!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! This module contains routines for writing the remapping data to ! a file. Before writing the data for each mapping, the links are ! sorted by destination grid address. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! CVS:$Id: remap_write.f,v 1.7 2001/08/21 21:06:42 pwjones Exp $ ! ! Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 the Regents of the University of ! California. ! ! This software and ancillary information (herein called software) ! called SCRIP is made available under the terms described here. ! The software has been approved for release with associated ! LA-CC Number 98-45. ! ! Unless otherwise indicated, this software has been authored ! by an employee or employees of the University of California, ! operator of the Los Alamos National Laboratory under Contract ! No. W-7405-ENG-36 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. ! Government has rights to use, reproduce, and distribute this ! software. The public may copy and use this software without ! charge, provided that this Notice and any statement of authorship ! are reproduced on all copies. Neither the Government nor the ! University makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes ! any liability or responsibility for the use of this software. ! ! If software is modified to produce derivative works, such modified ! software should be clearly marked, so as not to confuse it with ! the version available from Los Alamos National Laboratory. ! !*********************************************************************** module remap_write !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use kinds_mod ! defines common data types use constants ! defines common scalar constants use grids ! module containing grid information use remap_vars ! module containing remap information use netcdf_mod ! module with netCDF stuff implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! module variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(char_len), private :: & map_method ! character string for map_type &, normalize_opt ! character string for normalization option &, history ! character string for history information &, convention ! character string for output convention character(8), private :: & cdate ! character date string integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable, private :: & src_mask_int ! integer masks to determine &, dst_mask_int ! cells that participate in map !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! various netCDF identifiers used by output routines ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind), private :: & ncstat ! error flag for netCDF calls &, nc_file_id ! id for netCDF file &, nc_srcgrdsize_id ! id for source grid size &, nc_dstgrdsize_id ! id for destination grid size &, nc_srcgrdcorn_id ! id for number of source grid corners &, nc_dstgrdcorn_id ! id for number of dest grid corners &, nc_srcgrdrank_id ! id for source grid rank &, nc_dstgrdrank_id ! id for dest grid rank &, nc_numlinks_id ! id for number of links in mapping &, nc_numwgts_id ! id for number of weights for mapping &, nc_srcgrddims_id ! id for source grid dimensions &, nc_dstgrddims_id ! id for dest grid dimensions &, nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id ! id for source grid center latitude &, nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id ! id for dest grid center latitude &, nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id ! id for source grid center longitude &, nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id ! id for dest grid center longitude &, nc_srcgrdimask_id ! id for source grid mask &, nc_dstgrdimask_id ! id for dest grid mask &, nc_srcgrdcrnrlat_id ! id for latitude of source grid corners &, nc_srcgrdcrnrlon_id ! id for longitude of source grid corners &, nc_dstgrdcrnrlat_id ! id for latitude of dest grid corners &, nc_dstgrdcrnrlon_id ! id for longitude of dest grid corners &, nc_srcgrdarea_id ! id for area of source grid cells &, nc_dstgrdarea_id ! id for area of dest grid cells &, nc_srcgrdfrac_id ! id for area fraction on source grid &, nc_dstgrdfrac_id ! id for area fraction on dest grid &, nc_srcadd_id ! id for map source address &, nc_dstadd_id ! id for map destination address &, nc_rmpmatrix_id ! id for remapping matrix integer (kind=int_kind), dimension(2), private :: & nc_dims2_id ! netCDF ids for 2d array dims !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** subroutine write_remap(map1_name, map2_name, & interp_file1, interp_file2, output_opt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calls correct output routine based on output format choice ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! input variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(char_len), intent(in) :: & map1_name, ! name for mapping grid1 to grid2 & map2_name, ! name for mapping grid2 to grid1 & interp_file1, ! filename for map1 remap data & interp_file2, ! filename for map2 remap data & output_opt ! option for output conventions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define some common variables to be used in all routines ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case(norm_opt) case (norm_opt_none) normalize_opt = 'none' case (norm_opt_frcarea) normalize_opt = 'fracarea' case (norm_opt_dstarea) normalize_opt = 'destarea' end select select case(map_type) case(map_type_conserv) map_method = 'Conservative remapping' case(map_type_bilinear) map_method = 'Bilinear remapping' case(map_type_distwgt) map_method = 'Distance weighted avg of nearest neighbors' case(map_type_bicubic) map_method = 'Bicubic remapping' case default stop 'Invalid Map Type' end select call date_and_time(date=cdate) write (history,1000) cdate(5:6),cdate(7:8),cdate(1:4) 1000 format('Created: ',a2,'-',a2,'-',a4) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! sort address and weight arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call sort_add(grid2_add_map1, grid1_add_map1, wts_map1) if (num_maps > 1) then call sort_add(grid1_add_map2, grid2_add_map2, wts_map2) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! call appropriate output routine ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case(output_opt) case ('scrip') call write_remap_scrip(map1_name, interp_file1, 1) case ('ncar-csm') call write_remap_csm (map1_name, interp_file1, 1) case default stop 'unknown output file convention' end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! call appropriate output routine for second mapping if required ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (num_maps > 1) then select case(output_opt) case ('scrip') call write_remap_scrip(map2_name, interp_file2, 2) case ('ncar-csm') call write_remap_csm (map2_name, interp_file2, 2) case default stop 'unknown output file convention' end select endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine write_remap !*********************************************************************** subroutine write_remap_scrip(map_name, interp_file, direction) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! writes remap data to a netCDF file using SCRIP conventions ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! input variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(char_len), intent(in) :: & map_name ! name for mapping &, interp_file ! filename for remap data integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: & direction ! direction of map (1=grid1 to grid2 ! 2=grid2 to grid1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(char_len) :: & grid1_ctmp ! character temp for grid1 names &, grid2_ctmp ! character temp for grid2 names integer (kind=int_kind) :: & itmp1 ! integer temp &, itmp2 ! integer temp &, itmp3 ! integer temp &, itmp4 ! integer temp !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create netCDF file for mapping and define some global attributes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ncstat = nf_create (interp_file, NF_CLOBBER, nc_file_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** map name !*** ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, 'title', & len_trim(map_name), map_name) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** normalization option !*** ncstat = nf_put_att_text(nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, 'normalization', & len_trim(normalize_opt), normalize_opt) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** map method !*** ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, 'map_method', & len_trim(map_method), map_method) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** history !*** ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, 'history', & len_trim(history), history) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** file convention !*** convention = 'SCRIP' ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, 'conventions', & len_trim(convention), convention) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** source and destination grid names !*** if (direction == 1) then grid1_ctmp = 'source_grid' grid2_ctmp = 'dest_grid' else grid1_ctmp = 'dest_grid' grid2_ctmp = 'source_grid' endif ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, trim(grid1_ctmp), & len_trim(grid1_name), grid1_name) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, trim(grid2_ctmp), & len_trim(grid2_name), grid2_name) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! prepare netCDF dimension info ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** !*** define grid size dimensions !*** if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = grid1_size itmp2 = grid2_size else itmp1 = grid2_size itmp2 = grid1_size endif ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_size', itmp1, & nc_srcgrdsize_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_size', itmp2, & nc_dstgrdsize_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid corner dimension !*** if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = grid1_corners itmp2 = grid2_corners else itmp1 = grid2_corners itmp2 = grid1_corners endif ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_corners', & itmp1, nc_srcgrdcorn_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_corners', & itmp2, nc_dstgrdcorn_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid rank dimension !*** if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = grid1_rank itmp2 = grid2_rank else itmp1 = grid2_rank itmp2 = grid1_rank endif ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_rank', & itmp1, nc_srcgrdrank_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_rank', & itmp2, nc_dstgrdrank_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define map size dimensions !*** if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = num_links_map1 else itmp1 = num_links_map2 endif ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'num_links', & itmp1, nc_numlinks_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'num_wgts', & num_wts, nc_numwgts_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid dimensions !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_dims', NF_INT, & 1, nc_srcgrdrank_id, nc_srcgrddims_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_dims', NF_INT, & 1, nc_dstgrdrank_id, nc_dstgrddims_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define all arrays for netCDF descriptors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** !*** define grid center latitude array !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_center_lat', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_srcgrdsize_id, & nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_center_lat', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_dstgrdsize_id, & nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid center longitude array !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_center_lon', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_srcgrdsize_id, & nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_center_lon', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_dstgrdsize_id, & nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid corner lat/lon arrays !*** nc_dims2_id(1) = nc_srcgrdcorn_id nc_dims2_id(2) = nc_srcgrdsize_id ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_corner_lat', & NF_DOUBLE, 2, nc_dims2_id, & nc_srcgrdcrnrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_corner_lon', & NF_DOUBLE, 2, nc_dims2_id, & nc_srcgrdcrnrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) nc_dims2_id(1) = nc_dstgrdcorn_id nc_dims2_id(2) = nc_dstgrdsize_id ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_corner_lat', & NF_DOUBLE, 2, nc_dims2_id, & nc_dstgrdcrnrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_corner_lon', & NF_DOUBLE, 2, nc_dims2_id, & nc_dstgrdcrnrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define units for all coordinate arrays !*** if (direction == 1) then grid1_ctmp = grid1_units grid2_ctmp = grid2_units else grid1_ctmp = grid2_units grid2_ctmp = grid1_units endif ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id, & 'units', 7, grid1_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id, & 'units', 7, grid2_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id, & 'units', 7, grid1_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id, & 'units', 7, grid2_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdcrnrlat_id, & 'units', 7, grid1_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdcrnrlon_id, & 'units', 7, grid1_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdcrnrlat_id, & 'units', 7, grid2_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdcrnrlon_id, & 'units', 7, grid2_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid mask !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_imask', NF_INT, & 1, nc_srcgrdsize_id, nc_srcgrdimask_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdimask_id, & 'units', 8, 'unitless') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_imask', NF_INT, & 1, nc_dstgrdsize_id, nc_dstgrdimask_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdimask_id, & 'units', 8, 'unitless') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid area arrays !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_area', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_srcgrdsize_id, & nc_srcgrdarea_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdarea_id, & 'units', 14, 'square radians') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_area', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_dstgrdsize_id, & nc_dstgrdarea_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdarea_id, & 'units', 14, 'square radians') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid fraction arrays !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_frac', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_srcgrdsize_id, & nc_srcgrdfrac_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdfrac_id, & 'units', 8, 'unitless') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_frac', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_dstgrdsize_id, & nc_dstgrdfrac_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdfrac_id, & 'units', 8, 'unitless') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define mapping arrays !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'src_address', & NF_INT, 1, nc_numlinks_id, & nc_srcadd_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'dst_address', & NF_INT, 1, nc_numlinks_id, & nc_dstadd_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) nc_dims2_id(1) = nc_numwgts_id nc_dims2_id(2) = nc_numlinks_id ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'remap_matrix', & NF_DOUBLE, 2, nc_dims2_id, & nc_rmpmatrix_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** end definition stage !*** ncstat = nf_enddef(nc_file_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute integer masks ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (direction == 1) then allocate (src_mask_int(grid1_size), & dst_mask_int(grid2_size)) where (grid2_mask) dst_mask_int = 1 elsewhere dst_mask_int = 0 endwhere where (grid1_mask) src_mask_int = 1 elsewhere src_mask_int = 0 endwhere else allocate (src_mask_int(grid2_size), & dst_mask_int(grid1_size)) where (grid1_mask) dst_mask_int = 1 elsewhere dst_mask_int = 0 endwhere where (grid2_mask) src_mask_int = 1 elsewhere src_mask_int = 0 endwhere endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! change units of lat/lon coordinates if input units different ! from radians ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (grid1_units(1:7) == 'degrees' .and. direction == 1) then grid1_center_lat = grid1_center_lat/deg2rad grid1_center_lon = grid1_center_lon/deg2rad grid1_corner_lat = grid1_corner_lat/deg2rad grid1_corner_lon = grid1_corner_lon/deg2rad endif if (grid2_units(1:7) == 'degrees' .and. direction == 1) then grid2_center_lat = grid2_center_lat/deg2rad grid2_center_lon = grid2_center_lon/deg2rad grid2_corner_lat = grid2_corner_lat/deg2rad grid2_corner_lon = grid2_corner_lon/deg2rad endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write mapping data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = nc_srcgrddims_id itmp2 = nc_dstgrddims_id else itmp2 = nc_srcgrddims_id itmp1 = nc_dstgrddims_id endif ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, itmp1, grid1_dims) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, itmp2, grid2_dims) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdimask_id, & src_mask_int) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdimask_id, & dst_mask_int) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) deallocate(src_mask_int, dst_mask_int) if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id itmp2 = nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id itmp3 = nc_srcgrdcrnrlat_id itmp4 = nc_srcgrdcrnrlon_id else itmp1 = nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id itmp2 = nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id itmp3 = nc_dstgrdcrnrlat_id itmp4 = nc_dstgrdcrnrlon_id endif ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp1, grid1_center_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp2, grid1_center_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp3, grid1_corner_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp4, grid1_corner_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id itmp2 = nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id itmp3 = nc_dstgrdcrnrlat_id itmp4 = nc_dstgrdcrnrlon_id else itmp1 = nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id itmp2 = nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id itmp3 = nc_srcgrdcrnrlat_id itmp4 = nc_srcgrdcrnrlon_id endif ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp1, grid2_center_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp2, grid2_center_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp3, grid2_corner_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp4, grid2_corner_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = nc_srcgrdarea_id itmp2 = nc_srcgrdfrac_id itmp3 = nc_dstgrdarea_id itmp4 = nc_dstgrdfrac_id else itmp1 = nc_dstgrdarea_id itmp2 = nc_dstgrdfrac_id itmp3 = nc_srcgrdarea_id itmp4 = nc_srcgrdfrac_id endif if (luse_grid1_area) then ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp1, grid1_area_in) else ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp1, grid1_area) endif call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp2, grid1_frac) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (luse_grid2_area) then ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp3, grid2_area_in) else ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp3, grid2_area) endif call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp4, grid2_frac) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (direction == 1) then ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_srcadd_id, & grid1_add_map1) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_dstadd_id, & grid2_add_map1) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, nc_rmpmatrix_id, & wts_map1) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) else ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_srcadd_id, & grid2_add_map2) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_dstadd_id, & grid1_add_map2) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, nc_rmpmatrix_id, & wts_map2) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) endif ncstat = nf_close(nc_file_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine write_remap_scrip !*********************************************************************** subroutine write_remap_csm(map_name, interp_file, direction) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! writes remap data to a netCDF file using NCAR-CSM conventions ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! input variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(char_len), intent(in) :: & map_name ! name for mapping &, interp_file ! filename for remap data integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) :: & direction ! direction of map (1=grid1 to grid2 ! 2=grid2 to grid1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(char_len) :: & grid1_ctmp ! character temp for grid1 names &, grid2_ctmp ! character temp for grid2 names integer (kind=int_kind) :: & itmp1 ! integer temp &, itmp2 ! integer temp &, itmp3 ! integer temp &, itmp4 ! integer temp &, nc_numwgts1_id ! extra netCDF id for additional weights &, nc_src_isize_id ! extra netCDF id for ni_a &, nc_src_jsize_id ! extra netCDF id for nj_a &, nc_dst_isize_id ! extra netCDF id for ni_b &, nc_dst_jsize_id ! extra netCDF id for nj_b &, nc_rmpmatrix2_id ! extra netCDF id for high-order remap matrix real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:),allocatable :: & wts1 ! CSM wants single array for 1st-order wts real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(:,:),allocatable :: & wts2 ! write remaining weights in different array !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create netCDF file for mapping and define some global attributes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ncstat = nf_create (interp_file, NF_CLOBBER, nc_file_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** map name !*** ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, 'title', & len_trim(map_name), map_name) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** normalization option !*** ncstat = nf_put_att_text(nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, 'normalization', & len_trim(normalize_opt), normalize_opt) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** map method !*** ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, 'map_method', & len_trim(map_method), map_method) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** history !*** ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, 'history', & len_trim(history), history) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** file convention !*** convention = 'NCAR-CSM' ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, 'conventions', & len_trim(convention), convention) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** source and destination grid names !*** if (direction == 1) then grid1_ctmp = 'domain_a' grid2_ctmp = 'domain_b' else grid1_ctmp = 'domain_b' grid2_ctmp = 'domain_a' endif ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, trim(grid1_ctmp), & len_trim(grid1_name), grid1_name) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, NF_GLOBAL, trim(grid2_ctmp), & len_trim(grid2_name), grid2_name) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! prepare netCDF dimension info ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** !*** define grid size dimensions !*** if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = grid1_size itmp2 = grid2_size else itmp1 = grid2_size itmp2 = grid1_size endif ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'n_a', itmp1, nc_srcgrdsize_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'n_b', itmp2, nc_dstgrdsize_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid corner dimension !*** if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = grid1_corners itmp2 = grid2_corners else itmp1 = grid2_corners itmp2 = grid1_corners endif ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'nv_a', itmp1, nc_srcgrdcorn_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'nv_b', itmp2, nc_dstgrdcorn_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid rank dimension !*** if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = grid1_rank itmp2 = grid2_rank else itmp1 = grid2_rank itmp2 = grid1_rank endif ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_rank', & itmp1, nc_srcgrdrank_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_rank', & itmp2, nc_dstgrdrank_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define first two dims as if 2-d cartesian domain !*** if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = grid1_dims(1) if (grid1_rank > 1) then itmp2 = grid1_dims(2) else itmp2 = 0 endif itmp3 = grid2_dims(1) if (grid2_rank > 1) then itmp4 = grid2_dims(2) else itmp4 = 0 endif else itmp1 = grid2_dims(1) if (grid2_rank > 1) then itmp2 = grid2_dims(2) else itmp2 = 0 endif itmp3 = grid1_dims(1) if (grid1_rank > 1) then itmp4 = grid1_dims(2) else itmp4 = 0 endif endif ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'ni_a', itmp1, nc_src_isize_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'nj_a', itmp2, nc_src_jsize_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'ni_b', itmp3, nc_dst_isize_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'nj_b', itmp4, nc_dst_jsize_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define map size dimensions !*** if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = num_links_map1 else itmp1 = num_links_map2 endif ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'n_s', itmp1, nc_numlinks_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'num_wgts', & num_wts, nc_numwgts_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (num_wts > 1) then ncstat = nf_def_dim (nc_file_id, 'num_wgts1', & num_wts-1, nc_numwgts1_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) endif !*** !*** define grid dimensions !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'src_grid_dims', NF_INT, & 1, nc_srcgrdrank_id, nc_srcgrddims_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'dst_grid_dims', NF_INT, & 1, nc_dstgrdrank_id, nc_dstgrddims_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define all arrays for netCDF descriptors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** !*** define grid center latitude array !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'yc_a', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_srcgrdsize_id, & nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'yc_b', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_dstgrdsize_id, & nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid center longitude array !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'xc_a', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_srcgrdsize_id, & nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'xc_b', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_dstgrdsize_id, & nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid corner lat/lon arrays !*** nc_dims2_id(1) = nc_srcgrdcorn_id nc_dims2_id(2) = nc_srcgrdsize_id ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'yv_a', & NF_DOUBLE, 2, nc_dims2_id, & nc_srcgrdcrnrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'xv_a', & NF_DOUBLE, 2, nc_dims2_id, & nc_srcgrdcrnrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) nc_dims2_id(1) = nc_dstgrdcorn_id nc_dims2_id(2) = nc_dstgrdsize_id ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'yv_b', & NF_DOUBLE, 2, nc_dims2_id, & nc_dstgrdcrnrlat_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'xv_b', & NF_DOUBLE, 2, nc_dims2_id, & nc_dstgrdcrnrlon_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** CSM wants all in degrees !*** grid1_units = 'degrees' grid2_units = 'degrees' if (direction == 1) then grid1_ctmp = grid1_units grid2_ctmp = grid2_units else grid1_ctmp = grid2_units grid2_ctmp = grid1_units endif ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id, & 'units', 7, grid1_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id, & 'units', 7, grid2_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id, & 'units', 7, grid1_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id, & 'units', 7, grid2_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdcrnrlat_id, & 'units', 7, grid1_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdcrnrlon_id, & 'units', 7, grid1_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdcrnrlat_id, & 'units', 7, grid2_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdcrnrlon_id, & 'units', 7, grid2_ctmp) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid mask !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'mask_a', NF_INT, & 1, nc_srcgrdsize_id, nc_srcgrdimask_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdimask_id, & 'units', 8, 'unitless') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'mask_b', NF_INT, & 1, nc_dstgrdsize_id, nc_dstgrdimask_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdimask_id, & 'units', 8, 'unitless') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid area arrays !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'area_a', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_srcgrdsize_id, & nc_srcgrdarea_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdarea_id, & 'units', 14, 'square radians') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'area_b', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_dstgrdsize_id, & nc_dstgrdarea_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdarea_id, & 'units', 14, 'square radians') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define grid fraction arrays !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'frac_a', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_srcgrdsize_id, & nc_srcgrdfrac_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdfrac_id, & 'units', 8, 'unitless') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'frac_b', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_dstgrdsize_id, & nc_dstgrdfrac_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_att_text (nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdfrac_id, & 'units', 8, 'unitless') call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !*** !*** define mapping arrays !*** ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'col', & NF_INT, 1, nc_numlinks_id, & nc_srcadd_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'row', & NF_INT, 1, nc_numlinks_id, & nc_dstadd_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'S', & NF_DOUBLE, 1, nc_numlinks_id, & nc_rmpmatrix_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (num_wts > 1) then nc_dims2_id(1) = nc_numwgts1_id nc_dims2_id(2) = nc_numlinks_id ncstat = nf_def_var (nc_file_id, 'S2', & NF_DOUBLE, 2, nc_dims2_id, & nc_rmpmatrix2_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) endif !*** !*** end definition stage !*** ncstat = nf_enddef(nc_file_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute integer masks ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (direction == 1) then allocate (src_mask_int(grid1_size), & dst_mask_int(grid2_size)) where (grid2_mask) dst_mask_int = 1 elsewhere dst_mask_int = 0 endwhere where (grid1_mask) src_mask_int = 1 elsewhere src_mask_int = 0 endwhere else allocate (src_mask_int(grid2_size), & dst_mask_int(grid1_size)) where (grid1_mask) dst_mask_int = 1 elsewhere dst_mask_int = 0 endwhere where (grid2_mask) src_mask_int = 1 elsewhere src_mask_int = 0 endwhere endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! change units of lat/lon coordinates if input units different ! from radians. if this is the second mapping, the conversion has ! alread been done. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (grid1_units(1:7) == 'degrees' .and. direction == 1) then grid1_center_lat = grid1_center_lat/deg2rad grid1_center_lon = grid1_center_lon/deg2rad grid1_corner_lat = grid1_corner_lat/deg2rad grid1_corner_lon = grid1_corner_lon/deg2rad endif if (grid2_units(1:7) == 'degrees' .and. direction == 1) then grid2_center_lat = grid2_center_lat/deg2rad grid2_center_lon = grid2_center_lon/deg2rad grid2_corner_lat = grid2_corner_lat/deg2rad grid2_corner_lon = grid2_corner_lon/deg2rad endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write mapping data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = nc_srcgrddims_id itmp2 = nc_dstgrddims_id else itmp2 = nc_srcgrddims_id itmp1 = nc_dstgrddims_id endif ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, itmp1, grid1_dims) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, itmp2, grid2_dims) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_srcgrdimask_id, & src_mask_int) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_dstgrdimask_id, & dst_mask_int) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) deallocate(src_mask_int, dst_mask_int) if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id itmp2 = nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id itmp3 = nc_srcgrdcrnrlat_id itmp4 = nc_srcgrdcrnrlon_id else itmp1 = nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id itmp2 = nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id itmp3 = nc_dstgrdcrnrlat_id itmp4 = nc_dstgrdcrnrlon_id endif ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp1, grid1_center_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp2, grid1_center_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp3, grid1_corner_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp4, grid1_corner_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = nc_dstgrdcntrlat_id itmp2 = nc_dstgrdcntrlon_id itmp3 = nc_dstgrdcrnrlat_id itmp4 = nc_dstgrdcrnrlon_id else itmp1 = nc_srcgrdcntrlat_id itmp2 = nc_srcgrdcntrlon_id itmp3 = nc_srcgrdcrnrlat_id itmp4 = nc_srcgrdcrnrlon_id endif ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp1, grid2_center_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp2, grid2_center_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp3, grid2_corner_lat) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp4, grid2_corner_lon) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (direction == 1) then itmp1 = nc_srcgrdarea_id itmp2 = nc_srcgrdfrac_id itmp3 = nc_dstgrdarea_id itmp4 = nc_dstgrdfrac_id else itmp1 = nc_dstgrdarea_id itmp2 = nc_dstgrdfrac_id itmp3 = nc_srcgrdarea_id itmp4 = nc_srcgrdfrac_id endif if (luse_grid1_area) then ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp1, grid1_area_in) else ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp1, grid1_area) endif call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp2, grid1_frac) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (luse_grid2_area) then ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp3, grid2_area) else ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp3, grid2_area) endif call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, itmp4, grid2_frac) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (direction == 1) then ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_srcadd_id, & grid1_add_map1) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_dstadd_id, & grid2_add_map1) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (num_wts == 1) then ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, nc_rmpmatrix_id, & wts_map1) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) else allocate(wts1(num_links_map1),wts2(num_wts-1,num_links_map1)) wts1 = wts_map1(1,:) wts2 = wts_map1(2:,:) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, nc_rmpmatrix_id, & wts1) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, nc_rmpmatrix2_id, & wts2) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) deallocate(wts1,wts2) endif else ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_srcadd_id, & grid2_add_map2) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_int(nc_file_id, nc_dstadd_id, & grid1_add_map2) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) if (num_wts == 1) then ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, nc_rmpmatrix_id, & wts_map2) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) else allocate(wts1(num_links_map2),wts2(num_wts-1,num_links_map2)) wts1 = wts_map2(1,:) wts2 = wts_map2(2:,:) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, nc_rmpmatrix_id, & wts1) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) ncstat = nf_put_var_double(nc_file_id, nc_rmpmatrix2_id, & wts2) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) deallocate(wts1,wts2) endif endif ncstat = nf_close(nc_file_id) call netcdf_error_handler(ncstat) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine write_remap_csm !*********************************************************************** subroutine sort_add(add1, add2, weights) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! this routine sorts address and weight arrays based on the ! destination address with the source address as a secondary ! sorting criterion. the method is a standard heap sort. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use kinds_mod ! defines common data types use constants ! defines common scalar constants implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Input and Output arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: & add1, ! destination address array (num_links) & add2 ! source address array real (kind=dbl_kind), intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: & weights ! remapping weights (num_wts, num_links) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind) :: & num_links, ! num of links for this mapping & num_wts, ! num of weights for this mapping & add1_tmp, add2_tmp, ! temp for addresses during swap & nwgt, & lvl, final_lvl, ! level indexes for heap sort levels & chk_lvl1, chk_lvl2, max_lvl real (kind=dbl_kind), dimension(SIZE(weights,DIM=1)) :: & wgttmp ! temp for holding wts during swap !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine total number of links to sort and number of weights ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- num_links = SIZE(add1) num_wts = SIZE(weights, DIM=1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! start at the lowest level (N/2) of the tree and sift lower ! values to the bottom of the tree, promoting the larger numbers ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do lvl=num_links/2,1,-1 final_lvl = lvl add1_tmp = add1(lvl) add2_tmp = add2(lvl) wgttmp(:) = weights(:,lvl) !*** !*** loop until proper level is found for this link, or reach !*** bottom !*** sift_loop1: do !*** !*** find the largest of the two daughters !*** chk_lvl1 = 2*final_lvl chk_lvl2 = 2*final_lvl+1 if (chk_lvl1 .EQ. num_links) chk_lvl2 = chk_lvl1 if ((add1(chk_lvl1) > add1(chk_lvl2)) .OR. & ((add1(chk_lvl1) == add1(chk_lvl2)) .AND. & (add2(chk_lvl1) > add2(chk_lvl2)))) then max_lvl = chk_lvl1 else max_lvl = chk_lvl2 endif !*** !*** if the parent is greater than both daughters, !*** the correct level has been found !*** if ((add1_tmp .GT. add1(max_lvl)) .OR. & ((add1_tmp .EQ. add1(max_lvl)) .AND. & (add2_tmp .GT. add2(max_lvl)))) then add1(final_lvl) = add1_tmp add2(final_lvl) = add2_tmp weights(:,final_lvl) = wgttmp(:) exit sift_loop1 !*** !*** otherwise, promote the largest daughter and push !*** down one level in the tree. if haven't reached !*** the end of the tree, repeat the process. otherwise !*** store last values and exit the loop !*** else add1(final_lvl) = add1(max_lvl) add2(final_lvl) = add2(max_lvl) weights(:,final_lvl) = weights(:,max_lvl) final_lvl = max_lvl if (2*final_lvl > num_links) then add1(final_lvl) = add1_tmp add2(final_lvl) = add2_tmp weights(:,final_lvl) = wgttmp(:) exit sift_loop1 endif endif end do sift_loop1 end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now that the heap has been sorted, strip off the top (largest) ! value and promote the values below ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do lvl=num_links,3,-1 !*** !*** move the top value and insert it into the correct place !*** add1_tmp = add1(lvl) add1(lvl) = add1(1) add2_tmp = add2(lvl) add2(lvl) = add2(1) wgttmp(:) = weights(:,lvl) weights(:,lvl) = weights(:,1) !*** !*** as above this loop sifts the tmp values down until proper !*** level is reached !*** final_lvl = 1 sift_loop2: do !*** !*** find the largest of the two daughters !*** chk_lvl1 = 2*final_lvl chk_lvl2 = 2*final_lvl+1 if (chk_lvl2 >= lvl) chk_lvl2 = chk_lvl1 if ((add1(chk_lvl1) > add1(chk_lvl2)) .OR. & ((add1(chk_lvl1) == add1(chk_lvl2)) .AND. & (add2(chk_lvl1) > add2(chk_lvl2)))) then max_lvl = chk_lvl1 else max_lvl = chk_lvl2 endif !*** !*** if the parent is greater than both daughters, !*** the correct level has been found !*** if ((add1_tmp > add1(max_lvl)) .OR. & ((add1_tmp == add1(max_lvl)) .AND. & (add2_tmp > add2(max_lvl)))) then add1(final_lvl) = add1_tmp add2(final_lvl) = add2_tmp weights(:,final_lvl) = wgttmp(:) exit sift_loop2 !*** !*** otherwise, promote the largest daughter and push !*** down one level in the tree. if haven't reached !*** the end of the tree, repeat the process. otherwise !*** store last values and exit the loop !*** else add1(final_lvl) = add1(max_lvl) add2(final_lvl) = add2(max_lvl) weights(:,final_lvl) = weights(:,max_lvl) final_lvl = max_lvl if (2*final_lvl >= lvl) then add1(final_lvl) = add1_tmp add2(final_lvl) = add2_tmp weights(:,final_lvl) = wgttmp(:) exit sift_loop2 endif endif end do sift_loop2 end do !*** !*** swap the last two entries !*** add1_tmp = add1(2) add1(2) = add1(1) add1(1) = add1_tmp add2_tmp = add2(2) add2(2) = add2(1) add2(1) = add2_tmp wgttmp (:) = weights(:,2) weights(:,2) = weights(:,1) weights(:,1) = wgttmp (:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine sort_add !*********************************************************************** end module remap_write !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!