LPJ-GUESS Version 4.0 ===================== PLEASE READ CAREFULLY This directory contains source code files and other files necessary to run a *demonstation version* of LPJ-GUESS: - in population mode (i.e. as LPJ-DGVM) or cohort mode (i.e. as GUESS) - on the Unix or Windows operating system - in Windows, as either a command-line executable or within the LPJ-GUESS Windows Shell Note that the concept of "plug and play" does not apply to LPJ-GUESS. It is the responsibility of each individual user to: - provide a C++ compiler. For installation under Windows a software development "platform" is also strongly recommended. Documentation is available for Microsoft Visual C++. - optain the appropriate climatic, atmospheric CO2 and soil data to drive the model for their particular study - provide source code to read their particular input data and produce their particular output - produce an instruction script (ins file) with run-time parameters (data file names, model configuration settings, PFT parameter values etc) for the model runs Some technical advice regarding these matters can be found in the draft documentation (reference/guessdoc.pdf). Additional help is available as commenting in model source code and header files. The model is compiled with the CMake build system. If it is not available on your system you can download it for free from www.cmake.org. You can find further information on how to compile the model with CMake in the draft documentation (reference/guessdoc.pdf). IMPORTANT: FTP-TRANSFERS FROM UNIX TO WINDOWS: The following files should be transferred in "ASCII" mode: - Files with the extensions .cpp, .h, .grd, .txt, .dat and .ins - Makefile The following files should be transferred in "binary" mode: - Files with the extensions .lib, .exe, .pdf, .bin and .gz Structure of this directory: ./reference - Current draft of LPJ-GUESS technical manual ./framework - Model framework source code and header files (for explanation see technical manual) ./modules - Source code and header files for model modules (except "Main" module). An input module (demoinput.*) is provided for demonstration purposes, compatible with the input data supplied in directory ../data. There's also an input module for NetCDF data (must comply with the CF metadata standard). Most users will be able to write an input module customised to their own study by modifying the demonstration version supplied. A standard output module is also provided (commonoutput.*), with many standard outputs. Further explanations in the technical manual. ./libraries - Source code and header files for the custom libraries gutil, plib, and guessnc required by LPJ-GUESS. ./command_line_version - Files required specifically to install LPJ-GUESS as a command-line executable on Unix or Windows. ./windows_version - Files required specifically to install LPJ-GUESS as a dynamic link library (DLL) to run under the LPJ-GUESS Windows Shell. This is the recommended configuration for running the model under Windows. ./data - Input data files for the demonstration version of LPJ-GUESS. Subdirectories contain: ./env - historical climate data, soil data. See "readme" file. ./ins - sample instruction script (ins) files for global and european simulations, compatible with demonstration input. See commenting in files. ./gridlist - sample grid cell coordinate list files compatible with demonstration input module and instruction script files under directory ../ins ./benchmarks - Files required for running the benchmarks (under linux only). ./euroflux and ./euroflux_globalpfts - The benchmarks euroflux and euroflux_globalpfts are currently being updated, and consequently have been temporarily removed from the release package. (They are however kept in the code repository for repository reasons: users downloading from the svn code repository should remove these two catalogues before running he benchmark suite.) ./cru - Input module version for reading in CRU-NCEP historical climate data for 1901-2015 in custom binary format used by LPJ-GUESS. The file name cru_TS30.cpp and the file name cru_TS30.cpp/.h (and cognate namespace CRU_TS30) has been kept, although the forcing data is no longer CRU TS. NOTE: The associated CRU-NCEP binary files are not in the public domain. Normally users should create their own "./cru" binary files, e.g. using the Fast Archive project available the same level as where this version of LPJ-GUESS was downloaded from. Joe Siltberg 2014-06-27 (Version 3.0) Johan Nord 2016-12-06 (Version 4.0)