!################################################################# ! !* module contains all routines that deal with date/time calculation * ! ! subroutine chardate(idate6,cdate) ! subroutine inctime ! subroutine tau2date(itaux,idatex) ! subroutine date2tau(idatex,itaux) ! subroutine calc_sm( mlen, sec_day, sec_month, sec_year ) ! subroutine dayl(day,daylen,jdim,lat_start,dlat) ! subroutine caldat(julian,mm,id,iyyy) ! integer function julday(mm,id,iy) ! integer function get_day(mm,dd,mlen) ! subroutine tstamp(kunit,itaux,msg) ! !### macro's ##################################################### ! #define TRACEBACK write (gol,'("in ",a," (",a,", line",i5,")")') rname, __FILE__, __LINE__; call goErr #define IF_NOTOK_RETURN(action) if (status/=0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if #define IF_ERROR_RETURN(action) if (status> 0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if ! #include "tm5.inc" ! !################################################################# module datetime use GO, only : gol, goErr, goPr implicit none ! --- in/out ------------------------------------- private public :: inctime, tau2date, date2tau, dayl, idate2ddate public :: get_day, julday, calc_sm, new_valid_timestep public :: tstamp, wrtgol_tstamp, chardate contains ! ============================================================== !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! put date/time in character string ! ! on input: idate6 contains date/time ! on output: cdata contains date/time string ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine chardate(idate6,cdate) integer,dimension(6),intent(in) :: idate6 ! "chardate" input date character(24) :: cdate ! "chardate" output string ! integer :: k character(3),dimension(12),parameter :: mon= & (/'jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun', & 'jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec'/) ! ! put date/time in string ! write(cdate,'(i4,"-",a3,"-",i2," ",i2,":",i2,":",i2," ")') & idate6(1),mon(idate6(2)),(idate6(k),k=3,6) ! end subroutine chardate !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !**** inctime ! ! purpose ! ------- ! increment time and set newday/newmonth/newyr switches ! ! influences ! ---------- ! nstep,itau,idate,newyr,newmonth,newday,newsrun ! ! externals ! --------- ! subroutines: tau2date ! tstamp !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine inctime use dims, only : ndyn,tref,idate,itau,nstep,revert,nregions use dims, only : newyr,newmonth,newday,newsrun, newhour ! local integer :: ninc, k integer,dimension(6) :: idtmp ! ! add time step of ninc seconds ninc=ndyn/(2*tref(1)) !cmk !region = 1 is master ! nstep=nstep+1 itau=itau+revert*ninc do k=1,6 idtmp(k)=idate(k) end do call tau2date(itau,idate) ! ! set switches ! newyr = ( idate(1) /= idtmp(1) ) newmonth = ( idate(2) /= idtmp(2) ) newday = ( idate(3) /= idtmp(3) ) newhour(:) = ( idate(4) /= idtmp(4) ) newsrun = .false. end subroutine inctime subroutine tau2date(itaux,idatex) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !**** tau2date ! ! purpose ! ------- ! calculate date from given time in seconds ! ! parameters ! ---------- ! on input : itaux contains date/time in seconds ! on output: idatex contains date in year,month,day,hour,min,sec ! ! dependencies ! ------------ ! icalendo determines the type calendar used for the conversion ! iyear0 is the reference year for the calculation ! julday0 is the reference julian day for the calculation ! ! externals ! --------- ! subroutines: caldat ! funtions: julday !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use dims, only : icalendo, iyear0, julday0 implicit none ! input/output integer(kind=8), intent(in) :: itaux integer,dimension(6),intent(out) :: idatex ! local integer :: julian integer :: idayy,iyeary,idummy ! ! compute time (hour,min,sec) and number of days ! idatex(6)=mod(itaux,60) idatex(5)=mod(itaux/60,60) idatex(4)=mod(itaux/3600,24) idayy=itaux/86400 ! ! permanent 360 year calendar with 30 days in each month ! if ( icalendo == 1 ) then idatex(3)=mod(idayy,30)+1 idatex(2)=mod(idayy/30,12)+1 idatex(1)=iyear0+idayy/360 ! ! real calendar ! else if ( icalendo == 2 ) then julian=julday0+idayy call caldat(julian,idatex(2),idatex(3),idatex(1)) ! ! permanent 365 day year calendar ! else if ( icalendo == 3 ) then iyeary=idayy/365 idatex(1)=iyear0+iyeary ! use Jan 1, 1981 as a year containing 365 days and add doy julian=julday(1,1,1981)+idayy-iyeary*365 call caldat(julian,idatex(2),idatex(3),idummy) ! ! permanent leap year calendar ! else if ( icalendo == 4 ) then iyeary=idayy/366 idatex(1)=iyear0+iyeary ! use Jan 1, 1980 as a year containing 366 days and add doy julian=julday(1,1,1980)+idayy-iyeary*366 call caldat(julian,idatex(2),idatex(3),idummy) ! ! illegal option icalendo ! else write(*,*) ' tau2date: ERROR while computing date' write(*,*) ' tau2date: Illegal calendar type' write(*,*) ' icalendo = ',icalendo stop end if end subroutine tau2date subroutine date2tau(idatex,itaux) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !**** date2tau ! ! purpose ! ------- ! calculate time in seconds from given date ! ! parameters ! ---------- ! on input : idatex contains date in year,month,day,hour,min,sec ! on output: itaux contains date/time in seconds ! ! dependencies ! ------------ ! icalendo determines the type calendar used for the conversion ! iyear0 is the reference year for the calculation ! julday0 is the reference julian day for the calculation ! ! externals ! --------- ! funtions: julday !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use dims, only : icalendo, iyear0, julday0, kmain implicit none ! input/output integer,dimension(6), intent(in) :: idatex integer(kind=8), intent(out) :: itaux ! local integer :: idaysec ! ! compute the seconds the day is old ! idaysec=idatex(6)+idatex(5)*60+idatex(4)*3600 ! ! permanent 360 year calendar with 30 days in each month ! if ( icalendo == 1 ) then itaux=idaysec+(idatex(3)-1)*86400+(idatex(2)-1)*2592000 & +(idatex(1)-iyear0)*31104000 ! ! real calendar ! else if ( icalendo == 2 ) then itaux=86400*(julday(idatex(2),idatex(3),idatex(1))-julday0)+idaysec ! ! permanent 365 day year calendar ! else if ( icalendo == 3 ) then itaux=86400*(julday(idatex(2),idatex(3),1981)-julday(1,1,1981)) & +(idatex(1)-iyear0)*365*86400+idaysec ! ! permanent leap year calendar ! else if ( icalendo == 4 ) then itaux=86400*(julday(idatex(2),idatex(3),1980)-julday(1,1,1980)) & +(idatex(1)-iyear0)*366*86400+idaysec ! ! illegal option icalendo ! else write(kmain,*) ' date2tau: ERROR while computing time' write(kmain,*) ' date2tau: Illegal calendar type' write(kmain,*) ' icalendo = ',icalendo stop end if end subroutine date2tau integer function get_day(mm,dd,mlen) ! ! returns day number (from 1 January) ! implicit none ! input/output integer,intent(in) :: mm ! month in year integer,intent(in) :: dd ! day in month, year integer,intent(in),dimension(12) :: mlen !lengt of months (days) ! local integer :: m get_day = 0 do m=1,mm-1 get_day = get_day + mlen(m) enddo get_day = get_day + dd end function get_day integer function julday(mm,id,iy) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !**** julday ! ! purpose ! ------- ! calculate julian day from given date ! ! parameters ! ---------- ! on input : mm, id, iyyy contain month, day and year ! on output: julday contains the julian day ! ! dependencies ! ------------ ! julday0 is the reference julian day for the calculation ! ! reference ! --------- ! J. Meeuws, "Astronomical formulea for calculators" 19xx !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! input, output integer,intent(in) :: mm ! month integer,intent(in) :: id ! day integer,intent(in) :: iy ! year ! local integer,parameter :: igreg=15+31*(10+12*1582) integer :: julday0, jy, jm, ja, iyyy ! handle dates before 0 AD ! iyyy=iy if ( iy == 0 ) then stop 'julday: ERROR invalid year 0 AD' end if if ( iy < 0 ) then iyyy=iy+1 end if ! !calculate julian day from date in gregorian calendar ! if ( mm > 2 ) then jy=iyyy jm=mm+1 else jy=iyyy-1 jm=mm+13 end if julday=int(365.25*jy)+int(30.6001*jm)+id+1720995 ! !handle julian calender ! if ( id+31*(mm+12*iyyy) >= igreg ) then ja=int(0.01*jy) julday=julday+2-ja+int(0.25*ja) end if end function julday subroutine caldat(julian,mm,id,iyyy) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !**** caldat ! ! purpose ! ------- ! calculate date from given julian day ! ! parameters ! ---------- ! on input : julday contains the julian day ! on output: mm, id, iyyy contain month, day and year ! ! dependencies ! ------------ ! julday0 is the reference julian day for the calculation ! ! reference ! --------- ! J. Meeuws, "Astronomical formulea for calculators" 19xx !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! input/output integer,intent(in) :: julian integer,intent(out) :: mm integer,intent(out) :: id integer,intent(out) :: iyyy ! local integer,parameter :: igreg=2299161 integer :: jalpha, ja, jb, jc, jd, je ! ! handle gregorian and julian date ! if ( julian >= igreg )then jalpha=int(((julian-1867216)-0.25)/36524.25) ja=julian+1+jalpha-int(0.25*jalpha) else ja=julian end if jb=ja+1524 jc=int(6680.+((jb-2439870)-122.1)/365.25) jd=365*jc+int(0.25*jc) je=int((jb-jd)/30.6001) id=jb-jd-int(30.6001*je) mm=je-1 if ( mm > 12 ) mm=mm-12 iyyy=jc-4715 if ( mm > 2 ) iyyy=iyyy-1 ! ! handle dates before 0 AD ! if ( iyyy <= 0 ) iyyy=iyyy-1 end subroutine caldat subroutine calc_sm( mlen, sec_day, sec_month, sec_year ) ! ! ! use dims, only : icalendo, idate implicit none ! input/output real,intent(out) :: sec_day ! # seconds in day real,intent(out) :: sec_month ! # seconds in current month real,intent(out) :: sec_year ! # seconds in current year integer,intent(out),dimension(12):: mlen ! days per month (current year) ! start sec_day=86400. mlen(1)=31 mlen(2)=28 mlen(3)=31 mlen(4)=30 mlen(5)=31 mlen(6)=30 mlen(7)=31 mlen(8)=31 mlen(9)=30 mlen(10)=31 mlen(11)=30 mlen(12)=31 ! only for regular year ! ! calender option ! sec_year=365.*sec_day if ( icalendo == 1 ) then mlen(:)=30 sec_year=360.*sec_day end if if ( icalendo == 4 ) then mlen(2)=29 sec_year=366.*sec_day end if if ( icalendo == 2 .and. (mod(idate(1),4) == 0) .and. & (mod(idate(1),100) /= 0) .or. (mod(idate(1),400) == 0) ) then mlen(2)=29 sec_year=366.*sec_day end if sec_month=sec_day*mlen(idate(2)) !write(*,*) 'calc_sm: sec_month',sec_month end subroutine calc_sm subroutine dayl(day,daylen,jdim,lat_start,dlat) ! !*** calculates daylength (hours) depending on !*** latitude (phi) and day of year (day) ! ! programmed by: ! implemented by: fd IMAU Tue Feb 27 17:51:57 MET 1997 ! modified by MK for zoom version may 2001 ! purpose ! ------- ! calculates daylength ! ! interface ! --------- ! call dayl(day,daylen,jdim,lat_start,dlat) ! ! day : the day of the year based on 365 days a year ! daylen(jdim) : length of day at jdim latitudes ! lat_start : first latitude (degrees from -90 to +90) ! at the southernmost edge ! dlat : increment ! ! method ! ------ ! none ! ! external ! --------- ! none ! ! reference ! --------- ! !------------------------------- implicit none ! input/output integer,intent(in) :: day ! the day of the year integer,intent(in) :: jdim ! dimension of daylen real,intent(out),dimension(jdim) :: daylen ! length of day at jdim lats real,intent(in) :: lat_start ! first latitude real,intent(in) :: dlat ! latitude increment ! local real :: nj,dj,phi,td,a,phix,xh,pi integer :: j,idayy=365 ! start pi = acos(-1.0) dj= dlat do j=1,jdim phix = (lat_start+(j-0.5)*dj)*pi/180. td = -float(mod(day+10,idayy))*2.*pi/idayy a = cos(td)*pi/180.*23.45 xh = tan(a)*tan(phix) if ( abs(xh) <= 1. ) then ! CMK BUG: N-S reversal removed dec2004 daylen(j) = 24*(1-acos(-xh)/pi) else if ( xh <= -1 ) daylen(j) = 24.0 if ( xh >= 1 ) daylen(j) = 0.0 end if end do ! j end subroutine dayl !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write time stamp and msg on unit kunit !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine tstamp( kunit, itaux, msg ) use GO, only : gol, goPr ! --- in/out ----------------------- integer, intent(in) :: kunit ! unit to write "tstamp" to <--- ignored integer(kind=8), intent(in) :: itaux ! "tstamp" time character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg ! "tstamp" message ! --- begin --------------------- call wrtgol_tstamp( itaux, msg ); call goPr end subroutine tstamp ! *** subroutine wrtgol_tstamp( itaux, msg ) use GO, only : gol, goPr ! --- in/out ----------------------- integer(kind=8), intent(in) :: itaux ! "tstamp" time character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg ! "tstamp" message ! --- local ---------------------- integer,dimension(6) :: idatex character(len=24) :: cdate ! --- begin --------------------- ! convert from seconds to year/month/etc: call tau2date(itaux,idatex) ! write in characters: call chardate(idatex,cdate) ! depricated ... !write (kunit,'(a1,a24,a1,a)') ' ',cdate,' ',msg ! display: write (gol,'(a24," ",a)') cdate, trim(msg) end subroutine wrtgol_tstamp ! *** subroutine new_valid_timestep( dtime, nread, cfl_outputstep) use dims, only : nregions, tref ! --- in/out ------------------------- integer, intent(inout) :: dtime ! current timestep ! to be replaced with a valid new timestep integer, intent(in) :: nread ! nread (e.g. 3hr) should be a ! multiple of the new 'valid' timestep integer, intent(in) :: cfl_outputstep ! choose times ! --- begin ----------------------------- ! loop until time is largest multiple of nread, clf_outputstep, and 2*tref do dtime = dtime-1 if (mod(nread,dtime) == 0 .and. mod(cfl_outputstep,dtime) == 0 .and.& mod(dtime,maxval(2*tref(1:nregions))) == 0) exit if (dtime < maxval(2*tref(1:nregions))) then write (gol,'("no valid timestep found:")'); call goPr write (gol,'(" dtime (s) : ",i8)') dtime; call goErr write (gol,'(" nread (s) : ",i8)') nread; call goErr write (gol,'(" cfl_outputstep (s) : ",i8)') cfl_outputstep; call goErr write (gol,'("STOP in ",a)') 'datetime/new_valid_timestep'; call goErr; stop end if enddo end subroutine new_valid_timestep real*8 function idate2ddate ( idate ) ! computes the decimal date given a calendar date ! 21 Oct 2011, M. Trudeau implicit none integer, dimension(6), intent(in) :: idate integer :: siy integer(kind=8) :: itau, itau_ref, itau_bgn, itau_end logical :: is_leap call date2tau((/idate(1), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0/), itau_ref) call date2tau(idate, itau) is_leap = (mod(idate(1), 4) == 0 .and. .not. mod(idate(1), 100) == 0) .or. (mod(idate(1), 400) == 0) if ( is_leap ) then siy = 31622400 else siy = 31536000 endif idate2ddate = dble(idate(1)) + dble(itau - itau_ref) / dble(siy) end function idate2ddate end module datetime