!=============================================== ! compiler information !=============================================== queue: mpi.compiler.fc : mpif90 mpi.compiler.fc.openmp : mpif90 ! compiler settings: #include base/${my.branch}/rc/pycasso-compiler-gfortran-4.7.2-8.rc !=============================================== ! libraries !=============================================== ! location of installed user libraries: APPS_HOME : /nobackup/users/verstrae/lib_installed_gfortran ! adressing mode: AMODE : LP64 ! Z library (used for compression in HDF) compiler.lib.z.fflags : compiler.lib.z.libs : -lz ! JPEG library (used for compression in HDF) compiler.lib.jpeg.fflags : compiler.lib.jpeg.libs : -ljpeg ! SZ library (used for compression in HDF) SZIP_VERSION : SZIP_HOME : compiler.lib.sz.fflags : compiler.lib.sz.libs : ! HDF4 library: HDF_VERSION : hdf-4.2.9 HDF_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/${HDF_VERSION} compiler.lib.hdf4.fflags : -I${HDF_HOME}/include compiler.lib.hdf4.libs : -L${HDF_HOME}/lib -lmfhdf -ldf ! HDF5 library: HDF5_VERSION : hdf5-1.8.12 HDF5_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/${HDF5_VERSION} compiler.lib.hdf5.fflags : -I${HDF5_HOME}/include compiler.lib.hdf5.libs : -L${HDF5_HOME}/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 ! HDF5 library with parallel features enabled: HDF5_PAR_VERSION : hdf5-1.8.12 HDF5_PAR_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/${HDF5_PAR_VERSION} compiler.lib.hdf5_par.fflags : -I${HDF5_PAR_HOME}/include compiler.lib.hdf5_par.libs : -L${HDF5_PAR_HOME}/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 ! NetCDF library: NETCDF_HOME : compiler.lib.netcdf.fflags : compiler.lib.netcdf.libs : ! NetCDF4 library: NETCDF4_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/netcdf-4.3.0 compiler.lib.netcdf4.fflags : -I${NETCDF4_HOME}/include compiler.lib.netcdf4.libs : -L${NETCDF4_HOME}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf ! NetCDF4 library with parallel features enabled: NETCDF4_PAR_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/netcdf-4.3.0 compiler.lib.netcdf4_par.fflags : -I${NETCDF4_HOME}/include compiler.lib.netcdf4_par.libs : -L${NETCDF4_HOME}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf ! UDUNITS library: UDUNITS_VERSION : UDUNITS_HOME : compiler.lib.udunits.fflags : !-I${UDUNITS_HOME}/include compiler.lib.udunits.libs : !-L${UDUNITS_HOME}/lib -ludunits ! MPI library: automatically included using 'mp'xlf90 compiler.lib.mpi.fflags : compiler.lib.mpi.libs : ! GRIB library: the EMOSLIB variable should be the real(8) version: ! EMOSLIB = -L/usr/local/lib/metaps/lib/000370 -lemos.R64.D64.I32 compiler.lib.grib.fflags : compiler.lib.grib.libs : ! ! LAPACK library: ! -lessl -lblacs # serial ! -lesslsmp -lblacssmp # parallel with OpenMP ! -lessl -lpessl -lblacs # parallel with MPI ! -lesslsmp -lpesslsmp -lblacssmp # parallel with MPI and OpenMP ! ! #if "${par.openmp}" in ["T","True"] : ! my.essl.ext : smp ! #else ! my.essl.ext : ! #endif ! #if "${par.mpi}" in ["T","True"] : ! my.pessl : -lpessl${my.essl.ext} ! #else ! my.pessl : ! #endif ! !compiler.lib.lapack.fflags : !compiler.lib.lapack.libs : -lessl${my.essl.ext} ${my.pessl} -lblacs${my.essl.ext} !compiler.lib.lapack.libs : ${LAPACKLIB} ! Lapack include and module paths and library !lapack_incs : !lapack_mods : compiler.lib.lapack.libs : !=============================================== ! make !=============================================== ! the setup script will insert the 'build.jobs' specified in the expert.rc ! or passed as argument to the setup script: ! maker : gmake -j %{build.jobs} !=============================================== ! MPI runner !=============================================== ! ! Parallel Operating Environment (POE) ! Common arguments: ! -procs procs # number of processors ! -cmdfile ! -hostfile ! -labelio {yes | no} # label standard output lines with pe id ! mpirun.command : mpirun -np mpirun.args : ${par.ntask} ! name of command and host files (empty for not written): mpirun.cmdfile : mpirun.hostfile : !=============================================== ! debugger !=============================================== ! debugger type: totalview | idb | kdbg debugger : ! command for debugger: debugger.command : !=============================================== ! model data !=============================================== ! the user scratch directory: my.scratch : /nobackup/users/verstrae ! base path to various data files: my.data.dir : ${my.scratch}/model_data/TM56_input ! run time meteo archive: ! o user scratch: my.meteo.dir : ${my.scratch}/tm5_meteo/tm5_meteo_in_bench ! permanent archives to search for meteo files: #if "${my.meteo.format}" == "tm5-nc" my.meteo.search : #else my.meteo.search : #endif ! extra install tasks: my.install.tasks :