/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \file canexch.cpp /// \brief The canopy exchange module /// /// Vegetation-atmosphere exchange of H2O and CO2 via /// production, respiration and evapotranspiration. /// /// \author Ben Smith /// $Date: 2013-10-10 10:20:33 +0200 (Thu, 10 Oct 2013) $ /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WHAT SHOULD THIS FILE CONTAIN? // Module source code files should contain, in this order: // (1) a "#include" directive naming the framework header file. The framework header // file should define all classes used as arguments to functions in the present // module. It may also include declarations of global functions, constants and // types, accessible throughout the model code; // (2) other #includes, including header files for other modules accessed by the // present one; // (3) type definitions, constants and file scope global variables for use within // the present module only; // (4) declarations of functions defined in this file, if needed; // (5) definitions of all functions. Functions that are to be accessible to other // modules or to the calling framework should be declared in the module header // file. // // PORTING MODULES BETWEEN FRAMEWORKS: // Modules should be structured so as to be fully portable between models (frameworks). // When porting between frameworks, the only change required should normally be in the // "#include" directive referring to the framework header file. #include "config.h" #include "canexch.h" #include "driver.h" #include "q10.h" #include "bvoc.h" #include "ncompete.h" #include // Anonymous namespace for variables with file scope namespace { /// leaf nitrogen (kgN/kgC) not associated with photosynthesis /** (value given by Haxeltine & Prentice 1996) */ const double N0 = 7.15 * 0.001; // Lookup tables for parameters with Q10 temperature responses /// lookup table for Q10 temperature response of CO2/O2 specificity ratio LookupQ10 lookup_tau(0.57, 2600.0); /// lookup table for Q10 temperature response of Michaelis constant for O2 LookupQ10 lookup_ko(1.2, 3.0e4); /// lookup table for Q10 temperature response of Michaelis constant for CO2 LookupQ10 lookup_kc(2.1, 30.0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INTERCEPTION /// Daily loss of water and energy through evaporation of rain or snow intercepted by the vegetation canopy /** Gerten et al. (2004) Eq 2-4. */ void interception(Patch& patch,Climate& climate) { // Calculates daily loss of water and energy through evaporation of rainfall // intercepted by the vegetation canopy double scap; // canopy storage capacity (mm) double fwet; // fraction of day that canopy is wet (Kergoat 1996) double pet; // potential evapotranspiration (mm) pet=climate.eet*PRIESTLEY_TAYLOR; // Retrieve Vegetation object Vegetation& vegetation=patch.vegetation; patch.intercep=0.0; if (date.day == 0) { for (int d = 0; d < date.year_length(); d++) { patch.dintercep[d] = 0.0; } } // Loop through individuals ... vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv=vegetation.getobj(); // For this individual ... if (!negligible(pet)) { if (indiv.alive) { // Storage capacity for precipitation by canopy (point scale) scap=climate.prec*min(indiv.lai_indiv_today()*indiv.pft.intc,0.999); // Fraction of day that canopy remains wet fwet=min(scap/pet,patch.fpc_rescale); // Calculate interception by this individual, and increment patch total indiv.intercep=fwet*pet*indiv.fpc; patch.intercep+=indiv.intercep; } else { indiv.intercep=0.0; } } else { indiv.intercep=0.0; patch.intercep=0.0; } // ... on to next individual vegetation.nextobj(); } // Calculate net EET for vegetated parts of patch (deducting loss to interception) patch.eet_net_veg=max(climate.eet-patch.intercep,0.0); // Interception accounting for patch patch.aintercep+=patch.intercep; patch.mintercep[date.month]+=patch.intercep; patch.dintercep[date.day] = patch.intercep; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FPAR // Internal function - not intended to be called by framework void fpar(Patch& patch) { // DESCRIPTION // Calculates daily fraction of incoming PAR (FPAR) taken up by individuals in a // particular patch over their projective areas, given current leaf phenological // status. Calculates PAR and FPAR at top of grass canopy (individual and cohort // modes). Calculates fpar assuming leaf-on (phen=1) for all vegetation. // // Note: In order to compensate for the additional computational cost of // calculating fpar_leafon in cohort/individual mode, the grain of the // integration of FPAR through the canopy has been increased from 1 to 2 m // // NEW ASSUMPTIONS CONCERNING FPC AND FPAR (Ben Smith 2002-02-20) // FPAR = average individual fraction of PAR absorbed on patch basis today, // including effect of current leaf phenology (this differs from previous // versions of LPJ-GUESS in which FPAR was on an FPC basis) // FPC = PFT population (population mode), cohort (cohort mode) or individual // (individual mode) fractional projective cover as a fraction of patch area // (in population mode, corresponds to LPJF variable fpc_grid). Updated // annually based on leaf-out LAI (see function allometry in growth module). // (FPC was previously equal to summed crown area as a fraction of patch // area in cohort/individual mode) // // Population mode: FPAR on patch (grid cell) area basis assumed to be equal to fpc // under full leaf cover; i.e. // (1) fpar = fpc*phen // (2) fpar_leafon = fpc // // Individual and cohort modes: FPAR calculated assuming trees shade themselves // and all individuals below them according to the Lambert-Beer law (Prentice // et al 1993, Eqn 27; Monsi & Saeki 1953): // (3) fpar = integral [0-tree height] exp ( -k * plai(z) ) // where // k = extinction coefficient; // plai(z) = summed leaf-area index for leaves of all individuals, above // canopy depth z, taking account of current phenological status const double VSTEP=2.0; // width of vertical layers for canopy-area integration (m) const double PHEN_GROWINGSEASON=0.5; // minimum expected vegetation leaf-on fraction for growing season double plai; // cumulative leaf-area index (LAI) for patch (m2 leaf/m2 ground) double plai_leafon; // cumulative LAI for patch assuming full leaf cover for all individuals double plai_layer; // summed LAI by layer for patch double plai_leafon_layer; // summed LAI by layer for patch assuming full leaf cover for all individuals double plai_grass; // summed LAI for grasses double plai_leafon_grass; // summed LAI for grasses assuming full leaf cover for all individuals double flai; // fraction of total grass LAI represented by a particular grass double fpar_layer_top; // FPAR by layer double fpar_leafon_layer_top; // FPAR by layer assuming full leaf cover for all individuals double fpar_layer_bottom; double fpar_leafon_layer_bottom; double fpar_grass; // FPAR at top of grass canopy double fpar_leafon_grass; // FPAR at top of grass canopy assuming full leaf cover for all individuals double fpar_ff; // FPAR at forest floor (beneath grass canopy) double fpar_leafon_ff; // FPAR at forest floor assuming full leaf cover for all individuals double frac; // vertical fraction of layer occupied by crown cylinder(s) of a particular // individual or cohort double atoh; // term in calculating LAI sum for a given layer double height_veg; // maximum vegetation height (m) int toplayer; // number of vertical layers of width VSTEP in vegetation (minus 1) int layer; // layer number (0=lowest) double lowbound; // lower bound of current layer (m) double highbound; // upper bound of current layer (m) double fpar_min; // minimum FPAR required for grass growth double par_grass; // PAR reaching top of grass canopy (J/m2/day) double phen_veg; // LAI-weighted mean fractional leaf-out for vegetation //variables needed for "S�kes" FPAR scheme double fpar_uptake_layer; double fpar_uptake_leafon_layer; // Obtain reference to Vegetation object Vegetation& vegetation=patch.vegetation; // And to Climate object const Climate& climate = patch.get_climate(); if (vegmode==POPULATION) { // POPULATION MODE // Loop through individuals vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv=vegetation.getobj(); // For this individual ... indiv.fpar=indiv.fpc_today(); // Eqn 1 indiv.fpar_leafon=indiv.fpc * indiv.growingseason(); // Eqn 2 vegetation.nextobj(); // ... on to next individual } } else { // INDIVIDUAL OR COHORT MODE // Initialise individual FPAR, find maximum height of vegetation, calculate // individual LAI given current phenology, calculate summed LAI for grasses plai=0.0; plai_leafon=0.0; plai_grass=0.0; plai_leafon_grass=0.0; phen_veg=0.0; height_veg=0.0; // Loop through individuals vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv=vegetation.getobj(); // For this individual ... if (indiv.growingseason()) { indiv.fpar=0.0; indiv.fpar_leafon=0.0; if (indiv.height>height_veg) height_veg=indiv.height; plai_leafon+=indiv.lai; if (indiv.pft.lifeform==GRASS) { plai_leafon_grass+=indiv.lai; plai_grass+=indiv.lai_today(); } // Accumulate LAI-weighted sum of individual leaf-out fractions phen_veg+=indiv.lai_today(); } vegetation.nextobj(); // ... on to next individual } // Calculate LAI-weighted mean leaf-out fraction for vegetation // guess2008 - bugfix - was: if (!negligible(plai)) if (!negligible(plai_leafon)) phen_veg/=plai_leafon; else phen_veg=1.0; // Calculate number of layers (minus 1) from ground surface to top of canopy toplayer=(int)(height_veg/VSTEP-0.0001); // Calculate FPAR by integration from the top of the canopy (Eqn 2) plai=0.0; plai_leafon=0.0; // Set FPAR for bottom of layer above (initially 1 at top of canopy) fpar_layer_bottom=1.0; fpar_leafon_layer_bottom=1.0; for (layer=toplayer;layer>=0;layer--) { lowbound=(double)layer*VSTEP; highbound=lowbound+VSTEP; // FPAR at top of this layer = FPAR at bottom of layer above fpar_layer_top=fpar_layer_bottom; fpar_leafon_layer_top=fpar_leafon_layer_bottom; plai_layer=0.0; plai_leafon_layer=0.0; // Loop through individuals vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv=vegetation.getobj(); // For this individual ... if (indiv.pft.lifeform==TREE) { if (indiv.height>lowbound && indiv.bolehtlowbound) frac-=(indiv.boleht-lowbound)/VSTEP; // Calculate summed LAI of this cohort in this layer atoh=indiv.lai/(indiv.height-indiv.boleht); indiv.lai_leafon_layer=atoh*frac*VSTEP; plai_layer+=indiv.lai_leafon_layer*indiv.phen; plai_leafon_layer+=indiv.lai_leafon_layer; } else { indiv.lai_layer=0.0; indiv.lai_leafon_layer=0.0; } } // ... on to next individual vegetation.nextobj(); } // Update cumulative LAI for this layer and above plai+=plai_layer; plai_leafon+=plai_leafon_layer; // Calculate FPAR at bottom of this layer // Eqn 27, Prentice et al 1993 fpar_layer_bottom = lambertbeer(plai); fpar_leafon_layer_bottom = lambertbeer(plai_leafon); // Total PAR uptake in this layer fpar_uptake_layer=fpar_layer_top-fpar_layer_bottom; fpar_uptake_leafon_layer=fpar_leafon_layer_top-fpar_leafon_layer_bottom; // Partition PAR for this layer among trees, vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv=vegetation.getobj(); // For this individual ... if (indiv.pft.lifeform==TREE) { if (!negligible(plai_leafon_layer)) // FPAR partitioned according to the relative amount // of leaf area in this layer for this individual indiv.fpar_leafon+=fpar_uptake_leafon_layer* indiv.lai_leafon_layer/plai_leafon_layer; if (!negligible(plai_layer)) indiv.fpar+=fpar_uptake_layer* (indiv.lai_leafon_layer*indiv.phen)/plai_layer; } // ... on to next individual vegetation.nextobj(); } } // FPAR reaching grass canopy fpar_grass = lambertbeer(plai); fpar_leafon_grass = lambertbeer(plai_leafon); // Add grass LAI to calculate PAR reaching forest floor // BLARP: Order changed Ben 050301 to overcome optimisation bug in pgCC //plai+=plai_grass; fpar_ff = lambertbeer(plai+plai_grass); plai+=plai_grass; // Save this patch.fpar_ff=fpar_ff; plai_leafon+=plai_leafon_grass; fpar_leafon_ff = lambertbeer(plai_leafon); // FPAR for grass PFTs is difference between relative PAR at top of grass canopy // canopy and at forest floor, or lower if FPAR at forest floor below threshold // for grass growth. PAR reaching the grass canopy is partitioned among grasses // in proportion to their LAI (a somewhat simplified assumption) // Loop through individuals double fpar_tree_total=0.0; vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv=vegetation.getobj(); // For this individual ... if (indiv.pft.lifeform==GRASS) { // Calculate minimum FPAR for growth of this grass // Fraction of total grass LAI represented by this grass if (!negligible(plai_grass)) flai=indiv.lai_today()/plai_grass; else flai=1.0; if (!negligible(climate.par)) fpar_min=min(indiv.pft.parff_min/climate.par,1.0); else fpar_min=1.0; indiv.fpar=max(0.0,fpar_grass*flai-max(fpar_ff*flai,fpar_min)); // Repeat assuming full leaf cover for all individuals if (!negligible(plai_leafon_grass)) flai=indiv.lai/plai_leafon_grass; else flai=1.0; indiv.fpar_leafon=max(0.0,fpar_leafon_grass*flai- max(fpar_leafon_ff*flai,fpar_min)); } if (indiv.pft.lifeform==TREE) fpar_tree_total+=indiv.fpar; vegetation.nextobj(); } // Save grass canopy FPAR and update mean growing season grass canopy PAR // Growing season defined here as days when mean vegetation leaf-on fraction // exceeds 50% and we're in the light half of the year (daylength >= 11). // // The daylength condition was added because sites with evergreens can have // a mean vegetation leaf-on fraction over 50% even during polar night. // 11 hours was chosen because some sites never reach exactly 12 hours, the // exact limit shouldn't matter much. patch.fpar_grass=fpar_grass; par_grass=fpar_grass*climate.par; if (date.day==0) { patch.par_grass_mean=0.0; patch.nday_growingseason=0; } if (phen_veg>PHEN_GROWINGSEASON && patch.get_climate().daylength >= 11.0) { patch.par_grass_mean+=par_grass; patch.nday_growingseason++; } // Convert from sum to mean on last day of year if (date.islastday && date.islastmonth && patch.nday_growingseason) { patch.par_grass_mean/=(double)patch.nday_growingseason; } } } double alphaa(const Pft& pft) { if (!ECEARTH) { // trunk if (pft.phenology == CROPGREEN) return ifnlim ? ALPHAA_CROP_NLIM : ALPHAA_CROP; else return ifnlim ? ALPHAA_NLIM : ALPHAA; } else { // EC-Earth - increased _NLIM values if (pft.phenology == CROPGREEN) return ifnlim ? ALPHAA_CROP_NLIM_ECE : ALPHAA_CROP; else return ifnlim ? ALPHAA_NLIM_ECE : ALPHAA; } } /// Non-water stressed rubisco capacity, with or without nitrogen limitation void vmax(double b, double c1, double c2, double apar, double tscal, double daylength, double temp, double nactive, bool ifnlimvmax, double& vm, double& vmaxnlim, double& nactive_opt) { // Calculation of non-water-stressed rubisco capacity assuming leaf nitrogen not // limiting (Eqn 11, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a) // Calculation of sigma is based on Eqn 12 (same source) double s = 24.0 / daylength * b; double sigma = sqrt(max(0., 1. - (c2 - s) / (c2 - THETA * s))); vm = 1 / b * CMASS * CQ * c1 / c2 * tscal * apar * (2. * THETA * s * (1. - sigma) - s + c2 * sigma); // Calculate nitrogen-limited Vmax for current leaf nitrogen // Haxeltine & Prentice 1996b Eqn 28 const double M = 25.0; // corresponds to parameter p in Eqn 28, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996b // Conversion factor in calculation of leaf nitrogen: includes conversion of: // - Vm from gC/m2/day to umolC/m2/sec // - nitrogen from mg/m2 to kg/m2 double CN = 1.0 / (3600 * daylength * CMASS); double tfac = exp(-0.0693 * (temp - 25.0)); double vm_max = nactive / (M * CN * tfac); // Calculate optimal leaf nitrogen based on [potential] Vmax (Eqn 28 Haxeltine & Prentice 1996b) nactive_opt = M * vm * CN * tfac; if (vm > vm_max && ifnlimvmax) { vmaxnlim = vm_max / vm; // Save vmax nitrogen limitation vm = vm_max; } else { vmaxnlim = 1.0; } } /// Total daily gross photosynthesis /** Calculation of total daily gross photosynthesis and leaf-level net daytime * photosynthesis given degree of stomatal closure (as parameter lambda). * Includes implicit scaling from leaf to plant projective area basis. * Adapted from Farquhar & von Caemmerer (1982) photosynthesis model, as simplified * by Collatz et al (1991), Collatz et al (1992), Haxeltine & Prentice (1996a,b) * and Sitch et al. (2000). * * To calculate vmax call w/ daily averages of temperature and par. * Vmax is to be calculated daily and only with lambda == lambda_max. * lambda values greater than lambda_max are forbidden. * In sub-daily mode daylength should be 24 h, to obtain values in daily units. * * INPUT PARAMETERS * * \param co2 atmospheric ambient CO2 concentration (ppmv) * \param temp mean air temperature today (deg C) * \param par total daily photosynthetically-active radiation today (J/m2/day) * \param daylength day length, must equal 24 in diurnal mode (h) * \param fpar fraction of PAR absorbed by foliage * \param lambda ratio of intercellular to ambient partial pressure of CO2 * \param pft Pft object containing the following public members: * - pathway biochemical pathway for photosynthesis (C3 or C4) * - pstemp_min approximate low temperature limit for photosynthesis (deg C) * - pstemp_low approximate lower range of temperature optimum for * photosynthesis (deg C) * - pstemp_high approximate upper range of temperature optimum for photosynthesis * (deg C) * - pstemp_max maximum temperature limit for photosynthesis (deg C) * - lambda_max non-water-stressed ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 pp * \param nactive nitrogen available for photosynthesis * \param ifnlimvmax whether nitrogen should limit Vmax * \param vm pre-calculated value of Vmax for this stand for this day if * available, otherwise calculated * * OUTPUT PARAMETERS * * \param result see documentation of PhotosynthesisResult struct */ void photosynthesis(double co2, double temp, double par, double daylength, double fpar, double lambda, const Pft& pft, double nactive, bool ifnlimvmax, PhotosynthesisResult& result, double vm) { // NOTE: This function is identical to LPJF subroutine "photosynthesis" except for // the formulation of low-temperature inhibition coefficient tscal (tstress; LPJF). // The function adopted here draws down metabolic activity in approximately the // temperature range pstemp_min-pstemp_low but does not affect photosynthesis // at high temperatures. // HISTORY // Ben Smith 18/1/2001: Tested in comparison to LPJF subroutine "photosynthesis": // function showed identical behaviour except at temperatures >= c. 35 deg C where // LPJF temperature inhibition function results in lower photosynthesis. // Make sure that only two alternative modes are possible: // * daily non-water stressed (forces Vmax calculation) // * with pre-calculated Vmax (sub-daily and water-stressed) assert(vm >= 0 || lambda == pft.lambda_max); assert(lambda <= pft.lambda_max); const double PATMOS = 1e5; // atmospheric pressure (Pa) // No photosynthesis during polar night, outside of temperature range or no RuBisCO activity if (negligible(daylength) || negligible(fpar) || temp > pft.pstemp_max || temp < pft.pstemp_min || !vm) { result.clear(); return; } // Scale fractional PAR absorption at plant projective area level (FPAR) to // fractional absorption at leaf level (APAR) // Eqn 4, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a double apar = par * fpar * alphaa(pft); double b, c1, c2; // Calculate temperature-inhibition coefficient // This function (tscal) is mathematically identical to function tstress in LPJF. // In contrast to earlier versions of modular LPJ and LPJ-GUESS, it includes both // high- and low-temperature inhibition. double k1 = (pft.pstemp_min+pft.pstemp_low) / 2.0; double tscal = (1. - .01*exp(4.6/(pft.pstemp_max-pft.pstemp_high)*(temp-pft.pstemp_high)))/ (1.0+exp((k1-temp)/(k1-pft.pstemp_min)*4.6)); if (pft.pathway == C3) { // C3 photosynthesis // Calculate CO2 compensation point (partial pressure) // Eqn 8, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a double gammastar = PO2 / 2.0 / lookup_tau[temp]; // Intercellular partial pressure of CO2 given stomatal opening (Pa) // Eqn 7, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a double pi_co2 = lambda * co2 * PATMOS * CO2_CONV; // Calculation of C1_C3, Eqn 4, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a // High-temperature inhibition modelled by suppression of LUE by decreased // relative affinity of rubisco for CO2 with increasing temperature (Table 3.7, // Larcher 1983) // Notes: - there is an error in Eqn 4, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a (missing // 2.0* in denominator) which is fixed here (see Eqn A2, Collatz // et al 1991) // - the explicit low temperature inhibition function has been removed // and replaced by a temperature-dependent upper limit on V_m, see // below // - the reduction in maximum photosynthesis due to leaf age (phi_c) // has been removed // - alpha_a, accounting for reduction in PAR utilisation efficiency // from the leaf to ecosystem level, appears in the calculation of // apar (above) instead of here // - C_mass, the atomic weight of carbon, appears in the calculation // of V_m instead of here c1 = (pi_co2 - gammastar) / (pi_co2 + 2.0 * gammastar) * ALPHA_C3; // Calculation of C2_C3, Eqn 6, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a c2 = (pi_co2 - gammastar) / (pi_co2 + lookup_kc[temp] * (1.0 + PO2/lookup_ko[temp])); b = BC3; } else { // C4 photosynthesis // Calculation of C1_C4 given actual pi (lambda) // C1_C4 incorporates term accounting for effect of intercellular CO2 // concentration on photosynthesis (Eqn 14, 16, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a) c1 = min(lambda/LAMBDA_SC4, 1.0) * ALPHA_C4; c2 = 1; b = BC4; } if (vm < 0) { // Calculation of non-water-stressed rubisco capacity (Eqn 11, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a) vmax(b, c1, c2, apar, tscal, daylength, temp, nactive, ifnlimvmax, result.vm, result.vmaxnlim, result.nactive_opt); } else { result.vm = vm; // reuse existing Vmax } // Calculation of daily leaf respiration // Eqn 10, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a result.rd_g = result.vm * b; // PAR-limited photosynthesis rate (gC/m2/h) // Eqn 3, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a result.je = c1 * tscal * apar * CMASS * CQ / daylength; // Rubisco-activity limited photosynthesis rate (gC/m2/h) // Eqn 5, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a double jc = c2 * result.vm / 24.0; // Calculation of daily gross photosynthesis // Eqn 2, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a // Notes: - there is an error in Eqn 2, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a (missing // theta in 4*theta*je*jc term) which is fixed here result.agd_g = (result.je + jc - sqrt((result.je + jc) * (result.je + jc) - 4.0 * THETA * result.je * jc)) / (2.0 * THETA) * daylength; // Leaf-level net daytime photosynthesis (gC/m2/day) // Based on Eqn 19, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996a double adt = result.agd_g - daylength / 24.0 * result.rd_g; // Convert to CO2 diffusion units (mm/m2/day) using ideal gas law result.adtmm = adt / CMASS * 8.314 * (temp + K2degC) / PATMOS * 1e3; } /// Calculate value for canopy conductance component associated with photosynthesis (mm/s) /** Eqn 21, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996 * includes conversion of daylight from hours to seconds */ inline double gpterm(double adtmm, double co2, double lambda, double daylength) { if (adtmm <= 0) { return 0; } return 1.6 / CO2_CONV / 3600 * adtmm / co2 / (1 - lambda) / daylength; } /// Pre-calculate Vmax and no-stress assimilation and canopy conductance /** * Vmax is calculated on a daily scale (w/ daily averages of temperature and par) * Subdaily values calculated if needed */ void photosynthesis_nostress(Patch& patch, Climate& climate) { // If this is the first patch, calculate no-stress assimilation for // each Standpft, assuming FPAR=1. This is then later used in // forest_floor_conditions. if (!patch.id) { for (int p=0; p A = const * cmass_root^2/3 */ double nitrogen_uptake_strength(const Individual& indiv) { return pow(max(0.0, indiv.cmass_root_today()) * indiv.pft.nupscoeff * indiv.cton_status / indiv.densindiv, 2.0 / 3.0) * indiv.densindiv; } /// Individual nitrogen uptake fraction /** Determining individual nitrogen uptake as a fraction of its nitrogen demand. * * \see ncompete * * Function nitrogen_uptake_strength() determines how good individuals are at * acquiring nitrogen. */ void fnuptake(Vegetation& vegetation, double nmass_avail) { // Create vector describing the individuals to ncompete() std::vector individuals(vegetation.nobj); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vegetation.nobj; i++) { individuals[i].ndemand = vegetation[i].ndemand; individuals[i].strength = nitrogen_uptake_strength(vegetation[i]); } // Let ncompete() do the actual distribution ncompete(individuals, nmass_avail); // Get the results, nitrogen uptake fraction for each individual for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vegetation.nobj; i++) { vegetation[i].fnuptake = individuals[i].fnuptake; } } /// Use nitrogen storage to limit stress /** Retranslocated nitrogen from last year is used to * limit nitrogen stress in leaves, roots, and sap wood */ void nstore_usage(Vegetation& vegetation) { vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv=vegetation.getobj(); // individual excess nitrogen demand after uptake double excess_ndemand = (indiv.leafndemand + indiv.rootndemand) * (1.0 - indiv.fnuptake) + indiv.leafndemand_store + indiv.rootndemand_store; // if individual is in need of using its labile nitrogen storage if (!negligible(excess_ndemand)) { // if labile nitrogen storage is larger than excess nitrogen demand if (excess_ndemand <= indiv.nstore_labile) { // leaf nitrogen demand double leaf_ndemand = indiv.leafndemand * (1.0 - indiv.fnuptake) + indiv.leafndemand_store; indiv.nmass_leaf += leaf_ndemand; indiv.nstore_labile -= leaf_ndemand; // root nitrogen demand double root_ndemand = indiv.rootndemand * (1.0 - indiv.fnuptake) + indiv.rootndemand_store; indiv.nmass_root += root_ndemand; indiv.nstore_labile -= root_ndemand; #ifdef CRESCENDO_FACE indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::DNGL, leaf_ndemand); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::DNGR, root_ndemand); #endif indiv.nstress = false; } else { if (!negligible(indiv.nstore_labile)) { // calculate total nitrogen mass double tot_nmass = indiv.nmass_leaf + indiv.nmass_root + indiv.fnuptake * (indiv.leafndemand + indiv.rootndemand) + indiv.nstore_labile; // new leaf C:N ratio double cton_leaf = (indiv.cmass_leaf_today() + indiv.cmass_root_today() * (indiv.pft.cton_leaf_avr / indiv.pft.cton_root_avr)) / tot_nmass; // nitrogen added to leaf from storage double labile_nto_leaf = indiv.cmass_leaf_today() / cton_leaf - (indiv.nmass_leaf + indiv.fnuptake * indiv.leafndemand); // new leaf nitrogen indiv.nmass_leaf += labile_nto_leaf; // new root nitrogen indiv.nmass_root += indiv.nstore_labile - labile_nto_leaf; #ifdef CRESCENDO_FACE indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::DNGL, labile_nto_leaf); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::DNGR, indiv.nstore_labile - labile_nto_leaf); #endif indiv.nstore_labile = 0.0; } // nitrogen stressed photosynthesis is allowed only when nitrogen limitation is turned on indiv.nstress = ifnlim; } } else // photosynthesis will not be nitrogen stresses indiv.nstress = false; vegetation.nextobj(); } } /// Nitrogen demand /** Determines nitrogen demand based on vmax for leaves. * Roots and sap wood nitrogen concentration follows leaf * nitrogen concentration. * Also determines individual nitrogen uptake capability */ void ndemand(Patch& patch, Vegetation& vegetation) { Gridcell& gridcell = patch.stand.get_gridcell(); Soil& soil = patch.soil; /// daily nitrogen demand for patch (kgN/m2) patch.ndemand = 0.0; // Scalar to soil temperature (Eqn A9, Comins & McMurtrie 1993) for nitrogen uptake double temp_scale = soil.temp > 0.0 ? max(0.0, 0.0326 + 0.00351 * pow(soil.temp, 1.652) - pow(soil.temp / 41.748, 7.19)) : 0.0; /// Rate of nitrogen uptake not associated with Michaelis-Menten Kinetics (Zaehle and Friend 2010) double kNmin = 0.05; vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); // Rescaler of nitrogen uptake indiv.fnuptake = 1.0; // Starts with no nitrogen stress indiv.nstress = false; // Optimal leaf nitrogen content double leafoptn; // Optimal leaf C:N ratio double cton_leaf_opt; // Calculate optimal leaf nitrogen content and demand if (!negligible(indiv.phen) || !negligible(indiv.cmass_leaf_today())) { indiv.nday_leafon++; // Added a scalar depending on individual lai to slow down light optimization of newly shaded leafs // Peltoniemi et al. 2012 indiv.nextin = exp(0.12 * min(10.0*indiv.phen, indiv.lai_indiv_today())); // Calculate optimal leaf nitrogen associated with photosynthesis and none photosynthetic // active nitrogen (Haxeltine et al. 1996 eqn 27/28) leafoptn = indiv.photosynthesis.nactive_opt * indiv.nextin + N0 * indiv.cmass_leaf_today(); // Can not have higher nitrogen concentration than minimum leaf C:N ratio if (indiv.cmass_leaf_today() / leafoptn < indiv.pft.cton_leaf_min) { leafoptn = indiv.cmass_leaf_today() / indiv.pft.cton_leaf_min; } // Can not have lower nitrogen concentration than maximum leaf C:N ratio else if (indiv.cmass_leaf_today() / leafoptn > indiv.pft.cton_leaf_max) { leafoptn = indiv.cmass_leaf_today() / indiv.pft.cton_leaf_max; } // Updating annual optimal leaf C:N ratio indiv.cton_leaf_aopt = min(indiv.cmass_leaf_today() / leafoptn, indiv.cton_leaf_aopt); // Leaf nitrogen demand indiv.leafndemand = max(leafoptn - indiv.nmass_leaf, 0.0); // Setting daily optimal leaf C:N ratio if (indiv.leafndemand) { cton_leaf_opt = indiv.cmass_leaf_today() / leafoptn; } else { cton_leaf_opt = max(indiv.pft.cton_leaf_min, indiv.cton_leaf()); } } else { indiv.leafndemand = 0.0; cton_leaf_opt = indiv.cton_leaf(); } // Nitrogen demand // Root nitrogen demand indiv.rootndemand = max(0.0, indiv.cmass_root_today() / (cton_leaf_opt * indiv.pft.cton_root_avr / indiv.pft.cton_leaf_avr) - indiv.nmass_root); // Sap wood nitrogen demand. Demand is ramped up throughout the year. if (indiv.pft.lifeform == TREE) { indiv.sapndemand = max(0.0, indiv.cmass_sap / (cton_leaf_opt * indiv.pft.cton_sap_avr / indiv.pft.cton_leaf_avr) - indiv.nmass_sap) * ((1.0 + (double)date.day) / (double)date.year_length()); } // Labile nitrogen storage demand indiv.storendemand = indiv.ndemand_storage(cton_leaf_opt); //TODO HO demand indiv.hondemand = 0.0; // Total nitrogen demand double ndemand_tot = indiv.leafndemand + indiv.rootndemand + indiv.sapndemand + indiv.storendemand + indiv.hondemand; // Calculate scalars to possible nitrogen uptake // Current plant mobile nitrogen concentration double ntoc = !negligible(indiv.cmass_leaf_today() + indiv.cmass_root_today()) ? (indiv.nmass_leaf + indiv.nmass_root) / (indiv.cmass_leaf_today() + indiv.cmass_root_today()) : 0.0; // Scale to maximum nitrogen concentrations indiv.cton_status = max(0.0, (ntoc - 1.0 / indiv.pft.cton_leaf_min) / (1.0 / indiv.pft.cton_leaf_avr - 1.0 / indiv.pft.cton_leaf_min)); // Nitrogen availablilty scalar due to saturating Michaelis-Menten kinetics double nmin_scale = kNmin + soil.nmass_avail / (soil.nmass_avail + gridcell.pft[indiv.pft.id].Km); // Maximum available soil mineral nitrogen for this individual is base on its root area. // This is considered to be related to FPC which is proportional to crown area which is approx // 4 times smaller than the root area double max_indiv_avail = min(1.0, indiv.fpc * 4.0) * soil.nmass_avail; // Maximum nitrogen uptake due to all scalars (times 2 because considering both NO3- and NH4+ uptake) // and soil available nitrogen within individual projectived coverage double maxnup = min(2.0 * indiv.pft.nuptoroot * nmin_scale * temp_scale * indiv.cton_status * indiv.cmass_root_today(), max_indiv_avail); // Nitrogen demand limitation due to maximum nitrogen uptake capacity double fractomax = ndemand_tot > 0.0 ? min(maxnup/ndemand_tot,1.0) : 0.0; // Root and leaf demand from storage pools indiv.leafndemand_store = indiv.leafndemand * (1.0 - fractomax); indiv.rootndemand_store = indiv.rootndemand * (1.0 - fractomax); // Nitrogen demand after adjustment to maximum uptake capacity indiv.leafndemand *= fractomax; indiv.rootndemand *= fractomax; indiv.sapndemand *= fractomax; indiv.storendemand *= fractomax; // Sum total nitrogen demand individual is capable of taking up indiv.ndemand = indiv.leafndemand + indiv.rootndemand + indiv.sapndemand + indiv.storendemand; // Negative nitrogen demand not allowed if (indiv.ndemand <= 0.0) { indiv.ndemand = 0.0; // Compartments fraction of total nitrogen demand indiv.leaffndemand = 0.0; indiv.rootfndemand = 0.0; indiv.sapfndemand = 0.0; indiv.storefndemand = 0.0; } else { // Compartments fraction of total nitrogen demand indiv.leaffndemand = indiv.leafndemand / indiv.ndemand; indiv.rootfndemand = indiv.rootndemand / indiv.ndemand; indiv.sapfndemand = indiv.sapndemand / indiv.ndemand; indiv.storefndemand = max(0.0, 1.0 - (indiv.leaffndemand + indiv.rootfndemand + indiv.sapfndemand)); } // Sum total patch nitrogen demand patch.ndemand += indiv.ndemand; vegetation.nextobj(); } } /// Recalculation of photosynthesis under vmax nitrogen stress /** If nitrogen supply is not able to meet demand it will lead * to down-regulation of vmax resulting in lower photosynthesis */ void vmax_nitrogen_stress(Patch& patch, Climate& climate, Vegetation& vegetation) { // Supply function for nitrogen and determination of nitrogen stress leading // to down-regulation of vmax. // Nitrogen within projective cover of all individuals double tot_nmass_avail = patch.soil.nmass_avail * min(1.0, patch.fpc_total); if (patch.stand.landcover == CROPLAND && ifnlim) { // Also for other landcovers ?? // Take soil wcont into account tot_nmass_avail *= patch.soil.wcont[0] * 0.9 + patch.soil.wcont[1] * 0.1; } // Calculate individual uptake fraction of nitrogen demand if (patch.ndemand > tot_nmass_avail) { // Determine individual nitrogen uptake fractions fnuptake(vegetation, tot_nmass_avail); } // Resolve nitrogen stress with longterm stored nitrogen nstore_usage(vegetation); // Calculate leaf nitrogen associated with photosynthesis, nitrogen limited photosynthesis, // and annual otimal leaf nitrogen content and nitrogen limitation on vmax vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); Pft& pft = indiv.pft; // Calculate leaf nitrogen associated with photosynthesis (Haxeltine et al. 1996 eqn 27/28) // Added difference between needleleaved and broadleaved mentioned in Friend et al. 1997 // Should be done on FPC basis, but is not as it does not matter mathematically // Needs to be calculated for each individual due to possible water stress // Todays leaf nitrogen after uptake double nmass_leaf = indiv.nmass_leaf + indiv.leafndemand * indiv.fnuptake; if (indiv.phen > 0.0) { indiv.nactive = max(0.0, nmass_leaf - N0 * indiv.cmass_leaf_today()); } else { indiv.nactive = 0.0; } // Individuals photosynthesis is nitrogen stressed if (indiv.nstress) { // Individual photosynthesis photosynthesis(climate.co2, climate.temp, climate.par, climate.daylength, indiv.fpar, pft.lambda_max, pft, indiv.nactive / indiv.nextin, true, indiv.photosynthesis, -1); indiv.gpterm = gpterm(indiv.photosynthesis.adtmm, climate.co2, pft.lambda_max, climate.daylength); if (date.diurnal()) { for (int i=0; i 0.0) { double wcont_0_opt = 0.0; double wr_opt = min(1.0, patch.wdemand / ppft.phen / pft.emax); if (wateruptake == WR_ROOTDIST) { wcont_0_opt = (wr_opt * pft.emax - min(patch.soil.wcont[1] * awc[1] * patch.fpc_rescale, pft.emax * pft.rootdist[1])) / awc[0] / patch.fpc_rescale; if (wcont_0_opt * awc[0] * patch.fpc_rescale > pft.emax * pft.rootdist[0]) { wcont_0_opt = pft.emax * pft.rootdist[0] / awc[0] / patch.fpc_rescale; } } else { fail("Irrigation soil water only balanced for WR_ROOTDIST currently !\n"); } if (wcont_0_opt > patch.soil.wcont[0]) { ppft.water_deficit_d += (wcont_0_opt-patch.soil.wcont[0]) * awc[0]; wcont_cp[0] = wcont_0_opt; } if (day.isend) { ppft.water_deficit_d /= date.subdaily; ppft.water_deficit_y += ppft.water_deficit_d; } } return water_uptake(wcont_cp, awc, pft.rootdist, pft.emax, patch.fpc_rescale, ppft.fwuptake, pft.lifeform == TREE, pft.drought_tolerance); }; /// Actual evapotranspiration and water stress /** Soil water supply at the roots available to meet the transpirational demand * Fundamentally, water stress = supply < demand */ void aet_water_stress(Patch& patch, Vegetation& vegetation, const Day& day) { // Supply function for evapotranspiration and determination of water stress leading // to down-regulation of stomatal conductance. Actual evapotranspiration determined // as smaller of supply and transpirative demand (see function demand). // Base value for actual canopy conductance calculated here for water-stressed // individuals and used to derive actual photosynthesis in function npp (below) // Calculate common point supply for each PFT in this patch for (int p=0; pgrowingseason) ppft.wsupply_leafon = pft.emax * wr; else ppft.wsupply_leafon = 0.0; ppft.wsupply = ppft.wsupply_leafon * ppft.phen; } ppft.wstress = ppft.wsupply < patch.wdemand && !negligible(ppft.phen) && !(pft.phenology==CROPGREEN && !largerthanzero(patch.wdemand-ppft.wsupply, -10)); // Calculate water-stressed canopy conductance on FPC basis assuming // FPAR=1 and deducting canopy conductance component not associated // with CO2 uptake; valid for all individuals of this PFT in this patch // today. // Eqn 25, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996 // Fix, valid for monocultures, for faulty equation, manifesting itself in problems with crops in high scenario CO2-levels. // No fix for natural vegetation yet. double gmin = pft.phenology==CROPGREEN ? ppft.phen * pft.gmin : pft.gmin; ppft.gcbase = ppft.wstress ? max(gc_monteith(ppft.wsupply, patch.eet_net_veg)- gmin * ppft.wsupply / patch.wdemand, 0.0) : 0; if (!date.diurnal()) { ppft.wstress_day = ppft.wstress; ppft.gcbase_day = ppft.gcbase; } else if (day.isend) { ppft.wstress_day = ppft.wsupply < patch.wdemand_day && !negligible(ppft.phen) && !(pft.phenology==CROPGREEN && !largerthanzero(patch.wdemand-ppft.wsupply, -10)); ppft.gcbase_day = ppft.wstress_day ? max(gc_monteith(ppft.wsupply, patch.eet_net_veg) - gmin * ppft.wsupply / patch.wdemand_day, 0.0) : 0; } } // Calculate / transfer supply to individuals vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); Patchpft& ppft = patch.pft[indiv.pft.id]; if (day.isstart) { indiv.aet = 0; if (date.day == 0) indiv.aaet = 0.0; } indiv.wstress = ppft.wstress; if (indiv.alive) { if (indiv.wstress) { indiv.aet += ppft.wsupply; } else { indiv.aet += negligible(indiv.phen) ? 0.0 : patch.wdemand; } } if (day.isend) { indiv.aet *= indiv.fpc / date.subdaily; } if (day.isend) { indiv.aaet += indiv.aet; } vegetation.nextobj(); } } /// Water scalar void water_scalar(Patch& patch, Vegetation& vegetation, const Day& day) { // Derivation of daily and annual versions of water scalar (wscal, omega) // Daily version is used to determine leaf onset and abscission for raingreen PFTs. // Annual version determines relative allocation to roots versus leaves for // subsequent year for (int p=0; pgrowingdays_y=0; } } // Calculate patch PFT water scalar value if (!negligible(patch.wdemand_leafon)) { ppft.wscal += min(1.0, ppft.wsupply_leafon/patch.wdemand_leafon); } else { ppft.wscal += 1.0; } if (day.isend) { ppft.wscal /= (double)date.subdaily; if (patch.stand.landcover!=CROPLAND //natural, urban, pasture, forest and peatland stands || ppft.pft.phenology==ANY && ppft.pft.id==patch.stand.pftid) { //normal grass growth ppft.wscal_mean += ppft.wscal; // Convert from sum to mean on last day of year if (date.islastday && date.islastmonth) { ppft.wscal_mean /= (double)date.year_length(); } } else if (ppft.cropphen->growingseason // true crops and cover-crop grass || ppft.pft.phenology == CROPGREEN && date.day == ppft.cropphen->hdate || ppft.pft.isintercropgrass && date.day == patch.pft[patch.stand.pftid].cropphen->eicdate) { ppft.cropphen->growingdays_y++; ppft.wscal_mean = ppft.wscal_mean + (ppft.wscal - ppft.wscal_mean) / ppft.cropphen->growingdays_y; } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASSIMILATION_WSTRESS // Internal function (do not call directly from framework) void assimilation_wstress(const Pft& pft, double co2, double temp, double par, double daylength, double fpar, double fpc, double gcbase, double vmax, PhotosynthesisResult& phot_result, double& lambda, double nactive, bool ifnlimvmax) { // DESCRIPTION // Calculation of net C-assimilation under water-stressed conditions // (demand>supply; see function canopy_exchange). Utilises a numerical // iteration procedure to find the level of stomatal aperture (characterised by // lambda, the ratio of leaf intercellular to ambient CO2 concentration) which // satisfies simulataneously a canopy-conductance based and light-based // formulation of photosynthesis (Eqns 2, 18 and 19, Haxeltine & Prentice (1996)). // Numerical method is a tailored implementation of the bisection method, // assuming root (f(lambda)=0) bracketed by f(0.02)<0 and // f(lambda_max)>0 (Press et al 1986) // The bisection method terminates when we're close enough to a root // (absolute value of f(lambda) < EPS), or after a maximum number of // iterations. // Note that the function sometimes doesn't search for a lambda, // and returns zero assimilation (for instance if there is no // root within the valid interval, or if daylength is zero). // So if zero assimilation is returned, the returned lambda should // not be used! // OUTPUT PARAMETER // phot_result = result of photosynthesis for the found lambda // lambda = the lambda found by the bisection method (see above) // Set lambda to something for cases where we don't actually search for // a proper lambda. This value shouldn't be used (see documentation // above), but we'll set it to something anyway so we don't return // random garbage. lambda = -1; if (negligible(fpc) || negligible(fpar) || negligible(gcbase * daylength * 3600)) { // Return zero assimilation phot_result.clear(); return; } // Canopy conductance component associated with photosynthesis on a // daily basis (mm / m2 / day) double gcphot = gcbase * daylength * 3600 / 1.6 * co2 * CO2_CONV; // At this point the function f(x) = g(x) - h(x) can be calculated as: // // g(x) = phot_result.adtmm / fpc (after a call to photosynthesis with lambda x) // h(x) = gcphot * (1 - x) // Evaluate f(lambda_max) to see if there's a root // in the interval we're searching photosynthesis(co2, temp, par, daylength, fpar, pft.lambda_max, pft, nactive, ifnlimvmax, phot_result, vmax); double f_lambda_max = phot_result.adtmm / fpc - gcphot * (1 - pft.lambda_max); if (f_lambda_max <= 0) { // Return zero assimilation phot_result.clear(); return; } const double EPS = 0.1; // minimum precision of solution in bisection method double xmid; // Implement numerical solution double x1 = 0.02; // minimum bracket of root double x2 = pft.lambda_max; // maximum bracket of root double rtbis = x1; // root of the bisection double dx = x2 - x1; const int MAXTRIES = 6; // maximum number of iterations towards a solution int b = 0; // number of tries so far towards solution double fmid = EPS + 1.0; while (fabs(fmid) > EPS && b <= MAXTRIES) { b++; dx *= 0.5; xmid = rtbis + dx; // current guess for lambda // Call function photosynthesis to calculate alternative value // for total daytime photosynthesis according to Eqns 2 & 19, // Haxeltine & Prentice (1996), and current guess for lambda photosynthesis(co2, temp, par, daylength, fpar, xmid, pft, nactive, ifnlimvmax, phot_result, vmax); // Evaluate fmid at the point lambda=xmid // fmid will be an increasing function of xmid, with a solution // (fmid=0) between x1 and x2 // Second term is total daytime photosynthesis (mm/m2/day) implied by // canopy conductance and current guess for lambda (xmid) // Eqn 18, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996 fmid = phot_result.adtmm / fpc - gcphot * (1 - xmid); if (fmid < 0) { rtbis = xmid; } } // bvoc lambda=xmid; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AUTOTROPHIC RESPIRATION // Internal function (do not call directly from framework) void respiration(double gtemp_air, double gtemp_soil, lifeformtype lifeform, double respcoeff, double cton_sap, double cton_root, double cmass_sap, double cmass_root_today, double assim, double& resp, double& resp_root, double& resp_sap, double& resp_growth) { // DESCRIPTION // Calculation of daily maintenance and growth respiration for individual with // specified life form, phenological state, tissue C:N ratios and daily net // assimilation, given current air and soil temperatures. // Sitch et al. (2000), Lloyd & Taylor (1994), Sprugel et al (1996). // NOTE: leaf respiration is not calculated here, but included in the calculation // of net assimilation (function production above) as a proportion of rubisco // capacity (Vmax). // INPUT PARAMETERS // gtemp_air = respiration temperature response incorporating damping of Q10 // response due to temperature acclimation (Eqn 11, Lloyd & Taylor // 1994); Eqn B2 below // gtemp_soil = as gtemp_air given soil temperature // lifeform = PFT life form class (TREE or GRASS) // respcoeff = PFT respiration coefficient // cton_sap = PFT sapwood C:N ratio // cton_root = PFT root C:N ratio // phen = vegetation phenological state (fraction of potential leaf cover) // cmass_sap = sapwood C biomass on grid cell area basis (kgC/m2) // cmass_root = fine root C biomass on grid cell area basis (kgC/m2) // assim = net assimilation on grid cell area basis (kgC/m2/day) // OUTPUT PARAMETER // resp = sum of maintenance and growth respiration on grid cell area basis // (kgC/m2/day) // guess2008 - following a comment by Annett Wolf, the following parameter value was changed: // const double K=0.0548; // OLD value const double K=0.095218; // NEW parameter value in respiration equations // See the comment after Eqn (4) below. // double resp_sap; // sapwood respiration (kg/m2/day) // double resp_root; // root respiration (kg/m2/day) // double resp_growth; // growth respiration (kg/m2/day) // Calculation of maintenance respiration components for each living tissue: // // Based on the relations // // (A) Tissue respiration response to temperature // (Sprugel et al. 1996, Eqn 7) // // (A1) Rm = 7.4e-7 * N * f(T) // (A2) f(T) = EXP (beta * T) // // where Rm = tissue maintenance respiration rate in mol C/sec // N = tissue nitrogen in mol N // f(T) = temperature response function // beta = ln Q10 / 10 // Q10 = change in respiration rate with a 10 K change // in temperature // T = tissue absolute temperature in K // // (B) Temperature response of soil respiration across ecosystems // incorporating damping of Q10 response due to temperature acclimation // (Lloyd & Taylor 1994, Eqn 11) // // (B1) R = R10 * g(T) // (B2) g(T) = EXP [308.56 * (1 / 56.02 - 1 / (T - 227.13))] // // where R = respiration rate // R10 = respiration rate at 10 K // g(T) = temperature response function at 10 deg C // T = soil absolute temperature in K // // Mathematical derivation: // // For a tissue with C:N mass ratio cton, and C mass, c_mass, N concentration // in mol given by // (1) N = c_mass / cton / atomic_mass_N // Tissue respiration in gC/day given by // (2) R = Rm * atomic_mass_C * seconds_per_day // From (A1), (1) and (2), // (3) R = 7.4e-7 * c_mass / cton / atomic_mass_N * atomic_mass_C // * seconds_per_day * f(T) // Let // (4) k = 7.4e-7 * atomic_mass_C / atomic_mass_N * seconds_per_day // = 0.0548 // guess2008 - there is an ERROR here, spotted by Annett Wolf // If we calculate the respiration at 20 degC using g(T) and compare it to // Sprugel's eqn 3, for 1 mole tissue N, say, we do NOT get the same result with this // k value. This is because g(T) = 1 at 10 degC, not 20 degC. Changing k from 0.0548 // to 0.095218 gives exactly the same results as Sprugel at 20 degC. The scaling factor // 7.4e-7 used here is taken from Sprugel's eqn. (7), but they used f(T), not g(T), and // these are defined on different bases. // from (3), (4) // (5) R = k * c_mass / cton * f(T) // substituting ecosystem temperature response function g(T) for f(T) (Eqn B2), // (6) R = k * c_mass / cton * g(T) // incorporate PFT-specific respiration coefficient to model acclimation // of respiration rates to average (temperature) conditions for PFT (Ryan 1991) // (7) R_pft = respcoeff_pft * k * c_mass / cton * g(T) if (lifeform == TREE) { // Sapwood respiration (Eqn 7) resp_sap = respcoeff * K * cmass_sap / cton_sap * gtemp_air; // Root respiration (Eqn 7) // Assumed that root phenology follows leaf phenology resp_root = respcoeff * K * cmass_root_today / cton_root * gtemp_soil; // Growth respiration = 0.25 ( GPP - maintenance respiration) resp_growth = (assim - resp_sap - resp_root) * 0.25; // guess2008 - disallow negative growth respiration // (following a comment (060823) from Annett Wolf) if(resp_growth < 0.0) resp_growth = 0.0; // Total respiration is sum of maintenance and growth respiration resp = resp_sap + resp_root + resp_growth; } else if (lifeform == GRASS) { // Root respiration resp_root = respcoeff * K * cmass_root_today / cton_root * gtemp_soil; resp_sap = 0.0; // Growth respiration (see above) resp_growth = (assim - resp_root) * 0.25; // guess2008 - disallow negative growth respiration // (following a comment (060823) from Annett Wolf) if(resp_growth < 0.0) resp_growth = 0.0; // Total respiration (see above) resp = resp_root + resp_growth; } else fail ("Canopy exchange function respiration: unknown life form"); } /// Net Primary Productivity /** Includes BVOC calculations \see bvoc.cpp */ void npp(Patch& patch, Climate& climate, Vegetation& vegetation, const Day& day) { // Determination of daily NPP. Leaf level net assimilation calculated for non- // water-stressed individuals (i.e. with fully-open stomata) using base value // from function demand (above); for water-stressed individuals using base value // for canopy conductance by a simultaneous solution of light-based and canopy // conductance-based equations for net daily photosynthesis (see function // assimilation wstress above). The latter uses the PFT-specific base value for // conductance from function aet_water_stress (above). // Plant respiration obtained by a call to function respiration (above). double par, temp, assim, resp, resp_leaf, resp_root, resp_sap, resp_growth, lambda, rad, gtemp; double hours = 24; // diurnal "daylength" to convert to daily units if (date.diurnal()) { par = climate.pars[day.period]; temp = climate.temps[day.period]; rad = climate.rads[day.period]; gtemp = climate.gtemps[day.period]; } else { par = climate.par; temp = climate.temp; hours = climate.daylength; rad = climate.rad; gtemp = climate.gtemp; } vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); // For this individual ... // Retrieve PFT and patch PFT Pft& pft = indiv.pft; Patchpft& ppft = patch.pft[pft.id]; //Don't do calculations for crops outside their growingseason if (!indiv.growingseason()) { indiv.dnpp=0.0; vegetation.nextobj(); continue; } PhotosynthesisResult phot = date.diurnal() ? indiv.phots[day.period] : indiv.photosynthesis; if (indiv.wstress) { // Water stress - derive assimilation by simultaneous solution // of light- and conductance-based equations of photosynthesis assimilation_wstress(pft, climate.co2, temp, par, hours, indiv.fpar, indiv.fpc, ppft.gcbase, phot.vm, phot, lambda, indiv.nactive / indiv.nextin, ifnlim); } else { lambda = indiv.pft.lambda_max; } //assim = phot.net_assimilation(); assim = phot.agd_g * 1e-3; resp_leaf = phot.rd_g * 1e-3; if (ifbvoc) { PhotosynthesisResult phot_nostress = date.diurnal() ? indiv.phots[day.period] : indiv.photosynthesis; bvoc(temp, hours, rad, climate, patch, indiv, pft, phot_nostress, phot.adtmm, day); } // Calculate autotrophic respiration double cmass_root; if (indiv.cropindiv && indiv.cropindiv->isintercropgrass && indiv.phen == 0.0) cmass_root = 0.0; else cmass_root = indiv.cmass_root_today(); // Static root and sap wood C:N ratio if no N limitation // to not let N affect respiration for C only version of model double cton_sap, cton_root; if (ifnlim) { cton_sap = indiv.cton_sap(); cton_root = indiv.cton_root(); } else { cton_sap = pft.cton_sap_avr; cton_root = pft.cton_root_avr; } respiration(gtemp, patch.soil.gtemp, indiv.pft.lifeform, indiv.pft.respcoeff, cton_sap, cton_root, indiv.cmass_sap, cmass_root, assim, resp, resp_root, resp_sap, resp_growth); resp += resp_leaf; // Convert to averages for this period for accounting purposes assim /= date.subdaily; resp /= date.subdaily; // Update accumulated annual NPP and daily vegetation-atmosphere flux indiv.dnpp = assim - resp; indiv.anpp += indiv.dnpp; indiv.mgpp[date.month] += assim; indiv.mlambda_gpp[date.month] += lambda * assim; indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::NPP, indiv.dnpp); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::GPP, assim); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::RA, resp); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::RALEAF, resp_leaf); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::RASTEM, resp_sap); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::RAROOT, resp_root); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::RAGROWTH, resp_growth); if (indiv.pft.lifeform == TREE) { indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::GPPTREE, assim); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::RATREE, resp); } else if (indiv.pft.landcover != CROPLAND) { indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::GPPGRASS, assim); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::RAGRASS, resp); } #ifdef CRESCENDO_FACE indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::DRALEAF, resp_leaf); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::DRASTEM, resp_sap); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::DRAROOT, resp_root); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::DRAGROWTH, resp_growth); #endif if (indiv.lai_today() > indiv.mlai_max[date.month]) indiv.mlai_max[date.month] = indiv.lai_today(); if (day.isend) { indiv.mlai[date.month] += indiv.lai_today() / (double)date.ndaymonth[date.month]; } vegetation.nextobj(); } } /// Leaf senescence for crops Eqs. 8,9,13 and 14 in Olin 2015 void leaf_senescence(Vegetation& vegetation) { if (!(vegetation.patch.stand.is_true_crop_stand() && ifnlim)) { return; } vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); // Age dependent N retranslocation, Sec. 2.1.3 Olin 2015 if (indiv.patchpft().cropphen->dev_stage > 1.0) { const double senNr = 0.1; double senN = senNr * (indiv.nmass_leaf-indiv.cmass_leaf_today() / (indiv.pft.cton_leaf_max)); // Senescence is not done during spinup if (vegetation.patch.stand.get_gridcell().getsimulationyear(date.year) > nyear_spinup && senN > 0) { indiv.nmass_leaf -= senN; indiv.cropindiv->nmass_agpool += senN; } } double r = 0.0; // N dependant C mass loss, with an inertia of 1/10, Eq. 13 Olin 2015 if (indiv.cmass_leaf_today() > 0.0) { double Ln = indiv.lai_nitrogen_today(); double Lnld = indiv.lai_today(); r = (Lnld - min(Lnld, Ln))/indiv.pft.sla/10.0; } // No senescence during the initial growing period if (indiv.patchpft().cropphen->fphu < 0.05) { indiv.daily_cmass_leafloss = 0.0; } else { indiv.daily_cmass_leafloss = max(0.0, r); } indiv.daily_nmass_leafloss = 0.0; vegetation.nextobj(); } } /// Forest-floor conditions /** Called in cohort/individual mode (not population mode) to quantify growth * conditions at the forest floor for each PFT * Calculates net assimilation at top of grass canopy (or at soil surface if * there is none). */ void forest_floor_conditions(Patch& patch) { const Climate& climate = patch.get_climate(); double lambda; // not used here PhotosynthesisResult phot; for (int p=0; pgrowingseason) { double assim = 0; if (ppft.wstress_day) { assimilation_wstress(pft, climate.co2, climate.temp, climate.par, climate.daylength, patch.fpar_grass * ppft.phen, 1., ppft.gcbase_day, spft.photosynthesis.vm, phot, lambda, 1.0, false); assim = phot.net_assimilation(); } else { assim = spft.photosynthesis.net_assimilation() * ppft.phen * patch.fpar_grass; } // Accumulate annual value ppft.anetps_ff += assim; } if (date.islastmonth && date.islastday) { // Avoid negative ppft.anetps_ff ppft.anetps_ff = max(0.0, ppft.anetps_ff); if (ppft.anetps_ff > spft.anetps_ff_max) { spft.anetps_ff_max = ppft.anetps_ff; } } } } /// Initiate required variables for the module void init_canexch(Patch& patch, Climate& climate, Vegetation& vegetation) { if (date.day == 0) { vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); indiv.anpp = 0.0; indiv.leafndemand = 0.0; indiv.rootndemand = 0.0; indiv.sapndemand = 0.0; indiv.storendemand = 0.0; indiv.hondemand = 0.0; indiv.nday_leafon = 0; indiv.avmaxnlim = 1.0; indiv.cton_leaf_aavr = 0.0; if (!negligible(indiv.cmass_leaf) && !negligible(indiv.nmass_leaf)) indiv.cton_leaf_aopt = indiv.cmass_leaf / indiv.nmass_leaf; else indiv.cton_leaf_aopt = indiv.pft.cton_leaf_max; for (int m=0; m<12; m++) { indiv.mlai[m] = 0.0; indiv.mlai_max[m] = 0.0; indiv.mgpp[m] = 0.0; indiv.mlambda_gpp[m] = 0.0; } vegetation.nextobj(); } } patch.wdemand_day = 0; } /// Canopy exchange /** Vegetation-atmosphere exchange of CO2 and water including calculations * of actual evapotranspiration (AET), canopy conductance, carbon assimilation * and autotrophic respiration. * Should be called each simulation day for each modelled area or patch, * following update of leaf phenology and soil temperature and prior to update * of soil water. */ void canopy_exchange(Patch& patch, Climate& climate) { // NEW ASSUMPTIONS CONCERNING FPC AND FPAR (Ben Smith 2002-02-20) // FPAR = average individual fraction of PAR absorbed on patch basis today, // including effect of current leaf phenology (this differs from previous // versions of LPJ-GUESS in which FPAR was on an FPC basis) // FPC = PFT population (population mode), cohort (cohort mode) or individual // (individual mode) fractional projective cover as a fraction of patch area // (in population mode, corresponds to LPJF variable fpc_grid). Updated // annually based on leaf-out LAI (see function allometry in growth module). // (FPC was previously equal to summed crown area as a fraction of patch // area in cohort/individual mode) // Retrieve Vegetation and Climate objects for this patch Vegetation& vegetation = patch.vegetation; // Initial no-stress canopy exchange processes init_canexch(patch, climate, vegetation); // Canopy exchange processes fpar(patch); // Calculates no-stress daily values of photosynthesis and gpterm photosynthesis_nostress(patch, climate); // Nitrogen demand ndemand(patch, vegetation); // Nitrogen stress vmax_nitrogen_stress(patch, climate, vegetation); // Only these processes are affected in diurnal mode for (Day day; day.period != date.subdaily; day.next()) { wdemand(patch, climate, vegetation, day); aet_water_stress(patch, vegetation, day); water_scalar(patch, vegetation, day); npp(patch, climate, vegetation, day); } leaf_senescence(vegetation); // Forest-floor conditions forest_floor_conditions(patch); // Total potential evapotranspiration for patch (mm, patch basis) // is a sum of: (1) potential transpirative demand of the vegetation; // (2) evaporation of canopy-intercepted precipitation; and // (3) evaporation from the soil surface of non-vegetated parts of patch - // currently with boleht at 0, a patch has only two surfaces - vegetated // and non-vegetated. // This value is only diagnostic, it is not to be used in further calculations. // Correct value should use daily value of patch.demand_leafon. double pet_patch = patch.wdemand_day * patch.fpc_total + patch.intercep + climate.eet * PRIESTLEY_TAYLOR * max(1.0-patch.fpc_total, 0.0); patch.apet += pet_patch; patch.mpet[date.month] += pet_patch; patch.dpet[date.day] += pet_patch; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // REFERENCES // // LPJF refers to the original FORTRAN implementation of LPJ as described by Sitch // et al 2001 // Collatz, GJ, Ball, JT, Grivet C & Berry, JA 1991 Physiological and // environmental regulation of stomatal conductance, photosynthesis and // transpiration: a model that includes a laminar boundary layer. 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