area [i1,i2] x [j1,j2] case ( 'copy' ) select case ( nuv ) case ( 'n' ) ! loop over (selection of) cells of target grid lli: !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP default (none) & !$OMP shared (i1, i2, j1, j2, i1x, j1x, llx, ll) & !$OMP private (i, j, js, je, ix, jx) do j = j1, j2 do i = i1, i2 ! source cell in llX: iX = i1X + i-i1 jX = j1X + j-j1 ! copy cell: ll(i,j) = llX(iX,jX) end do end do !$OMP END PARALLEL case ( 'u' ) ! loop over (selection of) cells of target grid lli: do j = j1, j2 do i = i1, i2+1 ! source cell in llX: iX = i1X + i-i1 jX = j1X + j-j1 ! copy cell: ll(i,j) = llX(iX,jX) end do end do case ( 'v' ) ! loop over (selection of) cells of target grid lli: do j = j1, j2+1 do i = i1, i2 ! source cell in llX: iX = i1X + i-i1 jX = j1X + j-j1 ! copy cell: ll(i,j) = llX(iX,jX) end do end do case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported nuv `",a,"`")') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - action : `",a,"`")') action write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select ! ! * combine ! ! 'combine' : lliX defines a fine resolution; ! the cells from llX area [i1X,i2X] x [j1X,j2X] ! should be combined and copied into ll area [i1,i2] x [j1,j2] case ( 'combine' ) ! resolution of fine cells (lliX) in cell of lli, ! for example 3 x 2 : diX = (i2X-i1X+1) / (i2-i1+1) djX = (j2X-j1X+1) / (j2-j1+1) nX = diX * djX select case ( nuv ) case ( 'n' ) ! ! set weight: ! ! 'weight' : (sum_i f_i w_i) / (sum_i w_i) ! ! 'sum' : (sum_i f_i) : w = 1.0 ! 'aver' : (sum_i f_i) / (sum_i) : w = 1.0, wwdiv ! 'area-aver' : (sum_i f_i A_i) / (sum_i A_i) : w = A_i, wwdiv ! same size as input grid: allocate( wwX(size(llX,1),size(llX,2)) ) ! weight provided as argument ? if ( combkey == 'weight' ) then if ( .not. present(llX_w) ) then write (*,'("ERROR - combkey `weight` but llX_w not present ...")') write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if if ( any( shape(llX_w) /= shape(llX) ) ) then write (*,'("ERROR - weight should have shape of input grid:")') write (*,'("ERROR - shape(llX_w) : `",2i6)') shape(llX_w) write (*,'("ERROR - shape(llX) : `",2i6)') shape(llX) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if wwX = llX_w wwdiv = .true. else if ( present(llX_w) ) then write (*,'("ERROR - llX_w pressent but no combkey `weight` ...")') write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! fill weight given combkey: select case ( combkey ) case ( 'sum' ) wwX = 1.0 wwdiv = .false. case ( 'aver' ) wwX = 1.0 wwdiv = .true. case ( 'area-aver','mass-aver' ) call AreaOper( lliX, wwX, '=', 'm2', status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if wwdiv = .true. case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported combkey `",a,"`")') combkey write (*,'("ERROR - nuv : `",a,"`")') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - action : `",a,"`")') action write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select end if ! loop over (selection of) cells of target grid lli: !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP default (none) & !$OMP shared (i1, i2, j1, j2, i1x, j1x, djx, dix, llx, wwx, wwdiv, & !$OMP ll) & !$OMP private (i, j, js, je, res, resw, ix, jx) do j = j1, j2 do i = i1, i2 ! start with zero result: res = 0.0 resw = 0.0 ! loop over source cells in llX: do jX = j1X + (j-j1)*djX, j1X + (j-j1+1)*djX-1 do iX = i1X + (i-i1)*diX, i1X + (i-i1+1)*diX-1 res = res + llX(iX,jX) * wwX(iX,jX) resw = resw + wwX(iX,jX) end do end do ! fill result: if ( wwdiv ) then ll(i,j) = res / resw else ll(i,j) = res end if end do end do !$OMP END PARALLEL ! clear deallocate( wwX ) case ( 'u' ) ! loop over (selection of) cells of target grid lli: do j = j1, j2 do i = i1, i2+1 ! start with zero result: res = 0.0 ! loop over points on east/west boundary in llX: iX = i1X + (i-i1)*diX do jX = j1X + (j-j1)*djX, j1X + (j-j1+1)*djX-1 ! add contribution of this llX cell: select case ( combkey ) case ( 'sum' ) res = res + llX(iX,jX) case ( 'aver', 'area-aver','mass-aver' ) res = res + llX(iX,jX)/real(djX) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported combkey `",a,"`")') combkey write (*,'("ERROR - nuv : `",a,"`")') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - action : `",a,"`")') action write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select end do ! fill result: ll(i,j) = res end do end do case ( 'v' ) ! loop over (selection of) cells of target grid lli: do j = j1, j2+1 do i = i1, i2 ! start with zero result: res = 0.0 ! loop over points on north/south boundary in llX: jX = j1X + (j-j1)*djX do iX = i1X + (i-i1)*diX, i1X + (i-i1+1)*diX-1 ! add contribution of this llX cell: select case ( combkey ) case ( 'sum' ) res = res + llX(iX,jX) case ( 'aver', 'area-aver','mass-aver' ) res = res + llX(iX,jX)/real(diX) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported combkey `",a,"`")') combkey write (*,'("ERROR - nuv : `",a,"`")') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - action : `",a,"`")') action write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select end do ! fill result: ll(i,j) = res end do end do case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported nuv `",a,"`")') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - action : `",a,"`")') action write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select ! ! * distribute ! ! lliX defines a coarse resolution; ! the cells from llX area [i1X,i2X] x [j1X,j2X] ! should be sampled onto ll area [i1,i2] x [j1,j2] ! ! Note: it is not possible to produce weighted distributions ! to have different values within a coarse grid, ! for example based on area, since what to do with a cell with ! zero area ? case ( 'distribute' ) ! resolution of fine cells (lli) in cell of lliX, ! for example 3 x 2 : di = (i2-i1+1) / (i2X-i1X+1) dj = (j2-j1+1) / (j2X-j1X+1) select case ( nuv ) case ( 'n' ) ! loop over (selection of) coarse cells in coarse source grid lliX: do jX = j1X, j2X do iX = i1X, i2X ! loop over cells in fine target grid covered by coarse cell: do j = j1 + (jX-j1X)*dj, j1 + (jX-j1X)*dj + dj-1 do i = i1 + (iX-i1X)*di, i1 + (iX-i1X)*di + di-1 ! copy or take fraction of coarse value: select case ( combkey ) case ( 'sum' ) ! coarse cell is sum of finer; take fraction: !ll(i,j) = llX(iX,jX) / real(di*dj) ! coarse cell is sum of finer; take area fractions: ll(i,j) = llX(iX,jX) * lli%area(j) / lliX%area(jX) case ( 'aver', 'area-aver', 'weight','mass-aver') ! coarse cell is aver of finer; take all the same: ll(i,j) = llX(iX,jX) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported combkey `",a,"`")') combkey write (*,'("ERROR - nuv : `",a,"`")') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - action : `",a,"`")') action write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select end do end do end do end do case ( 'u' ) ! ! coarse iaX ibX ! | | | ! | | | | | | | | | ! fine ia ib ! i ! ! loop over (selection of) u boundaries of target grid lli: do j = j1, j2 do i = i1, i2+1 ! coarse cell in j direction: jX = j1X + floor(real(j-j1)/real(dj)) ! left and right bound in fine grid that are covered by coarse bound: ia = i1 + floor(real(i-i1)/real(di))*di ib = i1 + ceiling(real(i-i1)/real(di))*di ! corresponding coarse boundaries: iaX = i1X + (ia-i1)/di ibX = i1X + (ib-i1)/di ! interpolation in i direction of surounding lliX boundaries: if ( iaX == ibX ) then llX_ab = llX(iaX,jX) else llX_ab = llX(iaX,jX) * real(ib-i)/real(di) + & llX(ibX,jX) * real(i-ia)/real(di) end if ! copy or take fraction of coarse value: select case ( combkey ) case ( 'sum' ) ! coarse cell is sum of finer; take fraction: ll(i,j) = llX_ab / real(dj) case ( 'aver', 'area-aver','mass-aver' ) ! coarse cell is aver of finer; take all the same: ll(i,j) = llX_ab case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported combkey `",a,"`")') combkey write (*,'("ERROR - nuv : `",a,"`")') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - action : `",a,"`")') action write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select end do end do case ( 'v' ) ! ! coarse fine ! ! -- ! jaX -- -- ja ! -- j ! -- ! jbX -- -- jb ! -- ! ! loop over (selection of) u boundaries of target grid lli: do i = i1, i2 do j = j1, j2+1 ! coarse cell in i direction: iX = i1X + floor(real(i-i1)/real(di)) ! left and right bound in fine grid that are covered by coarse bound: ja = j1 + floor(real(j-j1)/real(dj))*dj jb = j1 + ceiling(real(j-j1)/real(dj))*dj ! corresponding coarse boundaries: jaX = j1X + (ja-j1)/dj jbX = j1X + (jb-j1)/dj ! interpolation in j direction of surounding lliX boundaries: if ( jaX == jbX ) then llX_ab = llX(iX,jaX) else llX_ab = llX(iX,jaX) * real(jb-j)/real(dj) + & llX(iX,jbX) * real(j-ja)/real(dj) end if ! copy or take fraction of coarse value: select case ( combkey ) case ( 'sum' ) ! coarse cell is sum of finer; take fraction: ll(i,j) = llX_ab / real(di) case ( 'aver', 'area-aver','mass-aver' ) ! coarse cell is aver of finer; take all the same: ll(i,j) = llX_ab case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported combkey `",a,"`")') combkey write (*,'("ERROR - nuv : `",a,"`")') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - action : `",a,"`")') action write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select end do end do case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported nuv `",a,"`")') nuv write (*,'("ERROR - action : `",a,"`")') action write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select ! ! * error .... ! case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported action `",a,"`")') action write (*,'("ERROR - lliX lon : ",f7.2,f6.2,i4)') lliX%lon_deg(1), lliX%dlon_deg, lliX%nlon write (*,'("ERROR - lat : ",f7.2,f6.2,i4)') lliX%lat_deg(1), lliX%dlat_deg, lliX%nlat write (*,'("ERROR - lli lon : ",f7.2,f6.2,i4)') lli%lon_deg(1), lli%dlon_deg, lli%nlon write (*,'("ERROR - lat : ",f7.2,f6.2,i4)') lli%lat_deg(1), lli%dlat_deg, lli%nlat write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select ! ok if ( only_part_of_ll ) then status = -1 else status = 0 end if end subroutine FillGrid ! ! determine how lliX is related to lli: ! i1, i2, j1, j2 : cell ranges in lli covered by cells of lliX ! i1X, i2X, j1X, j2X : cell ranges in lliX covering cells of lliX ! action : 'copy', 'combine' ! subroutine Relate( lli , i1 , i2 , j1 , j2 , & lliX, i1X, i2X, j1X, j2X, & action, status ) ! --- in/out -------------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli integer, intent(out) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lliX integer, intent(out) :: i1X, i2X, j1X, j2X character(len=10), intent(out) :: action integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: name = mname//'/Relate' ! --- local --------------------------------- real :: dlon, dlonX integer :: nlon, nlonX real :: dlat, dlatX integer :: nlat, nlatX real :: west, westX real :: east, eastX real :: south, southX real :: north, northX real :: r, rX logical :: only_part_of_ll ! --- begin --------------------------------- ! shorthands ... dlon = lli%dlon_deg ; dlonX = lliX%dlon_deg nlon = lli%nlon ; nlonX = lliX%nlon dlat = lli%dlat_deg ; dlatX = lliX%dlat_deg nlat = lli%nlat ; nlatX = lliX%nlat west = lli%blon_deg(0) ; westX = lliX%blon_deg(0) east = lli%blon_deg(nlon) ; eastX = lliX%blon_deg(nlonX) south = lli%blat_deg(0) ; southX = lliX%blat_deg(0) north = lli%blat_deg(nlat) ; northX = lliX%blat_deg(nlatX) ! same spacing ? if ( (dlonX == dlon) .and. (dlatX == dlat) ) then ! cells from lliX should be copied to lli action = 'copy' else if ( (dlonX <= dlon) .and. (dlatX <= dlat) ) then ! cells from lliX should be combined: action = 'combine' else if ( (dlonX >= dlon) .and. (dlatX >= dlat) ) then ! distribute coarse cells of lliX over fine cells of lli: action = 'distribute' else write (*,'("ERROR - do not know how to relate grids:")') write (*,'("ERROR - lli dlon,dlat :",2f10.4)') dlon , dlat write (*,'("ERROR - lliX dlon,dlat :",2f10.4)') dlonX, dlatX write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') name; status=1; return end if ! assume by default that all is filled only_part_of_ll = .false. ! west boundary r = abs(west - westX) / dlon rX = abs(west - westX) / dlonX ! relate lliX to lli: if ( (westX <= west) .and. (rX == nint(rX)) .and. (nint(rX)+1 <= nlonX) ) then ! at this side, all of lli is covered by lliX: i1 = 1 i1X = nint(rX) + 1 else if ( (westX > west) .and. (r == nint(r)) .and. (nint(r)+1 <= nlon) ) then ! at this side, only a part of lli is covered by lliX: i1 = nint(r) + 1 i1X = 1 only_part_of_ll = .true. else write (*,'("ERROR - do not know how to relate west bounds:")') write (*,'("ERROR - lli bound, spacing, number :",2f10.4,i6)') west , dlon , nlon write (*,'("ERROR - lliX bound, spacing, number :",2f10.4,i6)') westX, dlonX, nlonX write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') name; status=1; return end if ! east boundary r = abs(east - eastX) / dlon rX = abs(east - eastX) / dlonX ! relate lliX to lli: if ( (eastX >= east) .and. (rX == nint(rX)) .and. (nlonX-nint(rX) >= 1) ) then ! at this side, all of lli is covered by lliX: i2 = nlon i2X = nlonX - nint(rX) else if ( (eastX < east) .and. (r == nint(r)) .and. (nlon-nint(r) >= 1) ) then ! at this side, only a part of lli is covered by lliX: i2 = nlon - nint(r) i2X = nlonX only_part_of_ll = .true. else write (*,'("ERROR - do not know how to relate east bounds:")') write (*,'("ERROR - lli bound, spacing, number :",2f10.4,i6)') east , dlon , nlon write (*,'("ERROR - lliX bound, spacing, number :",2f10.4,i6)') eastX, dlonX, nlonX write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') name; status=1; return end if ! south boundary r = abs(south - southX) / dlat rX = abs(south - southX) / dlatX ! relate lliX to lli: if ( (southX <= south) .and. (rX == nint(rX)) .and. (nint(rX)+1 <= nlatX) ) then ! at this side, all of lli is covered by lliX: j1 = 1 j1X = nint(rX) + 1 else if ( (southX > south) .and. (r == nint(r)) .and. (nint(r)+1 <= nlat) ) then ! at this side, only a part of lli is covered by lliX: j1 = nint(r) + 1 j1X = 1 only_part_of_ll = .true. else write (*,'("ERROR - do not know how to relate south bounds:")') write (*,'("ERROR - lli bound, spacing, number :",2f10.4,i6)') south , dlat , nlat write (*,'("ERROR - lliX bound, spacing, number :",2f10.4,i6)') southX, dlatX, nlatX write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') name; status=1; return end if ! north boundary r = abs(north - northX) / dlat rX = abs(north - northX) / dlatX ! relate lliX to lli: if ( (northX >= north) .and. (rX == nint(rX)) .and. (nlatX-nint(rX) >= 1) ) then ! at this side, all of lli is covered by lliX: j2 = nlat j2X = nlatX - nint(rX) else if ( (northX < north) .and. (r == nint(r)) .and. (nlat-nint(r) >= 1) ) then ! at this side, only a part of lli is covered by lliX: j2 = nlat - nint(r) j2X = nlatX only_part_of_ll = .true. else write (*,'("ERROR - do not know how to relate north bounds:")') write (*,'("ERROR - lli bound, spacing, number :",2f10.4,i6)') north , dlat , nlat write (*,'("ERROR - lliX bound, spacing, number :",2f10.4,i6)') northX, dlatX, nlatX write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') name; status=1; return end if ! ok if ( only_part_of_ll ) then status = -1 else status = 0 end if end subroutine Relate ! ======================================================== ! === ! === grid data operations ! === ! ======================================================== ! subroutine Divergence_ll( lli, u, v, div ) ! ! ! --- in/out ------------------------------- ! ! type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli ! type(TllGrid), intent(in) :: u, v ! type(TllGrid), intent(out) :: div ! ! ! --- local -------------------------------- ! ! integer :: i, j ! integer :: im1, ip1 ! ! real :: wuim1(0:lme) ! real :: wuip1(0:lme) ! real :: wvjm1(0:lme) ! real :: wvjp1(0:lme) ! ! ! --- begin --------------------------------- ! ! if ( lli%i1 == lli%im ) then ! stop 'at least grid of 2 columns' ! end if ! ! if ( lli%j1 == lli%jm ) then ! stop 'at least grid of 2 rows' ! end if ! ! stop 'circular ?' ! ! do j = lli%j1, lli%jm ! ! do i = lli%i1, lli%im ! ! if ( j==lli%j1 .or. j==lli%jm ) then ! ! div%d(i,j) = 0.0 ! ! else ! ! if ( i==lli%i1 ) then ! im1 = lli%im ! ip1 = i + 1 ! else if ( i==lli%im ) then ! im1 = lli%im ! ip1 = i + 1 ! else ! im1 = i - 1 ! ip1 = i + 1 ! end if ! ! wuim1 = wu(im1,j,:) ! wuip1 = wu(ip1,j,:) ! ! wvjm1 = wv(i,j-1,:) ! wvjp1 = wv(i,j+1,:) ! ! dphi2 = eclon(2) - eclon(0) ! dlat2 = eclat(j+1) - eclat(j-1) ! ! qam(i,j,:) = ( wuip1 - wuim1 ) / (ceclat(j)*dphi2*ae) + & ! ( wvjp1 - wvjm1 ) / (dlat2*ae) ! ! end if ! ! end do ! end do ! ! end subroutine divergence_uv ! ================================================================== ! ! mass flux balance ! ! ================================================================== ! ! (copied from TMPP; ! code should be cleaned ..) ! ! ! lli : fine grid definition ! cgi : coarse grid covering fine grid. ! ! On input, fine grid fields pu/pv/pw should match with ! their coarse grid equivalents. ! subroutine BalanceMassFluxes_sm( lli, lme, pu, pv, ww, dmdt, cgi, b_ec, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli integer, intent(in) :: lme real,intent(inout) :: pu(0:lli%im,lli%jm,lme) real,intent(inout) :: pv(lli%im,0:lli%jm,lme) real, intent(in) :: ww(lli%im,lli%jm,lme) real, intent(in) :: dmdt(lli%im,lli%jm) type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: cgi real, intent(in) :: b_ec(0:lme) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/BalanceMassFluxes_sm' ! --- local ---------------------------------- integer :: refine_i, refine_j integer :: cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 integer :: ci, cj integer :: fg_i1, fg_i2, fg_j1, fg_j2 integer :: fi, fj integer :: i,j,l integer :: ifail real :: massc(lli%im,lli%jm) real :: dm(lli%im,lli%jm) real, allocatable :: cqu(:,:), cqv(:,:) ! --- begin ----------------------------------- !print *, '' !print *, ' correct layers 1 to',lme,' with (eta dp/deta) and dps/dt ' ! determine refinement call GetRefinement( cgi, lli, refine_i, refine_j, cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! correction fluxes: allocate( cqu(0:refine_i,refine_j) ) allocate( cqv(refine_i,0:refine_j) ) do l = 1, lme ! total horizontal massconvergence massc = 0.0 massc = massc + sum(pu(1:lli%im ,:,1:l),3) ! leaving through east massc = massc - sum(pu(0:lli%im-1,:,1:l),3) ! enter through west massc = massc + sum(pv(:,1:lli%jm ,1:l),3) ! leaving through north massc = massc - sum(pv(:,0:lli%jm-1,1:l),3) ! enter through south ! set difference dm = (-massc) - ww(:,:,l) - b_ec(l)*dmdt ! loop over cells in coarse grid covering fine grid: do cj = cg_j1, cg_j2 do ci = cg_i1, cg_i2 fg_i1 = (ci-cg_i1)*refine_i + 1 ; fg_i2 = fg_i1-1 + refine_i fg_j1 = (cj-cg_j1)*refine_j + 1 ; fg_j2 = fg_j1-1 + refine_j ! do FFT call SolvePoissonEq_zoom( refine_i, refine_j, & dm(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2), & cqu, cqv, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! add corrections to original flux: pu(fg_i1-1:fg_i2,fg_j1 :fg_j2,l) = pu(fg_i1-1:fg_i2,fg_j1 :fg_j2,l) + cqu pv(fg_i1 :fg_i2,fg_j1-1:fg_j2,l) = pv(fg_i1 :fg_i2,fg_j1-1:fg_j2,l) + cqv end do end do end do ! done deallocate( cqu ) deallocate( cqv ) ! ok status = 0 end subroutine BalanceMassFluxes_sm ! *** ! ! pw : vertical flux in direction of increasing level ! subroutine BalanceMassFluxes_m( lli, pu, pv, pw, dm_dt, cgi, dt_sec, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli real,intent(inout) :: pu(:,:,:) real,intent(inout) :: pv(:,:,:) real, intent(in) :: pw(:,:,:) real, intent(in) :: dm_dt(:,:,:) type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: cgi real, intent(in) :: dt_sec integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/BalanceMassFluxes_m' ! --- local ---------------------------------- integer :: refine_i, refine_j integer :: cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 integer :: ci, cj integer :: fg_i1, fg_i2, fg_j1, fg_j2 integer :: fi, fj integer :: i,j,l integer :: nlev real :: massc(lli%im,lli%jm) real :: dm(lli%im,lli%jm) real, allocatable :: cqu(:,:), cqv(:,:) ! --- begin ----------------------------------- ! number of levels nlev = size(pu,3) ! check ... if ( (size(pu ,1) /= lli%nlon+1) .or. (size(pu ,2) /= lli%nlat ) .or. & (size(pv ,1) /= lli%nlon ) .or. (size(pv ,2) /= lli%nlat+1) .or. & (size(pw ,1) /= lli%nlon ) .or. (size(pw ,2) /= lli%nlat ) .or. & (size(dm_dt,1) /= lli%nlon ) .or. (size(dm_dt,2) /= lli%nlat ) .or. & (size(pv ,3) /= nlev) .or. (size(pw,3) /= nlev+1) .or. & (size(dm_dt,3) /= nlev) ) then write (*,'("ERROR - input arrays do not match with grid definition or levels:")') write (*,'("ERROR - lli : ",i3," x ",i3)') lli%nlon, lli%nlat write (*,'("ERROR - pu : ",i3," x ",i3," x ",i3)') shape(pu) write (*,'("ERROR - pv : ",i3," x ",i3," x ",i3)') shape(pv) write (*,'("ERROR - pw : ",i3," x ",i3," x ",i3)') shape(pw) write (*,'("ERROR - dm_dt : ",i3," x ",i3," x ",i3)') shape(dm_dt) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! determine refinement: ! refine_i, refine_j ! cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2 : cells in coarse grid cgi covering fine grid lli: call GetRefinement( cgi, lli, refine_i, refine_j, cg_i1, cg_i2, cg_j1, cg_j2, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ! determine how lliX (finer?) is related to lli: ! i1, i2, j1, j2 : cell ranges in lli covered by cells of lliX ! i1X, i2X, j1X, j2X : cell ranges in lliX covering cells of lliX ! action : 'copy', 'combine' to map lliX to lli ! ! !subroutine Relate( lli , i1 , i2 , j1 , j2 , & ! lliX, i1X, i2X, j1X, j2X, & ! action, status ) ! correction fluxes: allocate( cqu(0:refine_i,refine_j) ) allocate( cqv(refine_i,0:refine_j) ) ! loop over levels do l = 1, nlev ! total horizontal mass convergence massc = 0.0 massc = massc + pu(1:lli%im ,:,l) ! enter through west massc = massc - pu(2:lli%im+1,:,l) ! leaving through east massc = massc + pv(:,1:lli%jm ,l) ! enter through south massc = massc - pv(:,2:lli%jm+1,l) ! leaving through north massc = massc + pw(:,:,l ) ! enter through bottom massc = massc - pw(:,:,l+1) ! leaving through top ! set difference dm = massc - dm_dt(:,:,l) ! loop over cells in coarse grid covering fine grid: do cj = cg_j1, cg_j2 do ci = cg_i1, cg_i2 fg_i1 = (ci-cg_i1)*refine_i + 1 ; fg_i2 = fg_i1-1 + refine_i fg_j1 = (cj-cg_j1)*refine_j + 1 ; fg_j2 = fg_j1-1 + refine_j ! do FFT call SolvePoissonEq_zoom( refine_i, refine_j, & dm(fg_i1:fg_i2,fg_j1:fg_j2), & cqu, cqv, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! add corrections to original flux: pu(fg_i1:fg_i2+1,fg_j1:fg_j2 ,l) = pu(fg_i1:fg_i2+1,fg_j1:fg_j2 ,l) + cqu pv(fg_i1:fg_i2 ,fg_j1:fg_j2+1,l) = pv(fg_i1:fg_i2 ,fg_j1:fg_j2+1,l) + cqv end do ! loop over coarse cells i end do ! loop over coarse cells j end do ! loop over levels ! done deallocate( cqu ) deallocate( cqv ) ! ok status = 0 end subroutine BalanceMassFluxes_m ! *** subroutine CheckMassBalance( lli, pu, pv, sp1, sp2, dt, & rms_max, mav_max, status ) use Binas, only : grav ! --- in/out ------------------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli real,intent(inout) :: pu(:,:,:) real,intent(inout) :: pv(:,:,:) real, intent(in) :: sp1(:,:) real, intent(in) :: sp2(:,:) real, intent(in) :: dt real, intent(in) :: rms_max real, intent(in) :: mav_max integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/CheckMassBalance' ! --- local ---------------------------------- real :: dmuv_dt(lli%im,lli%jm) real :: dmsp_dt(lli%im,lli%jm) real :: dm_dt_diff(lli%im,lli%jm) real :: rms_diff real :: mav_diff ! --- begin ----------------------------------- ! check ... if ( (size(pu ,1) /= lli%nlon+1) .or. (size(pu ,2) /= lli%nlat ) .or. & (size(pv ,1) /= lli%nlon ) .or. (size(pv ,2) /= lli%nlat+1) .or. & (size(sp1,1) /= lli%nlon ) .or. (size(sp1,2) /= lli%nlat ) .or. & (size(sp2,1) /= lli%nlon ) .or. (size(sp2,2) /= lli%nlat ) .or. & (size(pu,3) /= size(pv,3)) ) then write (*,'("ERROR - input arrays do not match with grid definition or levels:")') write (*,'("ERROR - lli : ",i3," x ",i3)') lli%nlon, lli%nlat write (*,'("ERROR - pu : ",i3," x ",i3," x ",i3)') shape(pu) write (*,'("ERROR - pv : ",i3," x ",i3," x ",i3)') shape(pv) write (*,'("ERROR - sp1 : ",i3," x ",i3)') shape(sp1) write (*,'("ERROR - sp2 : ",i3," x ",i3)') shape(sp2) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! total horizontal mass convergence (kg/s) dmuv_dt = 0.0 dmuv_dt = dmuv_dt + sum(pu(1:lli%nlon ,:,:),3) ! enter through west dmuv_dt = dmuv_dt - sum(pu(2:lli%nlon+1,:,:),3) ! leaving through east dmuv_dt = dmuv_dt + sum(pv(:,1:lli%nlat ,:),3) ! enter through south dmuv_dt = dmuv_dt - sum(pv(:,2:lli%nlat+1,:),3) ! leaving through north ! convert from kg/s to Pa/s dmuv_dt = dmuv_dt * grav ! Pa/s/m2 call AreaOper( lli, dmuv_dt, '/', 'm2', status ) ! Pa/s if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! same according to surface pressures: dmsp_dt = ( sp2 - sp1 ) / dt ! imbalance relative to average surface pressure: dm_dt_diff = ( dmuv_dt - dmsp_dt ) / ( (sp1+sp2)/2.0 ) ! statistics rms_diff = sqrt( sum(dm_dt_diff**2) / size(dm_dt_diff) ) mav_diff = maxval( abs( dm_dt_diff ) ) ! check ... if ( (rms_diff > rms_max) .or. (mav_diff > mav_max) ) then write (*,'("ERROR - found relative surface pressure imbalance;")') write (*,'("ERROR - difference [dmuv/dt]/[(sp1+sp2)/2] and [dsp/dt]/[(sp1+sp2)/2] :")') write (*,'("ERROR - rms : ",es12.4," (",es12.4,")")') rms_diff, rms_max write (*,'("ERROR - max abs. : ",es12.4," (",es12.4,")")') mav_diff, mav_max write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine CheckMassBalance ! *** ! Return flux field (u,v) such that netto flux in a cell matches m: ! ! du dv ! -- + -- = M ! dx dy ! ! Fluxes at grid boundaries set to zero. ! ! IN/OUT ! input: ! m(1:im,1:jm) : target netto flux ! output: ! u(0:im,1:jm) : u flux through cell boundaries ! v(1:im,0:jm) : v vlux ! ! ! +.......+.......+.......+.......+ ! : : : : : ! : o : o : o : o : ! : : : : : ! jm +.......+---v---+---v---+---v---+---v---+.......+ ! : | | | | | : ! : o u * u * u * u * u o : ! : | | | | | : ! : +.......+---v---+---v---+---v---+---v---+.......+ ! : | | | | | : ! : o u * u * u * u * u o : ! : | | | | | : ! 1 +.......+---v---+---v---+---v---+---v---+.......+ ! : | | | | | : ! : o u * u * u * u * u o : ! : | | | | | : ! j = 0 +.......+---v---+---v---+---v---+---v---+.......+ ! : : : : : ! : o : o : o : o : ! : : : : : ! +.......+.......+.......+.......+ ! ! i= 0 1 2 .. im ! ! * = m, Psi ! o = Psi (periodic) ! ! ! ALGORITHM ! ! 1. Solve the Poisson equation: ! ! d^2 d^2 ! ( ---- + ---- ) Psi = M ! dx^2 dy^2 ! ! and return F = (u,v) = ( dPsi/dx, dPsi/dy ) ! The differential equations is actually a difference equation: ! sum of fluxes is prescribed, we assume that the fluxes are differences ! of a discrete potential Psi. ! ! 2. The sollution is periodic in i and j. ! To obtain the zero boundary conditions, substract the boundaries ! from each row and column. ! subroutine SolvePoissonEq_zoom( im, jm, m, u, v, status ) use Binas, only : pi use grid_singleton, only : fftkind, fft ! --- in/out ------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: im, jm real, intent(in) :: m(im,jm) real, intent(out) :: u(0:im,jm) real, intent(out) :: v(im,0:jm) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ----------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/SolvePoissonEq_zoom' ! --- local ---------------------------------- integer :: i,j integer :: js, je real :: fac(im,jm) complex(fftkind) :: A(im,jm) complex(fftkind) :: X(im,jm) real :: psi(im,jm) real :: row(im), col(jm) ! --- begin ----------------------------------- ! precalculate cos/sin array fac !$OMP PARALLEL & !$OMP default (none) & !$OMP shared (im, jm, fac) & !$OMP private (i, j, js, je) do j = 1, jm do i=1,im fac(i,j) = 2.0*(cos(2*pi*(i-1)/im)+cos(2*pi*(j-1)/jm)-2.) end do end do !$OMP END PARALLEL fac(1,1) = 1.0 !to avoid division by zero ! do FFT A = cmplx( m, 0.0 ) X = fft( A, stat=status ) if ( status /= 0 ) then write (*,'("ERROR - from first fft; stat = ",i6)') status write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! compute fourier coefficients of correction potential A = cmplx( real(X)/fac, -aimag(X)/fac ) A(1,1) = (0.0,0.0) ! get correction potential X = fft( A, stat=status ) if ( status /= 0 ) then write (*,'("ERROR - from second fft; stat = ",i6)') status write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if psi = real( X ) ! correction flux in lon direction: do j = 1, jm !u(:,j) = (/ psi(1,j)-psi(im,j), psi(2:im,j)-psi(1:im-1,j), psi(1,j)-psi(im,j) /) u(0 ,j) = psi(1 ,j)-psi(im ,j) u(1:im-1,j) = psi(2:im,j)-psi(1:im-1,j) u(im ,j) = psi(1 ,j)-psi(im ,j) end do ! substract flux over east/west boundary: col = u(0,:) do i = 0, im u(i,:) = u(i,:) - col end do ! correction flux in lat direction; do i = 1, im !v(i,:) = (/ psi(i,1)-psi(i,jm), psi(i,2:jm)-psi(i,1:jm-1), psi(i,1)-psi(i,jm) /) v(i,0 ) = psi(i,1 ) - psi(i,jm ) v(i,1:jm-1) = psi(i,2:jm) - psi(i,1:jm-1) v(i,jm ) = psi(i,1 ) - psi(i,jm ) end do ! substract flux over north/west boundary: row = v(:,0) do j = 0, jm v(:,j) = v(:,j) - row end do ! Correction for flux over poles. ! The equation is solved with a 2D Fourrier transform, which ! assumes that the grid is part of an into infinity periodical ! extended grid; the solution is thus periodic from east into west ! but also from southpole into north pole (donut configuration). ! To obtain a zero flux over the poles, first the orginal flux over ! the poles is computed: ! vpole = psi(:,1) - psi(:,jm) ! This flux is substracted from each of the lat fluxes: ! v(:,j) := v(:,j) - vpole ! In this way, the netto mass convergence is maintained, ! but (u,v) is not a potential flow anymore! ! We will not bother about this small 'error', since we are dealing ! with a correction to a much larger error. end subroutine SolvePoissonEq_zoom ! ================================================================= ! === ! === equivalent latitudes ! === ! ================================================================= ! ! eqvlatb(1:jm+1) : bounds of eqv.lat. bins (/-90.0,..,90.0/) ! ! inds(im,jm) : cell (i,j) is in eqvlatb( inds(i,j), inds(i,j)+1 ) ! subroutine llgrid_EquivLat( lli, ff, eqvlatb, inds ) use Binas, only : deg2rad, pi use Num, only : Interval, Interp_Lin use grid_tools, only : ll_area ! --- in/out ----------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli real, intent(in) :: ff(:,:) real, intent(out) :: eqvlatb(:) integer, intent(out) :: inds(:,:) integer :: status ! --- const ------------------------------ character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/llgrid_EquivLat' ! --- local ------------------------------ real :: fmin, fmax, f integer :: nbins real, allocatable :: bin_inds(:) real, allocatable :: bin_fval(:) real, allocatable :: bin_area(:) real, allocatable :: bin_areacum(:) real :: indf real :: area_tot real :: area_glob, area_south integer :: ilast integer :: i, j ! --- begin ------------------------------ !if ( (maxval(lli%blon_deg)-minval(lli%blon_deg) < 360.0) .or. & ! (maxval(lli%blat_deg)-minval(lli%blat_deg) < 180.0) ) then ! write (*,'("ERROR - equivalent lats for global grids only yet")') ! write (*,'("ERROR - lons : ",f8.2,"-",f8.2)') minval(lli%blon_deg), maxval(lli%blon_deg) ! write (*,'("ERROR - lats : ",f8.2,"-",f8.2)') minval(lli%blat_deg), maxval(lli%blat_deg) ! write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') name; stop !end if call Check( lli, 'n', ff, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; stop; end if call Check( lli, 'n', inds, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; stop; end if ! for the moment ... nbins = lli%jm if ( size(eqvlatb) /= nbins+1 ) then write (*,'("ERROR - routine returns jm+1 bounds of jm eqv.lat bins:")') write (*,'("ERROR - size(eqvlatb) : ",i6)') size(eqvlatb) write (*,'("ERROR - nbins+1 (=jm+1) : ",i6)') nbins+1 write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; stop end if ! number of bins, field values, total area allocate( bin_inds(nbins) ) allocate( bin_fval(nbins) ) allocate( bin_area(nbins) ) allocate( bin_areacum(nbins) ) ! linear ax of values in field: fmin = minval(ff) fmax = maxval(ff) do j = 1, nbins bin_inds(j) = j*1.0 bin_fval(j) = fmin*(nbins-j)/real(nbins-1) + fmax*(j-1)/real(nbins-1) end do ! add weights for each cell to corresponding bin: ilast = 0 bin_area = 0.0 do i = 1, lli%im do j = 1, lli%jm ! search index in bins: call Interp_Lin( bin_fval, bin_inds, ff(i,j), indf, ilast, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; stop; end if ! store index: inds(i,j) = nint(indf) ! add area to corresponding bin: bin_area(inds(i,j)) = bin_area(inds(i,j)) + lli%area(j) ! rad^2 end do end do ! total area: area_tot = lli%im * sum(lli%area) ! check ... if ( (sum(bin_area)-area_tot)/area_tot > 0.01 ) then write (*,'("ERROR - total area and areas in bins do not match:")') write (*,'("ERROR - total area : ",es12.2)') area_tot write (*,'("ERROR - collected area : ",es12.2)') sum(bin_area) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; stop end if ! cumulative bin area bin_areacum(1) = bin_area(1) do j = 2, nbins bin_areacum(j) = bin_areacum(j-1) + bin_area(j) end do ! ! blat(nlat) ------------------------------- 90 ! | | \ ! |----------| | ! |//////////| | ! |----------| | glob ! | | \ | ! | | | south | ! | | / / ! blat(nlat) ------------------------------- -90 ! blon(0) blon(nlon) ! global area and southern part (all in rad!) area_glob = ll_area( 0.0, lli%blon(lli%nlon)-lli%blon(0), -0.5*pi, 0.5*pi ) ! rad^2 area_south = ll_area( 0.0, lli%blon(lli%nlon)-lli%blon(0), -0.5*pi, lli%blat(0) ) ! rad^2 ! convert cumulative ax to (part of) [-1,1] bin_areacum = (area_south + bin_areacum ) / area_glob ! [ 0,1] bin_areacum = -1.0 + 2.0*bin_areacum ! [-1,1] where ( bin_areacum < -1.0 ) bin_areacum = -1.0 where ( bin_areacum > 1.0 ) bin_areacum = 1.0 ! convert to latitude: eqvlatb(1) = lli%blat_deg(0) ! deg do j = 1, nbins eqvlatb(j+1) = asin( bin_areacum(j) ) / deg2rad end do !print *, 0, area_south/area_glob, eqvlatb(1) !do j=1,nbins ! print *, j, bin_areacum(j), eqvlatb(j+1) !end do !stop ! done deallocate( bin_inds ) deallocate( bin_fval ) deallocate( bin_area ) deallocate( bin_areacum ) end subroutine llgrid_EquivLat ! ! eqvlat1, eqvlat2 : lower and upper bound of eqv.lat. ! subroutine llgrid_EquivLat_sort( lli, ff, eqvlatb1, eqvlatb2, status ) use Binas, only : deg2rad, pi use Num, only : Sort use grid_tools, only : ll_area ! --- in/out ----------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli real, intent(in) :: ff(:,:) real, intent(out) :: eqvlatb1(:,:) real, intent(out) :: eqvlatb2(:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------ character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/llgrid_EquivLat_sort' ! --- local ------------------------------ real :: ffsort(lli%nlon,lli%nlat) integer :: ijsort(lli%nlon,lli%nlat,2) real :: areacum real :: bin_areacum(lli%nlon,lli%nlat,2) real :: area_tot real :: area_glob, area_south integer :: i, j integer :: is, js ! --- begin ------------------------------ ! check input call Check( lli, 'n', ff, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! sort input array call Sort( ff, ffsort, ijsort, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! loop over sorted values to compute cumulative areas: areacum = 0.0 do js = 1, lli%nlat do is = 1, lli%nlon ! original indices i = ijsort(is,js,1) j = ijsort(is,js,2) ! store lower cumulative area: bin_areacum(i,j,1) = areacum ! rad^2 ! add area of this cell: areacum = areacum + lli%area(j) ! rad^2 ! store upper cumulative area: bin_areacum(i,j,2) = areacum ! rad^2 end do end do ! total area: area_tot = lli%nlon * sum(lli%area) ! check ... if ( (bin_areacum(lli%nlon,lli%nlat,2)-area_tot)/area_tot > 0.01 ) then write (*,'("ERROR - total area and areas in bins do not match:")') write (*,'("ERROR - total area : ",es12.2)') area_tot write (*,'("ERROR - collected area : ",es12.2)') bin_areacum(lli%nlon,lli%nlat,2) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ! blat(nlat) ------------------------------- 90 ! | | \ ! |----------| | ! |//////////| | ! |----------| | glob ! | | \ | ! | | | south | ! | | / / ! blat(nlat) ------------------------------- -90 ! blon(0) blon(nlon) ! global area and southern part (all in rad!) area_glob = ll_area( 0.0, lli%blon(lli%nlon)-lli%blon(0), -0.5*pi, 0.5*pi ) ! rad^2 area_south = ll_area( 0.0, lli%blon(lli%nlon)-lli%blon(0), -0.5*pi, lli%blat(0) ) ! rad^2 ! convert cumulative ax to (part of) [-1,1] bin_areacum = (area_south + bin_areacum ) / area_glob ! [ 0,1] bin_areacum = -1.0 + 2.0*bin_areacum ! [-1,1] ! adhoc truncations ... where ( bin_areacum < -1.0 ) bin_areacum = -1.0 where ( bin_areacum > 1.0 ) bin_areacum = 1.0 ! convert to latitude: eqvlatb1 = asin( bin_areacum(:,:,1) ) / deg2rad eqvlatb2 = asin( bin_areacum(:,:,2) ) / deg2rad ! ok status = 0 end subroutine llgrid_EquivLat_sort ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ~~~ ! ~~~ region box ! ~~~ ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ subroutine llreg_Init( llreg, west_deg, east_deg, south_deg, north_deg, status ) use Binas, only : deg2rad ! --- in/out -------------------------------- type(TllRegion), intent(inout) :: llreg real, intent(in) :: west_deg, east_deg, south_deg, north_deg integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = 'llreg_Init' ! --- begin -------------------------------- ! store region boundaries: llreg%west_deg = west_deg llreg%east_deg = east_deg llreg%south_deg = south_deg llreg%north_deg = north_deg ! idem in radians: llreg%west = west_deg * deg2rad llreg%east = east_deg * deg2rad llreg%south = south_deg * deg2rad llreg%north = north_deg * deg2rad ! ok status = 0 end subroutine llreg_Init ! *** subroutine llreg_Done( llreg, status ) ! --- in/out -------------------------------- type(TllRegion), intent(inout) :: llreg integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = 'llreg_Done' ! --- begin -------------------------------- ! nothing to be done ! ok status = 0 end subroutine llreg_Done ! *** subroutine llreg_Region_Apply_Factor_2d( lli, x, llreg, fac, status, complement ) use grid_tools, only : ll_area_frac ! --- in/out --------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli real, intent(inout) :: x(:,:) type(TllRegion), intent(in) :: llreg real, intent(in) :: fac integer, intent(out) :: status logical, intent(in), optional :: complement ! --- const -------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = 'llreg_Region_Apply_Factor_2d' ! --- local -------------------------------- logical :: do_complement real :: frac integer :: i, j ! --- begin -------------------------------- ! apply to interior of region or to complement ? do_complement = .false. if ( present(complement) ) do_complement = complement ! check ... call Check( lli, 'n', x, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! loop over all cells in grid: do j = 1, lli%nlat do i = 1, lli%nlon ! fraction of grid cell covered by region; ! input to routine in radians: frac = ll_area_frac( lli%blon(i-1), lli%blon(i), lli%blat(j-1), lli%blat(j), & llreg%west , llreg%east , llreg%south , llreg%north ) ! apply to interior or to complement ? if ( do_complement ) then ! apply factor if cell is (partly) outside region box: if ( frac < 1.0 ) then x(i,j) = fac * ( 1.0 - frac ) * x(i,j) end if else ! apply factor if cell is (partly) inside region box: if ( frac > 0.0 ) then x(i,j) = fac * frac * x(i,j) end if end if end do ! i end do ! j ! ok status = 0 end subroutine llreg_Region_Apply_Factor_2d ! *** subroutine llreg_Region_Apply_Factor_3d( lli, x, llreg, fac, status, complement ) use grid_tools, only : ll_area_frac ! --- in/out --------------------------- type(TllGridInfo), intent(in) :: lli real, intent(inout) :: x(:,:,:) type(TllRegion), intent(in) :: llreg real, intent(in) :: fac integer, intent(out) :: status logical, intent(in), optional :: complement ! --- const -------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = 'llreg_Region_Apply_Factor_3d' ! --- local -------------------------------- logical :: do_complement real :: frac integer :: i, j ! --- begin -------------------------------- ! apply to interior of region or to complement ? do_complement = .false. if ( present(complement) ) do_complement = complement ! check ... call Check( lli, 'n', x(:,:,1), status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! loop over all cells in grid: do j = 1, lli%nlat do i = 1, lli%nlon ! fraction of grid cell covered by region; ! input to routine in radians: frac = ll_area_frac( lli%blon(i-1), lli%blon(i), lli%blat(j-1), lli%blat(j), & llreg%west , llreg%east , llreg%south , llreg%north ) ! apply to interior or to complement ? if ( do_complement ) then ! apply factor if cell is (partly) outside region box: if ( frac < 1.0 ) then x(i,j,:) = fac * ( 1.0 - frac ) * x(i,j,:) end if else ! apply factor if cell is (partly) inside region box: if ( frac > 0.0 ) then x(i,j,:) = fac * frac * x(i,j,:) end if end if end do ! i end do ! j ! ok status = 0 end subroutine llreg_Region_Apply_Factor_3d end module grid_type_ll