MODULE oce_trc !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE oce_trc *** !! TOP : variables shared between ocean and passive tracers !!====================================================================== !! History : 1.0 ! 2004-03 (C. Ethe) original code !! 2.0 ! 2007-12 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) rewritting !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_top !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_top' TOP models !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !* Domain size * USE par_oce , ONLY : jpi => jpi !: first dimension of grid --> i USE par_oce , ONLY : jpj => jpj !: second dimension of grid --> j USE par_oce , ONLY : jpk => jpk !: number of levels USE par_oce , ONLY : jpim1 => jpim1 !: jpi - 1 USE par_oce , ONLY : jpjm1 => jpjm1 !: jpj - 1 USE par_oce , ONLY : jpkm1 => jpkm1 !: jpk - 1 USE par_oce , ONLY : jpij => jpij !: jpi x jpj USE par_oce , ONLY : lk_esopa => lk_esopa !: flag to activate the all option USE par_oce , ONLY : jp_tem => jp_tem !: indice for temperature USE par_oce , ONLY : jp_sal => jp_sal !: indice for salinity !* IO manager * USE in_out_manager !* Memory Allocation * USE wrk_nemo !* Timing * USE timing !* MPP library USE lib_mpp !* Fortran utilities USE lib_fortran !* Lateral boundary conditions USE lbclnk !* physical constants * USE phycst !* 1D configuration USE c1d !* model domain * USE dom_oce USE domvvl, ONLY : un_td, vn_td !: thickness diffusion transport USE domvvl, ONLY : ln_vvl_ztilde !: ztilde vertical coordinate USE domvvl, ONLY : ln_vvl_layer !: level vertical coordinate !* ocean fields: here now and after fields * USE oce , ONLY : ua => ua !: i-horizontal velocity (m s-1) USE oce , ONLY : va => va !: j-horizontal velocity (m s-1) USE oce , ONLY : un => un !: i-horizontal velocity (m s-1) USE oce , ONLY : vn => vn !: j-horizontal velocity (m s-1) USE oce , ONLY : wn => wn !: vertical velocity (m s-1) USE oce , ONLY : tsn => tsn !: 4D array contaning ( tn, sn ) USE oce , ONLY : tsb => tsb !: 4D array contaning ( tb, sb ) USE oce , ONLY : tsa => tsa !: 4D array contaning ( ta, sa ) USE oce , ONLY : rhop => rhop !: potential volumic mass (kg m-3) USE oce , ONLY : rhd => rhd !: in situ density anomalie rhd=(rho-rau0)/rau0 (no units) #if defined key_offline USE oce , ONLY : rab_n => rab_n !: local thermal/haline expension ratio at T-points #endif USE oce , ONLY : hdivn => hdivn !: horizontal divergence (1/s) USE oce , ONLY : rotn => rotn !: relative vorticity [s-1] USE oce , ONLY : hdivb => hdivb !: horizontal divergence (1/s) USE oce , ONLY : rotb => rotb !: relative vorticity [s-1] USE oce , ONLY : sshn => sshn !: sea surface height at t-point [m] USE oce , ONLY : sshb => sshb !: sea surface height at t-point [m] USE oce , ONLY : ssha => ssha !: sea surface height at t-point [m] USE oce , ONLY : l_traldf_rot => l_traldf_rot !: rotated laplacian operator for lateral diffusion !* surface fluxes * USE sbc_oce , ONLY : utau => utau !: i-surface stress component USE sbc_oce , ONLY : vtau => vtau !: j-surface stress component USE sbc_oce , ONLY : wndm => wndm !: 10m wind speed USE sbc_oce , ONLY : qsr => qsr !: penetrative solar radiation (w m-2) USE sbc_oce , ONLY : emp => emp !: freshwater budget: volume flux [Kg/m2/s] USE sbc_oce , ONLY : emp_b => emp_b !: freshwater budget: volume flux [Kg/m2/s] USE sbc_oce , ONLY : fmmflx => fmmflx !: freshwater budget: volume flux [Kg/m2/s] USE sbc_oce , ONLY : rnf => rnf !: river runoff [Kg/m2/s] USE sbc_oce , ONLY : ln_dm2dc => ln_dm2dc !: Diurnal Cycle USE sbc_oce , ONLY : ncpl_qsr_freq => ncpl_qsr_freq !: qsr coupling frequency per days from atmospher USE sbc_oce , ONLY : ln_rnf => ln_rnf !: runoffs / runoff mouths USE sbc_oce , ONLY : fr_i => fr_i !: ice fraction (between 0 to 1) USE sbc_oce , ONLY : nn_ice_embd => nn_ice_embd !: flag for levitating/embedding sea-ice in the ocean USE traqsr , ONLY : rn_abs => rn_abs !: fraction absorbed in the very near surface USE traqsr , ONLY : rn_si0 => rn_si0 !: very near surface depth of extinction USE traqsr , ONLY : ln_qsr_bio => ln_qsr_bio !: flag to use or not the biological fluxes for light USE sbcrnf , ONLY : rnfmsk => rnfmsk !: mixed adv scheme in runoffs vicinity (hori.) USE sbcrnf , ONLY : rnfmsk_z => rnfmsk_z !: mixed adv scheme in runoffs vicinity (vert.) USE sbcrnf , ONLY : h_rnf => h_rnf !: river runoff [Kg/m2/s] USE sbcrnf , ONLY : nk_rnf => nk_rnf !: depth of runoff in model level USE trc_oce !* lateral diffusivity (tracers) * USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : rldf => rldf !: multiplicative coef. for lateral diffusivity USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : rn_aht_0 => rn_aht_0 !: horizontal eddy diffusivity for tracers (m2/s) USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : aht0 => aht0 !: horizontal eddy diffusivity for tracers (m2/s) USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : ahtb0 => ahtb0 !: background eddy diffusivity for isopycnal diff. (m2/s) USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : ahtu => ahtu !: lateral diffusivity coef. at u-points USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : ahtv => ahtv !: lateral diffusivity coef. at v-points USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : ahtw => ahtw !: lateral diffusivity coef. at w-points USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : ahtt => ahtt !: lateral diffusivity coef. at t-points USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : aeiv0 => aeiv0 !: eddy induced velocity coefficient (m2/s) USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : aeiu => aeiu !: eddy induced velocity coef. at u-points (m2/s) USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : aeiv => aeiv !: eddy induced velocity coef. at v-points (m2/s) USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : aeiw => aeiw !: eddy induced velocity coef. at w-points (m2/s) USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : lk_traldf_eiv => lk_traldf_eiv !: eddy induced velocity flag USE ldftra_oce , ONLY : r_fact_lap => r_fact_lap !: enhanced zonal diffusivity coefficient !* vertical diffusion * USE zdf_oce , ONLY : avt => avt !: vert. diffusivity coef. at w-point for temp # if defined key_zdfddm USE zdfddm , ONLY : avs => avs !: salinity vertical diffusivity coeff. at w-point # endif !* mixing & mixed layer depth * USE zdfmxl , ONLY : nmln => nmln !: number of level in the mixed layer USE zdfmxl , ONLY : hmld => hmld !: mixing layer depth (turbocline) USE zdfmxl , ONLY : hmlp => hmlp !: mixed layer depth (rho=rho0+zdcrit) (m) USE zdfmxl , ONLY : hmlpt => hmlpt !: mixed layer depth at t-points (m) !* direction of lateral diffusion * USE ldfslp , ONLY : lk_ldfslp => lk_ldfslp !: slopes flag # if defined key_ldfslp USE ldfslp , ONLY : uslp => uslp !: i-direction slope at u-, w-points USE ldfslp , ONLY : vslp => vslp !: j-direction slope at v-, w-points USE ldfslp , ONLY : wslpi => wslpi !: i-direction slope at u-, w-points USE ldfslp , ONLY : wslpj => wslpj !: j-direction slope at v-, w-points # endif USE diaar5 , ONLY : lk_diaar5 => lk_diaar5 #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Empty module : No passive tracer !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/TOP 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id: oce_trc.F90 4990 2014-12-15 16:42:49Z timgraham $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!====================================================================== END MODULE oce_trc