!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Math and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CVS master.F90,v 1.7 2004-04-23 05:43:11 jacob Exp ! CVS MCT_2_8_0 !BOP ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !ROUTINE: master -- driver for simple concurrent coupled model ! ! !DESCRIPTION: Provide a simple example of using MCT to connect to ! components executing concurrently in a single executable. ! ! !INTERFACE: ! program master ! ! !USES: ! implicit none include "mpif.h" ! !EOP ___________________________________________________________________ ! local variables character(len=*), parameter :: mastername='master.F90' integer, parameter :: ncomps = 2 ! Must know total number of ! components in coupled system integer, parameter :: AtmID = 1 ! pick an id for the atmosphere integer, parameter :: CplID = 2 ! pick an id for the coupler ! MPI variables integer :: splitcomm, rank, nprocs,compid, myID, ierr,color integer :: anprocs,cnprocs !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The Main program. ! We are implementing a single-executable, concurrent-execution system. ! ! This small main program carves up MPI_COMM_WORLD and then starts ! each component on its own processor set. ! Initialize MPI call MPI_INIT(ierr) ! Get basic MPI information call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,nprocs,ierr) call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,rank,ierr) ! Create MPI communicators for each component ! ! each component will run on half the processors ! ! set color if (rank .lt. nprocs/2) then color = 0 else color = 1 endif ! Split MPI_COMM_WORLD into communicators for each component. call MPI_COMM_SPLIT(MPI_COMM_WORLD,color,0,splitcomm,ierr) ! Start the components select case (color) case(0) call model(splitcomm,ncomps,AtmID) case(1) call coupler(splitcomm,ncomps,CplID) case default print *, "color error, color = ", color end select ! Components are done call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr) end program master