############################################################################## #This is the top makefile for compiling OASIS3-MCT coupling library # withing the EC-Earth environment. ####### include make.inc SHELL = /bin/sh MAKEf = $(MAKE) -f TopMakefileOasis3 # Defining path for FORTRAN and C sources LIBSRC = $(COUPLE)/lib ####### default: @$(MAKEf) makedirs @$(MAKEf) makemct @$(MAKEf) makelibs @$(MAKEf) makepsmile realclean: $(MAKEf) cleanlibs # Rules for creating build and library directories # makedirs: @mkdir -p $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/scrip @mkdir -p $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/mctdir @mkdir -p $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/mct @mkdir -p $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/psmile.$(CHAN) @mkdir -p $(ARCHDIR)/lib # Rules for compiling mpeu/mct library # makemct: @echo "==> Compiling library mpeu and mct" @(cd $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/mctdir; \ cp -f -r -p $(LIBSRC)/mct/* .; \ ./configure MPIFC="$(F90)" FC="$(F90)" CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="$(addprefix -I,$(MPI_INCLUDE))" FCFLAGS="$(addprefix -I,$(MPI_INCLUDE))"; \ $(MAKE); \ cp -f ./*/lib*.a $(ARCHDIR)/lib/; \ cp -f ./*/*.o $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/mct/; \ cp -f ./*/*.mod $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/mct/; ) # Rules for compiling the libraries scrip and psmile # makelibs: @echo "==> Compiling library scrip" @(cd $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/scrip; \ cp -f $(LIBSRC)/scrip/src/Makefile .; \ $(modifmakefile) ; \ $(MAKE) all ) makepsmile: @echo "==> Compiling library psmile" (cd $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/psmile.$(CHAN); \ cp -f $(LIBSRC)/psmile/src/Makefile .; \ $(modifmakefile); \ $(MAKE) all ) # Rules for cleaning # cleanlibs: @echo "==> Cleaning OASIS3 libraries" @rm -f $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/scrip/* @rm -f $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/mct/* @rm -f -r $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/mctdir/* @rm -f $(ARCHDIR)/build/lib/psmile.$(CHAN)/* @rm -f $(ARCHDIR)/lib/libscrip.a @rm -f $(ARCHDIR)/lib/libmct.a @rm -f $(ARCHDIR)/lib/libmpeu.a @rm -f $(ARCHDIR)/lib/libpsmile.$(CHAN).a ## Some rules to modify/add variables in makefiles # modifmakefile = ( echo 'include $(COUPLE)/util/make_dir/make.inc' \ > infile; cat Makefile >> infile ; cp -f infile Makefile ) # ########################################################################################