#include "tm5.inc" ! ! Levels. ! module dims_levels use const_ec_v, only : lme, a_ec, b_ec use dims_grid, only : nregions_all implicit none ! --- in/out ------------------------------ public ! --- const ------------------------------- integer, parameter :: lm(0:nregions_all) = 34 ! Only lowest layers are used for convec calculations (sub files) ! to avoid memory problems. #ifdef without_lmax_conv ! don't bother about computation time and storage ... integer,parameter :: lmax_conv = 34 #else ! Quote Michiel van Weele: ! "..., convectie kan wel tot ~70 hPa (19km) gaan in de tropen." integer,parameter :: lmax_conv = 23 #endif ! select ECMWF half levels; ! TM levels are number bottom-up: ! ! Selection of 34 half levels that are most similar to: ! levels/ml60/tropo34/dims_levels__ml60_tropo34.F90 ! integer, parameter :: echlevs(0:34) = (/ & 137, 134, 131, 126, 122, 117, 113, 109, 105, 102, & 98, 96, 94, 92, 90, 88, 85, 83, 81, 78, & 75, 73, 70, 67, 64, 61, 57, 54, 51, 44, & 34, 26, 20, 14, 0 /) ! values filled in module geometry ... real :: at(1:34+1) real :: bt(1:34+1) end module dims_levels