/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \file framework.cpp /// \brief Implementation of the framework() function /// /// \author Ben Smith /// $Date: 2014-05-14 12:43:55 +0200 (Wed, 14 May 2014) $ /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "config.h" #include "framework.h" #include "commandlinearguments.h" #include "guessserializer.h" #include "parallel.h" #include "inputmodule.h" #include "driver.h" #include "canexch.h" #include "soilwater.h" #include "somdynam.h" #include "growth.h" #include "vegdynam.h" #include "landcover.h" #include "bvoc.h" #include "commonoutput.h" // ecev3 - not in trunk. Savestate functions copied from RCA branch #include "savestate.h" #include "eceframework.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace GuessParallel; #include // Declaration only. Definition below. //void updatehighcoverage(Stand& stand); //CLNvoid computeLAIforIFS(Gridcell& gridcell); void computeIFSVegetationCover(Gridcell& gridcell); void computeDailyLAIandFPCforIFS(Gridcell& gridcell); /// Prints the date and time together with the name of this simulation void print_logfile_heading() { xtring datetime; unixtime(datetime); xtring header = xtring("[LPJ-GUESS ") + datetime + "]\n\n"; dprintf((char*)header); // Print the title of this run std::string dashed_line(50, '-'); dprintf("\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", dashed_line.c_str(), (char*)title, dashed_line.c_str()); } // ecev3 void compute_gridcell_previous_cflux(Gridcell& gridcell) { // Compute previous years yearly C fluxes for gridcell // before stand fractions change due to landuse change if (date.day > 0) return; gridcell.previousyearsCfluxNat = 0.0; gridcell.previousyearsCfluxAnt = 0.0; Gridcell::iterator gc_itr = gridcell.begin(); while (gc_itr != gridcell.end()) { // START OF LOOP THROUGH STANDS Stand& stand = *gc_itr; gridcell.previousyearsCfluxNat += stand.previousyearsCfluxNat * stand.get_gridcell_fraction(); gridcell.previousyearsCfluxAnt += stand.previousyearsCfluxAnt * stand.get_gridcell_fraction(); ++gc_itr; } // End of loop through stands gridcell.cLand = gridcell.ccont() + gridcell.previousyearsCfluxNat + gridcell.previousyearsCfluxAnt; gridcell.cFlux = 0.0; } // ecev3 void compute_gridcell_cflux(Gridcell& gridcell) { // Compute daily fluxes released to the atmosphere where previous years // yearly fluxes (Dec 31 fluxes) and annual fluxes created on Jan 1 // have been spread out over this year // Gridcell-level C flux from harvest and harvest decomposition associated with landcover change. Updated only on Jan 1 if (date.day == 0) { gridcell.previousyearsCfluxAnt += gridcell.landcover.dcflux_landuse_change + gridcell.landcover.dcflux_harvest_slow; } Gridcell::iterator gc_itr = gridcell.begin(); while (gc_itr != gridcell.end()) { // START OF LOOP THROUGH STANDS Stand& stand = *gc_itr; double npp = 0.0; double rh = 0.0; for (unsigned int p = 0; p < stand.npatch(); p++) { Patch& patch = stand[p]; // Individual C fluxes. All kg C/m2 npp += patch.fluxes.get_daily_flux(Fluxes::NPP, date.day); rh += patch.fluxes.get_daily_flux(Fluxes::SOILC, date.day); patch.fluxes.report_flux(Fluxes::CO2NAT, patch.fluxes.get_daily_flux(Fluxes::SOILC, date.day) - patch.fluxes.get_daily_flux(Fluxes::NPP, date.day) + gridcell.previousyearsCfluxNat / (double)date.year_length()); patch.fluxes.report_flux(Fluxes::CO2ANTT, gridcell.previousyearsCfluxAnt / (double)date.year_length()); } stand.dcfluxnat_today = (rh / (float)stand.npatch() + gridcell.previousyearsCfluxNat / (double)date.year_length()); stand.dcfluxant_today = gridcell.previousyearsCfluxAnt / (double)date.year_length(); stand.dnpp_today = -npp / (float)stand.npatch(); gridcell.cFlux += ((rh - npp) / (float)stand.npatch() + (gridcell.previousyearsCfluxNat + gridcell.previousyearsCfluxAnt) / (double)date.year_length()) * stand.get_gridcell_fraction(); // On Dec 31 we must update this stand's previousyearsCflux{Nat,Ant} values to be spread over next year if (date.islastday && date.islastmonth) { // Reset yearly fluxes stand.previousyearsCfluxNat = 0.0; stand.previousyearsCfluxAnt = 0.0; double estc, firec, reprc, seedc, harvestc, debexcc, orgcleach; for (unsigned int p = 0; p < stand.npatch(); p++) { Patch& patch = stand[p]; // Individual C fluxes. All kg C m-2 and all updated on Dec 31 reprc = patch.fluxes.get_annual_flux(Fluxes::REPRC); firec = patch.fluxes.get_annual_flux(Fluxes::FIREC); estc = patch.fluxes.get_annual_flux(Fluxes::ESTC); seedc = patch.fluxes.get_annual_flux(Fluxes::SEEDC); harvestc = patch.fluxes.get_annual_flux(Fluxes::HARVESTC); debexcc = patch.fluxes.get_annual_flux(Fluxes::DEBEXCC); orgcleach = patch.fluxes.get_annual_flux(Fluxes::LEACHC); stand.previousyearsCfluxNat += (estc + firec + reprc + orgcleach - debexcc) / (double)stand.npatch(); stand.previousyearsCfluxAnt += (seedc + harvestc) / (double)stand.npatch(); //gridcell.cFlux += patch.soil.aorgCleach / (double)stand.npatch() * stand.get_gridcell_fraction(); //patch.fluxes.report_flux(Fluxes::CO2NAT, patch.soil.aorgCleach); // Add to get the same result as cFlux_yearly (gridcell.cFlux) } } ++gc_itr; } // End of loop through stands } // ecev3 NOTE: // We keep the trunk versions of simulate_day and framework. This makes it easier to svn MERGE. /// Simulate one day for a given Gridcell /** * The climate object in the gridcell needs to be set up with * the day's forcing data before calling this function. * * \param gridcell The gridcell to simulate * \param input_module Used to get land cover fractions */ void simulate_day(Gridcell& gridcell, InputModule* input_module) { // ecev3 - TRUNK VERSION // Update daily climate drivers etc dailyaccounting_gridcell(gridcell, false); // ecev3 - added "false" to compile // Calculate daylength, insolation and potential evapotranspiration daylengthinsoleet(gridcell.climate); if (run_landcover) { if (run[CROPLAND]) { // Update crop sowing date calculation framework crop_sowing_gridcell(gridcell, false); // ecev3 - added false as firstsimulationday } if (date.day == 0) { // Update dynamic management options input_module->getmanagement(gridcell); // Dynamic landcover and crop fraction data during historical // period and create/kill stands. landcover_dynamics(gridcell, input_module); // Set forest management intensity for all stands this year cut_fractions(gridcell); } } Gridcell::iterator gc_itr = gridcell.begin(); while (gc_itr != gridcell.end()) { // START OF LOOP THROUGH STANDS Stand& stand = *gc_itr; dailyaccounting_stand(stand); stand.firstobj(); while (stand.isobj) { // START OF LOOP THROUGH PATCHES // Get reference to this patch Patch& patch = stand.getobj(); // Update daily soil drivers including soil temperature dailyaccounting_patch(patch,false); // ecev3 - to get this to compile // Determine nitrogen fertilisation amount if(run_landcover) nfert(patch); if (stand.landcover == CROPLAND) { // Calculate crop sowing dates crop_sowing_patch(patch); // Crop phenology crop_phenology(patch); // necessary updates after changing growingperiod status update_patch_fpc(patch); } // Leaf phenology for PFTs and individuals leaf_phenology(patch, gridcell.climate); // Interception interception(patch, gridcell.climate); initial_infiltration(patch, gridcell.climate); // Photosynthesis, respiration, evapotranspiration canopy_exchange(patch, gridcell.climate); // Sum total required irrigation irrigation(patch); // Soil water accounting, snow pack accounting soilwater(patch, gridcell.climate); // Daily C allocation (cropland) growth_daily(patch); // Soil organic matter and litter dynamics som_dynamics(patch); if (date.islastday && date.islastmonth) { // LAST DAY OF YEAR // Tissue turnover, allocation to new biomass and reproduction, // updated allometry growth(stand, patch); } stand.nextobj(); }// End of loop through patches // Update crop rotation status crop_rotation(stand); if (date.islastday && date.islastmonth) { // LAST DAY OF YEAR stand.firstobj(); while (stand.isobj) { // For each patch ... Patch& patch = stand.getobj(); // Establishment, mortality and disturbance by fire vegetation_dynamics(stand, patch); stand.nextobj(); } } ++gc_itr; } // End of loop through stands } int framework(const CommandLineArguments& args) { // The 'mission control' of the model, responsible for maintaining the // primary model data structures and containing all explicit loops through // space (grid cells/stands) and time (days and years). using std::auto_ptr; const char* input_module_name = args.get_input_module(); auto_ptr input_module(InputModuleRegistry::get_instance().create_input_module(input_module_name)); GuessOutput::OutputModuleContainer output_modules; GuessOutput::OutputModuleRegistry::get_instance().create_all_modules(output_modules); // Read the instruction file to obtain PFT static parameters and // simulation settings read_instruction_file(args.get_instruction_file()); print_logfile_heading(); // Initialise input/output input_module->init(); output_modules.init(); // Nitrogen limitation if (ifnlim && !ifcentury) { fail("\n\nIf nitrogen limitation is switched on then century soil module also needs to be switched on!"); } // bvoc if (ifbvoc) { initbvoc(); } // Create objects for (de)serializing grid cells auto_ptr serializer; auto_ptr deserializer; if (save_state) { serializer = auto_ptr(new GuessSerializer(state_path, GuessParallel::get_rank_specific(localcomm), GuessParallel::get_num_processes())); } if (restart) { deserializer = auto_ptr(new GuessDeserializer(state_path)); } while (true) { // START OF LOOP THROUGH GRID CELLS // Initialise global variable date // (argument nyear not used in this implementation) date.init(1); // Create and initialise a new Gridcell object for each locality Gridcell gridcell; // Call input module to obtain latitude and driver data for this grid cell. if (!input_module->getgridcell(gridcell)) { break; } // Initialise certain climate and soil drivers gridcell.climate.initdrivers(gridcell.get_lat()); if (run_landcover && !restart) { // Read landcover and cft fraction data from // data files for the spinup period and create stands landcover_init(gridcell, input_module.get()); } if (restart) { // Get the whole grid cell from file... deserializer->deserialize_gridcell(gridcell); // ...and jump to the restart year date.year = state_year; } // Call input/output to obtain climate, insolation and CO2 for this // day of the simulation. Function getclimate returns false if last year // has already been simulated for this grid cell while (input_module->getclimate(gridcell)) { // START OF LOOP THROUGH SIMULATION DAYS compute_gridcell_previous_cflux(gridcell); simulate_day(gridcell, input_module.get()); // Compute daily fluxes released to the atmosphere where previous years // yearly fluxes (Dec 31 fluxes) and annual fluxes created on Jan 1 // have been spread out over this year compute_gridcell_cflux(gridcell); output_modules.outdaily(gridcell); if (date.islastday && date.islastmonth) { // LAST DAY OF YEAR // Call output module to output results for end of year // or end of simulation for this grid cell output_modules.outannual(gridcell); gridcell.balance.check_year(gridcell); // Time to save state? if (date.year == state_year-1 && save_state) { serializer->serialize_gridcell(gridcell); } // Check whether to abort if (abort_request_received()) { return 99; } } // Advance timer to next simulation day date.next(); // End of loop through simulation days } //while (getclimate()) gridcell.balance.check_period(gridcell); } // End of loop through grid cells // END OF SIMULATION return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EC-Earth Coupling Code - THE GUESS WORLD /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The one and only world (vector of gridcells, one forest and one vegetated open land stand // for each grid cell) typedef std::vector World; World world; // Initialisation flag (whether GUESS has been initialised yet true/false) bool ifinit=false; int inst=0; /// Number of years in the IFS output, spinup dataset const int NYEARIFS = 10; /// Number of years in the N deposition output, historical dataset (1850-01 - 2014-12) const int NYEARNDEP = 165; // ECE Parameters to be read from .ins file: /// atmospheric nitrogen deposition (kgN/yr/ha) double ndep; // Determine RCP from guess.ins double rcpforcing; // Use IFS/H-TESSEl soil temp & moisture (true) or not (false) //CLNbool ifssoilproperties; bool useifssoilmoist; bool useifssoiltemp; xtring statefile; // ecev3 - pointers using std::auto_ptr; // Objects for serializing and deserializing Gridcells static std::auto_ptr serializer_ece; static std::auto_ptr deserializer_ece; // For output GuessOutput::OutputModuleContainer* output_modules_ece; // For input // Will give access to LULCC, crop types and management options for each cell. InputModule* input_module_ece; void initlog(int inst) { printf("Attempting to open log file for instance number %d\n",inst); const char* file_log_prefix = "guess"; xtring filename; filename.printf("%s%d.log", file_log_prefix, inst); set_shell(new CommandLineShell((char*)filename)); } // EC-Earth VERSION of simulate_day. /// Simulate one day for a given Gridcell /** * The climate object in the gridcell needs to be set up with * the day's forcing data before calling this function. * * \param gridcell The gridcell to simulate * \param prescribe_ifs_soilmoist New ecev3 option. Use IFS soil moisture if true, * but standard LPJ-GUESS parameterisations if false * \param prescribe_ifs_soiltemp New ecev3 option. Use IFS soil temperature if true, * but standard LPJ-GUESS parameterisations if false * \param firstsimulationday New ecev3 option sent to dailyaccounting_gridcell * * \param printoutput New ecev3 option. Update outputfiles if true. Set false at start of spinup * */ void simulate_day_ece(Gridcell& gridcell, bool prescribe_ifs_soilmoist, bool prescribe_ifs_soiltemp, bool firstsimulationday, bool printoutput) { // Compute previous years yearly C fluxes for gridcell // before stand fractions change due to landuse change compute_gridcell_previous_cflux(gridcell); // Update daily climate drivers etc dailyaccounting_gridcell(gridcell, firstsimulationday); // Calculate daylength, insolation and potential evapotranspiration daylengthinsoleet(gridcell.climate); if (run_landcover) { if (run[CROPLAND]) { // Update crop sowing date calculation framework crop_sowing_gridcell(gridcell, firstsimulationday); } if (date.day == 0) { // Dynamic landcover and crop fraction data during historical // period and create/kill stands. landcover_dynamics(gridcell, input_module_ece); // Update dynamic management options input_module_ece->getmanagement(gridcell); } } Gridcell::iterator gc_itr = gridcell.begin(); while (gc_itr != gridcell.end()) { // START OF LOOP THROUGH STANDS Stand& stand = *gc_itr; dailyaccounting_stand(stand); stand.firstobj(); while (stand.isobj) { // START OF LOOP THROUGH PATCHES // Get reference to this patch Patch& patch = stand.getobj(); // Update daily soil drivers including soil temperature dailyaccounting_patch(patch,prescribe_ifs_soiltemp); // ecev3 - override soil.temp? // Determine nitrogen fertilisation amount if (run_landcover) nfert(patch); if (stand.landcover == CROPLAND) { // Calculate crop sowing dates crop_sowing_patch(patch); // Crop phenology crop_phenology(patch); // necessary updates after changing growingperiod status update_patch_fpc(patch); } // Leaf phenology for PFTs and individuals leaf_phenology(patch, gridcell.climate); // Interception interception(patch, gridcell.climate); initial_infiltration(patch, gridcell.climate); // Photosynthesis, respiration, evapotranspiration canopy_exchange(patch, gridcell.climate); // Sum total required irrigation irrigation(patch); // Soil water accounting, snow pack accounting if (prescribe_ifs_soilmoist) { // Update wcont[0], wcont[0] and wcont_evap with IFS values patch.soil.wcont[0] = gridcell.climate.ifsw_surf; patch.soil.wcont[1] = gridcell.climate.ifsw_deep; patch.soil.wcont_evap = gridcell.climate.ifsw_surf; // MUST call soil water, otherwise aaet and dperc are not updated. // These are needed for N limitation etc. soilwater(patch, gridcell.climate); // Update daily soil water in both layers // Done in dailyaccounting_patch, but here we override with IFS values before // these values are used in the fire module. patch.soil.wcont[0] = gridcell.climate.ifsw_surf; patch.soil.wcont[1] = gridcell.climate.ifsw_deep; patch.soil.dwcontupper[date.day] = patch.soil.wcont[0]; patch.soil.dwcontlower[date.day] = patch.soil.wcont[1]; patch.soil.dwcontlower_today = patch.soil.wcont[1]; } else { soilwater(patch, gridcell.climate); } // Daily C allocation (cropland) growth_daily(patch); // Soil organic matter and litter dynamics som_dynamics(patch); if (date.islastday && date.islastmonth) { // LAST DAY OF YEAR // Tissue turnover, allocation to new biomass and reproduction, // updated allometry growth(stand, patch); } stand.nextobj(); } // End of loop through patches // Update crop rotation status crop_rotation(stand); if (date.islastday && date.islastmonth) { // LAST DAY OF YEAR stand.firstobj(); while (stand.isobj) { // For each patch ... Patch& patch = stand.getobj(); // Establishment, mortality and disturbance by fire vegetation_dynamics(stand, patch); stand.nextobj(); } } // gridcell.nextobj(); ++gc_itr; } // End of loop through stands // TODO check if outdaily should be after compute_gridcell_cflux() as in the standalone framework // Compute daily fluxes released to the atmosphere where previous years // yearly fluxes (Dec 31 fluxes) and annual fluxes created on Jan 1 // have been spread out over this year compute_gridcell_cflux(gridcell); // ecev3 - not needed yet if (printoutput) (*output_modules_ece).outdaily(gridcell); if (date.islastday && date.islastmonth) { // LAST DAY OF YEAR // ecev3 - update the simulation year for this gridcell gridcell.simulationyear++; // Call output module to output results for end of year // or end of simulation for this grid cell if (printoutput) { (*output_modules_ece).outannual(gridcell); // ecev3 - compute vegetation type and cover fractions for this grid cell // outannual must be called first! computeIFSVegetationCover(gridcell); } // for debugging: // dprintf("Stands: %4d... \n", gridcell.nbr_stands()); } // last day? } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INITGUESS // Called at start of run to read settings from ins file // For now ins file name is prescribed in the function body void initguess(int myrank) { // Hard-wired ins file name xtring insfilename="guess.ins"; // Get instance id inst = myrank; // Open log file initlog(inst); // Retrieve specified N value as read from ins file ndep=param["ndep"].num; // Determine RCP to follow rcpforcing=param["nrcp"].num; // Use IFS soil moisture and temp (1), or not (0) useifssoilmoist=true; if (param["useifssoilmoist"].num == 0.0) useifssoilmoist=false; useifssoiltemp=true; if (param["useifssoiltemp"].num == 0.0) useifssoiltemp=false; // State file params restart=true; if (param["restart"].num == 0.0) restart=false; state_path=param["state_path"].str; state_name=param["state_name"].str; // Nitrogen limitation if (ifnlim && !ifcentury) { fail("\n\nIf nitrogen limitation is switched on then century soil module also needs to be switched on!"); } // ecev3 - CMIP6 if (!printcmip6 && printcmip6daily) { fail("\n\nOnly print daily CMIP6 output when printcmip6 is true too!"); } // ecev3 - CRESCENDO if (!printcrescendo && printcrescendodaily) { fail("\n\nOnly print daily CRESCENDO output when printcrescendo is true too!"); } // ecev3 - CRESCENDO FACE bool printCRESCENDO_FACE = false; #ifdef CRESCENDO_FACE printCRESCENDO_FACE = true; #endif if (printcrescendofacedaily && !printCRESCENDO_FACE) { fail("\n\nOnly print daily CRESCENDO FACE output when CRESCENDO_FACE is defined!"); } if (!printcrescendofacedaily && printCRESCENDO_FACE) { fail("\n\nOnly define CRESCENDO_FACE if daily CRESCENDO FACE outputs are to be printed!"); } // bvoc if (ifbvoc) { initbvoc(); } // Done it! ifinit=true; } // ecev3 void swConvert(Soiltype& stype,double &sw_surf,double &sw_deep) { if (sw_surf < stype.wilt_point) sw_surf = 0.0; else if (sw_surf > stype.field_cap) sw_surf = 1.0; else sw_surf = (sw_surf - stype.wilt_point) / stype.whcap; if (sw_deep < stype.wilt_point) sw_deep = 0.0; else if (sw_deep > stype.field_cap) sw_deep = 1.0; else sw_deep = (sw_deep - stype.wilt_point) / stype.whcap; } // ecev3 /* Called daily to update gridcell.laiphen_high_today and gridcell.laiphen_high_today computeIFSVegetationCover below updates these Gridcell values on Dec 31: gridcell.IFStypehigh gridcell.IFSfrachigh gridcell.IFStypelow gridcell.IFSfraclow gridcell.transferhightolow - use total LAI today if this is true These values are serialized, so they are available after a restart */ void computeDailyLAIandFPCforIFS(Gridcell& gridcell) { const double MAX_DAILY_LAI = 10; // Max daily LAI - enforced at the end of this routine. Was 15. double ABSCUTOFF_FPC = 0.000; // Set to 0 to ensure we send nonzero values no matter how small. Was 0.005. double lai_tree_daily = 0.0; double lai_grass_daily = 0.0; double lai_crop_daily = 0.0; double lai_pasture_daily = 0.0; double lai_urban_daily = 0.0; double lai_peat_daily = 0.0; double fpc_tree_daily = 0.0; double fpc_grass_daily = 0.0; double fpc_crop_daily = 0.0; double fpc_pasture_daily = 0.0; double fpc_urban_daily = 0.0; double fpc_peat_daily = 0.0; // As updated in outannual double natural_frac = gridcell.landcover.frac[NATURAL]; double cropland_frac = gridcell.landcover.frac[CROPLAND]; double pasture_frac = gridcell.landcover.frac[PASTURE]; double urban_frac = gridcell.landcover.frac[URBAN]; double peatland_frac = gridcell.landcover.frac[PEATLAND]; // Sum LAI and FPC across patches and PFTs Gridcell::iterator gc_itr = gridcell.begin(); // Loop through Stands gc_itr = gridcell.begin(); while (gc_itr != gridcell.end()) { Stand& stand = *gc_itr; stand.firstobj(); double to_gridcell_average = stand.get_gridcell_fraction() / (double)stand.npatch(); if (stand.landcover == NATURAL) { // Only look in NATURAL stands! // Loop through Patches for trees first while (stand.isobj) { Patch& patch = stand.getobj(); // Loop through Individuals Vegetation& vegetation = patch.vegetation; // Tree and grass fpc for this patch double fpc_tree_patch = 0.0; double fpc_grass_patch = 0.0; vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); if (indiv.id != -1 && indiv.alive) { double current_fpc = indiv.crownarea * indiv.densindiv * (1.0 - lambertbeer(indiv.lai_indiv_today())); if (indiv.pft.lifeform == TREE) { lai_tree_daily += indiv.lai_today() * to_gridcell_average; fpc_tree_patch += current_fpc * to_gridcell_average; } else { lai_grass_daily += indiv.lai_today() * to_gridcell_average; fpc_grass_patch += current_fpc * to_gridcell_average; } } // alive && id != -1? vegetation.nextobj(); } // while/vegetation loop for trees // Tree FPC shouldn't be larger than total patch area if (fpc_tree_patch > to_gridcell_average) fpc_tree_patch = to_gridcell_average; // Tree and grass FPC shouldn't be larger than total patch area (trees shade grass) if (fpc_tree_patch + fpc_grass_patch > to_gridcell_average) fpc_grass_patch = to_gridcell_average - fpc_tree_patch; fpc_tree_daily += fpc_tree_patch; fpc_grass_daily += fpc_grass_patch; stand.nextobj(); } // patch loop } else if (stand.landcover == PASTURE || stand.landcover == URBAN || stand.landcover == PEATLAND) { // Look in pasture, peatland and urban stands for C3/C4 // Loop through Patches while (stand.isobj) { Patch& patch = stand.getobj(); // Loop through Individuals Vegetation& vegetation = patch.vegetation; vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); if (indiv.id != -1 && indiv.alive) { if (indiv.pft.lifeform == GRASS) { double current_fpc_daily = 1.0 - lambertbeer(indiv.lai_indiv_today()); if (stand.landcover == PASTURE) { lai_pasture_daily += indiv.lai_today() * to_gridcell_average; fpc_pasture_daily += current_fpc_daily * to_gridcell_average; } else if (stand.landcover == URBAN) { lai_urban_daily += indiv.lai_today() * to_gridcell_average; fpc_urban_daily += current_fpc_daily * to_gridcell_average; } else { lai_peat_daily += indiv.lai_today() * to_gridcell_average; fpc_peat_daily += current_fpc_daily * to_gridcell_average; } } // GRASS? else { // Error! bool err = true; } } // alive && id != -1? vegetation.nextobj(); } // while/vegetation loop stand.nextobj(); } // patch loop } else if (stand.landcover == CROPLAND) { // Look in cropland to find irrigated and none irrigated / C3 or C4 crops // Loop through Patches while (stand.isobj) { Patch& patch = stand.getobj(); // Loop through Individuals Vegetation& vegetation = patch.vegetation; vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); // Calculating real FCP as indiv.fpc for crops are always 1.0! double current_fpc_daily = 1.0 - lambertbeer(indiv.lai_indiv_today()); lai_crop_daily += indiv.lai_today() * to_gridcell_average; fpc_crop_daily += current_fpc_daily * to_gridcell_average; vegetation.nextobj(); } // while/vegetation loop stand.nextobj(); } // patch loop } ++gc_itr; } // stand loop // Rescale if FPC > Land cover fraction // If Natural tree bigger than cover fracton -> tree cover all fraction, grass zero if (fpc_tree_daily > natural_frac) { fpc_tree_daily = natural_frac; fpc_grass_daily = 0.0; } double fpc_natural_daily = fpc_grass_daily + fpc_tree_daily; if (fpc_natural_daily > natural_frac) { fpc_grass_daily = natural_frac - fpc_tree_daily; // Trees covers low vegetation } // Pasture if (fpc_pasture_daily > pasture_frac) { fpc_pasture_daily = pasture_frac; } // Urban if (fpc_urban_daily > urban_frac) { fpc_urban_daily = urban_frac; } // Peatland if (fpc_peat_daily > peatland_frac) { fpc_peat_daily = peatland_frac; } // Cropland if (fpc_crop_daily > cropland_frac) { fpc_crop_daily = cropland_frac; } double fpc_grass_total_daily = fpc_grass_daily + fpc_crop_daily + fpc_pasture_daily + fpc_urban_daily + fpc_peat_daily; // Lower limit - Low if (fpc_grass_total_daily < ABSCUTOFF_FPC) { fpc_grass_total_daily = 0.0; // Impose lower limit of 0.5%, 0 otherwise } // Lower limit - High if (fpc_tree_daily < ABSCUTOFF_FPC) { fpc_tree_daily = 0.0; // Impose lower limit of 0.5%, 0 otherwise } // Catch small rounding errors double coversum = fpc_tree_daily + fpc_grass_total_daily; if (coversum > 1.0 && coversum <= 1.001) { fpc_tree_daily /= coversum; fpc_grass_total_daily /= coversum; coversum = 1.0; } // Sanity check!!! if (coversum > 1.001) fail("\nInvalid gridcell.IFSfrachigh (%f) and/or gridcell.IFSfraclow (%f) value (sum = %f) in computeDailyLAIandFPCforIFS!", fpc_tree_daily, fpc_grass_total_daily, fpc_tree_daily + fpc_grass_total_daily); // Determine FPC based LAI double lai_fpc_tree_daily = 0.0; if (fpc_tree_daily > 0.0) { lai_fpc_tree_daily = lai_tree_daily / fpc_tree_daily; } double lai_fpc_grass_daily = 0.0; if (fpc_grass_total_daily > 0.0) { lai_fpc_grass_daily = (lai_grass_daily + lai_crop_daily + lai_pasture_daily + lai_urban_daily + lai_peat_daily) / fpc_grass_total_daily; } // Sanity checks - limit LAI to sensible values if (lai_fpc_tree_daily >= MAX_DAILY_LAI) lai_fpc_tree_daily = MAX_DAILY_LAI; if (lai_fpc_grass_daily >= MAX_DAILY_LAI) lai_fpc_grass_daily = MAX_DAILY_LAI; gridcell.laiphen_high_today = lai_fpc_tree_daily; gridcell.laiphen_low_today = lai_fpc_grass_daily; gridcell.IFSfrachigh = fpc_tree_daily; gridcell.IFSfraclow = fpc_grass_total_daily; } // ecev3 - called on Dec 31 void computeIFSVegetationCover(Gridcell& gridcell) { /* // LPJG vegetation mapped onto H-TESSEL vegetation types and fractions. // Types are one of (See IFS documentation, 36r1, Table 8.1): 0 No high vegetation 1 Crops, mixd farming 2 Short grass 3 Evergreen needleleaf trees 4 Deciduous needleleaf trees 5 Deciduous broadleaf trees 6 Evergreen broadleaf trees 7 Tall grass 8 Desert 9 Tundra 10 Irrigated crops 11 Semidesert 12 Ice caps and glaciers 13 Bogs and marshes 14 Inland water 15 Ocean 16 Evergreen shrubs 17 Deciduous shrubs 18 Mixed forest/woodland 19 Interrupted forest 20 Water and land mixtures */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 0. Initial constants and checks // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- const double FORESTCUTOFF_FPC = 0.6; // FPC of 60% const double DNFORESTCUTOFF_FPC = 0.4; // FPC of 40% const double LOWTOHIGHCUTOFF_FPC = 0.05; // FPC of 5% const double DOMINANCE_FRACTION = 0.6; // 60% (IGBP) const double DOMINANCE_FRACTION_RAINGREEN = 0.3;// 30% (Otherwise raingreen dominance is not captured) const double TUNDRAGDD5LIMIT = 350.0; // degree day const double DESERTGDD5LIMIT = 1500.0; // degree day const double ABSCUTOFF_FPC = 0.000; // MIN FPC (as in IFS files now) // const double DESERTCUTOFF_FPC = 0.05; // FPC of 5% // const double SEMIDESERTCUTOFF_FPC = 0.4; // FPC of 40% const double DESERTCUTOFF_FPC_WCONT = 0.01; // FPC * AWCONT of 0.01 const double SEMIDESERTCUTOFF_FPC_WCONT = 0.15; // FPC * AWCONT of 0.15 const double MAX_DAILY_LAI = 10; // Max daily LAI - enforced at the end of this routine. Was 15. // Initialise these Gridcell values before updating them below gridcell.IFStypehigh = 0; double IFSfrachigh = 0.0; gridcell.IFStypelow = 0; double IFSfraclow = 0.0; gridcell.naturaltreeFPC = 0.0; gridcell.naturalgrassFPC = 0.0; // Whether we transfer possible tree characteristics from the NATURAL stand to the low veg information sent to IFS gridcell.transferhightolow = false; // Some quick checks if (gridcell.get_lat() < -65.0) { // Antarctica // gridcell.IFStypelow=12; // 12 Ice caps and glaciers return; } // As updated in outannual double natural_frac = gridcell.landcover.frac[NATURAL]; double cropland_frac = gridcell.landcover.frac[CROPLAND]; double pasture_frac = gridcell.landcover.frac[PASTURE]; double urban_frac = gridcell.landcover.frac[URBAN]; double peatland_frac = gridcell.landcover.frac[PEATLAND]; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1. Determine FPC for trees and grasses in Natural stands and real FPC for crops. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- double fpcEN = 0.0; double fpcDN = 0.0; double fpcDB = 0.0; double fpcRB = 0.0; double fpcEB = 0.0; double fpcgrass = 0.0; // To distinguish tall from short grass we need C3/C4 distinctions double fpcgrass_c3 = 0.0; double fpcgrass_c4 = 0.0; double fpcgrass_crop_c3 = 0.0; double fpcgrass_crop_c4 = 0.0; double fpcgrass_pasture_c3 = 0.0; double fpcgrass_pasture_c4 = 0.0; double fpcgrass_urban_c3 = 0.0; double fpcgrass_urban_c4 = 0.0; double fpcgrass_peatland_c3 = 0.0; double fpcgrass_peatland_c4 = 0.0; // To distinguish rainfed and irrigated crops double fpccrop_rain = 0.0; double fpccrop_irri = 0.0; double fpccrop = 0.0; Gridcell::iterator gc_itr = gridcell.begin(); // Loop through Stands while (gc_itr != gridcell.end()) { Stand& stand = *gc_itr; stand.firstobj(); double to_gridcell_average = stand.get_gridcell_fraction() / (double)stand.npatch(); if (stand.landcover == NATURAL) { // Only look in NATURAL stands! // Loop through Patches while (stand.isobj) { Patch& patch = stand.getobj(); // Loop through Individuals Vegetation& vegetation = patch.vegetation; vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); if (indiv.id != -1 && indiv.alive) { if (indiv.pft.lifeform == GRASS) { fpcgrass += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; // C3 or C4? if (indiv.pft.pathway == C3) { fpcgrass_c3 += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; } else { fpcgrass_c4 += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; } } else if (indiv.pft.leafphysiognomy == NEEDLELEAF && indiv.pft.phenology == EVERGREEN) { fpcEN += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; } else if (indiv.pft.leafphysiognomy == NEEDLELEAF && indiv.pft.phenology == SUMMERGREEN) { fpcDN += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; } else if (indiv.pft.leafphysiognomy == BROADLEAF && indiv.pft.phenology == SUMMERGREEN) { fpcDB += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; } else if (indiv.pft.leafphysiognomy == BROADLEAF && indiv.pft.phenology == EVERGREEN) { fpcEB += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; } else if (indiv.pft.leafphysiognomy == BROADLEAF && indiv.pft.phenology == RAINGREEN) { fpcDB += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; fpcRB += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; } else { // Error! bool err = true; } } // alive && id != -1? vegetation.nextobj(); } // while/vegetation loop stand.nextobj(); } // patch loop } else if (stand.landcover == PASTURE || stand.landcover == URBAN || stand.landcover == PEATLAND) { // Look in pasture, peatland and urban stands for C3/C4 // Loop through Patches while (stand.isobj) { Patch& patch = stand.getobj(); // Loop through Individuals Vegetation& vegetation = patch.vegetation; vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); if (indiv.id != -1 && indiv.alive) { if (indiv.pft.lifeform == GRASS) { // C3 or C4? if (indiv.pft.pathway == C3) { // C3 if (stand.landcover == PASTURE) fpcgrass_pasture_c3 += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; else if (stand.landcover == URBAN) fpcgrass_urban_c3 += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; else fpcgrass_peatland_c3 += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; } else { // C4 if (stand.landcover == PASTURE) fpcgrass_pasture_c4 += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; else if (stand.landcover == URBAN) fpcgrass_urban_c4 += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; else fpcgrass_peatland_c4 += indiv.fpc * to_gridcell_average; } } // GRASS? else { // Error! bool err = true; } } // alive && id != -1? vegetation.nextobj(); } // while/vegetation loop stand.nextobj(); } // patch loop } else if (stand.landcover == CROPLAND) { // Look in cropland to find irrigated and none irrigated / C3 or C4 crops // Loop through Patches while (stand.isobj) { Patch& patch = stand.getobj(); // Loop through Individuals Vegetation& vegetation = patch.vegetation; vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); if (!indiv.pft.isintercropgrass) { // Calculating real FCP as indiv.fpc for crops are always 1.0! double indiv_fpc = 1.0 - lambertbeer(indiv.lai); if (patch.stand.isirrigated) fpccrop_irri += indiv_fpc * to_gridcell_average; else fpccrop_rain += indiv_fpc * to_gridcell_average; if (indiv.pft.pathway == C3) fpcgrass_crop_c3 += indiv_fpc * to_gridcell_average; else fpcgrass_crop_c4 += indiv_fpc * to_gridcell_average; fpccrop += indiv_fpc * to_gridcell_average; } vegetation.nextobj(); } // while/vegetation loop stand.nextobj(); } // patch loop } ++gc_itr; } // stand loop // Now determine the maximum type double fpcnatural = fpcEN + fpcDN + fpcDB + fpcEB + fpcgrass; double fpctree = fpcEN + fpcDN + fpcDB + fpcEB; double fpcpeatland = fpcgrass_peatland_c3 + fpcgrass_peatland_c4; double fpcpasture = fpcgrass_pasture_c3 + fpcgrass_pasture_c4; double fpcurban = fpcgrass_urban_c3 + fpcgrass_urban_c4; // Rescale if FPC > Land cover fraction // Natural if (fpcnatural > natural_frac) { fpcEN *= (natural_frac / fpcnatural); fpcDN *= (natural_frac / fpcnatural); fpcDB *= (natural_frac / fpcnatural); fpcRB *= (natural_frac / fpcnatural); fpcEB *= (natural_frac / fpcnatural); fpctree *= (natural_frac / fpcnatural); fpcgrass *= (natural_frac / fpcnatural); fpcgrass_c3 *= (natural_frac / fpcnatural); fpcgrass_c4 *= (natural_frac / fpcnatural); // Reset total to fpcnatural = natural_frac; } // Pasture if (fpcpasture > pasture_frac) { fpcgrass_pasture_c3 *= (pasture_frac / fpcpasture); fpcgrass_pasture_c4 *= (pasture_frac / fpcpasture); // Reset total to fpcpasture = pasture_frac; } // Urban if (fpcurban > urban_frac) { fpcgrass_urban_c3 *= (urban_frac / fpcurban); fpcgrass_urban_c4 *= (urban_frac / fpcurban); // Reset total to fpcurban = urban_frac; } // Peatland if (fpcpeatland > peatland_frac) { fpcgrass_peatland_c3 *= (peatland_frac / fpcpeatland); fpcgrass_peatland_c4 *= (peatland_frac / fpcpeatland); // Reset total to fpcpeatland = peatland_frac; } // Cropland if (fpccrop > cropland_frac) { fpccrop_rain *= (cropland_frac / fpccrop); fpccrop_irri *= (cropland_frac / fpccrop); fpcgrass_crop_c3 *= (cropland_frac / fpccrop); fpcgrass_crop_c4 *= (cropland_frac / fpccrop); // Reset total to fpccrop = cropland_frac; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1. Lump together to totals // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Note: we limit FPCs to be <= 1 double fpcgridcell = fpccrop + fpcpasture + fpcnatural + fpcurban + fpcpeatland; // Gridcell C3/C4 grass distinctions - NATURAL, PASTURE, URBAN & PEATLAND - must be between 0 and 1 double fpcgrasses_c3 = fpcgrass_c3 + fpcgrass_crop_c3 + fpcgrass_pasture_c3 + fpcgrass_urban_c3 + fpcgrass_peatland_c3; double fpcgrasses_c4 = fpcgrass_c4 + fpcgrass_crop_c4 + fpcgrass_pasture_c4 + fpcgrass_urban_c4 + fpcgrass_peatland_c4; double fpcgrasses = fpcgrasses_c3 + fpcgrasses_c4; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2. Forest types // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- int typehigh; // *** FOREST *** // 4 Deciduous needleleaf trees // 3 Evergreen needleleaf trees // 5 Deciduous broadleaf trees // 6 Evergreen broadleaf trees // or // 18 Mixed forest/woodland if (fpcDN > DOMINANCE_FRACTION * fpctree) typehigh = 4; else if (fpcEN > DOMINANCE_FRACTION * fpctree) typehigh = 3; else if (fpcDB > DOMINANCE_FRACTION * fpctree || fpcRB > DOMINANCE_FRACTION_RAINGREEN * fpctree) typehigh = 5; else if (fpcEB > DOMINANCE_FRACTION * fpctree) typehigh = 6; else if (!negligible(fpctree)) typehigh = 18; // Mixed if no type exceeds 60% of the total else typehigh = 0; gridcell.IFStypehigh = typehigh; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 3. Low types and fractions // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Quick, initial check for desert and glacier-type conditions if (negligible(fpcgrasses)) { gridcell.IFStypelow = 0; // No Vegetation } // Peatland check - and this must depend on the hard-coded wetland fraction else if (fpcpeatland > (fpcgrasses - fpcpeatland)) gridcell.IFStypelow = 13; // Bogs and marshes else { // Not Bogs and marshes .... // Crops, mixed farming dominate if (fpccrop > fpcgrass && fpccrop > fpcpasture) { if (fpccrop_irri > fpccrop_rain) gridcell.IFStypelow = 10; // Irrigated crops 10 else gridcell.IFStypelow = 1; // Crops, mixed farming } else { // Natural GRASSES (and maybe trees) dominate the low cover types if (gridcell.climate.agdd5_5.mean() < TUNDRAGDD5LIMIT) { gridcell.IFStypelow = 9; // Tundra (Hickler et al. 2006) } else { if (fpcgrasses_c3 > fpcgrasses_c4) gridcell.IFStypelow = 2; // Short grass 2 else gridcell.IFStypelow = 7; // Tall grass 7 } } } } // computeIFSVegetationCover std::string lpjg_to_string(int d) { std::ostringstream os; os << d; return os.str(); } bool getdailyIFSforcing(const char* varname, const int& startyear, const int numyear, double data[NYEARIFS][366], int daysinyear, int ifsindex, bool depth) { string filenametail = "_dayavg.nc"; // var39_1971_dayavg.nc xtring ifs_spinup_dir=param["ifs_spinup_dir"].str; int yrix = 0; double yearavg = 0.0; // Test of annual averages // New code for reading AMIP files const char* filevar = varname; if (startyear < 1900) { // ECE v3.2 AMIP forcing only if (!strcmp(varname,"var39")) filevar = "var039"; if (!strcmp(varname, "var40")) filevar = "var040"; if (!strcmp(varname, "var41")) filevar = "var041"; if (!strcmp(varname, "var42")) filevar = "var042"; } // ecev3 - AMIP fix. No AMIP data before 1870, so use that data instead int datastartyear = startyear; if (startyear < 1870) datastartyear = 1870; for (int yr = datastartyear; yr < datastartyear+numyear; yr++) { // First create NC file name for this year of data string yearstr; std::string full_path((char*)ifs_spinup_dir); // AMIP full_path += filevar + std::string("_") + lpjg_to_string(yr) + filenametail; // Open NC file int status, ncid; status = nc_open(full_path.c_str(), NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); if (status != NC_NOERR) return false; // Get the ID for varname int var_id; status = nc_inq_varid (ncid, varname, &var_id); if (status != NC_NOERR) return false; // check for leap years if (!(yr % 4) && (yr % 100 | !(yr % 400))) daysinyear = 366; else daysinyear = 365; // Read data // double dataarray[365*88834]; //status = nc_get_var_double(ncid, var_id, dataarray); for (int dd = 0; dd < daysinyear; dd++) { size_t index[] = {dd,0,ifsindex-1}; // NB! because ifsindex has base 1 size_t depthindex[] = {dd,0,0,ifsindex-1}; // E.g. soil temp & moisture double val; if (!depth) status = nc_get_var1_double(ncid, var_id, index, &val); else status = nc_get_var1_double(ncid, var_id, depthindex, &val); if (status != NC_NOERR) return false; data[yrix][dd] = val; yearavg+=data[yrix][dd]; } nc_close(ncid); // Get the data for variable longitude //status = nc_get_var_double(ncid, lon_id, lon); //if (status != NC_NOERR) handle_error(status); // Read one year of data for this point (ifsindex) yrix++; } yearavg/=(numyear*365); return true; } // getdailyIFSforcing // Faster version of the above function. // Read in the data for all NYEARIFS (10) years at once for this point. // We created one file per variable as follows, for var143: // cdo mergetime *var143* var143_1870-1879.nc // ncpdq -a x,time,y var143_1870-1879.nc var143_1870-1879_fast.nc bool getdailyIFSforcing_fast(const char* varname, const int& startyear, const int numyear, double data[NYEARIFS][366], int daysinyear, int ifsindex, bool depth) { string filenametail = "_1870-1879_fast.nc"; xtring ifs_spinup_dir = param["ifs_spinup_dir"].str; // New code for reading AMIP files const char* filevar = varname; if (startyear < 1900) { // ECE v3.2 AMIP forcing only if (!strcmp(varname, "var39")) filevar = "var039"; if (!strcmp(varname, "var40")) filevar = "var040"; if (!strcmp(varname, "var41")) filevar = "var041"; if (!strcmp(varname, "var42")) filevar = "var042"; } // ecev3 - AMIP fix. No AMIP data before 1870, so use that data instead int datastartyear = startyear; if (startyear < 1870) datastartyear = 1870; // First create NC file name for this year of data string yearstr; std::string full_path((char*)ifs_spinup_dir); // AMIP - merged and reordered full_path += filevar + filenametail; dprintf("full_path %s \n",full_path.c_str()); // Open NC file int status, ncid; status = nc_open(full_path.c_str(), NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); if (status != NC_NOERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s: %s \n",full_path.c_str(),nc_strerror(status)); return false; } dprintf("file read \n"); // Get the ID for varname int var_id; status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &var_id); if (status != NC_NOERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error inquiring var %s: %s \n",varname,nc_strerror(status)); return false; } // Read data double data_arr[3652]; // 1870-79 daily data, incl. 2 leap years size_t start[] = { ifsindex - 1,0,0 }; // NB! because ifsindex has base 1 size_t start_depth[] = { ifsindex - 1,0,0,0 }; // NB! because ifsindex has base 1 size_t count[] = {1,3652,1}; // NB! because ifsindex has base 1 size_t count_depth[] = {1,3652,1,1}; // NB! because ifsindex has base 1 if (!depth) status = nc_get_vara_double(ncid, var_id, start, count, data_arr); else status = nc_get_vara_double(ncid, var_id, start_depth, count_depth, data_arr); nc_close(ncid); int yrix = 0; int dayix = 0; for (int yr = datastartyear; yr < datastartyear + NYEARIFS; yr++) { // check for leap years if (!(yr % 4) && (yr % 100 | !(yr % 400))) daysinyear = 366; else daysinyear = 365; for (int dd = 0; dd < daysinyear; dd++) { data[yrix][dd] = data_arr[dayix]; dayix++; } yrix++; } return true; } // getdailyIFSforcing_fast // Read in ERA20C or GSWP3 data for NYEARIFS (10) years at once for this point. // We created one file per variable as follows, for var143: // cdo mergetime *var143* var143_1870-1879.nc // ncpdq -a x,time,y var143_1901-1910.nc var143_1901-1910_fast.nc bool getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast(const char* varname, const int& startyear, const int numyear, double data[NYEARIFS][366], int daysinyear, int ifsindex, bool depth) { int datastartyear = datastartyear = startyear; xtring filenametail; filenametail.printf("_%4d-%4d_fast.nc", startyear, startyear+NYEARIFS-1); xtring ifs_spinup_dir = param["ifs_spinup_dir"].str; const char* filevar = varname; // First create NC file name for this year of data string yearstr; xtring full_path = ifs_spinup_dir + filevar + filenametail; //dprintf("Reading fast forcing file %s for era20c spinup \n", (const char*)full_path); // Open NC file int status, ncid; status = nc_open((const char*)full_path, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); if (status != NC_NOERR) return false; // Get the ID for varname int var_id; status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &var_id); if (status != NC_NOERR) return false; // Read data double data_arr[3652]; // 1901-1910 daily data, incl. 2 leap years size_t start[] = { ifsindex - 1,0,0 }; // NB! because ifsindex has base 1 size_t start_depth[] = { ifsindex - 1,0,0,0 }; // NB! because ifsindex has base 1 size_t count[] = { 1,3652,1 }; // NB! because ifsindex has base 1 size_t count_depth[] = { 1,3652,1,1 }; // NB! because ifsindex has base 1 if (!depth) status = nc_get_vara_double(ncid, var_id, start, count, data_arr); else status = nc_get_vara_double(ncid, var_id, start_depth, count_depth, data_arr); nc_close(ncid); int yrix = 0; int dayix = 0; for (int yr = datastartyear; yr < datastartyear + NYEARIFS; yr++) { // check for leap years if (!(yr % 4) && (yr % 100 | !(yr % 400))) daysinyear = 366; else daysinyear = 365; for (int dd = 0; dd < daysinyear; dd++) { data[yrix][dd] = data_arr[dayix]; dayix++; } yrix++; } return true; } // getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast // Used for nearest-neighbour N dep void getndep_nearest_index(double lon, double lat, int ncid, int& lon_index, int& lat_index) { // Search all coordinates in a square around (lon, lat), but first go down to // multiple of 0.5 - ecev3 - add 0.25 double center_lon = floor(lon * 2) / 2 + 0.25; double center_lat = floor(lat * 2) / 2 + 0.25; int nrlat = 96; int nrlon = 144; // Get the ID for longitude int status, lon_id; status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &lon_id); if (status != NC_NOERR) fail("Can't find N deposition longitude"); double val; double diff = 360.0; // Loop through latitudes to find the nearest for (int lo = 0; lo < nrlon; lo++) { size_t index[] = { lo, 0, 1 }; status = nc_get_var1_double(ncid, lon_id, index, &val); // same longitude scale if (val >= 180.0) val = val - 360.0; // determine if this latitude is nearer if (abs((val + 1.25) - center_lon) < diff) { lon_index = lo; diff = abs((val + 1.25) - center_lon); } } // Get the ID for latitude int lat_id; status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &lat_id); if (status != NC_NOERR) fail("Can't find N deposition latitude"); double val1, val1_c, val2; diff = 180.0; lat_index = -999; // Loop through latitudes to find the nearest size_t index[] = { 0, 0, 1 }; status = nc_get_var1_double(ncid, lat_id, index, &val1); for (int la = 1; la < nrlat; la++) { size_t index[] = { la, 0, 1 }; status = nc_get_var1_double(ncid, lat_id, index, &val2); // calculate center for previous latitude cell val1_c = val1 - (val1 - val2) / 2.0; // determine if the previous latitude is nearer if (abs(val1_c - center_lat) < diff) { lat_index = la - 1; diff = abs(val1_c - center_lat); } val1 = val2; // if the end if reached without updating the latitude index, // then the last latitude cell is the correct one. if (la == 95 && lat_index < 0) lat_index = la; } } // Used for nearest-neighbour N dep bool getmonthlyNdepforcing(const char* varname, const int numyear, double data[NYEARNDEP][12], double lon, double lat, int& ndeplonindex, int& ndeplatindex) { string filenametail = "_input4MIPs_surfaceFluxes_CMIP_NCAR-CCMI-1-0_gr_185001-201412.nc"; xtring ndep_cmip6_dir = param["ndep_cmip6_dir"].str; const char* filevar = varname; if (!strcmp(varname, "drynhx")) filevar = "drynhx"; if (!strcmp(varname, "drynoy")) filevar = "drynoy"; if (!strcmp(varname, "wetnhx")) filevar = "wetnhx"; if (!strcmp(varname, "wetnoy")) filevar = "wetnoy"; // First create NC file name for this data std::string full_path((char*)ndep_cmip6_dir); // AMIP full_path += filevar + filenametail; // Open NC file int status, ncid; status = nc_open(full_path.c_str(), NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); if (status != NC_NOERR) return false; if (ndeplonindex < 0) getndep_nearest_index(lon, lat, ncid, ndeplonindex, ndeplatindex); // Get the ID for varname int var_id; status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &var_id); if (status != NC_NOERR) return false; // Read data for (int yy = 0; yy < numyear; yy++) { for (int mm = 0; mm < 12; mm++) { size_t index[] = { yy*12+mm, ndeplatindex - 1, ndeplonindex - 1 }; // NB! because ndep index has base 1 double val; status = nc_get_var1_double(ncid, var_id, index, &val); if (status != NC_NOERR) return false; data[yy][mm] = val * 86400.0; // convert from kg N m-2 s-1 to kg N m-2 day-1 } } nc_close(ncid); return true; } // getmonthlyNdepforcing bool getmonthlyNdepforcingConserve(const char* varname, const int numyear, double data[NYEARNDEP][12], int ndepindex) { // 1st (".nc") or 2nd order remapping file? string filenametail = "2.nc"; xtring ndep_cmip6_dir = param["ndep_cmip6_dir"].str; const char* filevar = varname; if (!strcmp(varname, "drynhx")) filevar = "drynhx"; if (!strcmp(varname, "drynoy")) filevar = "drynoy"; if (!strcmp(varname, "wetnhx")) filevar = "wetnhx"; if (!strcmp(varname, "wetnoy")) filevar = "wetnoy"; // First create NC file name for this data std::string full_path((char*)ndep_cmip6_dir); // AMIP full_path += filevar + filenametail; // Open NC file int status, ncid; status = nc_open(full_path.c_str(), NC_NOWRITE, &ncid); if (status != NC_NOERR) return false; // Get the ID for varname int var_id; status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, varname, &var_id); if (status != NC_NOERR) return false; // Read data for (int yy = 0; yy < numyear; yy++) { for (int mm = 0; mm < 12; mm++) { size_t index[] = {yy * 12 + mm, ndepindex}; double val; status = nc_get_var1_double(ncid, var_id, index, &val); // < 0? val = max(val, 0.0); if (status != NC_NOERR) return false; data[yy][mm] = val * 86400.0; // convert from kg N m-2 s-1 to kg N m-2 day-1 } } nc_close(ncid); return true; } // getmonthlyNdepforcingConserve /// Spinup LPJ-GUESS using IFS output data for EC-Earth restarts /** * * \param gridcell The gridcell to simulate * \param year The year to save the state for. e.g. 1850 * \param prescribe_ifs_soilmoist Use IFS soil moisture if true, * but standard LPJ-GUESS parameterisations if false * \param prescribe_ifs_soiltemp Use IFS soil temperature if true, * but standard LPJ-GUESS parameterisations if false */ bool IFSspinup(Gridcell& gridcell, int year, double co2spinup, bool prescribe_ifs_soilmoist, bool prescribe_ifs_soiltemp) { bool spinon=true; // Read netcdf files with daily ECE output. dprintf("Reading data before LPJ-GUESS IFS spinup \n"); int repetitions = (int) nyear_spinup / NYEARIFS; int repix = 0; int calyear = year; int yrix = 0; int spinupyear = 0; // Keep a track of the simulation year for this cell. gridcell.simulationyear = spinupyear; // ecev3 - isspinup true will ensure fixed 1850 land use during spinup gridcell.isspinup = true; // ONLY true during spinup! // Arrays to be populated by data from IFS output double ifstemp[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifsprecip[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifsprecipstrat[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifsprecipconv[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifsswradnet[NYEARIFS][366]; // net SW at the surface double ifslwradnet[NYEARIFS][366]; // net LW at the surface double ifstempsoil2[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifstempsoil3[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifssw1[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifssw2[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifssw3[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifssw4[NYEARIFS][366]; // Reset date gridcell.date.set(year,0,0,0,0,0); date = gridcell.date; // Populate arrays one by one using gridcell.ifs_index for this gridcell // T2M (K) const char* vartoread = "var167"; bool dataOK = getdailyIFSforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifstemp, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, false); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading T2M data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SURFACE SOLAR RAD - SW (W m-2 s - average of 4 6h periods) vartoread = "var176"; dataOK = getdailyIFSforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifsswradnet, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, false); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading NETSW data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SURFACE THERMAL RAD - LW (W m-2 s - average of 4 6h periods) vartoread = "var177"; dataOK = getdailyIFSforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifslwradnet, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, false); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading NETLW data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL TEMP 2 (K) vartoread = "var170"; dataOK = getdailyIFSforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifstempsoil2, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading SOIL TEMP 2 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL TEMP 3 (K) vartoread = "var183"; dataOK = getdailyIFSforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifstempsoil3, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading SOIL TEMP 3 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL WATER 1 (m3 m-3) vartoread = "var39"; dataOK = getdailyIFSforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifssw1, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading SOIL WATER 1 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL WATER 2 (m3 m-3) vartoread = "var40"; dataOK = getdailyIFSforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifssw2, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading SOIL WATER 2 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL WATER 3 (m3 m-3) vartoread = "var41"; dataOK = getdailyIFSforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifssw3, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading SOIL WATER 3 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL WATER 4 (m3 m-3) vartoread = "var42"; dataOK = getdailyIFSforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifssw4, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading SOIL WATER 4 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // STRATIFORM PRECIP (m - average of 4 6h periods). NB! This includes both rain and snow vartoread = "var142"; dataOK = getdailyIFSforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifsprecipstrat, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, false); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading STRATIFORM PRECIP data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // CONVECTIVE PRECIP (m - average of 4 6h periods) NB! This includes both rain and snow vartoread = "var143"; dataOK = getdailyIFSforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifsprecipconv, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, false); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading CONVECTIVE PRECIP data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // CONVERSIONS and averages: // ************************** float lpjgsw1[NYEARIFS][366]; float lpjgsw2[NYEARIFS][366]; // Precip: aggregation and conversion to mm/day (*4 for full day acc precip & * 1000 m to mm) // SW: Conversion to W m-2. (* 4 as to get daily J m-2 (accumulated), / secs_in_day to get W m-2 double secs_in_day = 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0; // Annual averages - Forget about leap years double t2mavg = 0.0; double soiltavg = 0.0; double precavg = 0.0; double SWavg = 0.0; double LWavg = 0.0; double lpjg_wcont = 0.0; int ndays = 0; for (int yy = 0; yy < NYEARIFS; yy++) { for (int dd = 0; dd < 366; dd++ ) { // Precip: ifsprecip[yy][dd] = (ifsprecipstrat[yy][dd] + ifsprecipconv[yy][dd]) * 4 * 1000; // ecev3 bugfix - removed snow ifsprecip[yy][dd] = max(ifsprecip[yy][dd],0.0); // remove small -ve values if (ifsprecip[yy][dd] < 0.000001) ifsprecip[yy][dd] = 0.0; // remove very small or negative precip amounts (< 0.000001 mm/day) // SW: ifsswradnet[yy][dd] *= 4.0 / secs_in_day; if (ifsswradnet[yy][dd] < 0.000001) ifsswradnet[yy][dd] = 0.0; // remove very small or negative SSR amounts (< 0.000001 W m-2) // LW: ifslwradnet[yy][dd] *= 4.0 / secs_in_day; // can be positive or negative // Soil water ifs_to_lpjg_soilwater(ifssw1[yy][dd], ifssw2[yy][dd], ifssw3[yy][dd], ifssw4[yy][dd], lpjgsw1[yy][dd], lpjgsw2[yy][dd]); if (dd < 365) { ndays++; t2mavg += ifstemp[yy][dd]; SWavg += ifsswradnet[yy][dd]; LWavg += ifslwradnet[yy][dd]; precavg += ifsprecip[yy][dd]; soiltavg += ifstempsoil2[yy][dd]; lpjg_wcont += lpjgsw1[yy][dd]; } } } t2mavg /= ndays; precavg /= ndays; SWavg /= ndays; LWavg /= ndays; soiltavg /= ndays; lpjg_wcont /= ndays; // Now loop through the X years until Y years of spinup have been performed dprintf("Data loaded. Now performing LPJ-GUESS spinup \n"); dprintf("Spinup mean T2M, Prec, SW, LW, SoilT, SoilW for cell with lon=%f, lat=%f are: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f \n", gridcell.get_lon(), gridcell.get_lat(), t2mavg, precavg, SWavg, LWavg, soiltavg, lpjg_wcont); // CO2 now passed into this routine // double co2spinup = 284.725; // ppm - fixed for spinup period - preIndustrial, 1850 // double co2spinup = 353.855; // ppm - fixed for spinup period - modern, 1990 // double co2spinup = 324.985; // ppm - fixed for spinup period - modern, 1970 //////////////// ERROR fix N dep index, nearest cell gridcell.ndep_lon_index = -999; gridcell.ndep_lat_index = -999; // Monthly dry NH4 deposition (kg m-2 s-1) vartoread = "drynhx"; double drynhx_data[NYEARNDEP][12]; // dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcing(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, drynhx_data, gridcell.get_lon(), gridcell.get_lat(), gridcell.ndep_lon_index, gridcell.ndep_lat_index); dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcingConserve(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, drynhx_data, gridcell.ndep_index); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading dry NHx deposition data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // Monthly wet NH4 deposition (kg m-2 s-1) vartoread = "wetnhx"; double wetnhx_data[NYEARNDEP][12]; //dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcing(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, wetnhx_data, gridcell.get_lon(), gridcell.get_lat(), gridcell.ndep_lon_index, gridcell.ndep_lat_index); dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcingConserve(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, wetnhx_data, gridcell.ndep_index); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading wet NHx deposition data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // Monthly dry NO3 deposition (kg m-2 s-1) vartoread = "drynoy"; double drynoy_data[NYEARNDEP][12]; //dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcing(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, drynoy_data, gridcell.get_lon(), gridcell.get_lat(), gridcell.ndep_lon_index, gridcell.ndep_lat_index); dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcingConserve(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, drynoy_data, gridcell.ndep_index); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading dry NOy deposition data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // Monthly wet NO3 deposition (kg m-2 s-1) vartoread = "wetnoy"; double wetnoy_data[NYEARNDEP][12]; //dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcing(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, wetnoy_data, gridcell.get_lon(), gridcell.get_lat(), gridcell.ndep_lon_index, gridcell.ndep_lat_index); dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcingConserve(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, wetnoy_data, gridcell.ndep_index); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading wet NOy deposition data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // Get monthly ndep values and convert to daily double mndrydep[12]; double mnwetdep[12]; /// Daily N deposition for current year double dndep[Date::MAX_YEAR_LENGTH]; bool veryfirstday = true; // needed to initialise below bool printoutput = false; // Will be set to true for the final 50 years of the spinup simulation bool printdlai = false; // print daily LAI on the last day of the spinup. FILE *ofp; // Daily LAI while (spinon) { // START OF LOOP THROUGH SIMULATION DAYS // First get the climate and soil drivers for this day of the simulation: // temp, precip, netswrad, temp_soil,soilw_surf,soilw_deep double temp = 0.0; double precip = 0.0; double netswrad = 0.0; double netlwrad = 0.0; double temp_soil = 0.0; double temp_soil_2 = 0.0; double temp_soil_3 = 0.0; double soilw_surf = 0.0; double soilw_deep = 0.0; // T2M temp = ifstemp[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; temp-=K2degC; // Convert to degC // PRECIP, NET SW & LW precip = ifsprecip[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; netswrad = ifsswradnet[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; netlwrad = ifslwradnet[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; if (veryfirstday) { // ecev3 - Only need to populate the dndep array ONCE during the spinup // When using .bin files: // gridcell.ndepts.get_one_calendar_year(gridcell.date.year, mndrydep, mnwetdep); // Use CMIP6 N dep historical data for (int mm = 0; mm < 12; mm++) { mndrydep[mm] = drynhx_data[0][mm] + drynoy_data[0][mm]; // values for year 1850 during spinup mnwetdep[mm] = wetnhx_data[0][mm] + wetnoy_data[0][mm]; // values for year 1850 during spinup } // Distribute N deposition distribute_ndep(mndrydep, mnwetdep, ifsprecip[yrix], gridcell.date.ndaymonth, dndep); } // SOIL TEMP temp_soil_2 = ifstempsoil2[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; temp_soil_3 = ifstempsoil3[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; // Interpolate soil temp to 25cm temp_soil = ifs_to_lpjg_soiltemp(temp_soil_2,temp_soil_3); temp_soil-=K2degC; // Convert to degC // SOIL WATER soilw_surf = (double)lpjgsw1[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; soilw_deep = (double)lpjgsw2[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; // Convert from m3 m-3 to AWC [0-1] depending on soil type swConvert(gridcell.soiltype,soilw_surf,soilw_deep); // Daily N deposition (Read from file) // double dndep = ndep / (365.0 * 10000.0); // units kgN/ha/year to kgN/m2/day // double dndep_today = ndep / (365.0 * 10000.0); // units kgN/ha/year to kgN/m2/day double dndep_today = dndep[gridcell.date.day]; // units: kgN/m2/day double dnfert = 0.0; // NB! ecev3 - Could call getgridcell here if LU cover changes during spinup... // Transfer today's climate data to the Climate object in Gridcell. gridcell.climate.setdrivers(temp, precip, netswrad, netlwrad, co2spinup, temp_soil, soilw_surf, soilw_deep, dndep_today, dnfert); // Simulate vegetation today! simulate_day_ece(gridcell, prescribe_ifs_soilmoist, prescribe_ifs_soiltemp, veryfirstday, printoutput); veryfirstday= false; // NB! gridcell.simulationyear is updated on Dec 31 in simulate_day_ece // Daily LAI? if (spinupyear == nyear_spinup - 1 && gridcell.date.day == 0) { printdlai = true; // Print out dLAI? ofp = fopen("dailyLAIandFPC.txt", "a"); } if (printdlai) { // Now calculate the LAI for high and low fractions computeDailyLAIandFPCforIFS(gridcell); fprintf(ofp, "%8.6f\t %8.6f\t %d\t %d\t %8.5f\t %8.5f\t %8.5f\t %8.5f\n", gridcell.get_lon(), gridcell.get_lat(), date.get_calendar_year(), date.day + 1, gridcell.laiphen_low_today, gridcell.laiphen_high_today, gridcell.IFSfraclow,gridcell.IFSfrachigh); } // Advance day and check for new years, number of repetitions etc. int oldyear = gridcell.date.year; // Next day of the simulation gridcell.date.next(); date=gridcell.date; int newyear = gridcell.date.year; if (newyear != oldyear) { // If Jan 1... calyear++; yrix++; spinupyear++; // if (spinupyear >= 0) // for testing & debugging if (spinupyear >= nyear_spinup-5) printoutput = true; // Only print output if we're in the final 10 years of the spinup // test with: // dprintf("Repetition %4d... \n", spinupyear); // dprintf("Nr of stands %4d\n", gridcell.nbr_stands()); if (calyear == year + NYEARIFS) { repix++; // One more repetition completed... calyear = year; // so reset the clock gridcell.date.set(year,0,0,0,0,0); date=gridcell.date; yrix=0; // Refer to correct array elements above } } if (repix==repetitions) // End of spinup if we've run all repetitions spinon=false; } // Close LAI file if (printdlai) { fclose(ofp); } dprintf("LPJ-GUESS IFS spinup complete\n"); gridcell.isspinup = false; // set to false return true; } // IFSspinup /// Spinup LPJ-GUESS using ERA20C or GSWP3 output data for EC-Earth restarts /** * * \param gridcell The gridcell to simulate * \param year The year to save the state for. e.g. 1850 * \param prescribe_ifs_soilmoist Use IFS soil moisture if true, * but standard LPJ-GUESS parameterisations if false * \param prescribe_ifs_soiltemp Use IFS soil temperature if true, * but standard LPJ-GUESS parameterisations if false */ bool ERA20Cspinup(Gridcell& gridcell, int year, double co2spinup, bool prescribe_ifs_soilmoist, bool prescribe_ifs_soiltemp) { bool spinon = true; // Read netcdf files with daily ECE output. dprintf("Reading data before LPJ-GUESS ERA20C spinup \n"); int repetitions = (int)nyear_spinup / NYEARIFS; int repix = 0; int calyear = year; int yrix = 0; int spinupyear = 0; // Keep a track of the simulation year for this cell. gridcell.simulationyear = spinupyear; // ecev3 - isspinup true will ensure fixed 1850 land use during spinup gridcell.isspinup = true; // ONLY true during spinup! // Arrays to be populated by data from IFS output double ifstemp[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifsprecip[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifsswradnet[NYEARIFS][366]; // net SW at the surface double ifslwradnet[NYEARIFS][366]; // net LW at the surface double ifstempsoil2[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifstempsoil3[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifssw1[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifssw2[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifssw3[NYEARIFS][366]; double ifssw4[NYEARIFS][366]; // Reset date gridcell.date.set(year, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); date = gridcell.date; // Populate arrays one by one using gridcell.ifs_index for this gridcell // T2M (K) const char* vartoread = "var167"; bool dataOK = getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifstemp, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, false); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading ERA20C T2M data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SURFACE SOLAR RAD - SW (W m-2) vartoread = "var176"; dataOK = getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifsswradnet, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, false); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading ERA20C NETSW spinup data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SURFACE THERMAL RAD - LW (W m-2) vartoread = "var177"; dataOK = getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifslwradnet, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, false); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading ERA20C NETLW data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL TEMP 2 (K) vartoread = "var170"; dataOK = getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifstempsoil2, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading ERA20C SOIL TEMP 2 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL TEMP 3 (K) vartoread = "var183"; dataOK = getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifstempsoil3, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading ERA20C SOIL TEMP 3 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL WATER 1 (m3 m-3) vartoread = "var39"; dataOK = getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifssw1, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading ERA20C SOIL WATER 1 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL WATER 2 (m3 m-3) vartoread = "var40"; dataOK = getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifssw2, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading ERA20C SOIL WATER 2 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL WATER 3 (m3 m-3) vartoread = "var41"; dataOK = getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifssw3, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading ERA20C SOIL WATER 3 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // SOIL WATER 4 (m3 m-3) vartoread = "var42"; dataOK = getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifssw4, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, true); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading ERA20C SOIL WATER 4 data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // PRECIP (mm). NB! This includes both rain and snow vartoread = "var228"; dataOK = getdailyERA20Cforcing_fast(vartoread, year, NYEARIFS, ifsprecip, gridcell.date.year_length(), gridcell.ifs_index, false); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading ERA20C PRECIP data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // CONVERSIONS and averages: // ************************** float lpjgsw1[NYEARIFS][366]; float lpjgsw2[NYEARIFS][366]; // Precip: aggregation and conversion to mm/day (*4 for full day acc precip & * 1000 m to mm) // SW: Conversion to W m-2. (* 4 as to get daily J m-2 (accumulated), / secs_in_day to get W m-2 double secs_in_day = 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0; // Annual averages - Forget about leap years double t2mavg = 0.0; double soiltavg = 0.0; double precavg = 0.0; double SWavg = 0.0; double LWavg = 0.0; double lpjg_wcont = 0.0; int ndays = 0; for (int yy = 0; yy < NYEARIFS; yy++) { for (int dd = 0; dd < 366; dd++) { // Precip: ifsprecip[yy][dd] = max(ifsprecip[yy][dd], 0.0); // remove small -ve values if (ifsprecip[yy][dd] < 0.000001) ifsprecip[yy][dd] = 0.0; // remove very small precip amounts (< 0.000001 mm/day) // SW if (ifsswradnet[yy][dd] < 0.000001) ifsswradnet[yy][dd] = 0.0; // remove very small or negative SSR amounts (< 0.000001 W m-2) // Soil water ifs_to_lpjg_soilwater(ifssw1[yy][dd], ifssw2[yy][dd], ifssw3[yy][dd], ifssw4[yy][dd], lpjgsw1[yy][dd], lpjgsw2[yy][dd]); if (dd < 365) { ndays++; t2mavg += ifstemp[yy][dd]; SWavg += ifsswradnet[yy][dd]; LWavg += ifslwradnet[yy][dd]; precavg += ifsprecip[yy][dd]; soiltavg += ifstempsoil2[yy][dd]; lpjg_wcont += lpjgsw1[yy][dd]; } } } t2mavg /= ndays; precavg /= ndays; SWavg /= ndays; LWavg /= ndays; soiltavg /= ndays; lpjg_wcont /= ndays; // Now loop through the X years until Y years of spinup have been performed dprintf("Data loaded. Now performing LPJ-GUESS ERA20C spinup \n"); dprintf("Spinup mean T2M, Prec, SW, LW, SoilT, SoilW for cell with lon=%f, lat=%f are: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f \n", gridcell.get_lon(), gridcell.get_lat(), t2mavg, precavg, SWavg, LWavg, soiltavg, lpjg_wcont); // CO2 now passed into this routine // double co2spinup = 284.725; // ppm - fixed for spinup period - preIndustrial, 1850 // double co2spinup = 353.855; // ppm - fixed for spinup period - modern, 1990 // double co2spinup = 324.985; // ppm - fixed for spinup period - modern, 1970 //////////////// ERROR fix N dep index, nearest cell gridcell.ndep_lon_index = -999; gridcell.ndep_lat_index = -999; // Monthly dry NH4 deposition (kg m-2 s-1) vartoread = "drynhx"; double drynhx_data[NYEARNDEP][12]; dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcingConserve(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, drynhx_data, gridcell.ndep_index); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading dry NHx deposition data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // Monthly wet NH4 deposition (kg m-2 s-1) vartoread = "wetnhx"; double wetnhx_data[NYEARNDEP][12]; dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcingConserve(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, wetnhx_data, gridcell.ndep_index); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading wet NHx deposition data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // Monthly dry NO3 deposition (kg m-2 s-1) vartoread = "drynoy"; double drynoy_data[NYEARNDEP][12]; dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcingConserve(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, drynoy_data, gridcell.ndep_index); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading dry NOy deposition data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // Monthly wet NO3 deposition (kg m-2 s-1) vartoread = "wetnoy"; double wetnoy_data[NYEARNDEP][12]; dataOK = getmonthlyNdepforcingConserve(vartoread, NYEARNDEP, wetnoy_data, gridcell.ndep_index); if (!dataOK) { dprintf("Error reading wet NOy deposition data before LPJ-GUESS spinup. Quitting... \n"); return false; } // Get monthly ndep values and convert to daily double mndrydep[12]; double mnwetdep[12]; /// Daily N deposition for current year double dndep[Date::MAX_YEAR_LENGTH]; bool veryfirstday = true; // needed to initialise below bool printoutput = false; // Will be set to true for the final 50 years of the spinup simulation bool printdlai = false; // print daily LAI on the last day of the spinup. FILE *ofp; // Daily LAI while (spinon) { // START OF LOOP THROUGH SIMULATION DAYS // First get the climate and soil drivers for this day of the simulation: // temp, precip, netswrad, temp_soil,soilw_surf,soilw_deep double temp = 0.0; double precip = 0.0; double netswrad = 0.0; double netlwrad = 0.0; double temp_soil = 0.0; double temp_soil_2 = 0.0; double temp_soil_3 = 0.0; double soilw_surf = 0.0; double soilw_deep = 0.0; // T2M temp = ifstemp[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; temp -= K2degC; // Convert to degC // PRECIP, NET SW & LW precip = ifsprecip[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; precip = precip*1.e3*secs_in_day/1000; // Convert from kg m-2 s-1 to mm netswrad = ifsswradnet[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; netlwrad = ifslwradnet[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; if (veryfirstday) { // ecev3 - Only need to populate the dndep array ONCE during the spinup // When using .bin files: // gridcell.ndepts.get_one_calendar_year(gridcell.date.year, mndrydep, mnwetdep); // Use CMIP6 N dep historical data for (int mm = 0; mm < 12; mm++) { mndrydep[mm] = drynhx_data[0][mm] + drynoy_data[0][mm]; // values for year 1850 during spinup mnwetdep[mm] = wetnhx_data[0][mm] + wetnoy_data[0][mm]; // values for year 1850 during spinup } // Distribute N deposition distribute_ndep(mndrydep, mnwetdep, ifsprecip[yrix], gridcell.date.ndaymonth, dndep); } // SOIL TEMP temp_soil_2 = ifstempsoil2[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; temp_soil_3 = ifstempsoil3[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; // Interpolate soil temp to 25cm temp_soil = ifs_to_lpjg_soiltemp(temp_soil_2, temp_soil_3); temp_soil -= K2degC; // Convert to degC // SOIL WATER soilw_surf = (double)lpjgsw1[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; soilw_deep = (double)lpjgsw2[yrix][gridcell.date.day]; // Convert from m3 m-3 to AWC [0-1] depending on soil type swConvert(gridcell.soiltype, soilw_surf, soilw_deep); // Daily N deposition (Read from file) // double dndep = ndep / (365.0 * 10000.0); // units kgN/ha/year to kgN/m2/day // double dndep_today = ndep / (365.0 * 10000.0); // units kgN/ha/year to kgN/m2/day double dndep_today = dndep[gridcell.date.day]; // units: kgN/m2/day double dnfert = 0.0; // NB! ecev3 - Could call getgridcell here if LU cover changes during spinup... // Transfer today's climate data to the Climate object in Gridcell. gridcell.climate.setdrivers(temp, precip, netswrad, netlwrad, co2spinup, temp_soil, soilw_surf, soilw_deep, dndep_today, dnfert); // Simulate vegetation today! simulate_day_ece(gridcell, prescribe_ifs_soilmoist, prescribe_ifs_soiltemp, veryfirstday, printoutput); veryfirstday = false; // NB! gridcell.simulationyear is updated on Dec 31 in simulate_day_ece // Daily LAI? if (spinupyear == nyear_spinup - 1 && gridcell.date.day == 0) { printdlai = true; // Print out dLAI? ofp = fopen("dailyLAIandFPC.txt", "a"); } if (printdlai) { // Now calculate the LAI for high and low fractions computeDailyLAIandFPCforIFS(gridcell); fprintf(ofp, "%8.6f\t %8.6f\t %d\t %d\t %8.5f\t %8.5f\t %8.5f\t %8.5f\n", gridcell.get_lon(), gridcell.get_lat(), date.get_calendar_year(), date.day + 1, gridcell.laiphen_low_today, gridcell.laiphen_high_today, gridcell.IFSfraclow, gridcell.IFSfrachigh); } // Advance day and check for new years, number of repetitions etc. int oldyear = gridcell.date.year; // Next day of the simulation gridcell.date.next(); date = gridcell.date; int newyear = gridcell.date.year; if (newyear != oldyear) { // If Jan 1... calyear++; yrix++; spinupyear++; // if (spinupyear >= 0) // for testing & debugging if (spinupyear >= nyear_spinup - 5) printoutput = true; // Only print output if we're in the final 10 years of the spinup if (calyear == year + NYEARIFS) { repix++; // One more repetition completed... calyear = year; // so reset the clock gridcell.date.set(year, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); date = gridcell.date; yrix = 0; // Refer to correct array elements above } } if (repix == repetitions) // End of spinup if we've run all repetitions spinon = false; } // Close LAI file if (printdlai) { fclose(ofp); } dprintf("LPJ-GUESS ERA20C spinup complete\n"); gridcell.isspinup = false; // set to false return true; } // ERA20Cspinup /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUESS_COUPLED // void guess_coupled(int& id, int localrank, int numlpjgprocesses, int isfinal, double lon, double lat, int ifs_soilcd, int ifs_index, int ndep_index, int year, int sim_year, int month, int monthday, int hour, double temp, double precip, double netswrad, double netlwrad, double co2std, double temp_soil, double soilw_surf, double soilw_deep, // Arg18 double vegl, int vegl_type, float& cfluxnattoday, float& cfluxanttoday, float& npptoday, float& laiphen_high, float& laiphen_low, float& ifsvegfrachigh, int& ifsvegtypehigh, float& ifsvegfraclow, int& ifsvegtypelow, bool islpjgspinup, int fixedNDepafter, int fixedLUafter) { // ARGUMENTS: // id = id from Gridcell object, 0 if initialising // is_final = 0: not the last timestep. 1: the final timestep - so save state! // ifs_soilcd = soil code used in IFS (1-8) // ifs_index = IFS index, i.e. cell 1 to 35718 (T159), or XXXXX (T255) // tile = forest or open land // year = calender! year (e.g. 1964) // sim_year = simulation year (0 to ...) // month = month (0-11) // dayofmonth = what it says (0-30) // hour = hour (0-23) // temp = instantaneous temperature 2m above ground (deg C) // precip = precip (total mm this time step) // netswrad = net downward shortwave radiation (J/m2/s) // netlwrad = net longwave radiation (J/m2/s) // co2std = ambient CO2 concentration (ppmv) // temp_soil = soil temperature (deg C) // soilw_surf = m3 m-3 from IFS - will convert below to soil water content AWC (0-1) - surface layer 0-50 cm // soilw_deep = m3 m-3 from IFS - will convert below to soil water content AWC (0-1) - deep layer 50-150 cm // vegl = fraction of IFS gridcell covered by the low type // vegl_type = IFS/H-TESSEL low vegetation type - needed to distinguish crops/agriculture, and tundra // cfluxnattoday = natural c clux for the gridcell // cfluxanttoday = anthropogenic c flux for the gridcell // npptoday = npp for the gridcell // laiphen_high = LAI from high vegetation today // laiphen_low = LAI from low vegetation today // ifsvegfrachigh = fraction of high vegetation in this cell // updated after spinup and on Dec 31 // ifsvegtypehigh = Dominant IFS/H-TESSEL type of high vegetation in this cell // Values allowed: 3 (EN), 4 (DN), 5 (DB), 6 (EB), 18 (Mixed forest), 19 (Interrupted forest) // updated after spinup on Dec 31, for FOREST/HIGH stands only. 0 for GRASS/LOW stands // ifsvegfraclow = fraction of low vegetation in this cell // updated after spinup and on Dec 31 // ifsvegtypelow = Dominant IFS/H-TESSEL type of low vegetation in this cell // Values allowed: // updated after spinup on Dec 31 // islpjgspinup = Is this a spinup? // fixedNDepafter = year at which N deposition is fixed. Needed for DECK runs. Value -1 if not needed // fixedLUafter = year at which land use is fixed. Needed for DECK runs. Value -1 if not needed bool initialising=false; // Initialise variables to be returned to IFS cfluxnattoday=0.0; cfluxanttoday=0.0; npptoday=0.0; laiphen_high=0.0; laiphen_low=0.0; ifsvegfrachigh=0.0; ifsvegtypehigh=0; ifsvegfraclow=0.0; ifsvegtypelow=0; // Set to TRUE if we want debugguing print statements bool LPJG_debug = false; // Initialise GUESS if not yet done if (!ifinit) { // Input and output modules const char* input_module_name = "ece"; // ecev3 - use new EC-Earth InputModule InputModuleRegistry& theinstance = InputModuleRegistry::get_instance(); input_module_ece = theinstance.create_input_module(input_module_name); output_modules_ece = new GuessOutput::OutputModuleContainer(); GuessOutput::OutputModuleRegistry::get_instance().create_all_modules(*output_modules_ece); // Read the instruction file to obtain PFT static parameters and // simulation settings read_instruction_file("guess.ins"); print_logfile_heading(); // Initialise input/output - MUST be before the output module is initialized input_module_ece->init(); // Initialise output (*output_modules_ece).init(); // Initialise LPJ-GUESS initguess(localrank); // Create objects for (de)serializing grid cells if (!islpjgspinup && restart==1) { // Do not restart from file if we're spinning up. dprintf("LPJG: deserialization preparation for state path %s and name %s \n", (char*)state_path, (char*)state_name); deserializer_ece.reset(create_deserializer(state_path, state_name, year)); } } if (LPJG_debug) dprintf("LPJG DEBUG 1 - Date is YEAR: %04d, MONTH: %02d, DOY:%03d, HOUR:%02d\n",year,month+1,monthday+1,hour); if (!id) { // Create new Gridcell object and initialise if (LPJG_debug) dprintf("LPJG DEBUG 2 - Date is YEAR: %04d, MONTH: %02d, DOY:%03d, HOUR:%02d\n",year,month+1,monthday+1,hour); initialising=true; world.push_back(new Gridcell()); Gridcell& gridcell = *world.back(); gridcell.id = world.size(); gridcell.date.init(1); gridcell.ifs_index = ifs_index; // Record this gridcell's IFS index - used to get IFS spinup data gridcell.ndep_index = ndep_index; // Record this gridcell's N deposition index - used to access N deposition data date.init(1); // date.year needs to be zero when landcover_init/getlandcover is called // Store id id = gridcell.id; // Tell framework the coordinates of this grid cell gridcell.set_coordinates(lon, lat); // The insolation data is sent in as net SW over the whole day, not just daylight hours gridcell.climate.instype=NETSWRAD_TS; // Tell framework the soil type of this grid cell // Set soilcode to the value used by IFS. ifssoilparameters(gridcell.soiltype,ifs_soilcd); // Initialise dates AFTER call to landcover_init. This ensures that the stands are created. // NB - ecev3 - this makes sure that stand.first_year is set in landcover_init!!! date.set(year,month,monthday,hour,0,0); gridcell.date = date; gridcell.set_first_year(date.year); // Now initialise the first year. This ensures that anetps_ff_est_initial is initialised // Initialise certain climate and soil drivers gridcell.climate.initdrivers(gridcell.get_lat()); // RESTART from state file? if (deserializer_ece.get() && !islpjgspinup) { deserializer_ece->deserialize_gridcell(gridcell); dprintf("LPJG: Loaded state from file\n"); if (calc_phen_after_restart) { // Update phenology - not saved in earlier versions of the code // Now it is saved, so there is no need for this code anymore, but it is kept to // ensure for consistency with non-C4MIP CMIP6 runs. Set in guess.ins for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gridcell.nbr_stands(); i++) { // For each stand ... Stand& stand = gridcell[i]; stand.firstobj(); while (stand.isobj) { // For each patch ... Patch& patch = stand.getobj(); leaf_phenology(patch,gridcell.climate); stand.nextobj(); } } } } else dprintf("LPJG: Did not load state from file\n"); // ecev3 - set a year from which to freeze Land Use Change // Moved here, after deserialization because fixedLUafter is serialized. //TODO: remove from serialization gridcell.fixedLUafter = fixedLUafter; int thisyear = date.get_calendar_year(); if (gridcell.fixedLUafter >= 0 && thisyear >= gridcell.fixedLUafter) { gross_land_transfer = 0; if (date.day == 0) dprintf("Setting gross_land_transfer = 0. fixedLUfter = %d, year = %d \n", gridcell.fixedLUafter, thisyear); } // Call input module to obtain updated LU driver data for this grid cell. if (!input_module_ece->getgridcell(gridcell)) { dprintf("LPJG: error in getgridcell !\n"); return; } if(run_landcover && islpjgspinup) { // ecev3 - moved from above. We should call this when we're spinning up, and on Jan 1 each year // Read static landcover and cft fraction data from ins-file and/or from data files for the spinup period and create stands // make sure that landcover is initialized with isspinup = true gridcell.isspinup = true; landcover_init(gridcell, input_module_ece); // ecev3 } // SPINUP? if (islpjgspinup) { // Always use IFS data to spinup bool spinupOK = false; if (!ERA20CSPINUP) spinupOK = IFSspinup(gridcell, year, co2std, useifssoilmoist, useifssoiltemp); else // ERA20C or GSWP3 forcing spinupOK = ERA20Cspinup(gridcell, year, co2std, useifssoilmoist, useifssoiltemp); if (!spinupOK) { dprintf("Error in spinup \n\n\n"); fail(); } // Save the state so we don't need a spinup next time dprintf("Rank %i is saving state after spinup for cell with lon=%f, lat=%f\n", localrank, lon, lat); if (!serializer_ece.get()) { serializer_ece.reset(create_serializer(state_path, state_name, year, inst, numlpjgprocesses)); } serializer_ece->serialize_gridcell(gridcell); // Save the state so we don't need a spinup next time dprintf("Rank %i has saved the state after spinup for cell with lon=%f, lat=%f\n", localrank, lon, lat); } if (LPJG_debug) dprintf("LPJG DEBUG - initialisation OK \n\n\n"); // End of initialisation } // No need for return values when spinning up if (islpjgspinup) { cfluxnattoday=0.0; cfluxanttoday=0.0; npptoday=0.0; laiphen_high=0.0; laiphen_low=0.0; ifsvegfrachigh=0.0; ifsvegtypehigh=0; ifsvegfraclow=0.0; ifsvegtypelow=0; world.clear(); // reduce memory usage during spinup return; } // Retrieve gridcell object Gridcell& gridcell = *world[id-1]; // Reset dates date.set(year,month,monthday,hour,0,0); gridcell.date = date; // Convert from m3 m-3 to AWC [0-1] depending on soil type swConvert(gridcell.soiltype,soilw_surf,soilw_deep); /// Daily N deposition for current year double dndep[Date::MAX_YEAR_LENGTH]; if (gridcell.date.day == 0) { // Jan 1 only // We use the following call to instead read conservatively-mapped N deposition data into // gridcell.mndrydep[12] and gridcell.mnwetdep[12] in getndepCMIP6. // Saves the data in gridcell.mndrydep[12] and gridcell.mnwetdep[12], so only need to call this once per year, per gridcell bool Ndepdatafound = gridcell.getndepCMIP6(param["ndep_cmip6_dir"].str, fixedNDepafter); if (!Ndepdatafound) { dprintf("Rank %i could not read N deposition files for cell with lon=%f, lat=%f\n", localrank, lon, lat); fail(); } } double drizzle[Date::MAX_YEAR_LENGTH]; for (int dd=0; ddgetgridcell(gridcell)) { dprintf("LPJG: error in getgridcell !\n"); return; } } // Transfer today's climate data to the Climate object in Gridcell. gridcell.climate.setdrivers(temp, precip, netswrad, netlwrad, co2std,temp_soil,soilw_surf,soilw_deep, dndep_today, dnfert); // simulate vegetation today (and assume that Gridcell properties have already been initialised) simulate_day_ece(gridcell, useifssoilmoist, useifssoiltemp, false, true); // Don't update date. This is driven outside the call to guess_coupled and updated in Reset dates above /* gridcell.date.next(); date=gridcell.date; */ // Calculate return values // ------------- // 1. C FLUX TODAY // NB! a positive C flux (cfluxtoday or npptoday) implies a net C RELEASE by this gridcell, // and a negative value implies a net C UPTAKE // Update C flux variable of interest unsigned int nrst = gridcell.nbr_stands(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nrst; i++) { // For each stand ... cfluxnattoday += gridcell[i].dcfluxnat_today * gridcell[i].get_gridcell_fraction(); cfluxanttoday += gridcell[i].dcfluxant_today * gridcell[i].get_gridcell_fraction(); npptoday += gridcell[i].dnpp_today * gridcell[i].get_gridcell_fraction(); } // 2. VEGETATION STATE // Dominant vegetation type and cover fractions for this grid cell are updated on Dec 31 // each year, when computeIFSVegetationCover(gridcell) is called from simulate_day_ece() above, // just after outannual // Now calculate the LAI for high and low fractions computeDailyLAIandFPCforIFS(gridcell); // Send the vegetation state information back to IFS // Values updated daily: laiphen_high = gridcell.laiphen_high_today; laiphen_low = gridcell.laiphen_low_today; ifsvegfrachigh = gridcell.IFSfrachigh; ifsvegfraclow = gridcell.IFSfraclow; // Values updated on Dec 31: ifsvegtypehigh = gridcell.IFStypehigh; ifsvegtypelow = gridcell.IFStypelow; /* if (date.month==11 && date.dayofmonth==30) dprintf("Year, number of stands: %04d, %04d\n", date.year, gridcell.nbr_stands()); */ // SAVESTATE??? // ------------- // Finally, we determine if the state file should be created if (isfinal && !initialising) { dprintf("Date info for isfinal is: %04d-%02d-%02d, %02d\n",date.year,date.month+1,date.dayofmonth+1); // Serialize by increasing the year by 1, i.e. so we can restart on Jan 1 the following year if (!serializer_ece.get()) { serializer_ece.reset(create_serializer(state_path, state_name, year+1, inst, numlpjgprocesses)); } serializer_ece->serialize_gridcell(gridcell); } else { // When it's no longer time to save state we'll get rid of the serializer // object so that the files get flushed. The next time it's time to // save state, we'll create a new serializer object with a new date. serializer_ece.reset(); } } // cleans up after run has finished void guess_coupled_finish() { delete output_modules_ece; }