HOST: ARCH: linux_x86_64 CPU MODEL: CRAY XC50, 36-core Intel(R) SkyLake USER: Shuting Yang ( COMPILER: i-compilers (icc+ifort, MPI: MPICH2 BLAS/LAPACK: Intel MKL Base directory for EC-Earth sources PATH ${HOME}/EC-Earth3_dmi/r6211_dmi/sources MPI base directory PATH MPI include directory relative to base dir PATH include MPI lib directory relative to base dir PATH lib MPI libraries (without -l prefix) STRING mpich LAPACK base directory PATH LAPACK lib directory relative to base dir PATH lib/intel64 LAPACK libraries (without -l prefix) STRING NetCDF base directory PATH NetCDF include directory relative to base dir PATH include NetCDF lib directory relative to base dir PATH lib NetCDF libraries (without -l prefix) STRING netcdff netcdf GRIB API base directory PATH /netapp/dmisys/swrepo/grib_api/1.14.4-1/INTEL/15.0 GRIB API include directory relative to base dir PATH include GRIB API lib directory relative to base dir PATH lib GRIB_API libraries (without -l prefix) STRING grib_api_f90 grib_api jasper GRIBEX base directory PATH /netapp/research/shuting/Libraries/gribex_000370 GRIBEX lib directory relative to base dir PATH GRIBEX libraries (without -l prefix) STRING gribexR64 JPEG base directory PATH JPEG include directory relative to base dir PATH JPEG lib directory relative to base dir PATH JPEG libraries (without -l prefix) STRING jpeg SZIP base directory PATH SZIP include directory relative to base dir PATH SZIP lib directory relative to base dir PATH SZIP libraries (without -l prefix) STRING HDF4 base directory PATH /opt/cray/hdf4/1.8.14/INTEL/140 HDF4 include directory relative to base dir PATH include HDF4 lib directory relative to base dir PATH lib HDF4 libraries (without -l prefix) STRING mfhdf df HDF5 base directory PATH HDF5 include directory relative to base dir PATH include HDF5 lib directory relative to base dir PATH lib HDF5 libraries (without -l prefix) STRING hdf5_hl hdf5 z Make command (GNU make >3.81 needed!) STRING make F90 Compiler STRING ftn General F90 flags for compiling STRING -O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -r8 Allow for free format Fortran STRING -free Expect fixed Fortran format STRING -fixed Fortran preprocessor flag prefix STRING -D C Compiler STRING cc C++ Compiler STRING CC General C flags for compiling STRING -O1 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback C preprocessor flag prefix STRING -D Linker STRING CC -Wl General flags for linking STRING -O2 -fp-model precise -xHost -g -traceback -L/netapp/dmisys/swrepo/jasper/1.900/intel/150/lib Command for building libraries from object files (usually ar) STRING ar Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u) STRING curv Flags for library building command (When using ar: include u) STRING p C preprocessor command STRING fpp C preprocessor command STRING fpp C preprocessor flags STRING -P -C CFLAGS flags for XIOS STRING -O1 -g -traceback -fp-model precise -xHost More LD flags for XIOS STRING -lstdc++ More F90 flags for Oasis STRING -132 -check pointers -check uninit More CPP/FPP macros for Oasis STRING More LD flags for Oasis STRING More F90 flags for Nemo STRING -check pointers -check uninit -fpe0 More LD flags for Nemo STRING -lstdc++ Preprocessor defs for IFS sources STRING linux LINUX LITTLE LITTLE_ENDIAN POINTER_64 BLAS More F90 flags for ifs/ifsaux STRING F90 dependency generator STRING $(ECEARTH_SRC_DIR)/util/makedepf90/bin/makedepf90