#define TRACEBACK write (gol,'("in ",a," (",a,", line",i5,")")') rname, __FILE__, __LINE__; call goErr #define IF_NOTOK_RETURN(action) if (status/=0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if #define IF_ERROR_RETURN(action) if (status> 0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if ! #include "tm5.inc" ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !MODULE: PHOTOLYSIS ! ! !DESCRIPTION: !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! MODULE PHOTOLYSIS ! ! !USES: ! use GO, only : gol, goPr, goErr use tm5_distgrid, only : dgrid, Get_DistGrid, gather use photolysis_data #ifdef with_optics use optics, only : wavelendep #endif IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE ! ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: ! public :: photolysis_init, photolysis_done ! life cycle public :: ozone_info_online ! calculate the overhead ozone public :: aerosol_info ! aerosol optical depths public :: slingo ! cloud optical properties public :: update_csqy ! update ... public :: daysim ! calculate solar zenith angles public :: get_sza ! return solar zenith angle (function) public :: photo_flux ! calculates radiation fields public :: photorates_tropo ! calculates photolysis and heating rates #ifdef with_optics public :: aerosol_info_m7 ! aerosol optical depths #endif ! ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: ! public :: phot_dat ! type defined in photolysis_data ! ! !PRIVATE DATA MEMBERS: ! character(len=*), parameter :: mname = 'photolysis' real, parameter :: todu = 3.767e-17 ! from #/cm2 --> du real, parameter :: to_m = 3.767e-22 ! from #/cm2 --> m (for o2) real, parameter :: sp = 6.022e23*1.e-4*0.2095/(28.964*1e-3*9.81) ! sp from pa ---> #o2/cm2 logical :: with_o3du real,dimension(122,34) :: xs_o3_look real,dimension( 65,34) :: xs_hno3_look,xs_pan_look,qy_o3_look real,dimension( 45,34) :: xs_h2o2_look real,dimension( 55,34) :: xs_n2o5_look real,dimension( 89,34) :: xs_no2_look,qy_no2_look,qy_co_look real,dimension( 62,34) :: xs_no3_look real,dimension(105,34) :: xs_ch2o_look ! local ! constants for acetone qy real,dimension(89,34) :: a1_acet,a2_acet,a3_acet,a4_acet integer :: l real :: wl,x, ww #ifdef with_optics type(wavelendep),dimension(:),allocatable :: wdep #endif ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 16 Jun 2011 - P. Le Sager - new version from JEW ! 21 Mar 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition ! 3 Oct 2012 - P. Le Sager - separate Init into true init and monthly update ! 4 Mar 2013 - P. Le Sager - changes for optics feedback from NB ! ! !REMARKS: ! !EOP !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS ! Trap overflow function safe_div(n,d,altv) result(q) real, intent(in) :: n, d, altv real :: q if ( exponent(n)-exponent(d) >= maxexponent(n) .OR. d==0) then q=altv else q=n/d end if end function safe_div !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: INIT_PHOTOLYSIS ! ! !DESCRIPTION: read reference tables for photolysis, allocate photolysis ! data. Called from sources_sinks/Trace0 at the run start and ! at beginning of every month. !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE PHOTOLYSIS_INIT( first, iunit, o3du ) ! ! !USES: ! use dims, only : im, jm, lm, nregions, newsrun use ParTools, only : isRoot, par_broadcast use global_types, only : d23_data use global_data, only : rcfile use MeteoData, only : Set use MeteoData, only : sp_dat, temper_dat, lsmask_dat, phlb_dat use MeteoData, only : lwc_dat, iwc_dat, cc_dat, humid_dat, gph_dat use GO, only : TrcFile, Init, Done, ReadRc #ifdef with_optics use optics, only : Optics_Init #endif ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! logical, intent(in) :: first ! true init for a new run? integer, intent(in) :: iunit type(d23_data), dimension(nregions), optional, intent(in) :: o3du ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 21 Mar 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition ! ! !REMARKS: ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC integer :: i,j,l,m,n,region,imr,jmr,lmr,i1, i2, j1, j2 real :: lat integer :: status, wav type(TrcFile) :: rcF character(len=256) :: photodir character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/photolysis_init' ! --- begin ------------------------- with_o3du = present(o3du) !-------------------------------------------------- ! ** TRUE INIT : only once !-------------------------------------------------- if (first) then REG: do region = 1, nregions call Set( sp_dat(region), status, used=.true. ) call Set( temper_dat(region), status, used=.true. ) call Set( humid_dat(region), status, used=.true. ) call Set( gph_dat(region), status, used=.true. ) call Set( phlb_dat(region), status, used=.true. ) call Set( lwc_dat(region), status, used=.true. ) call Set( iwc_dat(region), status, used=.true. ) call Set( cc_dat(region), status, used=.true. ) call Set( lsmask_dat(region), status, used=.true. ) ! allocate memory photolysis and initialise: call Get_DistGrid( dgrid(region), I_STRT=i1, I_STOP=i2, J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2 ) lmr=lm(region) if (with_o3du) allocate( phot_dat(region)%o3klim_top(j1:j2) ) allocate(phot_dat(region)%albedo (i1:i2, j1:j2)) ; phot_dat(region)%albedo = 0.05 allocate(phot_dat(region)%ags_av (i1:i2, j1:j2)) ; phot_dat(region)%ags_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%sza_av (i1:i2, j1:j2)) ; phot_dat(region)%sza_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%lwp_av (i1:i2, j1:j2,lmr)) ; phot_dat(region)%lwp_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%cfr_av (i1:i2, j1:j2,lmr)) ; phot_dat(region)%cfr_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%reff_av (i1:i2, j1:j2,lmr)) ; phot_dat(region)%reff_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%aero_surface_clim(i1:i2, j1:j2)) ; phot_dat(region)%aero_surface_clim = 0 phot_dat(region)%nalb_av = 0. phot_dat(region)%ncloud_av = 0. phot_dat(region)%naer_av = 0. allocate(phot_dat(region)%cloud_reff(i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%cloud_reff = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%pmcld (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%pmcld = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%taus_cld (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%taus_cld = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%taua_cld (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%taua_cld = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%pmaer (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr, nbands_trop, ngrid )) ; phot_dat(region)%pmaer = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%taus_aer (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr, nbands_trop, ngrid )) ; phot_dat(region)%taus_aer = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%taua_aer (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr, nbands_trop, ngrid )) ; phot_dat(region)%taua_aer = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%pmcld_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%pmcld_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%taus_cld_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%taus_cld_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%taua_cld_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%taua_cld_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%pmaer_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr, nbands_trop,ngrid )) ; phot_dat(region)%pmaer_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%taus_aer_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr, nbands_trop,ngrid )) ; phot_dat(region)%taus_aer_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%taua_aer_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr, nbands_trop,ngrid )) ; phot_dat(region)%taua_aer_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%jo3 (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%jo3 = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%jno2 (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%jno2 = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%jo3_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%jo3_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%jno2_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%jno2_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%jhno2 (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%jhno2 = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%jhno2_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%jhno2_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%jch2oa (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%jch2oa = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%jch2oa_av(i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%jch2oa_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%jch2ob (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%jch2ob = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%jch2ob_av(i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr )) ; phot_dat(region)%jch2ob_av = 0.0 phot_dat(region)%nj_av = 0 ! absorption cross-sections allocate(phot_dat(region)%v2 (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr+1 )) ; phot_dat(region)%v2 = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%v3 (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr+1 )) ; phot_dat(region)%v3 = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%v3_surf (i1:i2, j1:j2 )) ; phot_dat(region)%v3_surf = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%qy_ch3cocho(i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr, 52)) ; phot_dat(region)%qy_ch3cocho = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%qy_c2o3 (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr, 89)) ; phot_dat(region)%qy_c2o3 = 0.0 ! SAD fields phot_dat(region)%nsad_av = 0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_cld (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) ; phot_dat(region)%sad_cld = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_ice (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) ; phot_dat(region)%sad_ice = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_aer (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) ; phot_dat(region)%sad_aer = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_cld_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) ; phot_dat(region)%sad_cld_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_ice_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) ; phot_dat(region)%sad_ice_av = 0.0 allocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_aer_av (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) ; phot_dat(region)%sad_aer_av = 0.0 end do REG ! read settings from rcfile: call Init( rcF, rcfile, status ) call ReadRc( rcF, 'input.photo', photodir, status ) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! wavelengths in the middle of the intervals !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! see: C. Bruehl, P.J. Crutzen, Scenarios of possible changes in ... ! Climate Dynamics (1988)2: 173-203 ! ONLINE TUNING : first 13 wavelength bins are now ignored. Grid also shortened above 690nm. do l=1,13 wave_full(l)=1./(56250.-500.*l) end do do l=14,45 wave_full(l)=1./(49750.-(l-13)*500.) end do do l=46,68 wave_full(l)=(266.+(l-13))*1.e-7 end do do l=69,71 wave_full(l)=(320.5+2.*(l-68))*1.e-7 end do do l=72,176 wave_full(l)=(325.+5.*(l-71))*1.e-7 end do do l=2,maxwav-1 dwave_full(l)=0.5*(wave_full(l+1)-wave_full(l-1)) end do dwave_full(1) = dwave_full(2) dwave_full(maxwav) = dwave_full(maxwav-1) ! select a subset from the full spctral grid to remove the first band wave=wave_full(14:135) dwave=dwave_full(14:135) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Rayleigh scattering cross sections ! emp. formula of Nicolet plan. space sci.32, 1467f (1984) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do l=1,maxwav wl=wave(l)*1.e4 x=0.389*wl+0.09426/wl-0.3228 cs_ray(l)=4.02e-28/wl**(4.+x) end do !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read and store temperature dependent cross-section values !-------------------------------------------------------------- open(unit=7, file=trim(photodir)//'/tropo_look_up_modified_cb05.dat', status='old') read(7,*) read(7,*) read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,'(176(1Pe10.3))') (xs_o3_look(wav,i),wav=1,122) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*) (xs_no2_look(wav,i),wav=1,89) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*) (xs_hno3_look(wav,i),wav=1,65) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*) (xs_h2o2_look(wav,i),wav=1,45) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*) (xs_n2o5_look(wav,i),wav=1,55) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*) (xs_ch2o_look(wav,i),wav=1,90) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*) (xs_pan_look(wav,i),wav=1,65) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*) (xs_no3_look(wav,i),wav=1,62) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*) (qy_o3_look(wav,i),wav=1,65) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*)(qy_no2_look(wav,i),wav=1,89) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*)(qy_co_look(wav,i),wav=1,89) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*)(a1_acet(wav,i),wav=1,89) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*)(a2_acet(wav,i),wav=1,89) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*)(a3_acet(wav,i),wav=1,89) enddo read(7,*) do i=1,34 read(7,*)(a4_acet(wav,i),wav=1,89) enddo close(7) ! put constants in correct units a1_acet=a1_acet*1e-18 a2_acet=a2_acet*1e-17 a4_acet=a4_acet*1e-15 !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read and store temperature dependent cross-section values !------------------ extraterrestrial flux from input file ------------------ ! open(unit=7, file=trim(photodir)//'/OMI.data.reduce',status='old') ! read(7,*) ! read(7,'(1p7e10.2)') flux ! close(7) ! Cannot be read for some unknown reason on cca@ecmwf with cray compiler. ! Just set it here: flux=(/ 2.351E+12, 2.414E+12, 2.360E+12, 3.004E+12, 8.861E+12, 4.475E+12, 9.005E+12, & 1.607E+13, 1.556E+13, 1.221E+13, 2.061E+13, 2.070E+13, 1.047E+13, 7.497E+12, & 1.729E+13, 9.523E+12, 2.018E+13, 2.265E+13, 1.275E+13, 1.750E+13, 2.590E+13, & 8.777E+13, 2.193E+13, 5.449E+13, 1.074E+14, 6.856E+13, 7.875E+13, 2.275E+13, & 1.488E+14, 2.166E+14, 2.518E+14, 3.504E+14, 1.493E+14, 5.366E+13, 4.045E+13, & 2.054E+13, 6.274E+13, 9.589E+13, 1.326E+14, 1.307E+13, 1.332E+14, 1.729E+14, & 1.349E+14, 5.685E+13, 1.342E+14, 1.391E+14, 8.107E+13, 1.459E+14, 1.965E+14, & 5.681E+13, 1.349E+14, 6.819E+13, 2.137E+14, 1.564E+14, 1.334E+14, 3.559E+14, & 2.593E+14, 4.187E+14, 7.893E+14, 1.610E+14, 1.021E+15, 9.119E+14, 1.056E+15, & 8.424E+14, 6.622E+14, 9.387E+14, 1.463E+15, 3.382E+14, 1.076E+15, 9.586E+14, & 1.783E+15, 8.718E+14, 1.864E+15, 1.661E+15, 1.938E+15, 2.101E+15, 2.058E+15, & 1.738E+15, 9.227E+14, 2.404E+15, 2.176E+15, 2.625E+15, 2.167E+15, 1.741E+15, & 2.424E+15, 1.531E+15, 1.819E+15, 2.625E+15, 2.293E+15, 2.570E+15, 2.619E+15, & 2.663E+15, 2.705E+15, 2.542E+15, 1.331E+15, 2.633E+15, 2.575E+15, 2.744E+15, & 1.958E+15, 2.642E+15, 2.691E+15, 2.646E+15, 2.720E+15, 2.703E+15, 1.188E+15, & 2.720E+15, 2.271E+15, 2.405E+15, 2.723E+15, 2.690E+15, 2.550E+15, 2.670E+15, & 2.665E+15, 2.702E+15, 2.653E+15, 2.658E+15, 2.691E+15, 2.593E+15, 2.646E+15, & 2.653E+15, 2.636E+15, 2.648E+15 /) #ifdef with_optics ! define wavelengths for optics calculations nwdep = nbands_trop + count(lmid.ne.lmid_gridA) wav_grid = 0 wav_gridA = 0 allocate(photo_wavelengths(nwdep)) l=1 do i=1,nbands_trop if (lmid(i)==lmid_gridA(i)) then photo_wavelengths(l) = wave(lmid(i))*1.e4 ! cm to um wav_grid(i) = l wav_gridA(i) = l l=l+1 else photo_wavelengths(l) = wave(lmid(i))*1.e4 ! cm to um photo_wavelengths(l+1) = wave(lmid_gridA(i))*1.e4 ! cm to um wav_grid(i) = l wav_gridA(i) = l+1 l=l+2 endif enddo allocate(wdep(nwdep)) wdep(:)%wl = photo_wavelengths wdep(:)%split = .false. wdep(:)%insitu = .false. call Done( rcF, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) CALL OPTICS_INIT( nwdep, wdep, status ) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) deallocate(photo_wavelengths) #else !************************************************************************** ! aerosol data from: "Models for Aerosols of the Lower Atmosphere ! and the Effects of Humidity Variations on their Optical Properties ! E. P. Shettle and R. W. Fenn (1979), Environmental Research Paper ! No. 676 !************************************************************************** open(unit=7, file=trim(photodir)//'/aerosol_reduce.dat',status='old') do l = 1,4 read(7,*) do i = 1,8 read(7,*) read(7,20)(ext(wav,i,l),wav=1,maxwav) read(7,20)(abs_eff(wav,i,l),wav=1,maxwav) read(7,20)(g(wav,i,l),wav=1,maxwav) do wav=1,maxwav sca(wav,i,l) = ext(wav,i,l) - abs_eff(wav,i,l) enddo enddo enddo close(7) 20 format(6(1X,F7.5)) do l=1,maxwav do i=1,8 do j=1,4 sca(l,i,j) = sca(l,i,j)/pn_ref(j)*1.E-5 abs_eff(l,i,j) = abs_eff(l,i,j)/pn_ref(j)*1.E-5 end do end do end do ! close rc file call Done( rcF, status ) #endif ELSE ! NEWSRUN !-------------------------------------------------- ! ** MONTHLY UPDATE !-------------------------------------------------- if (with_o3du) then do region = 1, nregions call Get_DistGrid( dgrid(region), J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2 ) phot_dat(region)%o3klim_top(:) = o3du(region)%d23(j1:j2,lm(region)) end do end if ENDIF END SUBROUTINE PHOTOLYSIS_INIT !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: DAYSIM ! ! !DESCRIPTION: Get all solar zenith angles (THA) for a given Julian day ! (DAYNR) at 1/6, 3/6(=center), and 5/6 of each grid box. ! THA is three times oversampled. ! The longitudinal variation is equal to the simulation of ! one day, and covers the [-180,180] range for all regions. !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE DAYSIM(region, daynr, is, i1,i2,j1, j2, tha) ! ! !USES: ! use dims, only : im, jm, xbeg, xend use binas, only : pi use meteodata, only : lli ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: daynr, region, is, j1, j2,i1,i2 ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! real, intent(out) :: tha( im(region)*3, j1:j2) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 26 Apr 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition ! ! !REMARKS: ! (1) The regions are artificially expanded to cover all longitudes, in ! order to keep the correspondance b/w time and longitude. ! (2) Need to be called once a day only. Hence separated from GET_SZA, ! and the need to have 'im_alt' and 'shift' defined module wide. ! (3) Input 'is' is not i1=I_START from the distributed grid, but: (i1-1)*3+1 ! It is not used yet. To delete? ! (4) Considering the cshift functions used on THA in GET_SZA, it is ! assumed that THA covers the entire longitude range. !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC real, dimension(j1:j2) :: lat real :: houra, rdecl, sinhh, eqr, ut real :: piby, lon, tz, sintz, costz real :: sin2tz, cos2tz, sin3tz, cos3tz integer :: i, j, k ! !call Get_DistGrid( dgrid(region), I_STOP=i2, J_STOP=j2 ) piby = pi/180. ! ! latitude range in radian lat = lli(region)%lat ! tz = 2.*pi*daynr/365. ! ! Solar declination approximation !(p.97, Brasseur et al, Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change, 1999) ! rdecl = -0.4*cos(2.*pi*real(daynr+10)/365.) ! sintz = sin(tz) costz = cos(tz) sin2tz = 2.*sintz*costz cos2tz = costz*costz-sintz*sintz eqr = 0.000075 + 0.001868*costz - 0.032077*sintz & - 0.014615*cos2tz - 0.040849*sin2tz ! ! the sza variation over longitude [-180,180] at ut=12 equals ! a with variation of ut over [0,24] at longitude 0: ! houra = 15.*(ut-12. + eqr*24./(2.*pi) + lon*24./360)*piby ! ! THA (sampled at 1/6, 3/6, and 5/6 of each box). As follow for 6 degree resolution: ! ! -180---+---+---177---+---+---174---+---+---171---+---+---168 .......etc... ! | | | ! | box #1 | box #2 | ! | | | ! +---------------------------+---------------------------+ .......etc..... ! 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 ! * * * * * * <---- samples (lon,THA) do j=j1,j2 do i=1,im(region)*3 lon = -180. + (real(i)-0.5)*360./real(im(region)*3) !lon = xbeg(region) + (real(i)-0.5)*(xend(region)-xbeg(region))/real(im(region)*3) houra = -pi + lon*piby + eqr sinhh = sin(rdecl)*sin(lat(j)) & + cos(rdecl)*cos(lat(j))*cos(houra) tha(i,j) = acos(sinhh)/piby enddo enddo END SUBROUTINE DAYSIM !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: GET_SZA ! ! !DESCRIPTION: !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE GET_SZA(region, i1, j1, i2, j2, tstart, deltat, tha, sza) ! ! !USES: ! use dims, only : im, jm ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: region, i1, j1, i2, j2 real, intent(in) :: tstart ! start time of chemistry timestep real, intent(in) :: deltat ! chemistry timestep in hours real, intent(in) :: tha(im(region)*3,j1:j2) ! three times oversampled zenith angles ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! real, intent(out) :: sza(i1:i2,j1:j2) ! effective solar zenith angles for this timestep ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 26 Apr 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition ! ! !REMARKS: ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC real, dimension(im(region)*3,j1:j2) :: mu3 real :: dt integer :: it, i, ii ! mu3 = 0.0 ! ! split chemistry timestep in intervals and calculate mu at 1/6, 3/6 ! and 5/6 of timestep chemistry. Interpolate in time using the ! longitudinal dependence of tha and take the average. ! do ii=1,5,2 dt = ( tstart + ii*deltat/6. ) * (real(im(region)*3)/24.) it = int(dt) dt = dt-it mu3 = mu3 + (1-dt)*cshift(tha,it,1)+dt*cshift(tha,it+1,1) enddo ! ! average over three angles at three times resolution ! do i=i1,i2 sza(i,:) = (mu3(i*3-2,:) + mu3(i*3-1,:) + mu3(i*3,:))/9.0 enddo END SUBROUTINE GET_SZA !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: PHOTO_FLUX ! ! !DESCRIPTION: !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE PHOTO_FLUX( region, is, js, sza, rj_new) !********************************************************************** ! * ! contact: * ! * ! Jason Williams * ! Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch instituut (KNMI) * ! Postbus 201 * ! 3730 AE De Bilt * ! tel +31 (0)30 2206748 * ! e-mail : williams@knmi.nl * ! * !********************************************************************** ! purpose: ! ! The calculation of the radiation fields using input from TM5 and ECMWF meteo. ! ! method: ! ! Optical properties (optical thickness,cross sections, quantum yields) ! are calculated for lm(region) layers. Radiation fluxes are derived for 0:lm(region) ! levels, including the surface and top of atmosphere. Thus, level l overlays layer l. ! Photolysis rates in a layer are evaluated by taking the average of the ! photolysis rates evaluated at the upper and lower boundaries of the layer. ! ! First, spectral calculations are performed for an atmosphere with absorption ! only, including gaseous absorption by O2 and O3 and aerosol absorption. ! Second, a correction is applied for scattering and surface reflection, per ! scattering band and using radiative transfer calculations at representative ! wavelengths ! ! This photolysis module is based on: ! ! Landgraf and Crutzen, 1998, J. Atmos. Sci, 55, 863-878. ! Williams et al., 2006, Atmos.Chem.Phys., 6, 4137-4161. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Albedo field ! ------------ ! ! In older TM photolysis code, an adhoc uv-vis albedo was computed ! from land cover fields: ! ! module dry_deposition ! dd_surface_fields ! if(root_k)then ! dd_calc_inisurf ! compute ags on glb1x1 from land cover, on root_k only ! dd_coarsen_vd ! coarsen ags to vd_temp, copy into phot_dat(region)%albedo ! endif ! broadcast phot_dat(region)%albedo to all other processors ! ! In the first stratospheric codes, the same adhoc albedo computed in ! drydepos was written over the albedo meteo field, and then this one was used. ! To avoid this obscure destruction of ecmwf data, we use the phot_dat version here. ! In future, this should be replaced by ECMWF field: ! UV visible albedo for direct radiation ALUVP (0 - 1) 15 128 ! !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! subroutine to calculate direct flux and actinic flux !******************************************************************* ! ! !USES: ! use dims, only : lm, idate, ndyn, ndyn_max use MeteoData, only : temper_dat, gph_dat, cc_dat ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: region integer, intent(in) :: is, js real, intent(in) :: sza(is:,js:) ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! ! photolysis rates for this time-step real, dimension(is:,js:,:,:), intent(out) :: rj_new ! (i1:i2,j1:j2,lm(region),nj) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 26 Apr 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC integer :: i, j, l, k, n, table_pos real :: zangle, alb, esrm2 real, dimension(lm(region)+1) :: levels logical :: clear, cloudy, debug_flag ! temperature index array for the lookup table integer, parameter :: n_ind =34 ! number of increments in the look-up table integer, parameter :: jindex=9 integer, parameter :: latindex=21 real, parameter :: incr = 5. ! 5deg C intervals in look-up table (optimised value) real, dimension(n_ind) :: temp_ind real, dimension(:), allocatable :: v2_col, v3_col, dv2_col, dv3_col, t_lay, ly_a, column_cloud real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cst_o3_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cst_no2_col, qy_no2_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cst_hno3_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cst_h2o2_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cst_n2o5_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cst_ch2o_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cst_pan_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: cst_no3_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: qy_o1d_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: qy_ch3cocho_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: qy_co_col,qy_c2o3_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: fdir, fact real, dimension(:), allocatable :: taua_cld_col, taus_cld_col real, dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: taus_aer_col, taua_aer_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ts_pi_clr_col, ta_pi_clr_col, g_pi_clr_col, g_pi_cld_col real, dimension(:), allocatable :: ts_pi_cld, ta_pi_cld real, dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: pm_aer_col real, dimension(:), allocatable :: pm_cld_col real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ds real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: rj_column real, dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: temperature ! additional diagnostic array to compare old/new jvalue input real, dimension(:), allocatable :: vo3s_col integer :: i1, j1, i2, j2 call Get_DistGrid( dgrid(region), I_STRT=i1, I_STOP=i2, J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2 ) allocate( v2_col (lm(region)+1) ) allocate( v3_col (lm(region)+1) ) allocate( dv2_col (lm(region) ) ) allocate( dv3_col (lm(region) ) ) allocate( t_lay (lm(region) ) ) allocate( cst_o3_col (lm(region),maxwav) ) allocate( cst_no2_col (lm(region),89) ) allocate( qy_no2_col (lm(region),89) ) allocate( qy_co_col (lm(region),89) ) allocate( qy_c2o3_col (lm(region),89) ) allocate( cst_hno3_col (lm(region),65) ) allocate( cst_h2o2_col (lm(region),45) ) allocate( cst_n2o5_col (lm(region),55) ) allocate( cst_ch2o_col (lm(region),105) ) allocate( cst_pan_col (lm(region),65) ) allocate( cst_no3_col (lm(region),62) ) allocate( qy_o1d_col (lm(region),65) ) allocate( qy_ch3cocho_col(lm(region),52) ) allocate( fdir (lm(region),maxw) ) ; fdir(:,:) = 0. allocate( taus_aer_col (lm(region),nbands_trop,ngrid)) allocate( taua_aer_col (lm(region),nbands_trop,ngrid)) allocate( taus_cld_col (lm(region))) allocate( taua_cld_col (lm(region))) allocate( ts_pi_clr_col (lm(region),nbands_trop)) allocate( ta_pi_clr_col (lm(region),nbands_trop)) allocate( g_pi_clr_col (lm(region),nbands_trop)) allocate( g_pi_cld_col (lm(region),nbands_trop)) allocate( pm_aer_col (lm(region),nbands_trop,ngrid)) allocate( pm_cld_col (lm(region))) allocate( fact (lm(region),nbands_trop)) ; fact(:,:) = 0. allocate( column_cloud (lm(region))) allocate( ds (lm(region)+1,lm(region))) allocate( rj_column (lm(region),nj)) ; rj_column = 0. allocate(vo3s_col(lm(region)+1)) temperature => temper_dat(region)%data clear = .false. cloudy = .true. debug_flag = .false. ! define temperature index array from the lookup table do i = 1, 34 temp_ind(i) = 182.5 + (i-1) * 5.0 enddo do j = j1, j2 do i = i1, i2 zangle = sza(i,j) t_lay = temperature(i,j,:) rj_new(i,j,:,:) = 0. if (zangle <= sza_limit ) then ! initialise fdir = 0. ; dv2_col = 0. ; dv3_col = 0. ; fact = 0. v2_col(:) = phot_dat(region)%v2(i,j,:) v3_col(:) = phot_dat(region)%v3(i,j,:) qy_ch3cocho_col(:,:) = phot_dat(region)%qy_ch3cocho(i,j,:,:) qy_c2o3_col(:,:) = phot_dat(region)%qy_c2o3(i,j,:,:) column_cloud(:) = cc_dat(region)%data(i,j,:) levels=gph_dat(region)%data(i,j,:) ! set optical depths parameters taus_cld_col = phot_dat(region)%taus_cld(i,j,:) taua_cld_col = phot_dat(region)%taua_cld(i,j,:) taus_aer_col = phot_dat(region)%taus_aer(i,j,:,:,:) taua_aer_col = phot_dat(region)%taua_aer(i,j,:,:,:) pm_cld_col = phot_dat(region)%pmcld(i,j,:) pm_aer_col = phot_dat(region)%pmaer(i,j,:,:,:) ! ! assign the cross-sections here to avoid the exporting of large arrays ! do k=1,lm(region) table_pos=int((t_lay(k) - (temp_ind(1)-0.5*5)) / 5) + 1 table_pos=min(max(1,table_pos),34) ! bug fix for temperatures below 175.5 cst_o3_col(k,:) = xs_o3_look(:,table_pos) cst_no2_col(k,:) = xs_no2_look(:,table_pos) cst_hno3_col(k,:) = xs_hno3_look(:,table_pos) cst_h2o2_col(k,:) = xs_h2o2_look(:,table_pos) cst_ch2o_col(k,:) = xs_ch2o_look(:,table_pos) cst_n2o5_col(k,:) = xs_n2o5_look(:,table_pos) cst_pan_col(k,:) = xs_pan_look(:,table_pos) cst_no3_col(k,:) = xs_no3_look(:,table_pos) qy_o1d_col(k,:) = qy_o3_look(:,table_pos) qy_no2_col(k,:) = qy_no2_look(:,table_pos) qy_co_col(k,:) = qy_co_look(:,table_pos) enddo ! slant column, lyman-alpha and direct flux ; all are zenith angle dependent call directflux(region,zangle,v2_col,v3_col,cst_o3_col,t_lay,fdir,dv2_col,dv3_col,taua_cld_col, & taua_aer_col,levels,ds,vo3s_col,debug_flag) ! now do radiative transfer calculation, calculate actinic flux ! set albedo alb = phot_dat(region)%albedo(i,j) ! Now call the PIFM RT solver for the online calculation ; both clear and cloudy conditions can be used if (clear) call pifm(region,zangle,alb,cst_o3_col,dv2_col,dv3_col, & taua_aer_col,taus_aer_col,pm_aer_col,fact) if (cloudy) call pifm_ran( region,zangle,alb,cst_o3_col,dv2_col,dv3_col, & taua_cld_col,taus_cld_col,pm_cld_col,taua_aer_col,taus_aer_col,pm_aer_col,fact,column_cloud) rj_column=0. call photorates_tropo(region,zangle,cst_o3_col,cst_no2_col,cst_hno3_col,cst_h2o2_col,cst_ch2o_col,& cst_n2o5_col,cst_pan_col,cst_no3_col,qy_no2_col,qy_o1d_col,qy_ch3cocho_col,qy_co_col,qy_c2o3_col, & fact,fdir,rj_column,t_lay,debug_flag) rj_new(i,j,:,:) = rj_column elseif(zangle > sza_limit) then vo3s_col = 0. do k=1,lm(region) table_pos=int((t_lay(k) - (temp_ind(1)-0.5*5)) / 5) + 1 table_pos=min(max(1,table_pos),34) ! max(...) == temperatures below 175.5 used like 180.5 cst_o3_col(k,:) = xs_o3_look(:,table_pos) enddo debug_flag=.false. endif ! sza_limit enddo ! i enddo ! j ! Correction photolysis for distance sun-earth esrm2 = sundis(idate(2),idate(3)) rj_new = rj_new *esrm2 ! Store phot_dat(region)%jo3 (:,:,:) = rj_new(:,:,:,jo3d) phot_dat(region)%jno2 (:,:,:) = rj_new(:,:,:,jno2) phot_dat(region)%jhno2 (:,:,:) = rj_new(:,:,:,jhono) phot_dat(region)%jch2oa (:,:,:) = rj_new(:,:,:,jach2o) phot_dat(region)%jch2ob (:,:,:) = rj_new(:,:,:,jbch2o) ! Averages phot_dat(region)%nj_av = phot_dat(region)%nj_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) phot_dat(region)%nalb_av = phot_dat(region)%nalb_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) phot_dat(region)%jo3_av = phot_dat(region)%jo3_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) * rj_new(:,:,:,jo3d) phot_dat(region)%jno2_av = phot_dat(region)%jno2_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) * rj_new(:,:,:,jno2) phot_dat(region)%jhno2_av = phot_dat(region)%jhno2_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) * rj_new(:,:,:,jhono) phot_dat(region)%jch2oa_av = phot_dat(region)%jch2oa_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) * rj_new(:,:,:,jach2o) phot_dat(region)%jch2ob_av = phot_dat(region)%jch2ob_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) * rj_new(:,:,:,jbch2o) phot_dat(region)%ags_av = phot_dat(region)%ags_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) * phot_dat(region)%albedo phot_dat(region)%sza_av = phot_dat(region)%sza_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) * sza ! Done nullify(temperature) deallocate(v2_col) deallocate(v3_col) deallocate(dv2_col) deallocate(dv3_col) deallocate(cst_o3_col) deallocate(cst_no2_col) deallocate(qy_no2_col) deallocate(qy_co_col) deallocate(qy_c2o3_col) deallocate(cst_hno3_col) deallocate(cst_h2o2_col) deallocate(cst_n2o5_col) deallocate(cst_ch2o_col) deallocate(cst_pan_col) deallocate(cst_no3_col) deallocate(qy_o1d_col) deallocate(qy_ch3cocho_col) deallocate(fdir) deallocate(t_lay) deallocate(taus_aer_col) deallocate(taua_aer_col) deallocate(pm_aer_col) deallocate(taus_cld_col) deallocate(taua_cld_col) deallocate(pm_cld_col) deallocate(ts_pi_clr_col) deallocate(ta_pi_clr_col) deallocate(g_pi_clr_col) deallocate(g_pi_cld_col) deallocate(fact) deallocate(column_cloud) deallocate(ds) deallocate(rj_column) deallocate(vo3s_col) END SUBROUTINE PHOTO_FLUX !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: DIRECTFLUX ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Schumann-Runge parameterization ! Koppers GAA, Murtagh DP, Ann. Geophysicae 14, 68-79 !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! subroutine directflux(region,zangle,v2_col,v3_col,cst_o3_col,t_lay,& fdir,dv2_col,dv3_col,taua_cld_col,taua_aer_col,& levels,ds,vo3s_col,debug_flag) ! ! !USES: ! use dims, only : lm use binas, only : pi, avog, grav, xmair, ae ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: region real,intent(in) :: zangle ! oxygen and ozone column real,dimension(lm(region)+1),intent(in) :: v2_col,v3_col real,dimension(lm(region)),intent(in) :: taua_cld_col real,dimension(lm(region),nbands_trop,ngrid),intent(in) :: taua_aer_col ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! real,dimension(lm(region)+1),intent(out) :: vo3s_col ! temperature real,dimension(lm(region)),intent(in) :: t_lay ! temperature dependent cs of ozone real,dimension(lm(region),maxwav),intent(in) :: cst_o3_col ! flux through pure absorbing atmosphere real,dimension(lm(region),maxw),intent(out) :: fdir real,dimension(lm(region)),intent(out) :: dv2_col,dv3_col ! levels for ds calculation real,dimension(lm(region)+1) :: levels real,dimension(lm(region)+1,lm(region)),intent(out) :: ds logical,intent(in) :: debug_flag ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC real,dimension(:),allocatable :: t_lev real,dimension(:),allocatable :: v2s,v3s,dv2s, dv3s integer :: l, li, i, j, k, k1, k2, id, n, h, bandno real :: dl_o2,u0 real,dimension(20) :: coeff_a, coeff_b real :: a,b,c, gamma real,dimension(maxw) :: fdir_top real :: fdir_bot real :: ta_o2, ta_o3, tau real :: sp, const, press, alp, alv2, sln, ck, sf !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! declarations for the calculation of DS real,dimension(0:lm(region)) :: ze real,dimension(0:lm(region),lm(region)) :: ds_tmp real :: rpsinz,rj,rjp1,diffj,height1,height2 real :: zenrad,sm,re,dsj,dummy allocate(t_lev(lm(region)+1)) ; t_lev=0. allocate(dv2s(lm(region))) ; dv2s = 0. allocate(dv3s(lm(region))) ; dv3s = 0. allocate(v2s(1:lm(region)+1)) ; v2s = 0. allocate(v3s(1:lm(region)+1)) ; v3s = 0. ! initialise all output fdir = 0. ; dv2_col = 0 ; dv3_col = 0. ; ds = 0. ; ds_tmp = 0. ! define temperature on grid levels. Note temperature on layers now has reversed vertical grid do k = 2,lm(region) t_lev(k) = (t_lay(k) + t_lay(k-1) ) * 0.5 enddo ! boundaries t_lev(1) = t_lay(1) t_lev(lm(region)+1) = t_lay(lm(region)) a = 0.50572 ; b = 6.07995 ; c = 1.63640 dv2_col(lm(region)) = v2_col(lm(region)) dv3_col(lm(region)) = v3_col(lm(region)) do l=lm(region)-1,1,-1 dv2_col(l) = v2_col(l)-v2_col(l+1) dv3_col(l) = v3_col(l)-v3_col(l+1) end do !-----correction of the air mass factor--------------------------------- ! F. Kasten and T. Young, Revised optical air mass tabels and ! approximation formula (1989) Aplied Optics Vol 28, No. 22 P. 4735 ! and J. Lenoble, atmospheric radiative transfer (1993), P. 236 ! define air mass factor in mu gamma = 90. - zangle u0 = sin(gamma*pi/180.) + a *(gamma+b)**(-c) u0 = min(1.,u0) if(zangle <= 75.) then ds = 1/u0 elseif(zangle >75. .and. zangle <=sza_limit) then levels(1:lm(region)+1)=levels(lm(region)+1:1:-1) re = (ae+levels(lm(region)+1))*1.e-3 do k=lm(region)+1,1,-1 ze(k-1) = (levels(k)/1.e3)-(levels(lm(region)+1)/1.e3) enddo zenrad=acos(u0) do k=0,lm(region) rpsinz = (re+ze(k))*sin(zenrad) id = k do n=1,id sm = 1.0 rj = re + ze(n-1) rjp1 = re + ze(n) diffj = ze(n-1) - ze(n) height1 = rj**2 - rpsinz**2 height2 = rjp1**2 - rpsinz**2 height1=max(0.0,height1) height2=max(0.0,height2) if(id>k .and. n==id) then dsj=sqrt(height1) else dsj=sqrt(height1)-sm*sqrt(height2) endif ds_tmp(k,n) = dsj/diffj enddo ! n enddo !k ! invert matrix to be compatible with lm(region)+1 being tOA ds(1:lm(region)+1,1:lm(region))=ds_tmp(lm(region):0:-1,lm(region):1:-1) ENDIF ! sza_rad ! slant column : calculate in different way depending on zangle if(zangle <=75.) then v2s(lm(region)+1)=ds(lm(region),lm(region))*v2_col(lm(region)+1) v3s(lm(region)+1)=ds(lm(region),lm(region))*v3_col(lm(region)+1) do k1=lm(region)+1,1,-1 v2s(k1) = v2s(lm(region)+1) v3s(k1) = v3s(lm(region)+1) do k2=lm(region),k1,-1 v2s(k1) = v2s(k1) + ds(k1,k2)*dv2_col(k2) v3s(k1) = v3s(k1) + ds(k1,k2)*dv3_col(k2) end do end do elseif(zangle>75. .and. zangle<=85.) then v2s(lm(region)+1) = ds(lm(region),lm(region))*v2_col(lm(region)+1) v3s(lm(region)+1) = ds(lm(region),lm(region))*v3_col(lm(region)+1) do k1=lm(region)+1,1,-1 v2s(k1) = v2s(lm(region)+1) v3s(k1) = v3s(lm(region)+1) do k2=lm(region),1,-1 v2s(k1) = v2s(k1) + ds(k1,k2)*dv2_col(k2) v3s(k1) = v3s(k1) + ds(k1,k2)*dv3_col(k2) enddo enddo endif do k1=lm(region)+1,1,-1 vo3s_col(k1)=v3s(k1) enddo ! differential slant column dv2s(lm(region)) = v2s(lm(region))-v2s(lm(region)+1) dv3s(lm(region)) = v3s(lm(region))-v3s(lm(region)+1) do k = lm(region)-1,1,-1 dv2s(k) = v2s(k)-v2s(k+1) dv3s(k) = v3s(k)-v3s(k+1) if(dv2s(k)<0.) dv2s(k)=-1.0*dv2s(k) if(dv3s(k)<0.) dv3s(k)=-1.0*dv3s(k) enddo ! intialise direct flux fdir_top(1:maxw) = flux(1:maxw) ! direct flux = actinic flux for a purely abs. atmosphere ! here, layer averaged quantity bandno=1 if(zangle <=85.) then do l = 1,maxw do k = lm(region),1,-1 if(l<18) then ta_o2 = cross_o2(l)*dv2s(k) else ta_o2 = 0. endif ta_o3 = cst_o3_col(k,l)*dv3s(k) fdir_bot = fdir_top(l) * exp(-ta_o2-ta_o3-taua_cld_col(k)-taua_aer_col(k,bandno,1)) fdir(k,l) = (fdir_top(l) + fdir_bot)/2. fdir_top(l) = fdir_bot if(l>lfin(bandno)) bandno=bandno+1 enddo enddo endif deallocate(t_lev) deallocate(v2s) deallocate(v3s) deallocate(dv2s) deallocate(dv3s) END SUBROUTINE DIRECTFLUX !EOC #ifdef with_optics ! only define when coupling with photolysis is turned on !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: AEROSOL_INFO_M7 ! ! !DESCRIPTION: assignment of aerosol optical depths calculated in M7 !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE AEROSOL_INFO_M7(region, status) ! ! !USES: ! USE TM5_DISTGRID, ONLY : dgrid, Get_DistGrid USE DIMS, ONLY : isr,ier,jsr,jer, ndyn_max, ndyn USE METEODATA, ONLY : gph_dat USE DIMS, ONLY : im, jm, lm USE OPTICS, ONLY : optics_aop_get ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: region ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(out) :: status ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! Aug 2012 - NB ! 5 Mar 2013 - Ph. Le Sager - TM5-MP version ! ! !REMARKS: ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/aerosol_info_m7' integer :: i,j,l,lvec, nsend, igrid, i1, i2, j1, j2, lmr real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: gph real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: taus_aer, taua_aer, pmaer ! Optics output fields (to be used and allocated by methods using the optics) real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: aop_out_ext ! extinctions real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: aop_out_a ! single scattering albedo real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: aop_out_g ! assymetry factor ! ------------ begin ----------------- ! count lvec, tile grid size CALL GET_DISTGRID( dgrid(region), I_STRT=i1, I_STOP=i2, J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2 ) lmr=lm(region) lvec = (i2-i1+1)*(j2-j1+1)*lmr allocate( aop_out_ext(lvec, nwdep, 1)) allocate( aop_out_a (lvec, nwdep) ) allocate( aop_out_g (lvec, nwdep) ) CALL OPTICS_AOP_GET(lvec, region, nwdep, wdep, 1, .false., & aop_out_ext, aop_out_a, aop_out_g, status) IF_NOTOK_RETURN(status=1) gph => gph_dat(region)%data allocate(taus_aer (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr,nwdep)); taus_aer = 0.0 allocate(taua_aer (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr,nwdep)); taua_aer = 0.0 allocate(pmaer (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr,nwdep)); pmaer = 0.0 ! --------------------------------- ! unpack results from calculate_aop ! --------------------------------- lvec = 0 do l = 1, lmr do j = j1,j2 do i = i1,i2 lvec = lvec + 1 taus_aer(i,j,l,1:nwdep) = aop_out_ext(lvec,1:nwdep,1) * aop_out_a(lvec,1:nwdep) * (gph(i,j,l+1) - gph(i,j,l)) ! from 1/m to nondim taua_aer(i,j,l,1:nwdep) = aop_out_ext(lvec,1:nwdep,1) * (1.-aop_out_a(lvec,1:nwdep)) * (gph(i,j,l+1) - gph(i,j,l)) pmaer (i,j,l,1:nwdep) = aop_out_g (lvec,1:nwdep) enddo enddo enddo nullify(gph) do i=1, nbands_trop phot_dat(region)%taus_aer(:,:,:,i,1) = taus_aer(:,:,:,wav_grid(i)) phot_dat(region)%taua_aer(:,:,:,i,1) = taua_aer(:,:,:,wav_grid(i)) phot_dat(region)%pmaer (:,:,:,i,1) = pmaer (:,:,:,wav_grid(i)) phot_dat(region)%taus_aer(:,:,:,i,2) = taus_aer(:,:,:,wav_gridA(i)) phot_dat(region)%taua_aer(:,:,:,i,2) = taua_aer(:,:,:,wav_gridA(i)) phot_dat(region)%pmaer (:,:,:,i,2) = pmaer (:,:,:,wav_gridA(i)) enddo phot_dat(region)%naer_av = phot_dat(region)%naer_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) phot_dat(region)%pmaer_av = phot_dat(region)%pmaer_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) * phot_dat(region)%pmaer phot_dat(region)%taus_aer_av = phot_dat(region)%taus_aer_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) * phot_dat(region)%taus_aer phot_dat(region)%taua_aer_av = phot_dat(region)%taua_aer_av + float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max) * phot_dat(region)%taua_aer deallocate(taus_aer) deallocate(taua_aer) deallocate(pmaer) Deallocate(aop_out_ext) Deallocate(aop_out_a ) Deallocate(aop_out_g ) status = 0 END SUBROUTINE AEROSOL_INFO_M7 !EOC #endif !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: AEROSOL_INFO ! ! !DESCRIPTION: assignment of aerosol optical depths ! ! This is a crude method to provide some average values for the absorption and scattering ! terms by background aerosol choice of values defined according to the relative humidity. ! Absorption component can be set to zero throughout (M.van Weele, private comm.,2005). ! Scattering component chosen to be representative of background aerosol ! Moreover there is a choice as the whether the values defined by shettle and fenn are used ! This will require a look up table on 1x1,60 layers with indexes 1->4 with respect to ! location. At the moment background aerosol is chosen throughout !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE AEROSOL_INFO( region ) ! ! !USES: ! use dims, only : im, jm, lm, newsrun, ndyn, ndyn_max use binas, only : xm_air, xm_h2o,grav use global_data, only : mass_dat use MeteoData, only : temper_dat, humid_dat, gph_dat, cc_dat, iwc_dat, lwc_dat, phlb_dat use MeteoData, only : lsmask_dat ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: region ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! Jun 2005 - JEW - ! 26 Apr 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: taus_aer, taua_aer real, dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: pmaer real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: rhum, dens, part, dz, press_lay real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: q, phlb, temp, gph, frac, xland real :: a_sc, b_sc, a_ab, b_ab, a_g, b_g real :: bsa, baa, ga integer :: i_type integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: aero_clim real :: wv, tr, scale_aero, lay1, lay2 integer :: i, j, l, k, kboun, i_ref, b, wav, ll, n integer :: i1, j1, i2, j2, lmr logical :: aerosol, shettle_and_fenn real, dimension(8) :: rh_ref = (/0., 50., 70., 80., 90., 95., 98., 99./) real, dimension(4) :: pn_ref = (/ 15000., 4000., 20000., 5000./) ! ! different aerosol types: ! 1 = rural aerosol ! 2 = maritime aerosol ! 3 = urban aerosol ! 4 = free troposphere aerosol !----------------------------------------------------------------------- aerosol = .false. shettle_and_fenn = .true. call Get_DistGrid( dgrid(region), I_STRT=i1, I_STOP=i2, J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2 ) lmr = lm(region) allocate(taus_aer(i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr, nbands_trop, ngrid)) allocate(taua_aer(i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr, nbands_trop, ngrid)) allocate(pmaer (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr, nbands_trop, ngrid)) allocate(rhum (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) allocate(dens (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) allocate(part (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) allocate(dz (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) allocate(press_lay(i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) ! Initialize values taus_aer=0. taua_aer=0. pmaer =0. ! read in met. data temp => temper_dat(region)%data ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1:lmr) q => humid_dat(region)%data ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1:lmr) phlb => phlb_dat(region)%data ! gph => gph_dat(region)%data ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1:lmr+1) frac => cc_dat(region)%data ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1:lmr) xland => lsmask_dat(region)%data ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1) aero_clim => phot_dat(region)%aero_surface_clim ! (i1:i2, j1:j2) ! initialize values scale_aero = 1.0 ! the land-sea mask is used to ascribe either marine or rural aerosol for the bottom layers dz = 0. ; dens = 0. ; rhum = 0. phot_dat(region)%taus_aer = 0. phot_dat(region)%taua_aer = 0. phot_dat(region)%pmaer = 0. if (shettle_and_fenn) then if(newsrun) then do j=j1,j2 do i=i1,i2 if(j<=10 .or. j>=80) then aero_clim(i,j)=4 else if(xland(i,j,1) < 0.3) aero_clim(i,j)=2 if(xland(i,j,1) >= 0.3) aero_clim(i,j)=1 endif enddo enddo endif do l=1,lm(region) do j=j1,j2 do i=i1,i2 dz(i,j,l) = (gph(i,j,l+1) - gph(i,j,l)) press_lay(i,j,l) = (phlb(i,j,l) + phlb(i,j,l+1)) * 0.01 * 0.5 ! hPa dens(i,j,l) = 7.2427e18 * press_lay(i,j,l)/temp(i,j,l) tr=1.-373.15/temp(i,j,l) wv=exp((((-.1299*tr-.6445)*tr-1.976)*tr+13.3185)*tr) if(frac(i,j,l)<0.95) rhum(i,j,l)=q(i,j,l)*dens(i,j,l)*xm_air/xm_h2o*temp(i,j,l)/(1013.25*wv*7.24e16) ! JEW assume saturation when cloud fraction is very high. if(frac(i,j,l)>=0.95) rhum(i,j,l)=98.0 rhum(i,j,l)=min(98.,rhum(i,j,l)) enddo enddo enddo ! ! use land-sea mask to ascribe either marine or rural aerosol for different grid cells ! in the lower few KM ! do l=1,lm(region) do j=j1,j2 do i=i1,i2 if(l<5) then i_type=aero_clim(i,j) elseif(l>=5) then i_type=4 endif kboun = 1 lay1 = (phlb(i,j,l)/phlb(i,j,kboun))**3 lay2 = (phlb(i,j,l+1)/phlb(i,j,kboun))**3 if(i_type<4) then part(i,j,l) = scale_aero*pn_ref(i_type)*dz(i,j,l)*100. kboun = l else part(i,j,l) = scale_aero*pn_ref(i_type)*0.5*(lay1+lay2)*dz(i,j,l)*100. endif i_ref = 8 do k = 1,8 if(rh_ref(k) < rhum(i,j,l)) i_ref = k enddo do n=1,ngrid do b=1,nbands_trop if (n==1) wav=lmid(b) if (n==2) wav=lmid_gridA(b) a_sc = (sca(wav,i_ref,i_type)-sca(wav,i_ref+1,i_type))/(rh_ref(i_ref)-rh_ref(i_ref+1)) b_sc = sca(wav,i_ref,i_type)- a_sc*rh_ref(i_ref) a_ab = (abs_eff(wav,i_ref,i_type)-abs_eff(wav,i_ref+1,i_type))/(rh_ref(i_ref)-rh_ref(i_ref+1)) b_ab = abs_eff(wav,i_ref,i_type)- a_ab*rh_ref(i_ref) a_g =(g(wav,i_ref,i_type)-g(wav,i_ref+1,i_type))/(rh_ref(i_ref)-rh_ref(i_ref+1)) b_g =g(wav,i_ref,i_type) - a_g*rh_ref(i_ref) bsa = a_sc*rhum(i,j,l) + b_sc baa = a_ab*rhum(i,j,l) + b_ab ga = a_g*rhum(i,j,l) + b_g taus_aer(i,j,l,b,n) = bsa*part(i,j,l) taua_aer(i,j,l,b,n) = baa*part(i,j,l) if(taus_aer(i,j,l,n,1)>0.) then ! do k = 1,nmom pmaer(i,j,l,b,n)=ga ! enddo else pmaer(i,j,l,b,n) = 0. endif enddo !nbands_trop enddo !ngrid enddo ! l enddo ! j enddo ! i phot_dat(region)%taus_aer = taus_aer phot_dat(region)%taua_aer = taua_aer phot_dat(region)%pmaer = pmaer endif ! shettle and fenn switch ! JEW switch for the aerosol absorption and scattering properties if (aerosol) then do l=1,lm(region) do j=j1,j2 do i=i1,i2 dens(i,j,l) = 7.2427e18 * press_lay(i,j,l)/temp(i,j,l) tr=1.-373.15/temp(i,j,l) wv=exp((((-.1299*tr-.6445)*tr-1.976)*tr+13.3185)*tr) rhum(i,j,l)=q(i,j,l)*dens(i,j,l)*xm_air/xm_h2o*temp(i,j,l)/(1013.25*wv*7.24e16) if(rhum(i,j,l)>40. .and. rhum(i,j,l)<80.) pmaer(i,j,l,:,:) = 0.65 if(rhum(i,j,l)>=80.) pmaer(i,j,l,:,:) = 0.85 enddo enddo enddo phot_dat(region)%taus_aer = 3.0e-3 phot_dat(region)%taua_aer = 1.5e-4 phot_dat(region)%pmaer = 0.7 endif ! Averages phot_dat(region)%naer_av = phot_dat(region)%naer_av + (float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max)) phot_dat(region)%pmaer_av = phot_dat(region)%pmaer_av + (float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max)) * phot_dat(region)%pmaer phot_dat(region)%taus_aer_av = phot_dat(region)%taus_aer_av + (float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max)) * phot_dat(region)%taus_aer phot_dat(region)%taua_aer_av = phot_dat(region)%taua_aer_av + (float(ndyn)/float(ndyn_max)) * phot_dat(region)%taua_aer ! Done deallocate(taus_aer) deallocate(taua_aer) deallocate(pmaer) deallocate(rhum) deallocate(dens) deallocate(part) deallocate(dz) deallocate(press_lay) nullify(q) nullify(temp) nullify(phlb) nullify(gph) nullify(frac) nullify(xland) nullify(aero_clim) END SUBROUTINE AEROSOL_INFO !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: SLINGO ! ! !DESCRIPTION: A. Slingo's data for cloud particle radiative properties ! (from 'A GCM Parameterization for the Shortwave Properties of Water Clouds' ! JAS vol. 46 may 1989 pp 1419-1427) ! ! Called everytime the meteo data is updated to calculate new ! cloud optical properties !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE SLINGO( region ) ! ! !USES: ! use binas, only : xmair, Avog use dims, only : im, jm, lm, lmax_conv use global_data, only : mass_dat use MeteoData, only : gph_dat, lwc_dat, iwc_dat, cc_dat, phlb_dat, temper_dat, lsmask_dat ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: region ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 26 Apr 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC real :: eff_rad ! effective radius no longer fixed but linked to LWP real :: rhodz, tau_c, xsa, press, airn, D_ge real :: rclf ! inverse cloud fraction real :: clwc, ciwc ! [g/m3] real :: lfrac, sfrac ! scaled components due to land and sea fraction real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: taua_cld real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: taus_cld !total scattering optical depth for cloud layer (liquid+cirrus) !total absorption optical depth for cloud layer (liquid_cirrus) real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: pmcld !phase function (HG) !----------------------------Local------------------------------------------ real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: lwp !cloud liquid water path [g/m^2] real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: frac, lwc, iwc, gph, phlb, temp, xland real, parameter :: factor = 7.24e16*1.e6*xmair*29.2605/avog real,dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: dz, totalwc, global_cloud_reff real, dimension(4) :: abar, bbar, cbar, dbar, ebar, fbar ! A coefficient for extinction optical depth ! B coefficiant for extinction optical depth ! C coefficiant for single particle scat albedo ! D coefficiant for single particle scat albedo ! E coefficiant for asymmetry parameter ! F coefficiant for asymmetry parameter data abar/ 2.817e-02, 2.682e-02,2.264e-02,1.281e-02/ data bbar/ 1.305 , 1.346 ,1.454 ,1.641 / data cbar/-5.62e-08 ,-6.94e-06 ,4.64e-04 ,0.201 / data dbar/ 1.63e-07 , 2.35e-05 ,1.24e-03 ,7.56e-03 / data ebar/ 0.829 , 0.794 ,0.754 ,0.826 / data fbar/ 2.482e-03, 4.226e-03,6.560e-03,4.353e-03/ real :: abari, bbari, cbari, dbari, ebari, fbari ! A coefficiant for current spectral interval ! B coefficiant for current spectral interval ! C coefficiant for current spectral interval ! D coefficiant for current spectral interval ! E coefficiant for current spectral interval ! F coefficiant for current spectral interval real :: gc, wc, tot, tmp1 ,tmp2, tmp3 !asymmetry factor !single scattering albedo !total optical depth of cloud layer ! constants for scattering parameterization of Fu (1996) real, dimension(7) :: a0, a1 data a0/-.236447E-03,-.236447E-03,-.266955E-03,-.266955E-03,-.266955E-03,-.258858E-03,.982244E-04/ data a1/.253817E+01 ,.253817E+01 ,.254719E+01 ,.254719E+01 ,.254719E+01 ,.253815E+01,.250875E+01/ ! Parameters for computing cloud effective radius according to Martin et al. (JAS 1994) real :: denom,numerator real, parameter :: d_land=0.43 real, parameter :: d_sea=0.33 integer :: i,j,l,k, indxsl, n, i1, i2, j1, j2, lmr !----------- START---------- call Get_DistGrid( dgrid(region), I_STRT=i1, I_STOP=i2, J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2 ) lmr = lm(region) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set index for cloud particle properties based on the wavelength, ! according to A. Slingo (1989) equations 1-3: ! Use index 1 (0.25 to 0.69 micrometers) for visible ! Use index 2 (0.69 - 1.19 micrometers) for near-infrared ! Use index 3 (1.19 to 2.38 micrometers) for near-infrared ! Use index 4 (2.38 to 4.00 micrometers) for near-infrared indxsl = 1 ! Set cloud extinction optical depth, single scatter albedo, ! asymmetry parameter, and forward scattered fraction: abari = abar(indxsl) bbari = bbar(indxsl) cbari = cbar(indxsl) dbari = dbar(indxsl) ebari = ebar(indxsl) fbari = fbar(indxsl) ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! In the parameterization of Fu(1996) wavelength dependant extinction maybe ! calculated using a set of pre-defined constants: ! ! nm a0 a1 ! 250-300 -.236447E-03 .253817E+01 ! 300-330 -.266955E-03 .254719E+01 ! 330-360 -.293599E-03 .254540E+01 ! 360-400 -.258858E-03 .253815E+01 ! 400-440 -.106451E-03 .252684E+01 ! 440-480 .129121E-03 .250410E+01 ! 480-520 -.954458E-04 .252061E+01 ! 520-570 -.303108E-04 .251805E+01 ! 570-640 .982244E-04 .250875E+01 ! ! used in Beta=IWC(a0+a1/Dg) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(taua_cld(i1:i2, j1:j2, lm(region))) allocate(taus_cld(i1:i2, j1:j2, lm(region))) allocate(pmcld (i1:i2, j1:j2, lm(region))) allocate(lwp (i1:i2, j1:j2, lm(region))) allocate(dz (i1:i2, j1:j2, lm(region) )) allocate(totalwc (i1:i2, j1:j2, lm(region) )) allocate(global_cloud_reff(i1:i2, j1:j2, lm(region) )) ! Initialize values taua_cld = 0. ; taus_cld = 0. ; pmcld = 0. ; lwp = 0. ! assume a baseline cloud radius, required for heterogeneous chemistry global_cloud_reff = 6. !JEW The ice and water particles are now treated seperately. For cloud the values are taken from slingo !JEW the refractive index for ICE is very low below 750nm therefore T~T(scatt). iwc => iwc_dat (region)%data ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1:lmr) frac => cc_dat (region)%data ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1:lmr) gph => gph_dat (region)%data ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1:lmr+1) lwc => lwc_dat (region)%data ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1:lmr) phlb => phlb_dat (region)%data ! temp => temper_dat(region)%data ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1:lmr) xland => lsmask_dat(region)%data ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1) ! No negative input lwc=max(0.,lwc) iwc=max(0.,iwc) ! read in new cloud data to feed into the slingo routine. The values of lwc are zero in top levels so limit layer loop do l=1,lmax_conv do j=j1,j2 do i=i1,i2 press = (phlb(i,j,l) + phlb(i,j,l+1)) * 0.5 ! Pa dz(i,j,l) = ( gph(i,j,l+1) - gph(i,j,l) ) ! We have replaced the parameterization of McFarlane et al. (1992) with that of Martin et al. (1994). ! In the IFS a crude filter of 0.5 for the land fraction is used with the CNN(Marine) = 40. ! and CNN(Land) = 900. Here we weight the final CCN with the actual land fraction so as to introduce ! more variability. ! JEW : there is a potential problem in that nonzero cloud fractions may occur with no associated lwc value ! on TM5 vertical resolutions, therefore a filter w.r.t. both fraction and cloud liquid path are included. if( lwc(i,j,l) > 1.e-10 .and. frac(i,j,l) > 0.02 ) then ! JEW calculate total water path locally : convert to g/m(2) for slingo input ! following the conversion procedure for LWC from ECMWF input from old cloud subroutine. ! Included comments from old code to explain the prefactor in rhodz: ! rho = airn*1e6*xmair/avo ! g/m3 ! dz = 29.2605*temp(i,j,l)* alog(phlb(i,j,l)/(1.0+phlb(i,j,l+1))) rclf=1./frac(i,j,l) rhodz = factor*press*alog(phlb(i,j,l)/(1.0+phlb(i,j,l+1))) ! VH - scale lwc and lwp with cloud fraction, to compute cloud optical properties ! and droplet radius representative for cloudy part only lwp(i,j,l) = rhodz*lwc(i,j,l)*rclf airn=7.24e16*press/temp(i,j,l) !#/cm3 clwc=lwc(i,j,l)*xmair*airn*1.e6/avog ! g/m3 ! Effective radius: Martin et al. (JAS 1994) parametrization !if (xland(i,j,l) > 0.5) then ! Above land use ccn of ~900 ! D_land = 0.43 ! CCNLND = 900 ! NTOT=-2.10E-04*CCNLAND*CCNLAND+0.568*CCNLAND-27.9 ! DENOM=4.0*pi*rho_w*NTOT*(1.0+D_land*D_land)**3 ! with rho_w in g/m3. denom = 6547.52*1.e6 numerator=3.0*clwc*rclf*(1.0+3.0*D_land*D_land)**2 lfrac=0. if((numerator/denom) > 1.e-20) lfrac=1.e4*exp(0.333*LOG(numerator/denom)) !else ! Maritime air mass ! D_sea = 0.333 ! CCNSEA = 40 ! NTOT=-1.15E-03*CCNSEA*CCNSEA+0.963*CCNSEA+5.30 ! DENOM=4.0*pi*rho_w*NTOT*(1.0+D_sea*D_sea)**3 denom = 723.210*1.e6 numerator=3.0*clwc*rclf*(1.0+3.0*D_sea*D_sea)**2 sfrac=0. if((numerator/denom) > 1.e-20) sfrac=1.e4*exp(0.333*LOG(numerator/denom)) !endif ! TvN: Is this the best way to average land and sea? eff_rad=(xland(i,j,1)*lfrac)+(1.0-xland(i,j,1))*sfrac ! prevent the radius of non-precipitation clouds being too big ! these size limits are equal to those chosen in the IFS eff_rad=min(16.0,max(eff_rad, 4.0)) tmp1 = abari + bbari/eff_rad tmp2 = 1. - cbari - dbari*eff_rad tmp3 = fbari*eff_rad ! Do not let single scatter albedo be 1; delta-eddington solution ! for non-conservative case: wc = min(tmp2,.999999) tot = lwp(i,j,l)*tmp1 gc = ebari + tmp3 ! JEW : no wavelength dependence for the absorption or scattering effects due to liquid clouds !!!!! taua_cld(i,j,l) = (1.-wc)*tot taus_cld(i,j,l) = wc*tot ! avoid possible negatives due to input data taua_cld(i,j,l)=max(0.0,taua_cld(i,j,l)) global_cloud_reff(i,j,l) = eff_rad ! JEW : for calculating the scattering component due to ice if(iwc(i,j,l) > 1.e-10) then airn=7.24e16*press/temp(i,j,l) ! iwc in g/m3 from TM5 definition ciwc=iwc(i,j,l)*xmair*airn*1.e6/avog ! Following Eq. (5) of Heymsfield and McFarquhar (JAS, 1996), ! the cross-sectional surface area A (km^-1) ! can be approximated by: ! 10*IWC^0.9, where IWC in g/m3. ! Thus, A in m^2/m^3 = m^-1 is given by 0.01 IWC^0.9, ! which implies that xsa is in cm^-1. xsa=1.0e-4*ciwc**0.9 ! ! calculate D_ge using the relationship in Fu (1996) where Beta=extinction co-efficient (m-1) ! ! D_ge = 2(3)**0.5/(3 Rho)*(IWC/xsa) ! ! The above relationship is for instance given in Table 1 ! in McFarquhar and Heymsfield (JAS, 1997). ! Below an ice density in units g/cm^3 and ! IWC in g/m^3 are used. ! The conversion of IWC from g/m^3 to g/cm^3 ! gives a factor 10^6, which together with ! the division by 100 converts from cm to um. ! D_ge=(2.*1.73205/(3.*0.917))*(ciwc/xsa) ! convert to uM D_ge=D_ge/100. ! ! Cirrus scattering has a wavelength dependancy ! taus_cld(i,j,l)=taus_cld(i,j,l)+((ciwc*(a0(3)+(a1(3)/D_ge)))*dz(i,j,l)) endif if (taus_cld(i,j,l) > 0.) then pmcld(i,j,l)=gc else pmcld(i,j,l)=0. end if end if enddo enddo enddo ! Store optical depths and phase functions phot_dat(region)%pmcld = pmcld phot_dat(region)%taus_cld = taus_cld phot_dat(region)%taua_cld = taua_cld phot_dat(region)%cloud_reff = global_cloud_reff ! Averages phot_dat(region)%lwp_av = lwp phot_dat(region)%cfr_av = phot_dat(region)%cfr_av + frac phot_dat(region)%reff_av = global_cloud_reff phot_dat(region)%ncloud_av = phot_dat(region)%ncloud_av + 1 phot_dat(region)%pmcld_av = phot_dat(region)%pmcld_av + pmcld phot_dat(region)%taus_cld_av = phot_dat(region)%taus_cld_av + taus_cld phot_dat(region)%taua_cld_av = phot_dat(region)%taua_cld_av + taua_cld nullify(lwc) nullify(frac) nullify(iwc) nullify(gph) nullify(phlb) nullify(temp,xland) deallocate(taua_cld) deallocate(taus_cld) deallocate(pmcld) deallocate(lwp) deallocate(dz) deallocate(totalwc) deallocate(global_cloud_reff) END SUBROUTINE SLINGO !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: UPDATE_CSQY ! ! !DESCRIPTION: !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE UPDATE_CSQY( region ) ! ! !USES: ! use dims use binas, only: Avog, xmair, grav use global_data, only: mass_dat use MeteoData, only: phlb_dat, temper_dat, m_dat use chem_param, only: xmo3, fscale, iacet ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: region ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 26 Apr 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC integer :: i,j,l real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: temperature real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: phlb real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: mass real,dimension(:,:,:,:),pointer :: qyacet real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: density real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: pressure integer :: k, m, table_pos, i1, j1, i2, j2, lmr real :: xa, xb, te, chix, ww, temper, ptorr real :: phi, qy, tt, alpha, delta_t real,dimension(maxwav) :: rd, phi0 real :: a0, b0, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, c3, a4, b4 real :: term,term1,term2,t_scale real :: airn,aird integer,parameter :: n_ind =34 ! number of increments in the look-up table real,dimension(n_ind) :: temp_ind phlb => phlb_dat(region)%data temperature => temper_dat(region)%data qyacet => phot_dat(region)%qy_c2o3 mass => m_dat(region)%data call Get_DistGrid( dgrid(region), I_STRT=i1, I_STOP=i2, J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2 ) lmr = lm(region) allocate(density (i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) allocate(pressure(i1:i2, j1:j2, lmr)) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Only update the temperature sensitive regions of the spectral ! grids. That is, initialize values values to either zero or cs_ values for selected ! species. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = 1,lm(region) do j = j1,j2 do i = i1,i2 ! define air pressure pressure(i,j,k) = (phlb(i,j,k) + phlb(i,j,k+1))/2 enddo enddo enddo ! define air density density = 7.24e16*pressure/temperature(i1:i2, j1:j2, 1:lmr) ! define temperature index array from the lookup table do i = 1, 34 temp_ind(i) = 182.5 + (i-1) * 5.0 enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! QUANTUM YIELD OF METHYGLYOXAL S. KOCH and G. K. MOORTGAT ! J Phys Chem, 102, 9142-9153, 1998. ! ! JEW: the qy_ch3cocho array has been reduced to 52 bins to represent the pressure. ! dep. spectral bins ONLY !! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate co-efficients for METHYGLYOXAL qy outside loop phi0 = 1. ; rd = 0. ! for wave < 380nm qy is essentially = 1.0. do l = 1,39 if(l<32) then phi0(l) = 1 elseif(l>=32) then phi0(l) = 8.15e-9 * exp(7131./wave(l+37)*1.e-7) endif rd(l) = 7.34e-9 * exp(8793./wave(l+37)*1.e-7) enddo do l = 40,52 phi0(l) = 3.63e-7 * exp(5693./wave(l+37)*1.e-7) rd(l) = 1.93e4*exp(-5639./wave(l+37)*1.e-7) enddo do k = 1,lm(region) do j = j1,j2 do i = i1,i2 ! QUANTUM YIELD OF METHYGLYOXAL JPL 2006 P4-71 ! CH3COCHO -> CH3C(O)O2 + HO2 + CO (1) ! -> CH4 + 2CO (2) ! -> CH3CHO + CO (3) ! the predominant products are from channel(1) for wav 240-480nm ! Pa -> Torr !ptorr= (pressure(i,j,k)/100.)*760./1.013*1e-3 ptorr= (pressure(i,j,k))*0.0075006 !second absorption band do l = 1,39 qy = (phi0(l) * rd(l))/(rd(l) + ptorr*phi0(l)) phot_dat(region)%qy_ch3cocho(i,j,k,l) = min(1.0,qy) end do ! switch to the formulation by Chen et al, JPC, 104, 11126-11131, 2000 for wav > 420nm do l = 40,52 qy = phi0(l)/(1.+(phi0(l)*rd(l)*ptorr)) phot_dat(region)%qy_ch3cocho(i,j,k,l) = min(1.0,qy) enddo ! ! calculate the second photolysis channel for acetone ! do l=26,35 table_pos=int((temperature(i,j,k)-(temp_ind(1)-0.0*5))/5)+1 table_pos=min(max(1,table_pos),34) ! bug fix for temperatures below 175.5 qy=(1-qy_co_look(l,table_pos))/(1.0+a1_acet(l,table_pos)*density(i,j,k)) qyacet(i,j,k,l)=max(0.0,qy) enddo do l=36,89 ! determine constants for calculating qy table_pos=int((temperature(i,j,k)-(temp_ind(1)-0.0*5))/5)+1 table_pos=min(max(1,table_pos),34) ! bug fix for temperatures below 175.5 a1=1.0+(density(i,j,k)*a4_acet(l,table_pos))+a3_acet(l,table_pos) a2=1.0+(density(i,j,k)*a2_acet(l,table_pos))+a3_acet(l,table_pos) a4=1.0+(density(i,j,k)*a4_acet(l,table_pos)) qy=(1-qy_co_look(l,table_pos))*(a1/(a2*a4)) qyacet(i,j,k,l)=max(0.0,qy) enddo end do ! longitude end do ! latitude end do ! level deallocate(density) deallocate(pressure) nullify(temperature) nullify(mass) nullify(phlb) nullify(qyacet) END SUBROUTINE UPDATE_CSQY !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: PIFM ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! * ! PRACTICAL IMPROVED FLUX METHOD (PIFM) * ! to calculate actinic fluxes * ! Zdunkowski,Welch,Korb: Beitr. Phys. Atmosph. vol. 53, p. 147 ff * ! * ! This version is not suitable for calculation for conserving * ! scattering (W0=1). W0 is limited to W0 <= 1. - 1.E-15. * ! For W0 = 1, AL(4) and AL(5) has to be calculated differently. * !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE PIFM(region, zangle, alb, cst_o3_col, dv2, dv3, taua_aer_col, taus_aer_col, paer_col, fact) ! ! !USES: ! use dims, only : lm use binas, only : pi ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: region real, intent(in) :: zangle ! zenith angle real, intent(in) :: alb ! albedo real, dimension(lm(region),maxwav) :: cst_o3_col ! temp dep o3 cross sections real, dimension(lm(region)) :: dv2, dv3 ! differential column info real, dimension(lm(region),nbands_trop,ngrid) :: taua_aer_col, taus_aer_col ! optical depth aerosols real, dimension(lm(region),nbands_trop,ngrid) :: paer_col real, dimension(lm(region),nbands_trop) :: fact !actinic flux ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC real, dimension(3*(lm(region)+1)) :: rw, & !flux array for cloudy sky rf !flux array for clear sky real, dimension(lm(region)) :: tu1, & !parallel solar flux tu2 !matrix coefficient real, dimension(lm(region),5) :: al real, dimension(lm(region)+1,nbands_trop):: sd, fd, fu real, dimension(0:nmom) :: pray ! phase functions real :: taus, taua, tautot, g real, dimension(lm(region),nbands_trop) :: taua_clr, taus_clr ! optical depth clear sky ! diffusivity factor real, parameter :: u = 2., delu0 = 1.e-3, resonc = 1.e-6 integer :: grid, l, k, n, nl, k3, maxlev, maxlay2, maxlev3 real :: p1, w0, f, b0, bu0 real :: eps, factor, ueps2, smooth1, smooth2 real :: alph1, alph2, alph3, alph4 real :: gam1, gam2, e, rm, tds1, td1, td2 real :: fact_bot, fact_top, arg !downward diffuse flux !upward diffuse flux real :: a, b, c, gamma, u0 real :: cs_o2 ! internal integer variable maxlev = lm(region) + 1 maxlay2 = 2 * lm(region) maxlev3 = 3 * maxlev ! intitialise arrays al = 0. ; fd = 0. ; sd = 0. ; fu = 0. ; tu1 = 0. ; tu2 = 0. ; rw = 0. ; rf = 0. !initialise output (actinic flux) fact = 0. !-----correction of the air mass factor--------------------------------- ! F. Kasten and T. Young, Revised optical air mass tabels and ! approximation formula (1989) Aplied Optics Vol 28, No. 22 P. 4735 ! and J. Lenoble, atmospheric radiative transfer (1993), P. 236 a = 0.50572 ; b = 6.07995 ; c = 1.63640 ! define air mass factor in mu gamma = 90. - zangle u0 = sin(gamma*pi/180.) + a *(gamma+b)**(-c) u0 = min(1.,u0) !=================================================================== ! calculation of the matrix coefficients a1,...,a5 !=================================================================== ! determine phase functions pray(0) = 1. ; pray(1) = 0. ; pray(2)=0.1 ; pray(3:nmom) = 0. ! reverse order for input parameters dv2(1:lm(region)) = dv2(lm(region):1:-1) dv3(1:lm(region)) = dv3(lm(region):1:-1) ! do not calculate for band #1 do l = 1,nbands_trop if (zangle <= 71.) then nl = lmid(l) grid = 1 cs_o2 = 7.322e-24 elseif (zangle > 71. .and. zangle<=sza_limit) then nl = lmid_gridA(l) grid = 2 cs_o2 = 6.608e-24 endif ! reverse order for input parameters cst_o3_col(1:lm(region),nl) = cst_o3_col(lm(region):1:-1,nl) taus_aer_col(1:lm(region),l,grid) = taus_aer_col(lm(region):1:-1,l,grid) taua_aer_col(1:lm(region),l,grid) = taua_aer_col(lm(region):1:-1,l,grid) paer_col(1:lm(region),l,grid) = paer_col(lm(region):1:-1,l,grid) do k = 1,lm(region) ! Calculate optical depth (clear-sky) if(nl<18) then taua_clr(k,l) = cs_o2*dv2(k) + cst_o3_col(k,nl)*dv3(k) else taua_clr(k,l) = cst_o3_col(k,nl)*dv3(k) endif taus_clr(k,l) = cs_ray(nl)*1./0.2095*dv2(k) taus = taus_clr(k,l) + taus_aer_col(k,l,grid) taua = taua_clr(k,l) + taua_aer_col(k,l,grid) tautot = taus + taua g = 0. if (taus > 0.) & g = (paer_col(k,l,grid)* taus_aer_col(k,l,grid) + pray(1)* taus_clr(k,l) )/taus if (tautot .ne. 0.) then w0=taus / tautot else w0=0. end if w0 = min(w0,1.-1.e-15) ! P1: first expansion coefficient of the phase function p1=3.*g ! F: fraction of radiation contained in diffraction peak f=g**2 ! B0: fractional mean backward scattering coefficient ! of diffuse light ! BU0: backward scattering coefficient of primary scattered ! parallel solar light ! for small P1 SMOOTH1,SMOOTH2 manage the smooth change of B0 ! BU0 to 0 if (p1 <= 0.1) then smooth1=1.33333333-p1*3.3333333 smooth2=10.*p1 else smooth1=1. smooth2=1. end if b0=(3.-p1)/8. *smooth1 bu0=0.5-u0/4.*(p1-3.*f)/(1.-f) *smooth2 ! alpha coefficient alph1=u*(1.-(1.-b0)*w0) alph2=u*b0*w0 alph3=w0*bu0*(1-f) alph4=w0*(1.-bu0)*(1-f) ! epsilon and gamma coefficient eps=sqrt(alph1**2-alph2**2) factor=1.-w0*f ! check for resonance condition in GAM1 and GAM2, if fulfil th ! chance U0(J) and calculate UEPS2, BU0, ALPH3, ALPH4 again. ueps2=(u0 *eps)**2 arg = ueps2-factor**2 if (arg < 0.) arg = -1. * arg if (arg < resonc) then if (ueps2.lt.factor**2) then u0 = u0 - delu0 else u0 = u0 + delu0 end if ueps2=(u0 * eps)**2 bu0=0.5-u0/4.*(p1-3.*f)/(1.-f) *smooth2 alph3=w0*bu0*(1-f) alph4=w0*(1.-bu0)*(1-f) end if gam1=( factor*alph3-u0 * (alph1*alph3+alph2*alph4) ) * & 1/(factor**2-ueps2) gam2=(-factor*alph4-u0 * (alph1*alph4+alph2*alph3) ) * & 1/(factor**2-ueps2) e=exp(-eps*tautot) rm=alph2/(alph1+eps) al(k,4)=e*(1.-rm**2.)/(1.-e**2. * rm**2.) al(k,5)=rm*(1.-e**2.)/(1.-e**2. * rm**2.) al(k,1)=exp(-factor*tautot/u0) al(k,2)=-al(k,4)*gam2-al(k,5)*gam1*al(k,1) + gam2*al(k,1) al(k,3)=-al(k,5)*gam2-al(k,4)*gam1*al(k,1) + gam1 enddo !==================================================================== ! matrix inversion !==================================================================== ! direct solution of the first four equations rf(1) = u0 * flux(nl) rf(2) = 0. ! 5th to 10th equation: bring matrix elements on the left of the m ! diagonal to the rhs: save elements on the right of the main ! diagonal in array -tu(l,1) rf(3) = al(1,3) * rf(1) rf(4) = al(1,1) * rf(1) rf(5) = al(1,2) * rf(1) tu1(1) = al(1,4) tu2(1) = al(1,5) ! blocks of 6 equations: eliminate left matrix elements, save righ ! matrix elements in array -tu(l,i), ! calculate rhs. do k=2,lm(region) k3=3*k td1 = 1./(1.-al(k,5)*tu2(k-1)) td2 = al(k,4)*tu2(k-1) tu1(k) = td1*al(k,4) tu2(k) = al(k,5) + td2*tu1(k) rf(k3) = td1 * (al(k,3)*rf(k3-2) + al(k,5)*rf(k3-1)) rf(k3+1)= al(k,1)*rf(k3-2) rf(k3+2)= al(k,2)*rf(k3-2) + al(k,4)*rf(k3-1)+td2*rf(k3) end do ! last two equations: the same as before tds1 = 1. / (1.-alb*tu2(lm(region))) rf(maxlev3) = tds1 * (alb * rf(maxlev3-2)+ & alb * rf(maxlev3-1)) ! now we have created an upper triangular matrix the elements of ! are -tu(l,i), 0, or 1 (in the main diagonal). the 0 and 1 eleme ! are not stored in an array. let us solve the system now and sto ! results in the arrays rf (fluxes clear sky) and rw (fluxes clou do k=lm(region),1,-1 k3=3*k rf(k3+2) = rf(k3+2) + tu2(k)*rf(k3+3) rf(k3) = rf(k3) + tu1(k)*rf(k3+3) sd(k+1,l) = rf(k3+1) fd(k+1,l) = rf(k3+2) fu(k+1,l) = rf(k3+3) end do sd(1,l) = rf(1) fd(1,l) = rf(2) fu(1,l) = rf(3) ! calculate the actinic flux fact_top = sd(1,l)/u0 + u * fd(1,l) + u * fu(1,l) do k = 1,lm(region) fact_bot = sd(k+1,l)/u0 + & u * fd(k+1,l) + u * fu(k+1,l) fact(k,l) = max(0. ,(fact_top + fact_bot)/2.) fact_top = fact_bot end do ! swap vertical levels to the default order of the model fact(1:lm(region),l) = fact(lm(region):1:-1,l) cst_o3_col(1:lm(region),nl) = cst_o3_col(lm(region):1:-1,nl) enddo ! spectral bands (nbands) END SUBROUTINE PIFM !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: PIFM_RAN ! ! !DESCRIPTION: Pifm method including random overlap method for clouds ! !************************************************************************ !* PRACTICAL IMPROVED FLUX METHOD (PIFM) * !* to calculate actinic fluxes * !* Zdunkowski,Welch,Korb: Beitr. Phys. Atmosph. vol. 53, p. 147 ff * !* * !* Cloud effects added using the method of : * !* Geleyn and Hollingworth, Contribs. Atms.Phys,52(1),1979 * !* * !************************************************************************ !* This version is not suitable for calculation for conserving * !* scattering (W0=1). W0 is limited to W0 .le. 1. - 1.E-15. * !* For W0 = 1, AL(4) and AL(5) has to be calculated differently. * !************************************************************************ !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE PIFM_RAN(region, zangle, alb, cst_o3_col, dv2, dv3, & taua_cld_col, taus_cld_col, pcld_col, & taua_aer_col, taus_aer_col, paer_col, fact, frac ) ! ! !USES: ! use dims, only : lm use binas, only : pi ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: region real, intent(in) :: zangle ! zenith angle real, intent(in) :: alb ! albedo real,dimension(lm(region)) :: frac ! cloud fraction per layer (0->1) real,dimension(lm(region),maxwav) :: cst_o3_col ! o3 cross sections real,dimension(lm(region)) :: dv2, dv3 ! differential column info real,dimension(lm(region)) :: taua_cld_col, taus_cld_col ! optical depth clouds real,dimension(lm(region),nbands_trop) :: taua_clr_col, taus_clr_col ! optical depth clear sky real,dimension(lm(region),nbands_trop,ngrid) :: taua_aer_col, taus_aer_col ! optical depth aerosols real,dimension(lm(region),nbands_trop) :: fact ! actinic flux real,dimension(lm(region),nbands_trop,ngrid) :: paer_col ! aerosol phase functions real,dimension(lm(region)) :: pcld_col ! cloud phase functions real,dimension(0:nmom) :: pray ! rayleigh phase function ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC real,dimension(3*(lm(region)+1)) :: rw, & ! flux array for cloudy sky rf ! flux array for clear sky real,dimension(lm(region)) :: tu1, & ! parallel solar flux tu2 ! matrix coefficient real,dimension(lm(region),5) :: al real,dimension(lm(region)+1,nbands_trop):: sd, fd, fu real,dimension(lm(region),nbands_trop) :: TS_PI_CLR,TA_PI_CLR, G_PI_CLR, TS_PI_CLD real,dimension(lm(region)) :: TA_PI_CLD, G_PI_CLD real :: U,DELU0,RESONC,a,b,c,gamma,u0,cs_o2 integer :: grid,j,k,l,maxlev,maxlay2,maxlev3,nl,k3 real :: w0,p1,F,smooth1,smooth2,b0,bu0,alph1,alph2,alph3,alph4,tautot,eps,factor real :: rm,gam1,gam2,e,tauscat,td1,td2,tds1,ueps2,g,arg,fact_bot, fact_top ! diffusivity factor DATA U / 2./ DATA DELU0 /1.E-3/ DATA RESONC /1.E-6/ real :: AL_CLR_1,AL_CLR_2,AL_CLR_3,AL_CLR_4,AL_CLR_5 !matrix coefficient for clear sky real :: AL_CLD_1,AL_CLD_2,AL_CLD_3,AL_CLD_4,AL_CLD_5 !matrix coefficient for cloudy sky !-----correction of the air mass factor--------------------------------- ! F. Kasten and T. Young, Revised optical air mass tables and ! approximation formula (1989) Aplied Optics Vol 28, No. 22 P. 4735 ! and J. Lenoble, atmospheric radiative transfer (1993), P. 236 a = 0.50572 ; b = 6.07995 ; c = 1.63640 ! define air mass factor in mu gamma = 90. - zangle u0 = sin(gamma*pi/180.) + a *(gamma+b)**(-c) u0 = min(1.,u0) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! internal integer variable MAXLEV = lm(region) + 1 MAXLAY2 = 2 * lm(region) MAXLEV3 = 3 * MAXLEV ! initialize fact = 0. ; sd = 0 ; fd = 0. ; fu = 0. ; td1 = 0. rf = 0. ; rw = 0. ; al = 0. ; tu1 = 0. ; tu2 = 0. ! determine phase functions pray(0) = 1. ; pray(1) = 0. ; pray(2)=0.1 ; pray(3:nmom) = 0. dv2(1:lm(region)) = dv2(lm(region):1:-1) dv3(1:lm(region)) = dv3(lm(region):1:-1) frac(1:lm(region)) = frac(lm(region):1:-1) taua_cld_col(1:lm(region)) = taua_cld_col(lm(region):1:-1) taus_cld_col(1:lm(region)) = taus_cld_col(lm(region):1:-1) pcld_col(1:lm(region)) = pcld_col(lm(region):1:-1) do l = 1,nbands_trop if (zangle <= 71.) then nl = lmid(l) grid = 1 cs_o2 = 7.322e-24 elseif (zangle > 71. .and. zangle<=sza_limit) then nl = lmid_gridA(l) grid = 2 cs_o2 = 6.608e-24 endif ! reverse order for input parameters cst_o3_col(1:lm(region),nl) = cst_o3_col(lm(region):1:-1,nl) taus_aer_col(1:lm(region),l,grid) = taus_aer_col(lm(region):1:-1,l,grid) taua_aer_col(1:lm(region),l,grid) = taua_aer_col(lm(region):1:-1,l,grid) paer_col(1:lm(region),l,grid) = paer_col(lm(region):1:-1,l,grid) ! fill array for absorption and scattering components before performing ! calculations. do K = 1,lm(region) taus_clr_col(k,l) = cs_ray(nl)*1./0.2095*dv2(k) if(nl<18) then taua_clr_col(k,l) = cs_o2*dv2(k) + cst_o3_col(k,nl)*dv3(k) else taua_clr_col(k,l) = cst_o3_col(k,nl)*dv3(k) endif TS_PI_CLR(K,L) = TAUS_CLR_col(K,L)+TAUS_AER_col(K,L,grid) TA_PI_CLR(K,L) = TAUA_CLR_col(K,L)+TAUA_AER_col(K,L,grid) TS_PI_CLD(K,L) = TAUS_CLD_col(K) TA_PI_CLD(K) = TAUA_CLD_col(K) IF (TAUS_CLR_col(K,L)+TAUS_AER_col(K,L,grid)>0.) THEN G_PI_CLR(K,L) = (PRAY(1)*TAUS_CLR_col(K,L) + & PAER_col(k,l,grid)*TAUS_AER_col(K,L,grid))/ & (TAUS_CLR_col(K,L)+TAUS_AER_col(K,L,grid)) ELSE G_PI_CLR(K,L) = 0. ENDIF G_PI_CLD(K) = PCLD_col(k) enddo do K = 1,lm(region) !***** first: clear sky ******************************************* TAUTOT = TS_PI_CLR(K,L)+TA_PI_CLR(K,L) if (tautot /= 0.) then W0=TS_PI_CLR(K,L) / TAUTOT ELSE W0=0. ENDIF W0 = MIN(W0,1.-1e-15) ! P1: first expansion coefficient of the phase function P1=3.*G_PI_CLR(K,L) ! F: fraction of radiation contained in diffraction peak F=G_PI_CLR(K,L)**2 ! B0: fractional mean backward scattering coefficient of diffuse light ! BU0: backward scattering coefficient of primary scattered parallel solar light ! for small P1 SMOOTH1,SMOOTH2 manage the smooth change of B0 and ! BU0 to 0 IF (P1<=0.1) THEN SMOOTH1=1.33333333-P1*3.3333333 SMOOTH2=10.*P1 ELSE SMOOTH1=1 SMOOTH2=1 ENDIF B0=(3.-P1)/8. *SMOOTH1 BU0=0.5-U0/4.*(P1-3.*F)/(1.-F) *SMOOTH2 ! alpha coefficient ALPH1=U*(1.-(1.-B0)*W0) ALPH2=U*B0*W0 ALPH3=W0*BU0*(1-F) ALPH4=W0*(1.-BU0)*(1-F) ! epsilon and gamma coefficient EPS=SQRT(ALPH1**2-ALPH2**2) FACTOR=1.-W0*F ! check for resonance condition in GAM1 and GAM2, if fulfil then ! chance U0 and calculate UEPS2, BU0, ALPH3, ALPH4 again. UEPS2=(U0*EPS)**2 arg = ueps2-factor**2 if (arg < 0.) then arg = -1. * arg endif if (arg < resonc) then IF(UEPS2.LT.FACTOR**2) THEN U0=U0-DELU0 ELSE U0=U0+DELU0 ENDIF UEPS2=(U0*EPS)**2 BU0=0.5-U0/4.*(P1-3.*F)/(1.-F) *SMOOTH2 ALPH3=W0*BU0*(1-F) ALPH4=W0*(1.-BU0)*(1-F) ENDIF GAM1=( FACTOR*ALPH3-U0*(ALPH1*ALPH3+ALPH2*ALPH4) ) * & & 1/(FACTOR**2-UEPS2) GAM2=(-FACTOR*ALPH4-U0*(ALPH1*ALPH4+ALPH2*ALPH3) ) * & & 1/(FACTOR**2-UEPS2) E=EXP(-EPS*TAUTOT) RM=ALPH2/(ALPH1+EPS) AL_CLR_4= E*(1-RM**2)/(1-E**2 * RM**2) AL_CLR_5= RM*(1-E**2)/(1-E**2 * RM**2) AL_CLR_1= EXP(-FACTOR*TAUTOT/U0) AL_CLR_2=-AL_CLR_4*GAM2-AL_CLR_5*GAM1* & & AL_CLR_1+GAM2*AL_CLR_1 AL_CLR_3=-AL_CLR_5*GAM2-AL_CLR_4*GAM1* & & AL_CLR_1+GAM1 !******************* second: cloudy sky ***************************** ! For ECMWF input there is the possibility that cloud fraction occurs without a ! corresponding value for lwc IF( FRAC(K) > 0.02 .and. TS_PI_CLD(K,L) > 1.e-5 ) THEN TAUSCAT = TS_PI_CLR(K,L) + TAUS_CLD_col(K) TAUTOT = TA_PI_CLR(K,L) + TAUA_CLD_col(K)+TAUSCAT G = G_PI_CLD(K)*TAUS_CLD_col(K)/TAUSCAT IF (TAUTOT > 0.) THEN W0=TAUSCAT/TAUTOT ELSE W0=0. ENDIF W0 = MIN(W0,1.-1e-15) P1=3.*G F=G**2 IF (P1<0.1) THEN SMOOTH1=1.33333333-P1*3.3333333 SMOOTH2=10.*P1 ELSE SMOOTH1=1 SMOOTH2=1 ENDIF B0=(3.-P1)/8. *SMOOTH1 BU0=0.5-U0/4.*(P1-3.*F)/(1.-F) *SMOOTH2 ALPH1=U*(1.-(1.-B0)*W0) ALPH2=U*B0*W0 ALPH3=W0*BU0*(1-F) ALPH4=W0*(1.-BU0)*(1-F) EPS=SQRT(ALPH1**2-ALPH2**2) FACTOR=1.-W0*F UEPS2=(U0*EPS)**2 arg = ueps2-factor**2 if (arg < 0.) then arg = -1. * arg endif if (arg < resonc) then IF(UEPS2.LT.FACTOR**2) THEN U0=U0-DELU0 ELSE U0=U0+DELU0 ENDIF UEPS2=(U0*EPS)**2 BU0=0.5-U0/4.*(P1-3.*F)/(1.-F) *SMOOTH2 ALPH3=W0*BU0*(1-F) ALPH4=W0*(1.-BU0)*(1-F) ENDIF GAM1=( FACTOR*ALPH3-U0*(ALPH1*ALPH3+ALPH2*ALPH4) ) * 1/(FACTOR**2-UEPS2) GAM2=(-FACTOR*ALPH4-U0*(ALPH1*ALPH4+ALPH2*ALPH3) ) * 1/(FACTOR**2-UEPS2) E=EXP(-EPS*TAUTOT) RM=ALPH2/(ALPH1+EPS) AL_CLD_4=E*(1-RM**2)/(1-E**2 * RM**2) AL_CLD_5=RM*(1-E**2)/(1-E**2 * RM**2) AL_CLD_1=EXP(-FACTOR*TAUTOT/U0) AL_CLD_2=-AL_CLD_4*GAM2-AL_CLD_5*GAM1*AL_CLD_1+GAM2*AL_CLD_1 AL_CLD_3=-AL_CLD_5*GAM2-AL_CLD_4*GAM1*AL_CLD_1+GAM1 AL(K,1) =(1-FRAC(K))*AL_CLR_1 + FRAC(K)*AL_CLD_1 AL(K,2) =(1-FRAC(K))*AL_CLR_2 + FRAC(K)*AL_CLD_2 AL(K,3) =(1-FRAC(K))*AL_CLR_3 + FRAC(K)*AL_CLD_3 AL(K,4) =(1-FRAC(K))*AL_CLR_4 + FRAC(K)*AL_CLD_4 AL(K,5) =(1-FRAC(K))*AL_CLR_5 + FRAC(K)*AL_CLD_5 ELSE AL(K,1) = AL_CLR_1 AL(K,2) = AL_CLR_2 AL(K,3) = AL_CLR_3 AL(K,4) = AL_CLR_4 AL(K,5) = AL_CLR_5 ENDIF enddo !k !==================================================================== ! matrix inversion !==================================================================== ! direct solution of the first four equations RF(1) = U0*FLUX(NL) RF(2) = 0. ! 5th to 10th equation: bring matrix elements on the left of the main ! diagonal to the rhs: save elements on the right of the main ! diagonal in array -tu(l,1) RF(3) = AL(1,3) * RF(1) RF(4) = AL(1,1) * RF(1) RF(5) = AL(1,2) * RF(1) TU1(1) = AL(1,4) TU2(1) = AL(1,5) ! blocks of 6 equations: eliminate left matrix elements, save right ! matrix elements in array -tu(l,i), ! calculate rhs. DO K=2,lm(region) K3=3*K TD1 = 1./(1.-AL(K,5)*TU2(K-1)) TD2 = AL(K,4)*TU2(K-1) TU1(K) = TD1*AL(K,4) TU2(K) = AL(K,5) + TD2*TU1(K) RF(K3) = TD1 * (AL(K,3)*RF(K3-2) + AL(K,5)*RF(K3-1)) RF(K3+1)= AL(K,1)*RF(K3-2) RF(K3+2)= AL(K,2)*RF(K3-2) + AL(K,4)*RF(K3-1)+TD2*RF(K3) enddo ! last two equations: the same as before TDS1 = 1. / (1.-ALB*TU2(lm(region))) rf(maxlev3) = tds1 * (alb * rf(maxlev3-2)+ & alb * rf(maxlev3-1)) ! now we have created an upper triangular matrix the elements of which ! are -tu(l,i), 0, or 1 (in the main diagonal). the 0 and 1 elements ! are not stored in an array. let us solve the system now and store the ! results in the arrays rf (fluxes clear sky) and rw (fluxes cloudy sky) DO K=lm(region),1,-1 K3=3*K RF(K3+2) = RF(K3+2) + TU2(K)*RF(K3+3) RF(K3) = RF(K3) + TU1(K)*RF(K3+3) SD(K+1,L) = RF(K3+1) FD(K+1,L) = RF(K3+2) FU(K+1,L) = RF(K3+3) enddo ! K SD(1,L) = RF(1) FD(1,L) = RF(2) FU(1,L) = RF(3) ! calculate the actinic flux fact_top = sd(1,l)/u0 + u * fd(1,l) + u * fu(1,l) do k = 1,lm(region) fact_bot = sd(k+1,l)/u0 + u * fd(k+1,l) + u * fu(k+1,l) fact(k,l) = max(0. ,(fact_top + fact_bot)/2.) fact_top = fact_bot end do ! K ! swap vertical levels to the default order of the model fact(1:lm(region),l) = fact(lm(region):1:-1,l) cst_o3_col(1:lm(region),nl) = cst_o3_col(lm(region):1:-1,nl) enddo ! wavelength return END SUBROUTINE PIFM_RAN !EOC !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! TM5 ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: SUNDIS ! ! !DESCRIPTION: !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != purpose: =* != calculate earth-sun distance variation for a given date. based on =* != fourier coefficients originally from: spencer, j.w., 1971, fourier =* != series representation of the position of the sun, search, 2:172 =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != parameters: =* != idate - integer, specification of the date, from yymmdd (i)=* != esrm2 - real, variation of the earth-sun distance (o)=* != esrm2 = (average e/s dist)^2 / (e/s dist on day idate)^2 =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != edit history: =* != 01/95 changed computation of trig function values =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify =* != it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the =* != free software foundation; either version 2 of the license, or (at your =* != option) any later version. =* != the tuv package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but =* != without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantibi- =* != lity or fitness for a particular purpose. see the gnu general public =* != license for more details. =* != to obtain a copy of the gnu general public license, write to: =* != free software foundation, inc., 675 mass ave, cambridge, ma 02139, usa. =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != to contact the authors, please mail to: =* != sasha madronich, ncar/acd, p.o.box 3000, boulder, co, 80307-3000, usa or =* != send email to: sasha@ucar.edu =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* != copyright (c) 1994,95,96 university corporation for atmospheric research =* !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! REAL FUNCTION SUNDIS( imonth, iday) ! ! !USES: ! use binas, only : pi ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: iday, imonth ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC ! internal: integer mday, month, jday real dayn, thet0 real sinth, costh, sin2th, cos2th integer,dimension(12) ::imn=(/ 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 /) ! start ! parse date to find day number (julian day) mday = 0 do month = 1, imonth-1 mday = mday + imn(month) end do jday = mday + iday dayn = float(jday - 1) + 0.5 ! define angular day number and compute esrm2: thet0 = 2.*pi*dayn/365. ! calculate sin(2*thet0), cos(2*thet0) from ! addition theoremes for trig functions for better ! performance; the computation of sin2th, cos2th ! is about 5-6 times faster than the evaluation ! of the intrinsic functions sin and cos ! sinth = sin(thet0) costh = cos(thet0) sin2th = 2.*sinth*costh cos2th = costh*costh - sinth*sinth sundis = 1.000110 + 0.034221*costh + 0.001280*sinth + & 0.000719*cos2th + 0.000077*sin2th ! END FUNCTION SUNDIS !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: OZONE_INFO_ONLINE ! ! !DESCRIPTION: calculate, from an ozone field, the overhead ozone at all ! grid points. ! Optical depth clear sky conditions ! upper values are given by the ozone climatology above the ! highest model mid-level !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE OZONE_INFO_ONLINE( region ) ! ! !USES: ! use binas, only : Avog, xm_air, grav use dims ! use photolysis_data, only : phot_dat use global_data, only : region_dat, mass_dat use chem_param, only : xmo3, io3 use meteodata, only : phlb_dat ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: region ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! Jan 2003 - MK - adapted for new TM5 memory structure. ! Jul 2008 - JEW - new ozone info unit coupled for online calculations ! 26 Apr 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC real, parameter :: conv = 0.1*Avog/xmo3 ! from kg/m2 --> #/cm2 real, parameter :: sp = Avog*1.e-4*0.2095/(xm_air*grav) integer :: i, j, l, lmr, i1, i2, j1, j2 real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: o3_overhead_online, o2_overhead ! #/cm2 real,dimension(:), pointer :: ozone_klimtop !in #cm-2 real,dimension(:,:), pointer :: v3_surf ! #/cm2 real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: v2, v3 ! #/cm2 real,dimension(:,:,:,:),pointer :: o3 ! #/cm2 real,dimension(:,:,:),pointer :: phlb real,dimension(:), pointer :: area call Get_DistGrid( dgrid(region), I_STRT=i1, I_STOP=i2, J_STRT=j1, J_STOP=j2 ) lmr = lm(region) ! allocate on all prcessors so result maybe scattered allocate(o3_overhead_online(i1:i2, j1:j2, lm(region))) ; o3_overhead_online = 0.0 allocate(o2_overhead (i1:i2, j1:j2, lm(region))) ; o2_overhead = 0.0 v2 => phot_dat(region)%v2 v3 => phot_dat(region)%v3 v3_surf => phot_dat(region)%v3_surf area => region_dat(region)%dxyp phlb => phlb_dat(region)%data o3 => mass_dat(region)%rm ! (i1:i2, j1:j2, 1:lmr, io3) ! CALCULATE COLUMNS ! ----------------- ! (1) top ! -------- ! o3du is not used anymore, except in cases where stratosphere is not resolved (EC-EARTH) if (with_o3du) then ! use fortuin-kelder ozone_klimtop => phot_dat(region)%o3klim_top do j=j1,j2 do i=i1,i2 o3_overhead_online(i,j,lm(region)) = ozone_klimtop(j) end do end do else ! from TM4-routine do j=j1,j2 do i=i1,i2 o3_overhead_online(i,j,lm(region)) = 0.5*conv*o3(i,j,lm(region),io3)/area(j) end do end do endif ! (2) rest ! -------- do l = lm(region)-1,1,-1 do j = j1,j2 do i = i1,i2 o3_overhead_online(i,j,l) = o3_overhead_online(i,j,l+1) + & 0.5*conv*(o3(i,j,l,io3)+o3(i,j,l+1,io3))/area(j) enddo enddo enddo ! Define surface ozone column field for diagnostic purposes do j=j1,j2 do i=i1,i2 v3_surf(i,j) = o3_overhead_online(i,j,1) + 0.5*conv*o3(i,j,1,io3)/area(j) end do end do ! Boundaries v3(:,:,1) = o3_overhead_online(:,:,1) ! now transform o3 column from layers to levels do l = 2,lm(region) v3(:,:,l) = ( o3_overhead_online(:,:,l) + o3_overhead_online(:,:,l-1) ) * 0.5 enddo ! TOA do j=j1,j2 do i=i1,i2 v3(i,j,lm(region)+1) = 0.5*v3(i,j,lm(region)) enddo enddo ! determine oxygen columns (can directly be calculated on levels) do l = 1,lm(region) do j = j1,j2 do i = i1,i2 v2(i,j,l) = phlb(i,j,l)*sp enddo enddo enddo ! top boundary for v2 v2(:,:,lm(region)+1) = 0.5*v2(:,:,lm(region)) nullify(o3) nullify(ozone_klimtop) nullify(area) nullify(phlb) nullify(v2) nullify(v3) nullify(v3_surf) deallocate(o3_overhead_online) deallocate(o2_overhead) END SUBROUTINE OZONE_INFO_ONLINE !EOC !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: PHOTORATES_TROPO ! ! !DESCRIPTION: calculation of photolysis and heating rates ! ! References: ! J. Landgraf and P.J. Crutzen, 1998: ! An Efficient Methode for Online Calculation of Photolysis and ! Heating Rates, J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 863-878 ! ! Expanded for high angles and online: ! J.E.Williams, J. Landgraf, B. Bregman and H. H. Walter, A modified band ! approach for the accurate calculation of online photolysis rates in ! stratospheric-tropospheric Chemistry Transport Models, Atms. Chem. Phys., ! 6, 4137-4161, 2006. !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE PHOTORATES_TROPO(region, zangle, cst_o3_col, cst_no2_col, cst_hno3_col, cst_h2o2_col, & cst_ch2o_col, cst_n2o5_col, cst_pan_col, cst_no3_col, qy_no2_col, qy_o1d_col, & qy_ch3cocho_col, qy_co_col, qy_c2o3_col, fact, fdir, rj, t_lay, debug_flag) ! ! !USES: ! use Dims, only : im, jm, lm, idate use global_data, only : mass_dat ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: region real, intent(in) :: zangle real,dimension(lm(region),nbands_trop), intent(in) :: fact !actinic flux real,dimension(lm(region),maxw), intent(in) :: fdir !flux o2-o3 abs. logical, intent(in) :: debug_flag real :: tscale real,dimension(lm(region)),intent(in) :: t_lay real,dimension(lm(region),maxwav), intent(in) :: cst_o3_col real,dimension(lm(region),89), intent(in) :: cst_no2_col, qy_no2_col, qy_co_col, qy_c2o3_col real,dimension(lm(region),65), intent(in) :: cst_hno3_col, qy_o1d_col real,dimension(lm(region),55), intent(in) :: cst_n2o5_col real,dimension(lm(region),45), intent(in) :: cst_h2o2_col real,dimension(lm(region),105), intent(in) :: cst_ch2o_col real,dimension(lm(region),65), intent(in) :: cst_pan_col real,dimension(lm(region),62), intent(in) :: cst_no3_col real,dimension(lm(region),52), intent(in) :: qy_ch3cocho_col ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! real,dimension(lm(region),nj), intent(out) :: rj !photolysis rates ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC real,dimension(nbands_trop) :: bjo1d, bjno2, bjhno3, bjcoh2, bjchoh, bjn2o5a, bjn2o5b, & bjhno4, bjpana, bjpanb, bjno2o, bjnoo2, bjh2o2, bjch3ooh, bjald2, bjch3o2co, & bjch3cocho,bjch3ono2,bjo2 , bjispd, bj_a_acet,bj_b_acet,bjhono !================================================================================================= !First tropospheric band is temperature independent for H2O2.N2O5,HCHO and NO2 therefore remove from large temp dep. arrays. real,dimension(17) :: cs_h2o2, cs_n2o5,cs_ch2o,cs_no2, cs_o2 data cs_h2o2 /4.34E-19, 4.07E-19, 3.85E-19, 3.63E-19, 3.41E-19, 3.18E-19, 2.95E-19, & 2.72E-19, 2.50E-19, 2.30E-19, 2.10E-19, 1.92E-19, 1.74E-19, 1.57E-19, & 1.41E-19, 1.26E-19, 1.13E-19/ data cs_n2o5 /8.049E-18, 7.208E-18, 6.212E-18, 4.853E-18, 3.925E-18, 3.248E-18, 2.619E-18, & 2.087E-18, 1.661E-18, 1.349E-18, 1.131E-18, 9.549E-19, 8.353E-18, 7.427E-19, & 6.762E-19, 6.095E-19, 5.229E-19/ data cs_ch2o /0.00E+00, 0.00E+00, 0.00E+00, 0.00E+00, 0.00E+00, 0.00E+00, 0.00E+00, & 0.00E+00, 0.00E+00, 0.00E+00, 0.00E+00, 1.844E-22, 3.311E-22, 3.198E-22, & 6.982E-22, 7.341E-22, 1.383E-21/ data cs_o2 /7.448E-24, 7.322E-24, 7.002E-24, 6.608E-24, 6.118E-24, 5.736E-24, 5.302E-24,& 4.741E-24, 4.261E-24, 3.788E-24, 3.213E-24, 2.69E-24, 2.218E-24, 1.793E-24,& 1.384E-24, 1.054E-24, 6.318E-25/ real,dimension(62) :: cs_hno4 ! ! Reference : JPL 2006, 4-40 data cs_hno4 /4.43E-18, 3.64E-18, 3.09E-18, 2.54E-18, 2.13E-18, 1.78E-18, 1.51E-18, & 1.30E-18, 1.13E-18, 1.01E-18, 9.07E-19, 8.33E-19, 7.65E-19, 7.06E-19, & 6.48E-19, 5.91E-19, 5.36E-19, 4.83E-19, 4.36E-19, 3.93E-19, 3.53E-19, & 3.10E-19, 2.69E-19, 2.31E-19, 1.96E-19, 1.61E-19, 1.27E-19, 9.53E-20, & 7.01E-20, 4.93E-20, 3.31E-20, 2.14E-20, 1.60E-20, 1.40E-20, 1.30E-20, & 1.20E-20, 1.10E-20, 1.00E-20, 9.00E-21, 8.20E-21, 7.40E-21, 6.60E-21, & 5.80E-21, 5.00E-21, 4.60E-21, 4.20E-21, 3.80E-21, 3.40E-21, 3.00E-21, & 2.80E-21, 2.60E-21, 2.40E-21, 2.20E-21, 2.00E-21, 1.80E-21, 1.50E-21, & 1.10E-21, 7.00E-22, 0.00E+00, 0.00E+00, 0.00E+00, 0.00E+00/ ! Reference : IUPAC, P21 real,dimension(65) :: qy_pan data qy_pan / 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, & 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, & 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.589E-01, 7.511E-01, 7.431E-01, & 7.348E-01, 7.264E-01, 7.177E-01, 7.089E-01, 6.997E-01, 6.903E-01, 6.807E-01, & 6.708E-01, 6.606E-01, 6.501E-01, 6.393E-01, 6.325E-01, 6.300E-01, 6.275E-01, & 6.250E-01, 6.225E-01, 6.200E-01, 6.175E-01, 6.150E-01, 6.125E-01, 6.100E-01, & 5.995E-01, 5.890E-01, 5.785E-01, 5.680E-01, 5.575E-01, 5.470E-01, 5.365E-01, & 5.260E-01, 5.155E-01, 5.050E-01, 4.945E-01, 4.840E-01, 4.735E-01, 4.577E-01, & 4.367E-01, 4.157E-01, 3.800E-01, 3.300E-01, 2.800E-01, 2.300E-01, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00/ real, dimension(89) :: cs_hono ! Reference : IUPAC 2001, datasheet PNOx1 data cs_hono /2.110E-18, 2.198E-18, 2.173E-18, 2.147E-18, 2.025E-18, 1.867E-18, 1.710E-18, & 1.554E-18, 1.408E-18, 1.280E-18, 1.133E-18, 9.571E-19, 8.147E-19, 7.137E-19, & 6.104E-19, 5.046E-19, 3.962E-19, 2.908E-19, 2.207E-19, 1.685E-19, 1.348E-19, & 1.003E-19, 7.195E-20, 5.256E-20, 3.956E-20, 3.020E-20, 2.069E-20, 1.399E-21, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 1.400E-21, & 2.800E-21, 4.200E-21, 5.600E-21, 7.000E-21, 8.800E-21, 1.060E-20, 1.240E-20, & 1.420E-20, 1.600E-20, 1.780E-20, 1.960E-20, 2.140E-20, 2.320E-20, 2.500E-20, & 2.880E-20, 3.260E-20, 3.640E-20, 4.020E-20, 4.400E-20, 4.520E-20, 4.700E-20, & 4.940E-20, 6.290E-20, 9.300E-20, 1.305E-19, 1.680E-19, 9.600E-20, 1.150E-19, & 2.360E-19, 8.000E-20, 1.610E-19, 2.050E-19, 4.900E-20, 9.200E-20, 1.450E-19, & 2.400E-20, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00/ real, dimension(89) :: cs_ch3ooh ! Reference : JPL 2011, D9 data cs_ch3ooh / 2.782E-19, 2.782E-19, 2.782E-19, 2.782E-19, 2.782E-19, 2.316E-19, 1.956E-19, & 1.696E-19, 1.476E-19, 1.318E-19, 1.169E-19, 1.036E-19, 9.132E-20, 8.045E-20, & 7.084E-20, 6.199E-20, 5.483E-20, 4.808E-20, 4.260E-20, 3.744E-20, 3.263E-20, & 2.819E-20, 2.431E-20, 2.119E-20, 1.827E-20, 1.569E-20, 1.338E-20, 1.107E-20, & 9.226E-21, 7.677E-21, 6.358E-21, 5.152E-21, 4.406E-21, 4.130E-21, 3.930E-21, & 3.730E-21, 3.530E-21, 3.330E-21, 3.130E-21, 2.982E-21, 2.834E-21, 2.686E-21, & 2.538E-21, 2.390E-21, 2.276E-21, 2.162E-21, 2.048E-21, 1.934E-21, 1.820E-21, & 1.730E-21, 1.640E-21, 1.550E-21, 1.460E-21, 1.370E-21, 1.306E-21, 1.210E-21, & 1.082E-21, 9.720E-22, 7.900E-22, 6.100E-22, 4.700E-22, 3.500E-22, 2.700E-22, & 2.100E-22, 1.600E-22, 1.200E-22, 7.500E-23, 5.200E-23, 4.000E-23, 4.050E-23, & 4.100E-23, 1.000E-23, 6.000E-24, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00/ real, dimension(120) :: cs_ch3cocho ! Reference : JPL 2006, P 4-71 data cs_ch3cocho /2.280E-19, 1.489E-19, 9.624E-20, 6.968E-20, 5.036E-20, 3.627E-20, 2.581E-20, & 1.729E-20, 1.440E-20, 1.435E-20, 1.460E-20, 1.521E-20, 1.619E-20, 1.743E-20, & 1.908E-20, 2.036E-20, 2.207E-20, 2.312E-20, 2.509E-20, 2.697E-20, 2.807E-20, & 3.175E-20, 3.343E-20, 3.580E-20, 4.070E-20, 4.234E-20, 4.473E-20, 4.906E-20, & 4.782E-20, 4.712E-20, 4.813E-20, 4.120E-20, 3.760E-20, 3.690E-20, 3.700E-20, & 3.740E-20, 3.740E-20, 3.620E-20, 3.380E-20, 3.150E-20, 2.920E-20, 2.710E-20, & 2.520E-20, 2.340E-20, 2.180E-20, 2.060E-20, 1.970E-20, 1.900E-20, 1.860E-20, & 1.860E-20, 1.870E-20, 1.820E-20, 1.680E-20, 1.500E-20, 1.340E-20, 1.180E-20, & 9.670E-21, 8.110E-21, 6.470E-21, 4.950E-21, 3.220E-21, 2.950E-21, 3.850E-21, & 5.560E-21, 7.650E-21, 1.080E-20, 1.470E-20, 1.900E-20, 2.420E-20, 3.200E-20, & 4.030E-20, 4.670E-20, 5.620E-20, 6.920E-20, 8.520E-20, 9.690E-20, 1.020E-19, & 1.030E-19, 1.040E-19, 1.080E-19, 9.940E-20, 9.620E-20, 8.680E-20, 3.690E-20, & 9.140E-21, 2.680E-21, 1.080E-21, 6.270E-22, 3.920E-22, 2.430E-22, 1.740E-22, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00/ real,dimension(62) :: cs_orgn ! Reference : average 1-C4H9ONO2 & 2-C4H9ONO2 (IUPAC data sheet P18 and P19) ! JEW: The absorption spectrum of 2-C4H9ONO2 is mirrored around the maxiumum. data cs_orgn / 5.250E-018, 4.398E-018, 3.609E-018, 2.804E-018, 2.172E-018, 1.595E-018, 1.130E-018, & 7.710E-019, 5.025E-019, 3.714E-019, 2.623E-019, 1.900E-019, 1.342E-019, 9.905E-020, & 7.285E-020, 5.245E-020, 4.052E-020, 3.110E-020, 2.806E-020, 5.649E-020, 5.136E-020, & 4.886E-020, 4.635E-020, 4.358E-020, 3.970E-020, 3.610E-020, 3.247E-020, 2.784E-020, & 2.308E-020, 1.846E-020, 1.401E-020, 9.810E-021, 7.430E-021, 6.550E-021, 6.080E-021, & 5.610E-021, 5.140E-021, 4.670E-021, 4.200E-021, 3.840E-021, 3.480E-021, 3.120E-021, & 2.760E-021, 2.400E-021, 2.170E-021, 1.940E-021, 1.710E-021, 1.480E-021, 1.250E-021, & 1.131E-021, 1.012E-021, 8.930E-022, 7.740E-022, 2.550E-022, 2.350E-022, 2.050E-022, & 1.650E-022, 1.400E-022, 1.050E-022, 8.000E-023, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000/ real, dimension(89) :: cs_ald2 ! Reference : average CH3CHO & C2H5CHO (JPL and IUPAC data sheet, respectively) data cs_ald2 /5.211E-022, 5.133E-022, 5.163E-022, 5.272E-022, 5.526E-022, 5.837E-022, 6.266E-022, & 6.774E-022, 7.498E-022, 8.806E-022, 1.054E-021, 1.387E-021, 1.849E-021, 2.472E-021, & 3.444E-021, 4.679E-021, 6.217E-021, 8.229E-021, 1.074E-020, 1.376E-020, 1.729E-020, & 2.131E-020, 2.584E-020, 3.082E-020, 3.565E-020, 4.055E-020, 4.482E-020, 4.809E-020, & 5.184E-020, 5.155E-020, 5.245E-020, 4.795E-020, 4.640E-020, 4.600E-020, 4.540E-020, & 4.465E-020, 4.330E-020, 4.085E-020, 3.870E-020, 3.730E-020, 3.585E-020, 3.490E-020, & 3.380E-020, 3.265E-020, 3.145E-020, 3.015E-020, 2.895E-020, 2.750E-020, 2.485E-020, & 2.235E-020, 2.125E-020, 1.990E-020, 1.869E-020, 1.777E-020, 1.631E-020, 1.471E-020, & 1.254E-020, 1.014E-020, 6.315E-021, 3.375E-021, 1.525E-021, 2.300E-022, 9.000E-023, & 3.000E-023, 1.500E-023, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000/ real, dimension(89) :: cs_ispd ! Reference : average MACR and MVK (IUPAC data sheets) 1st two bins are estimates data cs_ispd /0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 1.700E-021, 1.900E-021, 2.107E-021, 2.157E-021, & 2.403E-021, 2.928E-021, 3.713E-021, 4.854E-021, 6.439E-021, 8.562E-021, 1.147E-020, & 1.496E-020, 1.942E-020, 2.471E-020, 3.088E-020, 3.480E-020, 3.655E-020, 3.825E-020, & 3.980E-020, 4.130E-020, 4.275E-020, 4.425E-020, 4.610E-020, 4.770E-020, 4.920E-020, & 5.055E-020, 5.180E-020, 5.355E-020, 5.540E-020, 5.685E-020, 5.815E-020, 5.920E-020, & 6.075E-020, 6.230E-020, 6.365E-020, 6.455E-020, 6.485E-020, 6.470E-020, 6.558E-020, & 6.788E-020, 6.880E-020, 7.215E-020, 6.510E-020, 6.340E-020, 6.380E-020, 4.680E-020, & 4.145E-020, 4.365E-020, 2.680E-020, 1.650E-020, 1.144E-020, 1.175E-020, 5.440E-021, & 2.455E-021, 1.525E-021, 2.300E-022, 9.000E-023, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000/ ! Reference : 5 abs. spectra at 5 different temperatures for acetone (235,254,263,280,298) real, dimension(77) :: cs_ch3coch3_235 data cs_ch3coch3_235 /1.185E-018, 9.785E-019, 7.682E-019, 5.534E-019, 3.341E-019, 1.102E-019, 1.875E-21, & 2.253E-021, 2.749E-021, 3.370E-021, 4.256E-021, 5.246E-021, 6.592E-021, 8.226E-21, & 1.025E-020, 1.277E-020, 1.562E-020, 1.898E-020, 2.278E-020, 2.694E-020, 3.129E-20, & 3.568E-020, 3.973E-020, 4.352E-020, 4.592E-020, 4.791E-020, 4.753E-020, 4.708E-20, & 4.391E-020, 4.018E-020, 3.524E-020, 2.906E-020, 2.510E-020, 2.370E-020, 2.280E-20, & 2.160E-020, 2.020E-020, 1.910E-020, 1.790E-020, 1.640E-020, 1.500E-020, 1.360E-20, & 1.250E-020, 1.130E-020, 1.020E-020, 9.320E-021, 8.620E-021, 7.630E-021, 6.710E-21, & 6.030E-021, 5.370E-021, 4.610E-021, 3.940E-021, 3.330E-021, 2.890E-021, 2.130E-21, & 1.390E-021, 8.720E-022, 3.550E-022, 1.200E-022, 5.110E-023, 1.590E-023, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+00/ real, dimension(77) :: cs_ch3coch3_254 data cs_ch3coch3_254 /1.177E-018, 9.719E-019, 7.630E-019, 5.497E-019, 3.319E-019, 1.095E-019, 1.892E-021, & 2.257E-021, 2.729E-021, 3.321E-021, 4.176E-021, 5.134E-021, 6.450E-021, 8.067E-021, & 1.005E-020, 1.252E-020, 1.532E-020, 1.868E-020, 2.248E-020, 2.660E-020, 3.089E-020, & 3.537E-020, 3.937E-020, 4.321E-020, 4.567E-020, 4.772E-020, 4.761E-020, 4.723E-020, & 4.428E-020, 4.068E-020, 3.584E-020, 2.986E-020, 2.590E-020, 2.450E-020, 2.360E-020, & 2.240E-020, 2.100E-020, 1.990E-020, 1.860E-020, 1.710E-020, 1.570E-020, 1.440E-020, & 1.320E-020, 1.200E-020, 1.090E-020, 9.940E-021, 9.190E-021, 8.150E-021, 7.190E-021, & 6.480E-021, 5.790E-021, 4.990E-021, 4.300E-021, 3.670E-021, 3.240E-021, 2.430E-021, & 1.630E-021, 1.056E-021, 4.500E-022, 1.450E-022, 5.400E-023, 1.810E-023, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000/ real, dimension(77) :: cs_ch3coch3_263 data cs_ch3coch3_263 /1.177E-018, 9.719E-019, 7.630E-019, 5.497E-019, 3.319E-019, 1.095E-019, 1.892E-021, & 2.257E-021, 2.729E-021, 3.321E-021, 4.176E-021, 5.134E-021, 6.450E-021, 8.067E-021, & 1.005E-020, 1.252E-020, 1.532E-020, 1.868E-020, 2.248E-020, 2.660E-020, 3.089E-020, & 3.537E-020, 3.937E-020, 4.321E-020, 4.567E-020, 4.772E-020, 4.761E-020, 4.723E-020, & 4.428E-020, 4.068E-020, 3.584E-020, 2.986E-020, 2.590E-020, 2.450E-020, 2.360E-020, & 2.240E-020, 2.100E-020, 1.990E-020, 1.860E-020, 1.710E-020, 1.570E-020, 1.440E-020, & 1.320E-020, 1.200E-020, 1.090E-020, 9.940E-021, 9.190E-021, 8.150E-021, 7.190E-021, & 6.480E-021, 5.790E-021, 4.990E-021, 4.300E-021, 3.670E-021, 3.240E-021, 2.430E-021, & 1.630E-021, 1.056E-021, 4.500E-022, 1.450E-022, 5.400E-023, 1.810E-023, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000/ real, dimension(77) :: cs_ch3coch3_280 data cs_ch3coch3_280 /1.196E-018, 9.883E-019, 7.759E-019, 5.590E-019, 3.375E-019, 1.112E-019, 1.855E-021, & 2.233E-021, 2.719E-021, 3.340E-021, 4.225E-021, 5.200E-021, 6.540E-021, 8.166E-021, & 1.015E-020, 1.262E-020, 1.542E-020, 1.878E-020, 2.258E-020, 2.674E-020, 3.109E-020, & 3.558E-020, 3.967E-020, 4.361E-020, 4.627E-020, 4.843E-020, 4.851E-020, 4.823E-020, & 4.541E-020, 4.188E-020, 3.714E-020, 3.106E-020, 2.710E-020, 2.570E-020, 2.480E-020, & 2.350E-020, 2.200E-020, 2.080E-020, 1.960E-020, 1.800E-020, 1.660E-020, 1.530E-020, & 1.410E-020, 1.280E-020, 1.170E-020, 1.070E-020, 9.930E-021, 8.820E-021, 7.790E-021, & 7.040E-021, 6.310E-021, 5.480E-021, 4.760E-021, 4.100E-021, 3.650E-021, 2.795E-021, & 1.940E-021, 1.305E-021, 5.880E-022, 1.930E-022, 7.200E-023, 2.380E-023, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000/ real, dimension(77) :: cs_ch3coch3_298 data cs_ch3coch3_298 /1.246E-019, 1.032E-019, 8.135E-020, 5.903E-020, 3.623E-020, 1.295E-020, 1.835E-021, & 2.213E-021, 2.699E-021, 3.310E-021, 4.186E-021, 5.166E-021, 6.490E-021, 8.097E-021, & 1.007E-020, 1.257E-020, 1.542E-020, 1.878E-020, 2.258E-020, 2.680E-020, 3.125E-020, & 3.578E-020, 3.997E-020, 4.401E-020, 4.677E-020, 4.913E-020, 4.931E-020, 4.913E-020, & 4.648E-020, 4.298E-020, 3.824E-020, 3.216E-020, 2.820E-020, 2.670E-020, 2.580E-020, & 2.450E-020, 2.300E-020, 2.180E-020, 2.050E-020, 1.890E-020, 1.750E-020, 1.610E-020, & 1.490E-020, 1.360E-020, 1.240E-020, 1.140E-020, 1.060E-020, 9.440E-021, 8.370E-021, & 7.600E-021, 6.840E-021, 5.980E-021, 5.230E-021, 4.550E-021, 4.110E-021, 3.210E-021, & 2.290E-021, 1.575E-021, 7.400E-022, 2.480E-022, 9.120E-023, 3.010E-023, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, & 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000, 0.000E+000/ real, dimension(77) :: cs_ch3coch3 !========================================================================================================== ! Similar procedure for quantum yields for : HCHO and NO3. A quantum yield of 0.8 is adopted for JN2O5 below 305nm ! as recommended in JPL 2006 - JEW 2009 real,dimension(90) :: qyh_hco,qyh2_co real,dimension(62) :: qyno2_o,qyno_o2 data qyh_hco /0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 3.087E-01, 3.087E-01, 3.030E-01, & 3.113E-01, 3.325E-01, 3.649E-01, 4.059E-01, 4.535E-01, 5.061E-01, 5.611E-01, & 6.159E-01, 6.662E-01, 7.097E-01, 7.418E-01, 7.550E-01, 7.580E-01, 7.610E-01, & 7.620E-01, 7.620E-01, 7.620E-01, 7.600E-01, 7.580E-01, 7.540E-01, 7.490E-01, & 7.440E-01, 7.370E-01, 7.290E-01, 7.200E-01, 7.090E-01, 6.980E-01, 6.850E-01, & 6.710E-01, 6.560E-01, 6.390E-01, 6.220E-01, 6.030E-01, 5.830E-01, 5.500E-01, & 5.020E-01, 4.490E-01, 3.430E-01, 1.650E-01, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00/ !(JPL 2006, p4-47) data qyh2_co /0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 4.913E-01, 4.913E-01, 4.970E-01, & 4.887E-01, 4.697E-01, 4.546E-01, 4.313E-01, 4.020E-01, 3.682E-01, 3.440E-01, & 3.152E-01, 2.922E-01, 2.662E-01, 2.547E-01, 2.450E-01, 2.420E-01, 2.390E-01, & 2.380E-01, 2.380E-01, 2.380E-01, 2.400E-01, 2.420E-01, 2.460E-01, 2.510E-01, & 2.560E-01, 2.630E-01, 2.710E-01, 2.800E-01, 2.910E-01, 3.020E-01, 3.150E-01, & 3.290E-01, 3.440E-01, 3.610E-01, 3.780E-01, 3.970E-01, 4.170E-01, 4.500E-01, & 4.980E-01, 5.510E-01, 6.570E-01, 7.350E-01, 6.500E-01, 5.000E-01, 3.800E-01, & 2.200E-01, 4.000E-03, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00/ data qyno2_o /0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, & 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, & 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.00, & 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, & 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, & 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, & 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, & 1.00, 0.83, 0.65, 0.58, 0.51, 0.43, 0.36, & 0.29, 0.22, 0.14, 0.07, 0.0, 0.0/ data qyno_o2 /0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, & 0.0, 0.18, 0.35, 0.31, 0.27, 0.23, 0.19, & 0.16, 0.12, 0.08, 0.04, 0.0, 0.0/ !======================================================================================================== integer :: i, j, l, k, c real :: delta1, delta2, delta3, delta4, delta5, delta6, delta7, delta1_spec, delta3_spec integer, dimension(7) :: band_start, band_middle, band_end logical :: daylight ! ============================================================== ! CALCULATION PHOTOLYSIS RATES FOR SCATTERING ATMOSPHERE ! ============================================================== ! the check for daylight is skipped as the calculation of rj is only called within the photo_flux loop ! where a filter already applies rj(:,:) = 0. ! choose the grid settings dependent on the SZA for the column if(zangle<=71.) then band_start(:)=lini(:) band_middle(:)=lmid(:) band_end(:)=lfin(:) elseif(zangle>71. .and. zangle<=sza_limit) then band_start(:)=lini_gridA(:) band_middle(:)=lmid_gridA(:) band_end(:)=lfin_gridA(:) endif do k = 1,lm(region) ! re-initialize bj values do l = 1,nbands_trop bjo1d(l) = 0.0 bjno2(l) = 0.0 bjhno3(l) = 0.0 bjcoh2(l) = 0.0 bjchoh(l) = 0.0 bjn2o5a(l) = 0.0 bjn2o5b(l) = 0.0 bjhno4(l) = 0.0 bjhono(l) = 0.0 bjno2o(l) = 0.0 bjnoo2(l) = 0.0 bjh2o2(l) = 0.0 bjch3ooh(l) = 0.0 bjpana(l) = 0.0 bjpanb(l) = 0.0 bjald2(l) = 0.0 bjch3cocho(l) = 0.0 bjch3ono2(l) = 0.0 bjo2(l) = 0.0 bjispd(l) = 0.0 bj_a_acet(l) = 0.0 bj_b_acet(l) = 0.0 end do ! ! assign cs_ch3coch3 w/ a good value ! ! linearly interpolate to try and improve on J values ! if(t_lay(k)<=235.) cs_ch3coch3=cs_ch3coch3_235 if(t_lay(k)>235. .and. t_lay(k)<=254.) then tscale=(t_lay(k)-235.)/19.0 cs_ch3coch3=((1.0-tscale)*cs_ch3coch3_235)+(tscale*cs_ch3coch3_254) endif if(t_lay(k)>254. .and. t_lay(k)<=263.) then tscale=(t_lay(k)-254.)/9.0 cs_ch3coch3=((1.0-tscale)*cs_ch3coch3_254)+(tscale*cs_ch3coch3_263) endif if(t_lay(k)>263. .and. t_lay(k)<=280.) then tscale=(t_lay(k)-264.)/16.0 cs_ch3coch3=((1.0-tscale)*cs_ch3coch3_263)+(tscale*cs_ch3coch3_280) endif if(t_lay(k)>280.) then tscale=(t_lay(k)-280.)/18.0 cs_ch3coch3=((1.0-tscale)*cs_ch3coch3_280)+(tscale*cs_ch3coch3_298) endif !============================================================================================== ! re-initialize the temporary arrays for the next layer !=============================================================================================== delta1 = 0. ; delta2 = 0. ;delta3 = 0. ; delta4 = 0. ; delta5 = 0. ; delta6 = 0. ; delta7 = 0. delta1_spec = 0. ; delta3_spec = 0. ! ===================================================================================== ! Tropo band 1 ! ===================================================================================== ! temp indep species for this band: no2,h2o2,n2o5,hno4,ch2o,ch3ooh,ald2,orgntr do l = band_start(1),band_end(1) bjo1d(1) = bjo1d(1) + cst_o3_col(k,l)*qy_o1d_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjno2(1) = bjno2(1) + cst_no2_col(k,l)*qy_no2_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjh2o2(1) = bjh2o2(1) + cs_h2o2(l)*fdir(k,l) bjhno3(1) = bjhno3(1) + cst_hno3_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjhno4(1) = bjhno4(1) + cs_hno4(l)*fdir(k,l) bjhono(1) = bjhono(1) + cs_hono(l)*fdir(k,l) bjn2o5a(1)= bjn2o5a(1) + 0.8*cs_n2o5(l)*fdir(k,l) bjn2o5b(1)= bjn2o5b(1) + 0.2*cs_n2o5(l)*fdir(k,l) bjchoh(1) = bjchoh(1) + cs_ch2o(l)*qyh_hco(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3ooh(1) = bjch3ooh(1) + cs_ch3ooh(l)*fdir(k,l) bjald2(1) = bjald2(1) + cs_ald2(l)*fdir(k,l) bjpana(1) = bjpana(1) + cst_pan_col(k,l)*qy_pan(l)*fdir(k,l) bjpanb(1) = bjpanb(1) + cst_pan_col(k,l)*(1.0-qy_pan(l))*fdir(k,l) bjch3ono2(1) = bjch3ono2(1) + cs_orgn(l) * fdir(k,l) bjo2(1) = bjo2(1) + cs_o2(l) * fdir(k,l) end do ! ===================================================================================== ! Tropo band 2 ! ===================================================================================== ! temp indep species for this band: hno4,ch3ooh,ald2,orgntr do l = band_start(2),band_end(2) ! temp indep for : no2,hno4,ch2o,ch3ooh,orgntr bjo1d(2) = bjo1d(2) + cst_o3_col(k,l)*qy_o1d_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjno2(2) = bjno2(2) + cst_no2_col(k,l)*qy_no2_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjh2o2(2) = bjh2o2(2) + cst_h2o2_col(k,l-17)*fdir(k,l) bjhno3(2) = bjhno3(2) + cst_hno3_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjhno4(2) = bjhno4(2) + cs_hno4(l)*fdir(k,l) bjhono(2) = bjhono(2) + cs_hono(l)*fdir(k,l) bjn2o5a(2) = bjn2o5a(2) + 0.8*cst_n2o5_col(k,l-17)*fdir(k,l) bjn2o5b(2) = bjn2o5b(2) + 0.2*cst_n2o5_col(k,l-17)*fdir(k,l) bjcoh2(2) = bjcoh2(2) + cst_ch2o_col(k,l-17)*qyh2_co(l)*fdir(k,l) bjchoh(2) = bjchoh(2) + cst_ch2o_col(k,l-17)*qyh_hco(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3ooh(2) = bjch3ooh(5) + cs_ch3ooh(l)*fdir(k,l) bjpana(2) = bjpana(2) + cst_pan_col(k,l)*qy_pan(l)*fdir(k,l) bjpanb(2) = bjpanb(2) + cst_pan_col(k,l)*(1.0-qy_pan(l))*fdir(k,l) bjald2(2) = bjald2(2) + cs_ald2(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3cocho(2) = bjch3cocho(2) + cs_ch3cocho(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3ono2(2) = bjch3ono2(2) + cs_orgn(l) * fdir(k,l) bjispd(2) = bjispd(2) + cs_ispd(l) * fdir(k,l) bj_a_acet(2) = bj_a_acet(2) + cs_ch3coch3(l)*qy_co_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bj_b_acet(2) = bj_b_acet(2) + cs_ch3coch3(l)*qy_c2o3_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) end do ! ======================================================================================= ! Tropo band 3 ! ======================================================================================= ! temp indep species for this band: hno4,ch3ooh,ald2,mgly,orgntr do l = band_start(3),band_end(3) bjo1d(3) = bjo1d(3) + cst_o3_col(k,l)*qy_o1d_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjno2(3) = bjno2(3) + cst_no2_col(k,l)*qy_no2_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjh2o2(3) = bjh2o2(3) + cst_h2o2_col(k,l-17)*fdir(k,l) bjhno3(3) = bjhno3(3) + cst_hno3_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjhno4(3) = bjhno4(3) + cs_hno4(l)*fdir(k,l) bjhono(3) = bjhono(3) + cs_hono(l)*fdir(k,l) bjn2o5a(3) = bjn2o5a(3) + 0.9*cst_n2o5_col(k,l-17)*fdir(k,l) bjn2o5b(3) = bjn2o5b(3) + 0.1*cst_n2o5_col(k,l-17)*fdir(k,l) bjcoh2(3) = bjcoh2(3) + cst_ch2o_col(k,l-17)*qyh2_co(l)*fdir(k,l) bjchoh(3) = bjchoh(3) + cst_ch2o_col(k,l-17)*qyh_hco(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3ooh(3) = bjch3ooh(3) + cs_ch3ooh(l)*fdir(k,l) bjpana(3) = bjpana(3) + cst_pan_col(k,l)*qy_pan(l)*fdir(k,l) bjpanb(3) = bjpanb(3) + cst_pan_col(k,l)*(1.0-qy_pan(l))*fdir(k,l) bjald2(3) = bjald2(3) + cs_ald2(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3cocho(3) = bjch3cocho(3) + cs_ch3cocho(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3ono2(3) = bjch3ono2(3) + cs_orgn(l)*fdir(k,l) bjispd(3) = bjispd(3) + cs_ispd(l) * fdir(k,l) bj_a_acet(3) = bj_a_acet(3) + cs_ch3coch3(l)*qy_co_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bj_b_acet(3) = bj_b_acet(3) + cs_ch3coch3(l)*qy_c2o3_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) end do ! ================================================================================ ! Tropo band 4 ! ================================================================================ ! temp indep species for this band: hno4,ch3ooh,ald2,orgntr do l = band_start(4),band_end(4) bjo1d(4) = bjo1d(4)+cst_o3_col(k,l)*qy_o1d_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjno2(4) = bjno2(4) + cst_no2_col(k,l)*qy_no2_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjh2o2(4) = bjh2o2(4) + cst_h2o2_col(k,l-17)*fdir(k,l) bjhno3(4) = bjhno3(4) + cst_hno3_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjhno4(4) = bjhno4(4) + cs_hno4(l)*fdir(k,l) bjhono(4) = bjhono(4) + cs_hono(l)*fdir(k,l) bjn2o5a(4) = bjn2o5a(4) + cst_n2o5_col(k,l-17)*fdir(k,l) bjcoh2(4) = bjcoh2(4) + cst_ch2o_col(k,l-17)*qyh2_co(l)*fdir(k,l) bjchoh(4) = bjchoh(4) + cst_ch2o_col(k,l-17)*qyh_hco(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3ooh(4) = bjch3ooh(4) + cs_ch3ooh(l)*fdir(k,l) bjpana(4) = bjpana(4) + cst_pan_col(k,l)*qy_pan(l)*fdir(k,l) bjpanb(4) = bjpanb(4) + cst_pan_col(k,l)*(1.0-qy_pan(l))*fdir(k,l) bjald2(4) = bjald2(4) + cs_ald2(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3cocho(4) = bjch3cocho(4) + cs_ch3cocho(l)*qy_ch3cocho_col(k,l-37)*fdir(k,l) bjch3ono2(4) = bjch3ono2(4) + cs_orgn(l)*fdir(k,l) bjispd(4) = bjispd(4) + cs_ispd(l) * fdir(k,l) bj_a_acet(4) = bj_a_acet(4) + cs_ch3coch3(l)*qy_co_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bj_b_acet(4) = bj_b_acet(4) + cs_ch3coch3(l)*qy_c2o3_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) end do ! ======================================================================================== ! Tropo band 5 ! ======================================================================================== ! temp indep species for this band: hno4,ch3ooh,ald2,orgntr do l = band_start(5),band_end(5) bjo1d(5) = bjo1d(5)+cst_o3_col(k,l)*qy_o1d_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjno2(5) = bjno2(5)+cst_no2_col(k,l)*qy_no2_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjh2o2(5) = bjh2o2(5)+cst_h2o2_col(k,l-17)*fdir(k,l) bjhno3(5) = bjhno3(5)+cst_hno3_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjhno4(5) = bjhno4(5)+cs_hno4(l)*fdir(k,l) bjhono(5) = bjhono(5)+cs_hono(l)*fdir(k,l) bjn2o5a(5) = bjn2o5a(5)+cst_n2o5_col(k,l-17)*fdir(k,l) bjcoh2(5) = bjcoh2(5)+cst_ch2o_col(k,l-17)*qyh2_co(l)*fdir(k,l) bjchoh(5) = bjchoh(5)+cst_ch2o_col(k,l-17)*qyh_hco(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3ooh(5) = bjch3ooh(5)+cs_ch3ooh(l)*fdir(k,l) bjpana(5) = bjpana(5) + cst_pan_col(k,l)*qy_pan(l)*fdir(k,l) bjpanb(5) = bjpanb(5) + cst_pan_col(k,l)*(1.0-qy_pan(l))*fdir(k,l) bjald2(5) = bjald2(5) + cs_ald2(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3cocho(5) = bjch3cocho(5)+cs_ch3cocho(l)*qy_ch3cocho_col(k,l-37)*fdir(k,l) bjch3ono2(5) = bjch3ono2(5)+cs_orgn(l)*fdir(k,l) bjispd(5) = bjispd(5) + cs_ispd(l) * fdir(k,l) end do !========================================================================================= ! Tropo band 6 !========================================================================================= do l = band_start(6),band_end(6) bjno2(6) = bjno2(6) +cst_no2_col(k,l)*qy_no2_col(k,l)*fdir(k,l) bjcoh2(6) = bjcoh2(6)+cst_ch2o_col(k,l-17)*qyh2_co(l)*fdir(k,l) bjch3ooh(6) = bjch3ooh(6)+cs_ch3ooh(l)*fdir(k,l) bjno2o(6) = bjno2o(6)+cst_no3_col(k,l-60)*qyno2_o(l-60)*fdir(k,l) bjch3cocho(6) = bjch3cocho(6)+cs_ch3cocho(l)*qy_ch3cocho_col(k,l-37)*fdir(k,l) bjispd(6) = bjispd(6) + cs_ispd(l) * fdir(k,l) end do ! Add the contribution from band 6 separately for H2O2, N2O5 and HNO3 for high angle grid to allow reducion in cst arrays ! This has been tested using a box model to ensure that no errors are introduced compared to using main array if(zangle>71.) then bjh2o2(6) = bjh2o2(6)+cst_h2o2_col(k,44)*fdir(k,61) bjh2o2(6) = bjh2o2(6)+cst_h2o2_col(k,45)*fdir(k,62) do c=63,68 bjn2o5a(6) = bjn2o5a(6)+cst_n2o5_col(k,c-17)*fdir(k,c) enddo bjhno3(6) = bjhno3(6)+cst_hno3_col(k,63)*fdir(k,63) bjpana(6) = 0. bjpanb(6) = 0. elseif(zangle<=71.) then do c=61,63 bjhno3(6) = bjhno3(6)+cst_hno3_col(k,c)*fdir(k,c) enddo do c=61,69 bjn2o5a(6) = bjn2o5a(6)+cst_n2o5_col(k,c-17)*fdir(k,c) enddo do c=61,62 bjpana(6) = bjpana(6)+cst_pan_col(k,c)*qy_pan(c)*fdir(k,c) bjpanb(6) = bjpanb(6)+cst_pan_col(k,c)*(1.0-qy_pan(c))*fdir(k,c) enddo endif !======================================================================================== ! Tropo band 7 !========================================================================================= do l = band_start(7),band_end(7)-2 bjno2o(7) = bjno2o(7)+cst_no3_col(k,l-60)*qyno2_o(l-60)*fdir(k,l) bjnoo2(7) = bjnoo2(7)+cst_no3_col(k,l-60)*qyno_o2(l-60)*fdir(k,l) end do ! only set a scaling ratio for the first band once the sza > 71. ! only calculate limits to bands 2 and 4 for high sza if(zangle<=71.) then delta1 = fact(k,1)/fdir(k,band_middle(1)) delta2 = fact(k,2)/fdir(k,band_middle(2)) delta3 = fact(k,3)/fdir(k,band_middle(3)) delta4 = fact(k,4)/fdir(k,band_middle(4)) delta5 = fact(k,5)/fdir(k,band_middle(5)) delta6 = fact(k,6)/fdir(k,band_middle(6)) delta7 = fact(k,7)/fdir(k,band_middle(7)) elseif(zangle>71. .and. zangle<=sza_limit) then delta1 = safe_div( fact(k,1), fdir(k,band_middle(1)), huge(1.)) delta2 = safe_div( fact(k,2), fdir(k,band_middle(2)), huge(1.)) delta3 = safe_div( fact(k,3), fdir(k,band_middle(3)), huge(1.)) delta4 = safe_div( fact(k,4), fdir(k,band_middle(4)), huge(1.)) delta5 = safe_div( fact(k,5), fdir(k,band_middle(5)), huge(1.)) delta6 = safe_div( fact(k,6), fdir(k,band_middle(6)), huge(1.)) delta7 = safe_div( fact(k,7), fdir(k,band_middle(7)), huge(1.)) if(fdir(k,band_middle(1))>5.e9) delta1_spec = fact(k,1)/fdir(k,band_middle(1)) if(fdir(k,band_middle(3))>1.e9) delta3_spec = fact(k,3)/fdir(k,band_middle(3)) endif ! ============================================================ ! CALCULATION PHOTOLYSIS RATES FOR SCATTERING ATMOSPHERE ! ============================================================ ! O2 -> O3P rj(k,jo2) = bjo2(1)*delta1 ! O3 -> 2OH rj(k,jo3d) = bjo1d(1)*delta1 + bjo1d(2)*delta2 & + bjo1d(3)*delta3 + bjo1d(4)*delta4 & + bjo1d(5)*delta5 ! NO2 -> O3 rj(k,jno2) = bjno2(1)*delta1 + bjno2(2)*delta2 + & bjno2(3)*delta3 + bjno2(4)*delta4 + & bjno2(5)*delta5 + bjno2(6)*delta6 ! HNO3 -> OH + NO2 rj(k,jhno3) = bjhno3(1)*delta1 + bjhno3(2)*delta2 + & bjhno3(3)*delta3 + bjhno3(4)*delta4 + & bjhno3(5)*delta5 + bjhno3(6)*delta6 ! HNO4 -> HO2 + NO2 rj(k,jhno4) = bjhno4(1)*delta1 + bjhno4(2)*delta2 + & bjhno4(3)*delta3 + bjhno4(4)*delta4 + & bjhno4(5)*delta5 ! HONO -> OH + NO rj(k,jhono) = bjhono(1)*delta1 + bjhono(2)*delta2 + & bjhono(3)*delta3 + bjhono(4)*delta4 + & bjhono(5)*delta5 ! N2O5 -> NO3 + NO2 rj(k,jn2o5a) = bjn2o5a(1)*delta1 + bjn2o5a(2)*delta2 + & bjn2o5a(3)*delta3 + bjn2o5a(4)*delta4 + & bjn2o5a(5)*delta5 + bjn2o5a(6)*delta6 ! N2O5 -> NO3 + NO rj(k,jn2o5b) = bjn2o5b(1)*delta1 + bjn2o5b(2)*delta2 + & bjn2o5b(3)*delta3 ! PAN -> NO2 + C2O3 rj(k,jpana) = bjpana(1)*delta1 + bjpana(2)*delta2 + & bjpana(3)*delta3 + bjpana(4)*delta4 + & bjpana(5)*delta5 + bjpana(6)*delta6 ! PAN -> NO3 + CH3O2 rj(k,jpanb) = bjpanb(1)*delta1 + bjpanb(2)*delta2 + & bjpanb(3)*delta3 + bjpanb(4)*delta4 + & bjpanb(5)*delta5 + bjpanb(6)*delta6 ! CH2O -> CO rj(k,jach2o) = bjcoh2(2)*delta2 + bjcoh2(3)*delta3 & + bjcoh2(4)*delta4 + bjcoh2(5)*delta5 & + bjcoh2(6)*delta6 ! CH2O -> COH + H rj(k,jbch2o) = bjchoh(1)*delta1 + bjchoh(2)*delta2 & + bjchoh(3)*delta3 + bjchoh(4)*delta4 & + bjchoh(5)*delta5 + bjchoh(6)*delta6 ! H2O2 -> 2OH rj(k,jh2o2) = bjh2o2(1)*delta1 + bjh2o2(2)*delta2 & + bjh2o2(3)*delta3 + bjh2o2(4)*delta4 & + bjh2o2(5)*delta5 + bjh2o2(6)*delta6 ! NO3 -> NO2 + O rj(k,jano3) = bjno2o(6)*delta6 + bjno2o(7)*delta7 ! NO3 -> NO rj(k,jbno3) = bjnoo2(7)*delta7 ! CH3OOH -> HCHO + HO2 + OH rj(k,jmepe) = bjch3ooh(1)*delta1 + bjch3ooh(2)*delta2 + & bjch3ooh(3)*delta3 + bjch3ooh(4)*delta4 + & bjch3ooh(5)*delta5 + bjch3ooh(6)*delta6 ! ALD2 -> 2HO2 + CO + CH3O2 rj(k,jald2) = bjald2(1)*delta1 + bjald2(2)*delta2 + & bjald2(3)*delta3 + bjald2(4)*delta4 + & bjald2(5)*delta5 ! CH3ONO2 -> HO2 + NO2 rj(k,jorgn) = bjch3ono2(1)*delta1 + bjch3ono2(2)*delta2 + & bjch3ono2(3)*delta3 + bjch3ono2(4)*delta4 + & bjch3ono2(5)*delta5 ! CH3COCHO -> C2O3 + HO2 + CO rj(k,jmgly) = bjch3cocho(2)*delta2 + bjch3cocho(3)*delta3 + & bjch3cocho(4)*delta4 + bjch3cocho(5)*delta5 + & bjch3cocho(6)*delta6 + bjch3cocho(7)*delta7 ! ISPD -> 0.333CO + 0.067ALD2 + 0.9CH2O + 0.832PAR + 1.033HO2 + 0.7XO2 + 0.967C2O3 rj(k,jispd) = bjispd(2)*delta2 + bjispd(3)*delta3 + & bjispd(4)*delta4 + bjispd(5)*delta5 + & bjispd(6)*delta6 !ch3coch3 -> 2CH3O2 + CO rj(k,ja_acet) = bj_a_acet(2)*delta2 + bj_a_acet(3)*delta3 + bj_a_acet(4)*delta4 rj(k,jb_acet) = bj_b_acet(2)*delta2 + bj_b_acet(3)*delta3 + bj_b_acet(4)*delta4 if(zangle>80. .and. zangle<=85.) then rj(k,jo3d) = 0. ; rj(k,jhno3) = 0. ; rj(k,jhno4) = 0. ; rj(k,jn2o5a) = 0. ; rj(k,jn2o5b) = 0. rj(k,jhono) = 0. ; rj(k,jh2o2) = 0. ; rj(k,jach2o) = 0. ; rj(k,jpana) = 0. ; rj(k,jpanb) = 0. rj(k,jald2) = 0. ; rj(k,jorgn) = 0. ; rj(k,jbch2o) = 0. ; rj(k,jmgly) = 0. rj(k,jo2) = 0. ; rj(k,jispd) = 0. ; rj(k,ja_acet) = 0. ; rj(k,jb_acet) = 0. ! O2 -> 2O3P rj(k,jo2) = bjo2(1)*delta1_spec ! O3 -> O(1D) + O2 rj(k,jo3d) = bjo1d(1)*delta1_spec + bjo1d(2)*delta2 + & bjo1d(3)*delta3_spec + bjo1d(4)*delta4 + & bjo1d(5)*delta5 ! HNO3 -> OH + NO2 rj(k,jhno3) = bjhno3(1)*delta1_spec + bjhno3(2)*delta2 + & bjhno3(3)*delta3_spec + bjhno3(4)*delta4 + & bjhno3(5)*delta5 + bjhno3(6)*delta6 ! N2O5 -> NO3 + NO2 rj(k,jn2o5a) = bjn2o5a(1)*delta1_spec + bjn2o5a(2)*delta2 + & bjn2o5a(3)*delta3_spec + bjn2o5a(4)*delta4 + & bjn2o5a(5)*delta5 + bjn2o5a(6)*delta6 ! N2O5 -> NO3 + NO rj(k,jn2o5b) = bjn2o5b(1)*delta1_spec + bjn2o5b(2)*delta2 + & bjn2o5b(3)*delta3_spec ! PAN rj(k,jpana) = bjpana(1)*delta1_spec + bjpana(2)*delta2 + & bjpana(3)*delta3_spec + bjpana(4)*delta4 + & bjpana(5)*delta5 + bjpana(6)*delta6 rj(k,jpanb) = bjpanb(1)*delta1_spec + bjpanb(2)*delta2 + & bjpanb(3)*delta3_spec + bjpanb(4)*delta4 + & bjpanb(5)*delta5 + bjpanb(6)*delta6 ! ORGNTR -> HO2 + NO2 rj(k,jorgn) = bjch3ono2(1)*delta1_spec + bjch3ono2(2)*delta2 + & bjch3ono2(3)*delta3_spec + bjch3ono2(4)*delta4 + & bjch3ono2(5)*delta5 ! ALD2 -> 2HO2 + CO + CH3O2 rj(k,jald2) = bjald2(1)*delta1_spec + bjald2(2)*delta2 + & bjald2(3)*delta3_spec + bjald2(4)*delta4 + & bjald2(5)*delta5 ! NO2 -> O3 rj(k,jno2) = bjno2(1)*delta1_spec + bjno2(2)*delta2 + & bjno2(3)*delta3_spec + bjno2(4)*delta4 + & bjno2(5)*delta5 + bjno2(6)*delta6 ! CH2O -> CO rj(k,jach2o) = bjcoh2(2)*delta2 + bjcoh2(3)*delta3_spec + & bjcoh2(4)*delta4 + bjcoh2(5)*delta5 + & bjcoh2(6)*delta6 ! CH2O -> COH + H rj(k,jbch2o) = bjchoh(1)*delta1_spec + bjchoh(2)*delta2 + & bjchoh(3)*delta3_spec + bjchoh(4)*delta4 + & bjchoh(5)*delta5 + bjchoh(6)*delta6 rj(k,jhno4) = bjhno4(1)*delta1_spec + bjhno4(2)*delta2 + & bjhno4(3)*delta3_spec + bjhno4(4)*delta4 + & bjhno4(5)*delta5 rj(k,jhono) = bjhono(1)*delta1_spec + bjhono(2)*delta2 + & bjhono(3)*delta3_spec + bjhono(4)*delta4 + & bjhono(5)*delta5 ! H2O2 -> 2OH rj(k,jh2o2) = bjh2o2(1)*delta1_spec + bjh2o2(2)*delta2 + & bjh2o2(3)*delta3_spec + bjh2o2(4)*delta4 + & bjh2o2(5)*delta5 + bjh2o2(6)*delta6 ! CH3OOH -> HCHO + HO2 + OH rj(k,jmepe) = bjch3ooh(1)*delta1_spec + bjch3ooh(2)*delta2 + & bjch3ooh(3)*delta3_spec + bjch3ooh(4)*delta4 + & bjch3ooh(5)*delta5 + bjch3ooh(6)*delta6 ! CH3COCHO -> C2O3 + HO2 + CO rj(k,jmgly) = bjch3cocho(2)*delta2 + bjch3cocho(3)*delta3_spec + & bjch3cocho(4)*delta4 + bjch3cocho(5)*delta5 + & bjch3cocho(6)*delta6 + bjch3cocho(7)*delta7 ! ispd -> 0.333CO + 0.067ALD2 + 0.9CH2O + 0.832PAR + 1.033HO2 + 0.7XO2 + 0.967C2O3 rj(k,jispd) = bjispd(2)*delta2 + bjispd(3)*delta3_spec + & bjispd(4)*delta4 + bjispd(5)*delta5 + & bjispd(6)*delta6 rj(k,ja_acet) = bj_a_acet(2)*delta2 + bj_a_acet(3)*delta3_spec + bj_a_acet(4)*delta4 rj(k,jb_acet) = bj_b_acet(2)*delta2 + bj_b_acet(3)*delta3_spec + bj_b_acet(4)*delta4 endif ! sza > 80. rj(k,jrooh) = rj(k,jmepe) ! ! take the upper limit for the photolysis rate i.e. qy=0.05 ! rj(k,jispd) = 0.05*rj(k,jispd) ! ! Two channels of CH3O2NO2 photo-dissociation equal to HNO4 photolysis ! Taken from Browne et al, ACP, 2011 ! rj(k,jmo2no2a) = rj(k,jhno4) rj(k,jmo2no2b) = rj(k,jhno4) enddo ! layers END SUBROUTINE PHOTORATES_TROPO !EOC !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! TM5 ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: PHOTOLYSIS_DONE ! ! !DESCRIPTION: Deallocates photolysis data, and writes photolysis statistics: ! output (e.g. monthly) averaged photolysis jo3, jno2 and ! surface data of: albedo, cloud-cover, cloud optical thickness ! total ozone !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE PHOTOLYSIS_DONE( status ) ! ! !USES: ! use dims, only : region_name, im, jm, lm use dims, only : idatei, idatee use global_data, only : outdir use file_hdf, only : THdfFile, TSds use file_hdf, only : Init, Done, WriteAttribute, Init, Done, WriteData use partools, only : isRoot ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(out) :: status ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 21 Mar 2012 - P. Le Sager - adapted for lon-lat MPI domain decomposition ! ! !REMARKS: ! (1) Called from SOURCES_SINKS/TRACE_END ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/end_photolysis' integer :: n integer :: k,iret,imr,jmr,lmr integer :: region real, allocatable :: average_field(:,:,:), average_field_2d(:,:), average_field_5d(:,:,:,:,:) type(THdfFile) :: io type(TSds) :: sds character(len=256) :: fname ! --- begin -------------------------------- if (isRoot) then write (fname,'(a,"/j_statistics_",i4.4,3i2.2,"_",i4.4,3i2.2,".hdf")') & trim(outdir), idatei(1:4), idatee(1:4) call Init(io,fname,'create',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if REG: do region=1,nregions if(isRoot) then imr=im(region) jmr=jm(region) lmr=lm(region) else imr=1; jmr=1; lmr=1 end if allocate(average_field(imr,jmr,lmr)) ! Assume that the nav is the same on all proc write (gol,*) 'end_photolysis: j_statistics ', & '(region, nj_av, nvo3s_av, ncloud_av)', region, & phot_dat(region)%nj_av, phot_dat(region)%nvo3s_av; call goPr !---- 3D fields if ( phot_dat(region)%nj_av > 0 ) then call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%jo3_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field = average_field/phot_dat(region)%nj_av call Init(Sds,io,'jo3_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','1/s',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%jno2_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field = average_field/phot_dat(region)%nj_av call Init(Sds,io,'jno2_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','1/s',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%jhno2_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field = average_field/phot_dat(region)%nj_av call Init(Sds,io,'jhno2_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','1/s',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%jch2oa_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field = average_field/phot_dat(region)%nj_av call Init(Sds,io,'jch2oa_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','1/s',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%jch2ob_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field = average_field/phot_dat(region)%nj_av call Init(Sds,io,'jch2ob_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','1/s',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%reff_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then call Init(Sds,io,'reff_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','um',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%lwp_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then call Init(Sds,io,'lwp_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','g/m2',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if end if ! ---- 2D fields if ( phot_dat(region)%nalb_av > 0 ) then allocate(average_field_2d(imr,jmr)) call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%ags_av, average_field_2d, 0, status) if(isRoot) then average_field_2d = average_field_2d / phot_dat(region)%nalb_av call Init(Sds,io,'ags_av',(/imr,jmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','Fraction',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field_2d,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%sza_av, average_field_2d, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field_2d = average_field_2d / phot_dat(region)%nalb_av call Init(Sds,io,'sza_av',(/imr,jmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','Zenith Angle',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field_2d,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if deallocate(average_field_2d) end if ! any 2D field ! Clouds data (3D) if ( phot_dat(region)%ncloud_av > 0 ) then call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%pmcld_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field = average_field/phot_dat(region)%ncloud_av call Init(Sds,io,'pmcld_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit',' ',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) endif call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%taus_cld_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field = average_field/phot_dat(region)%ncloud_av call Init(Sds,io,'taus_cld_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit',' ',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%taua_cld_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field = average_field/phot_dat(region)%ncloud_av call Init(Sds,io,'taua_cld_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit',' ',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if end if ! Aerosols info (5D) if ( phot_dat(region)%naer_av > 0 ) then allocate(average_field_5d(imr,jmr,lmr,nbands_trop,ngrid)) call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%pmaer_av, average_field_5d, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field_5d = average_field_5d/phot_dat(region)%naer_av call Init(Sds,io,'pmaer_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr,nbands_trop,ngrid/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit',' ',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field_5d,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%taus_aer_av, average_field_5d, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field_5d = average_field_5d/phot_dat(region)%naer_av call Init(Sds,io,'taus_aer_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr,nbands_trop,ngrid/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit',' ',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field_5d,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%taua_aer_av, average_field_5d, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field_5d = average_field_5d/phot_dat(region)%naer_av call Init(Sds,io,'taua_aer_av',(/imr,jmr,lmr,nbands_trop,ngrid/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit',' ',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field_5d,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) end if deallocate(average_field_5d) end if if ( phot_dat(region)%nsad_av >0 ) then call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%sad_cld_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field = average_field/phot_dat(region)%nsad_av call Init(Sds,io,'sad_cld',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','cm^2/cm^3 ',status) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'long_name','average water cloud surface area density',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) endif call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%sad_ice_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field = average_field/phot_dat(region)%nsad_av call Init(Sds,io,'sad_ice',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','cm^2/cm^3 ',status) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'long_name','average ice cloud surface area density',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) endif call gather(dgrid(region), phot_dat(region)%sad_aer_av, average_field, 0, status) if ( isRoot ) then average_field = average_field/phot_dat(region)%nsad_av call Init(Sds,io,'sad_aer',(/imr,jmr,lmr/),'real(4)',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'Unit','cm^2/cm^3 ',status) call WriteAttribute(Sds,'long_name','average aerosol surface area density',status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call WriteData(Sds,average_field,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) call Done(Sds,status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) endif end if deallocate(average_field) end do REG if ( isRoot ) then call Done(io, status) IF_ERROR_RETURN(status=1) endif do region = 1,nregions if (associated( phot_dat(region)%o3klim_top)) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%o3klim_top ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%albedo ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%aero_surface_clim) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%cloud_reff ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%pmcld ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%taus_cld ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%taua_cld ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%pmaer ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%taus_aer ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%taua_aer ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%lwp_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%cfr_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%reff_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%ags_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%sza_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%jo3 ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%jno2 ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%jhno2 ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%jch2oa ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%jch2ob ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%jo3_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%jno2_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%jhno2_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%jch2oa_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%jch2ob_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%taua_aer_av) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%taus_aer_av) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%pmaer_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%taua_cld_av) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%taus_cld_av) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%pmcld_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%v2 ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%v3 ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%v3_surf ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%qy_ch3cocho) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%qy_c2o3 ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_cld ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_ice ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_aer ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_cld_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_ice_av ) deallocate(phot_dat(region)%sad_aer_av ) end do #ifdef with_optics deallocate( wdep ) !NB optics_done #endif ! ok status = 0 END SUBROUTINE PHOTOLYSIS_DONE !EOC END MODULE PHOTOLYSIS