!=============================================== ! compiler information (GNU compiler [gfortran]) !=============================================== ! Gfortran compiler: do not include a compiler.rc, since CRAY uses ftn ! wrapper. Just set flags here. Flags dedicated to hardware are normally ! already included in the ftn wrapper. compiler.fc : ftn compiler.f77 : ${compiler.fc} compiler.fc.openmp : ${compiler.fc} mpi.compiler.fc : ${compiler.fc} mpi.compiler.fc.openmp : ${compiler.fc} ! GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.8.2 20131016 (Cray Inc.) compiler.getversion_flag : --version compiler.flags.default.fflags : -ffree-line-length-none -cpp -fimplicit-none compiler.flags.default.ldflags : compiler.flags.real8.fflags : -fdefault-real-8 compiler.flags.real8.ldflags : compiler.flags.mpi.fflags : compiler.flags.mpi.ldflags : compiler.flags.openmp.fflags : -fopenmp compiler.flags.openmp.ldflags : -fopenmp compiler.flags.optim-none.fflags : -O0 compiler.flags.optim-none.ldflags : ! for bit reproducibility (-fno-fast-math instead?) compiler.flags.optim-strict.fflags : -O2 -mavx -ftree-vectorize -ffast-math -funroll-loops compiler.flags.optim-strict.ldflags : ! -O3 = O2 plus -finline-functions, -funswitch-loops, -fpredictive-commoning, -fgcse-after-reload, -ftree-loop-vectorize, -ftree-loop-distribute-patterns, -ftree-slp-vectorize, -fvect-cost-model, -ftree-partial-pre and -fipa-cp-clone options. ! -Ofast = O3 plus -ffast-math -fno-protect-parens and -fstack-arrays compiler.flags.optim-fast.fflags : -Ofast -mavx -funroll-loops compiler.flags.optim-fast.ldflags : -Ofast compiler.flags.optim-vfast.fflags : -O5 compiler.flags.optim-vfast.ldflags : compiler.flags.check-all.fflags : -Wall -fcheck=all -ffpe-trap=zero,invalid compiler.flags.check-all.ldflags : compiler.flags.debug.fflags : -fmax-errors=0 -g -fdump-core -fbacktrace -O0 compiler.flags.debug.ldflags : !=============================================== ! libraries !=============================================== ! fnt is a wrapper, which already knows all libraries locations. Then we just need to specify the flags here. ! Z library (used for compression in HDF) compiler.lib.z.fflags : compiler.lib.z.libs : -lz ! JPEG library (used for compression in HDF) compiler.lib.jpeg.fflags : compiler.lib.jpeg.libs : -ljpeg ! SZ library (used for compression in HDF) SZIP_VERSION : SZIP_HOME : compiler.lib.sz.fflags : compiler.lib.sz.libs : ! HDF4 library: HDF_VERSION : HDF_HOME : compiler.lib.hdf4.fflags : compiler.lib.hdf4.libs : ! HDF5 library: HDF5_VERSION : HDF5_HOME : compiler.lib.hdf5.fflags : compiler.lib.hdf5.libs : -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 ! HDF5 library with parallel features enabled: HDF5_PAR_VERSION : HDF5_PAR_HOME : compiler.lib.hdf5_par.fflags : compiler.lib.hdf5_par.libs : -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 ! NetCDF library: NETCDF_VERSION : NETCDF_HOME : compiler.lib.netcdf.fflags : compiler.lib.netcdf.libs : -lnetcdff -lnetcdf ! NetCDF4 library: NETCDF4_VERSION : NETCDF4_HOME : compiler.lib.netcdf4.fflags : compiler.lib.netcdf4.libs : -lnetcdff -lnetcdf ! NetCDF4 library with parallel features enabled: NETCDF4_PAR_VERSION : NETCDF4_PAR_HOME : compiler.lib.netcdf4_par.fflags : compiler.lib.netcdf4_par.libs : -lnetcdff -lnetcdf ! UDUNITS v1.x library (not available) UDUNITS_HOME : compiler.lib.udunits1.fflags : -I${UDUNITS_HOME}/include compiler.lib.udunits1.libs : -L${UDUNITS_HOME}/lib -ludunits ! UDUNITS v2.x library (available through module, nothing to specify here) compiler.lib.udunits2.fflags : compiler.lib.udunits2.libs : ! OASIS3 library ( ${ECEARTH} is defined in your environment ) ! Bother with this only if we are within EC-Earth #if "oasis3" in "${my.tm5.define}": OASIS3_ARCH : aix OASIS3_MPIV : MPI1 OASIS3_HOME : ${ECEARTH}/oasis3/prism_2-5/prism/${OASIS3_ARCH} compiler.lib.oasis3.fflags : -I${OASIS3_HOME}/build/lib/psmile.${OASIS3_MPIV} compiler.lib.oasis3.libs : -L${OASIS3_HOME}/lib -lpsmile.${OASIS3_MPIV} -lmpp_io #endif ! MPI library compiler.lib.mpi.fflags : compiler.lib.mpi.libs : ! GRIBEX library compiler.lib.gribex.fflags : compiler.lib.gribex.libs : ! GRIB-API library compiler.lib.grib_api.fflags : ${GRIB_API_INCLUDE} compiler.lib.grib_api.libs : ${GRIB_API_LIB} ! LAPACK library: compiler.lib.lapack.fflags : compiler.lib.lapack.libs : !=============================================================== ! SETTINGS FOR BATCH SCHEDULER (qsub,bsub,loadleveler,slurm,pbs) !=============================================================== queue : pbs ! passed directly to qsub command queue.pbs.submit.options : ! keep default for now. May become an option if needed hyperthread : 2 ! number of tasks (trap non-MPI cases) #if "${par.mpi}" in ["T","True"] : my.queue.ntask : ${par.ntask} #else my.queue.ntask : 1 #endif ! number of threads (trap non-OpenMP cases) #if "${par.openmp}" in ["T","True"] : my.queue.nthread : ${par.nthread} #else my.queue.nthread : 1 #endif !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! PBS queue options: if set to , it is skipped, to it is set in ! the python script. If empty it is used as 'option without ! argument'. ! ! "l" option has special treatment: it is seen as a space- ! separated list of options itself, and is skipped if empty. ! ! See bin/submit_tm5_tools.py/QueueOptions_PBS for details. !----------------------------------------------- ! ** queue options with same value for ALL steps !----------------------------------------------- ! space seperated list: queue.pbs.options.all : j m l ! shell (DO NOT USE IT! KEPT HERE TO REMEMBER) queue.pbs.option.all.S : /opt/pbs/default/bin/pbs_python ! join output/error log: oe (joined in out) | eo (joined in err) | n (not joined) queue.pbs.option.all.j : oe ! when to send emails : a (abort) | b (begin) | e (end) | n (never) queue.pbs.option.all.m : n ! pass environment (ECMWF doc says to be careful) queue.pbs.option.all.V : ! account (to overwrite default one attached to $USER) #if ("${my.queue.account}" == ""): queue.pbs.option.all.l : #else queue.pbs.option.all.l : EC_billing_account=${my.queue.account} #endif !------------------------------------------------ ! ** queue options with different values per step !------------------------------------------------ ! list options per step: queue.pbs.options.init : N q o l queue.pbs.options.run : N q o l queue.pbs.options.done : N q o ! ~~~~~ step init options queue.pbs.option.init.q : ns queue.pbs.option.init.N : ${job.name}_init queue.pbs.option.init.o : queue.pbs.option.init.l : EC_ecfs=1 ! ~~~~~ step done options queue.pbs.option.done.q : ns queue.pbs.option.done.N : ${job.name}_done queue.pbs.option.done.o : queue.pbs.option.done.W : block=true ! ~~~~~ step run options queue.pbs.option.run.N : ${job.name}_run queue.pbs.option.run.o : ! check if run step's gonna be fractional (nf) or full (nq) node occupancy, ! which depends on: hyperthreading (1 or 2), ntasks and nthreads #if (${my.queue.ntask}*${my.queue.nthread} == 1 ) : queue.pbs.option.run.q : ns module.cmd: #elif (${my.queue.ntask}*${my.queue.nthread} > ${hyperthread}*12 ) : queue.pbs.option.run.q : np module.cmd: #else queue.pbs.option.run.q : nf ! NOTE: the module command, even with the qualified path, is not found in the ! python script. It is here just to put mpiexec on the $PATH - so we revert to ! using the fully qualified path for mpiexec hereafter. module.cmd: !module.cmd: /opt/modules/ bash load cray-snplauncher #endif #if (${my.queue.nthread} > 1): queue.pbs.option.run.l : EC_total_tasks=${my.queue.ntask} EC_threads_per_task=${my.queue.nthread} EC_hyperthreads=${hyperthread} #else queue.pbs.option.run.l : EC_total_tasks=${my.queue.ntask} EC_hyperthreads=${hyperthread} #endif queue.pbs.option.run.W : block=true ! TODO if needed: Resources (thru -l EC_memory_per_task) !queue.pbs.option.run.resources : ${my.resource.memory} !=============================================== ! make !=============================================== ! the setup script will insert the 'build.jobs' specified in the expert.rc ! or passed as argument to the setup script: maker : gmake -j %{build.jobs} ! Submit compilation with a job script? ! - if F (default), pycasso calls the ${maker} ! - if T, then compilation is submitted according to "submit.to" key (default ! of which is set in expert.rc, and can be overwritten at the CLI): either "queue", or foreground. ! ! "my.queue.make" is set in the main rc file (so user can switch it on/off from there). ! build.make.submit : ${my.queue.make} ! sub options: assume that %{build.jobs} is less than 24 (default is set in expert, probably to 8) queue.pbs.options.build : N q o l queue.pbs.option.build.q : nf queue.pbs.option.build.N : build-tm queue.pbs.option.build.o : queue.pbs.option.build.l : EC_total_tasks=${build.jobs} EC_hyperthreads=1 !========================================================================== ! MPI runner (LUCKILY, THE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ARE **NOT** EXPANDED UNTIL ! SCRIPTS ARE SUBMITTED). Depends on: ! (1) pure openMP, pure MPI or hybrid runs ! (2) node occupancy: fractional or full (see above) !========================================================================== #if "${queue.pbs.option.run.q}" == "np": mpirun.command : aprun #if (${my.queue.nthread} > 1): ! Hybrid (TODO: does it covers pure openMP?) mpirun.args : -N $EC_tasks_per_node -n $EC_total_tasks -d $OMP_NUM_THREADS -j $EC_hyperthreads #else !pure MPI mpirun.args : -N $EC_tasks_per_node -n $EC_total_tasks -j $EC_hyperthreads #endif #else mpirun.command : /opt/cray/snplauncher/6.3.1/bin/mpiexec ! pure MPI only. TODO: hybrid, and pure openMP mpirun.args : -n $EC_total_tasks #endif ! name of command and host files (leave empty to not write): mpirun.cmdfile : mpirun.hostfile : !=============================================== ! debugger (FIXME) !=============================================== ! debugger type: totalview | idb | kdbg debugger : totalview ! command for debugger: debugger.command : totalview -searchPath=${build.sourcedir} !debugger.command : totalview !=============================================== ! model data !=============================================== ! the user scratch directory: my.scratch : ${SCRATCH} ! base path to various data files (static): my.data.dir : /perm/ms/nl/nm6/TM5_INPUT ! permanent archives to search for meteo files: #if "${my.meteo.format}" == "tm5-nc" my.meteo.search : ecfs:/nlh/TM/meteo-nc #else my.meteo.search : ecfs:/nlh/TM/meteo #endif ! extra install tasks: my.install.tasks :