! ! Template for file_hdf routines with integer arguments. ! ! To generate kind specific versions, use: ! ! /bin/sed -e 's/8/1/g' file_hdf_iwp.F90.in > file_hdf_i1.F90 ! /bin/sed -e 's/8/2/g' file_hdf_iwp.F90.in > file_hdf_i2.F90 ! /bin/sed -e 's/8/4/g' file_hdf_iwp.F90.in > file_hdf_i4.F90 ! /bin/sed -e 's/8/8/g' file_hdf_iwp.F90.in > file_hdf_i8.F90 ! module file_hdf_i8 implicit none ! --- in/out -------------------------- private public :: ReadData public :: WriteData public :: SetScale, SetDim public :: ReadAttribute, CheckAttribute public :: WriteAttribute ! --- const ---------------------------- include "hdf.f90" character(len=*), parameter :: mname = 'file_hdf_i8' ! --- interfaces ------------------------ interface ReadData module procedure sds_ReadData_i8_1d module procedure sds_ReadData_i8_2d module procedure sds_ReadData_i8_3d module procedure sds_ReadData_i8_4d module procedure sds_ReadData_i8_5d module procedure sds_ReadData_i8_6d module procedure sds_ReadData_i8_7d end interface interface WriteData module procedure sds_WriteData_i8_1d module procedure sds_WriteData_i8_2d module procedure sds_WriteData_i8_3d module procedure sds_WriteData_i8_4d module procedure sds_WriteData_i8_5d module procedure sds_WriteData_i8_6d module procedure sds_WriteData_i8_7d end interface interface SetScale module procedure dim_SetScale_i8 end interface interface SetDim module procedure sds_SetDim_i8 end interface interface ReadAttribute module procedure obj_ReadAttribute_i8_0d module procedure obj_ReadAttribute_i8_1d ! module procedure sds_ReadAttribute_i8_0d module procedure sds_ReadAttribute_i8_1d ! module procedure dim_ReadAttribute_i8_0d module procedure dim_ReadAttribute_i8_1d ! module procedure hdf_ReadAttribute_i8_0d module procedure hdf_ReadAttribute_i8_1d end interface interface CheckAttribute module procedure obj_CheckAttribute_i8_0d module procedure obj_CheckAttribute_i8_1d ! module procedure sds_CheckAttribute_i8_0d module procedure sds_CheckAttribute_i8_1d ! module procedure dim_CheckAttribute_i8_0d module procedure dim_CheckAttribute_i8_1d ! module procedure hdf_CheckAttribute_i8_0d module procedure hdf_CheckAttribute_i8_1d end interface interface WriteAttribute module procedure obj_WriteAttribute_i8_0d module procedure obj_WriteAttribute_i8_1d ! module procedure sds_WriteAttribute_i8_0d module procedure sds_WriteAttribute_i8_1d ! module procedure dim_WriteAttribute_i8_0d module procedure dim_WriteAttribute_i8_1d ! module procedure hdf_WriteAttribute_i8_0d module procedure hdf_WriteAttribute_i8_1d end interface contains ! ############################################################ ! ### ! ### objects ! ### ! ############################################################ ! ================================================================ ! === ! === read attributes ! === ! ================================================================ subroutine obj_ReadAttribute_i8_0d( obj_id, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 use file_hdf_base, only : FindAttribute, CheckAttributeInfo, GetAttributeInfo ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer(wpi), intent(in) :: obj_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(out) :: i integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/obj_ReadAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: attr_index, data_type integer(wp_int8 ) :: int8 integer(wp_int16) :: int16 integer(wp_int32) :: int32 integer(wp_int64) :: int64 ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfRNAtt ! --- begin ------------------------------- call FindAttribute( obj_id, name, attr_index, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if call CheckAttributeInfo( obj_id, attr_index, status, n_values=1 ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! extract value: call GetAttributeInfo( obj_id, attr_index, status, data_type=data_type ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if select case ( data_type ) case ( DFNT_INT8 ) status = sfRNAtt( obj_id, attr_index, int8 ); i = int(int8 ,kind=8) case ( DFNT_INT16 ) status = sfRNAtt( obj_id, attr_index, int16 ); i = int(int16,kind=8) case ( DFNT_INT32 ) status = sfRNAtt( obj_id, attr_index, int32 ); i = int(int32,kind=8) case ( DFNT_INT64 ) status = sfRNAtt( obj_id, attr_index, int64 ); i = int(int64,kind=8) case default write (*,'("ERROR - not implemented for data type ",i6)') data_type write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status /= SUCCEED ) then write (*,'("ERROR - reading attribute : ",a)') trim(name) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine obj_ReadAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine obj_ReadAttribute_i8_1d( obj_id, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 use file_hdf_base, only : FindAttribute, CheckAttributeInfo, GetAttributeInfo ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer(wpi), intent(in) :: obj_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(out) :: i(:) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/obj_ReadAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: attr_index, data_type integer :: n integer(wp_int8 ), allocatable :: int8 (:) integer(wp_int16), allocatable :: int16(:) integer(wp_int32), allocatable :: int32(:) integer(wp_int64), allocatable :: int64(:) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfRNAtt ! --- begin ------------------------------- n = size(i) call FindAttribute( obj_id, name, attr_index, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if call CheckAttributeInfo( obj_id, attr_index, status, n_values=n ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! extract value: call GetAttributeInfo( obj_id, attr_index, status, data_type=data_type ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if select case ( data_type ) case ( DFNT_INT8 ) allocate( int8 (n) ) status = sfRNAtt( obj_id, attr_index, int8 ) i = int(int8 ,kind=8) deallocate( int8 ) case ( DFNT_INT16 ) allocate( int16(n) ) status = sfRNAtt( obj_id, attr_index, int16 ) i = int(int16,kind=8) deallocate( int16 ) case ( DFNT_INT32 ) allocate( int32(n) ) status = sfRNAtt( obj_id, attr_index, int32 ) i = int(int32,kind=8) deallocate( int32 ) case ( DFNT_INT64 ) allocate( int64(n) ) status = sfRNAtt( obj_id, attr_index, int64 ) i = int(int64,kind=8) deallocate( int64 ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - not implemented for data type ",i6)') data_type write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status /= SUCCEED ) then write (*,'("ERROR - reading attribute : ",a)') trim(name) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine obj_ReadAttribute_i8_1d ! ================================================================ ! === ! === check attributes ! === ! ================================================================ subroutine obj_CheckAttribute_i8_0d( obj_id, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer(wpi), intent(in) :: obj_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/obj_CheckAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- local ------------------------------- logical :: verbose integer(8) :: attr_i ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 call ReadAttribute( obj_id, name, attr_i, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! check: if ( attr_i /= i ) then if (verbose) then write (*,'("ERROR - foud different attribute values:")') write (*,'("ERROR - attr name : ",a)') trim(name) write (*,'("ERROR - requested : ",i6)') i write (*,'("ERROR - found : ",i6)') attr_i write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname end if status=-1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine obj_CheckAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine obj_CheckAttribute_i8_1d( obj_id, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer(wpi), intent(in) :: obj_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i(:) integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/obj_CheckAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- local ------------------------------- logical :: verbose integer :: n integer(8), allocatable :: attr_i(:) logical :: failed ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 n = size(i) allocate( attr_i(n) ) call ReadAttribute( obj_id, name, attr_i, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! check: failed = any( attr_i /= i ) ! clear deallocate( attr_i ) ! not ok ? if ( failed ) then if (verbose) then write (*,'("ERROR - foud different attribute values:")') write (*,'("ERROR - attr name : ",a)') trim(name) write (*,'("ERROR - requested : ",i6)') i write (*,'("ERROR - found : ",i6)') attr_i write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname end if status=-1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine obj_CheckAttribute_i8_1d ! ================================================================ ! === ! === write attributes ! === ! ================================================================ subroutine obj_WriteAttribute_i8_0d( obj_id, name, i, status, knd ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer(wpi), intent(in) :: obj_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i integer, intent(inout) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: knd ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/obj_WriteAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: ikind ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfSNAtt ! --- begin ------------------------------- ikind = kind(i) if ( present(knd) ) ikind = knd select case ( ikind ) case ( 1 ) status = sfSNAtt( obj_id, name, DFNT_INT8 , 1, int(i,kind=wp_int8 ) ) case ( 2 ) status = sfSNAtt( obj_id, name, DFNT_INT16, 1, int(i,kind=wp_int16) ) case ( 4 ) status = sfSNAtt( obj_id, name, DFNT_INT32, 1, int(i,kind=wp_int32) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfSNAtt( obj_id, name, DFNT_INT64, 1, int(i,kind=wp_int64) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - no implementation for writing with kind ",i2)') ikind write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=-1; return end select if ( status /= SUCCEED ) then write (*,'("ERROR - while writing attribute:")') write (*,'("ERROR - attr name : ",a)') name write (*,'("ERROR - input kind : ",i2)') kind(i) write (*,'("ERROR - output kind : ",i2)') ikind write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=-1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine obj_WriteAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine obj_WriteAttribute_i8_1d( obj_id, name, i, status, knd ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer(wpi), intent(in) :: obj_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i(:) integer, intent(inout) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: knd ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/obj_WriteAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: ikind ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfSNAtt ! --- begin ------------------------------- ikind = kind(i) if ( present(knd) ) ikind = knd select case ( ikind ) case ( 1 ) status = sfSNAtt( obj_id, name, DFNT_INT8 , size(i), int(i,kind=wp_int8 ) ) case ( 2 ) status = sfSNAtt( obj_id, name, DFNT_INT16, size(i), int(i,kind=wp_int16) ) case ( 4 ) status = sfSNAtt( obj_id, name, DFNT_INT32, size(i), int(i,kind=wp_int32) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfSNAtt( obj_id, name, DFNT_INT64, size(i), int(i,kind=wp_int64) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - no implementation for writing with kind ",i2)') ikind write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=-1; return end select if ( status /= SUCCEED ) then write (*,'("ERROR - while writing attribute:")') write (*,'("ERROR - attr name : ",a)') name write (*,'("ERROR - input kind : ",i2)') kind(i) write (*,'("ERROR - output kind : ",i2)') ikind write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=-1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine obj_WriteAttribute_i8_1d ! ############################################################ ! ### ! ### scientific data sets ! ### ! ############################################################ ! ================================================================ ! read attributes ! ================================================================ subroutine sds_ReadAttribute_i8_0d( sds, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(Tsds), intent(in) :: sds character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(out) :: i integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_ReadAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call ReadAttribute( sds%id, name, i, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_ReadAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine sds_ReadAttribute_i8_1d( sds, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(Tsds), intent(in) :: sds character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(out) :: i(:) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_ReadAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call ReadAttribute( sds%id, name, i, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_ReadAttribute_i8_1d ! ============================================================= ! === check attributes ! ============================================================= subroutine sds_CheckAttribute_i8_0d( sds, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_CheckAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- local ------------------------------ logical :: verbose ! --- begin --------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 call CheckAttribute( sds%id, name, i, status ) if (status>0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if if (status<0) then if (verbose) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname status=-1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_CheckAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine sds_CheckAttribute_i8_1d( sds, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i(:) integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_CheckAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- local ------------------------------ logical :: verbose ! --- begin --------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 call CheckAttribute( sds%id, name, i, status ) if (status>0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if if (status<0) then if (verbose) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname status=-1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_CheckAttribute_i8_1d ! ================================================================ ! write attributes ! ================================================================ subroutine sds_WriteAttribute_i8_0d( sds, name, i, status, knd ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(Tsds), intent(in) :: sds character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: knd ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_WriteAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call WriteAttribute( sds%id, name, i, status, knd ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_WriteAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine sds_WriteAttribute_i8_1d( sds, name, i, status, knd ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(Tsds), intent(in) :: sds character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i(:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: knd ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_WriteAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call WriteAttribute( sds%id, name, i, status, knd ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_WriteAttribute_i8_1d ! ============================================================= ! === read data ! ============================================================= subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_1d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use parray, only : pa_Init, pa_SetShape, pa_Done use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 use file_hdf_base, only : CheckInfo, GetInfo ! --- const ------------------------------ character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_ReadData_i8_1d' integer, parameter :: rank = 1 ! --- in/out ---------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(out) :: data(:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: data_type integer :: the_start(rank) integer :: the_stride(rank) integer(wp_int8 ), pointer :: int8 (:) integer(wp_int16), pointer :: int16(:) integer(wp_int32), pointer :: int32(:) integer(wp_int64), pointer :: int64(:) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfRData ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! check data rank and shape: !call CheckInfo( sds, data_rank=rank, data_dims=shape(data) ) ! read data of specified kind: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride call GetInfo( sds, status, data_type=data_type ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if select case ( data_type ) case ( DFNT_INT8 ) call pa_Init( int8 ) call pa_SetShape( int8 , shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int8 ), int8 ) data = int(int8,kind=8) call pa_Done( int8 ) case ( DFNT_INT16 ) call pa_Init( int16 ) call pa_SetShape( int16, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int16), int16 ) data = int(int16,kind=8) call pa_Done( int16 ) case ( DFNT_INT32 ) call pa_Init( int32 ) call pa_SetShape( int32, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int32), int32 ) data = int(int32,kind=8) call pa_Done( int32 ) case ( DFNT_INT64 ) call pa_Init( int64 ) call pa_SetShape( int64, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int64), int64 ) data = int(int64,kind=8) call pa_Done( int64 ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - not implemented for data type ",i6)') data_type write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - reading data `",a,"`")') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_1d ! *** subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_2d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use parray, only : pa_Init, pa_SetShape, pa_Done use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 use file_hdf_base, only : CheckInfo, GetInfo ! --- const ------------------------------ character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_ReadData_i8_2d' integer, parameter :: rank = 2 ! --- in/out ---------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(out) :: data(:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: data_type integer :: the_start(rank) integer :: the_stride(rank) integer(wp_int8 ), pointer :: int8 (:,:) integer(wp_int16), pointer :: int16(:,:) integer(wp_int32), pointer :: int32(:,:) integer(wp_int64), pointer :: int64(:,:) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfRData ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! check data rank and shape: !call CheckInfo( sds, data_rank=rank, data_dims=shape(data) ) ! read data of specified kind: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride call GetInfo( sds, status, data_type=data_type ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if select case ( data_type ) case ( DFNT_INT8 ) call pa_Init( int8 ) call pa_SetShape( int8 , shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int8 ), int8 ) data = int(int8,kind=8) call pa_Done( int8 ) case ( DFNT_INT16 ) call pa_Init( int16 ) call pa_SetShape( int16, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int16), int16 ) data = int(int16,kind=8) call pa_Done( int16 ) case ( DFNT_INT32 ) call pa_Init( int32 ) call pa_SetShape( int32, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int32), int32 ) data = int(int32,kind=8) call pa_Done( int32 ) case ( DFNT_INT64 ) call pa_Init( int64 ) call pa_SetShape( int64, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int64), int64 ) data = int(int64,kind=8) call pa_Done( int64 ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - not implemented for data type ",i6)') data_type write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - reading data `",a,"`")') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_2d ! *** subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_3d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use parray, only : pa_Init, pa_SetShape, pa_Done use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 use file_hdf_base, only : CheckInfo, GetInfo ! --- const ------------------------------ character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_ReadData_i8_3d' integer, parameter :: rank = 3 ! --- in/out ---------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(out) :: data(:,:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: data_type integer :: the_start(rank) integer :: the_stride(rank) integer(wp_int8 ), pointer :: int8 (:,:,:) integer(wp_int16), pointer :: int16(:,:,:) integer(wp_int32), pointer :: int32(:,:,:) integer(wp_int64), pointer :: int64(:,:,:) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfRData ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! check data rank and shape: !call CheckInfo( sds, data_rank=rank, data_dims=shape(data) ) ! read data of specified kind: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride call GetInfo( sds, status, data_type=data_type ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if select case ( data_type ) case ( DFNT_INT8 ) call pa_Init( int8 ) call pa_SetShape( int8 , shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int8 ), int8 ) data = int(int8,kind=8) call pa_Done( int8 ) case ( DFNT_INT16 ) call pa_Init( int16 ) call pa_SetShape( int16, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int16), int16 ) data = int(int16,kind=8) call pa_Done( int16 ) case ( DFNT_INT32 ) call pa_Init( int32 ) call pa_SetShape( int32, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int32), int32 ) data = int(int32,kind=8) call pa_Done( int32 ) case ( DFNT_INT64 ) call pa_Init( int64 ) call pa_SetShape( int64, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int64), int64 ) data = int(int64,kind=8) call pa_Done( int64 ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - not implemented for data type ",i6)') data_type write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - reading data `",a,"`")') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_3d ! *** subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_4d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use parray, only : pa_Init, pa_SetShape, pa_Done use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 use file_hdf_base, only : CheckInfo, GetInfo ! --- const ------------------------------ character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_ReadData_i8_4d' integer, parameter :: rank = 4 ! --- in/out ---------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(out) :: data(:,:,:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: data_type integer :: the_start(rank) integer :: the_stride(rank) integer(wp_int8 ), pointer :: int8 (:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int16), pointer :: int16(:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int32), pointer :: int32(:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int64), pointer :: int64(:,:,:,:) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfRData ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! check data rank and shape: !call CheckInfo( sds, data_rank=rank, data_dims=shape(data) ) ! read data of specified kind: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride call GetInfo( sds, status, data_type=data_type ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if select case ( data_type ) case ( DFNT_INT8 ) call pa_Init( int8 ) call pa_SetShape( int8 , shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int8 ), int8 ) data = int(int8,kind=8) call pa_Done( int8 ) case ( DFNT_INT16 ) call pa_Init( int16 ) call pa_SetShape( int16, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int16), int16 ) data = int(int16,kind=8) call pa_Done( int16 ) case ( DFNT_INT32 ) call pa_Init( int32 ) call pa_SetShape( int32, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int32), int32 ) data = int(int32,kind=8) call pa_Done( int32 ) case ( DFNT_INT64 ) call pa_Init( int64 ) call pa_SetShape( int64, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int64), int64 ) data = int(int64,kind=8) call pa_Done( int64 ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - not implemented for data type ",i6)') data_type write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - reading data `",a,"`")') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_4d ! *** subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_5d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use parray, only : pa_Init, pa_SetShape, pa_Done use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 use file_hdf_base, only : CheckInfo, GetInfo ! --- const ------------------------------ character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_ReadData_i8_5d' integer, parameter :: rank = 5 ! --- in/out ---------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(out) :: data(:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: data_type integer :: the_start(rank) integer :: the_stride(rank) integer(wp_int8 ), pointer :: int8 (:,:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int16), pointer :: int16(:,:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int32), pointer :: int32(:,:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int64), pointer :: int64(:,:,:,:,:) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfRData ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! check data rank and shape: !call CheckInfo( sds, data_rank=rank, data_dims=shape(data) ) ! read data of specified kind: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride call GetInfo( sds, status, data_type=data_type ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if select case ( data_type ) case ( DFNT_INT8 ) call pa_Init( int8 ) call pa_SetShape( int8 , shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int8 ), int8 ) data = int(int8,kind=8) call pa_Done( int8 ) case ( DFNT_INT16 ) call pa_Init( int16 ) call pa_SetShape( int16, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int16), int16 ) data = int(int16,kind=8) call pa_Done( int16 ) case ( DFNT_INT32 ) call pa_Init( int32 ) call pa_SetShape( int32, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int32), int32 ) data = int(int32,kind=8) call pa_Done( int32 ) case ( DFNT_INT64 ) call pa_Init( int64 ) call pa_SetShape( int64, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int64), int64 ) data = int(int64,kind=8) call pa_Done( int64 ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - not implemented for data type ",i6)') data_type write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - reading data `",a,"`")') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_5d ! *** subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_6d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use parray, only : pa_Init, pa_SetShape, pa_Done use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 use file_hdf_base, only : CheckInfo, GetInfo ! --- const ------------------------------ character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_ReadData_i8_6d' integer, parameter :: rank = 6 ! --- in/out ---------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(out) :: data(:,:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: data_type integer :: the_start(rank) integer :: the_stride(rank) integer(wp_int8 ), pointer :: int8 (:,:,:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int16), pointer :: int16(:,:,:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int32), pointer :: int32(:,:,:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int64), pointer :: int64(:,:,:,:,:,:) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfRData ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! check data rank and shape: !call CheckInfo( sds, data_rank=rank, data_dims=shape(data) ) ! read data of specified kind: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride call GetInfo( sds, status, data_type=data_type ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if select case ( data_type ) case ( DFNT_INT8 ) call pa_Init( int8 ) call pa_SetShape( int8 , shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int8 ), int8 ) data = int(int8,kind=8) call pa_Done( int8 ) case ( DFNT_INT16 ) call pa_Init( int16 ) call pa_SetShape( int16, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int16), int16 ) data = int(int16,kind=8) call pa_Done( int16 ) case ( DFNT_INT32 ) call pa_Init( int32 ) call pa_SetShape( int32, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int32), int32 ) data = int(int32,kind=8) call pa_Done( int32 ) case ( DFNT_INT64 ) call pa_Init( int64 ) call pa_SetShape( int64, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int64), int64 ) data = int(int64,kind=8) call pa_Done( int64 ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - not implemented for data type ",i6)') data_type write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - reading data `",a,"`")') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_6d ! *** subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_7d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use parray, only : pa_Init, pa_SetShape, pa_Done use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 use file_hdf_base, only : CheckInfo, GetInfo ! --- const ------------------------------ character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_ReadData_i8_7d' integer, parameter :: rank = 7 ! --- in/out ---------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(out) :: data(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: data_type integer :: the_start(rank) integer :: the_stride(rank) integer(wp_int8 ), pointer :: int8 (:,:,:,:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int16), pointer :: int16(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int32), pointer :: int32(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) integer(wp_int64), pointer :: int64(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfRData ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! check data rank and shape: !call CheckInfo( sds, data_rank=rank, data_dims=shape(data) ) ! read data of specified kind: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride call GetInfo( sds, status, data_type=data_type ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if select case ( data_type ) case ( DFNT_INT8 ) call pa_Init( int8 ) call pa_SetShape( int8 , shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int8 ), int8 ) data = int(int8,kind=8) call pa_Done( int8 ) case ( DFNT_INT16 ) call pa_Init( int16 ) call pa_SetShape( int16, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int16), int16 ) data = int(int16,kind=8) call pa_Done( int16 ) case ( DFNT_INT32 ) call pa_Init( int32 ) call pa_SetShape( int32, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int32), int32 ) data = int(int32,kind=8) call pa_Done( int32 ) case ( DFNT_INT64 ) call pa_Init( int64 ) call pa_SetShape( int64, shape(data) ) status = sfRData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(int64), int64 ) data = int(int64,kind=8) call pa_Done( int64 ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - not implemented for data type ",i6)') data_type write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - reading data `",a,"`")') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_ReadData_i8_7d ! ============================================================= ! === Write data ! ============================================================= subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_1d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_WriteData_i8_1d' integer, parameter :: rank = 1 ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(in) :: data(:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: the_start(rank), the_stride(rank) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfWData ! --- begin ------------------------------- !! check shape !if ( any( shape(data) /= sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ) ) then ! print *, 'Shape of data does not match shape specified during creation:' ! print *, ' data : ', shape(data) ! print *, ' created for : ', sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ! stop 'FATAL ERROR IN sds_WriteData_i8_1d' !end if ! write data: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride select case ( sds%typ ) case ( 'int' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 1 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=1) ) case ( 2 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=2) ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported integer kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case ( 'flt' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported real kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case default write (*,'("ERROR - unknown sds%typ : ",a)') trim(sds%typ) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - writing data set:")') write (*,'("ERROR - data set : ",a)') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR - hdf file : ",a)') trim(sds%hdfname) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_1d ! *** subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_2d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_WriteData_i8_2d' integer, parameter :: rank = 2 ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(in) :: data(:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: the_start(rank), the_stride(rank) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfWData ! --- begin ------------------------------- !! check shape !if ( any( shape(data) /= sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ) ) then ! print *, 'Shape of data does not match shape specified during creation:' ! print *, ' data : ', shape(data) ! print *, ' created for : ', sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ! stop 'FATAL ERROR IN sds_WriteData_i8_2d' !end if ! write data: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride select case ( sds%typ ) case ( 'int' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 1 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=1) ) case ( 2 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=2) ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported integer kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case ( 'flt' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported real kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case default write (*,'("ERROR - unknown sds%typ : ",a)') trim(sds%typ) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - writing data set:")') write (*,'("ERROR - data set : ",a)') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR - hdf file : ",a)') trim(sds%hdfname) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_2d ! *** subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_3d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_WriteData_i8_3d' integer, parameter :: rank = 3 ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(in) :: data(:,:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: the_start(rank), the_stride(rank) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfWData ! --- begin ------------------------------- !! check shape !if ( any( shape(data) /= sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ) ) then ! print *, 'Shape of data does not match shape specified during creation:' ! print *, ' data : ', shape(data) ! print *, ' created for : ', sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ! stop 'FATAL ERROR IN sds_WriteData_i8_3d' !end if ! write data: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride select case ( sds%typ ) case ( 'int' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 1 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=1) ) case ( 2 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=2) ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported integer kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case ( 'flt' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported real kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case default write (*,'("ERROR - unknown sds%typ : ",a)') trim(sds%typ) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - writing data set:")') write (*,'("ERROR - data set : ",a)') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR - hdf file : ",a)') trim(sds%hdfname) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_3d ! *** subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_4d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_WriteData_i8_4d' integer, parameter :: rank = 4 ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(in) :: data(:,:,:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: the_start(rank), the_stride(rank) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfWData ! --- begin ------------------------------- !! check shape !if ( any( shape(data) /= sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ) ) then ! print *, 'Shape of data does not match shape specified during creation:' ! print *, ' data : ', shape(data) ! print *, ' created for : ', sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ! stop 'FATAL ERROR IN sds_WriteData_i8_4d' !end if ! write data: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride select case ( sds%typ ) case ( 'int' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 1 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=1) ) case ( 2 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=2) ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported integer kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case ( 'flt' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported real kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case default write (*,'("ERROR - unknown sds%typ : ",a)') trim(sds%typ) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - writing data set:")') write (*,'("ERROR - data set : ",a)') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR - hdf file : ",a)') trim(sds%hdfname) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_4d ! *** subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_5d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_WriteData_i8_5d' integer, parameter :: rank = 5 ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(in) :: data(:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: the_start(rank), the_stride(rank) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfWData ! --- begin ------------------------------- !! check shape !if ( any( shape(data) /= sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ) ) then ! print *, 'Shape of data does not match shape specified during creation:' ! print *, ' data : ', shape(data) ! print *, ' created for : ', sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ! stop 'FATAL ERROR IN sds_WriteData_i8_5d' !end if ! write data: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride select case ( sds%typ ) case ( 'int' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 1 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=1) ) case ( 2 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=2) ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported integer kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case ( 'flt' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported real kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case default write (*,'("ERROR - unknown sds%typ : ",a)') trim(sds%typ) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - writing data set:")') write (*,'("ERROR - data set : ",a)') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR - hdf file : ",a)') trim(sds%hdfname) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_5d ! *** subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_6d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_WriteData_i8_6d' integer, parameter :: rank = 6 ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(in) :: data(:,:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: the_start(rank), the_stride(rank) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfWData ! --- begin ------------------------------- !! check shape !if ( any( shape(data) /= sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ) ) then ! print *, 'Shape of data does not match shape specified during creation:' ! print *, ' data : ', shape(data) ! print *, ' created for : ', sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ! stop 'FATAL ERROR IN sds_WriteData_i8_6d' !end if ! write data: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride select case ( sds%typ ) case ( 'int' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 1 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=1) ) case ( 2 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=2) ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported integer kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case ( 'flt' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported real kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case default write (*,'("ERROR - unknown sds%typ : ",a)') trim(sds%typ) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - writing data set:")') write (*,'("ERROR - data set : ",a)') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR - hdf file : ",a)') trim(sds%hdfname) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_6d ! *** subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_7d( sds, data, status, start, stride ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSds ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_WriteData_i8_7d' integer, parameter :: rank = 7 ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer(8), intent(in) :: data(:,:,:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: start(rank) integer, intent(in), optional :: stride(rank) ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: the_start(rank), the_stride(rank) ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfWData ! --- begin ------------------------------- !! check shape !if ( any( shape(data) /= sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ) ) then ! print *, 'Shape of data does not match shape specified during creation:' ! print *, ' data : ', shape(data) ! print *, ' created for : ', sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ! stop 'FATAL ERROR IN sds_WriteData_i8_7d' !end if ! write data: the_start = 0; if ( present(start ) ) the_start = start the_stride = 1; if ( present(stride) ) the_stride = stride select case ( sds%typ ) case ( 'int' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 1 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=1) ) case ( 2 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=2) ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), int(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported integer kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case ( 'flt' ) select case ( sds%knd ) case ( 4 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=4) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfWData( sds%id, the_start, the_stride, shape(data), real(data,kind=8) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported real kind : ",i4)') sds%knd write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select case default write (*,'("ERROR - unknown sds%typ : ",a)') trim(sds%typ) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status == FAIL ) then write (*,'("ERROR - writing data set:")') write (*,'("ERROR - data set : ",a)') trim(sds%name) write (*,'("ERROR - hdf file : ",a)') trim(sds%hdfname) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_WriteData_i8_7d ! ############################################################ ! ### ! ### dimensions ! ### ! ############################################################ ! ================================================================ ! set dimension scale ! ================================================================ subroutine dim_SetScale_i8( sdim, scale, status, knd ) use file_hdf_base, only : wpi use file_hdf_base, only : TSdsDim use file_hdf_base, only : wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSdsDim), intent(in) :: sdim integer(8), intent(in) :: scale(:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: knd ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/dim_SetScale_i8' ! --- local --------------------------- integer :: ikind ! --- external --------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfSDScale ! --- begin --------------------------- ikind = kind(scale) if ( present(knd) ) ikind = knd select case ( ikind ) case ( 1 ) status = sfSDScale( sdim%id, size(scale), DFNT_INT8 , int(scale,kind=wp_int8 ) ) case ( 2 ) status = sfSDScale( sdim%id, size(scale), DFNT_INT16, int(scale,kind=wp_int16) ) case ( 4 ) status = sfSDScale( sdim%id, size(scale), DFNT_INT32, int(scale,kind=wp_int32) ) case ( 8 ) status = sfSDScale( sdim%id, size(scale), DFNT_INT64, int(scale,kind=wp_int64) ) case default write (*,'("ERROR - unsupported integer kind : ",i4)') ikind write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end select if ( status /= SUCCEED ) then write (*,'("ERROR - writing scale")') write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine dim_SetScale_i8 ! ================================================================ ! set dimension stuff ! ================================================================ subroutine sds_SetDim_i8( sds, dim_index, name, unit, scale, status, knd ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSds, TSdsDim, Init, Done use file_hdf_base, only : MAX_DATA_RANK use file_hdf_base, only : GetInfo use file_hdf_base, only : Select, SetName use file_hdf_s, only : WriteAttribute ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer, intent(in) :: dim_index character(len=*), intent(in) :: name character(len=*), intent(in) :: unit integer(8), intent(in) :: scale(:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: knd ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_SetDim_i8' ! --- local --------------------------- integer :: data_rank, data_dims(0:MAX_DATA_RANK-1) type(TSdsDim) :: sdim ! --- begin --------------------------- call GetInfo( sds, status, data_rank=data_rank, data_dims=data_dims ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if if ( dim_index < 0 .or. dim_index > data_rank-1 ) then write (*,'("ERROR - wrong dimension index : ",i4)') dim_index write (*,'("ERROR - expecting range 0, .., ",i4)') data_rank-1 write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if call Init( sdim, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if call Select( sdim, sds, dim_index, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if call SetName( sdim, name, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if call WriteAttribute( sdim, 'unit', unit, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if if ( size(scale) /= data_dims(dim_index) ) then write (*,'("ERROR - wrong scale length : ",i4)') size(scale) write (*,'("ERROR - expecting length ",i4," for dim index ",i4)') data_dims(dim_index), dim_index write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return end if call SetScale( sdim, scale, status, knd ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if call Done( sdim, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_SetDim_i8 ! ================================================================ ! read attributes ! ================================================================ subroutine dim_ReadAttribute_i8_0d( sdim, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSdsDim ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSdsDim), intent(in) :: sdim character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(out) :: i integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/dim_ReadAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call ReadAttribute( sdim%id, name, i, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine dim_ReadAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine dim_ReadAttribute_i8_1d( sdim, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSdsDim ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSdsDim), intent(in) :: sdim character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(out) :: i(:) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/dim_ReadAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call ReadAttribute( sdim%id, name, i, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine dim_ReadAttribute_i8_1d ! ============================================================= ! === check attributes ! ============================================================= subroutine dim_CheckAttribute_i8_0d( sdim, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSdsDim ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSdsDim), intent(in) :: sdim character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/dim_CheckAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- local ------------------------------ logical :: verbose ! --- begin --------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 call CheckAttribute( sdim%id, name, i, status ) if (status>0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if if (status<0) then if (verbose) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname status=-1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine dim_CheckAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine dim_CheckAttribute_i8_1d( sdim, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSdsDim ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSdsDim), intent(in) :: sdim character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i(:) integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/dim_CheckAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- local ------------------------------ logical :: verbose ! --- begin --------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 call CheckAttribute( sdim%id, name, i, status ) if (status>0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if if (status<0) then if (verbose) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname status=-1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine dim_CheckAttribute_i8_1d ! ================================================================ ! write attributes ! ================================================================ subroutine dim_WriteAttribute_i8_0d( sdim, name, i, status, knd ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSdsDim ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSdsDim), intent(in) :: sdim character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: knd ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/dim_WriteAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call WriteAttribute( sdim%id, name, i, status, knd ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine dim_WriteAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine dim_WriteAttribute_i8_1d( sdim, name, i, status, knd ) use file_hdf_base, only : TSdsDim ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSdsDim), intent(in) :: sdim character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i(:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: knd ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/dim_WriteAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call WriteAttribute( sdim%id, name, i, status, knd ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine dim_WriteAttribute_i8_1d ! ############################################################ ! ### ! ### hdf files ! ### ! ############################################################ ! ================================================================ ! read attributes ! ================================================================ subroutine hdf_ReadAttribute_i8_0d( hdf, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : THdfFile ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(THdfFile), intent(in) :: hdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(out) :: i integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_ReadAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call ReadAttribute( hdf%id, name, i, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine hdf_ReadAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine hdf_ReadAttribute_i8_1d( hdf, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : THdfFile ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(THdfFile), intent(in) :: hdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(out) :: i(:) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_ReadAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call ReadAttribute( hdf%id, name, i, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine hdf_ReadAttribute_i8_1d ! ============================================================= ! === check attributes ! ============================================================= subroutine hdf_CheckAttribute_i8_0d( hdf, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : THdfFile ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(THdfFile), intent(in) :: hdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_CheckAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- local ------------------------------ logical :: verbose ! --- begin --------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 call CheckAttribute( hdf%id, name, i, status ) if (status>0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if if (status<0) then if (verbose) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname status=-1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine hdf_CheckAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine hdf_CheckAttribute_i8_1d( hdf, name, i, status ) use file_hdf_base, only : THdfFile ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(THdfFile), intent(in) :: hdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i(:) integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_CheckAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- local ------------------------------ logical :: verbose ! --- begin --------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 call CheckAttribute( hdf%id, name, i, status ) if (status>0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if if (status<0) then if (verbose) write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname status=-1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine hdf_CheckAttribute_i8_1d ! ================================================================ ! write attributes ! ================================================================ subroutine hdf_WriteAttribute_i8_0d( hdf, name, i, status, knd ) use file_hdf_base, only : THdfFile ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(THdfFile), intent(in) :: hdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: knd ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_WriteAttribute_i8_0d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call WriteAttribute( hdf%id, name, i, status, knd ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine hdf_WriteAttribute_i8_0d ! *** subroutine hdf_WriteAttribute_i8_1d( hdf, name, i, status, knd ) use file_hdf_base, only : THdfFile ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(THdfFile), intent(in) :: hdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer(8), intent(in) :: i(:) integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: knd ! --- const -------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_WriteAttribute_i8_1d' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call WriteAttribute( hdf%id, name, i, status, knd ) if (status/=0) then; write (*,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine hdf_WriteAttribute_i8_1d end module file_hdf_i8