Run script file (coupled run: atm+oce) executable Run script file (atm only run) executable Run script file (oce only run) executable Run script file (coupled run: atm+esm components) executable Run script file (offline land surface run) executable Control file for TM5 ctrl/tm5-config-run.rc executable Experiment name (4 letters) STRING ECE3 Start date of the simulation. Use any reasonable syntax. DATE 1990-01-01 End date of the simulation. Use any reasonable syntax. STRING ${run_start_date} + 10 years Start simulation from scratch, possibly ignoring any restart files. [true/false] BOOLEAN false Restart frequency, e.g., 2 months STRING 1 year Number of restart legs INTEGER 1 The path to the IFS ppt and NEMO file_def file dir PATH ctrl Coupling frequency between IFS and TM5 in hours INTEGER 6 Coupling frequency between IFS|TM5 and LPJG in hours INTEGER 24 Resolution of IFS grid STRING T255L91 Number of processors running IFS INTEGER 64 Use CMIP6 forcings (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN TRUE SSP selection for 2015 onwards STRING historical Use Abrupt4xCO2 in CMIP6 DECK (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN FALSE Use 1pctCO2 in CMIP6 DECK (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN FALSE Use CMIP5 forcings (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN TRUE RCP selection (1-4 or 0 for historical run) INTEGER 0 Fix CMIP5/CMIP6 forcings at the indicated year (or 0 to ignore for transient runs) INTEGER 0 Resolution of NEMO grid STRING ORCA1L75 Number of processors running NEMO INTEGER 64 Number of processors running XIOS INTEGER 1 TM5 initial tracer fields option (2,5,9,31,32, or 33) INTEGER 33 TM5 time step in seconds INTEGER 3600 Number of processors in the X direction running TM5 (max 4) INTEGER 2 Number of processors in the Y direction running TM5 (max 45) INTEGER 45 RCP selection (RCP26, RCP45, RCP60, RCP85 or hist [pre-2000]) STRING hist Fix EMISSIONS at the indicated year (or 0 to ignore) INTEGER 0 LPJ-GUESS time step in seconds INTEGER 86400 Number of processors running LPJG (min ) INTEGER 32 Fix N-Deposition from (>=0: year, -1:off) INTEGER -1 Fix Land-Use from (>=0: year, -1:off) INTEGER -1