! #define TRACEBACK write (gol,'("in ",a," (",a,", line",i5,")")') rname, __FILE__, __LINE__; call goErr #define IF_NOTOK_RETURN(action) if (rc/=0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if #define IF_ERROR_RETURN(action) if (rc> 0) then; TRACEBACK; action; return; end if ! #include "tm5.inc" ! !################################################################# MODULE DIMS use GO, only : gol, goPr, goErr use binas, only : pi use dims_grid use dims_levels use global_types IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC private :: pi ! --- const ------------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter, private :: mname = 'module Dims' ! --- const -------------------------------------- character(len=100) :: datadir = '' real,parameter :: gtor = pi/180.0 real,parameter :: one = 1.0 real,parameter :: zero = 0.0 integer,parameter :: nlat180 = 180 integer,parameter :: nlon360 = 360 real,dimension(nlat180) :: dxy11 ! surface area in 1x1 real,parameter :: dlat = dy*gtor real,parameter :: dlon = dx*gtor ! define the parent child structure: integer,dimension(nregions,0:nregions) :: children ! children(r,0) = total number of children for region r (zero if childless) ! children(r,1) = number of first child of region r, ! children(r,2) = number of second child of region r, etc. ! grid-coordinates of each region with respect its parent ! (will be calculated at start program) integer,dimension(1:nregions) :: ibeg,iend,jbeg,jend,lbeg,lend integer,dimension(nregions) :: isr,ier,jsr,jer ! scope of the region ! depends on NPtouch/SPtouch, Xcyc ! calculated in determine_children_etc ! _________________________________________________________________________ ! ! sequence of steps that is used to process the algorithm. ! nsplitsteps contans total steps ! n_operators the number of different operators ! The routine process_region calls the corresponding routines, ! depending on splitorder. ! x = x-advection ! y = y-advection ! z = z-advection ! v = vertical mixing SGS ! s = sources ! c = chemistry.... integer,parameter :: nsplitsteps = 12 integer,parameter :: n_operators = nsplitsteps/2 character,dimension(nsplitsteps),parameter :: splitorder = & (/'x','y','z','v','s','c','c','s','v','z','y','x'/) ! splitorderzoom contains the fully expanded list of operations ! for the children character,dimension(nregions,maxref*nsplitsteps) :: splitorderzoom ! status keeps track of the operations per region integer,dimension(nregions) :: status integer,parameter :: zoom_mode = 1 ! _________________________________________________________________________ ! advection scheme: #ifdef secmom character(5),parameter :: adv_scheme = '2nd_m' #else character(5),parameter :: adv_scheme = 'slope' #endif ! limits the slopes to physical values logical :: limits = .true. logical :: limits_extra = .true. ! used in secmom advection ! numbers of CFL violations and CFL numbers integer,dimension(nregions,3) :: nxi integer,dimension(nregions,3) :: nloop_max = 0 real,dimension(nregions,3) :: xi ! small number with respect to the altitude unit (used in the advectz part) real,parameter:: epsz=0.0001 ! _________________________________________________________________________ ! some timing variables to be used in chemistry applications ! calculated by calc_sm, called in ss_monthly_update real :: sec_day,sec_month,sec_year ! integer,dimension(12) :: mlen !length of the 12 month in days logical :: okdebug=.true. integer :: revert=1 ! if -1 reverses time and winds... integer :: istart integer :: ndiag,ninst,ncheck,ntrans integer :: itau,itaui,itaue,itaut,itau0,nwrite, nsrce integer,dimension(nregions) :: itaur ! itau count for the different regions integer :: nread = 6*3600 ! read of 6-hourly fields is staggered with three hours. integer,parameter :: staggered = 3*3600 integer :: ndyn, ndiff, nchem, nconv integer :: ndyn_max integer,dimension(6) :: idate,idatei,idatee,idatet,idate0,sdate_simulation logical :: newyr,newmonth,newday,newsrun,newhour(nregions) integer :: julday0,iyear0 integer :: icalendo integer :: ndiagp1,ndiagp2 integer :: nstep,nstep0 real :: cpu0,cpu1 real,dimension(nregions) :: areag ! main control variables, accessible through namelist 'inputz' ! all times (unless noted) are given in seconds. ! internally model time is kept in seconds (variables itau...) since ! 1st-jan-iyear0, 00:00:00 ! (iyear0 now defined as the actual year at start) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! name type default purpose ! ---- ---- ------- ------- ! ! ndyn integer 1*3600 length of full advection step ! nconv integer 1*3600 interval for convection calculation ! ndiff integer 0 interval for horizontal diffusion calc ! nchem integer 0 interval for chemistry calculations ! nsrce integer 24*3600 interval for source calculation ! limits logical .true. if set to .true. then ! the slopes are limited ! such that no negative tracer ! masses should occur ! istart integer 10 start/restart options: ! 1 coldstart with initial fields set to 0 ! 2 coldstart with initial fields computed ! in sr trace1 in sources_sinks... ! 3 coldstart with initial ! fields read from model output (save file) ! 4 coldstart with initial ! fields read from model output stored ! in mixing ratio (no slopes). ! nread integer 12*3600 interval for input of massfluxes and convection info ! nwrite integer 0 interval for alternate output of restart ! status on files save1.b and save2.b ! ninst integer 0 interval for output of instantaneous ! tracer mix ratio fields ! ncheck integer 0 interval for output of tracer mix ratio ! at checkpoints ! ndiag integer 12*3600 interval for computing mean quantities !CMK ndiagp1 and ndiagp2 not implemented yet... ! ndiagp1 integer -2 interval for output of ! -1 daily ! -2 monthly ! -3 yearly ! >=0 interval in seconds ! ndiagp2 integer -2 interval for output of time averaged fields ! -1 daily ! -2 monthly ! -3 yearly ! >=0 interval in seconds ! ! name type default purpose ! ---- ---- ------- ------- ! ! icalendo integer 2 calendar type ! 1 permanent 360 day year calendar ! 2 real calendar ! 3 permanent 365 day year calendar ! 4 permanent 366 day year calendar ! iyear0 integer 1980 base year for calendar calculations ! (because of overflow problems this should ! deviate on a 32 bit machine ! not more than +-65 years from ! any year actually used in the ! model runs----> iyear0 now just the run year ! ! date/times are expressed as yr,month,day,hour,min,sec ! ! idatei(6) integer (1980 1 1 0 0 0) date/time for start of model run ! idatee(6) integer (1980 1 1 0 0 0) date/time for end of model run ! idatet(6) integer (1980 1 1 0 0 0) date/time after which instan- ! taneous output is written (controlled ! by 'ninst') ! ! okdebug logical true TM5 debugging ! itau integer current model time ! idate(6) integer date corresponding to itau ! itaui integer start time (corresponds to idatei) ! itaue integer end time (corresponds to idatee) ! itaut integer time after which instantaneous output is ! written (corresponds to idatet) ! itau0 time/date when diagnostic arrays ! idate0(6) integer were last reset ! julday0 integer julian day of base time 1st-jan-iyear0, 0h ! Needed only when icalendo == 2 ! idacc(8) integer counters: ! idacc(1) no of times averaged tracer ! mix ratio is calculated ! others are not used at present ! newyr logical .true. if at beginning of a new year ! newmonth logical .true. if at beginning of a new month ! newday logical .true. if at beginning of a new day (i.e. at 00Z) ! newsrun logical .true. if at beginning of a new run or ! at beginning of a continuation run ! nstep integer advection step counter for current run ! or continuation run ! nstep0 integer not needed ! cpu0 real process time at beginning of run (in sec) ! cpu1 real process time at last reset time instant ! areag real(nregions) surface of globe and regions ! itaur integer(nregions) time counter per region ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=160) xlabel ! ! variable type purpose ! -------- ---- ------- ! ! xlabel char*160 run text label. ! last 8 characters contain model version info ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer,dimension(nregions) :: unit_mix ! integer,parameter :: kinput0=5 ! main control output integer,parameter :: kmain=6 ! secondary control input integer,parameter :: kdebug=9 ! temporary scratch files integer,parameter :: ktemp1=1 ! czeta real 1. scaling factor for convection ! czetak real 1. scaling factor for vertical diffusion real :: czeta,czetak ! levels not zoomed yet ... integer, parameter :: zbeg(nregions_max) = 0 integer, parameter :: zend(nregions_max) = lm(1) CONTAINS !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TM5 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: CHECKSHAPE ! ! !DESCRIPTION: compare two vectors (typically shape of arrays) !\\ !\\ ! !INTERFACE: ! SUBROUTINE CHECKSHAPE( shp1, shp2, rc ) ! ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(in) :: shp1(:) integer, intent(in) :: shp2(:) ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! integer, intent(out) :: rc ! return code ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 1 Mar 2012 - P. Le Sager - added rc output for traceback to work ! ! !REMARKS: ! !EOP !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !BOC character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//', CheckShape' if ( size(shp1) /= size(shp2) ) then write(gol,'("array shapes should have same length:")'); call goErr write(gol,'(" shp1 : ",i4)') shp1 ; call goErr write(gol,'(" shp2 : ",i4)') shp2 ; call goErr rc=1 IF_NOTOK_RETURN(rc=1) end if if ( any( shp1 /= shp2 ) ) then write (gol,'(" array shapes are not equal:")') ; call goErr write (gol,'(" shp1 : ",i4)') shp1 ; call goErr write (gol,'(" shp2 : ",i4)') shp2 ; call goErr rc=1 IF_NOTOK_RETURN(rc=1) end if rc=0 END SUBROUTINE CHECKSHAPE !EOC END MODULE DIMS