!################################################################# ! ! Type definitions. ! ! Extracted from 'dims.F90'. ! !### macro's ##################################################### ! #define TRACEBACK write (gol,'("in ",a," (",a,", line",i5,")")') rname, __FILE__, __LINE__; call goErr #define IF_NOTOK_RETURN(action) if (status/=0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if #define IF_ERROR_RETURN(action) if (status> 0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if ! #include "tm5.inc" ! !################################################################# module global_types use GO, only : gol, goPr, goErr implicit none public ! --- types ------------------------------- ! define structures to contain dimensioned data: type region_data integer,dimension(:,:),pointer :: zoomed integer,dimension(:,:),pointer :: edge real,dimension(:),pointer :: dxyp ! area (m2) integer::halo end type region_data type wind_data ! am westward mass flux through east (kg/s) (halo = 1) ! bm northward mass flux through south (kg/s) (halo = 1) ! cm upward flux through bottom (kg/s) (halo = 1) ! real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: am real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: bm real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: cm integer :: halo end type wind_data #ifndef without_convection type conv_data ! ! entd entrainement downdraft (im,jm,lmax_conv) ! entu entrainement updraft ! detd detrainement downdraft ! detu detrainement updraft ! dkg diffusion coefs. ! cloud_base bottom updraft ! cloud_top top updraft ! cloud_lfs level of free sinking (downdraft) ! blh boundary layer height ! #ifndef without_diffusion real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: dkg #endif integer,dimension(:,:),pointer :: cloud_base integer,dimension(:,:),pointer :: cloud_top integer,dimension(:,:),pointer :: cloud_lfs real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: blh end type conv_data #endif ! emis_data%surf : any type of surface data type emis_data real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: surf end type emis_data ! any type of mode surface data in all resolutions type aerosol_emis_data real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: surf end type aerosol_emis_data ! d3_data%d3 : 3D data, e.g. nox emissions type d3_data real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: d3 integer :: halo end type d3_data ! d23_data%d23 : lat/pres fields, e.g. o3 climatology in ppmv type d23_data real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: d23 end type d23_data ! d2_data%d2 : lat fields, e.g. hno3/o3 ratios at 10 hPa type d2_data real,dimension(:),pointer :: d2 end type d2_data ! isop_data%scalef_isop : (jm,ntim) scalefactor isoprene emissions type isop_data real,dimension(:,:),pointer :: scalef_isop end type isop_data ! chem_data%rm : 'chemistry' (non-transported) tracers type chem_data real,dimension(:,:,:,:),pointer :: rm end type chem_data ! modal emissions type modal_emissions real,dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: d4 ! im,jm,bb_lm, mode_nm(mode) end type modal_emissions end module global_types