function nice_contourlevels, data, nlevels=nlevels ;+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; Select nice contour levels based on the data input and the number of levels ; ; Author: D. J. Lea - Feb 2008 ; ;+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (n_elements(nlevels) eq 0) then nlevels=15 mx=max(data) mn=min(data) ; use this to select colors to plot and labels clevels=findgen(nlevels)/nlevels*(mx-mn)+mn ocint=1./nlevels*(mx-mn) print,'ocint ',ocint ; contour interval at 2 sig figs ;digits=2 ;p10 = floor(alog10(abs(ocint))) ;expo = 10.0d^(digits -1 - p10) ;cint = long(ocint*expo)/expo ;print,'cint ',cint ;does it end in 5 or 0? digits=1 p10 = floor(alog10(abs(ocint))) expo = 10.0d^(digits -1 - p10) cint = long(ocint*expo)/expo print,'cint ',cint if (mx ne mn) then begin mxfix=fix(mx/cint)*cint mnfix=fix(mn/cint)*cint print, mx, mxfix print, mn, mnfix ; nice contour values ;calculate new nlevels nlevels=fix((mxfix-mnfix)/cint+1) ;print,nlevels if (nlevels gt 0) then begin clevels=findgen(nlevels)*cint+mnfix endif else begin clevels=mnfix endelse endif else begin clevels=mn endelse return, clevels end