table variable dimensions long_name unit comment SImon siconc longitude latitude time typesi Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Ocean Grid) % nemo code name = siconc SImon siconca longitude latitude time typesi Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Atmospheric Grid) % ifs code name = 31.129, expression = var31 / (var172<=0.5) SImon simass longitude latitude time Sea-Ice Mass per Area kg m-2 nemo code name = simass SImon sisnmass longitude latitude time Snow Mass per Area kg m-2 nemo code name = sisnmass SImon sisnthick longitude latitude time Snow Thickness m nemo code name = sisnthick SImon sispeed longitude latitude time Sea-Ice Speed m s-1 nemo code name = sispeed SImon sitemptop longitude latitude time Surface Temperature of Sea Ice K nemo code name = sitemptop SImon sithick longitude latitude time Sea Ice Thickness m nemo code name = sithick SImon sitimefrac longitude latitude time Fraction of Time Steps with Sea Ice 1 nemo code name = sitimefrac SImon siu longitude latitude time X-Component of Sea-Ice Velocity m s-1 nemo code name = siu SImon siv longitude latitude time Y-Component of Sea-Ice Velocity m s-1 nemo code name = siv SImon sivol longitude latitude time Sea-Ice Volume per Area m nemo code name = sivol Amon cl longitude latitude alevel time Percentage Cloud Cover % ifs code name = 248.128 Amon cli longitude latitude alevel time Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice kg kg-1 ifs code name = 247.128 Amon clivi longitude latitude time Ice Water Path kg m-2 ifs code name = 79.128 Amon clt longitude latitude time Total Cloud Cover Percentage % ifs code name = 164.128 Amon clw longitude latitude alevel time Mass Fraction of Cloud Liquid Water kg kg-1 ifs code name = 246.128 Amon clwvi longitude latitude time Condensed Water Path kg m-2 ifs code name = 116.129, expression = var78+var79 Amon evspsbl longitude latitude time Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 182.128 Amon hfls longitude latitude time Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux W m-2 ifs code name = 147.128 Amon hfss longitude latitude time Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux W m-2 ifs code name = 146.128 Amon hur longitude latitude plev19 time Relative Humidity % ifs code name = 157.128 Amon hurs longitude latitude time height2m Near-Surface Relative Humidity % ifs code name = 80.129, expression = 100.*exp(17.62*((var168-273.15)/(var168-30.03)-(var167-273.15)/(var167-30.03))) Amon hus longitude latitude plev19 time Specific Humidity 1 ifs code name = 133.128 Amon huss longitude latitude time height2m Near-Surface Specific Humidity 1 ifs code name = 81.129, expression = 1./(1.+1.608*(var134*exp(-17.62*(var168-273.15)/(var168-30.03))/611.-1.)) Amon pfull longitude latitude alevel time2 Pressure at Model Full-Levels Pa ifs code name = 54.128 Amon pr longitude latitude time Precipitation kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 228.128 Amon prc longitude latitude time Convective Precipitation kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 143.128 Amon prsn longitude latitude time Snowfall Flux kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 144.128 Amon prw longitude latitude time Water Vapor Path kg m-2 ifs code name = 137.128 Amon ps longitude latitude time Surface Air Pressure Pa tm5 code name = ps|ifs code name = 134.128 Amon psl longitude latitude time Sea Level Pressure Pa ifs code name = 151.128 Amon rlds longitude latitude time Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 175.128 Amon rldscs longitude latitude time Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 104.129, expression = var211-var177+var175 Amon rlus longitude latitude time Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 96.129, expression = var177-var175 Amon rlut longitude latitude time TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 179.128 Amon rlutcs longitude latitude time TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 209.128 Amon rsds longitude latitude time Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 169.128 Amon rsdscs longitude latitude time Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 132.129, expression = (var176<=1e-10)*var210+(var176>1e-10)*var210*var169/var176 Amon rsdt longitude latitude time TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 212.128 Amon rsus longitude latitude time Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 95.129, expression = var176-var169 Amon rsuscs longitude latitude time Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 131.129, expression = (var176>1e-10)*var210*(1-var169/var176) Amon rsut longitude latitude time TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 97.129, expression = var178-var212 Amon rsutcs longitude latitude time TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation W m-2 ifs code name = 103.129, expression = var208-var212 Amon rtmt longitude latitude time Net Downward Radiative Flux at Top of Model W m-2 ifs code name = 98.129, expression = var178+var179 Amon sbl longitude latitude time Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 44.128 Amon sfcWind longitude latitude time height10m Near-Surface Wind Speed m s-1 ifs code name = 214.129, expression = sqrt(sqr(var165)+sqr(var166)) Amon ta longitude latitude plev19 time Air Temperature K ifs code name = 130.128 Amon tas longitude latitude time height2m Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 167.128 Amon tasmax longitude latitude time height2m Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 201.128 Amon tasmin longitude latitude time height2m Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 202.128 Amon tauu longitude latitude time Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress Pa ifs code name = 180.128 Amon tauv longitude latitude time Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress Pa ifs code name = 181.128 Amon ts longitude latitude time Surface Temperature K ifs code name = 139.128 Amon ua longitude latitude plev19 time Eastward Wind m s-1 ifs code name = 131.128 Amon uas longitude latitude time height10m Eastward Near-Surface Wind m s-1 ifs code name = 165.128 Amon va longitude latitude plev19 time Northward Wind m s-1 ifs code name = 132.128 Amon vas longitude latitude time height10m Northward Near-Surface Wind m s-1 ifs code name = 166.128 Amon wap longitude latitude plev19 time Omega (=dp/dt) Pa s-1 ifs code name = 135.128 Amon zg longitude latitude plev19 time Geopotential Height m ifs code name = 129.128 Emon mrsol longitude latitude sdepth time Total Water Content of Soil Layer kg m-2 lpjg code name = mrsol|ifs code name = 118.129, expression = merge(70*var39,210*var40,720*var41,1890*var42) Lmon mrfso longitude latitude time Soil Frozen Water Content kg m-2 ifs code name = 85.129, expression = 1000*(0.07*var39*((var139<270.16)+0.5*(var139<274.16 && var139>270.16)*(1-sin(0.785*(var139-272.16)))) + 0.21*var40*((var170<270.16)+0.5*(var170<274.16 && var170>270.16)*(1-sin(0.785*(var170-272.16)))) + 0.72*var41*((var183<270.16)+0.5*(var183<274.16 && var183>270.16)*(1-sin(0.785*(var183-272.16)))) + 1.89*var42*((var236<270.16)+0.5*(var236<274.16 && var236>270.16)*(1-sin(0.785*(var236-272.16))))) Lmon mrro longitude latitude time Total Runoff kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = mrro|ifs code name = 205.128 Lmon mrros longitude latitude time Surface Runoff kg m-2 s-1 lpjg code name = mrros|ifs code name = 8.128 Lmon mrso longitude latitude time Total Soil Moisture Content kg m-2 lpjg code name = mrso|ifs code name = 43.129, expression = 70*var39+210*var40+720*var41+1890*var42 Lmon mrsos longitude latitude time sdepth1 Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Column kg m-2 lpjg code name = mrsos|ifs code name = 99.129, expression = 70*var39+30*var40 Oclim zhalfo longitude latitude olevhalf time2 Depth Below Geoid of Interfaces Between Ocean Layers m nemo code name = zhalfo day huss longitude latitude time height2m Near-Surface Specific Humidity 1 ifs code name = 81.129, expression = 1./(1.+1.608*(var134*exp(-17.62*(var168-273.15)/(var168-30.03))/611.-1.)) day pr longitude latitude time Precipitation kg m-2 s-1 ifs code name = 228.128 day psl longitude latitude time Sea Level Pressure Pa ifs code name = 151.128 day sfcWind longitude latitude time height10m Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed m s-1 ifs code name = 214.129, expression = sqrt(sqr(var165)+sqr(var166)) day tas longitude latitude time height2m Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 167.128 day tasmax longitude latitude time height2m Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 201.128 day tasmin longitude latitude time height2m Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature K ifs code name = 202.128 Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 IFS output on the T255L91 grid: 46.8 GB per year Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 IFS output on the T511L91 grid: 180.1 GB per year Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 NEMO output on the ORCA1L75 grid: 0.0 GB per year Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 NEMO output on the ORCA025L75 grid: 0.6 GB per year Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 TM5 output on the TM5 3x2 deg grid: 0.2 GB per year Heuristic volume estimate for the raw EC-Earth3 LPJG output on the T255 grid: 0.1 GB per year