MODULE dianam !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE dianam *** !! Ocean diagnostics: Builds output file name !!===================================================================== !! History : OPA ! 1999-02 (E. Guilyardi) Creation for 30 days/month !! NEMO 1.0 ! 2002-06 (G. Madec) F90: Free form and module !! 3.2 ! 2009-11 (S. Masson) complete rewriting, works for all calendars... !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! dia_nam : Builds output file name !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE phycst ! physical constants USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE ioipsl, ONLY : ju2ymds ! for calendar IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC dia_nam !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) !! $Id: dianam.F90 2528 2010-12-27 17:33:53Z rblod $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS SUBROUTINE dia_nam( cdfnam, kfreq, cdsuff, ldfsec ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE dia_nam *** !! !! ** Purpose : Builds output file name !! !! ** Method : File name is a function of date and output frequency !! cdfnam=____ !! = averaging frequency (DA, MO, etc...) !! , date of beginning and end of run !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER (len=*), INTENT( out) :: cdfnam ! file name CHARACTER (len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdsuff ! to be added at the end of the file name INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kfreq ! output frequency: > 0 in time-step (or seconds see ldfsec) ! < 0 in months ! = 0 no frequency LOGICAL , INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: ldfsec ! kfreq in second(in time-step) if .true.(.false. default) ! CHARACTER (len=20) :: clfmt, clfmt0 ! writing format CHARACTER (len=20) :: clave ! name for output frequency CHARACTER (len=20) :: cldate1 ! date of the beginning of run CHARACTER (len=20) :: cldate2 ! date of the end of run LOGICAL :: llfsec ! local value of ldfsec INTEGER :: iyear1, imonth1, iday1 ! year, month, day of the first day of the run INTEGER :: iyear2, imonth2, iday2 ! year, month, day of the last day of the run INTEGER :: indg ! number of digits needed to write a number INTEGER :: inbsec, inbmn, inbhr ! output frequency in seconds, minutes and hours INTEGER :: inbday, inbmo, inbyr ! output frequency in days, months and years INTEGER :: iyyss, iddss, ihhss, immss ! number of seconds in 1 year, 1 day, 1 hour and 1 minute INTEGER :: iyymo ! number of months in 1 year REAL(wp) :: zsec1, zsec2 ! not used REAL(wp) :: zdrun, zjul ! temporary scalars !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! name for output frequency IF( PRESENT(ldfsec) ) THEN ; llfsec = ldfsec ELSE ; llfsec = .FALSE. ENDIF IF( llfsec .OR. kfreq < 0 ) THEN ; inbsec = kfreq ! output frequency already in seconds ELSE ; inbsec = kfreq * NINT( rdttra(1) ) ! from time-step to seconds ENDIF iddss = NINT( rday ) ! number of seconds in 1 day ihhss = NINT( rmmss * rhhmm ) ! number of seconds in 1 hour immss = NINT( rmmss ) ! number of seconds in 1 minute iyymo = NINT( raamo ) ! number of months in 1 year iyyss = iddss * nyear_len(1) ! seconds in 1 year (not good: multi years with leap) clfmt0 = "('(a,i',i1,',a)')" ! format '(a,ix,a)' with x to be defined ! IF( inbsec == 0 ) THEN ; clave = '' ! no frequency ELSEIF( inbsec < 0 ) THEN inbmo = -inbsec ! frequency in month IF( MOD( inbmo, iyymo ) == 0 ) THEN ! frequency in years inbyr = inbmo / iyymo indg = INT(LOG10(REAL(inbyr,wp))) + 1 ! number of digits needed to write years frequency WRITE(clfmt, clfmt0) indg ; WRITE(clave, clfmt) '_', inbyr , 'y' ELSE ! frequency in month indg = INT(LOG10(REAL(inbmo,wp))) + 1 ! number of digits needed to write months frequency WRITE(clfmt, clfmt0) indg ; WRITE(clave, clfmt) '_', inbmo, 'm' ENDIF ELSEIF( MOD( inbsec, iyyss ) == 0 ) THEN ! frequency in years inbyr = inbsec / iyyss indg = INT(LOG10(REAL(inbyr ,wp))) + 1 ! number of digits needed to write years frequency WRITE(clfmt, clfmt0) indg ; WRITE(clave, clfmt) '_', inbyr , 'y' ELSEIF( MOD( inbsec, iddss ) == 0 ) THEN ! frequency in days inbday = inbsec / iddss indg = INT(LOG10(REAL(inbday,wp))) + 1 ! number of digits needed to write days frequency WRITE(clfmt, clfmt0) indg ; WRITE(clave, clfmt) '_', inbday, 'd' IF( inbday == nmonth_len(nmonth) ) clave = '_1m' ELSEIF( MOD( inbsec, ihhss ) == 0 ) THEN ! frequency in hours inbhr = inbsec / ihhss indg = INT(LOG10(REAL(inbhr ,wp))) + 1 ! number of digits needed to write hours frequency WRITE(clfmt, clfmt0) indg ; WRITE(clave, clfmt) '_', inbhr , 'h' ELSEIF( MOD( inbsec, immss ) == 0 ) THEN ! frequency in minutes inbmn = inbsec / immss indg = INT(LOG10(REAL(inbmn ,wp))) + 1 ! number of digits needed to write minutes frequency WRITE(clfmt, clfmt0) indg ; WRITE(clave, clfmt) '_', inbmn , 'mn' ELSE ! frequency in seconds indg = INT(LOG10(REAL(inbsec,wp))) + 1 ! number of digits needed to write seconds frequency WRITE(clfmt, clfmt0) indg ; WRITE(clave, clfmt) '_', inbsec, 's' ENDIF ! date of the beginning and the end of the run zdrun = rdttra(1) / rday * REAL( nitend - nit000, wp ) ! length of the run in days zjul = fjulday - rdttra(1) / rday CALL ju2ymds( zjul , iyear1, imonth1, iday1, zsec1 ) ! year/month/day of the beginning of run CALL ju2ymds( zjul + zdrun, iyear2, imonth2, iday2, zsec2 ) ! year/month/day of the end of run IF( iyear2 < 10000 ) THEN ; clfmt = "(i4.4,2i2.2)" ! format used to write the date ELSE ; WRITE(clfmt, "('(i',i1,',2i2.2)')") INT(LOG10(REAL(iyear2,wp))) + 1 ENDIF WRITE(cldate1, clfmt) iyear1, imonth1, iday1 ! date of the beginning of run WRITE(cldate2, clfmt) iyear2, imonth2, iday2 ! date of the end of run cdfnam = TRIM(cexper)//TRIM(clave)//"_"//TRIM(cldate1)//"_"//TRIM(cldate2)//"_"//TRIM(cdsuff) IF( .NOT. Agrif_Root() ) cdfnam = TRIM(Agrif_CFixed())//'_'//TRIM(cdfnam) END SUBROUTINE dia_nam !!====================================================================== END MODULE dianam