!####################################################################### ! ! NAME ! GO_Timer - General Objects : Timing routines ! ! USAGE ! ! use GO_Timer ! ! ! timer id's: ! integer :: itim1, itim2, itim2a, itim2b ! ! ! start timing: ! call GO_Timer_Init( status ) ! ! ! define timer names, return timer id's: ! call GO_Timer_Def( itim1 , 'part1' , status ) ! call GO_Timer_Def( itim2 , 'part2' , status ) ! call GO_Timer_Def( itim2a, 'part2a', status ) ! call GO_Timer_Def( itim2b, 'part2b', status ) ! ! ! first task: ! call GO_Timer_Start(itim1,status) ! ! ... ! call GO_Timer_End(itim1,status) ! ! ! second task: ! call GO_Timer_Start(itim2,status) ! ! ... ! ! child tasks: ! call GO_Timer_Start(itim2a,status) ! ! ... ! call GO_Timer_End(itim2a,status) ! call GO_Timer_Start(itim2b,status) ! ! ... ! call GO_Timer_End(itim2b,status) ! call GO_Timer_End(itim2,status) ! ! ! stop timing, print profile to standard output; ! ! if an output file name is provided, the timing data is written ! ! to this file with the profile in the header: ! call GO_Timer_Done( status [,'profile.dat'] ) ! ! ! HISTORY ! ! 2008 apr, Arjo Segers, TNO ! !####################################################################### ! #define TRACEBACK write (gol,'("in ",a," (line",i5,")")') __FILE__, __LINE__; call goErr ! #define IF_NOTOK_RETURN(action) if (status/=0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if #define IF_ERROR_RETURN(action) if (status >0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if ! ! code compiled together with other GO modules ... #define with_go ! !####################################################################### module GO_Timer #ifdef with_go use GO_Print, only : gol, goPr, goErr #endif implicit none ! --- in/out ------------------------ private public :: GO_Timer_Init, GO_Timer_Done public :: GO_Timer_Def, GO_Timer_Start, GO_Timer_End public :: GO_Timer_Get ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: mname = 'GO_Timer' ! maximum number of times: integer, parameter :: maxtimer = 60 ! real kind returned by cpu_time etc integer, parameter :: rknd = 8 ! integer kind returned by system_clock etc integer, parameter :: iknd = 4 ! --- types -------------------------- type T_Timer ! label: character(len=64) :: name ! total time: !real(rknd) :: total_cpu real(rknd) :: total_sys end type T_Timer type T_Stopwatch !! timing using 'cpu_time' routine: !real(rknd) :: start_cpu !real(rknd) :: end_cpu !real(rknd) :: total_cpu ! timing using 'system_clock' routine: integer(iknd) :: start_sys integer(iknd) :: end_sys real(rknd) :: total_sys end type T_Stopwatch ! --- var ---------------------------- ! list of timers: type(T_Timer) :: Timers(0:maxtimer) ! currently in use: integer :: ntimer ! root timer: integer :: itim_root ! parent-child relations: !logical :: child(0:maxtimer,maxtimer) ! StopWatch for each parent/child pair: type(T_Stopwatch) :: StopWatch(0:maxtimer,maxtimer) ! stack of current timers: integer :: stack(0:maxtimer) integer :: top ! parameters of system_clock : integer(iknd) :: sysclock_count_rate ! clock ticks per second integer(iknd) :: sysclock_count_max ! maximum number of ticks real(rknd) :: sysclock_tick2sec #ifndef with_go ! message line: character(len=1024) :: gol #endif contains #ifndef with_go ! ******************************************************************** ! *** ! *** GO surrogate ! *** ! ******************************************************************** ! substitutes for message routines from GO modules ! display message: subroutine goPr write (*,'(a)') trim(gol) end subroutine goPr ! display error message: subroutine goErr write (*,'("ERROR - ",a)') trim(gol) end subroutine goErr ! free file unit: subroutine goGetFU( fu, status ) integer, intent(out) :: fu integer, intent(out) :: status logical :: opened fu = 456 do inquire( unit=fu, opened=opened ) if ( .not. opened ) exit fu = fu + 1 end do status = 0 end subroutine goGetFU #endif ! ******************************************************************** ! *** ! *** GO Timer Routines ! *** ! ******************************************************************** subroutine GO_Timer_Init( status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/GO_Timer_Init' ! --- local -------------------------- integer(iknd) :: sysclock_count integer :: itimer, ichild ! --- begin -------------------------- ! init system clock parameters: call system_clock( sysclock_count, sysclock_count_rate, sysclock_count_max ) ! conversion from clock ticks to seconds: sysclock_tick2sec = 1.0/real(sysclock_count_rate,8) ! no timers defined yet: ntimer = 0 ! dummy name for base, which might be used as parent: Timers(0)%name = '0' ! no children yet: !child = .false. ! no StopWatch yet: do itimer = 0, ntimer do ichild = 1, ntimer ! set accumulated time to zero: !StopWatch(itimer,itimer)%total_cpu = 0.0 StopWatch(itimer,itimer)%total_sys = 0.0 end do end do ! empty stack: stack = 0 top = 0 ! define root timer: call GO_Timer_Def( itim_root, 'root', status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! start root: call GO_Timer_Start( itim_root, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! ok status = 0 end subroutine GO_Timer_Init ! *** subroutine GO_Timer_Done( status, file ) #ifdef with_go use GO_File, only : goGetFU #endif ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer, intent(out) :: status character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: file ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/GO_Timer_Done' ! --- local -------------------------- integer :: itimer, ichild character(len=40) :: label, child_label real(rknd) :: total, child_total real(rknd) :: children_total real :: frac integer :: fu real(rknd) :: child_totals(maxtimer) ! --- begin -------------------------- ! stop root: call GO_Timer_End( itim_root, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! also to file ? if ( present(file) ) then ! free file unit: call goGetFU( fu, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) ! open file: open( fu, file=trim(file), form='formatted', iostat=status ) if (status/=0) then write (gol,'("opening timer output file : ",a)') trim(file); call goPr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end if end if ! print table write (gol,'(" ")'); call goPr write (gol,'("------------------------------------------ ------------ ---------")'); call goPr write (gol,'("timer system_clock (%)")'); call goPr write (gol,'("------------------------------------------ ------------ ---------")'); call goPr ! also to file ? if ( present(file) ) then write (fu,'("#")') write (fu,'("# ------------------------------------------ ------------ ---------")') write (fu,'("# timer system_clock (%)")') write (fu,'("# ------------------------------------------ ------------ ---------")') end if ! loop over all timers: do itimer = 1, ntimer ! current values: label = trim(timers(itimer)%name) !total = timers(itimer)%total_cpu total = timers(itimer)%total_sys ! display: write (gol,'(" ")'); call goPr write (gol,'(a40," ",1(" ",f12.2," "))') label, total; call goPr ! also to file ? if ( present(file) ) then write (fu,'("#")') write (fu,'("# ",a40," ",1(" ",f12.2," "))') label, total end if ! loop over children: !children_total = 0.0 children_total = 0.0 do ichild = 1, ntimer ! child values: child_label = trim(timers(ichild)%name) !child_total = StopWatch(itimer,ichild)%total_cpu child_total = StopWatch(itimer,ichild)%total_sys ! no time spend here ? then skip: if ( child_total <= 0.0 ) cycle ! set fraction: if ( total > 0.0 ) then frac = child_total / total else frac = 1.0 endif ! display: write (gol,'(" ",a40,1(" ",f12.2," (",f5.1," %)"))') child_label, child_total, frac*100.0; call goPr ! also to file ? if ( present(file) ) then write (fu,'("# ",a40,1(" ",f12.2," (",f5.1," %)"))') child_label, child_total, frac*100.0 end if ! update sum: children_total = children_total + child_total end do ! child ! other ? if ( children_total > 0.0 ) then ! 'child' values: child_label = 'other' child_total = total - children_total ! check ... if ( child_total < 0.0 ) then ! tell the user to check the code ... write (gol,'("WARNING - total of children exceeds time spent by parent, probably a wrong start/end pair somewhere!")') ! next timer: cycle end if ! set fraction: if ( total > 0.0 ) then frac = child_total / total else frac = 1.0 endif ! display: write (gol,'(" ",a40,1(" ",f12.2," (",f5.1," %)"))') child_label, child_total, frac*100.0; call goPr ! also to file ? if ( present(file) ) then write (fu,'("# ",a40,1(" ",f12.2," (",f5.1," %)"))') child_label, child_total, frac*100.0 end if end if end do ! timers ! close table: write (gol,'(" ")'); call goPr write (gol,'("------------------------------------------ ------------ ---------")'); call goPr write (gol,'(" ")'); call goPr ! also to file ? if ( present(file) ) then write (fu,'("#")') write (fu,'("# ------------------------------------------ ------------ ---------")') write (fu,'("#")') end if ! write all data to the file: if ( present(file) ) then ! all data: write (fu,'("# number of timers:")') write (fu,*) ntimer write (fu,'("# index, total time, name")') do itimer = 1, ntimer write (fu,'(i4,f12.4," ",a)') itimer, timers(itimer)%total_sys, trim(timers(itimer)%name) end do write (fu,'("# for each timer, total times spent on child processes")') do itimer = 1, ntimer ! collect child totals: child_totals = 0.0 do ichild = 1, ntimer child_totals(ichild) = StopWatch(itimer,ichild)%total_sys end do write (fu,'(1000f12.4)') child_totals(1:ntimer) end do end if ! close file if necessary: if ( present(file) ) then ! close: close( fu, iostat=status ) if (status/=0) then write (fu,'("# closing timer output file : ",a)') trim(file); call goPr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end if end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine GO_Timer_Done ! *** subroutine GO_Timer_Def( itimer, name, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer, intent(out) :: itimer character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/GO_Timer_Def' ! --- local -------------------------- integer :: k ! --- begin -------------------------- ! new number: ntimer = ntimer + 1 ! check ... if ( ntimer > maxtimer ) then write (gol,'("could not define timer for `",a,"` ;")') trim(name); call goPr write (gol,'("reached maximum number of timers:")'); call goPr do k = 1, maxtimer write (gol,'(" ",i6," ",a)') k, trim(timers(k)%name); call goPr end do write (gol,'("increase value of parameter `maxtimer` in module `",a,"`")') trim(mname); call goPr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end if !! debug ... !print *, 'TTT def timer : ', ntimer, ' ', trim(name) ! current number: itimer = ntimer ! store: timers(itimer)%name = trim(name) ! init totals: !timers(itimer)%total_cpu = 0.0 timers(itimer)%total_sys = 0.0 ! ok: status = 0 end subroutine GO_Timer_Def ! *** subroutine GO_Timer_Get( itimer, status, name ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: itimer integer, intent(out) :: status character(len=*), optional :: name ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/GO_Timer_Name' ! --- local -------------------------- ! --- begin -------------------------- ! extract values if ( present(name) ) name = trim(timers(itimer)%name) ! ok: status = 0 end subroutine GO_Timer_Get ! *** subroutine GO_Timer_Start( itimer, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: itimer integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- local -------------------------- integer :: i integer :: iparent ! --- begin -------------------------- ! check ... if ( itimer < 1 ) then write (gol,'("timer id < 1 ; not defined ?")'); call goErr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end if ! check ... if ( top == size(stack) ) then write (gol,'("timer stack out of bounds:")'); call goErr do i = 1, top write (gol,'(i6," : ",i6," `",a,"`")') i, stack(i), trim(Timers(i)%name); call goErr end do write (gol,'("probably bug in start/end calls, please check ...")'); call goErr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end if ! check ... if ( top < 0 ) then write (gol,'("stack could not be lower than zero, but top is now : ",i6)') top; call goErr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end if ! add to stack: top = top + 1 stack(top) = itimer ! current timer is on top of stack; ! parent code has timer stack(top-1): iparent = stack(top-1) ! set flag that parent calls this part of the code: !child(iparent,itimer) = .true. !! store time: !call cpu_time( StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%start_cpu ) ! store ticks: call system_clock( StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%start_sys ) ! ok: status = 0 end subroutine GO_Timer_Start ! *** subroutine GO_Timer_End( itimer, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: itimer integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- local -------------------------- integer :: iparent !real(rknd) :: dt_cpu real(rknd) :: dt_sys ! --- begin -------------------------- ! check .. if ( stack(top) /= itimer ) then write (gol,'("end timer id not the same as start timer id:")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" start (top of stack) : ",i6," `",a,"`")') stack(top), trim(Timers(stack(top))%name); call goErr write (gol,'(" end : ",i6," `",a,"`")') itimer, trim(Timers(itimer)%name); call goErr write (gol,'("check if each timer start is followed by a correct timer end")'); call goErr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end if ! check ... if ( top < 1 ) then write (gol,'("timer end but stack empty ...")'); call goErr write (gol,'("check if each call to timer_end has a corresponding call to timer_start")'); call goErr TRACEBACK; status=1; return end if ! current timer is on top of stack; ! parent code has timer stack(top-1): iparent = stack(top-1) !! store time: !call cpu_time( stopwatch%end_cpu ) !! add time increment: !dt_cpu = stopwatch%end_cpu - stopwatch%start_cpu !! add time increments: !StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%total_cpu = StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%total_cpu + dt_cpu !Timers ( itimer)%total_cpu = Timers ( itimer)%total_cpu + dt_cpu ! store time: call system_clock( StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%end_sys ) ! trap reset: if ( StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%end_sys < StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%start_sys ) then ! set time increment: dt_sys = ( StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%end_sys + ( sysclock_count_max - StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%start_sys ) ) * & sysclock_tick2sec else ! set time increment: dt_sys = ( StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%end_sys - StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%start_sys ) * sysclock_tick2sec end if ! add time increments: StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%total_sys = StopWatch(iparent,itimer)%total_sys + dt_sys Timers ( itimer)%total_sys = Timers ( itimer)%total_sys + dt_sys ! debugging ... !write (*,'("xxx added ",f6.2," to timer `",a,"`; called from `",a,"`")') dt_sys, trim(Timers(itimer)%name), trim(Timers(iparent)%name) ! pop from stack: top = top - 1 ! ok: status = 0 end subroutine GO_Timer_End ! *** end module GO_Timer !! ########################################################## !! ### !! ### test !! ### !! ########################################################## ! !program test ! ! use GO_Timer ! ! implicit none ! ! ! timer id's: ! integer :: itim1, itim2, itim2a, itim2b ! ! ! local: ! integer :: status ! ! ! start timing: ! call GO_Timer_Init( status ) ! if (status/=0) stop 'ERROR from GO_Timer_Init' ! ! ! define timer names, return timer id's: ! call GO_Timer_Def( itim1 , 'part1' , status ) ! call GO_Timer_Def( itim2 , 'part2' , status ) ! call GO_Timer_Def( itim2a, 'part2a', status ) ! call GO_Timer_Def( itim2b, 'part2b', status ) ! ! ! first task: ! call GO_Timer_Start(itim1,status) ! ! ... ! call Sleep( 1 ) ! ! ... ! call GO_Timer_End(itim1,status) ! ! ! second task: ! call GO_Timer_Start(itim2,status) ! ! ... ! call Sleep( 2 ) ! ! ... ! ! child tasks: ! call GO_Timer_Start(itim2a,status) ! ! ... ! call Sleep( 2 ) ! ! ... ! call GO_Timer_End(itim2a,status) ! call GO_Timer_Start(itim2b,status) ! ! ... ! call Sleep( 3 ) ! ! ... ! call GO_Timer_End(itim2b,status) ! ! ... ! call Sleep( 1 ) ! ! ... ! call GO_Timer_End(itim2,status) ! ! ! stop timing, print profile ! call GO_Timer_Done( status ) ! if (status/=0) stop 'ERROR from GO_Timer_Done' ! !end program test !