HOST: ARCH: linux_x86_64 CPU MODEL: MAINTAINER: Hamish Struthers [] COMPILER: Intel compiler MPI: Cray MPI BLAS/LAPACK: Cray BLAS NOTE: Use modules PrgEnv-intel/5.2.56 and cray-hdf5-parallel/1.8.13 Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH ${HOME}/Projects/ecearth3/sources MPI base directory PATH MPI include directory relative to base dir PATH MPI lib directory relative to base dir PATH MPI libraries (without -l prefix) STRING LAPACK base directory PATH LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir PATH LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix) STRING NetCDF base directory PATH /opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/4.3.2/intel/140 NetCDF include directory relative to base dir PATH include NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir PATH lib NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix) STRING netcdff netcdf stdc++ NetCDF base directory PATH /opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.13/intel/140 HDF include directory relative to base dir PATH include HDF lib directory relative to base dir PATH lib HDF libraries (without -l prefix) STRING hdf5_hl hdf5 GRIB API base directory PATH /pdc/vol/grib_api/1.12.1-intel GRIB API include directory relative to base dir PATH include GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir PATH lib GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix) STRING grib_api_f90 grib_api GRIBEX base directory PATH /pdc/vol/gribex/000370/intel GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir PATH GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix) STRING gribexR64 Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!) STRING make F90 Compiler STRING ftn General F90 flags for compiling STRING -O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8 Allow for free format Fortran STRING -free Expect fixed Fortran format STRING -fixed Fortran preprocessor flag prefix STRING -D C Compiler STRING cc General C flags for compiling STRING -O2 -g -traceback -xHost C preprocessor flag prefix STRING -D C++ Compiler STRING CC Linker STRING ftn General flags for linking STRING -O2 -g -traceback -L/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.13/intel/140/lib -lhdf5hl_fortran -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar) STRING ar Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u) STRING curv Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u) STRING p C preprocessor command STRING cpp Fortran preprocessor command STRING fpp C preprocessor flags STRING -P -C CFLAGS flags for XIOS STRING -ansi -w More LD flags for XIOS STRING -lstdc++ More F90 flags for Oasis STRING More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis STRING More LD flags for Oasis STRING More F90 flags for Nemo STRING More LD flags for Nemo STRING Preprocessor defs for IFS sources STRING linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux STRING F90 dependency generator STRING $(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90