To use the LUCIA tool, you need first to activate some output. This is done with the LUCIA entry in either: runtime/classic/config-run.xml or runtime/autosubmit/config-run.xml You have three options (-1, -2 and -3), but "-2" is not supported yet in EC-Earth3. * If you use the legacy option (-1), then follow the instructions in the (original) README. It boils down to: # compile the tool cd sources/oasis3-mct/util/lucia F90=ifort ./lucia -c # copy it to your experiment run directory cp lucia.exe cp lucia cp balance.gnu # apply it cd lucia * To use the Lucia-Lite tool (option -3), follow the instructions in Essentially: # copy the tool to your experiment run directory cd sources/oasis3-mct/util/lucia cp # apply it cd python3 average 10 10 40