!/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !// LPJ-GUESS INSTRUCTION SCRIPT FOR COHORT/INDIVIDUAL MODE !// Global PFTs !// !// LPJ-GUESS 3.0 !// !// peter anthoni 2016-05-19 updated for EC-Earth landcover !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! Input files ! param "file_lu" (str "") param "file_lucrop" (str "") param "file_lupasture" (str "") param "file_lunatural" (str "") param "file_luforest" (str "") param "file_woodharv_frac" (str "") param "file_woodharv_vol" (str "") !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! Output files ! ! Prefined yearly output ! These files may be outcommented if their output is not required. file_cmass_cropland "" file_cmass_pasture "" file_cmass_natural "cmass_natural.out" file_cmass_forest "" file_anpp_cropland "" file_anpp_pasture "" file_anpp_natural "anpp_natural.out" file_anpp_forest "" file_dens_natural "dens_natural.out" file_dens_forest "" file_cflux_cropland "cflux_cropland.out" file_cflux_pasture "cflux_pasture.out" file_cflux_natural "cflux_natural.out" file_cflux_forest "" file_cpool_cropland "cpool_cropland.out" file_cpool_pasture "cpool_pasture.out" file_cpool_natural "cpool_natural.out" file_cpool_forest "" file_nflux_cropland "nflux_cropland.out" file_nflux_pasture "nflux_pasture.out" file_nflux_natural "nflux_natural.out" file_nflux_forest "" file_npool_cropland "npool_cropland.out" file_npool_pasture "npool_pasture.out" file_npool_natural "npool_natural.out" !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !// RUN PARAMETERS AND OPTIONS ! !!!!!!!!!!!! landcover parameters !!!!!!!!!!!!!! npatch_secondarystand 1 ! number of replicate patches to simulate in secondary stands ! ecev3 - could use 5 reduce_all_stands 0 ! Whether to reduce equal percentage of all stands of a stand type at land cover change age_limit_reduce 15 ! Minimum age of stands to reduce at land cover change ! ecev3 - trunk has 5 run_landcover 1 ! whether to use (and change) landcover fractions (1) or not (0) run_urban 1 ! whether to simulate urban land (1) or not (0) run_crop 1 ! whether to simulate crop vegetation (1) or not (0) run_forest 0 ! whether to simulate managed forest (1) or not (0) run_pasture 1 ! whether to simulate pasture (1) or not (0) run_natural 1 ! whether to simulate natural vegetation (1) or not (0) run_peatland 1 ! whether to simulate peatland (1) or not (0) run_barren 1 ! whether to simulate barren land (1) or not (0) ifslowharvestpool 1 ! If a slow harvested product pool is included in patchpft. printseparatestands 0 ! Whether to print multiple stands within a land cover type (except cropland) separately gross_land_transfer 2 ! Whether to use gross land transfer: simulate gross lcc (1); read landcover transfer matrix input file (2); ! read stand type transfer matrix input file (3), or not (0) ifprimary_lc_transfer 1 ! Whether to use primary/secondary land transition info in landcover transfer input file (1). or not (0) ifprimary_to_secondary_transfer 1 ! Whether to use primary-to-secondary land transition info (within land cover type) in landcover ! transfer input file (1). or not (0) harvest_secondary_to_new_stand 1 ! Whether to create new stands at clearcut of secondary stands (1). or not (0) transfer_level 1 ! Pooling level of land cover transitions; 0: one big pool; 1: land cover-level; 2: stand type-level iftransfer_to_new_stand 0 ! Whether to create new stands in transfer_to_new_stand() according to the rules in copy_stand_type() ! ecev3 - specific printcrescendo 0 ! Whether to print CRESCENDO output printcrescendodaily 0 ! Whether to print daily CRESCENDO output printcrescendofacedaily 0 ! Whether to print daily FACE experiment CRESCENDO output printcmip6 1 ! Whether to print CMIP6 output printcmip6daily 1 ! Whether to print daily CMIP6 output printifsinputdaily 0 ! Whether to print IFS input as output !LUMIP: parameters for deforest_glob experiment deforest_method_type 0 ! LUMIP: deforestation method: 0=disabled, 1=deforest if start<=year0 deforest_start_year 0 ! calendar year the establishment for trees will be turned off (0=disabled) deforest_end_year 0 ! calendar year the establishment for trees will be turned on again (0=disabled) !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !// PARAMETERS FOR MANAGEMENT TYPES group "crop_management" ( planting_system "monoculture" ) !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !// PARAMETERS FOR STAND TYPES group "common_stand" ( intercrop "nointercrop" naturalveg "none" restrictpfts 0 ! Use all pft:s defined for a land cover (pft parameter landcover) ) group "crop_stand" ( landcover "cropland" intercrop "naturalgrass" ! Use natural grass pft:s as covercrop restrictpfts 1 ! Use only pft:s specified in stand type planting_system "monoculture" hydrology "rainfed" ) st "Urban" ( common_stand stinclude 1 landcover "urban" ) st "Peatland" ( common_stand stinclude 1 landcover "peatland" ) st "Natural" ( common_stand stinclude 1 landcover "natural" ) st "Pasture" ( common_stand stinclude 1 landcover "pasture" ) st "Forest" ( common_stand stinclude 1 landcover "forest" naturalveg "all" ! Use natural pft:s harvest_system "continuous" ) st "Barren" ( common_stand stinclude 1 landcover "barren" ) !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !// PARAMETERS FOR PFTS !// Run GUESS with -help option for list of keywords and their meanings pft "C3G_pas" ( C3G landcover "pasture" harv_eff 0.5 ! old value; intensive grazing: 90% grazed, 25-60 % returned to soil as faeces (0.36-0.675 removed, 0.5 OK average) res_outtake 0.0 ! not used by crop grass ) pft "C4G_pas" ( C4G landcover "pasture" harv_eff 0.5 ! old value; intensive grazing: 90% grazed, 25-60 % returned to soil as faeces (0.36-0.675 removed, 0.5 OK average) res_outtake 0.0 ! not used by crop grass ) pft "C3G_pea" ( C3G landcover "peatland" harv_eff 0 ) ! ecev3 pft "C4G_pea" ( C4G landcover "peatland" harv_eff 0 res_outtake 0.0 ) ! ecev3 pft "C3G_urb" ( C3G landcover "urban" harv_eff 0 res_outtake 0.0 ) ! ecev3 pft "C4G_urb" ( C4G landcover "urban" harv_eff 0 res_outtake 0.0 )