#!/usr/bin/env bash # remote_setup.sh: # Extracts the sources from the Autosubmit project bundle and compiles EC-Earth set -xuve # # Architecture # HPCARCH=%HPCARCH% CURRENT_ROOTDIR=%CURRENT_ROOTDIR% PROJNAME=%PROJECT_DESTINATION% PROJDIR=${CURRENT_ROOTDIR}/${PROJNAME} TEMPLATE_NAME=%TEMPLATE_NAME% NEMO_resolution=%NEMO_resolution% ICE=%ICE% NEMO_CONFIG=${NEMO_resolution}_${ICE} MAKE_NUMPROC=%NUMPROC% BSC_OUTCLASS=%BSC_OUTCLASS% # define which runtime we are using use_autosubmit=true [[ use_autosubmit && ${PROJNAME} == 'ecearth3' ]] && use_autosubmit_simple=true || use_autosubmit_simple=false #when using the simplified AS runtime we use the same ECEARTH_SRC_DIR definition #as in the full auto-ecearth AS runtime, to avoid having to change it in config-build and config-run #TODO set SRCDIR from ECEARTH_SRC_DIR, requires writing this script as an ec-conf template if $use_autosubmit_simple ; then SRCDIR=${CURRENT_ROOTDIR}/auto-ecearth3/sources/sources else SRCDIR=${CURRENT_ROOTDIR}/${PROJNAME}/sources/sources fi # Variables that could be used from config-build.xml should be exported export exp_name=%EXPID% # these variables are to be used for development, allowing to retain any local # changes to the sources and compile the model more quickly # EXTRACT : extract files from uploaded .tar.gz file and copy runtime files (default:true) # CLEAN : do 'make clean' for all model components (default:true) [ "%MODEL_EXTRACT%" = FALSE ] && MODEL_EXTRACT=false || MODEL_EXTRACT=true [ "%MODEL_CLEAN%" = FALSE ] && MODEL_CLEAN=false || MODEL_CLEAN=true export MODEL_CLEAN # # get model config from AS variables (for compilation only) # #ifs [[ "$TEMPLATE_NAME" = ecearth3* || "$TEMPLATE_NAME" = ifs3* ]] && ifs="ifs" || ifs="" [[ "$TEMPLATE_NAME" = ifs3* ]] && amip="amip" || amip="" #nemo if [[ "$TEMPLATE_NAME" = ecearth3* || "$TEMPLATE_NAME" = nemo3* ]]; then nemo="nemo"; lim3="lim3"; xios="xios:detached"; else nemo=""; lim3=""; xios=""; fi [[ "$TEMPLATE_NAME" = ecearth3* ]] && rnfmapper="rnfmapper" || rnfmapper="" [[ "%NEMO_remove_land%" = TRUE && ! -z $nemo ]] && elpin=":elpin" || elpin="" [ "%PISCES%" = TRUE ] && pisces="pisces" || pisces="" #others [[ "%LPJG%" = TRUE ]] && lpjg=%LPJG_CONFIG% || lpjg="" config="${ifs} ${amip} ${nemo}${elpin} ${pisces} ${lim3} ${rnfmapper} ${xios} oasis ${lpjg}" # or you can set here the components you want to build #config="ifs amip nemo rnfmapper xios oasis lpjg" # for all components (esm runtime) #config="oasis lpjg" # for LPJG-offline # # Loading of modules # set +xuve if [ ${HPCARCH} == 'ecmwf-xc40' ] then export architecture=ecmwf-cca-intel-mpi # TODO use preloadcmd from ecconf module unload PrgEnv-cray module unload PrgEnv-intel module unload PrgEnv-gnu module load PrgEnv-intel module load cray-hdf5-parallel/1.8.14 module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel/ module unload eccodes module load grib_api/1.12.3 elif [ ${HPCARCH} == 'finisterrae2' ] then export SCRATCH=${LUSTRE} export architecture=cesga-finisterrae2-intel-intelmpi module load intel/2016 module load impi/5.1 module load netcdf-fortran/4.4.3 module load grib_api/1.14.5 module load hdf5/1.8.16 module load mkl/11.3 module load gribex/370 elif [ ${HPCARCH} == 'nord3' ] then export SCRATCH=/gpfs/scratch/`id -gn`/${USER} export architecture=bsc-nord3-intel-intelmpi module unload intel module load intel/2017.1 elif [ ${HPCARCH} == 'marenostrum4' ] then export SCRATCH=/gpfs/scratch/`id -gn`/${USER} export architecture=bsc-marenostrum4-intel-intelmpi module unload intel module unload impi module unload mkl module load intel/2017.4 module load impi/2018.4 module load perl/5.26 module load mkl/2018.4 # require by python/2.7.14 module load python/2.7.14 else error "Unsupported ec-conf architechture: ${HPCARCH}" exit 0 fi module list set -xuve # # Extract Model Sources and copy runtime, only if MODEL_EXTRACT=TRUE # if ${MODEL_EXTRACT} ; then # # Extract Model Sources # cd ${CURRENT_ROOTDIR} if [ -f ${PROJNAME}.tar.gz ]; then tar -xvf ${PROJNAME}.tar.gz rm ${PROJNAME}.tar.gz # move sources into auto-ecearth3/sources to make it consistent with ECEARTH_SRC_DIR if $use_autosubmit_simple then mkdir -p ${CURRENT_ROOTDIR}/auto-ecearth3 mv ${PROJNAME} ${CURRENT_ROOTDIR}/auto-ecearth3/sources ln -sf ${CURRENT_ROOTDIR}/auto-ecearth3 ${PROJNAME} fi fi # # Copy runtime # TODO check if we can link instead of copy # cd ${CURRENT_ROOTDIR} cp ${PROJNAME}/sources/runtime/autosubmit/ecconf.cfg . cp ${PROJNAME}/sources/runtime/classic/lib*.sh . cp -r ${PROJNAME}/sources/runtime/classic/ctrl/ . # should we need to override any files in classic/ctrl/ put them in the autosubmit/ctrl folder # and uncomment this line #cp -r ${PROJNAME}/sources/runtime/autosubmit/ctrl/ . if [[ -n "${BSC_OUTCLASS-}" && -d ${PROJNAME}/outclass/${BSC_OUTCLASS}/ ]]; then [ -f ${PROJNAME}/outclass/${BSC_OUTCLASS}/outclass_extra_nemo_compilation_keys.fcm ] && outclass_extra_nemo_compilation_keys=$(cat ${PROJNAME}/outclass/${BSC_OUTCLASS}/outclass_extra_nemo_compilation_keys.fcm) else echo "WARNING: you are using the outclass from ec-earth portal" fi fi # $MODEL_EXTRACT # # librunscript defines some helper functions # cd ${CURRENT_ROOTDIR} source ./librunscript.sh cd ${SRCDIR} if [ ${HPCARCH} == 'ecmwf-xc40' ] then util/ec-conf/ec-conf --platform ${architecture} -o PLT:ACTIVE:ECEARTH_SRC_DIR='${SCRATCH}/${exp_name}/auto-ecearth3/sources/sources' config-build.xml else util/ec-conf/ec-conf --platform ${architecture} config-build.xml fi if $(has_config nemo) ; then # # Select correct nemo_config # has_config pisces && NEMO_CONFIG=${NEMO_CONFIG}_PISCES ! has_config ifs && NEMO_CONFIG=${NEMO_CONFIG}_standalone if [[ ${NEMO_resolution-} != "%%NEMO_resolution%%" && ! -z ${NEMO_resolution-} ]] ; then # # NEMO compilation key # new_nemo_compilation_keys=" key_init_alloc_zero ${outclass_extra_nemo_compilation_keys-}" fcm_file=$(ls ${SRCDIR}/nemo-3.6/CONFIG/${NEMO_CONFIG}/*.fcm) for key in ${new_nemo_compilation_keys}; do if [[ $(grep ${key} ${fcm_file}) == "" ]] ; then echo adding ${key} sed -i -e 1's/$/'" "${key}' &/' ${fcm_file} fi done fi fi # # Check bin and lib directory (git-svn issue with empty folders) # if [ ! -d ifs-36r4/bin ] then mkdir ifs-36r4/bin mkdir ifs-36r4/lib fi if [ ! -d runoff-mapper/bin ] then mkdir runoff-mapper/bin mkdir runoff-mapper/lib fi if [ ! -d amip-forcing/bin ] then mkdir amip-forcing/bin mkdir amip-forcing/lib fi if [ ! -d lpjg/build ] then mkdir lpjg/build fi # minimum sanity #has_config amip nemo && error "Cannot have both nemo and amip in config!!" # # Complilation of Model Sources # # 1) OASIS if $(has_config oasis) then cd ${SRCDIR}/oasis3-mct/util/make_dir if ${MODEL_CLEAN} ; then make realclean -f TopMakefileOasis3 BUILD_ARCH=ecconf ; fi make -f TopMakefileOasis3 BUILD_ARCH=ecconf # build lucia with the ifort compiler - modify this if you use another compiler cd ${SRCDIR}/oasis3-mct/util/lucia F90=ifort ./lucia -c fi # 2) XIOS if $(has_config xios) then cd ${SRCDIR}/xios-2.5 if ${MODEL_CLEAN} ; then ./make_xios --arch ecconf --use_oasis oasis3_mct --netcdf_lib netcdf4_par --job ${MAKE_NUMPROC} --full else ./make_xios --arch ecconf --use_oasis oasis3_mct --netcdf_lib netcdf4_par --job ${MAKE_NUMPROC} fi [ -f ${SRCDIR}/xios-2.5/bin/xios_server.exe ] || exit 1 fi # 3) Runoff-Mapper if $(has_config rnfmapper) then cd ${SRCDIR}/runoff-mapper/src if ${MODEL_CLEAN} ; then make clean ; fi make [ -f ${SRCDIR}/runoff-mapper/bin/runoff-mapper.exe ] || exit 1 fi # 4) NEMO if $(has_config nemo) then cd ${SRCDIR}/nemo-3.6/CONFIG # remove old nemo executable to make sure compilation did not fail # workaround for the issue that make_nemo does not return an exit code on failure rm -f ${SRCDIR}/nemo*/CONFIG/${NEMO_CONFIG}/BLD/bin/*.exe if ${MODEL_CLEAN} ; then ./makenemo -m ecconf -n ${NEMO_CONFIG} -j ${MAKE_NUMPROC} clean ; fi ./makenemo -m ecconf -n ${NEMO_CONFIG} -j ${MAKE_NUMPROC} [ -f ${SRCDIR}/nemo*/CONFIG/${NEMO_CONFIG}/BLD/bin/*.exe ] || exit 1 fi # 5) IFS if $(has_config ifs) then set +xuve . ${SRCDIR}/util/grib_table_126/define_table_126.sh set -xuve cd ${SRCDIR}/ifs-36r4 if ${MODEL_CLEAN} ; then make clean BUILD_ARCH=ecconf make realclean BUILD_ARCH=ecconf make dep-clean BUILD_ARCH=ecconf fi make -j ${MAKE_NUMPROC} BUILD_ARCH=ecconf lib make BUILD_ARCH=ecconf master [ -f ${SRCDIR}/ifs*/bin/ifsmaster* ] || exit 1 fi # 6) Amip if $(has_config amip) then cd ${SRCDIR}/amip-forcing/src if ${MODEL_CLEAN} ; then make clean ; fi make [ -f ${SRCDIR}/amip*/bin/amip* ] || exit 1 fi # 7) LPJ-Guess if $(has_config lpjg) then cd ${SRCDIR}/lpjg/build set +xuve module load cmake [ ${HPCARCH} == 'marenostrum4' ] && module load grib/1.14.0 set -xuve cmake .. if ${MODEL_CLEAN} ; then make clean ; fi make cd ${SRCDIR}/lpjg/offline make [ -f ${SRCDIR}/lpjg/build/guess_T255 ] || exit 1 fi # 8) TM5 # currently does not work, make does not expand the $exp_name in ECEARTH_SRC_DIR definition in ecconfig-ecearth3.rc if $(has_config tm5) then cd ${SRCDIR}/tm5mp/ #export PATH=${PATH}:${SRCDIR}/util/makedepf90/bin/:$PATH ./setup_tm5 -n -v -j ${MAKE_NUMPROC} ecconfig-ecearth3.rc [ -f ${PROJDIR}/sources/sources/tm5mp*/build/appl-tm5.x* ] || exit 1 fi # 9) ELPiN if $(has_config elpin) then cd ${SRCDIR}/util/ELPiN/ make clean make fi echo "Finished compiling" set +xuve # # workaround for intelremotemond process started when compiling with # intel compilers (maybe only on MN3 ?) # set +e if [ ${HPCARCH} == 'nord3' ] ; then (! pidof intelremotemond) || killall -u ${USER} intelremotemond ; fi