#include "tm5.inc" #ifdef with_budgets SUBROUTINE m7_dconc (kproma, kbdim, klev, paerml, paernl, pm6dry, pprocess) #else SUBROUTINE m7_dconc (kproma, kbdim, klev, paerml, paernl, pm6dry) #endif ! ! *m7_dconc* changes aerosol numbers and masses to account for ! condensational growth of the mode mean radii ! ! Authors: ! -------- ! J. Wilson and E. Vignati, JRC (original source) May 2000 ! P. Stier, MPI-MET (f90 version, changes, comments) 2001 ! ! Purpose: ! -------- ! This routine repartitions aerosol number and mass between the ! the modes to account for condensational growth and the formation ! of an accumulation mode from the upper tail of the aitken mode. ! ! Interface: ! ---------- ! *m7_dconc* is called from *m7* ! ! Method: ! ------- ! The routine calculates the cumulativ number and mass distribution of the ! modes up to the respective mode boundary: ! ! / x _ ! N | 1 1 ln(R)-ln(R) 2 ! N(0,x) = --------- | -------- exp(- - ( ----------- ) ) d ln(R) ! ln(sigma) | sqrt(2PI) 2 ln(sigma) ! / 0 ! ! /tx 2 ! | 1 t ! = N | -------- exp(- - ) d t ! | sqrt(2PI) 2 ! /-inf ! ! where: ! ! _ ! ln(R)-ln(R) ! t = ----------- ! ln(sigma) ! ! and: ! _ ! ln(x)-ln(R) ! tx = ----------- ! ln(sigma) ! _ ! R is the Count Mean Radius or the Mass Mean Radius. ! ! Practically, the routine m7_cumnor calculates the fraction of the number and ! mass distribution for each mode lying below the respective upper mode boundary (1). ! In a next step the net fraction of each mode lying between the upper and lower ! mode boundaries are summed up (2) and the numbers and masses exceeding the mode ! boundaries are transfered to the neighboring larger mode (3). ! Finally, these quantities are stored in the respective arrays ! paernl and paerml (4). ! The repartititioning is currently only done for the soluble modes as it is ! assumed that insoluble modes are rather transfered to the soluble modes ! and grow as soluble particles. ! ! Externals: ! ---------- ! None ! !--- Parameter list: ! ! paerml(kbdim,klev,naermod)= total aerosol mass for each compound ! [molec. cm-3 for sulfate and ug m-3 for others] ! paernl(kbdim,klev,nmod) = aerosol number for each mode [cm-3] ! ! sigma(jmod) = standard deviation of mode jmod [1] ! crdiv = threshold radii between the different modes [cm] ! crdiv(jmod) is the lower bound and crdiv(jmod+1) is ! the upper bound of the respective mode ! !--- Local Variables: ! ! zfconn(:,:,jnum,jmod) = absolute fraction of the number of particles in mode jmod, ! with CMD=2*pm6dry(jmod) and a geometric standard ! deviation zrcsig, that are smaller than crdiv(jnum+1). ! I.e. with 0 < CMD < crdiv(jnum+1) [1] ! zfconm(:,:,jnum,jmod) = absolute fraction of the mass in mode jmod, ! with CMD=2*pm6dry(jmod) and a geometric standard ! deviation zrcsig, that are smaller than crdiv(jnum+1). ! I.e. with 0 < CMD < crdiv(jnum+1) [1] USE mo_kind, ONLY: wp USE mo_aero_m7, ONLY: sigma, crdiv, & nmod, naermod, nsol, & iso4ns,iso4ks, iso4as,& ibcks, ibcas, ibccs, & iocks, iocas, ioccs, & isoans, isoaks, isoaas, isoacs,& issas, isscs, & iduas, iducs, & pi, avo, wh2so4,& dh2so4,dbc, doc, & dnacl, ddust, & cmr2ram,cmedr2mmedr #ifdef with_budgets Use M7_Data, only: nm7procs #endif IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: kproma, kbdim, klev REAL :: paerml(kbdim,klev,naermod), paernl(kbdim,klev,nmod), & pm6dry(kbdim,klev,nsol) #ifdef with_budgets Real :: pprocess(kbdim,klev,nm7procs) #endif ! Local variables: ! INTEGER :: jmod, jnum, jl, jk REAL :: zrcsig, zarg1, zarg2, zdpmm, zdpcm, & zarg3, zdpam, zcongn, zcongm, zdummy, & zr1, zr2, zttnj, zavnj, zmrj, & zmt, znt, zavmt, zmcr, zfconmj, & zntnew, zmtnew, zdm, zeps REAL :: zambc2(4), zambc3(4), zambc4(4), & zamoc2(4), zamoc3(4), zamoc4(4),& zamsoa1(4), zamsoa2(4), zamsoa3(4), zamsoa4(4), & zamss3(4), zamss4(4), & zamdu3(4), zamdu4(4) REAL :: ztotmass(kbdim,klev) REAL :: zsumn(kbdim,klev,nmod), zsumm(kbdim,klev,nmod), & zsumbc(kbdim,klev,3), zsumoc(kbdim,klev,3), & zsumsoa(kbdim,klev,4), & zsumss(kbdim,klev,2), zsumdu(kbdim,klev,2) REAL :: zfconn(kbdim,klev,nsol,nsol), zfconm(kbdim,klev,nsol,nsol) !--- 0) Initialisations: ---------------------------------------------------------- zeps=EPSILON(1.0_wp) zsumn(:,:,:) = 0. zsumm(:,:,:) = 0. zsumbc(:,:,:) = 0. zsumoc(:,:,:) = 0. zsumsoa(:,:,:) = 0. zsumss(:,:,:) = 0. zsumdu(:,:,:) = 0. zfconm(:,:,:,:) = 0. zfconn(:,:,:,:) = 0. ! !--- 1) Identify how much the mode jmod has grown into the next higher mode ------- ! DO jmod=1,nsol-1 !--- Total mass of the mode in equivalent molecules of sulfate: SELECT CASE(jmod) CASE(1) ztotmass(1:kproma,:) = paerml(1:kproma,:,iso4ns)+ & paerml(1:kproma,:,isoans)/doc & *dh2so4/wh2so4*avo*1.E-12 CASE(2) ztotmass(1:kproma,:) = paerml(1:kproma,:,iso4ks) + & (paerml(1:kproma,:,ibcks)/dbc+(paerml(1:kproma,:,iocks)+paerml(1:kproma,:,isoaks))/doc) & *dh2so4/wh2so4*avo*1.E-12 CASE(3) ztotmass(1:kproma,:) = paerml(1:kproma,:,iso4as) + & (paerml(1:kproma,:,ibcas)/dbc+(paerml(1:kproma,:,iocas)+paerml(1:kproma,:,isoaas))/doc+ & paerml(1:kproma,:,issas)/dnacl+paerml(1:kproma,:,iduas)/ddust) & *dh2so4/wh2so4*avo*1.E-12 END SELECT DO jnum=jmod,nsol-1 DO jk=1,klev DO jl=1,kproma IF (paernl(jl,jk,jmod) .GT. zeps .AND. pm6dry(jl,jk,jmod) .GT. 0.0) THEN !--- 1.1) Calculate necessary parameters: !--- Geometric Standard Deviation: zrcsig=LOG(sigma(jmod)) !--- Mass Median Radius: zarg1=pm6dry(jl,jk,jmod)*cmedr2mmedr(jmod) !--- Count Median Radius: zarg2=pm6dry(jl,jk,jmod) !--- Threshold radius between the modes: zarg3=crdiv(jnum+1) !--- Transfer to logarithmic scale: zdpmm=LOG(zarg1) zdpcm=LOG(zarg2) zdpam=LOG(zarg3) !--- Distance of the CMD of the mode from the threshold mode ! diameter in terms of geometric standard deviations: zcongn=(zdpam-zdpcm)/zrcsig !--- Distance of the MMD of the mode from the threshold mode ! diameter in terms of geometric standard deviations (t): zcongm=(zdpam-zdpmm)/zrcsig !--- Calculate the cumulative of the log-normal number distribution: CALL m7_cumnor(zcongn,zfconn(jl,jk,jnum,jmod),zdummy) !--- Limit transfer only to adjacent modes: IF (jnum .GT. jmod) THEN zfconn(jl,jk,jnum,jmod)= 1.0 END IF !--- Set minimum radius and maximum radius: zr1 = crdiv(jmod) zr2 = crdiv(jmod+1) !--- Radius of average mass for a lognormal distribution zdm = EXP((LOG(zr1)+LOG(zr2))/2.0)*cmr2ram(jmod) !--- Average mass contained in the mode zttnj = ztotmass(jl,jk)/paernl(jl,jk,jmod) !--- Average number of sulfate molecules or equivalent for mixed modes, ! for a particle with radius zdm zavnj=zdm**3.0*pi*avo*dh2so4/wh2so4/0.75 !--- If the average mass contained in the mode is larger than the average mass ! for a particle with radius zdm, the transfer of number and mass is done, ! else there is no transfer IF (zttnj .GT. zavnj .AND. jnum .EQ. jmod) THEN !--- Mass remaining in the mode zmrj=zfconn(jl,jk,jnum,jmod)*paernl(jl,jk,jmod)*zavnj !--- Mass transferred zmt=ztotmass(jl,jk)-zmrj !--- Numbers transferred znt=(1.0-zfconn(jl,jk,jnum,jmod))*paernl(jl,jk,jmod) !--- Average mass of particles transferred IF(znt>zeps) THEN zavmt=zmt/znt ELSE zavmt=0. END IF !--- Average mass of particles of radius zr2 zmcr=(zr2*cmr2ram(jmod))**3.0*pi*avo*dh2so4/wh2so4/0.75 !--- If the average mass of particle transferred is smaller than the average mass ! mass of particles with radius zr2 then reduce the particles transferred ! so that zavmt=zmcr, else calculate the mass fraction transferred zfconmj IF (zavmt .GE. zmcr) THEN zfconmj=zmrj/ztotmass(jl,jk) ELSE if ( zavmt == zavnj ) then zntnew = 0.0 else zntnew = znt/(1.0 + (zmcr-zavmt)/(zavmt-zavnj)) end if zmtnew = zntnew*zmcr zfconmj = 1.0 - zmtnew/ztotmass(jl,jk) zfconn(jl,jk,jnum,jmod) = 1.0 - zntnew/paernl(jl,jk,jmod) END IF zfconm(jl,jk,jnum,jmod)=zfconmj ELSE zfconn(jl,jk,jnum,jmod)=1. zfconm(jl,jk,jnum,jmod)=1. END IF ELSE zfconn(jl,jk,jnum,jmod)=1. zfconm(jl,jk,jnum,jmod)=1. END IF END DO END DO END DO END DO DO jmod=1,nsol DO jk=1,klev DO jl=1,kproma !--- 2) Calculate the net fraction of mode jmod that is transfered ------- ! to the mode jnew zfconn(:,:,jnew,jmod) : !--- Numbers: zfconn(jl,jk,4,jmod)=1.0 -zfconn(jl,jk,3,jmod) zfconn(jl,jk,3,jmod)=zfconn(jl,jk,3,jmod)-zfconn(jl,jk,2,jmod) zfconn(jl,jk,2,jmod)=zfconn(jl,jk,2,jmod)-zfconn(jl,jk,1,jmod) !--- Mass: zfconm(jl,jk,4,jmod)=1.0 -zfconm(jl,jk,3,jmod) zfconm(jl,jk,3,jmod)=zfconm(jl,jk,3,jmod)-zfconm(jl,jk,2,jmod) zfconm(jl,jk,2,jmod)=zfconm(jl,jk,2,jmod)-zfconm(jl,jk,1,jmod) !--- 3) Sum the net masses and numbers transfered between the modes: ----- !--- 3.1) Soluble mode numbers and sulfate mass: zsumn(jl,jk,1)=zsumn(jl,jk,1)+paernl(jl,jk,jmod)*zfconn(jl,jk,1,jmod) zsumm(jl,jk,1)=zsumm(jl,jk,1)+paerml(jl,jk,jmod)*zfconm(jl,jk,1,jmod) zsumn(jl,jk,2)=zsumn(jl,jk,2)+paernl(jl,jk,jmod)*zfconn(jl,jk,2,jmod) zsumm(jl,jk,2)=zsumm(jl,jk,2)+paerml(jl,jk,jmod)*zfconm(jl,jk,2,jmod) zsumn(jl,jk,3)=zsumn(jl,jk,3)+paernl(jl,jk,jmod)*zfconn(jl,jk,3,jmod) zsumm(jl,jk,3)=zsumm(jl,jk,3)+paerml(jl,jk,jmod)*zfconm(jl,jk,3,jmod) zsumn(jl,jk,4)=zsumn(jl,jk,4)+paernl(jl,jk,jmod)*zfconn(jl,jk,4,jmod) zsumm(jl,jk,4)=zsumm(jl,jk,4)+paerml(jl,jk,jmod)*zfconm(jl,jk,4,jmod) END DO END DO END DO DO jk=1,klev DO jl=1,kproma !--- 3.2) Non-sulfate masses: zambc2(2)=paerml(jl,jk,ibcks)*zfconm(jl,jk,2,2) zambc2(3)=paerml(jl,jk,ibcks)*zfconm(jl,jk,3,2) zambc2(4)=paerml(jl,jk,ibcks)*zfconm(jl,jk,4,2) zamsoa1(1)=paerml(jl,jk,isoans)*zfconm(jl,jk,1,1) zamsoa1(2)=paerml(jl,jk,isoans)*zfconm(jl,jk,2,1) zamsoa1(3)=paerml(jl,jk,isoans)*zfconm(jl,jk,3,1) zamsoa1(4)=paerml(jl,jk,isoans)*zfconm(jl,jk,4,1) zamoc2(2)=paerml(jl,jk,iocks)*zfconm(jl,jk,2,2) zamoc2(3)=paerml(jl,jk,iocks)*zfconm(jl,jk,3,2) zamoc2(4)=paerml(jl,jk,iocks)*zfconm(jl,jk,4,2) zamsoa2(2)=paerml(jl,jk,isoaks)*zfconm(jl,jk,2,2) zamsoa2(3)=paerml(jl,jk,isoaks)*zfconm(jl,jk,3,2) zamsoa2(4)=paerml(jl,jk,isoaks)*zfconm(jl,jk,4,2) zambc3(3)=paerml(jl,jk,ibcas)*zfconm(jl,jk,3,3) zambc3(4)=paerml(jl,jk,ibcas)*zfconm(jl,jk,4,3) zamoc3(3)=paerml(jl,jk,iocas)*zfconm(jl,jk,3,3) zamoc3(4)=paerml(jl,jk,iocas)*zfconm(jl,jk,4,3) zamsoa3(3)=paerml(jl,jk,isoaas)*zfconm(jl,jk,3,3) zamsoa3(4)=paerml(jl,jk,isoaas)*zfconm(jl,jk,4,3) zambc4(4)=paerml(jl,jk,ibccs) zamoc4(4)=paerml(jl,jk,ioccs) zamsoa4(4)=paerml(jl,jk,isoacs) zamss3(3)=paerml(jl,jk,issas)*zfconm(jl,jk,3,3) zamss3(4)=paerml(jl,jk,issas)*zfconm(jl,jk,4,3) zamdu3(3)=paerml(jl,jk,iduas)*zfconm(jl,jk,3,3) zamdu3(4)=paerml(jl,jk,iduas)*zfconm(jl,jk,4,3) zamss4(4)=paerml(jl,jk,isscs) zamdu4(4)=paerml(jl,jk,iducs) zsumbc(jl,jk,1)=zambc2(2) zsumbc(jl,jk,2)=zambc2(3)+zambc3(3) zsumbc(jl,jk,3)=zambc2(4)+zambc3(4)+zambc4(4) zsumoc(jl,jk,1)=zamoc2(2) zsumoc(jl,jk,2)=zamoc2(3)+zamoc3(3) zsumoc(jl,jk,3)=zamoc2(4)+zamoc3(4)+zamoc4(4) zsumsoa(jl,jk,1)=zamsoa1(1) zsumsoa(jl,jk,2)=zamsoa2(2)+zamsoa1(2) zsumsoa(jl,jk,3)=zamsoa2(3)+zamsoa3(3)+zamsoa1(3) zsumsoa(jl,jk,4)=zamsoa2(4)+zamsoa3(4)+zamsoa4(4)+zamsoa1(4) zsumss(jl,jk,1)=zamss3(3) zsumss(jl,jk,2)=zamss3(4)+zamss4(4) zsumdu(jl,jk,1)=zamdu3(3) zsumdu(jl,jk,2)=zamdu3(4)+zamdu4(4) END DO END DO !--- 4) Store final masses and numbers of the modes: ------------------------ #ifdef with_budgets ! We have the results here. We can calculate the budget by first looking at the losses of mode 1 to get the growth 1->2, then 2->3 and so on. ! I add Max(0,...) to prevent negative rounding errors if the actual value is zero. They are ugly. pprocess(:,:,55) = Max(0.0,paernl(:,:,1) - zsumn(:,:,1)) ! Growth 1-2 N pprocess(:,:,56) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,1) - zsumm(:,:,1)) ! Growth 1-2 SU pprocess(:,:,85) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,isoans) - zsumsoa(:,:,1)) ! Growth 1-2 SOA pprocess(:,:,57) = Max(0.0,paernl(:,:,2) - zsumn(:,:,2) + pprocess(:,:,55)) ! Growth 2-3 N pprocess(:,:,58) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,2) - zsumm(:,:,2) + pprocess(:,:,56)) ! Growth 2-3 SU pprocess(:,:,59) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,ibcks) - zsumbc(:,:,1)) ! Growth 2-3 BC pprocess(:,:,60) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,iocks) - zsumoc(:,:,1)) ! Growth 2-3 OC pprocess(:,:,86) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,isoaks) - zsumsoa(:,:,2)) ! Growth 2-3 SOA pprocess(:,:,61) = Max(0.0,paernl(:,:,3) - zsumn(:,:,3) + pprocess(:,:,57)) ! Growth 3-4 N pprocess(:,:,62) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,3) - zsumm(:,:,3) + pprocess(:,:,58)) ! Growth 3-4 SU pprocess(:,:,63) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,ibcas) - zsumbc(:,:,2) + pprocess(:,:,59)) ! Growth 3-4 BC pprocess(:,:,64) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,iocas) - zsumoc(:,:,2) + pprocess(:,:,60)) ! Growth 3-4 OC pprocess(:,:,87) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,isoaas) - zsumsoa(:,:,3) + pprocess(:,:,68)) ! Growth 3-4 SOA pprocess(:,:,65) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,issas) - zsumss(:,:,1)) ! Growth 3-4 SS pprocess(:,:,66) = Max(0.0,paerml(:,:,iduas) - zsumdu(:,:,1)) ! Growth 3-4 DU #endif DO jmod=1,nsol DO jk=1,klev DO jl=1,kproma !--- Particle numbers: paernl(jl,jk,jmod)=zsumn(jl,jk,jmod) !--- Sulfate mass: paerml(jl,jk,jmod)=zsumm(jl,jk,jmod) END DO END DO END DO !--- Non sulfate masses: DO jk=1,klev DO jl=1,kproma paerml(jl,jk,ibcks)=zsumbc(jl,jk,1) paerml(jl,jk,ibcas)=zsumbc(jl,jk,2) paerml(jl,jk,ibccs)=zsumbc(jl,jk,3) paerml(jl,jk,iocks)=zsumoc(jl,jk,1) paerml(jl,jk,iocas)=zsumoc(jl,jk,2) paerml(jl,jk,ioccs)=zsumoc(jl,jk,3) paerml(jl,jk,isoans)=zsumsoa(jl,jk,1) paerml(jl,jk,isoaks)=zsumsoa(jl,jk,2) paerml(jl,jk,isoaas)=zsumsoa(jl,jk,3) paerml(jl,jk,isoacs)=zsumsoa(jl,jk,4) paerml(jl,jk,issas)=zsumss(jl,jk,1) paerml(jl,jk,isscs)=zsumss(jl,jk,2) paerml(jl,jk,iduas)=zsumdu(jl,jk,1) paerml(jl,jk,iducs)=zsumdu(jl,jk,2) END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE m7_dconc