table      variable             dimensions                                    long_name                                                                                                           unit                 comment 

Emon       cLand                longitude latitude time                       Total Carbon in All Terrestrial Carbon Pools                                                                        kg m-2               lpjg code name = cLand 
Emon       cLitterCwd           longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass in Coarse Woody Debris                                                                                  kg m-2               lpjg code name = cLitterCwd 
Emon       cLitterSubSurf       longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass in Below-Ground Litter                                                                                  kg m-2               lpjg code name = cLitterSubSurf 
Emon       cLitterSurf          longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass in Above-Ground Litter                                                                                  kg m-2               lpjg code name = cLitterSurf 
Emon       cOther               longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass in Vegetation Components Other than Leaves, Stems and Roots                                             kg m-2               lpjg code name = cOther 
Emon       cSoil                longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass in Model Soil Pool                                                                                      kg m-2               lpjg code name = cSoil 
Emon       cStem                longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass in Stem                                                                                                 kg m-2               lpjg code name = cStem 
Emon       fBNF                 longitude latitude time                       Biological Nitrogen Fixation                                                                                        kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = fBNF 
Emon       fCLandToOcean        longitude latitude time                       Lateral Transfer of Carbon out of Grid Cell That Eventually Goes into Ocean                                         kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = fCLandToOcean 
Emon       fFireNat             longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission from Natural Fire [kgC m-2 s-1]                                kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = fFireNat 
Emon       fLuc                 longitude latitude time                       Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Land-Use Change [kgC m-2 s-1]                                           kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = fLuc 
Emon       fNLandToOcean        longitude latitude time                       Lateral Transfer of Nitrogen out of Grid Cell That Eventually Goes into Ocean                                       kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = fNLandToOcean 
Emon       fNdep                longitude latitude time                       Dry and Wet Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen onto Land                                                               kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = fNdep 
Emon       fNfert               longitude latitude time                       Total Nitrogen Added for Cropland Fertilisation (Artificial and Manure)                                             kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = fNfert 
Emon       fNloss               longitude latitude time                       Total Nitrogen Lost (Including NHx, NOx, N2O, N2 and Leaching)                                                      kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = fNloss 
Emon       fNnetmin             longitude latitude time                       Net Nitrogen Release from Soil and Litter as the Outcome of Nitrogen Immobilisation and Gross Mineralisation        kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = fNnetmin 
Emon       fNup                 longitude latitude time                       Total Plant Nitrogen Uptake (Sum of Ammonium and Nitrate) Irrespective of the Source of Nitrogen                    kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = fNup 
Emon       fProductDecomp       longitude latitude time                       Decomposition out of Product Pools to CO2 in Atmosphere as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1]                           kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = fProductDecomp 
Emon       nLand                longitude latitude time                       Total Nitrogen in All Terrestrial Nitrogen Pools                                                                    kg m-2               lpjg code name = nLand 
Emon       nLeaf                longitude latitude time                       Nitrogen Mass in Leaves                                                                                             kg m-2               lpjg code name = nLeaf 
Emon       nLitter              longitude latitude time                       Nitrogen Mass in Litter Pool                                                                                        kg m-2               lpjg code name = nLitter 
Emon       nLitterCwd           longitude latitude time                       Nitrogen Mass in Coarse Woody Debris                                                                                kg m-2               lpjg code name = nLitterCwd 
Emon       nLitterSubSurf       longitude latitude time                       Nitrogen Mass in Below-Ground Litter (non CWD)                                                                      kg m-2               lpjg code name = nLitterSubSurf 
Emon       nLitterSurf          longitude latitude time                       Nitrogen Mass in Above-Ground Litter (non CWD)                                                                      kg m-2               lpjg code name = nLitterSurf 
Emon       nMineral             longitude latitude time                       Mineral Nitrogen in the Soil                                                                                        kg m-2               lpjg code name = nMineral 
Emon       nOther               longitude latitude time                       Nitrogen Mass in Vegetation Components Other than Leaves, Stem and Root                                             kg m-2               lpjg code name = nOther 
Emon       nProduct             longitude latitude time                       Nitrogen Mass in Products of Land-Use Change                                                                        kg m-2               lpjg code name = nProduct 
Emon       nRoot                longitude latitude time                       Nitrogen Mass in Roots                                                                                              kg m-2               lpjg code name = nRoot 
Emon       nSoil                longitude latitude time                       Nitrogen Mass in Soil Pool                                                                                          kg m-2               lpjg code name = nSoil 
Emon       nStem                longitude latitude time                       Nitrogen Mass in Stem                                                                                               kg m-2               lpjg code name = nStem 
Emon       nVeg                 longitude latitude time                       Nitrogen Mass in Vegetation                                                                                         kg m-2               lpjg code name = nVeg 
Emon       nep                  longitude latitude time                       Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land [kgC m-2 s-1]                      kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = nep 

Eyr        cLitter              longitude latitude time1                      Carbon Mass in Litter Pool                                                                                          kg m-2               lpjg code name = cLitter 
Eyr        cProduct             longitude latitude time1                      Carbon Mass in Products of Land-Use Change                                                                          kg m-2               lpjg code name = cProduct 
Eyr        cSoil                longitude latitude time1                      Carbon Mass in Model Soil Pool                                                                                      kg m-2               lpjg code name = cSoil 
Eyr        cVeg                 longitude latitude time1                      Carbon Mass in Vegetation                                                                                           kg m-2               lpjg code name = cVeg 

Amon       co2mass              time                                          Total Atmospheric Mass of CO2                                                                                       kg                   tm5 code name = co2mass 
Amon       rtmt                 longitude latitude time                       Net Downward Radiative Flux at Top of Model                                                                         W m-2                ifs code name = 98.129, expression = var178+var179 
Amon       tas                  longitude latitude time height2m              Near-Surface Air Temperature                                                                                        K                    ifs code name = 167.128 

Lmon       burntFractionAll     longitude latitude time typeburnt             Percentage of Entire Grid Cell That Is Covered by Burnt Vegetation (All Classes)                                    %                    lpjg code name = burntFractionAll 
Lmon       cLeaf                longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass in Leaves                                                                                               kg m-2               lpjg code name = cLeaf 
Lmon       cLitter              longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass in Litter Pool                                                                                          kg m-2               lpjg code name = cLitter 
Lmon       cProduct             longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass in Products of Land-Use Change                                                                          kg m-2               lpjg code name = cProduct 
Lmon       cRoot                longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass in Roots                                                                                                kg m-2               lpjg code name = cRoot 
Lmon       cVeg                 longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass in Vegetation                                                                                           kg m-2               lpjg code name = cVeg 
Lmon       gpp                  longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Gross Primary Production on Land [kgC m-2 s-1]                            kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = gpp 
Lmon       nbp                  longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Biospheric Production on Land [kgC m-2 s-1]                           kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = nbp 
Lmon       npp                  longitude latitude time                       Net Primary Production on Land as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1]                                                    kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = npp 
Lmon       ra                   longitude latitude time                       Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration on Land [kgC m-2 s-1]                       kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = ra 
Lmon       rh                   longitude latitude time                       Total Heterotrophic Respiration on Land as Carbon Mass Flux [kgC m-2 s-1]                                           kg m-2 s-1           lpjg code name = rh 

Omon       fgco2                longitude latitude time depth0m               Surface Downward Mass Flux of Carbon as CO2 [kgC m-2 s-1]                                                           kg m-2 s-1           nemo code name = fgco2 

Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 IFS  output on the T255L91     grid:    1.0 GB per year
Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 IFS  output on the T511L91     grid:    3.7 GB per year
Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 NEMO output on the ORCA1L75    grid:    0.0 GB per year
Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 NEMO output on the ORCA025L75  grid:    0.1 GB per year
Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 TM5  output on the TM5 3x2 deg grid:    0.0 GB per year
Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 LPJG output on the T255        grid:    0.1 GB per year