#include "tm5.inc" ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! NAME ! const_ec_v - vertical level definition of the driving model ! ! USAGE ! use const_ec_v ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- module const_ec_v implicit none ! --- in/out ----------------------------- private public :: lme, a_ec, b_ec ! --- const -------------------------------- ! number of levels: integer, parameter :: lme = 137 ! Hybrid coordinate coefficients at half level interfaces, ! specifying 91 vertical ECMWF levels. ! Coefficient a is given in [Pa] . ! Pressure at a certain hybrid level is defined as: p = a + b.SP real, parameter :: a_ec(0:137) = (/ & 0.000000, 2.000365, 3.102241, 4.666084, 6.827977, & 9.746966, 13.605424, 18.608931, 24.985718, 32.985710, & 42.879242, 54.955463, 69.520576, 86.895882, 107.415741, & 131.425507, 159.279404, 191.338562, 227.968948, 269.539581, & 316.420746, 368.982361, 427.592499, 492.616028, 564.413452, & 643.339905, 729.744141, 823.967834, 926.344910, 1037.201172, & 1156.853638, 1285.610352, 1423.770142, 1571.622925, 1729.448975, & 1897.519287, 2076.095947, 2265.431641, 2465.770508, 2677.348145, & 2900.391357, 3135.119385, 3381.743652, 3640.468262, 3911.490479, & 4194.930664, 4490.817383, 4799.149414, 5119.895020, 5452.990723, & 5798.344727, 6156.074219, 6526.946777, 6911.870605, 7311.869141, & 7727.412109, 8159.354004, 8608.525391, 9076.400391, 9562.682617, & 10065.978516, 10584.631836, 11116.662109, 11660.067383, 12211.547852, & 12766.873047, 13324.668945, 13881.331055, 14432.139648, 14975.615234, & 15508.256836, 16026.115234, 16527.322266, 17008.789063, 17467.613281, & 17901.621094, 18308.433594, 18685.718750, 19031.289063, 19343.511719, & 19620.042969, 19859.390625, 20059.931641, 20219.664063, 20337.863281, & 20412.308594, 20442.078125, 20425.718750, 20361.816406, 20249.511719, & 20087.085938, 19874.025391, 19608.572266, 19290.226563, 18917.460938, & 18489.707031, 18006.925781, 17471.839844, 16888.687500, 16262.046875, & 15596.695313, 14898.453125, 14173.324219, 13427.769531, 12668.257813, & 11901.339844, 11133.304688, 10370.175781, 9617.515625, 8880.453125, & 8163.375000, 7470.343750, 6804.421875, 6168.531250, 5564.382813, & 4993.796875, 4457.375000, 3955.960938, 3489.234375, 3057.265625, & 2659.140625, 2294.242188, 1961.500000, 1659.476563, 1387.546875, & 1143.250000, 926.507813, 734.992188, 568.062500, 424.414063, & 302.476563, 202.484375, 122.101563, 62.781250, 22.835938, & 3.757813, 0.000000, 0.000000 /) real, parameter :: b_ec(0:137) = (/ & 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, & 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, & 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, & 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, & 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, & 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, & 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, & 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, & 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, & 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, & 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, & 0.000007, 0.000024, 0.000059, 0.000112, 0.000199, & 0.000340, 0.000562, 0.000890, 0.001353, 0.001992, & 0.002857, 0.003971, 0.005378, 0.007133, 0.009261, & 0.011806, 0.014816, 0.018318, 0.022355, 0.026964, & 0.032176, 0.038026, 0.044548, 0.051773, 0.059728, & 0.068448, 0.077958, 0.088286, 0.099462, 0.111505, & 0.124448, 0.138313, 0.153125, 0.168910, 0.185689, & 0.203491, 0.222333, 0.242244, 0.263242, 0.285354, & 0.308598, 0.332939, 0.358254, 0.384363, 0.411125, & 0.438391, 0.466003, 0.493800, 0.521619, 0.549301, & 0.576692, 0.603648, 0.630036, 0.655736, 0.680643, & 0.704669, 0.727739, 0.749797, 0.770798, 0.790717, & 0.809536, 0.827256, 0.843881, 0.859432, 0.873929, & 0.887408, 0.899900, 0.911448, 0.922096, 0.931881, & 0.940860, 0.949064, 0.956550, 0.963352, 0.969513, & 0.975078, 0.980072, 0.984542, 0.988500, 0.991984, & 0.995003, 0.997630, 1.000000 /) end module const_ec_v