!=============================================== ! compiler information !=============================================== ! template settings for IBM xlf compiler: #include base/${my.branch}/rc/pycasso-compiler-xlf-12.1.rc ! Problem with (non-standard) system routines 'Exit_' and 'Sleep_' on ECMWF : ! these do not have the underscores here. Flag '-qnoextname' resets to the ! official names again, but let linking with HDF fail. ! Therefore, a marco __ecmwf__ is now defined to distuinguish in the code ! between the various XLF impelementations. ! my.default.fflags : -WF,-D__ecmwf__ !=============================================== ! libraries !=============================================== ! location of installed user libraries: APPS_HOME : /usr/local/apps ! adressing mode: AMODE : ILP32 ! Z library (used for compression in HDF) ZLIB_VERSION : zlib/1.2.3 ZLIB_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/${ZLIB_VERSION}/${AMODE} compiler.lib.z.fflags : compiler.lib.z.libs : -L${ZLIB_HOME}/lib -lz ! JPEG library (used for compression in HDF) JPEG_VERSION : 6b JPEG_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/${JPEG_VERSION}/${AMODE} compiler.lib.jpeg.fflags : compiler.lib.jpeg.libs : -L${JPEG_HOME}/lib -ljpeg ! SZ library (used for compression in HDF) SZIP_VERSION : szip/2.1 SZIP_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/${SZIP_VERSION}/${AMODE} compiler.lib.sz.fflags : -I${SZIP_HOME}/include compiler.lib.sz.libs : -L${SZIP_HOME}/lib -lsz ! HDF4 library: !HDF_VERSION : hdf/HDF4.2r2 !HDF_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/${HDF_VERSION}_${AMODE}_underscore !HDF_VERSION : opt/HDF4.2r4 !HDF_HOME : ${HOME}/${HDF_VERSION}_disabled-netcdf HDF_HOME : ${HDF} compiler.lib.hdf4.fflags : -I${HDF_HOME}/include compiler.lib.hdf4.libs : -L${HDF_HOME}/lib -lmfhdf -ldf ! HDF5 library: HDF5_VERSION : hdf5/1.8.4p1 HDF5_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/${HDF5_VERSION}/${AMODE} compiler.lib.hdf5.fflags : -I${HDF5_HOME}/include compiler.lib.hdf5.libs : -L${HDF5_HOME}/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 ! NetCDF library: NETCDF_VERSION : netCDF/4.0.1 NETCDF_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/${NETCDF_VERSION}/${AMODE} compiler.lib.netcdf.fflags : -I${NETCDF_HOME}/include compiler.lib.netcdf.libs : -L${NETCDF_HOME}/lib -lnetcdf ! NetCDF4 library: NETCDF4_VERSION : netcdf4/4.0.1 NETCDF4_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/${NETCDF4_VERSION}/${AMODE} compiler.lib.netcdf4.fflags : -I${NETCDF4_HOME}/include compiler.lib.netcdf4.libs : -L${NETCDF4_HOME}/lib -lnetcdf ! UDUNITS library: UDUNITS_VERSION : udunits/1.12.9 UDUNITS_HOME : ${APPS_HOME}/${UDUNITS_VERSION}/${AMODE} compiler.lib.udunits.fflags : -I${UDUNITS_HOME}/include compiler.lib.udunits.libs : -L${UDUNITS_HOME}/lib -ludunits ! GRIB library: ! do not use the standard variable: ! EMOSLIB = -L/usr/local/lib -lemos.new.R32.D64.I32 -lxlf90 -lxlopt ! but rather the real(8) version: EMOS_VERSION : EMOS_HOME : /usr/local compiler.lib.grib.fflags : compiler.lib.grib.libs : -L${EMOS_HOME}/lib -lemos.R64.D64.I32 -lxlf90 ! Lapack library: compiler.lib.lapack.fflags : compiler.lib.lapack.libs : ${LAPACKLIB_OPT} !=============================================== ! settings for LoadLeveler queue !=============================================== ! queue system (bsub,loadleveler) queue : loadleveler ! passed directly: queue.ll.submit.options : !------------------------------------------------ ! ** queue options with same value for all steps: !------------------------------------------------ ! space seperated list: queue.ll.options.default : job_name account_no notification initialdir shell ! job name: queue.ll.option.default.job_name : ${job.name} ! acount name for payment ... queue.ll.option.default.account_no : ${my.queue.account} ! when to send emails : always | error | start | never | complete* queue.ll.option.default.notification : never ! run directory: queue.ll.option.default.initialdir : ${rundir} ! shell of job script: queue.ll.option.default.shell : /bin/sh !------------------------------------------------ ! ** queue options with different values per step: !------------------------------------------------ ! list options per step: queue.ll.options.init : step_name output error class job_type queue queue.ll.options.run : step_name dependency output error class job_type environment queue queue.ll.options.done : step_name dependency output error class job_type queue ! ~ step init options queue.ll.option.init.step_name : init queue.ll.option.init.output : queue.ll.option.init.error : queue.ll.option.init.class : normal queue.ll.option.init.job_type : serial queue.ll.option.init.queue : ! ~ step run optionsueue.loadleveler.outputdir : ${rundir} ! Run classes on ECMWF/ecgate ! ! normal : 3 hr CPU, 1 GB mem ! long : 6 hr CPU, 2 GB mem ! queue.ll.option.run.step_name : run #if "init" in "${job.steps}" : queue.ll.option.run.dependency : (init == 0) #else : queue.ll.option.run.dependency : #endif queue.ll.option.run.output : queue.ll.option.run.error : queue.ll.option.run.class : normal queue.ll.option.run.job_type : serial queue.ll.option.run.environment : UDUNITS_PATH = ${UDUNITS_PATH} queue.ll.option.run.queue : ! ~ step done options queue.ll.option.done.step_name : done #if "run" in "${job.steps}" : queue.ll.option.done.dependency : (run == 0) #elif "init" in "${job.steps}" : queue.ll.option.done.dependency : (init == 0) #else : queue.ll.option.done.dependency : #endif queue.ll.option.done.output : queue.ll.option.done.error : queue.ll.option.done.class : normal queue.ll.option.done.job_type : serial queue.ll.option.done.queue : !=============================================== ! maker !=============================================== ! make command; ! the setup script will insert the 'build.jobs' specified in the expert.rc ! or passed as argument to the setup script: ! maker : gmake -j %{build.jobs} !=============================================== ! MPI runner !=============================================== ! no parallel support on this machine ... !=============================================== ! debugger !=============================================== ! debugger type: totalview | idb | kdbg debugger : totalview ! command for debugger: debugger.command : totalview -searchPath=${build.sourcedir} !=============================================== ! model data !=============================================== ! the user scratch directory: my.scratch : ${SCRATCH} ! base path to various data files: my.data.dir : ${SCRATCH}/TM ! local temporary meteo archive: my.meteo.dir : ${my.scratch}/METEO ! permanent archives to search for meteo files: my.meteo.search : ecfs:/nlh/TM/meteo my.meteo.nc.search : ecfs:/nlh/TM/meteo-nc ! extra install tasks: my.install.tasks :