/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \file growth.cpp /// \brief The growth module /// /// Vegetation C allocation, litter production, tissue turnover /// leaf phenology, allometry and growth /// /// (includes updated FPC formulation as required for "fast" /// cohort/individual mode - see canexch.cpp) /// /// \author Ben Smith /// $Date: 2013-10-21 14:55:54 +0200 (Mon, 21 Oct 2013) $ /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WHAT SHOULD THIS FILE CONTAIN? // Module source code files should contain, in this order: // (1) a "#include" directive naming the framework header file. The framework header // file should define all classes used as arguments to functions in the present // module. It may also include declarations of global functions, constants and // types, accessible throughout the model code; // (2) other #includes, including header files for other modules accessed by the // present one; // (3) type definitions, constants and file scope global variables for use within // the present module only; // (4) declarations of functions defined in this file, if needed; // (5) definitions of all functions. Functions that are to be accessible to other // modules or to the calling framework should be declared in the module header // file. // // PORTING MODULES BETWEEN FRAMEWORKS: // Modules should be structured so as to be fully portable between models (frameworks). // When porting between frameworks, the only change required should normally be in the // "#include" directive referring to the framework header file. #include "config.h" #include "growth.h" #include "canexch.h" #include "landcover.h" #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE SCOPE GLOBAL CONSTANTS const double APHEN_MAX = 210.0; // Maximum number of equivalent days with full leaf cover per growing season // for summergreen PFTs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LEAF PHENOLOGY // Call function leaf_phenology each simulation day prior to calculation of FPAR, to // calculate fractional leaf-out for each PFT and individual. // Function leaf_phenology_pft is not intended to be called directly by the framework, void leaf_phenology_pft(Pft& pft, Climate& climate, double wscal, double aphen, double& phen) { // DESCRIPTION // Calculates leaf phenological status (fractional leaf-out) for a individuals of // a given PFT, given current heat sum and length of chilling period (summergreen // PFTs) and water stress coefficient (raingreen PFTs) // INPUT PARAMETER // wscal = water stress coefficient (0-1; 1=minimum stress) // aphen = sum of daily fractional leaf cover (equivalent number of days with // full leaf cover) so far this growing season // OUTPUT PARAMETER // phen = fraction of full leaf cover for any individual of this PFT bool raingreen = pft.phenology == RAINGREEN || pft.phenology == ANY; bool summergreen = pft.phenology == SUMMERGREEN || pft.phenology == ANY; phen = 1.0; if (summergreen) { // Summergreen PFT - phenology based on GDD5 sum if (pft.lifeform == TREE) { // Calculate GDD base value for this PFT (if not already known) given // current length of chilling period (Sykes et al 1996, Eqn 1) if (pft.gdd0[climate.chilldays] < 0.0) pft.gdd0[climate.chilldays] = pft.k_chilla + pft.k_chillb * exp(-pft.k_chillk * (double)climate.chilldays); if (climate.gdd5 > pft.gdd0[climate.chilldays] && aphen < APHEN_MAX) phen = min(1.0, (climate.gdd5 - pft.gdd0[climate.chilldays]) / pft.phengdd5ramp); else phen = 0.0; } else if (pft.lifeform == GRASS) { // Summergreen grasses have no maximum number of leaf-on days per // growing season, and no chilling requirement phen = min(1.0, climate.gdd5 / pft.phengdd5ramp); } } if (raingreen && wscal < pft.wscal_min) { // Raingreen phenology based on water stress threshold phen = 0.0; } } void leaf_phenology(Patch& patch, Climate& climate) { // DESCRIPTION // Updates leaf phenological status (fractional leaf-out) for Patch PFT objects and // all individuals in a particular patch. // Updated by Ben Smith 2002-07-24 for compatability with "fast" canopy exchange // code (phenology assigned to patchpft for all vegetation modes) // Obtain reference to Vegetation object Vegetation& vegetation = patch.vegetation; // INDIVIDUAL AND COHORT MODES // Calculate phenology for each PFT at this patch // Loop through patch-PFTs patch.pft.firstobj(); while (patch.pft.isobj) { Patchpft& ppft = patch.pft.getobj(); // For this PFT ... if(patch.stand.pft[ppft.id].active) { if(ppft.pft.landcover == CROPLAND && patch.stand.landcover == CROPLAND) leaf_phenology_crop(ppft.pft, patch); else //natural, urban, pasture, forest and peatland stands/pft:s leaf_phenology_pft(ppft.pft, climate, ppft.wscal, ppft.aphen, ppft.phen); // Update annual leaf-on sum if ( (climate.lat >= 0.0 && date.day == COLDEST_DAY_NHEMISPHERE) || (climate.lat < 0.0 && date.day == COLDEST_DAY_SHEMISPHERE) ) { ppft.aphen = 0.0; } ppft.aphen += ppft.phen; // ... on to next PFT } patch.pft.nextobj(); } // Copy PFT-specific phenological status to individuals of each PFT // Loop through individuals vegetation.firstobj(); while (vegetation.isobj) { Individual& indiv = vegetation.getobj(); // For this individual ... indiv.phen = patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].phen; // Update annual leaf-day sum (raingreen PFTs) if (date.day == 0) indiv.aphen_raingreen = 0; indiv.aphen_raingreen += (indiv.phen != 0.0); // ... on to next individual vegetation.nextobj(); } } /// Calculates nitrogen retranslocation fraction /* Calculates actual nitrogen retranslocation fraction so maximum * nitrogen storage capacity is not exceeded */ double calc_nrelocfrac(lifeformtype lifeform, double turnover_leaf, double nmass_leaf, double turnover_root, double nmass_root, double turnover_sap, double nmass_sap, double max_n_storage, double longterm_nstore) { double turnover_nmass = turnover_leaf * nmass_leaf + turnover_root * nmass_root; if (lifeform == TREE) turnover_nmass += turnover_sap * nmass_sap; if (max_n_storage < longterm_nstore) return 0.0; else if (max_n_storage < longterm_nstore + turnover_nmass * nrelocfrac && !negligible(turnover_nmass)) return (max_n_storage - longterm_nstore) / (turnover_nmass); else return nrelocfrac; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TURNOVER // Internal function (do not call directly from framework) void turnover(double turnover_leaf, double turnover_root, double turnover_sap, lifeformtype lifeform, landcovertype landcover, double& cmass_leaf, double& cmass_root, double& cmass_sap, double& cmass_heart, double& nmass_leaf, double& nmass_root, double& nmass_sap, double& nmass_heart, double& litter_leaf, double& litter_root, double& nmass_litter_leaf, double& nmass_litter_root, double& longterm_nstore, double &max_n_storage, bool alive) { // DESCRIPTION // Transfers carbon from leaves and roots to litter, and from sapwood to heartwood // Only turnover from 'alive' individuals is transferred to litter (Ben 2007-11-28) // INPUT PARAMETERS // turnover_leaf = leaf turnover per time period as a proportion of leaf C biomass // turnover_root = root turnover per time period as a proportion of root C biomass // turnover_sap = sapwood turnover to heartwood per time period as a proportion of // sapwood C biomass // lifeform = PFT life form class (TREE or GRASS) // alive = signifies new Individual object if false (see vegdynam.cpp) // INPUT AND OUTPUT PARAMETERS // cmass_leaf = leaf C biomass (kgC/m2) // cmass_root = fine root C biomass (kgC/m2) // cmass_sap = sapwood C biomass (kgC/m2) // nmass_leaf = leaf nitrogen biomass (kgN/m2) // nmass_root = fine root nitrogen biomass (kgN/m2) // nmass_sap = sapwood nitrogen biomass (kgN/m2) // OUTPUT PARAMETERS // litter_leaf = new leaf C litter (kgC/m2) // litter_root = new root C litter (kgC/m2) // nmass_litter_leaf = new leaf nitrogen litter (kgN/m2) // nmass_litter_root = new root nitrogen litter (kgN/m2) // cmass_heart = heartwood C biomass (kgC/m2) // nmass_heart = heartwood nitrogen biomass (kgC/m2) // longterm_nstore = longterm nitrogen storage (kgN/m2) double turnover = 0.0; // Calculate actual nitrogen retranslocation so maximum nitrogen storage capacity is not exceeded double actual_nrelocfrac = calc_nrelocfrac(lifeform, turnover_leaf, nmass_leaf, turnover_root, nmass_root, turnover_sap, nmass_sap, max_n_storage, longterm_nstore); // TREES AND GRASSES: // Leaf turnover turnover = turnover_leaf * cmass_leaf; cmass_leaf -= turnover; if (alive) litter_leaf += turnover; turnover = turnover_leaf * nmass_leaf; nmass_leaf -= turnover; nmass_litter_leaf += turnover * (1.0 - actual_nrelocfrac); longterm_nstore += turnover * actual_nrelocfrac; // Root turnover turnover = turnover_root * cmass_root; cmass_root -= turnover; if (alive) litter_root += turnover; turnover = turnover_root * nmass_root; nmass_root -= turnover; nmass_litter_root += turnover * (1.0 - actual_nrelocfrac); longterm_nstore += turnover * actual_nrelocfrac; if (lifeform == TREE) { // TREES ONLY: // Sapwood turnover by conversion to heartwood turnover = turnover_sap * cmass_sap; cmass_sap -= turnover; cmass_heart += turnover; // NB: assumes nitrogen is translocated from sapwood prior to conversion to // heartwood and that this is the same fraction that is conserved // in conjunction with leaf and root shedding turnover = turnover_sap * nmass_sap; nmass_sap -= turnover; nmass_heart += turnover * (1.0 - actual_nrelocfrac); longterm_nstore += turnover * actual_nrelocfrac; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // REPRODUCTION // Internal function (do not call directly from framework) void reproduction(double reprfrac, double npp, double& bminc, double& cmass_repr) { // DESCRIPTION // Allocation of net primary production (NPP) to reproduction and calculation of // assimilated carbon available for production of new biomass // INPUT PARAMETERS // reprfrac = fraction of NPP for this time period allocated to reproduction // npp = NPP (i.e. assimilation minus maintenance and growth respiration) for // this time period (kgC/m2) // OUTPUT PARAMETER // bminc = carbon biomass increment (component of NPP available for production // of new biomass) for this time period (kgC/m2) if (npp >= 0.0) { cmass_repr = npp * reprfrac; bminc = npp - cmass_repr; return; } // Negative NPP - no reproduction cost cmass_repr = 0.0; bminc = npp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ALLOCATION // Function allocation is an internal function (do not call directly from framework); // function allocation_init may be called to distribute initial biomass among tissues // for a new individual. // File scope global variables: used by function f below (see function allocation) static double k1, k2, k3, b; static double ltor_g; static double cmass_heart_g; static double cmass_leaf_g; inline double f(double& cmass_leaf_inc) { // Returns value of f(cmass_leaf_inc), given by: // // f(cmass_leaf_inc) = 0 = // k1 * (b - cmass_leaf_inc - cmass_leaf_inc/ltor + cmass_heart) - // [ (b - cmass_leaf_inc - cmass_leaf_inc/ltor) // / (cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc )*k3 ] ** k2 // // See function allocation (below), Eqn (13) return k1 * (b - cmass_leaf_inc - cmass_leaf_inc / ltor_g + cmass_heart_g) - pow((b - cmass_leaf_inc - cmass_leaf_inc / ltor_g) / (cmass_leaf_g + cmass_leaf_inc) * k3, k2); } void allocation(double bminc,double cmass_leaf,double cmass_root,double cmass_sap, double cmass_debt,double cmass_heart,double ltor,double height,double sla, double wooddens,lifeformtype lifeform,double k_latosa,double k_allom2, double k_allom3,double& cmass_leaf_inc,double& cmass_root_inc, double& cmass_sap_inc, double& cmass_debt_inc, double& cmass_heart_inc,double& litter_leaf_inc, double& litter_root_inc,double& exceeds_cmass) { // DESCRIPTION // Calculates changes in C compartment sizes (leaves, roots, sapwood, heartwood) // and litter for a plant individual as a result of allocation of biomass increment. // Assumed allometric relationships are given in function allometry below. // INPUT PARAMETERS // bminc = biomass increment this time period on individual basis (kgC) // cmass_leaf = leaf C biomass for last time period on individual basis (kgC) // cmass_root = root C biomass for last time period on individual basis (kgC) // cmass_sap = sapwood C biomass for last time period on individual basis (kgC) // cmass_heart = heartwood C biomass for last time period on individual basis (kgC) // ltor = leaf to root mass ratio following allocation // height = individual height (m) // sla = specific leaf area (PFT-specific constant) (m2/kgC) // wooddens = wood density (PFT-specific constant) (kgC/m3) // lifeform = life form class (TREE or GRASS) // k_latosa = ratio of leaf area to sapwood cross-sectional area (PFT-specific // constant) // k_allom2 = constant in allometry equations // k_allom3 = constant in allometry equations // OUTPUT PARAMETERS // cmass_leaf_inc = increment (may be negative) in leaf C biomass following // allocation (kgC) // cmass_root_inc = increment (may be negative) in root C biomass following // allocation (kgC) // cmass_sap_inc = increment (may be negative) in sapwood C biomass following // allocation (kgC) // cmass_heart_inc = increment in heartwood C biomass following allocation (kgC) // litter_leaf_inc = increment in leaf litter following allocation, on individual // basis (kgC) // litter_root_inc = increment in root litter following allocation, on individual // basis (kgC) // exceeds_cmass = negative increment that exceeds existing biomass (kgC) // MATHEMATICAL DERIVATION FOR TREE ALLOCATION // Allocation attempts to distribute biomass increment (bminc) among the living // tissue compartments, i.e. // (1) bminc = cmass_leaf_inc + cmass_root_inc + cmass_sap_inc // while satisfying the allometric relationships (Shinozaki et al. 1964a,b; Waring // et al 1982, Huang et al 1992; see also function allometry, below) [** = // raised to the power of]: // (2) (leaf area) = k_latosa * (sapwood xs area) // (3) cmass_leaf = ltor * cmass_root // (4) height = k_allom2 * (stem diameter) ** k_allom3 // From (1) and (3), // (5) cmass_sap_inc = bminc - cmass_leaf_inc - // (cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc) / ltor + cmass_root // Let diam_new and height_new be stem diameter and height following allocation. // Then (see allometry), // (6) diam_new = 2 * [ ( cmass_sap + cmass_sap_inc + cmass_heart ) // / wooddens / height_new / PI ]**(1/2) // From (4), (6) and (5), // (7) height_new**(1+2/k_allom3) = // k_allom2**(2/k_allom3) * 4 * [cmass_sap + bminc - cmass_leaf_inc // - (cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc) / ltor + cmass_root + cmass_heart] // / wooddens / PI // Now, // (8) wooddens = cmass_sap / height / (sapwood xs area) // From (8) and (2), // (9) wooddens = cmass_sap / height / sla / cmass_leaf * k_latosa // From (9) and (1), // (10) wooddens = (cmass_sap + bminc - cmass_leaf_inc - // (cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc) / ltor + cmass_root) // / height_new / sla / (cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc) * k_latosa // From (10), // (11) height_new**(1+2/k_allom3) = // [ (cmass_sap + bminc - cmass_leaf_inc - (cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc) // / ltor + cmass_root) / wooddens / sla // / (cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc ) * k_latosa ] ** (1+2/k_allom3) // // Combining (7) and (11) gives a function of the unknown cmass_leaf_inc: // // (12) f(cmass_leaf_inc) = 0 = // k_allom2**(2/k_allom3) * 4/PI * [cmass_sap + bminc - cmass_leaf_inc // - (cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc) / ltor + cmass_root + cmass_heart] // / wooddens - // [ (cmass_sap + bminc - cmass_leaf_inc - (cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc) // / ltor + cmass_root) / (cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc) // / wooddens / sla * k_latosa] ** (1+2/k_allom3) // // Let k1 = k_allom2**(2/k_allom3) * 4/PI / wooddens // k2 = 1+2/k_allom3 // k3 = k_latosa / wooddens / sla // b = cmass_sap + bminc - cmass_leaf/ltor + cmass_root // // Then, // (13) f(cmass_leaf_inc) = 0 = // k1 * (b - cmass_leaf_inc - cmass_leaf_inc/ltor + cmass_heart) - // [ (b - cmass_leaf_inc - cmass_leaf_inc/ltor) // / (cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc )*k3 ] ** k2 // // Numerical methods are used to solve Eqn (13) for cmass_leaf_inc const int NSEG=20; // number of segments (parameter in numerical methods) const int JMAX=40; // maximum number of iterations (in numerical methods) const double XACC=0.0001; // threshold x-axis precision of allocation solution const double YACC=1.0e-10; // threshold y-axis precision of allocation solution const double CDEBT_MAXLOAN_DEFICIT=0.8; // maximum loan as a fraction of deficit const double CDEBT_MAXLOAN_MASS=0.2; // maximum loan as a fraction of (sapwood-cdebt) double cmass_leaf_inc_min; double cmass_root_inc_min; double x1,x2,dx,xmid,fx1,fmid,rtbis,sign; int j; double cmass_deficit,cmass_loan; // initialise litter_leaf_inc = 0.0; litter_root_inc = 0.0; exceeds_cmass = 0.0; cmass_leaf_inc = 0.0; cmass_root_inc = 0.0; cmass_sap_inc = 0.0; cmass_heart_inc = 0.0; cmass_debt_inc = 0.0; if (!largerthanzero(ltor, -10)) { // No leaf production possible - put all biomass into roots // (Individual will die next time period) cmass_leaf_inc = 0.0; // Make sure we don't end up with negative cmass_root if (bminc < -cmass_root) { exceeds_cmass = -(cmass_root + bminc); cmass_root_inc = -cmass_root; } else { cmass_root_inc=bminc; } if (lifeform==TREE) { cmass_sap_inc=-cmass_sap; cmass_heart_inc=-cmass_sap_inc; } } else if (lifeform==TREE) { // TREE ALLOCATION cmass_heart_inc=0.0; // Calculate minimum leaf increment to maintain current sapwood biomass // Given Eqn (2) if (height>0.0) cmass_leaf_inc_min=k_latosa*cmass_sap/(wooddens*height*sla)-cmass_leaf; else cmass_leaf_inc_min=0.0; // Calculate minimum root increment to support minimum resulting leaf biomass // Eqn (3) if (height>0.0) cmass_root_inc_min=k_latosa*cmass_sap/(wooddens*height*sla*ltor)- cmass_root; else cmass_root_inc_min=0.0; if (cmass_root_inc_min<0.0) { // some roots would have to be killed cmass_leaf_inc_min=cmass_root*ltor-cmass_leaf; cmass_root_inc_min=0.0; } // BLARP! C debt stuff if (ifcdebt) { cmass_deficit=cmass_leaf_inc_min+cmass_root_inc_min-bminc; if (cmass_deficit>0.0) { cmass_loan=max(min(cmass_deficit*CDEBT_MAXLOAN_DEFICIT, (cmass_sap-cmass_debt)*CDEBT_MAXLOAN_MASS),0.0); bminc+=cmass_loan; cmass_debt_inc=cmass_loan; } else cmass_debt_inc=0.0; } else cmass_debt_inc=0.0; if ( (cmass_root_inc_min >= 0.0 && cmass_leaf_inc_min >= 0.0 && cmass_root_inc_min + cmass_leaf_inc_min <= bminc) || bminc<=0.0) { // Normal allocation (positive increment to all living C compartments) // Calculation of leaf mass increment (lminc_ind) satisfying Eqn (13) // using bisection method (Press et al 1986) // Set values for global variables for reuse by function f k1 = pow(k_allom2, 2.0 / k_allom3) * 4.0 / PI / wooddens; k2 = 1.0 + 2 / k_allom3; k3 = k_latosa / wooddens / sla; b = cmass_sap + bminc - cmass_leaf / ltor + cmass_root; ltor_g = ltor; cmass_leaf_g = cmass_leaf; cmass_heart_g = cmass_heart; x1 = 0.0; x2 = (bminc - (cmass_leaf / ltor - cmass_root)) / (1.0 + 1.0 / ltor); dx = (x2 - x1) / (double)NSEG; if (cmass_leaf < 1.0e-10) x1 += dx; // to avoid division by zero // Evaluate f(x1), i.e. Eqn (13) at cmass_leaf_inc = x1 fx1 = f(x1); // Find approximate location of leftmost root on the interval // (x1,x2). Subdivide (x1,x2) into nseg equal segments seeking // change in sign of f(xmid) relative to f(x1). fmid = f(x1); xmid = x1; while (fmid * fx1 > 0.0 && xmid < x2) { xmid += dx; fmid = f(xmid); } x1 = xmid - dx; x2 = xmid; // Apply bisection to find root on new interval (x1,x2) if (f(x1) >= 0.0) sign = -1.0; else sign = 1.0; rtbis = x1; dx = x2 - x1; // Bisection loop // Search iterates on value of xmid until xmid lies within // xacc of the root, i.e. until |xmid-x|= XACC && fabs(fmid) > YACC && j <= JMAX) { dx *= 0.5; xmid = rtbis + dx; fmid = f(xmid); if (fmid * sign <= 0.0) rtbis = xmid; j++; } // Now rtbis contains numerical solution for cmass_leaf_inc given Eqn (13) cmass_leaf_inc = rtbis; // Calculate increments in other compartments cmass_root_inc = (cmass_leaf_inc + cmass_leaf) / ltor - cmass_root; // Eqn (3) cmass_sap_inc = bminc - cmass_leaf_inc - cmass_root_inc; // Eqn (1) // guess2008 - extra check - abnormal allocation can still happen if ltor is very small if ((cmass_root_inc > 50 || cmass_root_inc < -50) && ltor < 0.0001) { cmass_leaf_inc = 0.0; cmass_root_inc = bminc; cmass_sap_inc = -cmass_sap; cmass_heart_inc = -cmass_sap_inc; } // Negative sapwood increment larger than existing sapwood or // if debt becomes larger than existing woody biomass if (cmass_sap < -cmass_sap_inc || cmass_sap + cmass_sap_inc + cmass_heart < cmass_debt + cmass_debt_inc) { // Abnormal allocation: reduction in some biomass compartment(s) to // satisfy allometry // Attempt to distribute this year's production among leaves and roots only // Eqn (3) cmass_leaf_inc = (bminc - cmass_leaf / ltor + cmass_root) / (1.0 + 1.0 / ltor); cmass_root_inc = bminc - cmass_leaf_inc; // Make sure we don't end up with negative cmass_leaf cmass_leaf_inc = max(-cmass_leaf, cmass_leaf_inc); // Make sure we don't end up with negative cmass_root cmass_root_inc = max(-cmass_root, cmass_root_inc); // If biomass of roots and leafs can't meet biomass decrease then // sapwood also needs to decrease cmass_sap_inc = bminc - cmass_leaf_inc - cmass_root_inc; // No sapwood turned into heartwood cmass_heart_inc = 0.0; // Make sure we don't end up with negative cmass_sap if (cmass_sap_inc < -cmass_sap) { exceeds_cmass = -(cmass_sap + cmass_sap_inc); cmass_sap_inc = -cmass_sap; } // Comment: Can happen that biomass decrease is larger than biomass in all compartments. // Then bminc is more negative than there is biomass to respire } } else { // Abnormal allocation: reduction in some biomass compartment(s) to // satisfy allometry // Attempt to distribute this year's production among leaves and roots only // Eqn (3) cmass_leaf_inc = (bminc - cmass_leaf / ltor + cmass_root) / (1.0 + 1.0 / ltor); if (cmass_leaf_inc > 0.0) { // Positive allocation to leaves cmass_root_inc = bminc - cmass_leaf_inc; // Eqn (1) // Add killed roots (if any) to litter // guess2008 - back to LPJF method in this case // if (cmass_root_inc<0.0) litter_root_inc=-cmass_root_inc; if (cmass_root_inc < 0.0) { cmass_leaf_inc = bminc; cmass_root_inc = (cmass_leaf_inc + cmass_leaf) / ltor - cmass_root; // Eqn (3) } } else { // Negative or zero allocation to leaves // Eqns (1), (3) cmass_root_inc = bminc; cmass_leaf_inc = (cmass_root + cmass_root_inc) * ltor - cmass_leaf; } // Make sure we don't end up with negative cmass_leaf if (cmass_leaf_inc < -cmass_leaf) { exceeds_cmass += -(cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc); cmass_leaf_inc = -cmass_leaf; } // Make sure we don't end up with negative cmass_root if (cmass_root_inc < -cmass_root) { exceeds_cmass += -(cmass_root + cmass_root_inc); cmass_root_inc = -cmass_root; } // Add killed leaves to litter litter_leaf_inc = max(-cmass_leaf_inc, 0.0); // Add killed roots to litter litter_root_inc = max(-cmass_root_inc, 0.0); // Calculate increase in sapwood mass (which must be negative) // Eqn (2) cmass_sap_inc = (cmass_leaf_inc + cmass_leaf) * wooddens * height * sla / k_latosa - cmass_sap; // Make sure we don't end up with negative cmass_sap if (cmass_sap_inc < -cmass_sap) { exceeds_cmass += -(cmass_sap + cmass_sap_inc); cmass_sap_inc = -cmass_sap; } // Convert killed sapwood to heartwood cmass_heart_inc = -cmass_sap_inc; } } else if (lifeform == GRASS) { // GRASS ALLOCATION // Allocation attempts to distribute biomass increment (bminc) among leaf // and root compartments, i.e. // (14) bminc = cmass_leaf_inc + cmass_root_inc // while satisfying Eqn(3) cmass_leaf_inc = (bminc - cmass_leaf / ltor + cmass_root) / (1.0 + 1.0 / ltor); cmass_root_inc = bminc - cmass_leaf_inc; if (bminc >= 0.0) { // Positive biomass increment if (cmass_leaf_inc < 0.0) { // Positive bminc, but ltor causes negative allocation to leaves, // put all of bminc into roots cmass_root_inc = bminc; cmass_leaf_inc = (cmass_root + cmass_root_inc) * ltor - cmass_leaf; // Eqn (3) } else if (cmass_root_inc < 0.0) { // Positive bminc, but ltor causes negative allocation to roots, // put all of bminc into leaves cmass_leaf_inc = bminc; cmass_root_inc = (cmass_leaf + bminc) / ltor - cmass_root; } // Make sure we don't end up with negative cmass_leaf if (cmass_leaf_inc < -cmass_leaf) { exceeds_cmass += -(cmass_leaf + cmass_leaf_inc); cmass_leaf_inc = -cmass_leaf; } // Make sure we don't end up with negative cmass_root if (cmass_root_inc < -cmass_root) { exceeds_cmass += -(cmass_root + cmass_root_inc); cmass_root_inc = -cmass_root; } // Add killed leaves to litter litter_leaf_inc = max(-cmass_leaf_inc, 0.0); // Add killed roots to litter litter_root_inc = max(-cmass_root_inc, 0.0); } else if (bminc < 0) { // Abnormal allocation: negative biomass increment // Negative increment is respiration (neg bminc) or/and increment in other // compartments leading to no litter production if (bminc < -(cmass_leaf + cmass_root)) { // Biomass decrease is larger than existing biomass exceeds_cmass = -(bminc + cmass_leaf + cmass_root); cmass_leaf_inc = -cmass_leaf; cmass_root_inc = -cmass_root; } else if (cmass_root_inc < 0.0) { // Negative allocation to root // Make sure we don't end up with negative cmass_root if (cmass_root < -cmass_root_inc) { cmass_leaf_inc = bminc + cmass_root; cmass_root_inc = -cmass_root; } } else if (cmass_leaf_inc < 0.0) { // Negative allocation to leaf // Make sure we don't end up with negative cmass_leaf if (cmass_leaf < -cmass_leaf_inc) { cmass_root_inc = bminc + cmass_leaf; cmass_leaf_inc = -cmass_leaf; } } } } // Check C budget after allocation // maximum carbon mismatch double EPS = 1.0e-12; assert(fabs(bminc + exceeds_cmass - (cmass_leaf_inc + cmass_root_inc + cmass_sap_inc + cmass_heart_inc + litter_leaf_inc + litter_root_inc)) < EPS); } void allocation_init(double bminit, double ltor, Individual& indiv) { // DESCRIPTION // Allocates initial biomass among tissues for a new individual (tree or grass), // assuming standard LPJ allometry (see functions allocation, allometry). // INPUT PARAMETERS // bminit = initial total biomass (kgC) // ltor = initial leaf:root biomass ratio // // Note: indiv.densindiv (density of individuals across patch or modelled area) // should be set to a meaningful value before this function is called double dval; double cmass_leaf_ind; double cmass_root_ind; double cmass_sap_ind; allocation(bminit, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ltor, 0.0, indiv.pft.sla, indiv.pft.wooddens, indiv.pft.lifeform, indiv.pft.k_latosa, indiv.pft.k_allom2, indiv.pft.k_allom3, cmass_leaf_ind, cmass_root_ind, cmass_sap_ind, dval, dval, dval, dval, dval); indiv.cmass_leaf = cmass_leaf_ind * indiv.densindiv; indiv.cmass_root = cmass_root_ind * indiv.densindiv; indiv.nmass_leaf = 0.0; indiv.nmass_root = 0.0; if (indiv.pft.lifeform == TREE) { indiv.cmass_sap = cmass_sap_ind * indiv.densindiv; indiv.nmass_sap = 0.0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ALLOMETRY // Should be called to update allometry, FPC and FPC increment whenever biomass values // for a vegetation individual change. bool allometry(Individual& indiv) { // DESCRIPTION // Calculates tree allometry (height and crown area) and fractional projective // given carbon biomass in various compartments for an individual. // Returns true if the allometry is normal, otherwise false - guess2008 // TREE ALLOMETRY // Trees aboveground allometry is modelled by a cylindrical stem comprising an // inner cylinder of heartwood surrounded by a zone of sapwood of constant radius, // and a crown (i.e. foliage) cylinder of known diameter. Sapwood and heartwood are // assumed to have the same, constant, density (wooddens). Tree height is related // to sapwood cross-sectional area by the relation: // (1) height = cmass_sap / (sapwood xs area) // Sapwood cross-sectional area is also assumed to be a constant proportion of // total leaf area (following the "pipe model"; Shinozaki et al. 1964a,b; Waring // et al 1982), i.e. // (2) (leaf area) = k_latosa * (sapwood xs area) // Leaf area is related to leaf biomass by specific leaf area: // (3) (leaf area) = sla * cmass_leaf // From (1), (2), (3), // (4) height = cmass_sap / wooddens / sla / cmass_leaf * k_latosa // Tree height is related to stem diameter by the relation (Huang et al 1992) // [** = raised to the power of]: // (5) height = k_allom2 * diam ** k_allom3 // Crown area may be derived from stem diameter by the relation (Zeide 1993): // (6) crownarea = min ( k_allom1 * diam ** k_rp , crownarea_max ) // Bole height (individual/cohort mode only; currently set to 0): // (7) boleht = 0 // FOLIAR PROJECTIVE COVER (FPC) // The same formulation for FPC (Eqn 8 below) is now applied in all vegetation // modes (Ben Smith 2002-07-23). FPC is equivalent to fractional patch/grid cell // coverage for the purposes of canopy exchange calculations and, in population // mode, vegetation dynamics calculations. // // FPC on the modelled area (stand, patch, "grid-cell") basis is related to mean // individual leaf area index (LAI) by the Lambert-Beer law (Monsi & Saeki 1953, // Prentice et al 1993) based on the assumption that success of a PFT population // in competition for space will be proportional to competitive ability for light // in the vertical profile of the forest canopy: // (8) fpc = crownarea * densindiv * ( 1.0 - exp ( -0.5 * lai_ind ) ) // (8a)ppc = crownarea * densindiv // where // (9) lai_ind = cmass_leaf/densindiv * sla / crownarea // // For grasses, // (10) fpc = ( 1.0 - exp ( -0.5 * lai_ind ) ) // (11) lai_ind = cmass_leaf * sla double diam; // stem diameter (m) double fpc_new; // updated FPC double ppc_new; // guess2008 - max tree height allowed (metre). const double HEIGHT_MAX = 150.0; if (indiv.pft.lifeform == TREE) { // TREES // Height (Eqn 4) // guess2008 - new allometry check if (!negligible(indiv.cmass_leaf)) { indiv.height = indiv.cmass_sap / indiv.cmass_leaf / indiv.pft.sla * indiv.pft.k_latosa / indiv.pft.wooddens; // Stem diameter (Eqn 5) diam = pow(indiv.height / indiv.pft.k_allom2, 1.0 / indiv.pft.k_allom3); // Stem volume double vol = indiv.height * PI * diam * diam * 0.25; if (indiv.age && (indiv.cmass_heart + indiv.cmass_sap) / indiv.densindiv / vol < indiv.pft.wooddens * 0.9) { return false; } } else { indiv.height = 0.0; diam = 0.0; return false; } // guess2008 - extra height check if (indiv.height > HEIGHT_MAX) { indiv.height = 0.0; diam = 0.0; return false; } // Crown area (Eqn 6) indiv.crownarea = min(indiv.pft.k_allom1 * pow(diam, indiv.pft.k_rp), indiv.pft.crownarea_max); if (!negligible(indiv.crownarea)) { // Individual LAI (Eqn 9) indiv.lai_indiv = indiv.cmass_leaf / indiv.densindiv * indiv.pft.sla / indiv.crownarea; // FPC (Eqn 8) fpc_new = indiv.crownarea * indiv.densindiv * (1.0 - lambertbeer(indiv.lai_indiv)); // Increment deltafpc indiv.deltafpc += fpc_new - indiv.fpc; indiv.fpc = fpc_new; } else { indiv.lai_indiv = 0.0; indiv.fpc = 0.0; } // Bole height (Eqn 7) indiv.boleht = 0.0; // Stand-level LAI indiv.lai = indiv.cmass_leaf * indiv.pft.sla; } else if (indiv.pft.lifeform == GRASS) { // GRASSES if(indiv.pft.landcover != CROPLAND) { // guess2008 - bugfix - added if if (!negligible(indiv.cmass_leaf)) { // Grass "individual" LAI (Eqn 11) indiv.lai_indiv = indiv.cmass_leaf * indiv.pft.sla; // FPC (Eqn 10) indiv.fpc = 1.0 - lambertbeer(indiv.lai_indiv); // Stand-level LAI indiv.lai = indiv.lai_indiv; } else { return false; } } else { // True crops use cmass_leaf_max, cover-crop grass uses lai of stands with whole-year grass growth allometry_crop(indiv); } } // guess2008 - new return value (was void) return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RELATIVE CHANGE IN BIOMASS // Call this function to calculate the change in biomass on a grid cell area basis // associated with a specified change in FPC double fracmass_lpj(double fpc_low,double fpc_high,Individual& indiv) { // DESCRIPTION // Calculates and returns new biomass as a fraction of old biomass given an FPC // reduction from fpc_high to fpc_low, assuming LPJ allometry (see function // allometry) // guess2008 - check if (fpc_high < fpc_low) fail("fracmass_lpj: fpc_high < fpc_low"); if (indiv.pft.lifeform==TREE) { if (negligible(fpc_high)) return 1.0; // else return fpc_low/fpc_high; } else if (indiv.pft.lifeform==GRASS) { // grass if (fpc_high>=1.0 || fpc_low>=1.0 || negligible(indiv.cmass_leaf)) return 1.0; // else return 1.0+2.0/indiv.cmass_leaf/indiv.pft.sla* (log(1.0-fpc_high)-log(1.0-fpc_low)); } else { fail("fracmass_lpj: unknown lifeform"); return 0; } // This point will never be reached in practice, but to satisfy more pedantic // compilers ... return 1.0; } void flush_litter_repr(Patch& patch) { // Returns nitrogen-free reproduction "litter" to atmosphere patch.pft.firstobj(); while (patch.pft.isobj) { Patchpft& pft = patch.pft.getobj(); // Updated soil fluxes patch.fluxes.report_flux(Fluxes::REPRC, pft.litter_repr); #ifdef CRESCENDO patch.fluxes.report_flux(Fluxes::DREPRC, pft.litter_repr); #endif pft.litter_repr = 0.0; patch.pft.nextobj(); } } /// GROWTH /** Tissue turnover and allocation of fixed carbon to reproduction and new biomass * Accumulated NPP (assimilation minus maintenance and growth respiration) on * patch or modelled area basis assumed to be given by 'anpp' member variable for * each individual. * Should be called by framework at the end of each simulation year for modelling * of turnover, allocation and growth, prior to vegetation dynamics and disturbance */ void growth(Stand& stand, Patch& patch) { // minimum carbon mass allowed (kgC/m2) const double MINCMASS = 1.0e-8; // maximum carbon mass allowed (kgC/m2) const double MAXCMASS = 1.0e8; const double CDEBT_PAYBACK_RATE = 0.2; // carbon biomass increment (component of NPP available for production of // new biomass) for this time period on modelled area basis (kgC/m2) double bminc = 0.0; // C allocated to reproduction this time period on modelled area basis (kgC/m2) double cmass_repr = 0.0; // increment in leaf C biomass following allocation, on individual basis (kgC) double cmass_leaf_inc = 0.0; // increment in root C biomass following allocation, on individual basis (kgC) double cmass_root_inc = 0.0; // increment in sapwood C biomass following allocation, on individual basis (kgC) double cmass_sap_inc = 0.0; // increment in heartwood C biomass following allocation, on individual basis (kgC) double cmass_heart_inc = 0.0; // increment in heartwood C biomass following allocation, on individual basis (kgC) double cmass_debt_inc = 0.0; // increment in crop harvestable organ C biomass following allocation, on individual basis (kgC) double cmass_ho_inc = 0.0; // increment in crop above-ground pool C biomass following allocation, on individual basis (kgC) double cmass_agpool_inc = 0.0; // increment in crop stem C biomass following allocation, on individual basis (kgC) double cmass_stem_inc = 0.0; // increment in leaf litter following allocation, on individual basis (kgC) double litter_leaf_inc = 0.0; // increment in root litter following allocation, on individual basis (kgC) double litter_root_inc = 0.0; // negative increment that exceeds existing biomass following allocation, on individual basis (kgC) double exceeds_cmass; // C biomass of leaves in "excess" of set allocated last year to raingreen PFT last year (kgC/m2) double cmass_excess = 0.0; // Raingreen nitrogen demand for leaves dropped during the year double raingreen_ndemand; // Nitrogen stress scalar for leaf to root allocation double nscal; // Leaf C:N ratios before growth double cton_leaf_bg; // Root C:N ratios before growth double cton_root_bg; // Sap C:N ratios before growth double cton_sap_bg; double dval = 0.0; int p; #ifdef CRESCENDO_FACE // Reset CRESCENDO FACE outputs patch.gl = 0.0; patch.gw = 0.0; patch.gr = 0.0; #endif // Obtain reference to Vegetation object for this patch Vegetation& vegetation = patch.vegetation; Gridcell& gridcell = vegetation.patch.stand.get_gridcell(); // On first call to function growth this year (patch #0), initialise stand-PFT // record of summed allocation to reproduction if (!patch.id) for (p=0; p= 0 && indiv.pft.phenology == RAINGREEN) { // Raingreen PFTs: reduce biomass increment to account for NPP // allocated to extra leaves during the past year. // Excess allocation to leaves given by: // aphen_raingreen / ( leaf_longevity * year_length) * cmass_leaf - // cmass_leaf // BLARP! excess allocation to roots now also included (assumes leaf longevity = root longevity) cmass_excess = max((double)indiv.aphen_raingreen / (indiv.pft.leaflong * (double)date.year_length()) * (indiv.cmass_leaf + indiv.cmass_root) - indiv.cmass_leaf - indiv.cmass_root, 0.0); if (cmass_excess > bminc) cmass_excess = bminc; // Transfer excess leaves to litter // only for 'alive' individuals if (indiv.alive) { patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].litter_leaf += cmass_excess; if (!negligible(cton_leaf_bg)) raingreen_ndemand = min(indiv.nmass_leaf, cmass_excess / cton_leaf_bg); else raingreen_ndemand = 0.0; patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].nmass_litter_leaf += raingreen_ndemand * (1.0 - nrelocfrac); indiv.nstore_longterm += raingreen_ndemand * nrelocfrac; indiv.nmass_leaf -= raingreen_ndemand; } // Deduct from this year's C biomass increment // added alive check if (indiv.alive) bminc -= cmass_excess; } // All yearly harvest events killed = harvest_year(indiv); if (!killed) { if(!indiv.has_daily_turnover()) { // Tissue turnover and associated litter production turnover(indiv.pft.turnover_leaf, indiv.pft.turnover_root, indiv.pft.turnover_sap, indiv.pft.lifeform, indiv.pft.landcover, indiv.cmass_leaf, indiv.cmass_root, indiv.cmass_sap, indiv.cmass_heart, indiv.nmass_leaf, indiv.nmass_root, indiv.nmass_sap, indiv.nmass_heart, patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].litter_leaf, patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].litter_root, patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].nmass_litter_leaf, patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].nmass_litter_root, indiv.nstore_longterm,indiv.max_n_storage, indiv.alive); } // Update stand record of reproduction by this PFT stand.pft[indiv.pft.id].cmass_repr += cmass_repr / (double)stand.npatch(); // Transfer reproduction straight to litter // only for 'alive' individuals if (indiv.alive) { patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].litter_repr += cmass_repr; } if (indiv.pft.lifeform == TREE) { // TREE GROWTH // BLARP! Try and pay back part of cdebt if (ifcdebt && bminc > 0.0) { double cmass_payback = min(indiv.cmass_debt * CDEBT_PAYBACK_RATE, bminc); bminc -= cmass_payback; indiv.cmass_debt -= cmass_payback; } // Allocation: note conversion of mass values from grid cell area // to individual basis allocation(bminc / indiv.densindiv, indiv.cmass_leaf / indiv.densindiv, indiv.cmass_root / indiv.densindiv, indiv.cmass_sap / indiv.densindiv, indiv.cmass_debt / indiv.densindiv, indiv.cmass_heart / indiv.densindiv, indiv.ltor, indiv.height, indiv.pft.sla, indiv.pft.wooddens, TREE, indiv.pft.k_latosa, indiv.pft.k_allom2, indiv.pft.k_allom3, cmass_leaf_inc, cmass_root_inc, cmass_sap_inc, cmass_debt_inc, cmass_heart_inc, litter_leaf_inc, litter_root_inc, exceeds_cmass); // Update carbon pools and litter (on area basis) // (litter not accrued for not 'alive' individuals - Ben 2007-11-28) // Leaves indiv.cmass_leaf += cmass_leaf_inc * indiv.densindiv; // Roots indiv.cmass_root += cmass_root_inc * indiv.densindiv; // Sapwood indiv.cmass_sap += cmass_sap_inc * indiv.densindiv; // Heartwood indiv.cmass_heart += cmass_heart_inc * indiv.densindiv; #ifdef CRESCENDO_FACE patch.gl += cmass_leaf_inc * indiv.densindiv; patch.gr += cmass_root_inc * indiv.densindiv; patch.gw += (cmass_sap_inc + cmass_heart_inc) * indiv.densindiv; #endif indiv.cmass_wood_inc_5.add((cmass_sap_inc + cmass_heart_inc - cmass_debt_inc) * indiv.densindiv); // If negative sap growth, then nrelocfrac of nitrogen will go to heart wood and // (1.0 - nreloctrac) will go to storage double nmass_sap_inc = cmass_sap_inc * indiv.densindiv / cton_sap_bg; if (cmass_sap_inc < 0.0 && indiv.nmass_sap >= -nmass_sap_inc){ indiv.nmass_sap += nmass_sap_inc; indiv.nmass_heart -= nmass_sap_inc * nrelocfrac; indiv.nstore_longterm -= nmass_sap_inc * (1.0 - nrelocfrac); // ecev3 - check if (indiv.nmass_sap < 0) { dprintf("ERROR! Year %d day %d Stand %d: Negative indiv.nmass_sap in growth: %.15f\n", date.year, date.day, patch.stand.id, indiv.nmass_sap); } assert(indiv.nmass_sap >= 0.0); } // C debt indiv.cmass_debt += cmass_debt_inc * indiv.densindiv; // alive check before ensuring C balance if (indiv.alive) { patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].litter_leaf += litter_leaf_inc * indiv.densindiv; patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].litter_root += litter_root_inc * indiv.densindiv; // C litter exceeding existing biomass indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::NPP, exceeds_cmass * indiv.densindiv); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::RA, -exceeds_cmass * indiv.densindiv); } double leaf_inc = min(indiv.nmass_leaf, litter_leaf_inc * indiv.densindiv / cton_leaf_bg); double root_inc = min(indiv.nmass_root, litter_root_inc * indiv.densindiv / cton_root_bg); // Nitrogen litter always return to soil litter and storage // Leaf patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].nmass_litter_leaf += leaf_inc * (1.0 - nrelocfrac); indiv.nstore_longterm += leaf_inc * nrelocfrac; // Root patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].nmass_litter_root += root_inc * (1.0 - nrelocfrac); indiv.nstore_longterm += root_inc * nrelocfrac; // Subtracting litter nitrogen from individuals indiv.nmass_leaf -= leaf_inc; indiv.nmass_root -= root_inc; // Update individual age indiv.age++; // Kill individual and transfer biomass to litter if any biomass // compartment negative if (indiv.cmass_leaf < MINCMASS || indiv.cmass_root < MINCMASS || indiv.cmass_sap < MINCMASS) { indiv.kill(); vegetation.killobj(); killed = true; } } else if (indiv.pft.lifeform == GRASS) { // GRASS GROWTH //True crops do not use bminc.or cmass_leaf etc. if(indiv.istruecrop_or_intercropgrass()) { // transfer crop cmass increase values to common variables growth_crop_year(indiv, cmass_leaf_inc, cmass_root_inc, cmass_ho_inc, cmass_agpool_inc, cmass_stem_inc); exceeds_cmass = 0.0; //exceeds_cmass not used for true crops } else { allocation(bminc, indiv.cmass_leaf, indiv.cmass_root, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, indiv.ltor, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, GRASS, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cmass_leaf_inc, cmass_root_inc, dval, dval, dval, litter_leaf_inc, litter_root_inc, exceeds_cmass); } if(indiv.pft.landcover == CROPLAND) { if(indiv.istruecrop_or_intercropgrass()) yield_crop(indiv); else yield_pasture(indiv, cmass_leaf_inc); } // Update carbon pools and litter (on area basis) // only litter in the case of 'alive' individuals // Leaves indiv.cmass_leaf += cmass_leaf_inc; // Roots indiv.cmass_root += cmass_root_inc; #ifdef CRESCENDO_FACE patch.gl += cmass_leaf_inc; patch.gr += cmass_root_inc; #endif if(indiv.pft.landcover == CROPLAND) { indiv.cropindiv->cmass_ho += cmass_ho_inc; indiv.cropindiv->cmass_agpool += cmass_agpool_inc; indiv.cropindiv->cmass_stem += cmass_stem_inc; } if(indiv.pft.phenology != CROPGREEN && !(indiv.has_daily_turnover() && indiv.continous_grass())) { // alive check before ensuring C balance if (indiv.alive && !indiv.istruecrop_or_intercropgrass()) { patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].litter_leaf += litter_leaf_inc; patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].litter_root += litter_root_inc; // C litter exceeding existing biomass indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::NPP, exceeds_cmass * indiv.densindiv); indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::RA, -exceeds_cmass * indiv.densindiv); } // Nitrogen always return to soil litter and storage // Leaf if (indiv.nmass_leaf > 0.0){ patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].nmass_litter_leaf += litter_leaf_inc * indiv.densindiv / cton_leaf_bg * (1.0 - nrelocfrac); indiv.nstore_longterm += litter_leaf_inc * indiv.densindiv / cton_leaf_bg * nrelocfrac; // Subtracting litter nitrogen from individuals indiv.nmass_leaf -= min(indiv.nmass_leaf, litter_leaf_inc * indiv.densindiv / cton_leaf_bg); } // Root if (indiv.nmass_root > 0.0){ patch.pft[indiv.pft.id].nmass_litter_root += litter_root_inc * indiv.densindiv / cton_root_bg * (1.0 - nrelocfrac); indiv.nstore_longterm += litter_root_inc / cton_root_bg * nrelocfrac; // Subtracting litter nitrogen from individuals indiv.nmass_root -= min(indiv.nmass_root, litter_root_inc * indiv.densindiv / cton_root_bg); } } // Kill individual and transfer biomass to litter if either biomass // compartment negative if ((indiv.cmass_leaf < MINCMASS || indiv.cmass_root < MINCMASS) && !indiv.istruecrop_or_intercropgrass()) { indiv.kill(); vegetation.killobj(); killed = true; } } if (!killed && indiv.pft.phenology != CROPGREEN && !(indiv.has_daily_turnover() && indiv.continous_grass())) { // Update nitrogen longtime storage // Nitrogen approx retranslocated next year double retransn_nextyear = indiv.cmass_leaf * indiv.pft.turnover_leaf / cton_leaf_bg * nrelocfrac + indiv.cmass_root * indiv.pft.turnover_root / cton_root_bg * nrelocfrac; if (indiv.pft.lifeform == TREE) retransn_nextyear += indiv.cmass_sap * indiv.pft.turnover_sap / cton_sap_bg * nrelocfrac; // Assume that raingreen will lose same amount of N through extra leaves next year if (indiv.alive && bminc >= 0 && (indiv.pft.phenology == RAINGREEN || indiv.pft.phenology == ANY)) retransn_nextyear -= min(raingreen_ndemand, retransn_nextyear); // Max longterm nitrogen storage if (indiv.pft.lifeform == TREE) indiv.max_n_storage = max(0.0, min(indiv.cmass_sap * indiv.pft.fnstorage / cton_leaf_bg, retransn_nextyear)); else // GRASS indiv.max_n_storage = max(0.0, min(indiv.cmass_root * indiv.pft.fnstorage / cton_leaf_bg, retransn_nextyear)); // Scale this year productivity to max storage if (indiv.anpp > 0.0) { indiv.scale_n_storage = max(indiv.max_n_storage * 0.1, indiv.max_n_storage - retransn_nextyear) * cton_leaf_bg / indiv.anpp; } // else use last years scaling factor } } } if (!killed) { if (!allometry(indiv)) { indiv.kill(); vegetation.killobj(); killed = true; } if (!killed) { if (!indiv.alive) { // The individual has survived its first year... indiv.alive = true; // ...now we can start counting its fluxes, // debit current biomass as establishment flux if (!indiv.istruecrop_or_intercropgrass()) { indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::ESTC, - (indiv.cmass_leaf + indiv.cmass_root + indiv.cmass_sap + indiv.cmass_heart - indiv.cmass_debt)); #ifdef CRESCENDO_FACE indiv.report_flux(Fluxes::DESTC, -(indiv.cmass_leaf + indiv.cmass_root + indiv.cmass_sap + indiv.cmass_heart - indiv.cmass_debt)); #endif } } // Move long-term nitrogen storage pool to labile storage pool for usage next year if(!indiv.has_daily_turnover()) { indiv.nstore_labile = indiv.nstore_longterm; indiv.nstore_longterm = 0.0; } // ... on to next individual vegetation.nextobj(); } } } // Flush nitrogen free litter from reproduction straight to atmosphere flush_litter_repr(patch); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // REFERENCES // // LPJF refers to the original FORTRAN implementation of LPJ as described by Sitch // et al 2001 // Huang, S, Titus, SJ & Wiens, DP (1992) Comparison of nonlinear height-diameter // functions for major Alberta tree species. 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