module file_hdf_base use GO, only : gol, goPr, goErr implicit none ! --- in/out -------------------------- private public :: wpi public :: wp_int8, wp_int16, wp_int32, wp_int64 public :: wp_float32, wp_float64 public :: MAX_DATA_RANK public :: SD_UNLIMITED public :: THdfFile public :: TSds public :: TSdsDim public :: Init, Done public :: Defined public :: Select public :: GetInfo, CheckInfo public :: Compress public :: SetName public :: FindAttribute public :: GetAttributeInfo, CheckAttributeInfo public :: FindDataSet ! --- const ---------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: mname = 'file_hdf_base' ! ** hdf constants include "hdf.f90" ! ** working precision of hdf library integer, parameter :: wpi = 4 ! ** working precisions of data integer, parameter :: wp_int8 = 1 integer, parameter :: wp_int16 = 2 integer, parameter :: wp_int32 = 4 integer, parameter :: wp_int64 = 8 integer, parameter :: wp_float32 = 4 integer, parameter :: wp_float64 = 8 ! ** maximum array ranks integer, parameter :: MAX_DATA_RANK = 32 ! --- types --------------------------- ! ~~ scientific data set: type TSds ! internal id: integer(wpi) :: id ! hdf file name: character(len=256) :: hdfname ! name: character(len=64) :: name ! data specification: integer :: dfnt character(len=3) :: typ integer :: knd integer :: rnk integer :: shp(7) end type TSds ! ~~ dimension type TSdsDim ! internal id: integer(wpi) :: id end type TSdsDim ! ~~ hdf file type THdfFile ! internal id: integer(wpi) :: id ! file name character(len=256) :: fname end type THdfFile ! --- interfaces ------------------------ interface Init module procedure sds_Init module procedure sds_Init_select module procedure sds_Init_create module procedure dim_Init module procedure hdf_Init end interface interface Done module procedure sds_Done module procedure dim_Done module procedure hdf_Done end interface interface Defined module procedure sds_Defined end interface interface Select module procedure sds_Select_index module procedure dim_Select end interface interface GetInfo module procedure sds_GetInfo module procedure hdf_GetInfo end interface interface CheckInfo module procedure sds_CheckInfo end interface interface Compress module procedure sds_Compress end interface interface SetName module procedure dim_SetName end interface interface FindAttribute module procedure obj_FindAttribute module procedure sds_FindAttribute module procedure hdf_FindAttribute end interface interface GetAttributeInfo module procedure obj_GetAttributeInfo module procedure sds_GetAttributeInfo module procedure hdf_GetAttributeInfo end interface interface CheckAttributeInfo module procedure obj_CheckAttributeInfo module procedure sds_CheckAttributeInfo module procedure hdf_CheckAttributeInfo end interface interface FindDataSet module procedure hdf_FindDataSet end interface contains ! ############################################################ ! ### ! ### tools ! ### ! ############################################################ ! ! compare character strings case independent ! logical function leq( s1, s2 ) ! --- in/out ------------------------ character(len=*), intent(in) :: s1, s2 ! --- local ------------------------- character(len=2) :: cc integer :: k ! --- begin ------------------------- if ( len_trim(s1) /= len_trim(s2) ) then leq = .false. return end if do k = 1, len_trim(s1) select case ( s1(k:k) ) case ( 'A', 'a' ); cc = 'Aa' case ( 'B', 'b' ); cc = 'Bb' case ( 'C', 'c' ); cc = 'Cc' case ( 'D', 'd' ); cc = 'Dd' case ( 'E', 'e' ); cc = 'Ee' case ( 'F', 'f' ); cc = 'Ff' case ( 'G', 'g' ); cc = 'Gg' case ( 'H', 'h' ); cc = 'Hh' case ( 'I', 'i' ); cc = 'Ii' case ( 'J', 'j' ); cc = 'Jj' case ( 'K', 'k' ); cc = 'Kk' case ( 'L', 'l' ); cc = 'Ll' case ( 'M', 'm' ); cc = 'Mm' case ( 'N', 'n' ); cc = 'Nn' case ( 'O', 'o' ); cc = 'Oo' case ( 'P', 'p' ); cc = 'Pp' case ( 'Q', 'q' ); cc = 'Qq' case ( 'R', 'r' ); cc = 'Rr' case ( 'S', 's' ); cc = 'Ss' case ( 'T', 't' ); cc = 'Tt' case ( 'U', 'u' ); cc = 'Uu' case ( 'V', 'v' ); cc = 'Vv' case ( 'W', 'w' ); cc = 'Ww' case ( 'X', 'x' ); cc = 'Xx' case ( 'Y', 'y' ); cc = 'Yy' case ( 'Z', 'z' ); cc = 'Zz' case default; cc = '**' end select if ( cc == '**' ) then if ( s2(k:k) /= s1(k:k) ) then leq = .false. return end if else if ( s2(k:k) /= cc(1:1) .and. s2(k:k) /= cc(2:2) ) then leq = .false. return end if end if end do leq = .true. end function leq ! ############################################################ ! ### ! ### objects ! ### ! ############################################################ subroutine obj_FindAttribute( obj_id, name, attr_index, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer(wpi), intent(in) :: obj_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(out) :: attr_index integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/obj_FindAttribute' ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: istat logical :: verbose ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfFAttr ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 ! extract id of attribute: attr_index = sfFAttr( obj_id, name ) if ( attr_index == FAIL ) then if ( verbose ) then write (gol,'("finding attribute `",a,"`")') trim(name); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr end if status=-1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine obj_FindAttribute ! *** ! ! argument attr_index : 0,..,n-1 ! subroutine obj_GetAttributeInfo( obj_id, attr_index, status, & name, data_type, data_type_descr, n_values ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer(wpi), intent(in) :: obj_id integer, intent(in) :: attr_index integer, intent(out) :: status character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: name integer, intent(out), optional :: data_type character(len=1), intent(out), optional :: data_type_descr integer, intent(out), optional :: n_values ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/obj_GetAttributeInfo' ! --- local ------------------------------- character(len=64) :: attr_name integer :: attr_data_type integer :: attr_n_values ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfGAInfo ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! extract info: status = sfGAInfo( obj_id, attr_index, attr_name, attr_data_type, attr_n_values ) if ( status /= SUCCEED ) then write (gol,'("getting attribute info")') ; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! return values: if ( present(name) ) name = attr_name if ( present(data_type) ) data_type = attr_data_type if ( present(data_type_descr) ) then select case ( attr_data_type ) case ( DFNT_INT8, DFNT_INT16, DFNT_INT32, DFNT_INT64 ) data_type_descr = 'i' case ( DFNT_FLOAT32, DFNT_FLOAT64 ) data_type_descr = 'r' case ( DFNT_CHAR ) data_type_descr = 's' case default write (gol,'("do not know the data type description")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" attribute name : ",a)') trim(attr_name); call goErr write (gol,'(" attribute data type : ",i6)') attr_data_type; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end select end if if ( present(n_values) ) n_values = attr_n_values ! ok status = 0 end subroutine obj_GetAttributeInfo ! *** ! ! argument attr_index : 0,..,n-1 ! subroutine obj_CheckAttributeInfo( obj_id, attr_index, status, & name, data_type, n_values ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer(wpi), intent(in) :: obj_id integer, intent(in) :: attr_index integer, intent(inout) :: status character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: data_type integer, intent(in), optional :: n_values ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/obj_CheckAttributeInfo' ! --- local ------------------------------- logical :: verbose character(len=64) :: attr_name integer :: attr_data_type integer :: attr_n_values ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 ! check name if ( present(name) ) then call GetAttributeInfo( obj_id, attr_index, status, name=attr_name ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if if ( .not. leq(attr_name,name) ) then if ( verbose ) then write (gol,'("found different attribute name :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" requested : ",a)') trim(name); call goErr write (gol,'(" found : ",a)') trim(attr_name); call goErr end if status=-1; return end if end if ! check data type if ( present(data_type) ) then call GetAttributeInfo( obj_id, attr_index, status, & data_type=attr_data_type, name=attr_name ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if if ( attr_data_type /= data_type ) then if ( verbose ) then write (gol,'("found different data type :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" requested : ",i6)') data_type; call goErr write (gol,'(" found : ",i6)') attr_data_type; call goErr write (gol,'(" attribute :")') trim(attr_name); call goErr end if status=-1; return end if end if ! check number of values: if ( present(n_values) ) then call GetAttributeInfo( obj_id, attr_index, status, & n_values=attr_n_values, name=attr_name ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if if ( attr_n_values /= n_values ) then if ( verbose ) then write (gol,'("found different number of values :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" requested : ")') n_values; call goErr write (gol,'(" found : ")') attr_n_values; call goErr write (gol,'(" attribute : ")') trim(attr_name); call goErr end if status=-1; return end if end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine obj_CheckAttributeInfo ! ############################################################ ! ### ! ### scientific data sets ! ### ! ############################################################ ! ================================================================ ! init, done ! ================================================================ subroutine sds_Init( sds, status ) ! --- in/out ----------------------------- type(Tsds), intent(out) :: sds integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_Init' ! --- begin ------------------------------ ! dummy ... sds%hdfname = 'unknown-hdf-file' sds%typ = 'xxx' ! no id yet sds%id = -1 ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_Init ! *** subroutine sds_Done( sds, status ) ! --- in/out ----------------------------- type(Tsds), intent(inout) :: sds integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_Done' ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfEndAcc ! --- begin ------------------------------ if ( sds%id /= -1 ) then status = sfEndAcc( sds%id ) if ( status == FAIL ) then write (gol,'("ending scientific data set ",i6)') sds%id; call goErr write (gol,'(" hdf file name : ",a)') trim(sds%hdfname); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_Done ! *** logical function sds_Defined( sds ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------ type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds ! --- begin ------------------------------ sds_Defined = sds%id /= -1 end function sds_Defined ! ================================================================ ! === select sds ! ================================================================ subroutine sds_Select_index( sds, hdf, ind, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(out) :: sds type(THdfFile), intent(in) :: hdf integer, intent(in) :: ind integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_Select_index' ! --- external ------------------------ integer(wpi), external :: sfSelect ! --- begin --------------------------- sds%id = sfSelect( hdf%id, ind ) ! <-- 0,..,n-1 if ( sds%id == FAIL ) then write (gol,'("unable to locate data set with index ",i6)') ind; call goErr write (gol,'(" hdf file name : ",a)') trim(hdf%fname); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_Select_index ! *** subroutine sds_Init_select( sds, hdf, name, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(Tsds), intent(out) :: sds type(THdfFile), intent(inout) :: hdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_Init_select' ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: sds_index ! --- external ------------------------ integer(wpi), external :: sfN2Index ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! default init call Init( sds, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if ! fill hdf and sds names: sds%hdfname = hdf%fname sds%name = name ! search for the record sds_index = sfN2Index( hdf%id, name ) if ( sds_index == FAIL ) then write (gol,'("converting sds name to index :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" sds name : ",a)') trim(sds%name); call goErr write (gol,'(" hdf name : ",a)') trim(sds%hdfname); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr status=1; return end if ! select sds id: call Select( sds, hdf, sds_index, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_Init_select ! ============================================================= ! === sds info ! ============================================================= subroutine sds_GetInfo( sds, status, & name, data_rank, data_dims, data_type, num_attrs ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer, intent(out) :: status character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: name integer, intent(out), optional :: data_rank integer, intent(out), optional :: data_type integer, intent(out), optional :: data_dims(:) integer, intent(out), optional :: num_attrs ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: istat character(len=64) :: sds_name integer :: sds_data_rank, sds_data_type integer :: sds_data_dims(MAX_DATA_RANK) integer :: sds_num_attrs ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_GetInfo' ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfGInfo ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! extract info about record: istat = sfGInfo( sds%id, sds_name, sds_data_rank, sds_data_dims, sds_data_type, sds_num_attrs ) if ( istat /= SUCCEED ) then write (gol,'("error getting info")'); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! return values: if ( present(name) ) name = sds_name if ( present(data_rank) ) data_rank = sds_data_rank if ( present(data_type) ) data_type = sds_data_type if ( present(data_dims) ) data_dims = sds_data_dims(1:size(data_dims)) if ( present(num_attrs) ) num_attrs = sds_num_attrs ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_GetInfo ! *** subroutine sds_CheckInfo( sds, status, & name, data_rank, data_dims, data_type, num_attrs ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer, intent(inout) :: status character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: data_rank integer, intent(in), optional :: data_type integer, intent(in), optional :: data_dims(:) integer, intent(in), optional :: num_attrs ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_CheckInfo' ! --- local ------------------------------- logical :: verbose character(len=64) :: sds_name integer :: sds_data_rank, sds_data_type integer, allocatable :: sds_data_dims(:) integer :: sds_num_attrs ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 ! check name if ( present(name) ) then call GetInfo( sds, status, name=sds_name ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if if ( .not. leq(sds_name,name) ) then if ( verbose ) then write (gol,'("found different name :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" requested : ",a)') trim(name); call goErr write (gol,'(" found : ",a)') trim(sds_name); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr end if status=-1; return end if end if ! check data rank if ( present(data_rank) ) then call GetInfo( sds, status, data_rank=sds_data_rank ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if if ( sds_data_rank /= data_rank ) then if ( verbose ) then write (gol,'("found different data rank :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" requested : ",i6)') data_rank; call goErr write (gol,'(" found : ",i6)') sds_data_rank; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr end if status=-1; return end if end if ! check data type if ( present(data_type) ) then call GetInfo( sds, status, data_type=sds_data_type ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if if ( sds_data_type /= data_type ) then if ( verbose ) then write (gol,'("found different data type :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" requested : ",i6)') data_type; call goErr write (gol,'(" found : ",i6)') sds_data_type; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr end if status=-1; return end if end if ! check data dimensions if ( present(data_dims) ) then allocate( sds_data_dims(size(data_dims)) ) call GetInfo( sds, status, data_dims=sds_data_dims ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if if ( any( sds_data_dims /= data_dims ) ) then if ( verbose ) then write (gol,'("different data dims :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" requested : ",7i4)') data_dims; call goErr write (gol,'(" found : ",7i4)') sds_data_dims; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr end if status=-1; return end if deallocate( sds_data_dims ) end if ! check number of attributes: if ( present(num_attrs) ) then call GetInfo( sds, status, num_attrs=sds_num_attrs ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if if ( sds_num_attrs /= num_attrs ) then if ( verbose ) then write (gol,'("different data num_attrs :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" requested : ")') num_attrs; call goErr write (gol,'(" found : ")') sds_num_attrs; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr end if status=-1; return end if end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_CheckInfo ! ============================================================= ! === create sds data ! ============================================================= ! ! 'int8' 'integer(1)' 'int'|'integer', bits=8 |knd=1 ! 'int16' 'integer(2)' 'int'|'integer', bits=16|knd=2 ! 'int32' 'integer(4)' 'int'|'integer', bits=32|knd=4 ! 'int64' 'integer(8)' 'int'|'integer', bits=64|knd=8 ! ! 'float32' 'real(4)' 'float'|'real', bits=32|knd=4 ! 'float64' 'real(8)' 'float'|'real', bits=64|knd=8 ! ! 'char' ! subroutine sds_Init_create( sds, hdf, name, shp, typekey, status, & knd, bits ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(out) :: sds type(THdfFile), intent(inout) :: hdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in) :: shp(:) character(len=*), intent(in) :: typekey integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: knd integer, intent(in), optional :: bits ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_Init_create' ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: dfnt character(len=3) :: dtyp integer :: dbits, dknd ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfCreate ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! default initialisation: call Init( sds, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if ! fill hdf file name sds%hdfname = hdf%fname ! fill hdf variable name sds%name = name ! determine data type: select case ( typekey ) case ( 'int8', 'integer(1)' ) dfnt = DFNT_INT8 dtyp = 'int' dknd = 1 case ( 'int16', 'integer(2)' ) dfnt = DFNT_INT16 dtyp = 'int' dknd = 2 case ( 'int32', 'integer(4)' ) dfnt = DFNT_INT32 dtyp = 'int' dknd = 4 case ( 'int64', 'integer(8)' ) dfnt = DFNT_INT64 dtyp = 'int' dknd = 8 case ( 'int', 'integer' ) if ( present(bits) ) then dbits = bits else if ( present(knd) ) then dbits = knd * 8 else dbits = kind(1) * 8 end if select case ( dbits ) case ( 8 ) dfnt = DFNT_INT8 dknd = 1 case ( 16 ) dfnt = DFNT_INT16 dknd = 2 case ( 32 ) dfnt = DFNT_INT32 dknd = 4 case ( 64 ) dfnt = DFNT_INT64 dknd = 8 case default write (gol,'("integer data not implemented for dbits=",i6)') dbits; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end select dtyp = 'int' case ( 'float32', 'real(4)' ) dfnt = DFNT_FLOAT32 dtyp = 'flt' dknd = 4 case ( 'float64', 'real(8)' ) dfnt = DFNT_FLOAT64 dtyp = 'flt' dknd = 8 case ( 'float', 'real' ) if ( present(bits) ) then dbits = bits else if ( present(knd) ) then dbits = knd * 8 else dbits = kind(1) * 8 end if select case ( dbits ) case ( 32 ) dfnt = DFNT_FLOAT32 dknd = 4 case ( 64 ) dfnt = DFNT_FLOAT64 dknd = 8 case default write (gol,'("real data not implemented for dbits=",i6)') dbits; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end select dtyp = 'flt' case ( 'char' ) dfnt = DFNT_CHAR dtyp = 'chr' dknd = 1 case default write (gol,'("typekey not implemented: ",a)') trim(typekey); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end select ! store type and kind sds%dfnt = dfnt sds%typ = dtyp sds%knd = dknd ! store rank sds%rnk = size(shp) if ( sds%rnk < 1 .or. sds%rnk > 7 ) then write (gol,'("invalid rank : ",i4)') sds%rnk; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! store shape sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) = shp ! start new record: sds%id = sfCreate( hdf%id, name, sds%dfnt, sds%rnk, sds%shp(1:sds%rnk) ) if ( sds%id == FAIL ) then write (gol,'("from sfCreate :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" name : ",a)') trim(name); call goErr write (gol,'(" hdf file : ",a)') trim(sds%hdfname); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_Init_create ! ================================================================ ! compression ! ================================================================ subroutine sds_Compress( sds, compression, status, & skip_size, deflate_level ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(Tsds), intent(inout) :: sds character(len=*), intent(in) :: compression integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(in), optional :: skip_size integer, intent(in), optional :: deflate_level ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_Compress' ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: comp_type integer :: comp_prm(1) ! --- external --------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfsCompress ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! default compression parameters: comp_prm = (/ 0 /) ! set compression type and parameters given key: select case ( compression ) case ( 'none' ) comp_type = COMP_CODE_NONE case ( 'rle' ) ! run-length encoding comp_type = COMP_CODE_RLE case ( 'skphuff' ) ! skipping Huffman comp_type = COMP_CODE_SKPHUFF comp_prm = (/ 1 /) if ( present(skip_size) ) comp_prm(1) = skip_size case ( 'deflate' ) ! gzip comp_type = COMP_CODE_DEFLATE comp_prm = (/ 6 /) if ( present(deflate_level) ) comp_prm(1) = deflate_level case default write (gol,'("unknown compression type : ",a)') trim(compression); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end select ! call HDF routine: status = sfsCompress( sds%id, comp_type, comp_prm ) if ( status == FAIL ) then write (gol,'("from sfsCompress : ")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" compression : ",a )') trim(compression); call goErr write (gol,'(" compress type : ",i6)') comp_type; call goErr write (gol,'(" compress param : ",i6)') comp_prm; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_Compress ! ============================================================= ! === sds attributes ! ============================================================= subroutine sds_FindAttribute( sds, name, attr_index, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(out) :: attr_index integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_FindAttribute' ! --- local ------------------------------- logical :: verbose ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 call FindAttribute( sds%id, name, attr_index, status ) if (status<0) then ! not found .. if (verbose) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; end if status=-1; return else if ( status == 0 ) then ! ok status=0; return else ! error write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if end subroutine sds_FindAttribute ! *** subroutine sds_GetAttributeInfo( sds, attr_index, status, & name, data_type, data_type_descr, & n_values ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer, intent(in) :: attr_index integer, intent(out) :: status character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: name integer, intent(out), optional :: data_type character(len=1), intent(out), optional :: data_type_descr integer, intent(out), optional :: n_values ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_GetAttributeInfo' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call GetAttributeInfo( sds%id, attr_index, status, & name=name, & data_type=data_type, data_type_descr=data_type_descr, & n_values=n_values ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine sds_GetAttributeInfo ! *** subroutine sds_CheckAttributeInfo( sds, attr_index, status, & name, data_type, n_values ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer, intent(in) :: attr_index integer, intent(inout) :: status character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: data_type integer, intent(in), optional :: n_values ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/sds_CheckAttributeInfo' ! --- local ------------------------------- logical :: verbose ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 call CheckAttributeInfo( sds%id, attr_index, & name=name, data_type=data_type, n_values=n_values, & status=status ) if ( status < 0 ) then ! error if (verbose) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; end if status=-1; return else if ( status == 0 ) then ! ok status=0; return else ! error write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if end subroutine sds_CheckAttributeInfo ! ############################################################ ! ### ! ### dimensions ! ### ! ############################################################ ! ================================================================ ! init, done ! ================================================================ subroutine dim_Init( sdim, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------ type(TSdsDim), intent(out) :: sdim integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- begin ------------------------------- sdim%id = FAIL ! ok status = 0 end subroutine dim_Init ! * subroutine dim_Done( sdim, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------ type(TSdsDim), intent(inout) :: sdim integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! nothing to be done ! ok status = 0 end subroutine dim_Done ! ================================================================ ! select ! ================================================================ ! ! argument ind : 0,..,n-1 ! subroutine dim_Select( sdim, sds, ind, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSdsDim), intent(out) :: sdim type(TSds), intent(in) :: sds integer, intent(in) :: ind integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/dim_Select' ! --- external ------------------------ integer(wpi), external :: sfDimID ! --- begin --------------------------- sdim%id = sfDimID( sds%id, ind ) ! <-- 0,..,n-1 if ( sdim%id == FAIL ) then write (gol,'("error selecting dimension :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" index : ",i6)') ind; call goErr write (gol,'(" sds name : ",a)') trim(sds%name); call goErr write (gol,'(" hdf name : ",a)') trim(sds%hdfname); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine dim_Select ! ================================================================ ! set dimension name ! ================================================================ subroutine dim_SetName( sdim, name, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(TSdsDim), intent(inout) :: sdim character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/dim_SetName' ! --- external --------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfSDmName ! --- begin --------------------------- ! set dimension name status = sfSDmName( sdim%id, name ) if ( status == FAIL ) then write (gol,'("setting dimension name :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" dim name : ",a)') name; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine dim_SetName ! ############################################################ ! ### ! ### hdf files ! ### ! ############################################################ ! ================================================================ ! init, done ! ================================================================ subroutine hdf_Init( hdf, fname, key, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------ ! !ARGUMENTS: type(THdfFile), intent(out) :: hdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname character(len=*), intent(in) :: key integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_Init' ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: dfacc ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfStart ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! code to open file: select case ( key ) case ( 'read' ) dfacc = DFACC_READ case ( 'write' ) dfacc = DFACC_WRITE case ( 'create' ) dfacc = DFACC_CREATE case default write (gol,'("do not know what how to access hdf for `",a,"`:")') key; call goErr write (gol,'(" file name : ",a)') trim(fname); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end select ! open file: hdf%id = sfStart( fname, dfacc ) if ( hdf%id == FAIL ) then write (gol,'("from starting access to hdf file:")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" file name : ",a)') trim(fname); call goErr write (gol,'(" access key : ",a)') trim(key); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! save file name: hdf%fname = fname ! ok status = 0 end subroutine hdf_Init ! *** subroutine hdf_Done( hdf, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------------ ! !ARGUMENTS: type(THdfFile), intent(out) :: hdf integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_Done' ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfEnd ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! close file: status = sfEnd( hdf%id ) if ( status == FAIL ) then write (gol,'("while closing HDF file:")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" file name : ",a)') trim(hdf%fname); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine hdf_Done ! ================================================================ ! info ! ================================================================ subroutine hdf_GetInfo( hdf, status, num_datasets, num_global_attrs ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(THdfFile), intent(inout) :: hdf integer, intent(out) :: status integer, intent(out), optional :: num_datasets integer, intent(out), optional :: num_global_attrs ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_GetInfo' ! --- local ------------------------------- integer :: istat integer :: f_num_datasets, f_num_global_attrs ! --- external ---------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfFInfo ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! extract info istat = sfFInfo( hdf%id, f_num_datasets, f_num_global_attrs ) if ( istat == FAIL ) then write (gol,'("from sfFInfo :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" hdf file : ",a)') hdf%fname; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! return result if ( present(num_datasets) ) num_datasets = f_num_datasets if ( present(num_global_attrs) ) num_global_attrs = f_num_global_attrs ! ok status = 0 end subroutine hdf_GetInfo ! ============================================================= ! === hdf data sets ! ============================================================= subroutine hdf_FindDataSet( hdf, name, sds_index, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(THdfFile), intent(in) :: hdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(out) :: sds_index integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_FindDataSet' ! --- external ------------------------------- integer(wpi), external :: sfN2Index ! --- local ------------------------------- logical :: verbose ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 ! find index from name: sds_index = sfN2Index( hdf%id, name ) if ( status < 0 ) then ! not found ... if (verbose) then write (gol,'("data set not found ")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" name : ",a)') trim(name) write (gol,'(" file name : ",a)') trim(hdf%fname); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=-1; return end if else if ( status == 0 ) then ! ok status=0; return else ! error ... write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if end subroutine hdf_FindDataSet ! ============================================================= ! === hdf global attributes ! ============================================================= subroutine hdf_FindAttribute( hdf, name, attr_index, status ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(THdfFile), intent(in) :: hdf character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(out) :: attr_index integer, intent(inout) :: status ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_FindAttribute' ! --- local ------------------------------- logical :: verbose ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 ! find attribute index from name: call FindAttribute( hdf%id, name, attr_index, status ) if ( status < 0 ) then ! not found ... if (verbose) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; end if status=-1; return else if ( status == 0 ) then ! ok status=0; return else ! error ... write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if end subroutine hdf_FindAttribute ! *** subroutine hdf_GetAttributeInfo( hdf, attr_index, status, & name, & data_type, data_type_descr, & n_values ) ! --- in/out ---------------------------- type(THdfFile), intent(in) :: hdf integer, intent(in) :: attr_index integer, intent(inout) :: status character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: name integer, intent(out), optional :: data_type character(len=1), intent(out), optional :: data_type_descr integer, intent(out), optional :: n_values ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_GetAttributeInfo' ! --- begin ------------------------------- call GetAttributeInfo( hdf%id, attr_index, status, & name=name, & data_type=data_type, data_type_descr=data_type_descr, & n_values=n_values ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return; end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine hdf_GetAttributeInfo ! *** subroutine hdf_CheckAttributeInfo( hdf, attr_index, status, & name, data_type, n_values ) ! --- in/out ------------------------- type(THdfFile), intent(in) :: hdf integer, intent(in) :: attr_index integer, intent(inout) :: status character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: data_type integer, intent(in), optional :: n_values ! --- const ------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/hdf_CheckAttributeInfo' ! --- local ------------------------------- logical :: verbose ! --- begin ------------------------------- ! write error messages ? verbose = status == 0 call CheckAttributeInfo( hdf%id, attr_index, status, & name=name, data_type=data_type, n_values=n_values ) if ( status < 0 ) then ! check failed ... if (verbose) then; write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; end if status=-1; return else if ( status == 0 ) then ! ok status = 0; return else ! error ... write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine hdf_CheckAttributeInfo end module file_hdf_base