Run script file (oce only run) executable Run script file (coupled run: atm+esm components) executable Run script file (offline land surface run) executable Control file for TM5 ../classic/ctrl/tm5-config-run.rc executable Experiment name (4 letters) STRING %EXPID% Start date of the simulation. Use any reasonable syntax. DATE %SDATE% End date of the simulation. Use any reasonable syntax. STRING %Chunk_START_DATE% + %CHUNKSIZE% %CHUNKSIZEUNIT% Start simulation from scratch, possibly ignoring any restart files. [true/false] BOOLEAN %FORCE_RUN_FROM_SCRATCH% Restart frequency, e.g., 2 months STRING %CHUNKSIZE% %CHUNKSIZEUNIT% Number of restart legs INTEGER 1 The path to the IFS ppt and NEMO file_def file dir PATH ctrl Coupling frequency between IFS and TM5 in hours INTEGER 6 Coupling frequency between IFS|TM5 and LPJG in hours INTEGER 24 Control Lucia post-processing tool. 0 -> Deactivated, -1 -> Legacy, -2 -> Updated CERFACS tool, -3 lucia_lite BSC INTEGER %LUCIA% Resolution of IFS grid STRING %IFS_resolution% Number of processors running IFS INTEGER %IFS_NUMPROC% Use CMIP6 forcings (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN TRUE SSP selection for 2015 onwards STRING %CMIP6_SCENARIO% Use Abrupt4xCO2 in CMIP6 DECK (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN FALSE Use 1pctCO2 for radiation in CMIP6 DECK (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN FALSE Use 1pctCO2 for BGC components (LPJ-GUESS, PISCES) in CMIP6 DECK (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN FALSE Use CMIP5 forcings (TRUE or FALSE) BOOLEAN TRUE RCP selection (1-4 or 0 for historical run) INTEGER %CMIP5_RCP% Fix CMIP5/CMIP6 forcings at the indicated year (or 0 to ignore for transient runs) INTEGER %NFIXYR% Fix CMIP5/CMIP6 CH4 mixing ratios at the indicated year (or 0 to ignore for transient runs) INTEGER %NFIXYR% Resolution of NEMO grid STRING %NEMO_resolution% Number of processors running NEMO INTEGER %NEM_NUMPROC% Number of processors running XIOS INTEGER %XIO_NUMPROC% Number of levels in TM5 (4, 10, 34 or 91) INTEGER %TM5_NLEVS% TM5 initial tracer fields option (2,5,9,31,32 or 33) INTEGER %TM5_ISTART% TM5 time step in seconds INTEGER 3600 Number of processors in the X direction running TM5 (max 4) INTEGER %TM5_NUMPROC_X% Number of processors in the Y direction running TM5 (max 45) INTEGER %TM5_NUMPROC_Y% Fix EMISSIONS at the indicated year (0 to ignore, -1 to disable emissions for co2 version) INTEGER %TM5_EMISS_FIXYEAR% LPJ-GUESS time step in seconds INTEGER 86400 Number of processors running LPJG (min ) INTEGER %LPJG_NUMPROC% Fix N-Deposition from (>=0: year, -1:off) INTEGER %LPJG_FIXNDEPAFTER% Fix Land-Use from (>=0: year, -1:off) INTEGER %LPJG_FIXLUAFTER% IFS output directory for lpjg_forcing to find ICMGG* files PATH %LPJG_IFS_OUTPUT_DIR% LPJG directory to find forcing PATH %LPJG_FORCING_DIR% Number of processors/threads running OSM:openMP INTEGER %OSM_THREADS% OSM forcing type, either ifs or one or the ERA reanalyses (erai, era20c, gswp3, era5) STRING %OSM_FORCING_TYPE% IFS output directory for OSM to find ICMGG* files PATH %OSM_IFS_OUTPUT_DIR% OSM directory to find forcing or save if generated PATH %OSM_FORCING_DIR%