module num_interp implicit none ! --- in/out ------------------- private public :: Interp_Lin public :: Interp_Lin_Weight public :: CircInterp_Lin public :: Interp_MuHerm ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: mname = 'num_interp' ! --- interfaces ----------------- interface Interp_Lin module procedure linterp_1 module procedure linterp_1_row module procedure linterp_2 module procedure linterp_3 end interface interface CircInterp_Lin module procedure linterp_1_circ end interface contains ! ===================================================== !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NAME ! linterp - makes a linear interpolation. ! ! SYNOPSIS ! call linterp( x,y, x0,y0, last ) ! ! ARGUMENTS ! x (in) the array of x-values ! y (in) the array of y-values ! x0 (in) the location where interpolation is desired ! y0 (out) The interpolated value ! last (inout) A first guess of the index of the left hand ! edge of the interval, in which x0 lies. On return ! this variable has the exact index. ! ! DESCRIPTION ! This version uses linear interpolation only in the interior of ! the array x. If x0x(end) then y0 will be ! x(1) or x(end) resp. ! ! The modified Boor routine INTERVAL is used to locate x0 within ! the array x. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine linterp_1( x,y, x0, y0, last, status ) use GO, only : gol, goErr use num_tools, only : interval ! --- in/out ------------------------ real, intent(in) :: x(:), y(:) real, intent(in) :: x0 real, intent(out) :: y0 integer, intent(inout) :: last integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/linterp_1' ! --- local ------------------------- integer :: mflag integer :: n ! --- begin ----------------------- ! length of input arrays n = size(x) if ( size(y) /= n ) then write (gol,'("x and y should have same lengths:")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" size(x) : ",i6)') size(x); call goErr write (gol,'(" size(y) : ",i6)') size(y); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! determine interval in x that contains x0 : call Interval( x, x0, last, mflag ) if ( mflag == 0 ) then y0 = y(last) + (x0-x(last))*(y(last+1)-y(last))/(x(last+1)-x(last)) else if ( mflag .lt. 0 ) then ! x0 is x(n) y0 = y(n) endif ! ok status = 0 end subroutine linterp_1 ! === ! similar, but now y is a rank 2 array; ! last dimension corresponds to 'x' subroutine linterp_2( x, y, x0, y0, last, status ) use GO , only : gol, goErr use num_tools, only : interval ! --- in/out ------------------------ real, intent(in) :: x(:), y(:,:) real, intent(in) :: x0 real, intent(out) :: y0(:) integer, intent(inout) :: last integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/linterp_2' ! --- local ------------------------- integer :: mflag integer :: n ! --- begin ----------------------- ! length of input arrays n = size(x) if ( size(y,2) /= n ) then write (gol,'("dim 2 of y should have same length as x :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" size(x) : ", i6)') size(x); call goErr write (gol,'(" shape(y) : ",2i6)') shape(y); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return stop end if if ( size(y0) /= size(y,1) ) then write (gol,'("output y0 should have same number of elements as first dim of y:")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" size(y0) : ", i6)') size(y0); call goErr write (gol,'(" shape(y) : ",2i6)') shape(y); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return stop end if ! determine position of x0 in array x : call Interval( x, x0, last, mflag ) ! inter- or extra-polation based on position of x0: if ( mflag == 0 ) then y0 = y(:,last) + (x0-x(last))*(y(:,last+1)-y(:,last))/(x(last+1)-x(last)) else if ( mflag .lt. 0 ) then ! x0 is x(n) y0 = y(:,n) endif ! ok status = 0 end subroutine linterp_2 ! === ! similar, but now y is a rank 3 array; ! last dimension corresponds to 'x' subroutine linterp_3( x, y, x0, y0, last, status ) use GO , only : gol, goErr use num_tools, only : interval ! --- in/out ------------------------ real, intent(in) :: x(:), y(:,:,:) real, intent(in) :: x0 real, intent(out) :: y0(size(y,1),size(y,2)) integer, intent(inout) :: last integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/linterp_3' ! --- local ------------------------- integer :: n integer :: mflag ! --- begin ----------------------- ! length of input arrays n = size(x) if ( size(y,3) /= n ) then write (gol,'("dim 3 of y should have same length as x :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" size(x) : ", i6)') size(x); call goErr write (gol,'(" shape(y) : ",3i6)') shape(y); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return stop end if if ( (size(y0,1) /= size(y,1)) .or. (size(y0,2) /= size(y,2)) ) then write (gol,'("output y0 should have same shape as first dims of y:")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" shape(y0) : ",2i6)') shape(y0); call goErr write (gol,'(" shape(y) : ",3i6)') shape(y); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return stop end if ! determine position of x0 in array x : call Interval( x, x0, last, mflag ) ! inter- or extra-polation based on position of x0: if ( mflag == 0 ) then ! x0 in [x(last),x(last+1)] y0 = y(:,:,last) + (x0-x(last))*(y(:,:,last+1)-y(:,:,last))/(x(last+1)-x(last)) else if ( mflag .lt. 0 ) then ! x0 is x(n) y0 = y(:,:,n) endif ! ok status = 0 end subroutine linterp_3 ! === ! ! weights such that: ! ! y(:) defined on axis x(:) ! x0 on axis x(:) ! y interpolated to x0 = sum( y(:) * w(:) ) ! subroutine Interp_Lin_Weight( x, x0, w, status ) use GO , only : gol, goErr use num_tools, only : interval ! --- in/out ------------------------ real, intent(in) :: x(:) real, intent(in) :: x0 real, intent(out) :: w(:) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/Interp_Lin_Weight' ! --- local ------------------------- integer :: last integer :: mflag integer :: n ! --- begin ----------------------- ! length of input arrays n = size(x) if ( size(w) /= n ) then write (gol,'("arrays x and w should have same length:")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" size(x) : ",i6)') size(x); call goErr write (gol,'(" size(w) : ",i6)') size(w); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! initial zero w = 0.0 last = 1 call Interval( x, x0, last, mflag ) if ( mflag == 0 ) then ! y0 = y(last) + (x0-x(last))*(y(last+1)-y(last))/(x(last+1)-x(last)) ! = [1-(x0-x(last))/(x(last+1)-x(last))]*y(last) + [(x0-x(last))/(x(last+1)-x(last))]*y(last+1) w(last+1) = (x0-x(last))/(x(last+1)-x(last)) w(last ) = 1.0 - w(last+1) else if ( mflag .lt. 0 ) then ! x0 is x(n) !y0 = y(n) w(n) = 1.0 endif ! ok status = 0 end subroutine Interp_Lin_Weight ! === ! idem with x periodic with periode p ! ! 25-04-2002 ! Debugged: division by zero if x(n)==x(1) ! subroutine linterp_1_circ( x, p, y, x0, y0, last, status ) use GO , only : gol, goErr use num_tools, only : Interval ! --- in/out ------------------------ real, intent(in) :: x(:), y(:) real, intent(in) :: p real, intent(in) :: x0 real, intent(out) :: y0 integer, intent(inout) :: last integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/linterp_1_circ' ! --- local ------------------------- integer :: mflag integer :: n, i real :: x0p ! --- begin ----------------------- ! length of input arrays n = size(x) if ( size(y) /= n ) then write (gol,'("x and y should have same lengths:")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" size(x) : ",i6)') size(x); call goErr write (gol,'(" size(y) : ",i6)') size(y); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! check position of x0 if ( x0 >= x(1) .and. x0 <= x(n) ) then ! x0 in [x(1),x(n)] x0p = x0 else ! set x0p in [x(1),x(1)+p) x0p = x(1) + modulo(x0-x(1),p) end if ! deterimine interval with x0p : call Interval( x, x0p, last, mflag ) if ( mflag == 0 ) then ! default interpolation y0 = y(last) + (x0p-x(last))*(y(last+1)-y(last))/(x(last+1)-x(last)) else if ( mflag < 0 ) then ! impossible that x0 < x(1) ... write (gol,'("internal error: x0 is smaller than x(1) :")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" x0 : ",e16.4)') x0; call goErr write (gol,'(" p : ",e16.4)') p; call goErr write (gol,'(" x0p : ",e16.4)') x0p; call goErr write (gol,'(" x : ",e16.4)') x; call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return else ! mflag > 0, thus x0p is between x(n) and first x(i) > x(n) i = 1 do if ( x(n) < p+x(i) ) exit i = i + 1 end do y0 = y(n) + (x0p-x(n))*(y(i)-y(n))/(modulo(x(i),p)-modulo(x(n),p)) end if ! ok status = 0 end subroutine linterp_1_circ ! === subroutine linterp_1_row( x,y, x0, y0, status ) use GO, only : gol, goErr ! --- in/out ------------------------ real, intent(in) :: x(:), y(:) real, intent(in) :: x0(:) real, intent(out) :: y0(:) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/linterp_1_row' ! --- local ------------------------- integer :: n integer :: i integer :: last ! --- begin ----------------------- ! check input shapes: n = size(x0) if ( size(y0) /= n ) then write (gol,'("x and y should have same lengths:")'); call goErr write (gol,'(" size(x) : ",i6)') size(x); call goErr write (gol,'(" size(y) : ",i6)') size(y); call goErr write (gol,'("in ",a)') rname; call goErr; status=1; return end if ! loop over interpolation points: last = 0 do i = 1, n call Interp_lin( x, y, x0(i), y0(i), last, status ) if (status/=0) then; write (gol,'("ERROR in ",a)') rname; status=1; return; end if end do ! ok status = 0 end subroutine linterp_1_row ! ======================================================================= !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Hermite cubic interpolation from one vector to annother ! Input: x the array of x-values ! y the array of y-values ! n the no. of x and y values ! x0 the locations where interpolation is desired ! Output: y0 the interpolated values ! Input: m no of values to interpolate ! ! both arrays x(n) and x0(m) are assumed to be strictly monotonically ! increasing ! ! If, or if then y0 will be extrapolated ! linearly ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! original name: muherm subroutine Interp_MuHerm( x, y, x0, y0, status ) ! --- in/out ---------------------------------- real, intent(in) :: x(:) real, intent(in) :: y(size(x)) real, intent(in) :: x0(:) real, intent(out) :: y0(size(x0)) integer, intent(out) :: status ! --- const --------------------------------- character(len=*), parameter :: rname = mname//'/Interp_MuHerm' ! --- local ----------------------------------- integer :: n, m integer :: last, mflag real :: fx(size(x)) real :: a1, a2, a3, a4 real :: g1, g2, g3 real :: hp, hm real :: xi integer :: i, k integer :: il ! --- begin ------------------------------------- n = size(x) m = size(x0) ! calculate slopes first ! use 3pt formula at borders g1=(2*x(1)-x(2)-x(3))/(x(1)-x(2))/(x(1)-x(3)) g2=(x(1)-x(3))/(x(2)-x(1))/(x(2)-x(3)) g3=(x(1)-x(2))/(x(3)-x(1))/(x(3)-x(2)) fx(1)=g1*y(1)+g2*y(2)+g3*y(3) g1=(x(n)-x(n-1))/(x(n-2)-x(n-1))/(x(n-2)-x(n)) g2=(x(n)-x(n-2))/(x(n-1)-x(n-2))/(x(n-1)-x(n)) g3=(2*x(n)-x(n-1)-x(n-2))/(x(n)-x(n-2))/(x(n)-x(n-1)) fx(n)=g1*y(n-2)+g2*y(n-1)+g3*y(n) do i = 2, n-1 hp=x(i+1)-x(i) hm=x(i)-x(i-1) g1=-hp/(hm*(hp+hm)) g2=(hp-hm)/(hp*hm) g3=hm/(hp*(hp+hm)) fx(i)=y(i-1)*g1+y(i)*g2+y(i+1)*g3 end do ! do now the interpolation ! index of left border of interval where x0(k) is located il=1 do k = 1, m if(x0(k).lt.x(1)) then y0(k)=y(1)+fx(1)*(x0(k)-x(1)) else if(x0(k).gt.x(n)) then y0(k)=y(n)+fx(n)*(x0(k)-x(n)) else do if ( x0(k) .gt. x(il+1) ) then il=il+1 cycle else xi=(x0(k)-x(il))/(x(il+1)-x(il)) a1=f1(1-xi) a2=f1(xi) a3=-f2(1-xi) a4=f2(xi) y0(k)=a1*y(il)+a2*y(il+1)+(x(il+1)-x(il))*(a3*fx(il)+a4*fx(il+1)) exit end if end do endif end do ! ok status = 0 return contains real function f1(u) real, intent(in) :: u f1 = u*u*(-2*u+3) end function f1 real function f2(u) real, intent(in) :: u f2 = u*u*(u-1) end function f2 end subroutine Interp_MuHerm end module num_interp