#================================================================================ # save_ic functions - these are used to save EC-Earth states during a run, # which can be used as Initial Conditions (ICs) for other runs. # # save_ic_get_config : define the config to use based on the save_ic config parameter # # save_ic has two options available: # save_ic:end_leg (save ICs at the end of every leg) # save_ic:end_run (save ICs at the end of the run) # # By default, without an option, ICs are saved at given offsets from the leg # start, possibly if conditions are met. These offset(s) and condition(s) must # be coded in the "else" clause below. See commented example. # function save_ic_get_config () { do_save_ic=false save_ic_custom=false if $(has_config save_ic) then if $(has_config save_ic:end_leg) then # save ICs at the end of every leg do_save_ic=true save_ic_date_offset=( "+ ${leg_length_sec} sec" ) elif $(has_config save_ic:end_run) then # save ICs at the end of the run leg_end_date_yyyymmdd=$(date -u -d "${leg_end_date}" +%Y%m%d) run_end_date_yyyymmdd=$(date -u -d "${run_end_date}" +%Y%m%d) if [ ${leg_end_date_yyyymmdd} -eq ${run_end_date_yyyymmdd} ] then do_save_ic=true && save_ic_date_offset=( "+ ${leg_length_sec} sec" ) fi else echo "WARNING: save_ic requires to define condition and offset here or in the runscript" save_ic_custom=true do_save_ic=false save_ic_date_offset=( ) # edit here or in the runscript the conditional statement to decide which legs to save ICs and the offset from leg start # e.g. to save at the end of every 10 legs: #EXAMPLE if (( run_num_leg%10 == 0 )) #EXAMPLE then #EXAMPLE do_save_ic=true #EXAMPLE save_ic_date_offset=( "+ ${leg_length_sec} sec" ) #EXAMPLE fi fi fi } # save_ic_define_vars : define variables used in the save_ic functions # # The following variables must be defined in the runscript before calling this function # # 1) do_save_ic : set to true/false to enable save_ic feature # # 2) save_ic_date_offset : array of dates (offset from start of chunk, at 00:00h) to save ICs. # e.g. save_ic_date_offset=( "+1 month" "+2 month" ) # The following restrictions apply, it is up to the user to ensure compliance # - first timestep of run is not supported # - if requesting first timestep of leg start, NEMO restarts from previous legs will # be used if present # - only one IC per month is supported (to simplify the IFS filter) # - maximum 9 ICs per leg (because of current restrictions in NEMO namelist) # - if requesting model-level output for IFS (e.g. for PRIMAVERA), # there will be no model-level variables in output on the timestep which # ICs are requested, unless requesting the last timestep of the leg # function save_ic_define_vars () { if true then # save original value of ifs_lastout has_config ifs && [[ -z "${save_ic_ifs_lastout_orig:-}" ]] && save_ic_ifs_lastout_orig=${ifs_lastout} save_ic_ifs_lastout=false # sanity checks [ ${#save_ic_date_offset[@]} -gt 9 ] && error "Cannot create more than 9 ICs in a given leg" # fill vars for (( i=0; i< ${#save_ic_date_offset[@]}; i++ )) do #save_ic_date1[$i]=${save_ic_date[$i]} save_ic_date1[$i]=$(date -u -d "${leg_start_date} ${save_ic_date_offset[$i]}" +%Y%m%d) save_ic_date[$i]=$(date -uR -d "${save_ic_date1[$i]}") save_ic_sec[$i]=$(( $(date -d "${save_ic_date[$i]}" +%s) - $(date -d "${run_start_date}" +%s) )) # Correct for leap days because NEMO standalone uses no-leap calendar has_config nemo && ! has_config ifs && save_ic_sec[$i]=$(( save_ic_sec[$i] - $(leap_days "${run_start_date}" "${save_ic_date[$i]}")*24*3600 )) save_ic_day[$i]=$(( ${save_ic_sec[$i]} / 86400 )) has_config ifs && save_ic_ppt_files[$i]="ppt"$(printf %06d ${save_ic_day[$i]})"0000" has_config nemo && save_ic_nemo_ts[$i]=$(( save_ic_sec[$i] / nem_time_step_sec )) # sanity checks if [ ${save_ic_sec[$i]} -eq 0 ] then info "Initial conditions cannot be created for first timestep of run" has_config ifs && save_ic_ppt_files[$i]="" has_config nemo && save_ic_nemo_ts[$i]=-1 elif [ ${save_ic_sec[$i]} -eq $leg_start_sec ] then if has_config nemo then info "Cannot create NEMO ICs for first timestep of leg at save_ic_date1[$i], will use restarts from previous leg" save_ic_nemo_ts[$i]=-1 fi fi # if saving ICs at the end of the leg, set ifs_lastout=true if [ ${save_ic_sec[$i]} -eq $leg_end_sec ] then if $(has_config ifs) && ! ${save_ic_ifs_lastout_orig} then ifs_lastout=true save_ic_ifs_lastout=true fi fi done fi } # prepare output configuration (NEMO namelist, IFS ppt file) function save_ic_prepare_output() { # For NEMO this is handled in the namelist variables ln_rst_list and nn_stocklist in namelist.nemo.ref.sh if has_config nemo then nemo_stocklist="" #for (( i=0; i< ${#save_ic_date[@]}; i++ )) ; do nemo_stocklist+=$(( save_ic_sec[$i] / nem_time_step_sec )), ; done for (( i=0; i< ${#save_ic_date[@]}; i++ )) do [ ${save_ic_nemo_ts[$i]} -ne -1 ] && nemo_stocklist+=${save_ic_nemo_ts[$i]}, done nemo_stocklist+=$(( leg_end_sec / nem_time_step_sec )), for (( i=${#save_ic_date[@]}; i<9 ; i++ )) ; do nemo_stocklist+=0, ; done nemo_stocklist+=$'\n' fi # For IFS we need to create links to special ppt file if has_config ifs then # create the special ppt file save_ic_ppt_filename=pptdddddd0000_save_ic save_ic_ppt_ifile=pptdddddd0000 # change this for e.g. primavera # these are the codes which must be added to the special ppt file used for generating # required IFS model-level output at each requested timestep save_ic_MFP2DF_param_ids="129,152" save_ic_MFPPHY_param_ids="139,170,183,236,39,40,41,42,141,198,235,31,238,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,148,172,173,174,15,17,16,18,66,67,74,43,160,161,162,163,234,28,27,30,29" #all variables needed #save_ic_MFPPHY_param_ids="198,36,37,38,148,172,173,174,15,17,16,18,66,67,74,43,160,161,162,163,234,28,27,30,29" #all variables (old) #save_ic_MFPPHY_param_ids="198,36,37,38,148,172,173,174,15,17,16,18,74,43,160,161,162,163,234" #trunk #save_ic_MFPPHY_param_ids="173,174,15,17,16,18,66,67,74,43,160,161,162,163,234,28,27,30,29" #primavera save_ic_filter_param_ids="" # get requested output codes as a single line without space and without the last comma NFPPHY=`grep NFPPHY postins/$save_ic_ppt_ifile | sed -e 's/^\s*NFPPHY\s*=\s*//' -e 's/[,]$//'` MFPPHY=$(sed -e '1h;2,$H;$!d;g' -re 's/.*MFPPHY *=([0-9,\. \n]+).*/\1/' -e 's/[ \n]//g' -e 's/,$//' postins/${save_ic_ppt_filename} # cleanup existing links from previous legs (required when save_ic_ifs_lastout=true) ls -ltr postins find -L postins/ -xtype l -samefile postins/${save_ic_ppt_filename} -exec rm {} \; # create links to ppt file for all requested timesteps for (( i=0; i< ${#save_ic_date[@]}; i++ )) do if [ ! -f postins/$save_ic_ppt_filename ] then error "IFS IC file $save_ic_ppt_filename does not exist." elif [ "${save_ic_ppt_files[$i]}" != "" ] ; then ln -sf $save_ic_ppt_filename postins/${save_ic_ppt_files[$i]} fi done /bin/ls -1 postins/* > dirlist ls -ltr postins fi } # post-process save_ic results function save_ic_postproc() { # cleanup existing links for subsequent legs (see issue #345) if has_config ifs then ls -ltr postins find -L postins/ -xtype l -samefile postins/${save_ic_ppt_filename} -exec rm {} \; /bin/ls -1 postins/* > dirlist ls -ltr postins fi for (( i=0; i< ${#save_ic_date[@]}; i++ )) do outdir="save_ic/"${save_ic_date1[$i]} mkdir -p $outdir # save IFS ICs if has_config ifs then [ "${save_ic_ppt_files[$i]}" != "" ] && save_ic_ifs_out2init $i fi # copy oasis restarts if has_config oasis then # copy oasis restarts if this is the last or first timestep of the leg if [ ${save_ic_sec[$i]} -eq $leg_end_sec ] then for f in ${oas_rst_files} ; do test -f ${f} && cp ${f} ${outdir} ; done elif [ ${save_ic_sec[$i]} -eq $leg_start_sec ] then oas_rst_dir="restart/oasis/$(printf %03d $((leg_number)))" for f in ${oas_rst_files} ; do test -f ${oas_rst_dir}/${f} && cp ${oas_rst_dir}/${f} ${outdir} ; done fi fi # copy NEMO restarts if has_config nemo then nemo_ts=$(( save_ic_sec[$i] / nem_time_step_sec )) ns=$(printf %08d $(( nemo_ts - nem_restart_offset ))) if ls ${exp_name}_${ns}_restart_[oi]ce_????.nc > /dev/null 2>&1 then if [[ ${save_ic_sec[$i]} -eq $leg_start_sec ]] || [[ ${save_ic_sec[$i]} -eq $leg_end_sec ]] then cp -f ${exp_name}_${ns}_restart_[oi]ce_????.nc ${outdir} else mv -f ${exp_name}_${ns}_restart_[oi]ce_????.nc ${outdir} fi else info "Cannot find NEMO initial conditions for date ${save_ic_date1[$i]}" fi fi done } # Function to create IC files for IFS from special output based on a script from K. Wyser function save_ic_ifs_out2init() { icdate=${save_ic_date1[$1]} #srcdir=$2 filter_output=true grib_filter=${GRIB_BIN_PATH}${GRIB_BIN_PATH:+/}grib_filter # temporary directory tmpdir=tmp_save_ic [ -d $tmpdir ] && rm -rf ${tmpdir} mkdir -p $tmpdir # first IFS timestep of a month is saved in last output file if [[ "$(date -d "${icdate}" +%d)" == "01" ]] ; then yyyymm=$(date -d "${icdate} - 6 hours" +%Y%m) else yyyymm=$(date -d "${icdate}" +%Y%m) fi # find the ICMSH/GG files containing the last timestep, which are in $srcdir/output/ifs/??? #local ifile_sh=`find $srcdir -name ICMSH${exp_name}+$yyyymm -print -quit` #local ifile_gg=`find $srcdir -name ICMGG${exp_name}+$yyyymm -print -quit` ifile_sh=ICMSH${exp_name}+$yyyymm ifile_gg=ICMGG${exp_name}+$yyyymm if [[ ! -f "$ifile_sh" ]] ; then info "cannot find ICMSH file $ifile_sh to create initial conditions at $icdate!" ; return 0 ; fi if [[ ! -f "$ifile_gg" ]] ; then info "cannot find ICMGG file $ifile_gg to create initial conditions at $icdate!" ; return 0 ; fi if $filter_output then # define grib filters to separate data for IC from normal output # filter_time_init is to define which timestep contains the ICs, currently only one per month is supported filter_time_init="dataDate == ${icdate} && dataTime == 0" # filter_time_out is to filter any timesteps which might contain ICs filter_time_out="dataTime == 0 && ( 0 " for (( j=0; j< ${#save_ic_date[@]}; j++ )) ; do filter_time_out+=" || ( dataDate == ${save_ic_date1[$j]} )"; done filter_time_out+=" )" $save_ic_ifs_lastout && filter_last="$filter_time_out" || filter_last="0" # build expression to filter the paramIDs which we have to filter out, set them in ini_filter_param_ids in the runscript #save_ic_filter_param_ids="198,36,37,38,148,172,173,174,15,17,16,18,74,43,160,161,162,163,234" filter_params="1" IFS="," for p in $save_ic_filter_param_ids ; do filter_params+=" && paramId != $p" ; done unset IFS # SH file ofile_sh_init=${tmpdir}/sh_init.grb ofile_sh_out=${tmpdir}/sh_out.grb ofile_sh_last=${tmpdir}/sh_last.grb filter_sh=${tmpdir}/filter_sh write_sh_init="if ( $filter_time_init ) { write \"${ofile_sh_init}\"; }" write_sh_out="if ( $filter_last ) { write \"${ofile_sh_last}\"; } else { write \"${ofile_sh_out}\"; }" cat > $filter_sh << EOT if ( ! ( $filter_time_out ) ) { write "${ofile_sh_out}"; } else { if ( typeOfLevel is "hybrid" ) { ${write_sh_init}; } else { ${write_sh_out}; } } EOT #GG file ofile_gg_init=${tmpdir}/gg_init.grb ofile_gg_out=${tmpdir}/gg_out.grb ofile_gg_last=${tmpdir}/gg_last.grb filter_gg=${tmpdir}/filter_gg write_gg_init="if ( $filter_time_init ) { write \"${ofile_gg_init}\"; }" write_gg_out="if ( $filter_last ) { write \"${ofile_gg_last}\"; } else { write \"${ofile_gg_out}\"; }" cat > $filter_gg << EOT if ( ! ( $filter_time_out ) ) { write "${ofile_gg_out}"; } else { if ( levelType is "ml" ) { ${write_gg_init}; } else { if ( levelType is "pl" ) { ${write_gg_out}; } else { if ( $filter_params ) { ${write_gg_init}; ${write_gg_out}; } else { ${write_gg_init}; } } } } EOT #run grib_filter on SH and GG files $grib_filter $filter_sh $ifile_sh $grib_filter $filter_gg $ifile_gg if [[ ! -f "$ofile_sh_init" ]] ; then info "ICMSH file $ifile_sh does not contain data to create initial conditions at $icdate" ; return 0 ; fi if [[ ! -f "$ofile_gg_init" ]] ; then info "ICMGG file $ifile_gg does not contain data to create initial conditions at $icdate" ; return 0 ; fi #rename files ifile_sh=${tmpdir}/$(basename $ifile_sh) ifile_gg=${tmpdir}/$(basename $ifile_gg) mv ${ofile_sh_init} ${ifile_sh} mv ${ofile_gg_init} ${ifile_gg} #srcdir=${tmpdir} fi # $filter_output if [[ ! -f "$ifile_sh" ]] ; then info "cannot find ICMSH file $ifile_sh to create initial conditions at $icdate!" ; return 0 ; fi if [[ ! -f "$ifile_gg" ]] ; then info "cannot find ICMGG file $ifile_gg to create initial conditions at $icdate!" ; return 0 ; fi tgtdir=save_ic/$icdate ofile_sh=${tgtdir}/ICMSH${exp_name}INIT ofile_gg_init=${tgtdir}/ICMGG${exp_name}INIT ofile_gg_iniua=${tgtdir}/ICMGG${exp_name}INIUA # make sure the output folder is created and delete any existing files #[ -d $tgtdir ] && rm -rf ${tgtdir}/* || mkdir -p $tgtdir mkdir -p $tgtdir rm -f $ofile_sh $ofile_gg_init $ofile_gg_iniua cat > ${tmpdir}/gf1 << EOT if ( typeOfLevel is "hybrid" ) { write "${tmpdir}/shinit.[shortName].[level]"; } EOT $grib_filter ${tmpdir}/gf1 $ifile_sh cp -f ${tmpdir}/shinit.lnsp.1 $ofile_sh for lev in {1..91} do for var in vo d t do cat ${tmpdir}/shinit.$var.$lev >> $ofile_sh done done cat ${tmpdir}/shinit.z.1 >> $ofile_sh cat > ${tmpdir}/gf2 << EOT write "${tmpdir}/gginit.[shortName]"; EOT $grib_filter ${tmpdir}/gf2 $ifile_gg for var in stl1 stl2 stl3 stl4 swvl1 swvl2 swvl3 swvl4 sd src skt ci tsn asn \ rsn sst istl1 istl2 istl3 istl4 chnk lsm sr al aluvp alnip aluvd alnid \ lai_lv lai_hv sdfor slt sdor isor anor slor lsrh cvh cvl tvh tvl do cat ${tmpdir}/gginit.$var >> $ofile_gg_init done cat > ${tmpdir}/gf3 << EOT write "${tmpdir}/gginiua.[shortName].[level]"; EOT $grib_filter ${tmpdir}/gf3 $ifile_gg # ${tmpdir}/gginiua.o3 \ check this! for lev in {1..91} do for var in q do cat ${tmpdir}/gginiua.$var.$lev >> $ofile_gg_iniua done done for lev in {1..91} do for var in crwc cswc clwc ciwc cc do cat ${tmpdir}/gginiua.$var.$lev >> $ofile_gg_iniua done done # copy filtered files to the appropriate location if $filter_output then # move filter files to $tgtdir, in case something went wrong mv -f $filter_sh $filter_gg $tgtdir ifile_sh=$(basename $ifile_sh) ifile_gg=$(basename $ifile_gg) # keep the full output files as a backup mv -f $ifile_sh $tgtdir/${ifile_sh}-out+init mv -f $ifile_gg $tgtdir/${ifile_gg}-out+init # move the filtered output file to the runtime folder [ -f $ofile_sh_out ] && mv -f $ofile_sh_out $ifile_sh || error "save_ic_ifs_out2init - warning! SH file $ofile_sh_out missing!" [ -f $ofile_gg_out ] && mv -f $ofile_gg_out $ifile_gg || error "save_ic_ifs_out2init - warning! GG file $ofile_gg_out missing!" # keep a copy of the last timestep if $save_ic_ifs_lastout then [ -f $ofile_sh_last ] && mv -f $ofile_sh_last $tgtdir/${ifile_sh}-ifs_lastout [ -f $ofile_gg_last ] && mv -f $ofile_gg_last $tgtdir/${ifile_gg}-ifs_lastout fi fi #$filter_output # delete tmp folder rm -rf $tmpdir echo "save_ic_ifs_out2init ended successfully, results are in $tgtdir" }