MODULE obs_inter_sup !!===================================================================== !! *** MODULE obs_inter_sup *** !! Observation diagnostics: Support for interpolation !!===================================================================== !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! obs_int_comm_3d : Get 3D interpolation stencil !! obs_int_comm_2d : Get 2D interpolation stencil !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE wrk_nemo ! Memory Allocation USE par_kind ! Precision variables USE dom_oce ! Domain variables USE mpp_map ! Map of processor points USE lib_mpp ! MPP stuff USE obs_mpp ! MPP stuff for observations USE obs_grid ! Grid tools USE in_out_manager ! I/O stuff IMPLICIT NONE !! * Routine accessibility PRIVATE PUBLIC obs_int_comm_3d, & ! Get 3D interpolation stencil & obs_int_comm_2d ! Get 2D interpolation stencil !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id: obs_inter_sup.F90 3294 2012-01-28 16:44:18Z rblod $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE obs_int_comm_3d( kptsi, kptsj, kobs, kpk, kgrdi, kgrdj, & & pval, pgval, kproc ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_int_comm_3d *** !! !! ** Purpose : Get 3D interpolation stencil !! !! ** Method : Either on-demand communication with !! obs_int_comm_3d_global !! or local memory with !! obs_int_comm_3D_local !! depending on ln_global_grid !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 08-02 (K. Mogensen) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kptsi ! Number of i horizontal points per stencil INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kptsj ! Number of j horizontal points per stencil INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kobs ! Local number of observations INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kpk ! Number of levels INTEGER, DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kobs), INTENT(IN) :: & & kgrdi, & ! i,j indicies for each stencil & kgrdj INTEGER, OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kobs), INTENT(IN) :: & & kproc ! Precomputed processor for each i,j,iobs points REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,kpk), INTENT(IN) ::& & pval ! Local 3D array to extract data from REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kpk,kobs), INTENT(OUT) ::& & pgval ! Stencil at each point !! * Local declarations IF (ln_grid_global) THEN IF (PRESENT(kproc)) THEN CALL obs_int_comm_3d_global( kptsi, kptsj, kobs, kpk, kgrdi, & & kgrdj, pval, pgval, kproc=kproc ) ELSE CALL obs_int_comm_3d_global( kptsi, kptsj, kobs, kpk, kgrdi, & & kgrdj, pval, pgval ) ENDIF ELSE CALL obs_int_comm_3d_local( kptsi, kptsj, kobs, kpk, kgrdi, kgrdj, & & pval, pgval ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE obs_int_comm_3d SUBROUTINE obs_int_comm_2d( kptsi, kptsj, kobs, kgrdi, kgrdj, pval, pgval, & & kproc ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_int_comm_2d *** !! !! ** Purpose : Get 2D interpolation stencil !! !! ** Method : Call to obs_int_comm_3d !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 08-02 (K. Mogensen) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kptsi ! Number of i horizontal points per stencil INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kptsj ! Number of j horizontal points per stencil INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kobs ! Local number of observations INTEGER, DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kobs), INTENT(IN) :: & & kgrdi, & ! i,j indicies for each stencil & kgrdj INTEGER, OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kobs), INTENT(IN) :: & & kproc ! Precomputed processor for each i,j,iobs points REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(IN) ::& & pval ! Local 3D array to extra data from REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kobs), INTENT(OUT) ::& & pgval ! Stencil at each point !! * Local declarations REAL(KIND=wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: zval REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,1,kobs) ::& & zgval ! Check workspace array and set-up pointer CALL wrk_alloc(jpi,jpj,1,zval) ! Set up local "3D" buffer zval(:,:,1) = pval(:,:) ! Call the 3D version IF (PRESENT(kproc)) THEN CALL obs_int_comm_3d( kptsi, kptsj, kobs, 1, kgrdi, kgrdj, zval, & & zgval, kproc=kproc ) ELSE CALL obs_int_comm_3d( kptsi, kptsj, kobs, 1, kgrdi, kgrdj, zval, & & zgval ) ENDIF ! Copy "3D" data back to 2D pgval(:,:,:) = zgval(:,:,1,:) ! 'Release' workspace array back to pool CALL wrk_dealloc(jpi,jpj,1,zval) END SUBROUTINE obs_int_comm_2d SUBROUTINE obs_int_comm_3d_global( kptsi, kptsj, kobs, kpk, kgrdi, kgrdj, & & pval, pgval, kproc ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_int_comm_3d_global *** !! !! ** Purpose : Get 3D interpolation stencil (global version) !! !! ** Method : On-demand communication where each processor send its !! list of (i,j) of points to all processors and receive !! the corresponding values !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 08-02 (K. Mogensen) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kptsi ! Number of i horizontal points per stencil INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kptsj ! Number of j horizontal points per stencil INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kobs ! Local number of observations INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kpk ! Number of levels INTEGER, DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kobs), INTENT(IN) :: & & kgrdi, & ! i,j indicies for each stencil & kgrdj INTEGER, OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kobs), INTENT(IN) :: & & kproc ! Precomputed processor for each i,j,iobs points REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,kpk), INTENT(IN) ::& & pval ! Local 3D array to extract data from REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kpk,kobs), INTENT(OUT) ::& & pgval ! Stencil at each point !! * Local declarations REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & zsend, & & zrecv INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: & & igrdij_send, & & igrdij_recv INTEGER, DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kobs) :: & & iorder, & & iproc INTEGER :: nplocal(jpnij) INTEGER :: npglobal(jpnij) INTEGER :: ji INTEGER :: jj INTEGER :: jk INTEGER :: jp INTEGER :: jobs INTEGER :: it INTEGER :: itot INTEGER :: ii INTEGER :: ij ! Check valid points IF ( ( MAXVAL(kgrdi) > jpiglo ) .OR. ( MINVAL(kgrdi) < 1 ) .OR. & & ( MAXVAL(kgrdj) > jpjglo ) .OR. ( MINVAL(kgrdj) < 1 ) ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'Error in obs_int_comm_3d_global', & & 'Point outside global domain' ) ENDIF ! Count number of points on each processors nplocal(:) = 0 IF (PRESENT(kproc)) THEN iproc(:,:,:) = kproc(:,:,:) DO jobs = 1, kobs DO jj = 1, kptsj DO ji = 1, kptsi nplocal(iproc(ji,jj,jobs)) = nplocal(iproc(ji,jj,jobs)) + 1 END DO END DO END DO ELSE DO jobs = 1, kobs DO jj = 1, kptsj DO ji = 1, kptsi iproc(ji,jj,jobs) = mppmap(kgrdi(ji,jj,jobs),& & kgrdj(ji,jj,jobs)) nplocal(iproc(ji,jj,jobs)) = nplocal(iproc(ji,jj,jobs)) + 1 END DO END DO END DO ENDIF ! Send local number of points and receive points on current domain CALL mpp_alltoall_int( 1, nplocal, npglobal ) ! Allocate message parsing workspace itot = SUM(npglobal) ALLOCATE( & & igrdij_send(kptsi*kptsj*kobs*2), & & igrdij_recv(itot*2), & & zsend(kpk,itot), & & zrecv(kpk,kptsi*kptsj*kobs) & & ) ! Pack buffers for list of points it = 0 DO jp = 1, jpnij DO jobs = 1, kobs DO jj = 1, kptsj DO ji = 1, kptsi IF ( iproc(ji,jj,jobs) == jp ) THEN it = it + 1 iorder(ji,jj,jobs) = it igrdij_send(2*it-1) = kgrdi(ji,jj,jobs) igrdij_send(2*it ) = kgrdj(ji,jj,jobs) ENDIF END DO END DO END DO END DO ! Send and recieve buffers for list of points CALL mpp_alltoallv_int( igrdij_send, kptsi*kptsj*kobs*2, nplocal(:)*2, & & igrdij_recv, itot*2, npglobal(:)*2 ) ! Pack interpolation data to be sent DO ji = 1, itot ii = mi1(igrdij_recv(2*ji-1)) ij = mj1(igrdij_recv(2*ji)) DO jk = 1, kpk zsend(jk,ji) = pval(ii,ij,jk) END DO END DO ! Re-adjust sizes nplocal(:) = kpk*nplocal(:) npglobal(:) = kpk*npglobal(:) ! Send and receive data for interpolation stencil CALL mpp_alltoallv_real( zsend, kpk*itot, npglobal, & & zrecv, kpk*kptsi*kptsj*kobs, nplocal ) ! Copy the received data into output data structure DO jobs = 1, kobs DO jj = 1, kptsj DO ji = 1, kptsi it = iorder(ji,jj,jobs) DO jk = 1, kpk pgval(ji,jj,jk,jobs) = zrecv(jk,it) END DO END DO END DO END DO ! Deallocate message parsing workspace DEALLOCATE( & & igrdij_send, & & igrdij_recv, & & zsend, & & zrecv & & ) END SUBROUTINE obs_int_comm_3d_global SUBROUTINE obs_int_comm_3d_local( kptsi, kptsj, kobs, kpk, kgrdi, kgrdj, & & pval, pgval ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE obs_int_comm_3d_global *** !! !! ** Purpose : Get 3D interpolation stencil (global version) !! !! ** Method : On-demand communication where each processor send its !! list of (i,j) of points to all processors and receive !! the corresponding values !! !! ** Action : !! !! History : !! ! 08-02 (K. Mogensen) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kptsi ! Number of i horizontal points per stencil INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kptsj ! Number of j horizontal points per stencil INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kobs ! Local number of observations INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kpk ! Number of levels INTEGER, DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kobs), INTENT(IN) :: & & kgrdi, & ! i,j indicies for each stencil & kgrdj REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,kpk), INTENT(IN) ::& & pval ! Local 3D array to extract data from REAL(KIND=wp), DIMENSION(kptsi,kptsj,kpk,kobs), INTENT(OUT) ::& & pgval ! Stencil at each point !! * Local declarations INTEGER :: ji INTEGER :: jj INTEGER :: jk INTEGER :: jobs ! Check valid points IF ( ( MAXVAL(kgrdi) > jpi ) .OR. ( MINVAL(kgrdi) < 1 ) .OR. & & ( MAXVAL(kgrdj) > jpj ) .OR. ( MINVAL(kgrdj) < 1 ) ) THEN CALL ctl_stop( 'Error in obs_int_comm_3d_local', & & 'Point outside local domain' ) ENDIF ! Copy local data DO jobs = 1, kobs DO jj = 1, kptsj DO ji = 1, kptsi DO jk = 1, kpk pgval(ji,jj,jk,jobs) = & & pval(kgrdi(ji,jj,jobs),kgrdj(ji,jj,jobs),jk) END DO END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE obs_int_comm_3d_local END MODULE obs_inter_sup