""" PYCASSO User Scripts Do not change the arguments of the defined routines, only their content ! """ #------------------------------------------------- # arguments and options #------------------------------------------------- def DefineOptions( parser ) : """ Usage : DefineOptions( parser ) Define options supported by user scripts. Arugments: parser : optparse object """ # define flag to clean source code: parser.add_option( "-c", "--clean", help="Remove high level object and module files before " "compilation. Low level objects from for example the " "'file_hdf' sources are not removed to speedup " "re-compilation of the model. " "To have all objects removed, use the '--new' option " "to create a complete new build; in older scripts " "an option '-C' or '--clean-all' was defined for this.", dest="clean", action="store_true", default=False ) parser.add_option( "--steps", help="'stages list' (can contains: init, run, done, all) that overwrites job.steps from expert rc file.", dest="stages") # Useful options for coupling TM5 to EC-Earth parser.add_option("--time-start", help="'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mn:ss' that overwrites timerange.start of rc file.", dest="time_start") parser.add_option("--time-final", help="'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mn:ss' that overwrites timerange.end of rc file.", dest="time_end") parser.add_option("--istart", help="overwrite istart of rc file. No effect if empty string ''", dest="istart") return # * def StoreOptions( settings, values ) : """ Add the parsed flags ('values') to the 'settings' dictionary. The values have data fields with names defined by 'dest' in the previous calls to 'parser.add_option' . """ # translate options into a dictionairy if they should # replace rcfile values: if values.clean : settings['build.make.clean'] = True if values.stages != None : settings['job.steps'] = values.stages # Useful for EC-Earth if values.time_start != None : settings['timerange.start'] = values.time_start if values.time_end != None : settings['timerange.end' ] = values.time_end if values.time_start != None : settings['jobstep.timerange.start'] = values.time_start if values.time_end != None : settings['jobstep.timerange.end' ] = values.time_end if values.istart != None : if len(values.istart): settings['istart'] = values.istart return #------------------------------------------------- # source #------------------------------------------------- def Build_FlagGroups( rcf, basic=False ) : """ Return list of compiler flag groups to be used. """ # default : flaggroups = ['default','real8'] # add mpi ? if rcf.get('par.mpi','bool') : flaggroups.append('mpi') # Get full list of TM flags line = rcf.get('build.configure.flags').split() # Add 'debug' and 'check-all' to basics group if 'check-all' in line: flaggroups += ['check-all'] line.remove('check-all') if 'debug' in line: flaggroups += ['debug'] line.remove('debug') # include not standard flags ? if not basic : # add openmp ? if rcf.get('par.openmp','bool') : flaggroups.append('openmp') flaggroups += line ## add adjoint ? #if rcf.get('var4d','bool') : flaggroups.append('adj') return flaggroups # *** def Build_Define( rcf, macro_group, mdefs ) : """ Edit a list with macro's to be defined given the name of group of macro's and the other setings in the rcfile. """ # external: import logging # info ... logging.info( ' user script Build_Define for macro group %s ...' % macro_group ) # select on macro group name: if macro_group == 'tm5' : # macro to include checks on zooming; # required for zoom runs, but should be undefined # for runs without zooming to speedup the program: mac = 'with_zoom' # regions defined via a list in the rcfile ? if len(rcf.get('regions',default='')) > 0 : # number of regions: nregions = len(rcf.get('regions').split()) else : # the 'old' method defines the grid via source files; # key 'source.nregions' from the rcfile is used to set the actual number: nregions_text = rcf.get('source.nregions') # check for special value: if nregions_text == 'nregions_max' : nregions = 999 else : nregions = int(nregions_text) #endif #endif # zoom regions ? then if nregions > 1 : # define macro 'with_zoom' if not present yet: if mac not in mdefs : # add: mdefs.append( mac ) # info ... logging.info( ' defined %s ...' % mac ) #endif else : # no zooming, remove macro 'with_zoom' if present: if mac in mdefs : # remove: mdefs.remove( mac ) # info ... logging.info( ' undefined %s ...' % mac ) #endif #endif # macro's to enable MPI specific code: macs = ['MPI'] # loop: for mac in macs : # MPI enabled ? if rcf.get('par.mpi','bool') : # define macro 'with_zoom' if not present yet: if mac not in mdefs : # add: mdefs.append( mac ) # info ... logging.info( ' defined %s ...' % mac ) else : # MPI not enabled, remove if necessary: if mac in mdefs : # add: mdefs.remove( mac ) # info ... logging.info( ' undefined %s ...' % mac ) return mdefs # *** def Build_Configure( rcf ) : """ Configure a source code. This script is called from the source directory. Arguments: rcf : dictionairy with settings from rc file """ # external import logging # info ... logging.info( ' user script Build_Configure ...' ) # write grid definitions: Build_Configure_Grid( rcf ) # check on depricated stuff ... Build_Configure_Check( rcf ) return # * def Build_Configure_Grid( rcf ) : """ Write source files for grid definition. """ # external: import logging # info ... logging.info( ' user script Build_Configure_Grid ...' ) # regions are defined either by a list of region names ('regions') , # or the older method using 'source.nregions' and 'dims_grid.h' : if len(rcf.get('regions',default='')) > 0 : # write all source files: Build_Configure_Grid__regions( rcf ) elif rcf.has_key('source.nregions') : # write only number of regions to include file: Build_Configure_Grid__nregions( rcf ) else : logging.error( 'could not extract number of regions from rcfile settings;' ) logging.error( 'either "regions" or "source.nregions" should be defined' ) raise Exception return # * def Build_Configure_Grid__nregions( rcf ) : """ Write 'dims_grid.h' from rcfile settings. """ # external: import logging import pycasso_tools # info ... logging.info( ' user script Build_Configure_Grid__nregions ...' ) # which file to create ? srcfile = 'dims_grid.h' # info ... logging.info( ' create %s ...' % srcfile ) # number of regions; could be the name 'nregions_max', thus read as string: source_nregions = rcf.get('source.nregions') # fill lines: lines = [] lines.append( '!\n' ) lines.append( '! Define actual number of regions.\n' ) lines.append( '! Included by \'dims_grid.F90\'.\n' ) lines.append( '!\n' ) lines.append( 'integer, parameter :: nregions = %s\n' % source_nregions ) # update file if necessary ... pycasso_tools.update_text_file( srcfile, lines ) return # * def Build_Configure_Grid__regions( rcf ) : """ Write 'dims_grid.F90' from rcfile settings. """ # external: import logging import pycasso_tools # info ... logging.info( ' user script Build_Configure_Grid__regions ...' ) # which file to create ? srcfile = 'dims_grid.F90' # different versions could be made, depending on the release (former cycle); # get the target release, use ininite number ('latest' release) as default: build_release = rcf.get( 'build.configure.release', 'float', default=999.9 ) # info ... logging.info( ' create %s ...' % srcfile ) # model regions: regions = rcf.get('regions').split() # old or new style ... if build_release < 3.0 : # actual number: nregions = len(regions) # maximum length of grid names: len_region_name = max(map(len,regions)) # other ... maxref = rcf.get('region.maxref') dx = rcf.get('region.dx') dy = rcf.get('region.dy') dz = rcf.get('region.dz') # start with empty file: lines = [] lines.append( '!#################################################################\n' ) lines.append( '!\n' ) lines.append( '! Grids.\n' ) lines.append( '!\n' ) lines.append( '!### macro\'s #####################################################\n' ) lines.append( '!\n' ) lines.append( '#include "tm5.inc"\n' ) lines.append( '!\n' ) lines.append( '!#################################################################\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( 'module dims_grid\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' implicit none\n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' ! --- in/out ------------------------------\n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' public\n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' ! --- const -------------------------------\n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' ! Basic model definition: resolution etc. including some routines\n' ) lines.append( ' ! to fill the data structure.\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! basic (coarsest) resolution in degrees for x and y (dz default 1.0)\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' real, parameter :: dx = %s\n' % dx ) lines.append( ' real, parameter :: dy = %s\n' % dy ) lines.append( ' real, parameter :: dz = %s\n' % dz ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! Maximum number of zoom regions, \n' ) lines.append( ' ! including the basic (coarsest grid) region;\n' ) lines.append( ' ! arrays are allocated for each of these regions:\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: nregions_max = %i\n' % nregions ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' ! Actual number of zoom regions,\n' ) lines.append( ' ! during testing this could be set to 1 to quickly run the model.\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: nregions = %s\n' % nregions ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! region_name is used to recognise the METEO files\n' ) lines.append( ' ! region_name is also used in the HDF output file name\n' ) lines.append( ' ! region 1 should always be the global domain\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: len_region_name = %i\n' % len_region_name ) lines.append( ' character(len=len_region_name), parameter :: region_name(1:nregions) = &\n' ) line = ' (/ ' for i in range(len(regions)) : if i > 0 : line = line + ', ' fmt = "'%%-%is'" % len_region_name line = line + ( fmt % regions[i] ) #endfor lines.append( line+'/)\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! coordinates (in degrees) for each region:\n' ) lines.append( ' ! xcyc = 1 if the region has cyclic x-boundary conditions\n' ) lines.append( ' ! touch_np = 1 if region touches the north pole\n' ) lines.append( ' ! touch_sp = 1 if region touches the south pole\n' ) lines.append( ' ! xbeg : the westmost border of the region\n' ) lines.append( ' ! xend : the eastmost border of the region\n' ) lines.append( ' ! ybeg : the southmost border of the region\n' ) lines.append( ' ! yend : the northmost border of the region\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) fields = ['xcyc','touch_np','touch_sp','xbeg','xend','ybeg','yend','im','jm'] for ifield in range(len(fields)) : field = fields[ifield] line = ' integer, parameter :: %-8s(nregions) = (/ ' % field for iregion in range(len(regions)) : region = regions[iregion] if iregion > 0 : line = line + ', ' val = rcf.get( 'region.%s.%s' % (region,field) ) line = line + ( '%4i' % int(val) ) #endfor lines.append( line+' /)\n' ) #endfor lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! maximum refinement factor (can be arbitrary in principle):\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: maxref = %s\n' % maxref ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! refinement factors for each region (<= maxref)\n' ) lines.append( ' ! tref may differ from xref/yref. In the current \n' ) lines.append( ' ! implementation it should be 1,2,4,6,...\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) fields = ['xref','yref','zref','tref'] for ifield in range(len(fields)) : field = fields[ifield] line = ' integer, parameter :: %s(0:nregions) = (/ 1' % field for i in range(nregions) : #if i > 0 : line = line + ', ' line = line + ', ' val = rcf.get( 'region.%s.%s' % (regions[i],field) ) line = line + ( '%4i' % int(val) ) #endfor lines.append( line+' /)\n' ) #endfor lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! Define the parent of each region. \n' ) lines.append( ' ! Global region 1 should have parent 0 (globe single cell);\n' ) lines.append( ' ! global surface region should have parent 1 (global region).\n' ) line = ' integer, parameter :: parent(nregions) = (/ ' for i in range(nregions) : if i > 0 : line = line + ', ' val = rcf.get( 'region.%s.parent' % regions[i] ) if val == 'globe' : ireg = 0 else : ireg = regions.index(val) + 1 #endif line = line + ( '%i' % ireg ) #endfor lines.append( line+' /)\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( 'end module dims_grid\n' ) else : # release 3.0 and higher # maximum number of 'zooming' model regions: nregions_max = len(regions) # add global surface grid if necessary: region_glbsfc = rcf.get('region.glbsfc') if len(region_glbsfc) > 0 : regions = regions + [region_glbsfc] # all regions: nregions_all = len(regions) # start with global grid: regions = [rcf.get('region.globe')] + regions # actual number is the maximum ... nregions = 'nregions_max' # maximum length of grid names: len_region_name = max(map(len,regions)) # other ... maxref = rcf.get('region.maxref') dx = rcf.get('region.dx') dy = rcf.get('region.dy') dz = rcf.get('region.dz') # fill lines: lines = [] lines.append( '!#################################################################\n' ) lines.append( '!\n' ) lines.append( '! Grids.\n' ) lines.append( '!\n' ) lines.append( '!### macro\'s #####################################################\n' ) lines.append( '!\n' ) lines.append( '#include "tm5.inc"\n' ) lines.append( '!\n' ) lines.append( '!#################################################################\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( 'module dims_grid\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' implicit none\n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' ! --- in/out ------------------------------\n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' public\n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' ! --- const -------------------------------\n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' \n' ) lines.append( ' ! Basic model definition: resolution etc. including some routines\n' ) lines.append( ' ! to fill the data structure.\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! basic (coarsest) resolution in degrees for x and y (dz default 1.0)\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' real, parameter :: dx = %s\n' % dx ) lines.append( ' real, parameter :: dy = %s\n' % dy ) lines.append( ' real, parameter :: dz = %s\n' % dz ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! Maximum number of zoom regions, \n' ) lines.append( ' ! including the basic (coarsest grid) region;\n' ) lines.append( ' ! arrays are allocated for each of these regions:\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: nregions_max = %i\n' % nregions_max ) lines.append( ' \n' ) if len(region_glbsfc) > 0 : lines.append( ' ! extra grid:\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: nregions_all = nregions_max + 1\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: iglbsfc = nregions_max + 1\n' ) else : lines.append( ' ! no extra surface grid, use the global model grid for this:\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: nregions_all = nregions_max\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: iglbsfc = 1\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! Actual number of zoom regions,\n' ) lines.append( ' ! during testing this could be set to 1 to quickly run the model.\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: nregions = %s\n' % nregions ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! region_name is used to recognise the METEO files\n' ) lines.append( ' ! region_name is also used in the HDF output file name\n' ) lines.append( ' ! region 1 should always be the global domain\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: len_region_name = %i\n' % len_region_name ) lines.append( ' character(len=len_region_name), parameter :: region_name(0:nregions_all) = &\n' ) line = ' (/ ' for i in range(len(regions)) : if i > 0 : line = line + ', ' fmt = "'%%-%is'" % len_region_name line = line + ( fmt % regions[i] ) lines.append( line+'/)\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! coordinates (in degrees) for each region:\n' ) lines.append( ' ! xcyc = 1 if the region has cyclic x-boundary conditions\n' ) lines.append( ' ! touch_np = 1 if region touches the north pole\n' ) lines.append( ' ! touch_sp = 1 if region touches the south pole\n' ) lines.append( ' ! xbeg : the westmost border of the region\n' ) lines.append( ' ! xend : the eastmost border of the region\n' ) lines.append( ' ! ybeg : the southmost border of the region\n' ) lines.append( ' ! yend : the northmost border of the region\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) fields = ['xcyc','touch_np','touch_sp','xbeg','xend','ybeg','yend','im','jm'] for ifield in range(len(fields)) : field = fields[ifield] line = ' integer, parameter :: %-8s(0:nregions_all) = (/ ' % field for iregion in range(len(regions)) : region = regions[iregion] if iregion > 0 : line = line + ', ' val = rcf.get( 'region.%s.%s' % (region,field) ) line = line + ( '%4i' % int(val) ) lines.append( line+' /)\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! maximum refinement factor (can be arbitrary in principle):\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' integer, parameter :: maxref = %s\n' % maxref ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! refinement factors for each region (<= maxref)\n' ) lines.append( ' ! tref may differ from xref/yref. In the current \n' ) lines.append( ' ! implementation it should be 1,2,4,6,...\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) fields = ['xref','yref','zref','tref'] for ifield in range(len(fields)) : field = fields[ifield] line = ' integer, parameter :: %s(0:nregions_max) = (/ ' % field for i in range(0,nregions_max+1) : if i > 0 : line = line + ', ' val = rcf.get( 'region.%s.%s' % (regions[i],field) ) line = line + ( '%4i' % int(val) ) lines.append( line+' /)\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( ' ! Define the parent of each region. \n' ) lines.append( ' ! Global region 1 should have parent 0 (globe single cell);\n' ) lines.append( ' ! global surface region should have parent 1 (global region).\n' ) line = ' integer, parameter :: parent(1:nregions_all) = (/ ' for i in range(1,nregions_all+1) : if i > 1 : line = line + ', ' val = rcf.get( 'region.%s.parent' % regions[i] ) # check ... if val not in regions : logging.error( 'parent "%s" of region %i "%s" not in (extended) region list : %s' % (val,i,regions[i],regions) ) raise ValueError ireg = regions.index(val) line = line + ( '%i' % ireg ) lines.append( line+' /)\n' ) lines.append( '\n' ) lines.append( 'end module dims_grid\n' ) # update file if necessary ... pycasso_tools.update_text_file( srcfile, lines ) return # * def Build_Configure_Check( rcf ) : """ Check source file for undesired features. """ # external: import logging import os import fnmatch # info ... logging.info( ' user script Build_Configure_Check ...' ) # keywords for checks to be performed: checknames = rcf.get( 'build.configure.checks', default='' ) # empty ? then leave: if len(checknames) == 0 : return # error or just warnings ? with_error = rcf.get( 'build.configure.checks.error', 'bool', default=False ) # set flag: any_warning = False # list files: srcfiles = os.listdir( os.curdir ) srcfiles.sort() # loop over checks: for checkname in checknames.split() : # paterns: test_msg = rcf.get( 'build.configure.check.%s.msg' % checkname ) test_files = rcf.get( 'build.configure.check.%s.files' % checkname ).split() test_skip = rcf.get( 'build.configure.check.%s.skip' % checkname ).split() test_line = rcf.get( 'build.configure.check.%s.test' % checkname ) test_help = rcf.get( 'build.configure.check.%s.help' % checkname ) # set flags: matching_files = False # loop over files: for srcfile in srcfiles : # match with patern ? match = False for pat in test_files : match = match or fnmatch.fnmatch(srcfile,pat) if match : break if not match : continue # ... except if the name matches other patterns: match = False for pat in test_skip : match = match or fnmatch.fnmatch(srcfile,pat) if match : break if match : continue # read file: f = open( srcfile ) lines = f.readlines() f.close() # search for something that is there, or something that is not there ... if test_line.startswith('not') : # by default no match: match = False # loop over lines: for line in lines : # test on this line: match = match or (not eval( test_line )) # try next file after first match ... if match : break # check next file if the requested code was found: if match : continue # revert: match = not match else : # by default no match: match = False # loop over lines: for line in lines[0:20] : # test on this line: match = match or eval( test_line ) # leave after first match ... if match : break # found something ? if match : # info ... if not matching_files : logging.warning( ' %s : [found]' % test_msg ) logging.warning( ' %s' % srcfile ) # reset flags: matching_files = True any_warning = True # info ... if matching_files : # display error message ? if with_error : # display help text; split at '\n' for newlines: for helpline in test_help.split('\\n') : logging.warning(helpline) else : # no warnings for this test ... logging.info( ' %s [none ]' % test_msg ) # check for unknown macro's ? checkname = 'unknown_macro' flag = rcf.get( 'build.configure.check.%s' % checkname ) if flag : # settings: test_msg = rcf.get( 'build.configure.check.%s.msg' % checkname ) # names of macro groups: macgroups = rcf.get( 'build.configure.macro.groups' ).split() # collect all supported macro's: macall = [] for macgroup in macgroups : macs = rcf.get( 'build.configure.macro.%s.all' % macgroup ).split() macall = macall + macs # flag ... logged_msg = False # loop over files: for srcfile in srcfiles : # read file (only if not *.mod, *.o or directory): if os.path.isdir(srcfile) : continue if fnmatch.fnmatch(srcfile,"*.mod") : continue if fnmatch.fnmatch(srcfile,"*.o") : continue f = open( srcfile ) lines = f.readlines() f.close() # flags: logged_srcfile = False # loop over lines: for iline in range(len(lines)) : # current: line = lines[iline].strip() # macro test ? if line.startswith('#ifdef') or line.startswith('#ifndef') : # second element of line is macro name: mac = line.split()[1].strip() # not supported ? if mac not in macall : # test description if not done yet: if not logged_msg : logging.info( ' %s' % test_msg ) logged_msg = True #endif # intro if necessary: if not logged_srcfile : logging.error( ' unsupported macro(s) in %s :' % srcfile ) logged_srcfile = True #endif # line number and content: logging.error( ' %6i : %s' % (iline,line) ) # set flag: any_warning = True # jippy ... if not logged_msg : # no warnings for this test ... logging.info( ' %s [none ]' % test_msg ) # break ? if any_warning and with_error : logging.error( 'some source code checks failed; break' ) logging.error( '(set "build.configure.checks.error : False" in the expert.rc to avoid this error)' ) raise Exception return # *** def Build_Compiler( rcf ) : """ Set compiler and linker names. Usually it is enough to read the name from the rcfile, but some compiler families have aliases for compilation with MPI or OpenMP enabled. Arguments: rcf : dictionary with settings from rc file Return values: fc,linker """ # external import logging import go_subprocess # info ... logging.info( ' user script Build_Compiler ...' ) # extract compiler name: fc = rcf.get('compiler.fc') # or supporting openmp ? if rcf.get('par.openmp','bool') : fc = rcf.get( 'compiler.fc.openmp' ) # or with mpi support ? if rcf.get('par.mpi','bool') : # extract compiler name: fc = rcf.get( 'mpi.compiler.fc' ) # or supporting openmp ? if rcf.get('par.openmp','bool') : fc = rcf.get( 'mpi.compiler.fc.openmp' ) # f77 compiler, by default the same as fc: f77 = rcf.get( 'compiler.f77', default=fc ) # assume linker is the same: linker = fc # Get compiler version too version = rcf.get('compiler.getversion_flag', default='--version') cmd=fc.split() # avoid space in fc (else problem without shell=True) cmd.append(version) # info ... logging.debug( ' fortran compiler : %s' % fc ) try: fcv = go_subprocess.call(cmd) if len(fcv.stdout) > 0 : logging.debug( ' compiler version : %s' % fcv.stdout ) if len(fcv.stderr) > 0 : logging.debug( ' compiler version : %s' % fcv.stderr ) except: logging.debug( "You may set the correct key 'compiler.getversion_flag' to retrieve compiler's version.") logging.debug( ' linker : %s' % linker ) return fc,f77,linker def Build_Make( rcf ) : """ Make and install an executable. This script is called from the source directory. Arguments: rcf : dictionary with settings from rc file """ # external import sys import os import logging # tools: import go import submit_tm5_tools # remove old object files ? clean = rcf.get('build.make.clean','bool',default=False) if clean : # info ... logging.debug( ' make clean ...' ) # loop over all files: for f in os.listdir(os.curdir) : # remove ? if f.endswith('.o') or f.endswith('.mod') : # skip the most basic toolboxes .. if f.startswith('parray' ) : continue if f.startswith('file_hdf' ) : continue if f.startswith('mdf' ) : continue if f.startswith('file_grib') : continue if f.startswith('go' ) : continue if f.startswith('binas' ) : continue if f.startswith('num' ) : continue if f.startswith('phys' ) : continue if f.startswith('grid' ) : continue if f.startswith('tmm' ) : continue # info ... logging.debug( ' remove %s ...' % f ) # remove: os.remove(f) # module dir ? mdir = rcf.get('compiler.mdir',default='None') if mdir != 'None' : # not present yet ? then create: if not os.path.exists( mdir ) : os.makedirs( mdir ) # info ... logging.debug( ' make ...' ) # number of jobs available for make: build_jobs = rcf.get( 'build.jobs', default='' ) # get maker command; replace some keys: maker = rcf.get('maker').replace('%{build.jobs}',build_jobs) # get target executable: exe = rcf.get('build.make.exec') # full command: command = maker.split()+['-f','Makefile',exe] # Compile in the foreground or in the queue if rcf.get('build.make.submit','bool', default=False) and rcf.get('submit.to')=='queue': dummy = rcf.replace('submit.auto', False) # do not try to run while compiling! dummy = submit_tm5_tools.WriteAndSubmitBuildJob(rcf, command) else: logging.debug( ' run command: %s' % str(command) ) p = go.subprocess.watch_call( command ) return