MODULE diadct !!===================================================================== !! *** MODULE diadct *** !! Ocean diagnostics: Compute the transport trough a sec. !!=============================================================== !! History : !! !! original : 02/99 (Y Drillet) !! addition : 10/01 (Y Drillet, R Bourdalle Badie) !! : 10/05 (M Laborie) F90 !! addition : 04/07 (G Garric) Ice sections !! bugfix : 04/07 (C Bricaud) test on sec%nb_point !! initialisation of ztransp1,ztransp2,... !! nemo_v_3_4: 09/2011 (C Bricaud) !! !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined key_diadct !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 'key_diadct' : !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! dia_dct : Compute the transport through a sec. !! dia_dct_init : Read namelist. !! readsec : Read sections description and pathway !! removepoints : Remove points which are common to 2 procs !! transport : Compute transport for each sections !! dia_dct_wri : Write tranports results in ascii files !! interp : Compute temperature/salinity/density at U-point or V-point !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Modules used USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE phycst ! physical constants USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE daymod ! calendar USE dianam ! build name of file USE lib_mpp ! distributed memory computing library #if defined key_lim2 USE ice_2 #endif #if defined key_lim3 USE ice #endif USE domvvl USE timing ! preformance summary USE wrk_nemo ! working arrays IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !! * Routine accessibility PUBLIC dia_dct ! routine called by step.F90 PUBLIC dia_dct_init ! routine called by opa.F90 PUBLIC diadct_alloc ! routine called by nemo_init in nemogcm.F90 PRIVATE readsec PRIVATE removepoints PRIVATE transport PRIVATE dia_dct_wri #include "domzgr_substitute.h90" !! * Shared module variables LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: lk_diadct = .TRUE. !: model-data diagnostics flag !! * Module variables INTEGER :: nn_dct ! Frequency of computation INTEGER :: nn_dctwri ! Frequency of output INTEGER :: nn_secdebug ! Number of the section to debug INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nb_class_max = 10 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nb_sec_max = 150 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nb_point_max = 2000 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nb_type_class = 10 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nb_3d_vars = 3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nb_2d_vars = 2 INTEGER :: nb_sec TYPE POINT_SECTION INTEGER :: I,J END TYPE POINT_SECTION TYPE COORD_SECTION REAL(wp) :: lon,lat END TYPE COORD_SECTION TYPE SECTION CHARACTER(len=60) :: name ! name of the sec LOGICAL :: llstrpond ! true if you want the computation of salt and ! heat transports LOGICAL :: ll_ice_section ! ice surface and ice volume computation LOGICAL :: ll_date_line ! = T if the section crosses the date-line TYPE(COORD_SECTION), DIMENSION(2) :: coordSec ! longitude and latitude of the extremities of the sec INTEGER :: nb_class ! number of boundaries for density classes INTEGER, DIMENSION(nb_point_max) :: direction ! vector direction of the point in the section CHARACTER(len=40),DIMENSION(nb_class_max) :: classname ! characteristics of the class REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nb_class_max) :: zsigi ,&! in-situ density classes (99 if you don't want) zsigp ,&! potential density classes (99 if you don't want) zsal ,&! salinity classes (99 if you don't want) ztem ,&! temperature classes(99 if you don't want) zlay ! level classes (99 if you don't want) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nb_type_class,nb_class_max) :: transport ! transport output REAL(wp) :: slopeSection ! slope of the section INTEGER :: nb_point ! number of points in the section TYPE(POINT_SECTION),DIMENSION(nb_point_max) :: listPoint ! list of points in the sections END TYPE SECTION TYPE(SECTION),DIMENSION(nb_sec_max) :: secs ! Array of sections REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: transports_3d REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: transports_2d !! $Id: diadct.F90 4578 2017-09-25 09:34:12Z ufla $ CONTAINS INTEGER FUNCTION diadct_alloc() !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION diadct_alloc *** !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ierr(2) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE(transports_3d(nb_3d_vars,nb_sec_max,nb_point_max,jpk), STAT=ierr(1) ) ALLOCATE(transports_2d(nb_2d_vars,nb_sec_max,nb_point_max) , STAT=ierr(2) ) diadct_alloc = MAXVAL( ierr ) IF( diadct_alloc /= 0 ) CALL ctl_warn('diadct_alloc: failed to allocate arrays') END FUNCTION diadct_alloc SUBROUTINE dia_dct_init !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE diadct *** !! !! ** Purpose: Read the namelist parameters !! Open output files !! !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- NAMELIST/namdct/nn_dct,nn_dctwri,nn_secdebug INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_start('dia_dct_init') REWIND( numnam_ref ) ! Namelist namdct in reference namelist : Diagnostic: transport through sections READ ( numnam_ref, namdct, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901) 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namdct in reference namelist', lwp ) REWIND( numnam_cfg ) ! Namelist namdct in configuration namelist : Diagnostic: transport through sections READ ( numnam_cfg, namdct, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) 902 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namdct in configuration namelist', lwp ) IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, namdct ) IF( lwp ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) " " WRITE(numout,*) "diadct_init: compute transports through sections " WRITE(numout,*) "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" WRITE(numout,*) " Frequency of computation: nn_dct = ",nn_dct WRITE(numout,*) " Frequency of write: nn_dctwri = ",nn_dctwri IF ( nn_secdebug .GE. 1 .AND. nn_secdebug .LE. nb_sec_max )THEN WRITE(numout,*)" Debug section number: ", nn_secdebug ELSE IF ( nn_secdebug == 0 )THEN ; WRITE(numout,*)" No section to debug" ELSE IF ( nn_secdebug == -1 )THEN ; WRITE(numout,*)" Debug all sections" ELSE ; WRITE(numout,*)" Wrong value for nn_secdebug : ",nn_secdebug ENDIF IF(nn_dct .GE. nn_dctwri .AND. MOD(nn_dct,nn_dctwri) .NE. 0) & & CALL ctl_stop( 'diadct: nn_dct should be smaller and a multiple of nn_dctwri' ) ENDIF !Read section_ijglobal.diadct CALL readsec !open output file IF( lwm ) THEN CALL ctl_opn( numdct_vol, 'volume_transport', 'NEW', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, .FALSE. ) CALL ctl_opn( numdct_heat, 'heat_transport' , 'NEW', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, .FALSE. ) CALL ctl_opn( numdct_salt, 'salt_transport' , 'NEW', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, .FALSE. ) ENDIF ! Initialise arrays to zero transports_3d(:,:,:,:)=0.0 transports_2d(:,:,:) =0.0 IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('dia_dct_init') ! END SUBROUTINE dia_dct_init SUBROUTINE dia_dct(kt) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE diadct *** !! !! Purpose :: Compute section transports and write it in numdct files !! !! Method :: All arrays initialised to zero in dct_init !! Each nn_dct time step call subroutine 'transports' for !! each section to sum the transports over each grid cell. !! Each nn_dctwri time step: !! Divide the arrays by the number of summations to gain !! an average value !! Call dia_dct_sum to sum relevant grid boxes to obtain !! totals for each class (density, depth, temp or sal) !! Call dia_dct_wri to write the transports into file !! Reinitialise all relevant arrays to zero !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments INTEGER,INTENT(IN) ::kt !! * Local variables INTEGER :: jsec, &! loop on sections itotal ! nb_sec_max*nb_type_class*nb_class_max LOGICAL :: lldebug =.FALSE. ! debug a section INTEGER , DIMENSION(1) :: ish ! tmp array for mpp_sum INTEGER , DIMENSION(3) :: ish2 ! " REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: zwork ! " REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:,:):: zsum ! " !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_start('dia_dct') IF( lk_mpp )THEN itotal = nb_sec_max*nb_type_class*nb_class_max CALL wrk_alloc( itotal , zwork ) CALL wrk_alloc( nb_sec_max,nb_type_class,nb_class_max , zsum ) ENDIF ! Initialise arrays zwork(:) = 0.0 zsum(:,:,:) = 0.0 IF( lwp .AND. kt==nit000+nn_dct-1 ) THEN WRITE(numout,*) " " WRITE(numout,*) "diadct: compute transport" WRITE(numout,*) "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" WRITE(numout,*) "nb_sec = ",nb_sec ENDIF ! Compute transport and write only at nn_dctwri IF( MOD(kt,nn_dct)==0 ) THEN DO jsec=1,nb_sec !debug this section computing ? lldebug=.FALSE. IF( (jsec==nn_secdebug .OR. nn_secdebug==-1) .AND. kt==nit000+nn_dct-1 ) lldebug=.TRUE. !Compute transport through section CALL transport(secs(jsec),lldebug,jsec) ENDDO IF( MOD(kt,nn_dctwri)==0 )THEN IF( kt==nit000+nn_dctwri-1 )WRITE(numout,*)" diadct: average transports and write at kt = ",kt !! divide arrays by nn_dctwri/nn_dct to obtain average transports_3d(:,:,:,:)=transports_3d(:,:,:,:)/(nn_dctwri/nn_dct) transports_2d(:,:,:) =transports_2d(:,:,:) /(nn_dctwri/nn_dct) ! Sum over each class DO jsec=1,nb_sec CALL dia_dct_sum(secs(jsec),jsec) ENDDO !Sum on all procs IF( lk_mpp )THEN ish(1) = nb_sec_max*nb_type_class*nb_class_max ish2 = (/nb_sec_max,nb_type_class,nb_class_max/) DO jsec=1,nb_sec ; zsum(jsec,:,:) = secs(jsec)%transport(:,:) ; ENDDO zwork(:)= RESHAPE(zsum(:,:,:), ish ) CALL mpp_sum(zwork, ish(1)) zsum(:,:,:)= RESHAPE(zwork,ish2) DO jsec=1,nb_sec ; secs(jsec)%transport(:,:) = zsum(jsec,:,:) ; ENDDO ENDIF !Write the transport DO jsec=1,nb_sec IF( lwm )CALL dia_dct_wri(kt,jsec,secs(jsec)) !nullify transports values after writing transports_3d(:,jsec,:,:)=0. transports_2d(:,jsec,: )=0. secs(jsec)%transport(:,:)=0. ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF IF( lk_mpp )THEN itotal = nb_sec_max*nb_type_class*nb_class_max CALL wrk_dealloc( itotal , zwork ) CALL wrk_dealloc( nb_sec_max,nb_type_class,nb_class_max , zsum ) ENDIF IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('dia_dct') ! END SUBROUTINE dia_dct SUBROUTINE readsec !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE readsec *** !! !! ** Purpose: !! Read a binary file(section_ijglobal.diadct) !! generated by the tools "NEMOGCM/TOOLS/SECTIONS_DIADCT" !! !! !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Local variables INTEGER :: iptglo , iptloc ! Global and local number of points for a section INTEGER :: isec, iiglo, ijglo, iiloc, ijloc,iost,i1 ,i2 ! temporary integer INTEGER :: jsec, jpt ! dummy loop indices INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: icoord CHARACTER(len=160) :: clname !filename CHARACTER(len=200) :: cltmp CHARACTER(len=200) :: clformat !automatic format TYPE(POINT_SECTION),DIMENSION(nb_point_max) ::coordtemp !contains listpoints coordinates !read in the file INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: directemp !contains listpoints directions !read in the files LOGICAL :: llbon ,&!local logical lldebug !debug the section !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL wrk_alloc( nb_point_max, directemp ) !open input file !--------------- CALL ctl_opn( numdct_in, 'section_ijglobal.diadct', 'OLD', 'UNFORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, .FALSE. ) !--------------- !Read input file !--------------- DO jsec=1,nb_sec_max !loop on the nb_sec sections IF ( jsec==nn_secdebug .OR. nn_secdebug==-1 ) & & WRITE(numout,*)'debuging for section number: ',jsec !initialization !--------------- secs(jsec)%name='' secs(jsec)%llstrpond = .FALSE. ; secs(jsec)%ll_ice_section = .FALSE. secs(jsec)%ll_date_line = .FALSE. ; secs(jsec)%nb_class = 0 secs(jsec)%zsigi = 99._wp ; secs(jsec)%zsigp = 99._wp secs(jsec)%zsal = 99._wp ; secs(jsec)%ztem = 99._wp secs(jsec)%zlay = 99._wp secs(jsec)%transport = 0._wp ; secs(jsec)%nb_point = 0 !read section's number / name / computing choices / classes / slopeSection / points number !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- READ(numdct_in,iostat=iost)isec IF (iost .NE. 0 )EXIT !end of file WRITE(cltmp,'(a,i4.4,a,i4.4)')'diadct: read sections : Problem of section number: isec= ',isec,' and jsec= ',jsec IF( jsec .NE. isec ) CALL ctl_stop( cltmp ) IF( jsec==nn_secdebug .OR. nn_secdebug==-1 )WRITE(numout,*)"isec ",isec READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%name READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%llstrpond READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%ll_ice_section READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%ll_date_line READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%coordSec READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%nb_class READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%zsigi READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%zsigp READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%zsal READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%ztem READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%zlay READ(numdct_in)secs(jsec)%slopeSection READ(numdct_in)iptglo !debug !----- IF( jsec==nn_secdebug .OR. nn_secdebug==-1 )THEN WRITE(clformat,'(a,i2,a)') '(A40,', nb_class_max,'(f8.3,1X))' WRITE(numout,*) " Section name : ",TRIM(secs(jsec)%name) WRITE(numout,*) " Compute heat and salt transport ? ",secs(jsec)%llstrpond WRITE(numout,*) " Compute ice transport ? ",secs(jsec)%ll_ice_section WRITE(numout,*) " Section crosses date-line ? ",secs(jsec)%ll_date_line WRITE(numout,*) " Slope section : ",secs(jsec)%slopeSection WRITE(numout,*) " Number of points in the section: ",iptglo WRITE(numout,*) " Number of classes ",secs(jsec)%nb_class WRITE(numout,clformat)" Insitu density classes : ",secs(jsec)%zsigi WRITE(numout,clformat)" Potential density classes : ",secs(jsec)%zsigp WRITE(numout,clformat)" Salinity classes : ",secs(jsec)%zsal WRITE(numout,clformat)" Temperature classes : ",secs(jsec)%ztem WRITE(numout,clformat)" Depth classes : ",secs(jsec)%zlay ENDIF IF( iptglo .NE. 0 )THEN !read points'coordinates and directions !-------------------------------------- coordtemp(:) = POINT_SECTION(0,0) !list of points read directemp(:) = 0 !value of directions of each points DO jpt=1,iptglo READ(numdct_in)i1,i2 coordtemp(jpt)%I = i1 coordtemp(jpt)%J = i2 ENDDO READ(numdct_in)directemp(1:iptglo) !debug !----- IF( jsec==nn_secdebug .OR. nn_secdebug==-1 )THEN WRITE(numout,*)" List of points in global domain:" DO jpt=1,iptglo WRITE(numout,*)' # I J ',jpt,coordtemp(jpt),directemp(jpt) ENDDO ENDIF !Now each proc selects only points that are in its domain: !-------------------------------------------------------- iptloc = 0 !initialize number of points selected DO jpt=1,iptglo !loop on listpoint read in the file iiglo=coordtemp(jpt)%I ! global coordinates of the point ijglo=coordtemp(jpt)%J ! " IF( iiglo==jpidta .AND. nimpp==1 ) iiglo = 2 iiloc=iiglo-jpizoom+1-nimpp+1 ! local coordinates of the point ijloc=ijglo-jpjzoom+1-njmpp+1 ! " !verify if the point is on the local domain:(1,nlei)*(1,nlej) IF( iiloc .GE. 1 .AND. iiloc .LE. nlei .AND. & ijloc .GE. 1 .AND. ijloc .LE. nlej )THEN iptloc = iptloc + 1 ! count local points secs(jsec)%listPoint(iptloc) = POINT_SECTION(mi0(iiglo),mj0(ijglo)) ! store local coordinates secs(jsec)%direction(iptloc) = directemp(jpt) ! store local direction ENDIF ENDDO secs(jsec)%nb_point=iptloc !store number of section's points !debug !----- IF( jsec==nn_secdebug .OR. nn_secdebug==-1 )THEN WRITE(numout,*)" List of points selected by the proc:" DO jpt = 1,iptloc iiglo = secs(jsec)%listPoint(jpt)%I + jpizoom - 1 + nimpp - 1 ijglo = secs(jsec)%listPoint(jpt)%J + jpjzoom - 1 + njmpp - 1 WRITE(numout,*)' # I J : ',iiglo,ijglo ENDDO ENDIF IF(jsec==nn_secdebug .AND. secs(jsec)%nb_point .NE. 0)THEN DO jpt = 1,iptloc iiglo = secs(jsec)%listPoint(jpt)%I + jpizoom - 1 + nimpp - 1 ijglo = secs(jsec)%listPoint(jpt)%J + jpjzoom - 1 + njmpp - 1 ENDDO ENDIF !remove redundant points between processors !------------------------------------------ lldebug = .FALSE. ; IF ( jsec==nn_secdebug .OR. nn_secdebug==-1 ) lldebug = .TRUE. IF( iptloc .NE. 0 )THEN CALL removepoints(secs(jsec),'I','top_list',lldebug) CALL removepoints(secs(jsec),'I','bot_list',lldebug) CALL removepoints(secs(jsec),'J','top_list',lldebug) CALL removepoints(secs(jsec),'J','bot_list',lldebug) ENDIF IF(jsec==nn_secdebug .AND. secs(jsec)%nb_point .NE. 0)THEN DO jpt = 1,secs(jsec)%nb_point iiglo = secs(jsec)%listPoint(jpt)%I + jpizoom - 1 + nimpp - 1 ijglo = secs(jsec)%listPoint(jpt)%J + jpjzoom - 1 + njmpp - 1 ENDDO ENDIF !debug !----- IF( jsec==nn_secdebug .OR. nn_secdebug==-1 )THEN WRITE(numout,*)" List of points after removepoints:" iptloc = secs(jsec)%nb_point DO jpt = 1,iptloc iiglo = secs(jsec)%listPoint(jpt)%I + jpizoom - 1 + nimpp - 1 ijglo = secs(jsec)%listPoint(jpt)%J + jpjzoom - 1 + njmpp - 1 WRITE(numout,*)' # I J : ',iiglo,ijglo CALL FLUSH(numout) ENDDO ENDIF ELSE ! iptglo = 0 IF( jsec==nn_secdebug .OR. nn_secdebug==-1 )& WRITE(numout,*)' No points for this section.' ENDIF ENDDO !end of the loop on jsec nb_sec = jsec-1 !number of section read in the file CALL wrk_dealloc( nb_point_max, directemp ) ! END SUBROUTINE readsec SUBROUTINE removepoints(sec,cdind,cdextr,ld_debug) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** function removepoints !! !! ** Purpose :: Remove points which are common to 2 procs !! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments TYPE(SECTION),INTENT(INOUT) :: sec CHARACTER(len=1),INTENT(IN) :: cdind ! = 'I'/'J' CHARACTER(len=8),INTENT(IN) :: cdextr ! = 'top_list'/'bot_list' LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: ld_debug !! * Local variables INTEGER :: iextr ,& !extremity of listpoint that we verify iind ,& !coord of listpoint that we verify itest ,& !indice value of the side of the domain !where points could be redundant isgn ,& ! isgn= 1 : scan listpoint from start to end ! isgn=-1 : scan listpoint from end to start istart,iend !first and last points selected in listpoint INTEGER :: jpoint !loop on list points INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: idirec !contains temporary sec%direction INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: icoord !contains temporary sec%listpoint !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL wrk_alloc( nb_point_max, idirec ) CALL wrk_alloc( 2, nb_point_max, icoord ) IF( ld_debug )WRITE(numout,*)' -------------------------' IF( ld_debug )WRITE(numout,*)' removepoints in listpoint' !iextr=extremity of list_point that we verify IF ( cdextr=='bot_list' )THEN ; iextr=1 ; isgn=1 ELSE IF ( cdextr=='top_list' )THEN ; iextr=sec%nb_point ; isgn=-1 ELSE ; CALL ctl_stop("removepoints :Wrong value for cdextr") ENDIF !which coordinate shall we verify ? IF ( cdind=='I' )THEN ; itest=nlei ; iind=1 ELSE IF ( cdind=='J' )THEN ; itest=nlej ; iind=2 ELSE ; CALL ctl_stop("removepoints :Wrong value for cdind") ENDIF IF( ld_debug )THEN WRITE(numout,*)' case: coord/list extr/domain side' WRITE(numout,*)' ', cdind,' ',cdextr,' ',itest WRITE(numout,*)' Actual number of points: ',sec%nb_point ENDIF icoord(1,1:nb_point_max) = sec%listPoint%I icoord(2,1:nb_point_max) = sec%listPoint%J idirec = sec%direction sec%listPoint = POINT_SECTION(0,0) sec%direction = 0 jpoint=iextr+isgn DO WHILE( jpoint .GE. 1 .AND. jpoint .LE. sec%nb_point ) IF( icoord( iind,jpoint-isgn ) == itest .AND. icoord( iind,jpoint ) == itest )THEN ; jpoint=jpoint+isgn ELSE ; EXIT ENDIF ENDDO IF( cdextr=='bot_list')THEN ; istart=jpoint-1 ; iend=sec%nb_point ELSE ; istart=1 ; iend=jpoint+1 ENDIF sec%listPoint(1:1+iend-istart)%I = icoord(1,istart:iend) sec%listPoint(1:1+iend-istart)%J = icoord(2,istart:iend) sec%direction(1:1+iend-istart) = idirec(istart:iend) sec%nb_point = iend-istart+1 IF( ld_debug )THEN WRITE(numout,*)' Number of points after removepoints :',sec%nb_point WRITE(numout,*)' sec%direction after removepoints :',sec%direction(1:sec%nb_point) ENDIF CALL wrk_dealloc( nb_point_max, idirec ) CALL wrk_dealloc( 2, nb_point_max, icoord ) END SUBROUTINE removepoints SUBROUTINE transport(sec,ld_debug,jsec) !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE transport *** !! !! Purpose :: Compute the transport for each point in a section !! !! Method :: Loop over each segment, and each vertical level and add the transport !! Be aware : !! One section is a sum of segments !! One segment is defined by 2 consecutive points in sec%listPoint !! All points of sec%listPoint are positioned on the F-point of the cell !! !! There are two loops: !! loop on the segment between 2 nodes !! loop on the level jk !! !! !! Output :: Arrays containing the volume,density,heat,salt transports for each i !! point in a section, summed over each nn_dct. !! !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! * Arguments TYPE(SECTION),INTENT(INOUT) :: sec LOGICAL ,INTENT(IN) :: ld_debug INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: jsec ! numeric identifier of section !! * Local variables INTEGER :: jk, jseg, jclass,jl, &!loop on level/segment/classes/ice categories isgnu, isgnv ! REAL(wp) :: zumid, zvmid, &!U/V velocity on a cell segment zumid_ice, zvmid_ice, &!U/V ice velocity zTnorm !transport of velocity through one cell's sides REAL(wp) :: ztn, zsn, zrhoi, zrhop, zsshn, zfsdep !temperature/salinity/potential density/ssh/depth at u/v point TYPE(POINT_SECTION) :: k !!-------------------------------------------------------- IF( ld_debug )WRITE(numout,*)' Compute transport' !---------------------------! ! COMPUTE TRANSPORT ! !---------------------------! IF(sec%nb_point .NE. 0)THEN !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Compute sign for velocities: ! !convention: ! non horizontal section: direction + is toward left hand of section ! horizontal section: direction + is toward north of section ! ! ! slopeSection < 0 slopeSection > 0 slopeSection=inf slopeSection=0 ! ---------------- ----------------- --------------- -------------- ! ! isgnv=1 direction + ! ______ _____ ______ ! | //| | | direction + ! | isgnu=1 // | |isgnu=1 |isgnu=1 /|\ ! |_______ // ______| \\ | ---\ | ! | | isgnv=-1 \\ | | ---/ direction + ____________ ! | | __\\| | ! | | direction + | isgnv=1 ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isgnu = 1 IF( sec%slopeSection .GT. 0 ) THEN ; isgnv = -1 ELSE ; isgnv = 1 ENDIF IF( sec%slopeSection .GE. 9999. ) isgnv = 1 IF( ld_debug )write(numout,*)"sec%slopeSection isgnu isgnv ",sec%slopeSection,isgnu,isgnv !--------------------------------------! ! LOOP ON THE SEGMENT BETWEEN 2 NODES ! !--------------------------------------! DO jseg=1,MAX(sec%nb_point-1,0) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Select the appropriate coordinate for computing the velocity of the segment ! ! CASE(0) Case (2) ! ------- -------- ! listPoint(jseg) listPoint(jseg+1) listPoint(jseg) F(i,j) ! F(i,j)----------V(i+1,j)-------F(i+1,j) | ! | ! | ! | ! Case (3) U(i,j) ! -------- | ! | ! listPoint(jseg+1) F(i,j+1) | ! | | ! | | ! | listPoint(jseg+1) F(i,j-1) ! | ! | ! U(i,j+1) ! | Case(1) ! | ------ ! | ! | listPoint(jseg+1) listPoint(jseg) ! | F(i-1,j)-----------V(i,j) -------f(jseg) ! listPoint(jseg) F(i,j) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT CASE( sec%direction(jseg) ) CASE(0) ; k = sec%listPoint(jseg) CASE(1) ; k = POINT_SECTION(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I+1,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J) CASE(2) ; k = sec%listPoint(jseg) CASE(3) ; k = POINT_SECTION(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J+1) END SELECT !---------------------------| ! LOOP ON THE LEVEL | !---------------------------| !Sum of the transport on the vertical DO jk=1,mbathy(k%I,k%J) ! compute temperature, salinity, insitu & potential density, ssh and depth at U/V point SELECT CASE( sec%direction(jseg) ) CASE(0,1) ztn = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'V',tsn(:,:,:,jp_tem) ) zsn = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'V',tsn(:,:,:,jp_sal) ) zrhop = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'V',rhop) zrhoi = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'V',rhd*rau0+rau0) zsshn = 0.5*( sshn(k%I,k%J) + sshn(k%I,k%J+1) ) * vmask(k%I,k%J,1) CASE(2,3) ztn = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'U',tsn(:,:,:,jp_tem) ) zsn = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'U',tsn(:,:,:,jp_sal) ) zrhop = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'U',rhop) zrhoi = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'U',rhd*rau0+rau0) zsshn = 0.5*( sshn(k%I,k%J) + sshn(k%I+1,k%J) ) * umask(k%I,k%J,1) END SELECT zfsdep= fsdept(k%I,k%J,jk) !compute velocity with the correct direction SELECT CASE( sec%direction(jseg) ) CASE(0,1) zumid=0. zvmid=isgnv*vn(k%I,k%J,jk)*vmask(k%I,k%J,jk) CASE(2,3) zumid=isgnu*un(k%I,k%J,jk)*umask(k%I,k%J,jk) zvmid=0. END SELECT !zTnorm=transport through one cell; !velocity* cell's length * cell's thickness zTnorm=zumid*e2u(k%I,k%J)* fse3u(k%I,k%J,jk)+ & zvmid*e1v(k%I,k%J)* fse3v(k%I,k%J,jk) #if ! defined key_vvl !add transport due to free surface IF( jk==1 )THEN zTnorm = zTnorm + zumid* e2u(k%I,k%J) * zsshn * umask(k%I,k%J,jk) + & zvmid* e1v(k%I,k%J) * zsshn * vmask(k%I,k%J,jk) ENDIF #endif !COMPUTE TRANSPORT transports_3d(1,jsec,jseg,jk) = transports_3d(1,jsec,jseg,jk) + zTnorm IF ( sec%llstrpond ) THEN transports_3d(2,jsec,jseg,jk) = transports_3d(2,jsec,jseg,jk) + zTnorm * ztn * zrhop * rcp transports_3d(3,jsec,jseg,jk) = transports_3d(3,jsec,jseg,jk) + zTnorm * zsn * zrhop * 0.001 ENDIF ENDDO !end of loop on the level #if defined key_lim2 || defined key_lim3 !ICE CASE !------------ IF( sec%ll_ice_section )THEN SELECT CASE (sec%direction(jseg)) CASE(0) zumid_ice = 0 zvmid_ice = isgnv*0.5*(v_ice(k%I,k%J+1)+v_ice(k%I+1,k%J+1)) CASE(1) zumid_ice = 0 zvmid_ice = isgnv*0.5*(v_ice(k%I,k%J+1)+v_ice(k%I+1,k%J+1)) CASE(2) zvmid_ice = 0 zumid_ice = isgnu*0.5*(u_ice(k%I+1,k%J)+u_ice(k%I+1,k%J+1)) CASE(3) zvmid_ice = 0 zumid_ice = isgnu*0.5*(u_ice(k%I+1,k%J)+u_ice(k%I+1,k%J+1)) END SELECT zTnorm=zumid_ice*e2u(k%I,k%J)+zvmid_ice*e1v(k%I,k%J) #if defined key_lim2 transports_2d(1,jsec,jseg) = transports_2d(1,jsec,jseg) + (zTnorm)* & (1.0 - frld(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J)) & *(hsnif(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J) + & hicif(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J)) transports_2d(2,jsec,jseg) = transports_2d(2,jsec,jseg) + (zTnorm)* & (1.0 - frld(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J)) #endif #if defined key_lim3 DO jl=1,jpl transports_2d(1,jsec,jseg) = transports_2d(1,jsec,jseg) + (zTnorm)* & a_i(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J,jl) * & ( ht_i(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J,jl) + & ht_s(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J,jl) ) transports_2d(2,jsec,jseg) = transports_2d(2,jsec,jseg) + (zTnorm)* & a_i(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J,jl) ENDDO #endif ENDIF !end of ice case #endif ENDDO !end of loop on the segment ENDIF !end of sec%nb_point =0 case ! END SUBROUTINE transport SUBROUTINE dia_dct_sum(sec,jsec) !!------------------------------------------------------------- !! Purpose: Average the transport over nn_dctwri time steps !! and sum over the density/salinity/temperature/depth classes !! !! Method: Sum over relevant grid cells to obtain values !! for each class !! There are several loops: !! loop on the segment between 2 nodes !! loop on the level jk !! loop on the density/temperature/salinity/level classes !! test on the density/temperature/salinity/level !! !! Note: Transport through a given section is equal to the sum of transports !! computed on each proc. !! On each proc,transport is equal to the sum of transport computed through !! segments linking each point of sec%listPoint with the next one. !! !!------------------------------------------------------------- !! * arguments TYPE(SECTION),INTENT(INOUT) :: sec INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: jsec ! numeric identifier of section TYPE(POINT_SECTION) :: k INTEGER :: jk,jseg,jclass ! dummy variables for looping on level/segment/classes REAL(wp) :: ztn, zsn, zrhoi, zrhop, zsshn, zfsdep ! temperature/salinity/ssh/potential density /depth at u/v point !!------------------------------------------------------------- !! Sum the relevant segments to obtain values for each class IF(sec%nb_point .NE. 0)THEN !--------------------------------------! ! LOOP ON THE SEGMENT BETWEEN 2 NODES ! !--------------------------------------! DO jseg=1,MAX(sec%nb_point-1,0) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Select the appropriate coordinate for computing the velocity of the segment ! ! CASE(0) Case (2) ! ------- -------- ! listPoint(jseg) listPoint(jseg+1) listPoint(jseg) F(i,j) ! F(i,j)----------V(i+1,j)-------F(i+1,j) | ! | ! | ! | ! Case (3) U(i,j) ! -------- | ! | ! listPoint(jseg+1) F(i,j+1) | ! | | ! | | ! | listPoint(jseg+1) F(i,j-1) ! | ! | ! U(i,j+1) ! | Case(1) ! | ------ ! | ! | listPoint(jseg+1) listPoint(jseg) ! | F(i-1,j)-----------V(i,j) -------f(jseg) ! listPoint(jseg) F(i,j) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT CASE( sec%direction(jseg) ) CASE(0) ; k = sec%listPoint(jseg) CASE(1) ; k = POINT_SECTION(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I+1,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J) CASE(2) ; k = sec%listPoint(jseg) CASE(3) ; k = POINT_SECTION(sec%listPoint(jseg)%I,sec%listPoint(jseg)%J+1) END SELECT !---------------------------| ! LOOP ON THE LEVEL | !---------------------------| !Sum of the transport on the vertical DO jk=1,mbathy(k%I,k%J) ! compute temperature, salinity, insitu & potential density, ssh and depth at U/V point SELECT CASE( sec%direction(jseg) ) CASE(0,1) ztn = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'V',tsn(:,:,:,jp_tem) ) zsn = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'V',tsn(:,:,:,jp_sal) ) zrhop = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'V',rhop) zrhoi = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'V',rhd*rau0+rau0) CASE(2,3) ztn = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'U',tsn(:,:,:,jp_tem) ) zsn = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'U',tsn(:,:,:,jp_sal) ) zrhop = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'U',rhop) zrhoi = interp(k%I,k%J,jk,'U',rhd*rau0+rau0) zsshn = 0.5*( sshn(k%I,k%J) + sshn(k%I+1,k%J) ) * umask(k%I,k%J,1) END SELECT zfsdep= fsdept(k%I,k%J,jk) !------------------------------- ! LOOP ON THE DENSITY CLASSES | !------------------------------- !The computation is made for each density/temperature/salinity/depth class DO jclass=1,MAX(1,sec%nb_class-1) !----------------------------------------------! !TEST ON THE DENSITY/SALINITY/TEMPERATURE/LEVEL! !----------------------------------------------! IF ( ( & ((( zrhop .GE. (sec%zsigp(jclass)+1000. )) .AND. & ( zrhop .LE. (sec%zsigp(jclass+1)+1000. ))) .OR. & ( sec%zsigp(jclass) .EQ. 99.)) .AND. & ((( zrhoi .GE. (sec%zsigi(jclass) + 1000. )) .AND. & ( zrhoi .LE. (sec%zsigi(jclass+1)+1000. ))) .OR. & ( sec%zsigi(jclass) .EQ. 99.)) .AND. & ((( zsn .GT. sec%zsal(jclass)) .AND. & ( zsn .LE. sec%zsal(jclass+1))) .OR. & ( sec%zsal(jclass) .EQ. 99.)) .AND. & ((( ztn .GE. sec%ztem(jclass)) .AND. & ( ztn .LE. sec%ztem(jclass+1))) .OR. & ( sec%ztem(jclass) .EQ.99.)) .AND. & ((( zfsdep .GE. sec%zlay(jclass)) .AND. & ( zfsdep .LE. sec%zlay(jclass+1))) .OR. & ( sec%zlay(jclass) .EQ. 99. )) & )) THEN !SUM THE TRANSPORTS FOR EACH CLASSES FOR THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE DIRECTIONS !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (transports_3d(1,jsec,jseg,jk) .GE. 0.0) THEN sec%transport(1,jclass) = sec%transport(1,jclass)+transports_3d(1,jsec,jseg,jk)*1.E-6 ELSE sec%transport(2,jclass) = sec%transport(2,jclass)+transports_3d(1,jsec,jseg,jk)*1.E-6 ENDIF IF( sec%llstrpond )THEN IF ( transports_3d(2,jsec,jseg,jk) .GE. 0.0 ) THEN sec%transport(3,jclass) = sec%transport(3,jclass)+transports_3d(2,jsec,jseg,jk) ELSE sec%transport(4,jclass) = sec%transport(4,jclass)+transports_3d(2,jsec,jseg,jk) ENDIF IF ( transports_3d(3,jsec,jseg,jk) .GE. 0.0 ) THEN sec%transport(5,jclass) = sec%transport(5,jclass)+transports_3d(3,jsec,jseg,jk) ELSE sec%transport(6,jclass) = sec%transport(6,jclass)+transports_3d(3,jsec,jseg,jk) ENDIF ELSE sec%transport( 3,jclass) = 0._wp sec%transport( 4,jclass) = 0._wp sec%transport( 5,jclass) = 0._wp sec%transport( 6,jclass) = 0._wp ENDIF ENDIF ! end of test if point is in class ENDDO ! end of loop on the classes ENDDO ! loop over jk #if defined key_lim2 || defined key_lim3 !ICE CASE IF( sec%ll_ice_section )THEN IF ( transports_2d(1,jsec,jseg) .GE. 0.0 ) THEN sec%transport( 7,1) = sec%transport( 7,1)+transports_2d(1,jsec,jseg)*1.E-6 ELSE sec%transport( 8,1) = sec%transport( 8,1)+transports_2d(1,jsec,jseg)*1.E-6 ENDIF IF ( transports_2d(3,jsec,jseg) .GE. 0.0 ) THEN sec%transport( 9,1) = sec%transport( 9,1)+transports_2d(2,jsec,jseg)*1.E-6 ELSE sec%transport(10,1) = sec%transport(10,1)+transports_2d(2,jsec,jseg)*1.E-6 ENDIF ENDIF !end of ice case #endif ENDDO !end of loop on the segment ELSE !if sec%nb_point =0 sec%transport(1:2,:)=0. IF (sec%llstrpond) sec%transport(3:6,:)=0. IF (sec%ll_ice_section) sec%transport(7:10,:)=0. ENDIF !end of sec%nb_point =0 case END SUBROUTINE dia_dct_sum SUBROUTINE dia_dct_wri(kt,ksec,sec) !!------------------------------------------------------------- !! Write transport output in numdct !! !! Purpose: Write transports in ascii files !! !! Method: !! 1. Write volume transports in "volume_transport" !! Unit: Sv : area * Velocity / 1.e6 !! !! 2. Write heat transports in "heat_transport" !! Unit: Peta W : area * Velocity * T * rhop * Cp * 1.e-15 !! !! 3. Write salt transports in "salt_transport" !! Unit: 10^9 Kg/m^2/s : area * Velocity * S * rhop * 1.e-9 !! !!------------------------------------------------------------- !!arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kt ! time-step TYPE(SECTION), INTENT(INOUT) :: sec ! section to write INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: ksec ! section number !!local declarations INTEGER :: jclass ! Dummy loop CHARACTER(len=2) :: classe ! Classname REAL(wp) :: zbnd1,zbnd2 ! Class bounds REAL(wp) :: zslope ! section's slope coeff ! REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:):: zsumclasses ! 1D workspace !!------------------------------------------------------------- CALL wrk_alloc(nb_type_class , zsumclasses ) zsumclasses(:)=0._wp zslope = sec%slopeSection DO jclass=1,MAX(1,sec%nb_class-1) classe = 'N ' zbnd1 = 0._wp zbnd2 = 0._wp zsumclasses(1:nb_type_class)=zsumclasses(1:nb_type_class)+sec%transport(1:nb_type_class,jclass) !insitu density classes transports IF( ( sec%zsigi(jclass) .NE. 99._wp ) .AND. & ( sec%zsigi(jclass+1) .NE. 99._wp ) )THEN classe = 'DI ' zbnd1 = sec%zsigi(jclass) zbnd2 = sec%zsigi(jclass+1) ENDIF !potential density classes transports IF( ( sec%zsigp(jclass) .NE. 99._wp ) .AND. & ( sec%zsigp(jclass+1) .NE. 99._wp ) )THEN classe = 'DP ' zbnd1 = sec%zsigp(jclass) zbnd2 = sec%zsigp(jclass+1) ENDIF !depth classes transports IF( ( sec%zlay(jclass) .NE. 99._wp ) .AND. & ( sec%zlay(jclass+1) .NE. 99._wp ) )THEN classe = 'Z ' zbnd1 = sec%zlay(jclass) zbnd2 = sec%zlay(jclass+1) ENDIF !salinity classes transports IF( ( sec%zsal(jclass) .NE. 99._wp ) .AND. & ( sec%zsal(jclass+1) .NE. 99._wp ) )THEN classe = 'S ' zbnd1 = sec%zsal(jclass) zbnd2 = sec%zsal(jclass+1) ENDIF !temperature classes transports IF( ( sec%ztem(jclass) .NE. 99._wp ) .AND. & ( sec%ztem(jclass+1) .NE. 99._wp ) ) THEN classe = 'T ' zbnd1 = sec%ztem(jclass) zbnd2 = sec%ztem(jclass+1) ENDIF !write volume transport per class WRITE(numdct_vol,118) ndastp,kt,ksec,sec%name,zslope, & jclass,classe,zbnd1,zbnd2,& sec%transport(1,jclass),sec%transport(2,jclass), & sec%transport(1,jclass)+sec%transport(2,jclass) IF( sec%llstrpond )THEN !write heat transport per class: WRITE(numdct_heat,119) ndastp,kt,ksec,sec%name,zslope, & jclass,classe,zbnd1,zbnd2,& sec%transport(3,jclass)*1.e-15,sec%transport(4,jclass)*1.e-15, & ( sec%transport(3,jclass)+sec%transport(4,jclass) )*1.e-15 !write salt transport per class WRITE(numdct_salt,119) ndastp,kt,ksec,sec%name,zslope, & jclass,classe,zbnd1,zbnd2,& sec%transport(5,jclass)*1.e-9,sec%transport(6,jclass)*1.e-9,& (sec%transport(5,jclass)+sec%transport(6,jclass))*1.e-9 ENDIF ENDDO zbnd1 = 0._wp zbnd2 = 0._wp jclass=0 !write total volume transport WRITE(numdct_vol,118) ndastp,kt,ksec,sec%name,zslope, & jclass,"total",zbnd1,zbnd2,& zsumclasses(1),zsumclasses(2),zsumclasses(1)+zsumclasses(2) IF( sec%llstrpond )THEN !write total heat transport WRITE(numdct_heat,119) ndastp,kt,ksec,sec%name,zslope, & jclass,"total",zbnd1,zbnd2,& zsumclasses(3)*1.e-15,zsumclasses(4)*1.e-15,& (zsumclasses(3)+zsumclasses(4) )*1.e-15 !write total salt transport WRITE(numdct_salt,119) ndastp,kt,ksec,sec%name,zslope, & jclass,"total",zbnd1,zbnd2,& zsumclasses(5)*1.e-9,zsumclasses(6)*1.e-9,& (zsumclasses(5)+zsumclasses(6))*1.e-9 ENDIF IF ( sec%ll_ice_section) THEN !write total ice volume transport WRITE(numdct_vol,118) ndastp,kt,ksec,sec%name,zslope,& jclass,"ice_vol",zbnd1,zbnd2,& sec%transport(7,1),sec%transport(8,1),& sec%transport(7,1)+sec%transport(8,1) !write total ice surface transport WRITE(numdct_vol,118) ndastp,kt,ksec,sec%name,zslope,& jclass,"ice_surf",zbnd1,zbnd2,& sec%transport(9,1),sec%transport(10,1), & sec%transport(9,1)+sec%transport(10,1) ENDIF 118 FORMAT(I8,1X,I8,1X,I4,1X,A30,1X,f9.2,1X,I4,3X,A8,1X,2F12.4,5X,3F12.4) 119 FORMAT(I8,1X,I8,1X,I4,1X,A30,1X,f9.2,1X,I4,3X,A8,1X,2F12.4,5X,3E15.6) CALL wrk_dealloc(nb_type_class , zsumclasses ) END SUBROUTINE dia_dct_wri FUNCTION interp(ki, kj, kk, cd_point, ptab) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! Purpose: compute temperature/salinity/density at U-point or V-point !! -------- !! !! Method: !! ------ !! !! ====> full step and partial step !! !! !! | I | I+1 | Z=temperature/salinity/density at U-poinT !! | | | !! ---------------------------------------- 1. Veritcal interpolation: compute zbis !! | | | interpolation between ptab(I,J,K) and ptab(I,J,K+1) !! | | | zbis = !! | | | [ e3w(I+1,J,K)*ptab(I,J,K) + ( e3w(I,J,K) - e3w(I+1,J,K) ) * ptab(I,J,K-1) ] !! | | | /[ e3w(I+1,J,K) + e3w(I,J,K) - e3w(I+1,J,K) ] !! | | | !! | | | 2. Horizontal interpolation: compute value at U/V point !!K-1 | ptab(I,J,K-1) | | interpolation between zbis and ptab(I+1,J,K) !! | . | | !! | . | | interp = ( 0.5*zet2*zbis + 0.5*zet1*ptab(I+1,J,K) )/(0.5*zet2+0.5*zet1) !! | . | | !! ------------------------------------------ !! | . | | !! | . | | !! | . | | !!K | zbis.......U...ptab(I+1,J,K) | !! | . | | !! | ptab(I,J,K) | | !! | |------------------| !! | | partials | !! | | steps | !! ------------------------------------------- !! <----zet1------><----zet2---------> !! !! !! ====> s-coordinate !! !! | | | 1. Compute distance between T1 and U points: SQRT( zdep1^2 + (0.5 * zet1 )^2 !! | | | Compute distance between T2 and U points: SQRT( zdep2^2 + (0.5 * zet2 )^2 !! | | ptab(I+1,J,K) | !! | | T2 | 2. Interpolation between T1 and T2 values at U point !! | | ^ | !! | | | zdep2 | !! | | | | !! | ^ U v | !! | | | | !! | | zdep1 | | !! | v | | !! | T1 | | !! | ptab(I,J,K) | | !! | | | !! | | | !! !! <----zet1--------><----zet2---------> !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !*arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ki, kj, kk ! coordinate of point CHARACTER(len=1), INTENT(IN) :: cd_point ! type of point (U, V) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk), INTENT(IN) :: ptab ! variable to compute at (ki, kj, kk ) REAL(wp) :: interp ! interpolated variable !*local declations INTEGER :: ii1, ij1, ii2, ij2 ! local integer REAL(wp):: ze3t, zfse3, zwgt1, zwgt2, zbis, zdepu ! local real REAL(wp):: zet1, zet2 ! weight for interpolation REAL(wp):: zdep1,zdep2 ! differences of depth REAL(wp):: zmsk ! mask value !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF( cd_point=='U' )THEN ii1 = ki ; ij1 = kj ii2 = ki+1 ; ij2 = kj zet1=e1t(ii1,ij1) zet2=e1t(ii2,ij2) zmsk=umask(ii1,ij1,kk) ELSE ! cd_point=='V' ii1 = ki ; ij1 = kj ii2 = ki ; ij2 = kj+1 zet1=e2t(ii1,ij1) zet2=e2t(ii2,ij2) zmsk=vmask(ii1,ij1,kk) ENDIF IF( ln_sco )THEN ! s-coordinate case zdepu = ( fsdept(ii1,ij1,kk) + fsdept(ii2,ij2,kk) ) /2 zdep1 = fsdept(ii1,ij1,kk) - zdepu zdep2 = fsdept(ii2,ij2,kk) - zdepu ! weights zwgt1 = SQRT( ( 0.5 * zet1 ) * ( 0.5 * zet1 ) + ( zdep1 * zdep1 ) ) zwgt2 = SQRT( ( 0.5 * zet2 ) * ( 0.5 * zet2 ) + ( zdep2 * zdep2 ) ) ! result interp = zmsk * ( zwgt2 * ptab(ii1,ij1,kk) + zwgt1 * ptab(ii1,ij1,kk) ) / ( zwgt2 + zwgt1 ) ELSE ! full step or partial step case #if defined key_vvl ze3t = fse3t_n(ii2,ij2,kk) - fse3t_n(ii1,ij1,kk) zwgt1 = ( fse3w_n(ii2,ij2,kk) - fse3w_n(ii1,ij1,kk) ) / fse3w_n(ii2,ij2,kk) zwgt2 = ( fse3w_n(ii1,ij1,kk) - fse3w_n(ii2,ij2,kk) ) / fse3w_n(ii1,ij1,kk) #else ze3t = fse3t(ii2,ij2,kk) - fse3t(ii1,ij1,kk) zwgt1 = ( fse3w(ii2,ij2,kk) - fse3w(ii1,ij1,kk) ) / fse3w(ii2,ij2,kk) zwgt2 = ( fse3w(ii1,ij1,kk) - fse3w(ii2,ij2,kk) ) / fse3w(ii1,ij1,kk) #endif IF(kk .NE. 1)THEN IF( ze3t >= 0. )THEN ! zbis zbis = ptab(ii2,ij2,kk) + zwgt1 * ( ptab(ii2,ij2,kk-1) - ptab(ii2,ij2,kk) ) ! result interp = zmsk * ( zet2 * ptab(ii1,ij1,kk) + zet1 * zbis )/( zet1 + zet2 ) ELSE ! zbis zbis = ptab(ii1,ij1,kk) + zwgt2 * ( ptab(ii1,ij1,kk-1) - ptab(ii1,ij2,kk) ) ! result interp = zmsk * ( zet2 * zbis + zet1 * ptab(ii2,ij2,kk) )/( zet1 + zet2 ) ENDIF ELSE interp = zmsk * ( zet2 * ptab(ii1,ij1,kk) + zet1 * ptab(ii2,ij2,kk) )/( zet1 + zet2 ) ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION interp #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Default option : Dummy module !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: lk_diadct = .FALSE. !: diamht flag PUBLIC !! $Id: diadct.F90 4578 2017-09-25 09:34:12Z ufla $ CONTAINS SUBROUTINE dia_dct_init ! Dummy routine WRITE(*,*) 'dia_dct_init: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt END SUBROUTINE dia_dct_init SUBROUTINE dia_dct( kt ) ! Dummy routine INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index WRITE(*,*) 'dia_dct: You should not have seen this print! error?', kt END SUBROUTINE dia_dct #endif END MODULE diadct